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27 September 2013

NSA FOIA Request Intellipedia

NSA FOIA Request Form

PLEASE NOTE: If you are seeking personal records on yourself (i.e., security, medical, personnel, applicant, etc.) or the reason why you were denied a position with this Agency, you will need to submit a PRIVACY ACT (PA) request instead of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. To submit a PA request, click here.

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: Authority for collecting the requested information is contained in Title 5 U.S.C. 552. The information you provide will be used to assist the Agency in the location and possible dissemination to you of records applicable to your Freedom of Information Act request(s). Failure to furnish the requested information may result in processing delays.

This form will allow you to submit a Freedom of Information Act request to the NSA FOIA Office. Final responses to your request will be sent by NSA via the postal service. If you do not include a name and complete postal address, NSA will be unable to respond. Correspondence will generally not be made by email; however, providing your email address and phone number will allow us to reach you more quickly should we need to ask questions or communicate with you regarding the processing or status of your FOIA request.

Your Name:
(First MI Last)