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2 September 2013

Tor Naval Research Laboratory Publications

Links go to the NRL web site.

Selections on Onion Routing, Tor, Online Privacy and a few others.


Jansen, R., A. Johnson, and P. Syverson, "LIRA: Lightweight Incentivized Routing for Anonymity", 20th Annual Network & Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS '13), 2013.

Syta, E., A. Johnson, H. Corrigan-Gibbs, S-C. Weng, D. Wolinsky, and B. Ford, "Security Analysis of Accountable Anonymous Group Communication in Dissent", Yale University Technical Report, no. YALEU/DCS/TR-1472, 2013.


Jansen, R., K. Bauer, N. Hopper, and R. Dingledine, "Methodically Modeling the Tor Network", Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET), 2012.

Feigenbaum, J., A. Johnson, and P. Syverson, "Probabilistic Analysis of Onion Routing in a Black-box Model", ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), vol. 15, issue 3, 2012.

Wolinsky, D. Isaac, H. Corrigan-Gibbs, B. Ford, and A. Johnson, "Scalable Anonymous Group Communication in the Anytrust Model", Fifth European Workshop on System Security (EuroSec 2012), 2012.

Jansen, R., and N. Hopper, "Shadow: Running Tor in a Box for Accurate and Efficient Experimentation", Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS), 2012.

Wolinsky, D. Isaac, H. Corrigan-Gibbs, B. Ford, and A. Johnson, "Strong, Scalable Anonymity in Dissent", Tenth USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '12), 2012.

Jansen, R., P. Syverson, and N. Hopper, "Throttling Tor Bandwidth Parasites", USENIX Security Symposium, 2012.


Johnson, A., P. Syverson, R. Dingledine, and N. Mathewson, "Truth-based Anonymous Communication: Adversary Models and Routing Algorithms", Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2011), 2011.


Feigenbaum, J., A. Johnson, and P. Syverson, "Preventing Active Timing Attacks in Low-Latency Anonymous Communication (Extended Abstract)", 10th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2010), 2010.


Johnson, A., and P. Syverson, "More Anonymous Onion Routing Through Trust", 22nd IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 2009), 2009.



Dingledine, R., N. Mathewson, and P. Syverson, "Deploying Low-Latency Anonymity: Design Challenges and Social Factors", IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 5, issue 5, pp. 83-87, 2007.

Overlier, L., and P. Syverson, "Improving Efficiency and Simplicity of Tor circuit establishment and hidden services", 2007 Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium, vol. LNCS 4776, 2007.

Feigenbaum, J., A. Johnson, and P. Syverson, "A Model of Onion Routing with Provable Anonymity", Financial Cryptography and Data Security, 11th International Conference, FC 2007, 2007.

Feigenbaum, J., A. Johnson, and P. Syverson, "Probabilistic Analysis of Onion Routing in a Black-box Model [Extended Abstract]", WPES'07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Workshop on Privacy in Electronic Society: ACM Press, pp. 1-10, 2007.


Overlier, L., and P. Syverson, "Locating Hidden Servers", IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland, California, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.

Overlier, L., and P. Syverson, "Valet Services: Improving Hidden Servers with a Personal Touch", Privacy Enhancing Technologies Workshop, 2006.

Moskowitz, I. S., and R. Newman, "Multiple Access Covert Channels", IASTED CNIS 2005, Phoenix, Arizona, 2005.

Kang, M., I. S. Moskowitz, and S. Chincheck, "The Pump: A Decade of Covert Fun", 21st Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 2005.


Newman, R., V. R. Nalla, and I. S. Moskowitz, "Anonymity and Covert Channels in Simple Timed Mix-firewalls", PET2004, Toronto, Canada, 2004.

"Covert Channels and Simple Timed Mix-firewalls", NRL Memorandum Report, 2004.

Dingledine, R., V. Shmatikov, and P. Syverson, "Synchronous Batching: From Cascades to Free Routes", Privacy Enhancing Technologies workshop (PET 2004), 2004.

Dingledine, R., N. Mathewson, and P. Syverson, "Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router", 13th USENIX Security Symposium, 2004.

Shostack, A., and P. Syverson, "What Price Privacy? (and why identity theft is about neither identity nor theft)", Economics of Information Security: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 129-142, 2004.


Moskowitz, I. S., R. Newman, A. R. Miller, and D. P. Crepeau, "Covert Channels and Anonymizing Networks", WPES'03, Washington, D.C., 2003.

"A Detailed Mathematical Analysis of a Class of Covert Channels Arising in Certain Anonymizing Networks", NRL Memorandum Report, no. NRL/MR/5540--03-8691, 2003.

Newman, R., I. S. Moskowitz, P. Syverson, and A. Serjantov, "Metrics for Traffic Analysis Prevention", PET 2003 Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Dresden, Germany, 2003.

Syverson, P., "The Paradoxical Value of Privacy", 2nd Annual Workshop on Economics and Information Security (WEIS 2003), College Park, Maryland, 2003.

"Privacy-preserving Collaborative Data Mining", ICDM Foundation and New Directions of Data Mining workshop, pp. 228-235, 2003.

Moskowitz, I. S., R. Newman, and P. Syverson, "Quasi-Anonymous Channels", CNIS 2003, New York City, New York, 2003.


Serjantov, A., R. Dingledine, and P. Syverson, "From a Trickle to a Flood: Active Attacks on Several Mix Types", Information Hiding, vol. Springer-Verlag LNCS 2578, pp. 36-52, 2002.

"Issues in Information Hiding Transform Techniques", NRL Memorandum Report, no. 5540-02-8621, 2002.

Dingledine, R., and P. Syverson, "Reliable MIX Cascade Networks through Reputation", Financial Cryptography 2002, 2002.

Dingledine, R., N. Mathewson, and P. Syverson, "Reputation in Privacy Enhancing Technologies", Computer, Freedom, and Privacy, 2002.



Stubblebine, S., and P. Syverson, "Authentic Attributes with Fine-Grained Anonymity Protection", Financial Cryptography, 2000.

"Network Pump (NP) Security Target", NRL Memorandum Report, no. 5540-00-8459, 2000.

Syverson, P., M. Reed, and D. Goldschlag, "Onion Routing Access Configurations", DISCEX 2000: Proceedings of the DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition, vol. 1, Hilton Head, South Carolina, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 34-40, 2000.

Syverson, P., G. Tsudik, M. Reed, and C. Landwehr, "Towards an Analysis of Onion Routing Security", Workshop on Design Issues in Anonymity and Unobservability, Berkeley, California, 2000.
