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Suicide or Martyrdom? : Anwar al Awlaki On-Line

Suicide or Martyrdom?

January 22, 2009 - الخميس 26 محرم 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

In the argument of whether operations where the person brings death upon himself are allowed or not, the ones who oppose this form of Jihad use the main argument that it is suicide because death was not brought by the enemy but by the person himself.
Ibn al Athir, in al-Kamel, mentions an incident that happened during the siege of Acre by Salahudeen. Unfortunately, he mentions it in passing without a comment.
He mentions that Salahudeen needed men so he asked for a ship to transport some of his soldiers from Beirut. This was a large ship carrying 700 soldiers full with equipment and provisions. King Richard of England succeeded in intercepting the ship and it was the decree of Allah that the wind stops and the Muslims were surrounded with a fleet of forty sails. Nevertheless the Muslims defended themselves against this overwhelming force. They succeeded in killing many of Richard’s men but the attack of the enemy was fierce. When the Muslim leader saw that the enemy was overcoming them he said we will not die but honorable and we will not hand over to them anything. He did not want them to take them as prisoners and did not want their equipment to fall into the enemies’ hands. So he descended to the bottom of the ship and broke a hole into it and they all drowned. The entire Muslim force of 700 men strong drowned in the sea.
According to the view held by the ones against martyrdom operations this operation is clearly suicide because not only did the Muslims kill themselves with their own hands but they did not inflict any harm on the enemy in doing so. All what was achieved by the Muslims was to avoid capture and prevent the enemy from making use of their equipment. I would also need to note here that death was far from certain if they fell into the hands of Richard because as the events of the time clearly show that many times Muslim prisoners, especially soldiers,  were kept alive by the Crusaders for the sake of ransom and labor.
Ibn Shaddad, a Shafi jurist, in al-Nawader al-Sultaniyya also mentions this incident. But he closes with the following:
“People were very depressed and the Sultan received the news and considered it to be counted as an act in the path of Allah and he was being patient with the tests of Allah and Allah does not waste the efforts of the good doers.”
This closing comment from Ibn Shaddad reflects his view on what Yaqub, the head of the Muslim force, has done. He says about him: “He was a good man, courageous, and an expert in warfare.” As I quoted above he says: Allah does not waste the efforts of the good doers. This is exactly what the scholars who approve of martyrdom operations say. If the intentions of the Muslim are good and for the sake of Allah then he is a shaheed whether he died by the enemy or by his own hands. It is the intention that counts.
Suicide is one of the kaba’ir (great sins) so is it possible that such a large number of Muslims would commit suicide and be destined to Hellfire and then Ibn al Athir passes over this incident without a note of disapproval? Salahudeen counted the casualties as martyrs in the path of Allah. You may say he was not a scholar. True, but he was the Sultan of Muslims who understood the reality of war, acted responsibly, and was a man that according to his biographers was greatly influenced by al Qadi al Fadhil, a great scholar of his time, and he would not take any decisions without consulting him.
The action of the Muslim leader, Yaqub, was done with the knowledge of his soldiers. In fact, in the narration of Ibn Shaddad it states that they all participated collectively in breaking apart the ship. Is it possible for seven hundred soldiers in the army of the righteous leader Salahudeen al Ayubi to commit such a mass suicide and no one as far as we know disapproves of it? At least Ibn al Athir or Ibn Shaddaad would have asked Allah to forgive them for the sin they committed or something to that effect. Instead Ibn Shaddad a scholar steeped in knowledge praises this amir and says about him and his soldiers “and Allah does not waste the efforts of the good doers.”
The approval of Salahudeen and Ibn Shaddad, and the action of 700 Muslim soldiers are not a source of legislation in Islam so we cannot claim that this is an evidence for the legality of martyrdom operations. The evidence for that needs to be derived from Quran and Sunnah and the understanding of the early generations of the text and I have covered this matter in the series of Mashari al -Ashwaaq. But the above mentioned incident is a reflection of how Muslims in the time of Salahudeen, a time of victory for the ummah, felt.

