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1 March 2013

Bradley Manning Attorney on Statement Release

Date: 1 Mar 2013 11:57:42 -0700
From: "The Law Office of David E. Coombs" <info[at]>
Subject: [Auto-Reply] Request for Bradley Manning Statement

Thank you for your recent inquiry. A representative from our office will contact you as soon as possible.

**If this is an inquiry regarding United States v. Manning, our office will not be granting interviews or responding to inquires at this time. However, recognizing the public's interest in this case, we will be issuing regular public releases at


To: info[at]
Subject: Request for Bradley Manning Statement
Dated: March 1, 2013

Dear Mr. Coombs,

We respectfully request for publication a copy of the full statement by PFC Bradley Manning in court yesterday, February 28, 2013.

Publication will be on, a public education website.

Thanks very much.