Donate for the Cryptome archive of files from June 1996 to the present

21 July 2013. Add:

Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 11:22:51 +0200
From: Eugen Leitl <eugen[at]>
To: cypherpunks[at], info[at], zs-p2p[at]
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Interesting things in keyservers

----- Forwarded message from micah <micah[at]> -----

Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 10:05:42 -0400
From: micah <micah[at]>
To: Micah Lee <micahflee[at]>, 'liberationtech' 
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Interesting things in keyservers
User-Agent: Notmuch/0.15.2 ( Emacs/24.3.1 
Reply-To: liberationtech <liberationtech[at]>

Hi Micah!

Micah Lee <micahflee[at]> writes:

> I'm working on a talk for OHM2013 about PGP. Can anyone send me 
> examples of interesting keys in key servers that you know of? Since you are preparing a talk about the subject, I'm going to be pedantic and correct your usage of "PGP", because it is important to get your terminology straight when giving a talk. I presume you aren't giving a talk about the commercial software, but instead you are actually giving a talk about OpenPGP which is the standard specified by RFC4880 that different programs like GnuPG, Seahorse, MacGPG, and PGP etc. all implement. If that is true, then you should refer to it as OpenPGP, and not PGP. I dont know what your talk will consist of, besides the funny enigmail XSS and stuff (thanks for that! always good to have some goatse early in the morning), but I would like to point out a few things that might be useful to mention. One is a wiki page that I created with some people: - it contains some useful hints about using OpenPGP, maintaining a good key and some general good practices that people often dont know about (such as the importance of keeping your keys updated to get critical revocation and expiration extension certifications!) One thing mentioned on that page that I wanted to highlight, because you used links in your original email, is that the keyserver is not a good one to use/promote. Everyone uses it as their 'goto' keyserver, but it is a really bad idea! As a keyserver, it has been broken for years. For a long time it was just dropping revocations, subkey updates and expirations on the floor. That is *really* bad. Eventually, they upgraded their keyserver software, but it is *still* running an older version of SKS, a version that fails to handle 16-digit subkeyid lookups (among other failings). So, please don't rely on for your security, and please don't include them in your slides! If you are looking for one to use, I highly recommend using the SKS pool address (hkp:// or - or if you want a more close geographical pool, have a look at Finally, there seems to be some amazing misconceptions about keyservers, keys and the web of trust. In particular this circulated recently and it pained me to see because it suggested various wreckless conclusions that were dangerously off the mark[0] (and used, hah). While it is true that we've jokingly called the OpenPGP web of trust "the original social network" because of the exposed social relational graphing that can be done by querying keyservers, and it is for this reason that many activists I know do not want to have signatures uploaded to keyservers (and instead use the bulky local-only signature work-around)... ... but for some reason people seem to think that if it is on a keyserver, is true, or it means something that it doesn't. People don't realize critical things, such as the fact that I can create a key with the UID Nadim Kobeissi and upload it to the keyservers[1]. That doesn't mean that is the real Nadim's key (this is what exchanging key fingerprints and doing certifications is for, so you can know, with a certain degree of certainty, that this person is the person who controls that secret key material). Or people think that because I signed your key and that signature is on the keyserver that indicates: I trust you; we met in person at that date; we know each other; we are involved in a criminal conspiracy with each other; or many other wrong assumptions about what that certification means. I can sign Edward Snowden's key and send that to the keyservers[1]. Hell, I can sign Snowden's key with my fake Nadim Kobeissi key[1] and then send it to the keyservers. Does that mean that Nadim and Snowden have met in person?! No, it does not at all. Anyways, I can keep going... but I dont know what the focus of your OHM talk is about, so going on like this isn't particularly useful to you and your talk... however, I'd be happy to provide more feedback about your talk if you would like![2] After all, we Micahs need to stick together, micah 0. "the cryptome article just sounds like impenetrable bullshit from someone with no interest in actually understandning what's happening" - I'm not saying who said this... 1. no, I didn't do that, nor did I upload the edward snowden or bradly manning keys. -- Too many emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing moderator at companys[at] or changing your settings at ----- End forwarded message ----- -- Eugen* Leitl <a href="">leitl</a> ______________________________________________________________ ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820 AC894EC5: 38A5 5F46 A4FF 59B8 336B 47EE F46E 3489 AC89 4EC5

9 July 2013. Add Philip Zimmermann, with probably the most extensive list of key signers, whose key was vandalized by infectious Michael Vario on July 7, 2013. Add Nadim Kobeissi whose key was vandalized by Vario on June 11, 2013. Add Roger Dingledine, long associated with the Tor Project, with extensive list of key signers.

It should be noted that few of the early PGP adopters and promoters continue to sign keys -- the decline suggests a correlation with the sale of PGP to Symantec and the departures of the founders and principals of the original PGP. Further, the bulk of PGP users seem to have no signers other than themselves. It appears that the web of trust expected of publicly verifiable key signing has withered, its remnants untended except, possibly, for exploitation.

6 July 2013. Add Richard Stallman whose key was vandalized today by the infectious-key-signer Michael Vario who also vandalized the keys of John Young and Cryptome yesterday when this file appeared. Check your PK to see if Vario has vandalized it.

5 July 2013

Mining PGP Key Servers


Statements in the Bradley Manning trial describe forensics to establish his online behavior and correspondents. Edward Snowden is reported to have advised his correspondents to use PGP for security. The Bradley forensics and Snowden advice suggests PGP key servers could be used to establish connections among parties, the so-called metadata official, commercial and NGO spies siphon, store and mine. The long-running MIT PGP key server is bountiful for this method but so are other PGP and GPG global servers.

This shows mining of PGP keyserver connections by PGP signatures from, as examples:

Laura Poitras to:

Michael Vario

Then Michael Vario to selected representatives:

Ed Snowden
Kurt Opsahl, EFF
Jacob Appelbaum

Then Jacob Appelbaum to selected representatives:

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) membership coordinator
Laura Poitras
John Gilmore
John Perry Barlow

Then to a comprehensive list:

PGP Global Directory

From the PGP Global Directory it is possible to connect virtually every PGP user who has uploaded a signed key to the worldwide keyservers.

In addition to connections via keyservers there are semi-private and private webs of trust (WOT) connecting multiple users which can be linked to the keyserver listings. Offline keys may be connected to these public, semi-private and private key exhanges lists by joint membership.

There are many global copies of the PGP keyservers, with similar but not identical listings. Log files of each presumably contain records of IP addresses used for key verification, revocations, extractions and uploads.

PGP messages contain metadata about sender and recipient and other unique and generic information needed for encryption and decryption. This may be used to explore and mine metadata on the keyservers.

This combined metadata can be supplemented by searching on user key IDs and/or email addresses in search engines and anonymizing networks such as Tor Project nodes.

Mining of public media for user connections is standard commercial and spying practices, particularly the forums which encourage ever greater user discourse and links, such as Wikipedia, Internet Archive, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, Tumbler, Tor, WikiLeaks and FOI sites, clouds, OTR chats, "closed" forums, PGP and other mass-involvement ilk. The greater the number of, say, Tor users or Twitter followers and tweets, the greater the mining of exploitable connections and siphoning, storing and mining. Popularity and privacy protection are promoted as beneficial but are also an invitation for metadata exploitation of crowd, cohort and individual profiling, like-mindedness, complicity and interdependency, exemplified in the the venerable PGP key servers. Old style "traffic analysis" has been broadened and supplanted by metadata of technological and social transactions -- paraphrasing McLuhan, the metadata is the accessible message.

These are tools currently in use by government, prosecution, law enforcement, spies, academics, NGOs, commerce, comsec vendors, "ethical hackers" and ISPs -- acting in concert with the infrastructure operators running the machines and networks. Edward Snowden calls this "the architecture of oppression" which he helped run. Perhaps still helps, witting or unwitting, by advising use of PGP.

Search results for '0x81a9df2a807c4cb7'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  4096R/807C4CB7 2011-06-30            
	 Fingerprint=8387 5ABE CD33 7547 2E45  FD9B 81A9 DF2A 807C 4CB7 

uid Laura Poitras <lp1228[at]>
sig  sig3  807C4CB7 2011-06-30 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-06-11 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>

sub  4096R/8757FAD6 2011-06-30            
sig sbind  807C4CB7 2011-06-30 __________ __________ []

Search results for '0x08b73ae9e423698a'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  4096R/E423698A 2010-01-26            

uid Ed Snowden <ed_snowden[at]>
sig  sig3  E423698A 2010-01-26 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-06-11 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>

sub  4096R/6F3B623E 2010-01-26            
sig sbind  E423698A 2010-01-26 __________ __________ []

Search results for 'vario michael'

Type bits/keyID     Date       User ID

pub  4096R/EDD31E2A 2012-01-12 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
	 Fingerprint=D77E 53E2 3C99 F177 6E9B  15C5 4B74 E38A EDD3 1E2A 

pub  4096R/D615FAD2 2010-06-27 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
	 Fingerprint=5450 2D21 2F71 EF0E 3097  0EF4 3867 1099 D615 FAD2 

pub  2048R/8C36F60F 2010-06-27 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
	 Fingerprint=6A18 4337 CC7B 5518 35EF  9B7D 2EF8 CB63 8C36 F60F 

pub  4096R/EC5C344B 2008-09-07 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
	 Fingerprint=9682 A078 B71A 7660 021C  3711 EB00 004F EC5C 344B 

pub  1024D/78F6044F 2008-09-07 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
	 Fingerprint=6681 03F1 DBDF F862 D596  ED7D FAD8 8F47 78F6 044F 

pub  1024D/7D36385E 2008-09-07 Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
	 Fingerprint=6E3D ED0A E3DC FC3B 2C53  D4BE 8EA9 A4B1 7D36 385E 

pub  1024D/4E6695E3 2008-09-07 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
	 Fingerprint=44F4 9FC8 2A89 F4BC 3BC2  0716 270E 648F 4E66 95E3 

pub  2048R/9C453F0A 2005-04-11 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
	 Fingerprint=32C0 D627 C6E6 A8CD 056D  9F45 A947 F6C3 9C45 3F0A 

pub  1024D/B2E4056D 2005-01-02 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
	 Fingerprint=2137 E286 04DA C3FA 4232  6CFF 3FC1 8857 B2E4 056D 

pub  1024D/44CD6C0E 2005-01-02 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
	 Fingerprint=7678 A5B9 F9A2 B3F5 CD23  32F8 B16B E5D2 44CD 6C0E 

pub  1024R/92511F05 2004-03-19 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
	 Fingerprint=76FB 1EC7 3E3C DF45 3895  EC10 6094 C3BD 9251 1F05 

pub  1024R/211F0EA6 2004-03-08 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
	 Fingerprint=EA9E 0686 7B76 8079 41A2  39F6 A13E 7145 211F 0EA6 

pub  1024R/75FFCFFB 2002-04-15 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
	 Fingerprint=8A 62 3A 37 3B 02 A4 89  54 F3 34 58 54 3E C9 57 

pub  1024R/637FD931 2000-10-01 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
	 Fingerprint=2D DC 0A DC 92 39 87 1F  3F 1B A5 FE 73 37 37 66 

pub  1024D/E4B4882D 2000-08-27 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
	 Fingerprint=6784 B633 1AF9 9C31 3DC5  1DA3 6EC2 5C93 E4B4 882D 

pub  2048R/1BE8A4CB 2000-05-24 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
	 Fingerprint=46 4E 13 CD 0B 22 51 CA  97 F9 48 0C E4 06 85 B9 

pub  1024D/8683D691 1998-12-21 *** KEY REVOKED *** [not verified]
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
	 Fingerprint=E798 7C05 3770 E77D 3CFC  4E20 B36F 14D2 8683 D691 

pub  1024R/71640971 1998-03-28 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mike.vario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
                               Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
                               CN=Michael Vario, OU=WebPass ID - Netscape Netcenter, OU=" Incorp. by Ref.,LIAB.LTD(c)96", Incorp. By Ref. LIAB. LTD. (c) 97 VeriSign, OU=VeriSign Web Site Access CA, O=VeriSign Inc.
	 Fingerprint=03 82 CE 14 6B 93 FF 06  A7 45 95 50 FF A7 0A D9 

pub  1024D/F17EC561 1997-09-11 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
	 Fingerprint=E6E6 0BDF 27C6 930B 377A  255C 9C21 F65D F17E C561 

pub  1024R/C9E85781 1996-04-14 Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
	 Fingerprint=98 A6 FE E4 47 F7 E7 56  25 6D 98 E9 F7 53 F1 44 

pub  1024R/02A734A7 1993-01-25 
	 Fingerprint=A5 13 AA 3C CC 65 6B BA  75 C0 9A 0A 7A 43 75 F8 

Search results for '0x4b74e38aedd31e2a'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  4096R/EDD31E2A 2012-01-12            

uid Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
sig  sig3  EDD31E2A 2012-01-12 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   8C36F60F 2012-01-12 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
sig  sig   D615FAD2 2012-01-12 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-01-26 2012-02-09 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-02-08 2012-02-22 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-02-22 2012-03-07 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-03-06 2012-03-20 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-03-19 2012-04-02 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-04-01 2012-04-15 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-04-15 2012-04-29 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-04-28 2012-05-12 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-05-06 2012-05-20 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-05-19 2012-06-02 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-06-01 2012-06-15 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-06-15 2012-06-29 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-06-28 2012-07-12 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-07-11 2012-07-25 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-07-25 2012-08-08 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key

sub  4096R/3D95D4FA 2012-01-12            
sig sbind  EDD31E2A 2012-01-12 __________ __________ []

Search results for '0xae2de9047d9a1527'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  1024D/7D9A1527 2004-09-21            
	 Fingerprint=9C84 54EA A97D 8233 7077  CE26 AE2D E904 7D9A 1527 

uid Kurt Opsahl (KurtEFF) <kurt[at]>
sig  sig3  7D9A1527 2004-09-21 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   442B5E7E 2008-09-30 __________ __________ Gwen Hinze <gwen[at]>
sig  sig   0167CA38 2008-09-30 __________ __________ Seth David Schoen <schoen[at]>
sig  sig   9B630D84 2008-10-07 __________ __________ Danny O'Brien <danny[at]>
sig  sig3  9A367709 2012-02-08 __________ __________ Parker Higgins (EFF activism team) <parker[at]>
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-06-11 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>

sub  1024g/67EAA4B8 2004-09-21            
sig sbind  7D9A1527 2004-09-21 __________ __________ []

