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16 March 2014

Journalists Shill Sources and Secrets

Advertised with $20,000 full-page vanity ad in the New York Times, 16 March 2014.

Coordinated with the NYT's release of its Snowden files series and books by Greenwald and Gellman, and video by Poitras, as well as capacious media roll-outs, conferences, celebrity profiles, movies, awards, prizes, law suits, mock threats, and phony investigations.

Also coordinated with the rise of billionaire and corporate-funded "non-profit" journalism like ProPublica, The Intercept and The Marshall Project which pay over $500,000 top salaries, some with over $1M in total compensation packages. See sponsors at bottom.


2014-00116  Watch Journalists Shill "Sources and Secrets" March 16, 2014

This conference is full. Registration is now closed for this event.

Sources + Secrets
A Conference on the Press, the Government and National Security
Friday, March 21, 2014 at 8:00AM

at The TimesCenter
242 West 41st Street
New York, NY 10018

Focusing on the divide between the government and the press over coverage of national security issues, the Sources + Secrets Conference will examine the legal basis and scope of government actions that have hampered the work of journalists and offer administration representatives an opportunity to present their case for secrecy.


THE LONG ARM OF THE LAW: panel on the Espionage Act, recent court decisions and Justice Department guidelines on subpoenas to reporters
Ben Wizner, A.C.L.U.; David A. Schulz, First Amendment litigator; Laura R. Handman, First Amendment litigator; Jeffrey Toobin, The New Yorker.
Moderator: Adam Liptak, The New York Times
PERILS OF COVERING NATIONAL SECURITY: panel on the impact of government actions on confidential sources and reporting techniques
Jane Mayer, The New Yorker; Mark Mazzetti, The New York Times; Peter Maass, writer; and Robert L. Deitz, former general counsel, N.S.A. and senior councillor to the C.I.A. director.
Moderator: Bob Woodward, The Washington Post
THE SNOWDEN REVELATIONS: Roger Cohen, The New York Times, interviews Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian; Laura Poitras, The New York Times; and Barton Gellman, The Washington Post, via Skype
PROSPECTS FOR A FEDERAL SHIELD LAW: discussion of the proposed Free Flow of Information Act
Bill Keller, editor in chief, The Marshall Project, interviews Senator Charles Schumer, followed by panel with Senator Schumer; Quinn Norton, freelance journalist, activist; Jonathan Landay, McClatchy; Scott Horton, reporter, Harper's Magazine; and Kenneth L. Wainstein, former assistant attorney general for national security and homeland security advisor
WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Panel discussion on achieving a balance between press freedom and national security
Jill Abramson, executive editor, The New York Times; Martin Baron, executive editor, The Washington Post; David Remnick, editor, The New Yorker; Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher, The Nation; Robert S. Litt, General Counsel, Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Moderator: Ken Auletta, The New Yorker

SUPPORTED BY ABC News; The Annenberg Center on Communication, Leadership & Policy; The Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University; The Associated Press; CBS; The Center for Communication; the Center for Investigative Reporting; The Center for Public Integrity; CNN; Columbia Graduate School of Journalism; The Committee to Protect Journalists; The Denver Post; Frontline; The Hearst Corporation; The Huffington Post; Investigative Reporters and Editors; The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy; The Los Angeles Times; The McClatchy Company; the Medill National Security Journalism Initiative; The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel; The New York Review of Books; The New Yorker; the Newspaper Association of America; The Nieman Foundation; Times-Picayune; PEN American Center; The Philip Merrill College of Journalism; The Poynter Institute; ProPublica; The Record and Herald News of North Jersey; the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press; Reporters Without Borders; Reuters; UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism; The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post.