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17 October 2013

Greenwald and Omidyar

A sends:

The revelations have given reason for pause.

Has Greenwald's ambition gotten the better of him? Is this a gambit by the Deep State to co-opt a critical voice?

Perhaps it depends on the nature of the deal itself. For example, maybe Greenwald will have Omidyar create a financial trust similar to the one on which the Guardian is based (i.e. Scott Trust)?

Any thoughts?


All those could apply. Omidyar and Greenwald share a faith in monetization of information under the banner of public service, which is mandatory in business as in a host of others marking up value with proclamations of trustworthiness, reliability, reputation, honesty, ethics, dependability, loyalty, and a slew of other promissaries which inevitably favor the business (and NGO pretending to be the non-business) over the customer.

Public service is a highly profitable brand nowadays, as the marketing campaign has always been for authoritatives, authorities, authoritarians, dare say authors.

Examining tax reports of non-profits shows little difference from profits with the same shadings of obfuscation and obscurantism minutely allowed under tax code which assures complicity between taxation authorities and the taxable.

The gap between those who run profitables and non-profitables and those they ostensibly serve, but actually exploit, continues to grow not only now but has forever in the past and in the future.

So Omidyar and Greenwald are perfectly matched, and if all goes well will degenerate into the death match mandatory in over-reaching start-ups maturing into economic monsters, say, like the United States has become since 1776 exactly like its predecessor.