Search results for '0xa34fa745e012b42d'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  4096R/E012B42D 2010-05-07            

uid Jacob Appelbaum <jacob[at]>
sig  sig3  E012B42D 2010-05-07 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   9D0FACE4 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Jacob Appelbaum <jacob[at]>
sig  sig   792FB138 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Runa A. Sandvik <[at]>
sig  sig   19F78451 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Roger Dingledine <arma[at]>
sig  sig   CE2CDF1E 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Linus Nordberg <linus[at]>
sig  sig   23291265 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Linus Nordberg <linus[at]>
sig  sig   9C7DD150 2010-05-08 __________ __________ Seth David Schoen <schoen[at]>
sig  sig   8160F908 2010-05-13 __________ __________ Halfdan Mouritzen <halfdan[at]>
sig  sig   B9466FB4 2010-07-22 __________ __________ Tiago Faria <tiago[at]>
sig  sig   9ABBEEC6 2010-07-27 __________ __________ Damian Johnson ( <atagar1[at]>
sig  sig   C5AA446D 2010-07-28 __________ __________ Sebastian Hahn <mail[at]>
sig  sig   456CAD51 2010-07-28 __________ __________ Wendy Seltzer <wendy[at]>
sig  sig3  F7C11265 2010-07-28 __________ __________ Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing[at]>
sig  sig   63FEE659 2010-07-29 __________ __________ Erinn Clark <erinn[at]>
sig  sig3  704D3FD7 2010-08-07 __________ __________ Robin Buse <i[at]>
sig  sig   31B0974B 2010-08-18 __________ __________ Andrew Lewman <andrew[at]>
sig  sig3  94C09C7F 2010-08-25 __________ __________ Peter Palfrader
sig  sig3  C82E0039 2010-08-25 __________ __________ Peter Palfrader
sig  sig   E8387BC3 2010-10-21 __________ __________ David House <dhouse[at]>
sig  sig   2861A790 2010-12-06 __________ __________ Micah Anderson <micah[at]>
sig  sig3  DCDED84A 2011-01-05 2025-01-05 __________ Pawel Wilk (siefca) <siefca[at]>
sig  sig3  7FC7671A 2011-01-07 __________ __________ Pawel Wilk (siefca) <siefca[at]>
sig  sig3  6396CB9C 2011-03-15 __________ __________ Laura Poitras <lp1228[at]>
sig  sig   42DDE84F 2011-04-19 __________ __________ Jacob Appelbaum <jacob[at]>
sig  sig   C6765430 2012-02-01 __________ __________ vecna <vecna[at]>
sig  sig3  E012B42D 2012-05-16 __________ 2012-05-17 [selfsig]

uid Jacob Appelbaum <jacob[at]>
sig  sig3  E012B42D 2010-05-07 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   9D0FACE4 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Jacob Appelbaum <jacob[at]>
sig  sig   792FB138 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Runa A. Sandvik <[at]>
sig  sig   19F78451 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Roger Dingledine <arma[at]>
sig  sig   CE2CDF1E 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Linus Nordberg <linus[at]>
sig  sig   23291265 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Linus Nordberg <linus[at]>
sig  sig   9C7DD150 2010-05-08 __________ __________ Seth David Schoen <schoen[at]>
sig  sig   8160F908 2010-05-13 __________ __________ Halfdan Mouritzen <halfdan[at]>
sig  sig   B9466FB4 2010-07-22 __________ __________ Tiago Faria <tiago[at]>
sig  sig   9ABBEEC6 2010-07-27 __________ __________ Damian Johnson ( <atagar1[at]>
sig  sig   C5AA446D 2010-07-28 __________ __________ Sebastian Hahn <mail[at]>
sig  sig   456CAD51 2010-07-28 __________ __________ Wendy Seltzer <wendy[at]>
sig  sig3  F7C11265 2010-07-28 __________ __________ Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing[at]>
sig  sig   63FEE659 2010-07-29 __________ __________ Erinn Clark <erinn[at]>
sig  sig3  704D3FD7 2010-08-07 __________ __________ Robin Buse <i[at]>
sig  sig3  94C09C7F 2010-08-25 __________ __________ Peter Palfrader
sig  sig3  C82E0039 2010-08-25 __________ __________ Peter Palfrader
sig  sig   E8387BC3 2010-10-21 __________ __________ David House <dhouse[at]>
sig  sig   2861A790 2010-12-06 __________ __________ Micah Anderson <micah[at]>
sig  sig   DC6DC026 2010-12-11 __________ __________ Kees Cook <kees[at]>
sig  sig3  DCDED84A 2011-01-05 2025-01-05 __________ Pawel Wilk (siefca) <siefca[at]>
sig  sig3  6396CB9C 2011-03-15 __________ __________ Laura Poitras <lp1228[at]>
sig  sig   42DDE84F 2011-04-19 __________ __________ Jacob Appelbaum <jacob[at]>
sig  sig   C6765430 2012-02-01 __________ __________ vecna <vecna[at]>
sig  sig3  E012B42D 2012-05-16 __________ 2012-05-17 [selfsig]

sub  4096R/7CA91A52 2010-05-07            
sig sbind  E012B42D 2010-05-07 __________ 2011-05-07 []

Search results for '0x9db5ffee99592fed'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  1024R/99592FED 1994-11-21 __________ 
	 Fingerprint=F9 35 48 AD 73 35 F0 DE  4A AC 62 5E 43 FF D7 48 

uid Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) membership coordinator <membership[at]>
sig  sig   99592FED 2002-09-30 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   99592FED 2002-09-30 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig3  8C720127 2002-10-01 __________ __________ Patrick Berry (EFF Webmaster) <pberry[at]>
sig  sig   6ACDA553 2002-11-05 __________ __________ Karsten Doehl <tapabaer[at]>
sig  sig   F7447263 2003-07-28 __________ __________ Thilo Kuchenbrod <thilo.kuchenbrod[at]>
sig  sig   75251174 2003-11-05 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   0A286E21 2004-02-03 __________ __________ Grady Ward <Use after October 12, 2003   (e-mail unlisted)>
sig  sig   058E6045 2007-08-06 __________ __________ Avlin Anatoly <ICQ: 66643669>

uid Electronic Frontier Foundation <eff[at]>
sig  sig   99592FED 1994-11-21 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   34F4C471 1994-11-21 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]>
sig  sig   EFF26269 1994-11-21 __________ __________ Jonah Seiger <jseiger[at]>
sig  sig   98DEF0E1 1994-11-21 __________ __________ Dan Brown <dhb[at]>
sig  sig   52EC2A8D 1995-03-09 __________ __________ Chris Seabrook <cds[at]>
sig  sig   555C427D 1995-08-28 __________ __________ WSNetwork Communications Services, Inc. <root[at]>
sig  sig   A098D511 1996-02-16 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   A9FE2EE5 1996-09-12 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]> super-secure key
sig  sig   8C0962D5 1997-05-29 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]>
sig  sig   0FF087A6 1997-07-05 __________ __________ John Jacobsma <big_jake[at]>
sig  sig   4C2AB93F 1997-07-10 __________ __________ Niels A. Hansa <n.hansa[at]>
sig  sig   092461FF 1998-06-21 __________ __________ Dark Mage <darkmage[at]>
sig  sig   B92C346D 1998-10-04 __________ __________ Richard John Bushby <bushman70[at]>
sig  sig   1837E832 1999-04-25 __________ __________ Chris Knight <merlin[at]>
sig  sig   87E07EAE 1999-06-14 __________ __________ elysium <elysium[at]>
sig  sig   5CB23B03 1999-07-30 __________ __________ Daniel Wang <wangdaniel_2000[at]>
sig  sig   F00962BE 2000-02-02 __________ __________ Eric Hildum <EricHildum[at]>
sig  sig   F0AF671F 2000-08-24 __________ __________ Jason Sjobeck <ceo[at]>
sig  sig   9871594F 2000-09-01 __________ __________ Deborah Pierce <dsp[at]>
sig  sig   E0DF3D70 2000-09-01 __________ __________ Katina Bishop <katina[at]>
sig  sig   600BA9CE 2000-10-08 __________ __________ Jens Fritsche <fritsche[at]>
sig  sig   E4B4882D 2000-10-09 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
sig  sig   163905F6 2001-02-04 __________ __________ Eric D. Vasbinder <eric[at]>
sig  sig   52D339DC 2001-02-04 __________ __________ Eric D. Vasbinder <eric[at]>
sig  sig   2974D117 2001-02-04 __________ __________ Eric D. Vasbinder <e[at]>
sig  sig   65D3E355 2001-02-14 __________ __________ Greg Vassie <greg[at]>
sig  sig   72B7EC6F 2001-02-21 __________ __________ Jesse Gross <Jesse_Gross[at]>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2001-03-03 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>
sig  sig   2B2642F4 2001-05-08 __________ __________ Dave Kelly <dk004a7310[at]>
sig  sig   76B9F616 2001-07-31 __________ __________ Robert Simmons (Westlake System Administrator) <rsimmons[at]>
sig  sig   568EBB2F 2001-08-10 __________ __________ Claude Campeau <claude.campeau[at]>
sig  sig   880EB566 2002-01-10 __________ __________ Robert Hilton Simmons, Jr. <rsimmons[at]>
sig  sig   598C5534 2002-04-23 __________ __________ Timothy J Banks <tjbanks[at]>
sig  sig   B7A5FF3F 2002-06-27 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]>
sig  sig   99592FED 2002-06-27 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   99592FED 2002-06-27 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   AF9778DF 2002-06-29 __________ __________ Altacon <altacon[at]>
sig  sig   6ACDC43F 2002-08-06 __________ __________ Karsten Doehl <karsten.doehl[at]>
sig  exp   5B3F6A19 2003-04-23 2004-04-23 __________ Dave J. (Scoop0901) <scoop0901[at]>
sig  sig   A84AAA15 2003-04-29 __________ __________ Mike Healan <mike[at]>
sig  sig   8FC6DB31 2003-11-26 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   E5BD329E 2004-07-13 __________ __________ Luca Ghersi <timetwister[at]>
sig  sig   AE829F0F 2008-08-23 __________ __________ James (Jimbo) Edward Tracy <JamesTracy95820[at]>
sig  sig   329606D7 2008-10-30 __________ __________ James Edward Tracy <JamesTracy95820[at]>
sig  sig   E044401F 2009-01-07 __________ __________ James Edward Tracy <JamesTracy95820[at]>

uid EFF <181:193/1[at]StormNet>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2001-03-03 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>

uid EFF <1:109/1108[at]FidoNet>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2001-03-03 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>

uid EFF <19:1202/101[at]WishNet>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2001-03-03 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>

uid EFF <369:1011/2[at]IndraNet>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2001-03-03 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>

uid EFF <76711.317[at]>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2001-03-03 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>

uid Discard older key - it's revoked
sig  sig   99592FED 1996-09-13 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   8C0962D5 1997-05-29 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]>
sig  sig   34F4C471 1997-05-29 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]>
sig  sig   A9FE2EE5 1997-05-29 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]> super-secure key
sig  sig   9871594F 2000-09-01 __________ __________ Deborah Pierce <dsp[at]>
sig  sig   E0DF3D70 2000-09-01 __________ __________ Katina Bishop <katina[at]>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2001-03-03 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>
sig  sig   76B9F616 2001-07-31 __________ __________ Robert Simmons (Westlake System Administrator) <rsimmons[at]>
sig  sig   880EB566 2002-01-10 __________ __________ Robert Hilton Simmons, Jr. <rsimmons[at]>
sig  sig   AF9778DF 2002-06-29 __________ __________ Altacon <altacon[at]>

uid EFF <eff[at], eff[at]>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2001-03-03 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>
sig  sig   99592FED 2002-09-30 __________ __________ [selfsig]

Search results for '0xad524a5185197fb5'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  1024R/85197FB5 1992-11-08 __________ 
	 Fingerprint=AD 17 DF 99 DF 87 A8 F9  F0 2D 17 ED 96 10 E9 50 

uid John Gilmore <gnu[at]>
sig  sig   E0DF3D70 2000-09-01 __________ __________ Katina Bishop <katina[at]>
sig  sig   8C0962D5 2000-09-01 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]>
sig  sig   34F4C471 2000-09-01 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]>
sig  sig   A9FE2EE5 2000-09-01 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]> super-secure key
sig  sig   8C0962D5 2000-09-01 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]>
sig  sig   34F4C471 2000-09-01 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]>
sig  sig   A9FE2EE5 2000-09-01 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]> super-secure key
sig  sig   99592FED 2000-09-01 __________ __________ Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) membership coordinator <membership[at]>
sig  sig   66FBC18C 2001-06-30 __________ __________ M. Drew Streib <dtype[at]>
sig  sig   85197FB5 2001-07-06 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   E4B4882D 2001-08-29 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
sig  sig   D9D4D52C 2001-09-03 __________ __________ Charles N. Johnson (Primary Identity) <charles.johnson[at]>
sig  sig   7B141411 2001-10-01 __________ __________ Hugh Daniel <hugh[at]>
sig  sig   D762483D 2001-11-16 __________ __________ Robert J. Kelley <pasha[at]>
sig  sig   7BFB3489 2001-11-16 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   8C656D0E 2002-01-08 __________ __________ Stephen H. Kawamoto <ICQ:30639935>
sig  sig   23D5E8A2 2002-03-14 __________ __________ Robert J. Beilstein <rjb[at]>
sig  sig   29A28C3D 2002-03-24 __________ __________ sandy[at]
sig  sig   44E6CBCD 2002-04-20 __________ __________ Alexandre Dulaunoy <a[at]>
sig  sig   ED11052D 2002-05-07 __________ __________ Sam Sgro <sam[at]>
sig  sig2  9705C35B 2003-02-10 __________ __________ Thomas Langås <tlan[at]>
sig  sig   FD3428B4 2003-03-25 __________ __________ Lucky Green <shamrock[at]>
sig  sig   2FB7B452 2012-12-21 __________ __________ Mircea Popescu (Acest articol are apriori avantajul aliteralitatii alaturi.) <office[at]>

uid John Gilmore <gnu[at]>
sig  sig   71946BDF 1992-11-08 __________ __________ Phil Karn <karn[at]>
sig  sig   F5257117 1992-11-21 __________ __________ <tomj[at]>
sig  sig   E972F011 1992-11-21 __________ __________ E. Dean Tribble <tribble[at]>
sig  sig   4C131F57 1992-11-21 __________ __________ Tim Oren <oren[at]>
sig  sig   0245C435 1992-11-22 __________ __________ Dave Krieger <dave[at]>
sig  sig   8F898631 1992-11-22 __________ __________ Scott Collins (512) <Scott_Collins[at]>
sig  sig   DDBE0DD5 1992-11-22 __________ __________ John T. Draper <crunch[at]>
sig  sig   BDFB1F2D 1992-11-22 __________ __________ George Gleason <gg[at]>
sig  sig   0022E52D 1992-11-22 __________ __________ Eric Hughes <hughes[at]>
sig  sig   66CE89B7 1992-12-08 __________ __________ Mark Eichin <eichin[at]>
sig  sig   5B415621 1992-12-08 __________ __________ Mark Eichin <eichin[at]>
sig  sig   9F9F38BB 1992-12-08 __________ __________ Mark Eichin <eichin[at]>
sig  sig   15100C27 1992-12-13 __________ __________ Giuseppe Cimmino <gcimmino[at]>
sig  sig   5ACB1C6D 1993-01-16 __________ __________ Steven Levy <steven[at]>
sig  sig   2EE7EF59 1993-04-20 __________ __________ John Perry Barlow <barlow[at]>
sig  sig   0BD91A2D 1993-06-29 __________ __________ Phil Karn <karn[at]>
sig  sig   99592FED 1994-11-21 __________ __________ Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) membership coordinator <membership[at]>
sig  sig   34F4C471 1994-11-21 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]>
sig  sig   DA0EDC81 1994-12-13 __________ __________ Phil Karn <karn[at]>
sig  sig   B7B7C22D 1995-05-06 __________ __________ Thorsten Lockert <tholo[at]>
sig  sig   11598111 1995-10-02 __________ __________ D. V. Henkel-Wallace <gumby[at]>
sig  sig   0CC747D5 1996-06-29 __________ __________ Harald Koch <chk[at]>
sig  sig   7DFF8533 1996-06-29 __________ __________ peter honeyman <honey[at]>
sig  sig   97E3655F 1996-07-01 __________ __________ Neil Haller <nmh[at]>
sig  sig   671CB37D 1996-07-01 __________ __________ Paul S. Traina <pst[at]>
sig  sig   07B0E055 1996-07-03 __________ __________ Rob Austein <sra[at]>
sig  sig   FA47EB31 1996-07-12 __________ __________ William Allen Simpson <wsimpson[at]>
sig  sig   C22B8CD9 1996-07-14 __________ __________ John W Noerenberg <jwn2[at]>
sig  sig   7B141411 1996-08-06 __________ __________ Hugh Daniel <hugh[at]>
sig  sig   866DD42D 1996-08-09 __________ __________ Michael Rausch <rausch[at]>
sig  sig   BE47B745 1996-08-23 __________ __________ Simona Nass <simona[at]>
sig  sig   A9FE2EE5 1996-09-12 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]> super-secure key
sig  sig   EA4FCEEF 1996-09-18 __________ __________ Andrew Partan <asp[at]>
sig  sig   4AAF00E5 1996-10-31 __________ __________ <postmaster[at]>
sig  sig   942B4C79 1996-11-15 __________ __________ David Bridgham <dab[at]>
sig  sig   8972C7C1 1997-01-29 __________ __________ Paul Vixie <paul[at]>
sig  sig   66FB8C65 1997-03-27 __________ __________ son of gomez
sig  sig   4AAF00E5 1997-05-03 __________ __________ <postmaster[at]>
sig  sig   093303CF 1997-05-29 __________ __________ Apparattus Norvegicus <darklock[at]>
sig  sig   46D9020B 1997-05-29 __________ __________ Apparattus Norvegicus <darklock[at]>
sig  sig   8C0962D5 1997-05-29 __________ __________ Stanton McCandlish <mech[at]>
sig  sig   DB44394B 1997-07-22 __________ __________ David S. Hayes <dhayes[at]>
sig  sig   BCC042B1 1997-11-14 __________ __________ Electronic Forgery Foundation <eff[at]dev.null>
sig  sig   D6D84395 1998-03-06 __________ __________ Andrea <andrea[at]>
sig  sig   669B7C6B 1998-10-29 __________ __________ Sandy Harris <sandy[at]>
sig  sig   29A28C3D 1999-02-17 __________ __________ sandy[at]
sig  sig   EE93223D 1999-04-27 __________ __________ Robert J. Beilstein <Bob_Beilstein[at]>
sig  sig   D3159AE1 1999-04-27 __________ __________ Clive D.W. Feather <clive[at]>
sig  sig   F9773357 2000-01-16 __________ __________ Bill Scannell <bill[at]>
sig  sig   26E4488C 2000-03-01 __________ __________ Greg Broiles <gbroiles[at]>
sig  sig   61C025FF 2000-04-21 __________ __________ Hinde ten Berge <hinde[at]>
sig  sig   0EB614A5 2000-09-14 __________ __________ Ryan Adler <lonevvolf[at]>
sig  sig   66FBC18C 2001-06-30 __________ __________ M. Drew Streib <dtype[at]>
sig  sig   6659C1E1 2001-07-06 __________ __________ Robert A. Hettinga <rah[at]>
sig  sig   D9D4D52C 2001-09-03 __________ __________ Charles N. Johnson (Primary Identity) <charles.johnson[at]>
sig  sig   7BFB3489 2001-11-16 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   85197FB5 2001-11-16 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   23D5E8A2 2002-03-14 __________ __________ Robert J. Beilstein <rjb[at]>
sig  sig   44E6CBCD 2002-04-20 __________ __________ Alexandre Dulaunoy <a[at]>
sig  sig2  9705C35B 2003-02-10 __________ __________ Thomas Langås <tlan[at]>
sig  sig   2FB7B452 2012-12-21 __________ __________ Mircea Popescu (Acest articol are apriori avantajul aliteralitatii alaturi.) <office[at]>

uid John Gilmore <gnu[at]>
sig  sig   7BFB3489 2001-11-16 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   85197FB5 2001-11-16 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   7B141411 2001-11-16 __________ __________ Hugh Daniel <hugh[at]>
sig  sig   44E6CBCD 2002-04-20 __________ __________ Alexandre Dulaunoy <a[at]>
sig  sig2  9705C35B 2003-02-10 __________ __________ Thomas Langås <tlan[at]>
sig  sig   FD3428B4 2003-03-25 __________ __________ Lucky Green <shamrock[at]>
sig  sig   2FB7B452 2012-12-21 __________ __________ Mircea Popescu (Acest articol are apriori avantajul aliteralitatii alaturi.) <office[at]>

