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15 July 2013

Meet Echelon Attorneys General -- Quintet

Possibly planning the Snowden gambit.

Fifth Annual Meeting of the Quintet of Attorneys General

May 8, 2013

Auckland, New Zealand

The Quintet meeting brings together Attorneys General from across the globe to exchange best practices for domestic investigations and prosecutions of serious crimes, as well as work to improve their joint response to transnational sexual violence, including in the contexts of human trafficking, online child pornography and armed conflicts.


Attorney General Holder leads a roundtable discussion on international terrorist activity and other topics that included Attorneys General from the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Quintet of Attorneys General in Auckland, New Zealand. Photo Credit: U.S. Embassy in New Zealand


Holder's speech:

Coordinating with International Allies

June 15th, 2012 Posted by The Department Of Justice

Attorney General Eric Holder was in Ottawa today for meetings with Attorneys General and Justice Ministers from Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Australia.

Today’s meeting of the Quintet of Attorneys General was the fourth to be held since the inaugural Quintet meeting in the United Kingdom in 2009 and the first to be hosted in Canada. The Attorneys General discussed legal issues of mutual interest, including cybercrime, national security and legal cooperation.

Continuing their discussion from last year’s Quintet meeting in Sydney, the Attorneys General discussed ways that law enforcement agencies could improve their ability to combat terrorism, cybercrime, and transnational organized crime — including through mutual legal assistance. The global nature of these crimes makes cooperation with our key allies a critical component of response efforts.

Discussions on cybercrime, forced marriages, digital copyright enforcement, data protection and deferred prosecution agreements were also held.

The 2012 Quintet was attended by:

Eric H. Holder, Jr. – Attorney General, United States of America

Hon. Rob Nicholson P.C., Q.C., M.P. – Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Hon. Chris Finlayson – Attorney General, New Zealand

Rt. Hon. Dominic Grieve Q.C., M.P. – Attorney General, United Kingdom

Hon. Jason Clare, M.P. – Minister for Home Affairs and Justice, Australia, representing the Attorney-General of Australia


April 10, 2010.  (L-R) Australia Attorney General Robert McClelland, United Kingdom Attorney General Baroness Patricia Scotland, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Canada Minister of Justice and Attorney General Rob Nicholson, and New Zealand Attorney General Christopher Finlayson participate in a Quintet meeting at the U.S. Justice Department April 30, 2010 in Washington, DC. According to a Department of Justice news release, the officials discussed "counterterrorism cooperation, international organized crime, youth violence and internet-based crime, among other topics."


Holder's Schedule, 2009 Quintet Meeting
