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3 November 2014

FBI Warns Military of ISIS Homeland SM Threat

A sends:

Good morning,

I am contacting you to forward this email I got yesterday at work. It shows that the government is actually taking this ISIS threat seriously now. It was forwarded to my whole unit by my Sgt Maj and it says it was from the FBI. If you read the attachment it says for Facebook and Twitter for instance, that we should remove our profile photos and replace them with cartoon avatars. There are many more things these slides tell us to do, but it's all because ISIS has claimed it will use social media to attack the military at home. If you could keep my name confidential as I am not supposed to be sharing this that would be great. Thank you for your time.


-----Original Message-----
From: SgtMaj
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 11:59 AM
To: AllHands
Subject: Social Media security measures (Cheat Sheets)

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

From the FBI on how to secure your social media pages. Please pass on to all! Thank you!


Kaneohe Bay, HI

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Linkedln Smart Card.pdf

Google+ Smart Card.pdf

FaceBook Smart Card.pdf

Twitter Smart Card.pdf