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24 April 2013. Updated

23 April 2013

Review: The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business

Excerpts of the book:

2013-0403.htm  Terrorist Hackers: Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen  April 23, 2013
2013-0402.htm  WikiLeaks Threat: Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen   April 23, 2013
2013-0401.htm  The Upper Band: Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen     April 23, 2013
2013-0387.htm  Bilderberger Ghosts Praise Eric Schmidt's Book   April 21, 2013

This is how your Amazon review will appear:

5.0 out of 5 stars

Evgeny Mozorov Will Hand Their Balls to Them, April 23, 2013 (updated April 24, 2013)

By John Young "Cryptome" (New York, NY)

This review is from: The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business (Kindle Edition)

Five stars for a book which amply demonstrates what two master promoters believe is good and bad for wedding business and government. They claim it is based on a report the two made to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. Flattering high officials with private briefings has long been a lucrative industry. Commingling and whispering at Bilderberg, Aspen, Davos, Council on Foreign Relations, TED, secret global jaunts on private and official jets; seducing publishers, journalists, scholars and domesticated dissidents with tete-a-tetes at CIA HQ and White House, Georgetown, Back Bay and Foggy Bottom, Beijing, Hong Kong, Paris, London -- never forgetting Bohemian Grove sweat lodging -- this book delivers what every striver needs to carefully study for upward mobility. Buy this book, or grab it for free on Torrent.

Expected preach: Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple are golden calved deity of the new digital age. The four horsemen's technological prowess will lead to political emancipation, healthiness, congeniality, mutual understanding, and, happily, huge profits for the manufacturerers of ubiquitous personal devices capable of spying on every user on earth to collect marketing data required to keep supply pipelines near bursting.

In the late 1990s a remarkable study was published titled "An Appraisal of the Technology of Political Control" (search Google! or grab it on, later greatly expanded by the European Parliament. It described the vast array of technological means to suppress and control the populace -- everywhere. Schimdt's and Cohen's survey could be seen as an update without the harsh criticism of the earlier work.

Schmidt and Cohen are imminently reasonable and readable in this compendium of what's up and coming up in the digital diplomatic age. Soothing and sagacious, no wonder so many famous world shakers and shapers have bestowed advanced praise on the kind of volume by skilled teams always hired to research, draft and publicize musings and ponderings of what the world needs -- as if "world" was not a curse word. In this instance it is digital technology infusing "people-empowering" diplomacy which may counter the rise of every more murderous war technology and forever treacherous self-interested diplomacy.

Schmidt the computer geek and Cohen the policy wonk combine the two worlds they posit, the virtual and the physical, topped with the prestigious cream of being somebody notable. The virtual bloodless, newly born and future oriented, to affirm TED, the physical all too bloody, venerable and compelled to fight every war ever again to affirm Malthus.

There is nothing in the volume that is new to an scarred addict of the Internet, instead another a blessing of the digital doped diplomacy as healthy exercise and diet for what they term "the upper band" of well-to-do marketing junk to the under band.

Evgeny Mozorov will hand their balls to them for inexorable digital and diplomatic optimism. Next up: Op-Eds, Friedman and TED.

While national security ruses, lies, spying and propagandizing will continue to push junk technology in the new digital age to disempower taxpayers and consumers and dismember targets.