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7 July 2013

Edward Snowden, Laura Poitras, Jacob Appelbaum

About the time Laura Poitras and Jacob Appelbaum claim in Der Spiegel to have communicated by encrypted emails with Edward Snowden in "mid-May" the following PGP keys were generated ("Verax" is allegedly a Snowden pseudonym):

Search results for 'verax informed front democracy'

Type bits/keyID     Date       User ID

pub  4096R/2BE0BC29 2013-05-20 Verax (Informed Democracy Front)
	 Fingerprint=5091 7466 B18F 35B3 F644  F700 1D0D 97F2 2BE0 BC29 

From PGPdump Interface:

Public key creation time - Mon May 20 17:41:14 UTC 2013

pub 4096R/C920FAA6 2013-05-20 Verax (Informed Democracy Front) Fingerprint=AC5E 06C5 17D0 A8C1 75D3 17F5 53B9 0192 C920 FAA6 From PGPdump Interface: Public key creation time - Mon May 20 21:41:34 UTC 2013
pub 4096R/E87C2665 2013-05-20 Verax (Informed Democracy Front) Fingerprint=7F99 43F6 5CC9 BAD1 92A9 8DF8 96E6 0F93 E87C 2665 From PGPdump Interface: Public key creation time - Mon May 20 21:41:46 UTC 2013
pub 4096R/79B82638 2013-05-20 Verax (Informed Democracy Front) Fingerprint=4ECC 0702 A2E9 5FA6 2074 C7BE 574F C888 79B8 2638 From PGPdump Interface: Public key creation time - Mon May 20 21:41:56 UTC 2013

pub  4096R/71A3AA96 2013-05-20 Verax (Informed Democracy Front)
	 Fingerprint=2B5D D0BF F454 8592 1FAF  22FB 4569 3580 71A3 AA96 

From PGPdump Interface:

Public key creation time - Mon May 20 21:42:45 UTC 2013

pub  4096R/0E8CD2B6 2013-05-20 Verax (Informed Democracy Front)
	 Fingerprint=F606 1774 A693 72A1 8AD0  1CD7 0C4D AF57 0E8C D2B6 

From PGPdump Interface:

Public key creation time - Mon May 20 21:47:09 UTC 2013

And a day earlier:

pub  4096R/9DCA85F7 2013-05-19 Verax (Informed Democracy Front)
	 Fingerprint=BDE4 AA86 8507 1371 7793  11A8 105D A7AB 9DCA 85F7 

From PGPdump Interface:

Public key creation time - Sun May 19 12:17:29 UTC 2013

Ed Snowden/Edward Snowden generated these earlier keys:

Search results for 'snowden edward'

Type bits/keyID     Date       User ID

pub  4096R/21B7141F 2013-03-24 Ed Snowden <>
                               Edward Snowden <>
                               Edward Snowden <>
                               Edward Snowden <>
	 Fingerprint=98E6 3244 07FA 26AD B358  7C95 4DB8 A088 21B7 141F

From PGPdump Interface:

Public key creation time - Sun Mar 24 12:21:52 UTC 2013

Search results for '0x08b73ae9e423698a' (disregard ubiquitous Vario sig):

Type bits/keyID     cr. time   exp time   key expir

pub  4096R/E423698A 2010-01-26            

uid Ed Snowden <>
sig  sig3  E423698A 2010-01-26 __________ __________ [selfsig]
sig  sig   EDD31E2A 2013-06-11 __________ __________ Michael Vario <>

sub  4096R/6F3B623E 2010-01-26            
sig sbind  E423698A 2010-01-26 __________ __________ []

From PGPdump Interface:

Public key creation time - Tue Jan 26 01:35:31 UTC 2010