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9 June 2013

Natsec the Mother of Secfuckers

Date: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 06:54:49 +0000
To: cryptography[at]
From: Jacob Appelbaum <jacob[at]>
Subject: Re: [cryptography] Google backdoor confirmation

John Young:

> Dramatic disclosures were invented and applied to conceal and
> ruse. The formulaic ruse "taken very seriously" is black magic of
> legal, moral, political and commercial pontification.
> Google shows 13 million hits for the phrase's ruse abuse.
> Worse, or better, ruse of "leaks" 50 million.
> "WikiLeaks" a mere 45 million.
> Mere coincidence of Microsoft PRISM insemination and birth of WL.

Whatever you're smoking, I wish you'd share it with the group. Either that or print a book, I think you could easily make a package deal with the Dr. Bronner's soap company. Toss in a mirror of Cryptome and you've got a really compelling set of art as evidence.

All the best,



cryptography mailing list

Date: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 09:12:04 -0400
To: cryptography[at]
From: John Young <jya[at]>
Subject: Re: [cryptography] Google backdoor confirmation

Crypto, anonymizers, dropboxes, pastebins, brilliantly ineffective code and privacy policies fail to deliver on their promises despite endless tantrums, permutations, tweeks, corrections, apologias, excuses, exculpation and if those insider career protectives don't flummox funders, then hop on board the train of blaming users, NDAs, venal bosses, governments, evildoing turncoats, apostates once best co-conspirators, trapdoor, backdoor, cellar-door and front-door implanters and calculated disclosers, noobies and script kiddies, FBI informants, middle-aged fogies and geezers, rich digital windfallers and vulture trolling opportunitists, the list grows ever longer verily becoming a thumbdrive-sized bible of taking privacy and comsec very seriously to the bank, laughingly.

The current comsec excuplt is to claim the Internet and personal devices constitutie a surveillance state, a vast spying machine, a tool for public manipulation, no matter that this has been a hoary blame shifting of security experts since fear-mongering was invented. Security is deception. Comsec a trap. Natsec the mother of secfuckers. You, Applebaum.


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