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25 April 2013

Twitter @lzr9 Subpoenaed for Death Threat

From: Twitter Legal
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 17:25:17 -0700
Subject: Twitter Receipt of Legal Process

Dear Twitter User:

We are writing to inform you that Twitter has received the attached legal process, dated April 23, 2013, regarding your Twitter account, @lzr9. This legal process obligates Twitter to produce information related to your account. One of our core values is to defend and respect the user's voice. Accordingly, it is our policy to notify users of requests for their account information prior to disclosure unless we're prohibited from doing so by law. We are notifying you of this legal process in order to allow you to decide whether or not you will oppose the production of the requested information, either by filing a motion with the court where the legal process was issued or contacting the requesting party directly.

Please be advised that Twitter is required to respond to this request by May 1, 2013. If we do not receive notice from you that a motion to quash the legal process will or has been filed, or that this matter has been otherwise resolved, we may produce some or all of the requested information. Please let us know as soon as possible if you intend to file a motion with the court, and send us a copy of what has been filed. If you have resolved the matter with the requesting party, please have them send us confirmation that the legal process is withdrawn. We cannot give you any legal advice, but suggest that you may wish to seek your own legal counsel in this matter. If you need assistance seeking counsel in the United States, you may consider contacting the Electronic Frontier Foundation

(,, +1 415-436-9333) or the ACLU (, +1 212-549-2500).

To respond to this notice, please reply directly to this email or email us at

Sincerely, Twitter Legal