Search results for 'perry john barlow'

Type bits/keyID     Date       User ID

pub  1024D/79A89801 1997-06-25 John Perry Barlow <barlow[at]>

pub  1024R/8030F2B9 1995-01-19 John Perry Barlow <barlow[at]>

pub  1024R/A39F8FF1 1994-11-23 John Perry Barlow <barlow[at]>

pub  1018R/2EE7EF59 1993-04-19 John Perry Barlow <barlow[at]>

Search results for '0x9710b89bca57ad7c'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  2048R/CA57AD7C 2004-12-06            
	 Fingerprint=50BB 6FFC 9719 DFD2 BEBB  04C6 9710 B89B CA57 AD7C 

uid PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   CA57AD7C 2004-12-06 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   CF73EC4C 2004-12-06 __________ __________ Will Price <wprice[at]>
sig  sig   600FA001 2004-12-07 __________ __________ Marc Briceno <mbriceno[at]>
sig  sig   B1CE2874 2004-12-08 __________ __________ Ralph Erhardt <ralph-erhardt[at]>
sig  sig1  E5A84570 2004-12-09 __________ __________ Axel Schwarzer, Lösungen für EDV und Bureau (LEB, 1.Adresse) <leb[at]>
sig  sig   2FA149D7 2004-12-09 __________ __________ Henrik Fonss Warthoe <fonss[at]>
sig  sig2  D128E7B6 2004-12-09 __________ __________ Christian Hirsch <chrhir[at]>
sig  sig   4B98CCFF 2004-12-09 __________ __________ Grady Ward     + + + + + + +U S E  A F T E R  1 8  J U N E  2 0 0 4 <involute[at]>
sig  sig   4A756C42 2004-12-09 __________ __________ Grady Ward                          <1836.15[at]>
sig  sig2  56EC9802 2004-12-09 __________ __________ Sigve Indregard <sigve[at]>
sig  sig   BC98E63D 2004-12-09 __________ __________ Jon Callas <jon[at]>
sig  exp   B2D7795E 2004-12-09 2009-12-09 __________ Philip R. Zimmermann <prz[at]>
sig  exp   222AAF32 2004-12-09 2006-01-01 __________ Peter Davis <pediddle[at]>
sig  sig   459965D8 2004-12-09 __________ __________ George M. Ellenburg <george[at]>

[Thousands of others omitted]

sig  sig   EC5C344B 2008-09-07 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
sig  sig   78F6044F 2008-09-07 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
sig  sig   7D36385E 2008-09-07 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario21[at]>
sig  sig   4E6695E3 2008-09-07 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>
sig  sig   5770834A 2008-09-12 __________ __________ Jannik Winkel <jannik.winkel[at]>
sig  sig   F1420E8E 2008-09-13 __________ __________ Chris Jacobs <news[at]>
sig  sig   C8030ADB 2008-09-14 __________ __________ Richard Ma <[at]>
sig  sig   BCEBF0C3 2008-09-27 __________ __________ Benjamin Warncke <bwarncke[at]>
sig  sig   5E531BE0 2008-09-28 __________ __________ sadhu-gnu (sadhu DEl-4096-one) <pgp[at]>
sig  sig   355BEB82 2008-10-01 __________ __________ Andrew Bourke <abourke[at]>
sig  sig   08E3E8D5 2008-10-02 __________ __________ Daniele Santoro <daniele.santoro[at]>
sig  sig   2569D30B 2008-10-05 __________ __________ Bogdan Potishuk <bogdan[at]>
sig  sig   87F8A898 2008-10-06 __________ __________ Jimmy Angelakos <vyruss[at]>

[Thousands of others omitted]

Search results for 'tor project'

Type bits/keyID     Date       User ID

pub   521E/F01DD536 2013-07-05 Andrea Shepard (Tor Project key) <andrea[at]>
                               Andrea Shepard (Tor Project key) <andrea[at]>
	 Fingerprint=BDF5 F867 8A52 4E4A BECF  DE79 A4FF BC34 F01D D536 

pub  4096R/D7FDC0D0 2012-09-30 Philipp Winter (Karlstad University) <philwint[at]>
                               Philipp Winter (Private) <phw[at]>
                               Philipp Winter (Tor Project) <phw[at]>
                               Philipp Winter (Private) <identity.function[at]>
	 Fingerprint=B369 E7A2 18FE CEAD EB96  8C73 CF70 89E3 D7FD C0D0 

pub  4096R/D0CFBDA5 2012-09-16 Andrea Shepard (Tor Project key) <andrea[at]>
                               Andrea Shepard (Tor Project key) <andrea[at]>
	 Fingerprint=3611 95A4 0740 ED1B 7EA5  DF7E 4191 13D9 D0CF BDA5 

pub  4096R/C910DD9E 2012-09-14 *** KEY REVOKED *** [not verified]
                               Andrea Shepard (Tor Project key) <andrea[at]>
	 Fingerprint=5747 451D 0B2A A9C7 CF20  781C 01A3 9B01 C910 DD9E 

pub  1024D/C1D2DB74 2010-03-09 Stars (Tor Project) <stars[at]>
	 Fingerprint=19DD 8144 60E6 649B 1509  9675 24DA 1C6B C1D2 DB74 

pub  1024D/29CD6080 2007-01-12 TJ <tj[at]>
                               TJ (Ubuntu contributions) <ubuntu[at]>
                               XXX TJ <ubuntu[at]>
                               TJ (TOR node) <tor[at]>
                               TJ (Legal Affairs) <legal[at]>
                               TJ (libvirt project) <libvirt[at]>
                               TJ (Debian contributions) <debian[at]>
                               TJ (Ubuntu contributions) <ubuntu[at]>
                               TJ (Government Communications) <gov[at]>
                               TJ (Khiasmos contributions) <tj[at]>
                               TJ (Linux related contributions) <linux[at]>
                               XXXX TJ (Ubuntu Launchpad) <ubuntu[at]>
                               XXX TJ (Linux contributions) <linux[at]>
                               XXX TJ (Wine Contributions) <winehq[at]>
                               XXX TJ (Debian contributions) <debian[at]>
                               XXX TJ (Cyanogenmod contributions) <cyanogenmod[at]>
	 Fingerprint=2C9A BEB5 03E2 285A 6A5B  8A91 EFEC 37A4 29CD 6080 

Search results for '0xa4ffbc34f01dd536'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub   521E/F01DD536 2013-07-05            
	 Fingerprint=BDF5 F867 8A52 4E4A BECF  DE79 A4FF BC34 F01D D536 

uid Andrea Shepard (Tor Project key) <andrea[at]>
sig  sig3  F01DD536 2013-07-05 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig3  F01DD536 2013-07-05 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   BFF6CDD0 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Andrea Shepard (Long-term identity and key-signing master key)
sig  sig   CBECCA80 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Andrea Shepard (Personal key)
sig  sig   D0CFBDA5 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Andrea Shepard (Tor Project key) <andrea[at]>
sig  sig   89A14A72 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Andrea Shepard (Long-term identity and key-signing master key)
sig  sig   4B202EF3 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Andrea Shepard (Personal key)
sig  sig   6BFEF7CE 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Andrea Shepard <andrea[at]>

uid Andrea Shepard (Tor Project key) <andrea[at]>
sig  sig3  F01DD536 2013-07-05 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   BFF6CDD0 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Andrea Shepard (Long-term identity and key-signing master key)
sig  sig   CBECCA80 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Andrea Shepard (Personal key)
sig  sig   D0CFBDA5 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Andrea Shepard (Tor Project key) <andrea[at]>
sig  sig   89A14A72 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Andrea Shepard (Long-term identity and key-signing master key)
sig  sig   4B202EF3 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Andrea Shepard (Personal key)
sig  sig   6BFEF7CE 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Andrea Shepard <andrea[at]>

sub   521E/CC2F0712 2013-07-05            
sig sbind  F01DD536 2013-07-05 __________ __________ []

sub   521E/685D4063 2013-07-05            
sig sbind  F01DD536 2013-07-05 __________ __________ []

sub   521e/B697C173 2013-07-05            
sig sbind  F01DD536 2013-07-05 __________ __________ []

Search results for '0x624dc565135ea668'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  1024D/135EA668 2001-03-05            
	 Fingerprint=6F81 8B21 5E15 9EF3 FA26  B0BE 624D C565 135E A668 

