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30 March 2013

Deep State: Cut Throats of Secretkeepers

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Raise the Black Flag, Commence Cutting Throats of Secretkeepers, March 30, 2013

By John Young "Cryptome" (New York, NY)

This review is from: Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry (Kindle Edition)

The least protected, most Wall Street billboarded, secret is that war is immensely profitable to those shrewd enough to avoid the carnage while being generously rewarded by wartime picking of citizen wallets, aided by ridiculously paid safe-at-home shills celebrating valor and sacrifice (market boom, Zero Dark Thirty ilk, ex-SEAL chest-beaters).

The open-dirty-secret secrecy industry exposed in Deep State is as rouged as war harlotry, as venal as political campaigns, as crass as high-brass military coins, as formulaicly vulgar as thanking troops for service, as duplicitous as veterans' filthy hospitals and always delayed, cropped and denied benefits.

Top leaders lust for secretly sharing means and methods to exploit the bottom, so gather to swap kisses with PR whores in Aspen, Bilderberg and Davos. They serve on secrecy-slathered advisory boards of governments, rotate through government offices, eroticize military contracting officers with promises of future triple-dipping benefits.

Read Deep State to be informed, galvanized and bold-heartened to raise the black flag, commence cutting throats of secretkeepers.