21 December 2013. Add UN Ombuds for Excessive Spying Control for Snowden.
Later, edit 13.4 nd 13.6.
20 December 2013
Excessive Global Spying
1. The circular defense of spying that "we have to do it because every nation
does it" has led to spiraling increases comparable to excessive military
expenditures which inhibit action on far greater social needs.
2. Public debate and resolution on reduction of excessive spying should be
global through the United Nations to avoid the traps of self-interest
undergirding all national security considerations -- of politics, law,
legislation, defense, foreign policy, and the national security spying industries
and technologies of all nations.
3. Technology for excessive global spying has evolved faster than national
policy and law to control it and has become untethered from national interests
to operate in international domains unconstrained by legal, geographical
and political borders.
4. Snowden's revelations of NSA's ubiquitous global spying should encourage
a global resolution of excessive spying by all nations to reduce paranoia
and wasteful, duplicative expenditures.
5. The national security state has become a global enterprise through technology
beyond control of any particular state due to excessive secrecy, inter-state
agreements, mutual assistance treaties, transgression of local laws and,
most importantly, the industry providing the personnel, tools and skills
for excessive global spying, as Snowden himself represented.
6. Disputes over the Snowden revelations should be addressed in the United
Nations and not controlled by the few powerful nations who do most of the
spying, composed of the 5-Eyes and its 9 partners, Russia and China, five
of which dominate the UN Security Council.
7. The United Nations recently passed a privacy policy against excessive
spying sponsored by Germany and Brazil. Following this example, the United
Nations should immediately initiate a debate and resolution to control excessive
global spying.
8. Snowden should be given sanctuary and amnesty by the United Nations in
a location of his choosing to provide testimony about what he knows and what
might be done to harness the technology of excessive global spying.
9. Snowden's material should be deposited securely with the United Nations
as a unique global resource for study, understanding and development of policy
to uniformly reduce among all nations the need for excessive spying and how
to control the technology which is now driving it.
10. This would follow United Nations precedents to control proliferation
of weapons of mass destruction and armaments, to control disease, hunger,
poverty and lack of education.
11. Snowden's courage and dedication to expose the global transgression of
powerful nations against the world and one another should be honored as a
global accomplishment as exemplary as that of Rachel Carlson and Mahatma
Ghandi for transforming global understanding.
12. Those who have served as Snowden's representatives in media, law and
civil liberties should also be rewarded for sharing his risk, preserving
and publicizing his material, and encouraging global public debate against
excessive spying and its lack of global accountability.
13. UN Ombuds for Excessive Spying Control
13.1 In addition to UN sanctuary and amnesty for Snowden, he should be appointed,
with his concurrence, for a permanent UN position of ombuds for control of
excesive spying technology, with assistance from a panel of global experts
in the full range of this invasion technology by land, sea, air and
electromagnetic spectrum.
13.2 With resources to survey, research, advise and educate nations and their
citizenry on means of privacy protection corresponding to the state of spying
13.3 In particular on the empowerment of individuals for self-protection
against the spying technology industry embedded in governments along with
other technologies of political control.
13.4 This would be modeled on precedents for assurance of personal safety,
health, education, welfare, justice, civil liberties and human rights.
13.5 The ombudsman should be non-commercial civilian operating without secrecy
to avoid the excessive secrecy upon which global spying is dependent, customarily
justified by military defense and commercial proprietary.
13.6 Freedom from and invidividual protection against spying would be instituted
as a global right to privacy against governments, commerce, institutions,
criminal organizations, mercenaries and individuals overseen by the office
of UN ombudsman, beginning with control of and demilitarization of spying
technology, and then by UN legislative and judicial assurance of lawful
compliance and enforcement, perhaps modeled on the International Court of
Justice and UN peacekeeping among technological aggressors. It should not
be modelled on military defense treaties which sustain paranoia and energize
the spiral of excessive spying.