uid Richard Stallman (Chief GNUisance) <rms[at]>
sig  sig3  135EA668 2001-03-05 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig3  135EA668 2001-03-05 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   05B0DFCE 2001-04-12 __________ __________ Mark H. Weaver <mhw[at]>
sig  sig   DB41B387 2001-04-12 __________ __________ Bradley M. Kuhn <bkuhn[at]>
sig  sig   6A9F3C38 2001-08-06 __________ __________ Ramakrishnan M <rkrishnan[at]>
sig  sig   0167CA38 2001-09-02 __________ __________ Seth David Schoen <schoen[at]>
sig  sig   F8885809 2001-09-02 __________ __________ Andrew Pam <xanni[at]>
sig  sig   D0980A99 2001-11-19 __________ __________ Jeff Bailey <jbailey[at]>
sig  sig   8BAFCDBD 2001-11-22 __________ __________ Neal H Walfield <neal[at]>
sig  sig   603CD078 2001-11-22 __________ __________ Sebastien Blondeel <sbi[at]>
sig  sig   497A176D 2001-11-23 __________ __________ Loic Dachary (OuoU) <loic[at]>
sig  sig   21939169 2001-11-25 __________ __________ Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex[at]>
sig  sig   27C81BC9 2001-11-25 __________ __________ Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex[at]>
sig  sig   C6428342 2002-01-31 __________ __________ Sebastián D. Criado <scriado[at]>
sig  sig   E84A6E69 2002-07-10 __________ __________ Dario Spagnolo <spada[at]>
sig  sig   22F38AF3 2002-07-11 __________ __________ Fabien Penso <penso[at]>
sig  sig   AFD10ACF 2002-07-11 __________ __________ Frederic Couchet <mad[at]>
sig  sig   04261F74 2002-07-11 __________ __________ Patrick Magnaud <patrick.magnaud[at]>
sig  sig   F8BF643A 2002-07-15 __________ __________ Alix Guillard <alix[at]>
sig  sig   97FE3CFD 2002-07-15 __________ __________ Benoît Sibaud <bsibaud[at]>
sig  sig3  DA4A1116 2002-07-15 __________ __________ Bernhard Reiter <bernhard[at]>
sig  sig3  304DBC96 2002-07-18 __________ __________ Frédéric VANNIÈRE <frederic[at]>
sig  sig3  AFE38169 2002-07-18 __________ __________ Ludovic Pénet <lpenet[at]>
sig  sig3  87F123B4 2002-07-22 __________ __________ Magali Julin <magness[at]>
sig  sig3  A0BB3DEB 2002-07-22 __________ __________ Loïc Bernable <leto[at]>
sig  sig   42975AF7 2002-08-10 __________ __________ Guylhem P. Aznar ( and now deprecated) <gpg[at]>
sig  sig   54FA0C88 2002-09-21 __________ __________ Felipe Almeida Lessa (kernel-panic) <felipe.lessa[at]>
sig  sig3  4950EAA6 2002-10-05 __________ __________ Adam Kessel <adam[at]>
sig  sig   92B7B083 2002-10-24 __________ __________ Nicolas Couture <nc[at]>
sig  sig3  F78F3EE4 2003-01-13 __________ __________ Ira Abramov <pgpkey-20020101[at]>
sig  sig2  9ED101BF 2003-02-08 __________ __________ Michael Banck <mbanck[at]>
sig  sig3  86574ACA 2003-02-08 __________ __________ Georg C. F. Greve (Kolab Systems AG, CEO) <greve[at]>
sig  sig3  44E6CBCD 2003-02-09 __________ __________ Alexandre Dulaunoy <a[at]>
sig  sig3  68FD549F 2003-02-09 __________ __________ Martin Michlmayr <tbm[at]>
sig  sig3  94C09C7F 2003-02-12 __________ __________ Peter Palfrader
sig  sig   E86453B8 2003-03-16 __________ __________ Gary Wong <gtw[at]>
sig  sig2  C9541FB2 2003-03-17 __________ __________ Douglas F. Calvert <dfc[at]>
    Policy URL:
sig  sig2  33E3FE56 2003-03-18 __________ __________ David M. Turner <novalis[at]>
sig  sig3  7796A60B 2003-03-19 __________ __________ Simon Law <sfllaw[at]>
sig  sig   BD653CF9 2003-04-12 __________ __________ Daniel Joseph Barnhart Clark ( <dclark[at]>
sig  sig3  1B23F31F 2003-10-04 __________ __________ Donald J Bindner <don[at]>
sig  sig2  C4A3823E 2003-10-09 __________ __________ Kevin M. Rosenberg <kevin[at]>
sig  sig   4CD6E3D2 2003-10-12 __________ __________ Wesley J. Landaker <wjl[at]>
sig  sig1  BFA4ECD0 2004-01-29 __________ __________ Al Scandar Solstag (Ni!) <solstag[at]>
sig  sig3  5C0BCFEA 2004-02-08 __________ __________ Joachim Wieland <joe[at]>
sig  sig3  A4A30625 2004-02-22 __________ __________ Jorge Godoy <jgodoy[at]>
sig  sig   3BC07511 2004-02-27 __________ __________ Mikko Rauhala <mjr[at]>
sig  sig3  16471F11 2004-05-22 __________ __________ Jon Masters (Live for Free Software) <jonathan[at]>
sig  sig   C2E7D7CF 2004-07-12 __________ __________ Sebastian Freundt (KANT) <freundt[at]>
sig  sig3  6A6A0BBC 2004-09-16 __________ __________ Kjetil Kjernsmo <kjetil[at]>
sig  sig3  FA26E2EE 2004-09-18 __________ __________ Stig Sandbeck Mathisen <ssm[at]>
sig  sig3  523DF3A9 2004-09-21 __________ __________ Peter Brown <peterb[at]>
sig  sig   51618E88 2004-09-23 __________ __________ Bjørn Ove Grødal Wærås <brumle[at]>
sig  sig1  DB16563F 2005-01-05 __________ __________ Phil COVAL (RzR) <Philippe.COVAL[at]>
sig  sig   7C54B9CC 2005-02-03 __________ __________ Hall P. Mefford Jr (CACert Key) <cpm[at]>
sig  sig   9AF0D525 2005-02-23 __________ __________ Joseph Frana (Blessings) <jfrana[at]>
sig  sig2  F5A54ED5 2005-03-01 __________ __________ Konstantin Vinakovsky (Kon's private key) <vminsk[at]>
sig  sig   EBB85969 2005-03-05 __________ __________ Sujo <sujop[at]>
sig  sig2  5E39E471 2005-03-10 __________ __________ Ryan A. Escarez <rescarez[at]>
sig  sig2  356A48B4 2005-03-24 __________ __________ Dawid Federowicz (Software-Wydawnictwo Sp. z o.o.) <dawid[at]>
sig  sig   DBE4D9DC 2005-03-24 __________ __________ Dawid Federowicz (priv) <dawid-federowicz[at]>
sig  sig   CA831D65 2005-03-24 __________ __________ Dawid Federowicz (PRIVATE) <dawid-federowicz[at]>
sig  sig3  2A4D17FE 2005-03-29 __________ __________ Kurt B. Kaiser <kbk[at]>
sig  sig3  14490126 2005-06-03 __________ __________ Gaute Magnussen (In use from 1.jun.2003) <gaute[at]>
sig  sig2  DA5ADD7C 2005-06-04 __________ __________ Stig Stavik <stig.stavik[at]>
sig  sig   3022792F 2005-09-01 __________ __________ Filip Brcic <fbrcic[at]>
sig  sig   1FE99760 2005-09-07 __________ __________ Stein Magnus Jodal <stein.magnus[at]>
sig  sig   F3A38AF1 2006-02-08 __________ __________ Harald Arnesen <gurre[at]>
sig  sig3  5E03D716 2006-09-16 __________ __________ James Brown <James[at]>
sig  sig   1E028EA5 2006-11-05 __________ __________ Xavier Maillard (IM) <xavier[at]>
sig  sig   BBEF392D 2007-02-18 __________ __________ Andrea Usseglio Gaudi <usse[at]>
sig  sig   528EB326 2007-03-22 __________ __________ Guy Johnston <guydjohnston[at]>
sig  sig   2F003F04 2007-07-20 __________ __________ NSA Internal Security Branch (***TOP SECRET CLEARANCE***) <keysign[at]>
sig  sig   67AABE92 2007-08-07 __________ __________ Tobias Borchers <Tobias.Borchers[at]>
sig  sig   F19D66B4 2007-10-14 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   57970AD5 2007-11-07 __________ __________ Andreas Bach <andreas[at]>
sig  sig   31182342 2008-02-22 __________ __________ Dale Mellor <dale_mellor[at]>
sig  sig   D1C8BA8F 2008-02-29 __________ __________ Marcus Rejås <marcus[at]>
sig  sig   30B46353 2008-02-29 __________ __________ Sergey Matveev <stargrave[at]>
sig  sig   6BEEAF8D 2008-04-29 __________ __________ Kristoffer Warming <heavyhenning[at]>
sig  sig   D13932A6 2008-05-12 __________ __________ Fefu <fefu[at]>
sig  sig2  0C6A18EA 2008-05-20 __________ __________ Thomas Angermayer <thomas[at]>
sig  sig   D480FB6C 2008-07-30 __________ __________ Pascal KUCZYNSKI ( <Pascal[at]>
sig  sig   A036D05A 2008-08-06 __________ __________ D. E. Evans <sinuhe[at]>
sig  sig3  AA95C349 2008-12-16 __________ __________ Daniel JB Clark ( <dclark[at]>
sig  sig3  7E2BF282 2008-12-16 __________ __________ Free Software Foundation (System Administration) <sysadmin[at]>
sig  sig   762122B4 2008-12-24 __________ __________ Jérôme Avond (Ma perso) <jerome.avond[at]>
sig  sig   EB07949B 2009-03-06 __________ __________ Eduardo Saavedra-D'Attellis (Por la libertad del conocimiento lucharemos siempre) <eduardo[at]>
sig  sig   2BD5081C 2009-03-06 __________ __________ Octavio Rossell (GLoVE) <octavio[at]>
sig  sig   2A19D707 2009-06-04 __________ __________ Brenda J. Butler (2011-Apr) <bjb[at]>
sig  sig3  CFF9FB0B 2009-07-11 __________ __________ Jérémie Zimmermann <jz[at]>
sig  sig   0E96FE54 2009-07-27 __________ __________ Esteban Saavedra Lopez (Miembro del consejo FSFLA Bolivia) <estebansaavedra[at]>
sig  sig   135D47A1 2009-08-09 __________ __________ Ira Abramov (Free Tinkerer) <pgpkey2009[at]>
sig  sig   16729863 2009-09-19 __________ __________ Kenny Ossa (Ynnek) <ynneko[at]>
sig  sig   57DF8F7F 2009-11-01 __________ __________ Oscar Andres Valenzuela Barrera (Free Software Foundation LA) <ovalenzuela[at]>
sig  sig   FA90587C 2009-12-21 __________ __________ Alejandro G Sánchez Martínez (Lurkan) <asanchezm[at]>
sig  sig   9D515293 2010-03-05 __________ __________ Dora Scilipoti <dorascilipoti[at]>
sig  sig   C03363F4 2010-04-11 __________ __________ Giuseppe Scrivano <gscrivano[at]>
sig  sig   70E4745A 2010-06-09 __________ __________ Kostas Boukouvalas <boukouvalas[at]>
sig  sig3  AAE6022E 2010-06-17 __________ __________ Karlheinz Geyer (RBOS) <karlheinz.geyer[at]>
sig  sig3  AB55B312 2010-06-17 __________ __________ Karlheinz Geyer <geyerk.fv.tu[at]>
sig  sig3  AAE6022E 2010-06-17 __________ __________ Karlheinz Geyer (RBOS) <karlheinz.geyer[at]>
sig  sig3  AB55B312 2010-06-17 __________ __________ Karlheinz Geyer <geyerk.fv.tu[at]>
sig  sig   1AFCC7D3 2010-06-28 __________ __________ nikos roussos (comzeradd) <nikos[at]>
sig  sig   EF42EE15 2010-07-22 __________ __________ Eduardo Saavedra-D'Attellis (4rk4nx) <eduardodattellis[at]>
sig  sig   6670E4D6 2010-08-07 __________ __________ Juan Angel Ferrer Juárez (|[at]·~½¬{[]}\?=) <jado.92.mty[at]>
sig  sig   259FE4E5 2010-09-16 __________ __________ Ben Sturmfels <ben[at]>
sig  sig   BBAE9EA7 2010-10-23 __________ __________ gnu linux (adas dasd asd asd as da) <mahdyb[at]>
sig  sig3  7FC7671A 2011-01-07 __________ __________ Pawel Wilk (siefca) <siefca[at]>
sig  sig2  AACF78B5 2011-01-17 __________ __________ Thomas LARDEAU <lardeau.t[at]>
sig  sig2  99242560 2011-01-18 __________ __________ David M. Shaw <dshaw[at]>
    Policy URL:
sig  sig   163686A4 2011-02-17 __________ __________ Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie[at]>
sig  sig   024D668A 2011-02-25 __________ __________ Joris Vanhove <joris[at]>
sig  sig   834BE1B8 2011-03-04 __________ __________ []
sig  sig2  607559E6 2011-03-20 __________ __________ Benjamin Hill (Mako) <mako[at]>
sig  sig2  F5852F4E 2011-03-20 __________ __________ Benjamin Mako Hill <mako[at]>
sig  sig   30F48BFF 2011-05-06 __________ __________ Harald Welte <laforge[at]>
sig  sig   018BDF1D 2011-05-06 __________ __________ Harald Welte <hwelte[at]>
sig  sig   67F25D81 2011-05-17 __________ __________ Ivan Grigoryevich Zaigralin (Ride the pig, G.I.R.!) <melikamp[at]>
sig  sig   A3B53998 2011-06-01 __________ __________ Daniel Kraft (Graz, Austria) <d[at]>
sig  sig   59426429 2011-06-09 __________ __________ Raimar Sandner <mail[at]>
sig  sig3  C2E4AE92 2011-06-22 __________ __________ Smári McCarthy <smari[at]>
sig  sig   5F3D6695 2011-06-27 __________ __________ Svavar Kjarrval <svavar[at]>
sig  sig   8C49E642 2011-07-24 __________ __________ Guy Sheffer (GuySoft) <guysoft[at]>
sig  sig   DF69C32E 2011-08-17 __________ __________ Benjamin Barenblat <bbaren[at]>
sig  sig   FA3DED4C 2011-11-04 __________ __________ Bastiaan Wakkie (born 1972-04-23 in Groningen, the Netherlands)
sig  sig   E49857EF 2011-12-01 __________ __________ Sergey Matveev <stargrave[at]>
sig  sig   2B1F01C0 2011-12-02 __________ __________ alexander barakin (aka sash-kan) <alex[at]>
sig  sig   7E67BBA2 2011-12-04 __________ __________ Jesús Hernández Gormaz <jhg.jesus[at]>
sig  sig   6D3445F9 2012-01-18 __________ __________ hardkor
sig  sig3  9A367709 2012-03-07 __________ __________ Parker Higgins (EFF activism team) <parker[at]>
sig  sig3  99999697 2012-03-21 __________ __________ Micah Lee <micahflee[at]>
sig  sig3  8BF8DD0B 2012-03-21 __________ __________ Leez Wright <leez[at]>
sig  sig   C5ED8345 2012-04-02 __________ __________ Karl Fogel <kfogel[at]>
sig  sig3  D1E1B901 2012-04-26 __________ __________ Johannes Weis (My first key) <johannes.weis[at]>
sig  sig3  CEE1D3B7 2012-07-02 __________ __________ Martin Lomas (Dr) <martin[at]>
sig  sig   29AEFC28 2012-07-07 __________ __________ Rubén Rodríguez Pérez <ruben[at]>
sig  sig3  78C219C7 2012-07-12 __________ __________ Alexander Werner <a.werner[at]>
sig  sig2  B5E4C71A 2012-07-13 __________ __________ Philip Patsch <privat[at]>
sig  sig   43C21F3B 2012-07-13 __________ __________ Sree Harsha Totakura <sreeharsha[at]>
sig  sig3  8C9A6155 2012-07-23 __________ __________ Florian Effenberger <floeff[at]>
sig  sig   64D0EEB6 2012-07-23 __________ __________ Krista Grothoff (Me) <krista[at]>
sig  sig   48426C7E 2012-07-23 __________ __________ Christian Grothoff <christian[at]>
sig  sig   1CA24A13 2012-07-26 __________ __________ Hellekin O. Wolf <hellekin[at]>
sig  sig3  22247CDF 2012-07-27 __________ __________ Profpatsch <mail[at]>
sig  sig3  9672674F 2012-07-30 __________ __________ Ivan Grigoryevich Zaigralin (Ride the pig, G.I.R.!) <melikamp[at]>
sig  sig   503B33F0 2012-09-16 __________ __________ Max Veit <maxdveit[at]>
sig  sig   1DAAC974 2012-09-18 __________ __________ Pieter Wuille (Location: Leuven, Belgium) <pieter.wuille[at]>
sig  sig   F4CEF0A5 2012-11-20 __________ __________ mark burdett <mark[at]>
sig  sig3  24E84FA7 2012-11-22 __________ __________ Randy Thiemann (randy.thiemann[at] <randy.thiemann[at]>
sig  sig   DADBFDFF 2013-02-06 __________ __________ Alessandro Lorenzi <alessandro.lorenzi[at]>
sig  sig3  35904B1C 2013-02-24 __________ __________ Gregory Engels <Gregory.Engels[at]>
sig  sig3  B32DA209 2013-02-25 __________ __________ Denis Simonet <denis.simonet[at]>
sig  sig   60DEC17F 2013-03-14 __________ __________ Michał 'rysiek' Woźniak (Fundacja Wolnego i Otwartego Oprogramowania) <rysiek[at]>
sig  sig   1C39D759 2013-06-02 __________ __________ Andrzej Chudzik <andrzejchudzik[at]>
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-07-06 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>

sub  1024g/B1B10ED6 2001-03-05            
sig sbind  135EA668 2001-03-05 __________ __________ []
sig sbind  135EA668 2001-03-05 __________ __________ []

Search results for 'pipeline jya com'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  4096R/58A4971E 2007-12-16            
	 Fingerprint=FC32 3A56 540F 29A4 5BD7  DFA3 C95E 4185 58A4 971E 

uid John Young <jya[at]>
sig  sig   58A4971E 2007-12-16 __________ __________ [selfsig]
    Notation data: preferred-email-encoding[at] pgpmime
sig  sig   20E8D50E 2007-12-18 __________ __________ Aaron Benoy <aaron.benoy[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2009-07-27 2009-08-10 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2009-08-09 2009-08-23 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-09-27 2012-10-11 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-10-11 2012-10-25 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2013-04-13 2013-04-27 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>

sub  4096R/FA6B4592 2007-12-16            
sig sbind  58A4971E 2007-12-16 __________ __________ []

Search results for 'net earthlink cryptome'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  2048R/8B3BF75C 2013-06-11            

uid Cryptome <cryptome[at]>
sig  sig   8B3BF75C 2013-06-11 __________ __________ [selfsig]
    Notation data: preferred-email-encoding[at] pgpmime
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2013-06-11 2013-06-25 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-07-05 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>

sub  2048R/A99E0E4B 2013-06-11            
sig sbind  8B3BF75C 2013-06-11 __________ __________ []

Search results for '0xc7463639b2d7795e'
Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  1024D/B2D7795E 2001-01-04            
sig dirct  B2D7795E 2001-01-04 __________ __________ [selfsig]
    Revocation key fingerprint: 3FC7 3204 1D23 E9EA 66DD  B500 9C9D BC21 DF74 DC61 
	 Fingerprint=055F C78F 1121 9349 2C4F  37AF C746 3639 B2D7 795E 

