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25 November 2015

NSA "A Survey of Bent Functions" Unredacted

On 19 November 2015 Cryptome received from NSA under FOIA the paper "A Survey of Bent Functions," by John F. Dillon, NSA Technical Journal, Special Issue, June 1972 (an FOIA request for the full volume has been filed):

https://cryptome.org/2015/11/nsa-survey-of-bent-functions.pdf (3.5MB)

It contained a number of redactions of names of researchers.

After receiving the paper, a version without redactions was found online (it is also searchable):

http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~dempw/BENT/DillonBentSurvey.pdf (30MB)

This compares the two versions to show redactions uncovered.
