13 July 2013
Underground Iranian Hacker Forum
Found this link in an apparent underground Iranian hacker forum - the content
are mostly in "inside codes" while being unencrypted but reading through
them long enough proves a group responsible for the attacks to U.S energy
sector is preparing for a "release" mostly on nuclear related data. Meanwhile
they are also showcasing initial images from a "MicroSTAR" system based in
NY that was hijacked a while back and got close to JFK according to FBI and
FAA. Based on previous knowledge this type of "data spill" is a sign of soon
to be published data on some organized and long prepared attack result from
some state-favored hacking groups, certainly Iranian. I have followed back
their messages on Cryptome in recent months and these tidbits fit into their
already published "promises". I am wondering is this the type of deal the
new Iranian government wants to represent itself with to the international
community ?