20 November 2014
Snowden Documents Disclosure Inquiry
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 08:42:47 -0800
Subject: snowden doc dump
From: Jon Rappoport <qjrpress[at]gmail.com>
To: John Young <jya[at]pipeline.com>
Jon Rappoport here.
If you have time and inclination, I'd like your response to a few questions
re Snowden docs. This is on the record, for publication.
Should all the documents Snowden took from NSA be dumped, as is, online,
for all to see?
(If no), How would you like to see all the documents exposed? In what form?
By what process?
(If yes), Comment on the central objections to an all-out dump:
a) this could get people killed;
b) necessary US national-security ops and programs would be compromised,
damaged, rendered useless, and a dump would show other governments how to
set up better Surveillance States of their own;
c) an all-out dump would kill ongoing public interest in the story, whereas
the drip method over time keeps the story alive.
Date: November 17, 2014
To: Jon Rappoport <qjrpress[at]gmail.com>
From: John Young <jya[at]pipeline.com>
Subject: Re: snowden doc dump
Young: Publish this as you wish.
Rappoport: Should all the documents Snowden took from NSA be dumped, as
is, online, for all to see?
The dump is continuing, it cannot be stopped, as Snowden said of the truth,
the two are intimately linked.
"Dump" is deliberately prejudicial to head off orderly full public disclosure.
Snowden "dumped" various selections of the material to several outlets each
of which had low to poor security capabilities. This he knew and attempted
to correct, to little avail, as he ran out of time and patience, and was
subjected to various extortionate conditions by the competing outlets, soon
to grow with lawyers, funders, advisors, relatives, lovers, hangers-on,
opportunists, greeders of many stripes.
The documents have already been "dumped." Intercepted by a few outlets which
elected themselves to capitalize the free public gift. Security by the outlets
is quite poor, admittedly, so there is no assurance the documents have not
been accessed by other parties, indeed, we estimate up to a thousand persons
have had some degree of access in the course of a small percentage of the
total published. Leakage is sure to have occurred due to poor security and
diverse access. It is certain the authorities have managed to access the
various stashes through vastly greater capabilities. This will continue no
matter the decision to "dump."
It has been a disorderly campaign throughout and is becoming be even more
disorderly as disparate attempts are made to exploit the material and fend
off attackers and competitors. First Look is fragmenting but so is the NY
Times, The Guardian and others who have access to the golden goose of commercial
benefits of the Snowden material.
(If no), How would you like to see all the documents exposed? In what
form? By what process?
(If yes), Comment on the central objections to an all-out dump:
a) this could get people killed;
Nonsense, they are and will be killed by secretkeepers in secret, that is
the function of official, journalist and lawyerly secretkeeping.
b) necessary US national-security ops and programs would be compromised,
damaged, rendered useless, and a dump would show other governments how to
set up better Surveillance States of their own;
Nonsense, see answer to a.
c) an all-out dump would kill ongoing public interest in the story, whereas
the drip method over time keeps the story alive.
Absurd and spurious reasoning, condescending and contemputous of the public,
clearly aimed at market control, power control, secretkeeping control.
Corporatized, top down, officials, journalists and lawyers, priests and doctors,
as privileged parties, incessantly justify their public manipulation by this
kind of self-serving rationale. Totally opposed to genuine democracy in favor
of representative democracy of the privileged.
If Snowden knew ahead of time what was going to happen to his material it
is certain he would have disclosed it in a publicly accessible depository,
and that could still be the outcome if he reclaims his rights as a citizen
rather than as a pawn of his handlers and manipulators inside and outside
government. As he says, he still works for NSA and he has the capabilities
to set up the technology for thoughtful public access which his current handlers
do not have and seemingly do not wish to acquire, debilitated as they are
by professional training, bias, ambition and privilege to prefer their interests
over the public's.
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 12:22:36 -0800
Subject: Re: snowden doc dump
From: Jon Rappoport <qjrpress[at]gmail.com>
To: John Young <jya[at]pipeline.com>
Thanks, John. Very important answers to my questions.