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20 October 2013

The Art of Leak

Cryptome met on Friday with our media, financial and legal advisor, OR Books, to preview at Alexandria Restaurant our roll-out of The Art of Leak, a new venture to promote high-level, high-value, high-return-on-investment leak.

Cryptome will introduce The Art of Leak at the FebCyber panel on "Security in the Age of Transparency and Leaks," November 6, 2013, at Pentagon City, Va.

This is a precise, pre-SEC filing and -IPO, of what's to come of essays, books, documentaries, movies, TEDS, Nobels, trials, prison terms, billboards, NYT ads, T-shirts, photo face masks for The Art of Leak.

Some free tips:

Leak is better than war but benefits from institutionalization of war advocacy, aversion and memorialization of bravery and sanctimonious justification.

Leak is so much cheaper and less harmful than war it doesn't need much discussion but deserves a warning.

Leak of war plans is likely to cause war mobilization, so it should be done infrequently.

Threat to leak war plans should be done frequently, not to disturb slumber of dogs of war but to frenzy toothless war media.

Leak was invented for war media frenzy.

Leak industry triumphs with real war coming after long satisfying period of frenzy.

During war leak will get you killed, so don't.

During war discuss leak as theory, practice, history, mistakes, victories, tool of war propaganda, but don't leak.

During war, get contracts to leak disinformation patriotically.

Nearing end of war, segue to setting up post-war leak of war success, lessons learned, what comes next, where nations should go during peace.

Leak prospectuses for leak institutions, foundations, fellowships, tours of battlefields, wounded vets, medal awards, libraries of leak heros.

Leak plans for leak industry, don't call it spying just yet.

Leak plans for leak industry, don't call it journalism just yet.

Leak plans for leak industry, don't call it higher education just yet.

Leak plans for leak industry, don't call it international affairs just yet.

Leak plans for leak industry, don't call it subversion of totalitarism just yet.

Leak plans for leak industry, don't call it freedom of information just yet.

Leak plans for leak industry, by calling for wide participation of the government, business, institutions and public after the industry is well established to capitalize the venture.

Leak avowals of support from notables generated by war who will sanctify reputable leak.

Leak standards for reputable leak, how to do it, when to do it, who can do it, what to do if it is done disreputably.

Leak punishments for disreputable leak.

Leak a sting for disreputable leak.

Leak the pilloring of disreputable leak.

Leak dire threat of disreputable leak.

Leak war warning of disreputable leak.

Leak change of name from disreputable leak to national security leak.

Leak test leak of war plans.

Leak war footing plans up to Defcon scariest.

Leak soothing hymns and end of life prayers.

Leak patriotic songs, movies, documentaries, books, essays, talks, protests.

Leak identities of subversives, spies, traitors, their families, employers and friends and alien sponsors.

Leak responsible wartime regime.

Leak censorship regime.

Leak wartime budget.

Leak wartime ban of leak.

In closing this precise of media campaign for The Art of Leak, please remember leak is easy, hard and middling, anyone can do it, and should!

But it would be wise to use our products which are chock full of leak examples, instructions for leak, honors available for reputable leak, how to avoid disreputable leak, a guide to patriotic leak and disgust for subversive leak, leak varieties for all noble and some delightfully lurid, even sexy, purposes, and, should it occur, the excellent money to be made by franchising The Art of Leak.

OR Books has asked that we mention our fondness for concentrated wealth generous beneficaries for public service leak. And that OR Books invites wide-open participation by authors and artists in its leak publication portfolio.

Acknowledge of debt The Art of War.