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19 December 2013

PRGI Spy Report Commentary 001 of Series

The report:



12 December 2013

Report and Recommendations of
The President’s Review Group on Intelligence
and Communications Technologies

"Liberty and Security" juxtaposes a formulaic which begs the question of why these two goals are forever in conflict and unresolved by failed promises of resolution.

"Changing World" another formulaic which excuses failure to explain why technological change cannot be matched by policy, oversight and public trust.

Pages 1-2

Transmittal Letter

Dear Mr. President:

We are honored to present you with the Final Report of the Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies. Consistent with your memorandum of August 27, 2013, our recommendations are designed to protect our national security and advance our foreign policy while also respecting our longstanding commitment to privacy and civil liberties, recognizing our need to maintain the public trust (including the trust of our friends and allies abroad), and reducing the risk of unauthorized disclosures.

Vacuous blather long-deployed when spies and overseers violate public trust.

Exhibits characteristics of study panels set up to defuse a political crisis by framing as empty generalities.

We have emphasized the need to develop principles designed to create strong foundations for the future. Although we have explored past and current practices, and while that exploration has informed our recommendations, this Report should not be taken as a general review of, or as an attempt to provide a detailed assessment of, those practices. Nor have we generally engaged budgetary questions (although some of our recommendations would have budgetary implications). Vacuous generalities.
We recognize that our forty-six recommendations, developed over a relatively short period of time, will require careful assessment by a wide range of relevant officials, with close reference to the likely consequences. Our goal has been to establish broad understandings and principles that can provide helpful orientation during the coming months, years, and decades. Indication that the recommendations are not likely to survive careful assessment but are issued for political persuasion.

"Months, years and decades" means stonewall until pubic interest wanes.

We are hopeful that this Final Report might prove helpful to you, to Congress, to the American people, and to leaders and citizens of diverse nations during continuing explorations of these important questions. Vacuous sound bite.
Richard A. Clarke
Michael J. Morell
Geoffrey R. Stone
Cass R. Sunstein
Peter Swire
None of the authors are expert in the technologies used by NSA, its contractors and suppliers.

This deficiency has allowed the President, Congress, overseers, Department of Justice and the FISA court to be misled, or claim to have been misled, and to expulpate spy programs overseers, since spy agencies were founded.

Policy and legal reforms have repeatedly failed because of evasive review and analysis, pointing to classified informtion not available for open examination. With apologias for mistakes and promises of compliance issued as cover for secret continuation of ostensibly banned practices.

Consultation with experts listed in the report is used to evade responsibility for the abuse of technology under venerable "classified protection of means and methods." To wit, to turn blind eyes to the technology and allow its use to continue: the false resolution of this report on "liberty and security."