uid Philip R. Zimmermann <prz[at]>
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2001-01-04 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2001-01-04 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   FAEBD5FC 2001-01-04 __________ __________ Philip R. Zimmermann <prz[at]>
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2001-01-06 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  exp   FAEBD5FC 2001-01-06 2010-01-06 __________ Philip R. Zimmermann <prz[at]>
sig  sig   66A74B31 2001-01-06 __________ __________ Teun Nijssen <teun.nijssen[at]>
sig  sig   66A74B31 2001-01-06 __________ __________ Teun Nijssen <teun.nijssen[at]>
sig  sig   CF73EC4C 2001-01-06 __________ __________ Will Price <wprice[at]>
sig  sig   CF73EC4C 2001-01-06 __________ __________ Will Price <wprice[at]>
sig  sig   EEB63AB1 2001-01-06 __________ __________ Ron & Bes Vantreese <ron-bes[at]>
sig  sig   F414952B 2001-01-07 __________ __________ Jeffrey I. Schiller <jis[at]>
sig  sig   F414952B 2001-01-07 __________ __________ Jeffrey I. Schiller <jis[at]>
sig  sig   0A791610 2001-01-09 __________ __________ Stale Schumacher Ytteborg <stale[at]>
sig  sig   0A791610 2001-01-09 __________ __________ Stale Schumacher Ytteborg <stale[at]>
sig  sig   4793C529 2001-02-02 __________ __________ Hugh Miller <hmiller[at]>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2001-03-03 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>
sig  sig   D7C776BF 2001-03-03 __________ __________ h3xx Secure Data
sig  sig   EEB63AB1 2001-03-05 __________ __________ Ron & Bes Vantreese <ron-bes[at]>
sig  sig   EEB63AB1 2001-03-05 __________ __________ Ron & Bes Vantreese <ron-bes[at]>
sig  sig   BF67D2EB 2001-03-10 __________ __________ Michael A. Haisley Jr. <mikehaisley[at]>
sig  sig   BF67D2EB 2001-03-10 __________ __________ Michael A. Haisley Jr. <mikehaisley[at]>
sig  sig   F491BD21 2001-04-13 __________ __________ Ben Paul Wise <bwise[at]>
sig  sig   251F35C1 2001-04-20 __________ __________ Marco Balmer <marco.balmer[at]>
sig  sig   8C656D0E 2001-05-31 __________ __________ Stephen H. Kawamoto <ICQ:30639935>
sig  sig   B3A40459 2001-06-14 __________ __________ Olivier Merlin <omerlin[at]>
sig  sig   9C939D6F 2001-07-01 __________ __________ Douglas E. Lhotka <doug[at]>
sig  sig   DFD3D769 2001-07-17 __________ __________ Anders Kaseorg <anders[at]>
sig  sig   D9D4D52C 2001-08-23 __________ __________ Charles N. Johnson (Primary Identity) <charles.johnson[at]>
sig revok  06DB4314 2001-09-16 __________ __________ David Marsh <dmarsh[at]>
sig  sig   1511EDF8 2001-09-18 __________ __________ Enoch Ko <chempilot[at]>
sig  sig   091C3187 2001-09-25 __________ __________ Daniel Wolfe <fithos[at]>
sig  sig   DE7357F2 2001-09-27 __________ __________ Evert Eliasson <e.e[at]>
sig  sig   59CF85D6 2001-09-27 __________ __________ Evert Eliasson <e.e[at]>
sig  sig   39342472 2001-09-30 __________ __________ Serkan Barut <serkan_barut[at]>
sig  sig   E336B106 2001-10-06 __________ __________ Robert Park (Feztaa) <feztaa[at]>
sig  sig   E336B106 2001-10-06 __________ __________ Robert Park (Feztaa) <feztaa[at]>
sig  sig   CD063DA6 2001-10-09 __________ __________ Pete Stephenson <pete[at]>
sig  sig   FEE6B772 2001-10-09 __________ __________ []
sig  exp   B5CFC05D 2001-10-13 2002-10-13 __________ Manuel Bissey <manuel[at]>
sig  sig   8FD2353C 2001-10-16 __________ __________ Iiro Sammalkorpi <ijs66[at]>
sig  sig   A0A09DDC 2001-10-17 __________ __________ John Sigerson <johnsig[at]>
sig  sig   9E3E379C 2001-10-18 __________ __________ Peter Monnerjahn <Peter[at]>
sig  sig   68DEEAF6 2001-10-19 __________ __________ Scott Ream <sream[at]>
sig  sig   05BC810E 2001-10-26 __________ __________ Matthew A. Gleed <mgleed[at]>
sig  sig   3870EFED 2001-10-27 __________ __________ Joe McKernan <McKernan[at]>
sig  sig   85C18050 2001-11-08 __________ __________ Craig Williams <porterrockwell[at]>
sig  sig   5AABA30C 2001-11-14 __________ __________ Matthew A. Gleed <mgleed[at]>
sig  sig   64473576 2001-11-15 __________ __________ Alan Clark <alan[at]>
sig  sig3  274CB629 2001-11-19 __________ __________ Hush Communication DEMO CA
sig  sig   81521B42 2001-11-30 __________ __________ Joop Reijenga <<JR>>
sig  sig   19A45943 2001-12-03 __________ __________ HZ <Dr_No[at]>
sig  sig   71215EAE 2001-12-18 __________ __________ S p e c i e s   8 4 7 2 <spec8472[at]>
sig  sig   114BFF08 2001-12-20 __________ __________ Andrew Watson <andrew[at]>
sig  sig   979D4C1B 2001-12-27 __________ __________ Greg Saven <raven[at]>
sig  sig   C3763D93 2001-12-30 __________ __________ Jalyn Trust Internationale <hostmaster[at]>
sig  sig   762B269A 2001-12-30 __________ __________ Jalyn Trust Internationale <hostmaster[at]>
sig  sig   ADD4C933 2002-01-08 __________ __________ Gudmundur D. Haraldsson <gdh[at]>
sig  sig   ADD4C933 2002-01-08 __________ __________ Gudmundur D. Haraldsson <gdh[at]>
sig  sig   3CA3496C 2002-01-15 __________ __________ Fr�d�ric POTTER <frederic[at]>
sig  sig   C3DD69D5 2002-02-01 __________ __________ J. Jeffrey Osadczuk <james161[at]>
sig  sig   083A4D8D 2002-02-19 __________ __________ Bruno Collaer <Bruno[at]>
sig  sig   18149319 2002-02-21 __________ __________ CodeCon 2002 Attendance Certification (
sig  sig   C0F968DC 2002-03-22 __________ __________ Ridge Cook <RidgeCook[at]>
sig  sig   CA62D8CB 2002-04-01 __________ __________ James Martin <james[at]>
sig  sig   CA62D8CB 2002-04-01 __________ __________ James Martin <james[at]>
sig  sig   2D410FEB 2002-04-19 __________ __________ Ghost Lifter <admin[at]>
sig  sig   2D410FEB 2002-04-19 __________ __________ Ghost Lifter <admin[at]>
sig  sig   EE0A126D 2002-04-27 __________ __________ Neels Kriek <cjk[at]>
sig  sig   DF5394ED 2002-04-27 __________ __________ Borderland <brdrland[at]>
sig  exp   85E45017 2002-04-28 2003-04-28 __________ Dave J. (Scoop0901) <scoop0901[at]>
sig  sig   85E45017 2002-04-29 __________ __________ Dave J. (Scoop0901) <scoop0901[at]>
sig  sig   6D6DAB7E 2002-04-29 __________ __________ Joe Vender <jvender[at]>
sig  sig   BF5B4D4E 2002-04-29 __________ __________ Joe Vender <jvender[at]>
sig  sig   CF51AB58 2002-05-02 __________ __________ The Key!
sig  sig   4681664E 2002-05-20 __________ __________ Greg L. Turnquist <gregturn[at]>
sig  sig   4681664E 2002-05-20 __________ __________ Greg L. Turnquist <gregturn[at]>
sig  sig2  BE42DCA6 2002-05-31 __________ __________ Hasan Diwan <hdiwan[at]>
sig  exp   C8E050EC 2002-06-05 2002-12-05 __________ CLAUDE <jeancharles.claude[at]>
sig  sig   AB00F370 2002-06-13 __________ __________ Luigi Pari <Lpari[at]>
sig  sig   B360F30C 2002-06-15 __________ __________ Bill R. Fraser <XpertSniper[at]>
sig  sig   275151B0 2002-06-16 __________ __________ Entity25 Verifier
sig  sig   D7910DF4 2002-07-03 __________ __________ David A. de Groot <david[at]>
sig  sig   D7910DF4 2002-07-03 __________ __________ David A. de Groot <david[at]>
sig  sig   9620D589 2002-07-11 __________ __________ Jon <jonny[at]>
sig  sig   C0396105 2002-07-16 __________ __________ Aldo Latino <aldolat[at]>
sig  sig   AB052EF8 2002-08-02 __________ __________ Myeonghoon,Youn(������) <mhmalove[at]>
sig  sig   AB052EF8 2002-08-02 __________ __________ Myeonghoon,Youn(������) <mhmalove[at]>
sig  sig   C6AD21DA 2002-08-06 __________ __________ Li ZHU <zhuweiran[at]>
sig  sig   C6AD21DA 2002-08-06 __________ __________ Li ZHU <zhuweiran[at]>
sig  sig   48DAC550 2002-08-10 __________ __________ Oben O. Candemir <oben[at]>
sig  sig   5A7FEFE6 2002-08-12 __________ __________ Aditya
sig  sig   B1BF1EFD 2002-08-14 __________ __________ Vladimir Vasilevich Natrov <fmhstar[at]>
sig  sig   B1BF1EFD 2002-08-14 __________ __________ Vladimir Vasilevich Natrov <fmhstar[at]>
sig  sig   039106FA 2002-08-28 __________ __________ Jan Werbinski <janwer[at]>
sig  sig   0F8489C6 2002-09-29 __________ __________ zhuli <zhuweiran[at]>
sig  exp   6EE93242 2002-10-09 2003-09-29 __________ []
sig  sig   114BFF08 2002-10-24 __________ __________ Andrew Watson <andrew[at]>
sig  sig   BFFB0A42 2002-10-25 __________ __________ Rachel I. Bebber <jink[at]>
sig  sig   014DE62F 2002-10-30 __________ __________ Serge Claes <ieu78973[at]>
sig  sig   358D5777 2002-11-01 __________ __________ PGP Corporation Employee Certification Key
sig  sig   358D5777 2002-11-01 __________ __________ PGP Corporation Employee Certification Key
sig  sig   52D980B9 2002-11-08 __________ __________ Todd Sternisha <todds[at]>
sig  sig   FC51616E 2002-11-09 __________ __________ Ron Lussier <rlussier[at]>
sig  sig   5DE7042F 2002-11-12 __________ __________ Dan O'Brien <DaAnO15[at]>
sig  sig   B7C970E4 2002-11-18 __________ __________ Papr�ka Martin </o=autocont/ou=ostrava/cn=Recipients/cn=paprcka>
sig  sig   54B9D4B4 2002-12-01 __________ __________ Hans-Peter Henning <Hans-Peter.Henning[at]>
sig  sig   3388A572 2002-12-03 __________ __________ David C. Chen <dcchen[at]>
sig  sig   11162FF2 2002-12-05 __________ __________ William A. McKee <wamckee[at]>
sig  sig   B32A56B5 2002-12-07 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   1C53B735 2002-12-07 __________ __________ ChrisWare SK <webmaster[at]>
sig revok  6EE93242 2002-12-10 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   ACCC3CA2 2002-12-10 __________ __________ Costas Cavouracis <cca[at]>
sig  sig   ACCC3CA2 2002-12-10 __________ __________ Costas Cavouracis <cca[at]>
sig  sig   D3E3782A 2002-12-17 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   D00195CF 2002-12-18 __________ __________ Herman den Hartog <hermie[at]>
sig  sig   B33C88B4 2002-12-19 __________ __________ Richard Smith <richard[at]>
sig  sig   BA886915 2003-01-07 __________ __________ Elliptical <elliptical[at]>
sig  sig   5FFA5B44 2003-01-07 __________ __________ Elliptical <elliptical[at]>
sig  sig   CED12F74 2003-01-07 __________ __________ Waxtherapy <elliptical[at]>
sig  sig   CED12F74 2003-01-07 __________ __________ Waxtherapy <elliptical[at]>
sig  sig   5FFA5B44 2003-01-07 __________ __________ Elliptical <elliptical[at]>
sig  sig   95D186D1 2003-01-16 __________ __________ Charles R. McCulloch <charles[at]>
sig  sig   188CB7C9 2003-01-23 __________ __________ Douglas M. Swiggum <Swiggum[at]Waisman.Wisc.Edu>
sig  sig   044584B5 2003-01-23 __________ __________ Douglas Swiggum <Swiggum[at]Waisman.Wisc.Edu>
sig  sig   55DCD81E 2003-02-04 __________ __________ Ryan Moore <maelstrom[at]>
sig  sig   41EB2FD0 2003-02-09 __________ __________ Sandy Kimbrough <skb2[at]>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2003-02-19 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2003-02-19 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>
sig  sig   D7C776BF 2003-02-19 __________ __________ h3xx Secure Data
sig  sig   D7C776BF 2003-02-19 __________ __________ h3xx Secure Data
sig  sig   ADE50951 2003-02-23 __________ __________ My New Key is KeyID <0xC0A689B1>
sig  sig2  09469B03 2003-03-12 __________ __________ Robert Guerra <rguerra[at]>
sig  sig2  09469B03 2003-03-12 __________ __________ Robert Guerra <rguerra[at]>
sig  sig   76972FA4 2003-03-24 __________ __________ Artan Bytyci <abytyci[at]>
sig  sig   CDD6DA50 2003-03-30 __________ __________ Quentin Godfroy <Quentin.Godfroy[at]>
sig  sig   CDD6DA50 2003-03-30 __________ __________ Quentin Godfroy <Quentin.Godfroy[at]>
sig  sig2  CC1ACD05 2003-03-31 __________ __________ Eddie Roosenmaallen <eroosenmaallen[at]>
sig  sig   EC8B929D 2003-04-05 __________ __________ Brian E Ford <macbriford[at]>
sig  sig   C16CEFD8 2003-04-18 __________ __________ Michael Scalet <mrvran[at]>
sig  sig   44316003 2003-04-18 __________ __________ Michael Scalet <vran[at]>
sig  sig   6CECB2DB 2003-04-20 __________ __________ Sven Teirlinck <sven.teirlinck[at]>
sig  sig   216C9C01 2003-04-21 __________ __________ Juan González <aKZiDeNT[at]>
sig  sig   9B01E3C0 2003-04-22 __________ __________ Michael Scalet - Use this key
sig  sig   5093A8CB 2003-04-22 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   C9C8863B 2003-05-28 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   185E12FA 2003-05-30 __________ __________ Teodor E. Mitew <pifmik[at]>
sig  sig   8ABF8E1C 2003-06-08 __________ __________ LaZi0 <biancoblu[at]>
sig  sig   F56F936E 2003-06-11 __________ __________ James Hong <onbox_james[at]>
sig  sig   F58D1884 2003-06-15 __________ __________ Peter Haarhaus <ph[at]>
sig  sig   7EA89FF1 2003-06-30 __________ __________ Vlad "Sattva" Miller <vladtepesh[at]>
sig  sig   4D8BB49E 2003-07-12 __________ __________ SATtva <vladtepesh[at]>
sig  sig   BC17B86B 2003-07-26 __________ __________ Wolfgang Felix Schmitt <flixxx[at]>
sig  sig   50DA326D 2003-08-08 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   6AA06E85 2003-08-12 __________ __________ Jean-Pierre Manalo <jp_manalo[at]>
sig  sig3  02912C53 2003-08-25 __________ __________ Hironobu SUZUKI <hironobu[at]>
sig  sig   24B44370 2003-09-04 __________ __________ Jason Philip Busby <jason.busby[at]>
sig  sig   5FCF769C 2003-09-07 __________ __________ Andreas Drop <andreas[at]>
sig  exp   61D7341D 2003-09-07 2004-09-07 __________ Dave J. (Scoop0901) <scoop0901[at]>
sig  sig   7C3A2819 2003-10-20 __________ __________ Rodney Smith <my427cobra[at]>
sig  sig   24DEF83E 2003-10-22 __________ __________ Bradley Carl Bielenberg <bcbi[at]>
sig  sig   942CE961 2003-11-03 __________ __________ Eddy de Waerhert <eddy.dewaerhert[at]>
sig  sig   4F03C7F7 2003-11-04 __________ __________ Michel Coste <mic[at]>
sig  sig   D96484AC 2003-11-12 __________ __________ Matej Cepl <matej[at]>
sig  sig   0C81E13C 2003-11-22 __________ __________ Steven Bairstow <sab139[at]>
sig  sig   87C98EBC 2003-12-11 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   84BF23FB 2004-01-07 __________ __________ Conny Storbjörk <swede[at]>
sig  sig   CEFC3554 2004-01-11 __________ __________ Duncan Rankin (Pastor at Covenant PCA) <wdrankin[at]>
sig  sig   107E4D3E 2004-01-15 __________ __________ Daniel Wright <daniel.wright1[at]>
sig  sig   387AE652 2004-02-14 __________ __________ Alex Alexis <A_lexis24[at]>
sig  sig   C2429EC4 2004-02-22 __________ __________ Tanat Tonguthaisri <Tanat[at]Tanat.Net>
sig  sig   B6E728E7 2004-04-03 __________ __________ Yumeomi Tanaki <mikadmin[at]>
sig  sig   779CBD53 2004-05-10 __________ __________ congress god <iarex1[at]>
sig  sig   5739D177 2004-06-02 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   7B09F767 2004-07-23 __________ __________ Brandon Donecker <brandon[at]>
sig  sig2  E649FCDB 2004-07-30 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   7E7EC86E 2004-08-04 __________ __________ Andrew Cundiff <andrew[at]>
sig  sig   1020CEA5 2004-08-21 __________ __________ Martin Perreault <martin_04[at]>
sig  sig   13C330D0 2004-09-03 __________ __________ Michael Wayne Lehde <mlehde[at]>
sig  sig   27697263 2004-09-06 __________ __________ astro1798 <astro1798[at]>
sig  sig   E27A1375 2004-11-06 __________ __________ Heinz Blaettner <heinz.blaettner[at]>
sig  sig2  3541E2D7 2004-11-30 __________ __________ Oskar Lissheim-Boethius (Composer, Sound & Webdesigner, 4096 bits) <oskar[at]>
sig  sig   B5078C74 2004-12-11 __________ __________ SCMMillard <scmmillard[at]>
sig  sig   9D28E93B 2004-12-11 __________ __________ Vincent Vega
sig  sig   DF0602AC 2004-12-17 __________ __________ Tobias Winter <tobias[at]>
sig  sig   A3A57314 2004-12-18 __________ __________ Matthias Merkel <matthias[at]>
sig  sig   EEE585BC 2004-12-26 __________ __________ Daniel Dillon Duffield (RSA SIGNING KEY) <LucianSolaris[at]>
sig  sig   8A6B4DDC 2005-01-19 __________ __________ Matthew Miller <jrmcrm[at]>
sig  sig   67465EE0 2005-01-19 __________ __________ Matthew Miller <jrmcrm[at]>
sig  sig   EF9F7679 2005-01-19 __________ __________ Matthew Miller <miller[at]>
sig  sig   409449AA 2005-01-23 __________ __________ Adam E. Gibbins <adamgibbins[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-01-24 2005-02-07 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   5403F9A0 2005-01-30 __________ __________ Jean-Marie Moës <jmm40[at]>
sig  sig   5403F9A0 2005-01-30 __________ __________ Jean-Marie Moës <jmm40[at]>
sig  sig   FBF4C559 2005-02-03 __________ __________ Steven Edward Lane <steve.lane[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-02-07 2005-02-21 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   862069DD 2005-02-18 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   D1C4C350 2005-02-18 __________ __________ Darren John Brooker <darren[at]>
sig  sig   34A4425C 2005-02-18 __________ __________ Darren Brooker <darren.brooker[at]>
sig  sig   18B7EF90 2005-02-19 __________ __________ Jacinto Rodriguez Ostheimer <jr.ostheimer[at]>
sig  sig   010EB245 2005-02-22 __________ __________ Kevin Carter <kacarter[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-03-12 2005-03-26 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-03-13 2005-03-27 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-03-27 2005-04-10 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig3  20E588ED 2005-04-07 __________ __________ Scott Grayban <sgrayban[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-04-09 2005-04-23 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   58768FCD 2005-04-21 __________ __________ Hubert Nachbaur <hubert.nachbaur[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-04-23 2005-05-07 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-05-07 2005-05-21 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-05-20 2005-06-03 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   B3A5A6B7 2005-05-26 __________ __________ Arthur Schuster <arthurschuster[at]>
sig  sig   226C12AD 2005-05-26 __________ __________ Arthur Schuster <arthurschuster[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-06-02 2005-06-16 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-06-19 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-06-19 2005-07-03 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   6F0A2725 2005-06-23 __________ __________ Allen M. Juinio <aj7845[at]>
sig  sig   672C5BE2 2005-08-26 __________ __________ Bruno Collaer <Bruno[at]>
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-10-03 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-10-03 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   5BF9BD4C 2005-10-04 __________ __________ Paul Hughes <paul[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-10-04 2005-10-18 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-11-08 2005-11-22 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-12-04 2005-12-18 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-12-26 2006-01-09 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   AABCE842 2006-01-21 __________ __________ Sharif Rizal (Sharif Rizal) <rizal.sharif[at]>
sig  sig   9AFE8CC8 2006-01-29 __________ __________ Mildfred Castro <mc[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-01-29 2006-02-12 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   F690507E 2006-01-30 __________ __________ Pz Sniper <pz.sniper[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-02-11 2006-02-25 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-03-22 2006-04-05 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig2  0B7DDE39 2006-04-06 __________ __________ Patrick Schoenbach <pschoenb[at]>
sig  sig   09E9A1D5 2006-04-27 __________ __________ Manfred Lichtenstern ( <M[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-05-01 2006-05-15 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-05-15 2006-05-29 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   AD154F1B 2006-05-20 __________ __________ Matthias Merkel (Make crypto not munitions!) <matthias[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-05-31 2006-06-14 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   D1093592 2006-06-11 __________ __________ Zach Himsel <z.himsel[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-06-13 2006-06-27 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-10-07 2006-10-21 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   7B2B623A 2006-10-09 __________ __________ Dream Catcher aka BlowFish <3blowfish[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-10-09 2006-10-23 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-01-26 2007-02-09 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2007-03-02 __________ __________ [selfsig]
    Notation data: preferred-email-encoding[at] partitioned
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-03-02 2007-03-16 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-04-13 2007-04-27 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   46548BA3 2007-04-17 __________ __________ fabio angeli <fangeli[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-04-17 2007-05-01 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-05-25 2007-06-08 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   324DA85D 2007-06-06 __________ __________ Ron Rogers Jr. <CronoCloud[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-06-08 2007-06-22 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig2  356EDB68 2007-06-09 __________ __________ Dan Moutal <dan[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-06-21 2007-07-05 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   2F003F04 2007-07-20 __________ __________ NSA Internal Security Branch (***TOP SECRET CLEARANCE***) <keysign[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-07-31 2007-08-14 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   8AE7DBE6 2007-08-12 __________ __________ Edgard Alves Costa (chave pgp para o gmail) <edgardalvescosta[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-08-14 2007-08-28 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2008-02-16 2008-03-01 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig3  6098BC0F 2008-04-08 __________ __________ Mariusz Handke <oiram[at]>
sig  sig   5C326CB6 2008-04-21 __________ __________ Helmut Adrigan <tw05n174[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2008-04-25 2008-05-09 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2008-05-09 2008-05-23 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   D651DAE3 2008-05-12 __________ __________ Matt Hickford <matt.hickford[at]>
sig  sig   C0429F80 2008-06-22 __________ __________ John Van de Meulebrouck Brendgard <jova3078[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2008-07-05 2008-07-19 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2009-04-13 2009-04-27 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   BEC0E5D1 2009-04-21 __________ __________ Laurent Sauvé <lanord[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2009-04-26 2009-05-10 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2009-11-28 2009-12-12 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   F17129B4 2009-12-06 __________ __________ Ulrich Sckeide (zweiter schlüssel) <ulrich.sckeide[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2009-12-11 2009-12-25 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2010-06-02 2010-06-16 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   187E064C 2010-06-12 __________ __________ []
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2010-06-16 2010-06-30 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2010-08-07 2010-08-21 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   05C3013B 2010-08-19 __________ __________ Mildfred Castro <mildfred.castro[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2010-08-20 2010-09-03 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-07-15 2012-07-29 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   94988332 2012-07-23 __________ __________ Ricardo Villegas <rickyv[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-07-29 2012-08-12 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-08-11 2012-08-25 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-09-06 2012-09-20 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   FDE2759C 2012-09-09 __________ __________ Sebastian Tobie (Zur Signatur privater Schlüssel) <tobie-sebastian[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-09-19 2012-10-03 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-10-03 2012-10-17 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   F31FF9C0 2012-10-06 __________ __________ Wesley G aka Morthawt <morthawt[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2012-10-16 2012-10-30 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2013-06-15 2013-06-29 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig2  DA004171 2013-06-22 2017-06-22 __________ Ismael Arenzana (PGP Keys for Isma) <iarenzana[at]>
sig  sig   CA57AD7C 2013-06-28 2013-07-12 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-07-07 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>

