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12 May 2013

Iran's New Sea-based Missiles

A sends:

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Today 5-12-2013, General Farahi, the chief of the Iranian Ministry of Defense's Aerospace Organization, has announced a new series of fast-acting sea-based rockets and missiles have been produced and turned over to IRGC's Navy force. This force is responsible for "the security" of the Persian Gulf and the infamous Hormoz Strait.

According to publications by FarsNews, a semi-state-run media, IRGC's Navy has been operating a series of fast-acting rockets and missiles fit to be fired from small-scale fast boats named "Zafar", "Nasr", "Nour", Ghader" and "Ghadir", but the newly produced "Cruise Type" missile which is unnamed in the report, has a firing speed of 300 Km/h and can be fired from a moving boat at a speed of 30 knots.
