Donate for the Cryptome archive of files from June 1996 to the present

10 October 2013. A sends:

On the Cryptome article here you say that you found an archived copy of a page from the guardian at which was a copy of the site that has the link still in tact. However it appears that (possibly under pressure from the US government) has now deleted the older archived copy (or edited it) so that the only copy of this webpage is now the one with the link removed. Please edit the Cryptome article in question (or post a new one) to reflect the fact that the copy of the page in question has been altered by removal of that link (or of the older version page that had it). Please also post a copy of that removed link directly into the Cryptome article so that it is still available.

Cryptome: The removed link, downloaded 5 October 2013, 9:05PM:

Screenshot of for the file:


The file downloaded:



5 October 2013

NSA Link Removed by Guardian

A sends:

Hello John and other potential readers,

I imagine other readers may have sent this in already. One of the recent Guardian stories from Bruce Schneier included a link which was removed from the article. The story is here:

The updated text says:

> FoxAcid tags are designed to look innocuous, so that anyone who sees
> them would not be suspicious. An example of one such tag [LINK
> REMOVED] is given in another top-secret training presentation provided
> by Snowden.

The original is still on

It originally said:

> FoxAcid tags are designed to look innocuous, so that anyone who sees
> them would not be suspicious. An example of one such tag is given in
> another top-secret training presentation provided by Snowden.

With an auto-rewritten link to here:

I enjoyed reading the NSA slideshows re. Tor that you posted recently as well.