uid Philip R. Zimmermann <prz[at]>
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2001-01-04 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   FAEBD5FC 2001-01-04 __________ __________ Philip R. Zimmermann <prz[at]>
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2001-01-06 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  exp   FAEBD5FC 2001-01-06 2010-01-06 __________ Philip R. Zimmermann <prz[at]>
sig  sig   66A74B31 2001-01-06 __________ __________ Teun Nijssen <teun.nijssen[at]>
sig  sig   66A74B31 2001-01-06 __________ __________ Teun Nijssen <teun.nijssen[at]>
sig  sig   CF73EC4C 2001-01-06 __________ __________ Will Price <wprice[at]>
sig  sig   CF73EC4C 2001-01-06 __________ __________ Will Price <wprice[at]>
sig  sig   F414952B 2001-01-07 __________ __________ Jeffrey I. Schiller <jis[at]>
sig  sig   F414952B 2001-01-07 __________ __________ Jeffrey I. Schiller <jis[at]>
sig  sig   0A791610 2001-01-09 __________ __________ Stale Schumacher Ytteborg <stale[at]>
sig  sig   0A791610 2001-01-09 __________ __________ Stale Schumacher Ytteborg <stale[at]>
sig  sig   4793C529 2001-02-02 __________ __________ Hugh Miller <hmiller[at]>
sig  sig   EEB63AB1 2001-03-05 __________ __________ Ron & Bes Vantreese <ron-bes[at]>
sig  sig   EEB63AB1 2001-03-05 __________ __________ Ron & Bes Vantreese <ron-bes[at]>
sig  sig   BF67D2EB 2001-03-10 __________ __________ Michael A. Haisley Jr. <mikehaisley[at]>
sig  sig   BF67D2EB 2001-03-10 __________ __________ Michael A. Haisley Jr. <mikehaisley[at]>
sig  sig   F491BD21 2001-04-13 __________ __________ Ben Paul Wise <bwise[at]>
sig  sig   251F35C1 2001-04-20 __________ __________ Marco Balmer <marco.balmer[at]>
sig  sig   8C656D0E 2001-05-31 __________ __________ Stephen H. Kawamoto <ICQ:30639935>
sig  sig   B3A40459 2001-06-14 __________ __________ Olivier Merlin <omerlin[at]>
sig  sig   9C939D6F 2001-07-01 __________ __________ Douglas E. Lhotka <doug[at]>
sig  sig   DFD3D769 2001-07-17 __________ __________ Anders Kaseorg <anders[at]>
sig  sig   D9D4D52C 2001-08-23 __________ __________ Charles N. Johnson (Primary Identity) <charles.johnson[at]>
sig  sig   1511EDF8 2001-09-18 __________ __________ Enoch Ko <chempilot[at]>
sig  sig   091C3187 2001-09-25 __________ __________ Daniel Wolfe <fithos[at]>
sig  sig   DE7357F2 2001-09-27 __________ __________ Evert Eliasson <e.e[at]>
sig  sig   59CF85D6 2001-09-27 __________ __________ Evert Eliasson <e.e[at]>
sig  sig   39342472 2001-09-30 __________ __________ Serkan Barut <serkan_barut[at]>
sig  sig   E336B106 2001-10-06 __________ __________ Robert Park (Feztaa) <feztaa[at]>
sig  sig   E336B106 2001-10-06 __________ __________ Robert Park (Feztaa) <feztaa[at]>
sig  sig   CD063DA6 2001-10-09 __________ __________ Pete Stephenson <pete[at]>
sig  sig   FEE6B772 2001-10-09 __________ __________ []
sig  exp   B5CFC05D 2001-10-13 2002-10-13 __________ Manuel Bissey <manuel[at]>
sig  sig   8FD2353C 2001-10-16 __________ __________ Iiro Sammalkorpi <ijs66[at]>
sig  sig   A0A09DDC 2001-10-17 __________ __________ John Sigerson <johnsig[at]>
sig  sig   9E3E379C 2001-10-18 __________ __________ Peter Monnerjahn <Peter[at]>
sig  sig   68DEEAF6 2001-10-19 __________ __________ Scott Ream <sream[at]>
sig  sig   05BC810E 2001-10-26 __________ __________ Matthew A. Gleed <mgleed[at]>
sig  sig   3870EFED 2001-10-27 __________ __________ Joe McKernan <McKernan[at]>
sig  sig   85C18050 2001-11-08 __________ __________ Craig Williams <porterrockwell[at]>
sig  sig   5AABA30C 2001-11-14 __________ __________ Matthew A. Gleed <mgleed[at]>
sig  sig   64473576 2001-11-15 __________ __________ Alan Clark <alan[at]>
sig  sig   81521B42 2001-11-30 __________ __________ Joop Reijenga <<JR>>
sig  sig   19A45943 2001-12-03 __________ __________ HZ <Dr_No[at]>
sig  sig   71215EAE 2001-12-18 __________ __________ S p e c i e s   8 4 7 2 <spec8472[at]>
sig  sig   114BFF08 2001-12-20 __________ __________ Andrew Watson <andrew[at]>
sig  sig   979D4C1B 2001-12-27 __________ __________ Greg Saven <raven[at]>
sig  sig   C3763D93 2001-12-30 __________ __________ Jalyn Trust Internationale <hostmaster[at]>
sig  sig   762B269A 2001-12-30 __________ __________ Jalyn Trust Internationale <hostmaster[at]>
sig  sig   ADD4C933 2002-01-08 __________ __________ Gudmundur D. Haraldsson <gdh[at]>
sig  sig   ADD4C933 2002-01-08 __________ __________ Gudmundur D. Haraldsson <gdh[at]>
sig  sig   3CA3496C 2002-01-15 __________ __________ Fr�d�ric POTTER <frederic[at]>
sig  sig   C3DD69D5 2002-02-01 __________ __________ J. Jeffrey Osadczuk <james161[at]>
sig  sig   18149319 2002-02-21 __________ __________ CodeCon 2002 Attendance Certification (
sig  sig   C0F968DC 2002-03-22 __________ __________ Ridge Cook <RidgeCook[at]>
sig  sig   CA62D8CB 2002-04-01 __________ __________ James Martin <james[at]>
sig  sig   CA62D8CB 2002-04-01 __________ __________ James Martin <james[at]>
sig  sig   2D410FEB 2002-04-19 __________ __________ Ghost Lifter <admin[at]>
sig  sig   EE0A126D 2002-04-27 __________ __________ Neels Kriek <cjk[at]>
sig  sig   DF5394ED 2002-04-27 __________ __________ Borderland <brdrland[at]>
sig  exp   85E45017 2002-04-28 2003-04-28 __________ Dave J. (Scoop0901) <scoop0901[at]>
sig  sig   85E45017 2002-04-29 __________ __________ Dave J. (Scoop0901) <scoop0901[at]>
sig  sig   6D6DAB7E 2002-04-29 __________ __________ Joe Vender <jvender[at]>
sig  sig   BF5B4D4E 2002-04-29 __________ __________ Joe Vender <jvender[at]>
sig  sig   CF51AB58 2002-05-02 __________ __________ The Key!
sig  sig   4681664E 2002-05-20 __________ __________ Greg L. Turnquist <gregturn[at]>
sig  sig   4681664E 2002-05-20 __________ __________ Greg L. Turnquist <gregturn[at]>
sig  sig2  BE42DCA6 2002-05-31 __________ __________ Hasan Diwan <hdiwan[at]>
sig  exp   C8E050EC 2002-06-05 2002-12-05 __________ CLAUDE <jeancharles.claude[at]>
sig  sig   AB00F370 2002-06-13 __________ __________ Luigi Pari <Lpari[at]>
sig  sig   B360F30C 2002-06-15 __________ __________ Bill R. Fraser <XpertSniper[at]>
sig  sig   275151B0 2002-06-16 __________ __________ Entity25 Verifier
sig  sig   D7910DF4 2002-07-03 __________ __________ David A. de Groot <david[at]>
sig  sig   D7910DF4 2002-07-03 __________ __________ David A. de Groot <david[at]>
sig  sig   9620D589 2002-07-11 __________ __________ Jon <jonny[at]>
sig  sig   C0396105 2002-07-16 __________ __________ Aldo Latino <aldolat[at]>
sig  sig   AB052EF8 2002-08-02 __________ __________ Myeonghoon,Youn(������) <mhmalove[at]>
sig  sig   AB052EF8 2002-08-02 __________ __________ Myeonghoon,Youn(������) <mhmalove[at]>
sig  sig   C6AD21DA 2002-08-06 __________ __________ Li ZHU <zhuweiran[at]>
sig  sig   C6AD21DA 2002-08-06 __________ __________ Li ZHU <zhuweiran[at]>
sig  sig   48DAC550 2002-08-10 __________ __________ Oben O. Candemir <oben[at]>
sig  sig   5A7FEFE6 2002-08-12 __________ __________ Aditya
sig  sig   B1BF1EFD 2002-08-14 __________ __________ Vladimir Vasilevich Natrov <fmhstar[at]>
sig  sig   B1BF1EFD 2002-08-14 __________ __________ Vladimir Vasilevich Natrov <fmhstar[at]>
sig  sig   039106FA 2002-08-28 __________ __________ Jan Werbinski <janwer[at]>
sig  sig   0F8489C6 2002-09-29 __________ __________ zhuli <zhuweiran[at]>
sig  exp   6EE93242 2002-10-09 2003-09-29 __________ []
sig  sig   114BFF08 2002-10-24 __________ __________ Andrew Watson <andrew[at]>
sig  sig   BFFB0A42 2002-10-25 __________ __________ Rachel I. Bebber <jink[at]>
sig  sig   014DE62F 2002-10-30 __________ __________ Serge Claes <ieu78973[at]>
sig  sig   358D5777 2002-11-01 __________ __________ PGP Corporation Employee Certification Key
sig  sig   358D5777 2002-11-01 __________ __________ PGP Corporation Employee Certification Key
sig  sig   52D980B9 2002-11-08 __________ __________ Todd Sternisha <todds[at]>
sig  sig   FC51616E 2002-11-09 __________ __________ Ron Lussier <rlussier[at]>
sig  sig   5DE7042F 2002-11-12 __________ __________ Dan O'Brien <DaAnO15[at]>
sig  sig   B7C970E4 2002-11-18 __________ __________ Papr�ka Martin </o=autocont/ou=ostrava/cn=Recipients/cn=paprcka>
sig  sig   54B9D4B4 2002-12-01 __________ __________ Hans-Peter Henning <Hans-Peter.Henning[at]>
sig  sig   3388A572 2002-12-03 __________ __________ David C. Chen <dcchen[at]>
sig  sig   11162FF2 2002-12-05 __________ __________ William A. McKee <wamckee[at]>
sig  sig   B32A56B5 2002-12-07 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   1C53B735 2002-12-07 __________ __________ ChrisWare SK <webmaster[at]>
sig revok  6EE93242 2002-12-10 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   ACCC3CA2 2002-12-10 __________ __________ Costas Cavouracis <cca[at]>
sig  sig   ACCC3CA2 2002-12-10 __________ __________ Costas Cavouracis <cca[at]>
sig  sig   D3E3782A 2002-12-17 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   D00195CF 2002-12-18 __________ __________ Herman den Hartog <hermie[at]>
sig  sig   B33C88B4 2002-12-19 __________ __________ Richard Smith <richard[at]>
sig  sig   BA886915 2003-01-07 __________ __________ Elliptical <elliptical[at]>
sig  sig   5FFA5B44 2003-01-07 __________ __________ Elliptical <elliptical[at]>
sig  sig   CED12F74 2003-01-07 __________ __________ Waxtherapy <elliptical[at]>
sig  sig   CED12F74 2003-01-07 __________ __________ Waxtherapy <elliptical[at]>
sig  sig   5FFA5B44 2003-01-07 __________ __________ Elliptical <elliptical[at]>
sig  sig   95D186D1 2003-01-16 __________ __________ Charles R. McCulloch <charles[at]>
sig  sig   55DCD81E 2003-02-04 __________ __________ Ryan Moore <maelstrom[at]>
sig  sig   41EB2FD0 2003-02-09 __________ __________ Sandy Kimbrough <skb2[at]>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2003-02-19 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2003-02-19 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>
sig  sig   D7C776BF 2003-02-19 __________ __________ h3xx Secure Data
sig  sig   D7C776BF 2003-02-19 __________ __________ h3xx Secure Data
sig  sig   ADE50951 2003-02-23 __________ __________ My New Key is KeyID <0xC0A689B1>
sig  sig2  09469B03 2003-03-12 __________ __________ Robert Guerra <rguerra[at]>
sig  sig2  09469B03 2003-03-12 __________ __________ Robert Guerra <rguerra[at]>
sig  sig   76972FA4 2003-03-24 __________ __________ Artan Bytyci <abytyci[at]>
sig  sig   CDD6DA50 2003-03-30 __________ __________ Quentin Godfroy <Quentin.Godfroy[at]>
sig  sig   CDD6DA50 2003-03-30 __________ __________ Quentin Godfroy <Quentin.Godfroy[at]>
sig  sig2  CC1ACD05 2003-03-31 __________ __________ Eddie Roosenmaallen <eroosenmaallen[at]>
sig  sig   EC8B929D 2003-04-05 __________ __________ Brian E Ford <macbriford[at]>
sig  sig   C16CEFD8 2003-04-18 __________ __________ Michael Scalet <mrvran[at]>
sig  sig   44316003 2003-04-18 __________ __________ Michael Scalet <vran[at]>
sig  sig   6CECB2DB 2003-04-20 __________ __________ Sven Teirlinck <sven.teirlinck[at]>
sig  sig   216C9C01 2003-04-21 __________ __________ Juan González <aKZiDeNT[at]>
sig  sig   9B01E3C0 2003-04-22 __________ __________ Michael Scalet - Use this key
sig  sig   9B01E3C0 2003-04-22 __________ __________ Michael Scalet - Use this key
sig  sig   5093A8CB 2003-04-22 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2003-05-11 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   F56F936E 2003-06-11 __________ __________ James Hong <onbox_james[at]>
sig  sig   7EA89FF1 2003-06-30 __________ __________ Vlad "Sattva" Miller <vladtepesh[at]>
sig  sig   6AA06E85 2003-08-12 __________ __________ Jean-Pierre Manalo <jp_manalo[at]>
sig  sig3  02912C53 2003-08-25 __________ __________ Hironobu SUZUKI <hironobu[at]>
sig  sig   4F03C7F7 2003-11-04 __________ __________ Michel Coste <mic[at]>
sig  sig   D96484AC 2003-11-12 __________ __________ Matej Cepl <matej[at]>
sig  sig   C2429EC4 2004-02-22 __________ __________ Tanat Tonguthaisri <Tanat[at]Tanat.Net>
sig  sig   0C81E13C 2004-06-07 __________ __________ Steven Bairstow <sab139[at]>
sig  sig2  3541E2D7 2004-11-30 __________ __________ Oskar Lissheim-Boethius (Composer, Sound & Webdesigner, 4096 bits) <oskar[at]>
sig  sig   B5078C74 2004-12-11 __________ __________ SCMMillard <scmmillard[at]>
sig  sig   9D28E93B 2004-12-11 __________ __________ Vincent Vega
sig  sig   188CB7C9 2004-12-18 __________ __________ Douglas M. Swiggum <Swiggum[at]Waisman.Wisc.Edu>
sig  sig   044584B5 2004-12-18 __________ __________ Douglas Swiggum <Swiggum[at]Waisman.Wisc.Edu>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2004-12-20 2005-01-03 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-03-13 2005-03-27 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   58768FCD 2005-04-21 __________ __________ Hubert Nachbaur <hubert.nachbaur[at]>
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-06-19 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-06-19 2005-07-03 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   672C5BE2 2005-08-26 __________ __________ Bruno Collaer <Bruno[at]>
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-10-03 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-10-03 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-10-04 2005-10-18 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-11-08 2005-11-22 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-12-04 2005-12-18 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-12-26 2006-01-09 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   AABCE842 2006-01-21 __________ __________ Sharif Rizal (Sharif Rizal) <rizal.sharif[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-01-29 2006-02-12 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   F690507E 2006-01-30 __________ __________ Pz Sniper <pz.sniper[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-02-11 2006-02-25 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-03-22 2006-04-05 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   09E9A1D5 2006-04-27 __________ __________ Manfred Lichtenstern ( <M[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-05-01 2006-05-15 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-05-15 2006-05-29 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   AD154F1B 2006-05-20 __________ __________ Matthias Merkel (Make crypto not munitions!) <matthias[at]>
sig  sig   A3A57314 2006-05-20 __________ __________ Matthias Merkel <matthias[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-05-31 2006-06-14 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   D1093592 2006-06-11 __________ __________ Zach Himsel <z.himsel[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-06-13 2006-06-27 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-01-26 2007-02-09 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2007-03-02 __________ __________ [selfsig]
    Notation data: preferred-email-encoding[at] partitioned
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-03-02 2007-03-16 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-03-07 2007-03-21 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-03-20 2007-04-03 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   0E297F07 2007-03-31 __________ __________ John L Cernak <inthewind88[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-03-31 2007-04-14 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-05-25 2007-06-08 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   324DA85D 2007-06-06 __________ __________ Ron Rogers Jr. <CronoCloud[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-06-08 2007-06-22 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2009-04-13 2009-04-27 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   BEC0E5D1 2009-04-21 __________ __________ Laurent Sauvé <lanord[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2009-04-26 2009-05-10 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  sig   CA57AD7C 2013-06-28 2013-07-12 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-07-07 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>

