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16 October 2013

Press Excluded from Gov-Com-Cyber Spy Summit

Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 10:26:16 -0400
Subject: Update for 6 Nov FedCyber Summit Speakers
From: Bob Gourley <bob[at]>
To: speakers[at]
Cc: "Matthew G. Devost" <mgd[at]>, "Betty O'Hearn" <betty[at]>

Dear FedCyber Speakers,

On behalf of Matt Devost and myself we would like to thank you for agreeing to engage with the cyber security community through the 6 Nov FedCyber Summit. We are still about three weeks out from the event but wanted to connect with you early to give you some more information and ask if you have any questions. We will follow up soon with more info.

Date: 6 Nov 2013

Location: Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA 22202

Purpose: Help the cyber security community do their job better. Focus on information of use to practitioners, especially those in and around the federal cyber community.

About the audience: Registration numbers continue to climb for the event and we expect to see a gathering of 250 cyber security practitioners in attendance. Attendees are coming from across the three branches of government. Several industry CISOs will also be attending.

About the press: We are not allowing press to this event and will be announcing at the event that no blogging or other commenting on the event should be done. We are doing this so speakers will be more inclined to be open. No sessions will be recorded (we do have a video team recording presentations on our expo floor, they will not be recording speakers).

Please plan on attending the speaker’s reception the afternoon of 5 Nov. We are asking speakers to gather at this reception for two reasons: 1) We would like you to have an opportunity to meet with other speakers and discuss the event and conduct any last minute strategizing to make this the best possible event for the community, and 2) We would like to shake your hand in person and thank you for your participation. The reception will be held at Sine Irish Pub & Restaurant at Pentagon City 5 Nov starting at 5pm.

Overall agenda (from

0730: Check in

0800: Opening Keynote: The Honorable Dr. James N. Miller, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

0845: The role of deception in Cyber: Dr. Mark Mateski (Watermark Risk), Jason Healey (Atlantic Council), Jose Rodriquez (Novitas Group)

0945: Networking break

1015: There is No Spoon: How your Red Team methodology is hurting your security posture: Tom Parker (FusionX), Jeff Moss (ICANN), Rich Marshall

1115 Security in the Age of Transparency and Leaks: Neal Pollard (PWC), Noah Shachtman (Foreign Policy), John Young (Cryptome), Deborah Natsios (Cryptome)

1215 Lunch and tech talks

1300 Sean Kanuck (ODNI) Unclassified threat briefing

1315 John Streufert (DHS) Continuous Monitoring Update

1330: Q&A With Kanuck and Streufert

1345 Public and Private Perspectives: Kevin Charest (HHS), Mark Morrison (State Street), Nils Puhlmann (formerly Zynga), Mary Ellen Seale (DHS)

1430 Networking break

1445 Tech Talks (fast, ignite-style presentations on tech of interest to the community)

1615 Closing keynote: Dawn Meyerriecks, CIA deputy director for Science and Technology

More info will follow


Bob Gourley
703 994 0549