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11 November 2014

Hardened No. 7 Subway Line Extension in NYC

The No. 7 Subway Line Extension is nearing completion, running west and south from Times Square to serve the Javits Convention Center and west side development of Hudson Yards. The line is unusually deep, about 130 feet, to pass below several train tunnels along its route.

It requires extensive ventilation, electrical, fire protection, signal and security systems from the subway tunnel to locations on the surface. High-rise buildings are to be constructed around and over these combined utility facilities.

For security of the subway these facilities are hardened with windowless, thick masonry walls with security and blast protection at the required exit doors along with ventilation louvers, the latter set well above the sidewalk.

The facilities' structure, architectural enclosures and equipment mountings are acoustically and vibrationally designed to minimize adverse impact on the high-rises which will house hotels, residences, offices and schools.

This presents the subway selected design drawings from 2007 and recent as-built photos.

Site J - West 33rd and 34th Streets and 11th Avenue


34th Street Entrance, combined utilities facility in background









High-rise to be constructed over and adjacent to subway ventilation-electrical facility




Site K - West 36th Street and 11th Avenue










Site A - West 26th Street and 11th Avenue


Photo 7 November 2014 by Cryptome








West and south walls unfinished awaiting construction of high-rise around the facility. High-rise terrace to be on roof of the facility.


Site M - West 41st Street and 10th Avenue


Under construction, 9 November 2014, by Cryptome