uid Philip R. Zimmermann <prz[at]>
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2001-01-04 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2001-01-04 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   FAEBD5FC 2001-01-04 __________ __________ Philip R. Zimmermann <prz[at]>
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2001-01-06 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  exp   FAEBD5FC 2001-01-06 2010-01-06 __________ Philip R. Zimmermann <prz[at]>
sig  sig   66A74B31 2001-01-06 __________ __________ Teun Nijssen <teun.nijssen[at]>
sig  sig   CF73EC4C 2001-01-06 __________ __________ Will Price <wprice[at]>
sig  sig   EEB63AB1 2001-01-06 __________ __________ Ron & Bes Vantreese <ron-bes[at]>
sig  sig   F414952B 2001-01-07 __________ __________ Jeffrey I. Schiller <jis[at]>
sig  sig   0A791610 2001-01-09 __________ __________ Stale Schumacher Ytteborg <stale[at]>
sig  sig   0A791610 2001-01-09 __________ __________ Stale Schumacher Ytteborg <stale[at]>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2001-03-03 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>
sig  sig   D7C776BF 2001-03-03 __________ __________ h3xx Secure Data
sig  sig   EEB63AB1 2001-03-05 __________ __________ Ron & Bes Vantreese <ron-bes[at]>
sig  sig   BF67D2EB 2001-03-10 __________ __________ Michael A. Haisley Jr. <mikehaisley[at]>
sig  sig   F491BD21 2001-04-13 __________ __________ Ben Paul Wise <bwise[at]>
sig revok  06DB4314 2001-09-16 __________ __________ David Marsh <dmarsh[at]>
sig  sig   E336B106 2001-10-06 __________ __________ Robert Park (Feztaa) <feztaa[at]>
sig  sig   ADD4C933 2002-01-08 __________ __________ Gudmundur D. Haraldsson <gdh[at]>
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2002-02-10 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   FAEBD5FC 2002-02-10 __________ __________ Philip R. Zimmermann <prz[at]>
sig  sig   66A74B31 2002-02-25 __________ __________ Teun Nijssen <teun.nijssen[at]>
sig  sig   CA62D8CB 2002-04-01 __________ __________ James Martin <james[at]>
sig  sig   85E45017 2002-04-29 __________ __________ Dave J. (Scoop0901) <scoop0901[at]>
sig  sig   4681664E 2002-05-20 __________ __________ Greg L. Turnquist <gregturn[at]>
sig  sig   D7910DF4 2002-07-03 __________ __________ David A. de Groot <david[at]>
sig  sig   AB052EF8 2002-08-02 __________ __________ Myeonghoon,Youn(������) <mhmalove[at]>
sig  sig   C6AD21DA 2002-08-06 __________ __________ Li ZHU <zhuweiran[at]>
sig  sig   B1BF1EFD 2002-08-14 __________ __________ Vladimir Vasilevich Natrov <fmhstar[at]>
sig  sig   114BFF08 2002-10-24 __________ __________ Andrew Watson <andrew[at]>
sig  sig   358D5777 2002-11-01 __________ __________ PGP Corporation Employee Certification Key
sig  sig   358D5777 2002-11-01 __________ __________ PGP Corporation Employee Certification Key
sig  sig   ACCC3CA2 2002-12-10 __________ __________ Costas Cavouracis <cca[at]>
sig  sig   CED12F74 2003-01-07 __________ __________ Waxtherapy <elliptical[at]>
sig  sig   5FFA5B44 2003-01-07 __________ __________ Elliptical <elliptical[at]>
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2003-02-19 __________ __________ h3xx <h3x_x[at]>
sig  sig   D7C776BF 2003-02-19 __________ __________ h3xx Secure Data
sig  sig2  09469B03 2003-03-12 __________ __________ Robert Guerra <rguerra[at]>
sig  sig   CDD6DA50 2003-03-30 __________ __________ Quentin Godfroy <Quentin.Godfroy[at]>
sig  sig2  CC1ACD05 2003-03-31 __________ __________ Eddie Roosenmaallen <eroosenmaallen[at]>
sig  sig   9B01E3C0 2003-04-22 __________ __________ Michael Scalet - Use this key
sig  sig   8ABF8E1C 2003-06-08 __________ __________ LaZi0 <biancoblu[at]>
sig  sig   F56F936E 2003-06-11 __________ __________ James Hong <onbox_james[at]>
sig  sig   7EA89FF1 2003-06-30 __________ __________ Vlad "Sattva" Miller <vladtepesh[at]>
sig  sig   6AA06E85 2003-08-12 __________ __________ Jean-Pierre Manalo <jp_manalo[at]>
sig  sig3  02912C53 2003-08-25 __________ __________ Hironobu SUZUKI <hironobu[at]>
sig  sig   4F03C7F7 2003-11-04 __________ __________ Michel Coste <mic[at]>
sig  sig   D96484AC 2003-11-12 __________ __________ Matej Cepl <matej[at]>
sig  sig   C2429EC4 2004-02-22 __________ __________ Tanat Tonguthaisri <Tanat[at]Tanat.Net>
sig  sig   0C81E13C 2004-06-07 __________ __________ Steven Bairstow <sab139[at]>
sig  sig   7B09F767 2004-07-23 __________ __________ Brandon Donecker <brandon[at]>
sig  sig2  E649FCDB 2004-07-30 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   E27A1375 2004-11-06 __________ __________ Heinz Blaettner <heinz.blaettner[at]>
sig  sig   9D28E93B 2004-12-11 __________ __________ Vincent Vega
sig  sig   B5078C74 2004-12-11 __________ __________ SCMMillard <scmmillard[at]>
sig  sig   188CB7C9 2004-12-18 __________ __________ Douglas M. Swiggum <Swiggum[at]Waisman.Wisc.Edu>
sig  sig   044584B5 2004-12-18 __________ __________ Douglas Swiggum <Swiggum[at]Waisman.Wisc.Edu>
sig  sig   EEE585BC 2004-12-26 __________ __________ Daniel Dillon Duffield (RSA SIGNING KEY) <LucianSolaris[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-01-24 2005-02-07 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-02-07 2005-02-21 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-02-19 2005-03-05 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   FFA3FC43 2005-03-03 __________ __________ Troy Lister <me[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-03-05 2005-03-19 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-03-27 2005-04-10 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig3  20E588ED 2005-04-07 __________ __________ Scott Grayban <sgrayban[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-04-09 2005-04-23 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   58768FCD 2005-04-21 __________ __________ Hubert Nachbaur <hubert.nachbaur[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-04-23 2005-05-07 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-05-07 2005-05-21 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-05-20 2005-06-03 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   B3A5A6B7 2005-05-26 __________ __________ Arthur Schuster <arthurschuster[at]>
sig  sig   226C12AD 2005-05-26 __________ __________ Arthur Schuster <arthurschuster[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-06-02 2005-06-16 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-06-19 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-06-19 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-06-19 2005-07-03 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-08-21 2005-09-04 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   672C5BE2 2005-08-26 __________ __________ Bruno Collaer <Bruno[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-09-09 2005-09-23 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-09-23 2005-10-07 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-10-03 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-10-03 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-10-03 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   5BF9BD4C 2005-10-04 __________ __________ Paul Hughes <paul[at]>
sig  sig   5BF9BD4C 2005-10-04 __________ __________ Paul Hughes <paul[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-10-04 2005-10-18 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-12-26 2006-01-09 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   AABCE842 2006-01-21 __________ __________ Sharif Rizal (Sharif Rizal) <rizal.sharif[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-01-29 2006-02-12 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   F690507E 2006-01-30 __________ __________ Pz Sniper <pz.sniper[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-02-11 2006-02-25 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-03-22 2006-04-05 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig2  0B7DDE39 2006-04-06 __________ __________ Patrick Schoenbach <pschoenb[at]>
sig  sig   09E9A1D5 2006-04-27 __________ __________ Manfred Lichtenstern ( <M[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-05-01 2006-05-15 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-05-15 2006-05-29 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   AD154F1B 2006-05-20 __________ __________ Matthias Merkel (Make crypto not munitions!) <matthias[at]>
sig  sig   A3A57314 2006-05-20 __________ __________ Matthias Merkel <matthias[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-05-31 2006-06-14 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   D1093592 2006-06-11 __________ __________ Zach Himsel <z.himsel[at]>
sig  sig   D1093592 2006-06-11 __________ __________ Zach Himsel <z.himsel[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-06-13 2006-06-27 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-01-26 2007-02-09 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2007-03-02 __________ __________ [selfsig]
    Notation data: preferred-email-encoding[at] partitioned
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-03-02 2007-03-16 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-05-25 2007-06-08 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   324DA85D 2007-06-06 __________ __________ Ron Rogers Jr. <CronoCloud[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-06-08 2007-06-22 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig2  356EDB68 2007-06-09 __________ __________ Dan Moutal <dan[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-06-21 2007-07-05 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   2F003F04 2007-07-20 __________ __________ NSA Internal Security Branch (***TOP SECRET CLEARANCE***) <keysign[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2007-07-31 2007-08-14 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2008-02-16 2008-03-01 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   BA869CC8 2008-03-10 __________ __________ longkeyy <longkeyy[at]>
sig  sig3  6098BC0F 2008-04-08 __________ __________ Mariusz Handke <oiram[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2008-04-25 2008-05-09 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2009-04-13 2009-04-27 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   BEC0E5D1 2009-04-21 __________ __________ Laurent Sauvé <lanord[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2009-04-26 2009-05-10 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2009-11-28 2009-12-12 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   F17129B4 2009-12-06 __________ __________ Ulrich Sckeide (zweiter schlüssel) <ulrich.sckeide[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2009-12-11 2009-12-25 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2011-05-15 2011-05-29 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2011-05-29 2011-06-12 __________ []
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2011-06-11 2011-06-25 __________ []


sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2013-06-15 2013-06-29 __________ []
sig  sig   CA57AD7C 2013-06-28 2013-07-12 __________ []
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-07-07 __________ __________ []

uat [contents omitted]
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2001-01-06 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2001-01-06 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  exp   FAEBD5FC 2001-01-06 2010-01-06 __________ []
sig  sig   66A74B31 2001-01-06 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   CF73EC4C 2001-01-06 __________ __________ []
sig  exp   EEB63AB1 2001-01-08 2011-01-04 __________ []
sig  sig   0A791610 2001-01-09 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   BF67D2EB 2001-03-10 __________ __________ []
sig revok  06DB4314 2001-09-16 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   030C45C5 2001-10-01 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   09E9A1D5 2006-04-27 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   AD154F1B 2006-05-20 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   A3A57314 2006-05-20 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   D1093592 2006-06-11 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   324DA85D 2007-06-06 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   BEC0E5D1 2009-04-21 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-07-07 __________ __________ []

uat [contents omitted]
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2001-03-03 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   D7C776BF 2001-03-03 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2002-02-10 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2002-02-10 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   FAEBD5FC 2002-02-10 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   66A74B31 2002-02-25 __________ __________ []
sig  exp   5B3F6A19 2002-08-23 2003-08-23 __________ []
sig  sig   358D5777 2002-11-01 __________ __________ []
sig  exp   EEB63AB1 2002-12-09 2011-01-04 __________ []
sig  sig   ACCC3CA2 2002-12-10 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   CED12F74 2003-01-07 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   EF881DEC 2003-02-19 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   D7C776BF 2003-02-19 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   CDD6DA50 2003-03-30 __________ __________ []
sig  sig2  CC1ACD05 2003-03-31 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   9B01E3C0 2003-04-22 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   F56F936E 2003-06-11 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   7EA89FF1 2003-06-30 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   6AA06E85 2003-08-12 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   7C3A2819 2003-10-20 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   4F03C7F7 2003-11-04 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   D96484AC 2003-11-12 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   7B09F767 2004-07-23 __________ __________ []
sig  sig2  E649FCDB 2004-07-30 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   E27A1375 2004-11-06 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   B5078C74 2004-12-11 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   9D28E93B 2004-12-11 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   EEE585BC 2004-12-26 __________ __________ []
sig  sig3  20E588ED 2005-04-07 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   B3A5A6B7 2005-05-26 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   226C12AD 2005-05-26 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-06-19 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-10-03 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2005-10-03 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   5BF9BD4C 2005-10-04 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   AABCE842 2006-01-21 __________ __________ []
sig  sig2  0B7DDE39 2006-04-06 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   09E9A1D5 2006-04-27 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   AD154F1B 2006-05-20 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   A3A57314 2006-05-20 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   D1093592 2006-06-11 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   B2D7795E 2007-03-02 __________ __________ [selfsig]
    Notation data: preferred-email-encoding[at] partitioned
sig  sig   324DA85D 2007-06-06 __________ __________ []
sig  sig2  356EDB68 2007-06-09 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   2F003F04 2007-07-20 __________ __________ []
sig  sig3  6098BC0F 2008-04-08 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   BEC0E5D1 2009-04-21 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   F17129B4 2009-12-06 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   94988332 2012-07-23 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   FDE2759C 2012-09-09 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   F31FF9C0 2012-10-06 __________ __________ []
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-07-07 __________ __________ []

sub  3072g/A8E92834 2001-01-04            
sig sbind  B2D7795E 2001-01-04 __________ __________ []
sig sbind  B2D7795E 2001-01-04 __________ __________ []


