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28 May 2014

End NYPD Targeting Political Activists

Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 13:05:23 -0400
Subject: Re: Ending NYPD targeting of political activists

I wanted to ask you to consider supporting our complaint filed May 27th (on the first day in office) with the new Inspector General of the NYPD to end police operations targeting activists by taking the actions we're calling for here and by sending this out to your networks.

Here's the story, which the NYTimes broke on Monday, followed up on by WNYC and the wires:


And the complaint can be downloaded here which we encourage you to read (note we're not lawyers; just activists like you trying to stop something we know is wrong, wasteful and damaging).

Here's a sample letter people can use to take action (modify to improve or personalize):

Greetings Mayor de Blasio:

I would like you to take concrete steps to stop police operations targeting political activists. Your IG has a mandate to protect civil liberties. He and the City Council and Mayor should take the recommendations outlined in the complaint filed yesterday by Friends of Brad Will to serve that mandate, protect civil liberties of New Yorkers, and stop wasting precious taxpayer dollars on ridiculous unlawful and harmful police operations.

I look forward to hearing you speak out in support of the recommendations in that complaint and to hearing back from you in writing about the concrete steps your Administration is taking to end intrusive police operations targeting activists once and for all.

Thank you.

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