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21 December 2014

Sony Group Chief Information Security Officer


Source: GOP file: lweil00.ost/IPMRoot/Root - Mailbox/IPM SUBTREE/Inbox (9204)

To: Seligman, Nicole, [Sony Entertainment President]
From: "Seligman, Nicole"
Subject: Information Security and Privacy News
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 11:50:00 -0400
Cc: Hirai, "Kazuo," <Yoshida>, "Kenichiro," <Saito>, "Tadashi (HONSHA)," <Nemoto>, "Shoji," <Suzuki>, "Kunimasa," <Fujita>, "Kunitaka," <Kambe>, "Shiro (HQ)," <House>, "Andrew," <Lynton>, Michael

Dear All --

I write to let you know that Phil Reitinger, our Sony Group CISO [Chief Information Security Officer], has decided to move on from this position to take on a new set of challenges. Phil joined us from the US Department of Homeland Security in 2011 and has done an exceptional job for the last three years, working with you all and defining and leading our information security and privacy efforts. I, and I know many others, are extremely grateful for his extraordinary hard work and great accomplishment on our behalf over this period. Although I will miss working with Phil daily, at our request he will continue to support our efforts for some time in a consulting role.

I am pleased to announce that John Scimone has been chosen to step into Phil’s shoes as CISO. John has been a key part of the Sony information security team for several years and is a globally recognized subject matter expert. He joined Sony from the US Department of Defense, where he had held a number of leadership positions, most recently in the Office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense, where he was the director of security operations for the Secretary's communications office. While at Sony John has worked to establish a cohesive information security architecture, shepherding such key efforts as establishing the Global Security Catalog and launching Secure@Sony. Please join me in welcoming John to his new role.

Phil’s separate note to all of you follows just below.


Friends and Colleagues --

After a career of working in larger organizations, including three government agencies and two large companies, I have decided the time has come to do something more entrepreneurial, after taking a bit of time off.

I have greatly enjoyed working for Sony and Nicole for the last three years. I have learned more than I could have imagined, and that is primarily because the things you have taught me – from technical matters through risk management to privacy policy. I will miss working with you all. I am, however, leaving Sony in good hands. As Nicole has told you, John Scimone will take over as CISO and ensure that the work that you have undertaken continues and expands. I know you will support him as you have supported me.

In addition, my relationship with Sony will continue. I will continue providing advice and assistance to John and Nicole as required.

My last day will be September 5.

You are an amazing group of people and working with you is both fun and a great honor.