Search results for '0xc6fb3523c5b74409'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  4096R/C5B74409 2011-11-07            
	 Fingerprint=841D 10BC 9E29 FC10 391E  1D5D C6FB 3523 C5B7 4409 

uid Nadim Kobeissi <nadim[at]>
sig  sig3  C5B74409 2011-11-07 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig3  2CDB8B35 2012-06-02 __________ __________ Isis! <isis[at]>
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-06-11 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>

uat [contents omitted]
sig  sig3  C5B74409 2012-01-25 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig3  2CDB8B35 2012-06-02 __________ __________ Isis! <isis[at]>
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-06-11 __________ __________ Michael Vario <mvario[at]>

sub  4096R/3C3DCA72 2011-11-07            
sig sbind  C5B74409 2011-11-07 __________ __________ []

Search results for '0xeb5a896a28988bf5'

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  1024D/28988BF5 2000-02-27            
	 Fingerprint=B117 2656 DFF9 83C3 042B  C699 EB5A 896A 2898 8BF5 

uid Roger Dingledine <arma[at]>
sig  sig3  28988BF5 2000-02-27 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig3  28988BF5 2000-02-27 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   EF8EE808 2001-11-28 __________ __________ Felipe Bergo <bergo[at]>
sig  sig   FD3428B4 2002-09-09 __________ __________ Lucky Green <shamrock[at]>
sig  sig   3B4E2EEE 2002-12-29 __________ __________ Nick Mathewson <nickm[at]>
sig  sig3  65FDCDEE 2003-04-27 __________ __________ James Howison <james[at]>
sig  sig2  8B4CBC9C 2003-08-06 __________ __________ Erik Arneson <erik[at]>
sig  sig   0E606699 2003-08-20 __________ __________ Geoffrey L Goodell <goodell[at]>
sig  sig3  31816D93 2003-09-05 __________ __________ James Prewett <Jim[at]>
sig  sig3  94C09C7F 2003-09-09 __________ __________ Peter Palfrader
sig  sig2  33E3FE56 2003-10-08 __________ __________ David M. Turner <novalis[at]>
sig  sig   F081195D 2003-11-04 __________ __________ Matthias Bauer <matthiasb[at]>
sig  sig3  D2E0301F 2003-12-01 __________ __________ Ryan Lackey <rdl[at]>
sig  sig   57EF193D 2003-12-03 __________ __________ Stray Cat (+1 206.333.6095) <stray[at]>
sig  sig3  2BD5D8D1 2003-12-12 __________ __________ Jason Holt (For general encrypted messages to me) <gpg[at]>
sig  sig   8072497B 2004-03-08 __________ __________ Nikita Borisov <nikitab[at]>
sig  sig3  C9541FB2 2004-05-30 __________ __________ Douglas F. Calvert <dfc[at]>
sig  sig3  072FAC89 2004-05-30 __________ __________ Douglas F. Calvert [SIGNATURE] <dfc[at]>
sig  sig3  CD15A883 2004-07-01 __________ __________ Alexander Schmehl (privat) <alexander[at]>
sig  sig3  00D8CD16 2004-07-01 __________ __________ Alexander Schmehl (university) <schmehl[at]>
sig  sig   BC98E63D 2004-07-29 __________ __________ Jon Callas <jon[at]>
sig  sig   9383DE06 2004-07-29 __________ __________ Jon Callas <jon[at]>
sig  sig   8155E4F3 2004-08-05 __________ __________ Adam D'Amico <adamico[at]>
sig  sig   0167CA38 2004-08-06 __________ __________ Seth David Schoen <schoen[at]>
sig  sig   09469B03 2004-08-08 __________ __________ Robert Guerra <rguerra[at]>
sig  sig   2FE875CC 2004-08-16 __________ __________ Jacob Appelbaum <jake[at]>
sig  sig   ECB18ABA 2004-12-24 __________ __________ Andrew Henry <adhenry[at]>
sig  sig3  EE0977E8 2004-12-30 __________ __________ Jens Kubieziel <jens[at]>
sig  sig3  1BF8DE0F 2005-01-01 __________ __________ Roland Stigge <stigge[at]>
sig revok  1BF8DE0F 2005-01-01 __________ __________ Roland Stigge <stigge[at]>
sig  sig3  1A803EFF 2005-01-01 __________ __________ Alexander Bernauer <alex[at]>
sig  sig3  82F61240 2005-01-03 __________ __________ Florian Streibelt
sig  sig3  68E409CD 2005-01-13 __________ __________ Chris Palmer <chris[at]>
sig  sig2  D609B85F 2005-01-15 __________ __________ Steven J. Murdoch (Long-term signing key) <pgp000+steven[at]>
sig  sig3  758F71C0 2005-02-08 __________ __________ christoph <christoph[at]>
sig  sig3  8E092CBD 2005-02-11 __________ __________ Richard Johnson <rjohnson[at]>
sig  sig3  8A18046B 2005-02-11 __________ __________ Richard Johnson <rjj[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-03-11 2005-03-25 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-03-25 2005-04-08 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-04-07 2005-04-21 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-04-21 2005-05-05 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-05-04 2005-05-18 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig2  39B5BADD 2005-05-11 __________ __________ Michael A. Gurski
    Policy URL:
sig  sig2  1166213E 2005-05-11 __________ __________ Michael Gurski (personal key) <michael.gurski[at]>
    Policy URL:
sig  sig2  C0B4F04B 2005-05-11 __________ __________ Michael Gurski <gurski[at]>
    Policy URL:
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-05-12 2005-05-26 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-05-25 2005-06-08 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   8C80C35F 2005-05-26 __________ __________ rOD Begbie <rOD[at]>
sig  sig2  31B0974B 2005-05-26 __________ __________ Andrew Lewman <andrew[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-06-07 2005-06-21 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-06-20 2005-07-04 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-07-10 2005-07-24 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-07-10 2005-07-24 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   94BF0183 2005-07-11 __________ __________ Chad Dougherty <crd[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-07-24 2005-08-07 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-07-31 2005-08-14 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-07-31 2005-08-14 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig3  66A74B31 2005-08-01 __________ __________ Teun Nijssen <teun.nijssen[at]>
sig  sig   607559E6 2005-08-07 __________ __________ Benjamin Hill (Mako) <mako[at]>
sig  sig   C99870B1 2005-08-07 __________ __________ Benjamin Hill (Mako) <mako[at]>
sig  sig   1572365B 2005-08-12 __________ __________ Iggy River <valinor>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-08-19 2005-09-02 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-08-21 2005-09-04 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   3E7B4B73 2005-08-28 __________ __________ Lionel Elie Mamane <lionel[at]>
sig  sig   AC583520 2005-09-03 __________ __________ Holger Levsen <holger[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2005-11-29 2005-12-13 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig2  CCF0FAEE 2006-01-04 __________ __________ Jack Cummings (John) <jack[at]>
sig  sig2  91074BC8 2006-01-04 __________ __________ Michael Scheinost <m.scheinost[at]>
sig  sig2  4FF8E93B 2006-01-04 __________ __________ Michael Scheinost <michael[at]>
sig  sig   97C1B71B 2006-02-20 __________ __________ Camilo Santana (GPG Key) <CamiloSantana[at]>
sig  exp   CA57AD7C 2006-03-03 2006-03-17 __________ PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig  sig   04185247 2006-03-07 __________ __________ Sven Dietrich <spock[at]>
sig  sig   4B15EE02 2006-03-09 __________ __________ David Gothberg <david[at]>
sig  sig   121245B5 2006-08-16 __________ __________ Nicholas Andre DePetrillo (OSHEAN Network Security) <nick[at]>
sig  sig   0DBF906D 2006-08-23 __________ __________ Jeffrey I. Schiller <jis[at]>
sig  sig   F414952B 2006-08-23 __________ __________ Jeffrey I. Schiller <jis[at]>
sig  sig3  E0590456 2006-08-26 __________ __________ Alejandro R. Sedeno <asedeno[at]>
sig  sig3  3EC5EA42 2006-09-25 __________ __________ Camilo Viecco <cviecco[at]>
sig  sig   86A91047 2006-10-08 __________ __________ Marco Bonetti <marco.bonetti[at]>
sig revok  ECB18ABA 2006-11-16 __________ __________ Andrew Henry <adhenry[at]>
sig  sig3  419F19A9 2007-01-01 __________ __________ Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing[at]>
sig  sig   017D1C3D 2007-01-12 __________ __________ Peter Kornherr (ibis) <peter[at]>
sig  sig   2B46A27C 2007-04-01 __________ __________ Branden Robinson <branden[at]>
sig  sig3  703EE4F4 2007-06-25 __________ __________ Dominik Herrmann <dominik[at]>
sig  sig3  F7C11265 2007-06-30 __________ __________ Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing[at]>
sig  exp   B2D7795E 2007-09-26 2010-09-25 __________ Philip R. Zimmermann <prz[at]>
sig  sig   6857704D 2007-10-05 __________ __________ Admin (a.k.a Buanzo) <root[at]>
sig  sig3  46C171A0 2007-11-02 __________ __________ Erik Gregg <hank[at]>
sig  sig3  18D9673F 2007-12-24 __________ __________ Benny Baumann <bbaumann[at]>
sig  sig3  46E5555E 2007-12-24 __________ __________ Benny Baumann (Bibersoft) <BenBE[at]>
sig  sig3  BCA1669C 2007-12-24 __________ __________ Benny Baumann <BenBE[at]>
sig  sig2  AA208D9E 2008-01-02 __________ __________ Tobias Mueller <muelli[at]>
sig  sig2  D3492A2A 2008-01-02 __________ __________ Tobias Mueller <4tmuelle[at]>
sig  sig   5FA14861 2008-01-10 __________ __________ Matt Edman <edmanm[at]>
sig  sig3  309849E8 2008-02-08 __________ __________ Simen Espeseth Sandberg 1982-03-21
sig  sig3  32BDB3B1 2008-02-08 __________ __________ Simen Espeseth Sandberg <simen[at]>
sig  sig   EEB3B3FB 2008-08-13 __________ __________ Stephen Hildrey <steve[at]>
sig  sig1  5619E37D 2008-08-21 __________ __________ Martin Schmitt <mas[at]>
sig  sig   725EEBCD 2008-10-13 __________ __________ Ingolf Petersohn <Ingolf[at]>
sig  sig   715FC6D7 2008-10-26 __________ __________ NextGen$ <nextgens[at]>
sig  sig3  88C7C1F7 2008-10-26 __________ __________ Steve McIntyre <steve[at]>
sig  sig2  E5ADA3BF 2008-12-04 __________ __________ Numien <numien[at]>
sig  sig   65B790C2 2008-12-29 __________ __________ Michael Stapelberg <michael[at]>
sig  sig   3740DA5F 2009-01-01 __________ __________ Linus Lüssing <linus.luessing[at]>
sig  sig   9DE5E8B9 2009-01-02 __________ __________ Christian Fromme <kaner[at]>
sig  sig2  25038B2F 2009-01-03 __________ __________ Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes <ricardo.cristof[at]>
sig  sig3  467F7C45 2009-01-06 __________ __________ Oliver Knapp <mail[at]>
sig  sig   2C5402BF 2009-01-26 __________ __________ Jonathan Lamothe <jonathan[at]>
sig  sig2  C939110F 2009-05-05 __________ __________ François Equeter (dngf) <dngfdngf[at]>
sig  sig   BE3263FE 2009-08-27 __________ __________ Karin Kosina (vka kyrah) <kyrah[at]>
sig  sig   7F4F9D8A 2009-09-07 __________ __________ Brian Pugh <dametenshi[at]>
sig  sig2  D91E012C 2009-11-28 __________ __________ François Equeter (dngf) <dngfdngf[at]>
sig  sig   67A7B584 2010-02-04 __________ __________ Walter C. Mankowski <waltman[at]>
sig  sig   F9E7BEEC 2010-04-14 __________ __________ Daniele Berti <berti.daniele[at]>
sig  sig1  4965E21D 2010-05-06 __________ __________ Björn Bohman (Boman, Spetz) <bbohm[at]>
sig  sig1  2D6CDD61 2010-05-06 __________ __________ Björn Bohman <spetzreborn[at]>
sig  sig   CE2CDF1E 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Linus Nordberg <linus[at]>
sig  sig   792FB138 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Runa A. Sandvik <[at]>
sig  sig   19F78451 2010-05-07 __________ __________ Roger Dingledine <arma[at]>
sig  sig   5C8C944B 2010-06-21 __________ __________ Thomas Weißschuh <thomas_weissschuh[at]>
sig  sig   E012B42D 2010-07-19 __________ __________ Jacob Appelbaum <jacob[at]>
sig  sig   9ABBEEC6 2010-07-27 __________ __________ Damian Johnson ( <atagar1[at]>
sig  sig   C5AA446D 2010-07-28 __________ __________ Sebastian Hahn <mail[at]>
sig  sig   456CAD51 2010-07-28 __________ __________ Wendy Seltzer <wendy[at]>
sig  sig   63FEE659 2010-07-29 __________ __________ Erinn Clark <erinn[at]>
sig  sig   6B37F64C 2010-12-29 __________ __________ h3xx. <amphetamachine[at]>
sig  sig   E4E572AB 2010-12-30 __________ __________ Maciej Tebecha <tbhthelolmaker[at]>
sig  sig   F81EFBEC 2011-01-23 __________ __________ michael_h_stanley <mhstanley51[at]>
sig  sig   1E5B26F1 2011-03-10 __________ __________ []
sig  sig3  0B47D56D 2011-05-19 __________ __________ Sina Rabbani (SiNA) <sina[at]>
sig  sig   A3B53998 2011-06-01 __________ __________ Daniel Kraft (Graz, Austria) <d[at]>
sig  sig   C6765430 2012-02-01 __________ __________ vecna <vecna[at]>
sig  sig3  333E7C23 2012-06-01 __________ __________ Jeroen Massar <jeroen[at]>
sig  sig   2B307C3C 2012-07-05 __________ __________ Jérémy Bobbio <lunar[at]>
sig  sig   77026956 2012-07-07 __________ __________ Shondoit Walker <shondoit[at]>
sig  sig   3571F5C6 2012-09-13 __________ __________ David Kantola <dkantola[at]>
sig  sig   8ED499DA 2012-12-11 __________ __________ Thomas G. Aranda <tga[at]>
sig  sig   21DBEFD4 2012-12-28 __________ __________ Rejo Zenger <rejo[at]>

sub  2048g/788AFDCE 2000-02-27            
sig sbind  28988BF5 2000-02-27 __________ __________ []
sig sbind  28988BF5 2000-02-27 __________ __________ []