Also in general by reading into the words of Ibn Shaddad, Ibn al-Athir, al Qadi al Fadhil, al Imad al Kattib, and the other giants of the time one would see a spirit of strength, sacrifice, hatred of the enemies of Allah and love of the servants of Allah. One would find these scholars rallying behind their leaders of Jihad and standing with the ummah against the enemy in their fatwa and speeches. The ummah were in love with their leaders because they were soldiers in the path of Allah and they loved their scholars because they who spoke the truth.
Scholars of those times even if they disagreed on some issues they would not speak out loud against the Muslim fighters of the day and would not give fatawa that would play into the hands of the enemy. The reputation of the Turkish soldiers who were the Muslim armies of the day was that of corruption and consumption of alcohol. Nevertheless al-Imam al Ghazali said these are the protectors of Islam and had plenty of praise for them. Ibn Taymiyyah in his own words said many of soldiers of his time (the Mamluks) were corrupt but he went as far as calling them al Ta’ifah al Mansoorah.
Today the world turns upside down when one Muslim performs a martyrdom operation. Can you imagine what would happen if that is done by seven hundred Muslims on the same day?!
Brothers and sisters whether you agree or not with martyrdom operations let’s leave our differences behind us, and let us support our Muslim brothers who are in the frontlines. Just like we disagree on many other issues, we should not let our disagreements stand in the way of our solidarity in the face of our adversaries.


426 Responses to “Suicide or Martyrdom?”
  1. Al Faruq ibn FarisNo Gravatar says:

    Jazak’Allah Khairan

  2. YunusNo Gravatar says:

    AssalamuAlaikum, jazakAllah Khair for your many insghtful blogs Shiekh. May Allah preserve the Huqq. In regards to this issue is it not a case of considering what is intended by said missions. If a person is feeling depressed by life has nothing to live for then takes their life in comparison to a person who has other objectives…

  3. Abu MuslimNo Gravatar says:

    Barakallahfeek ya sheikh, jazakallahkhair for giving another point of view which is not really shown these days, keep up the good work and you will always be in our hearts, May Allah swt bless the ummah with more of your kind
    asalam alakum

  4. IsmetNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu aleykum. I think that we should not judge our brothers in frontlines. Because our conditions and fighters’ condition are different. We do not feel the difficulty of war in our homes and families. But mujahids do it. And our duty is to help them. At least by the dua. But we must do our best to help them. It’s my opinion.

  5. Mohammed HassanNo Gravatar says:

    wallahi ya shiekh, to tell you the truth this is the first time i had heard about this incident, of all that i have read and listen to about salahudeen, i had never read or heard abnout this event. Jazak Allahu khair for clarifying things up, Allahumma afrigh alayna sabran wa thabbit aqdaamana wansurna al al qowm al kaafireen.

  6. khadijaNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum,
    Has anyone read the fatwa from Shaiykh Uthaimeen? He says that the ones to do martydom operations are in the fire. I personally don’t agree with this. Whether you think martydom ops are halal or haram, you can’t say that they are in the fire because we don’t know. What we do know is that we will be resurrected upon our intentions.

  7. spopsNo Gravatar says:


    as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah

    The west has sought to subject anyone who does a martyrdom mission as a coward and in line with this policy we find that others from amongst the Muslims jump on the bandwagon.

    However there are some important points to note. The Americans lost the war in Vietnam and one of the main turning points was their inability to stop the VC sappers from carrying out similar operations on the Americans encampments. Such was the ferocity of these attacks that the camps were often on the verge of being over run.

    It is clear that there is no defense against Martyrdom operations. They cannot be stopped by conventional means. In fact they overcome every weakness within the security structure as they can be carried out anywhere, anytime and under any conditions.

    The Psychological effect is without equal. Imagine every time you entered into a convoy or patrol you could never feel easy as at any moment you could be attacked in the most unconventional manner.

    A note important point is that the main reason why the US Kuffar Marines left Beirut was because of a truck bomb which decimated their ranks in one go. (please read

    Furthermore, actions are based on intentions, so it makes not one iota of difference what the kuffar think with regards to this issue. What matters is that it has validity in the sharia.

    My personal opinion is that the brothers and sisters who carry out these operations must have an extremely high level of emaan and yakeen. They also strike terror into the hearts of the kuffar who know there is no strategy to deal with this type of attack.

    Finally I would like to relate a similar story, but from the side of the Kuffar who labelled the person a hero. Whilst under attack a grenade was thrown at the kuffar invaders and one of their number to save his friends threw himself on the grenade and was killed. The paper carried the headline something like:- Hero soldier saves patrols lives.

    Question:- How can they call him a hero and call our brothers and sisters cowards when they are sacrificing their lives for the sake of Allah.

    وَمَا لَكُمْ لاَ تُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ وَالْمُسْتَضْعَفِينَ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ وَالنِّسَاء وَالْوِلْدَانِ الَّذِينَ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا أَخْرِجْنَا مِنْ هَـذِهِ الْقَرْيَةِ الظَّالِمِ أَهْلُهَا وَاجْعَل لَّنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ وَلِيًّا وَاجْعَل لَّنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ نَصِيرًا

    And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper.

  8. SalaamNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam to all my brothers and sisters.

    The sahabah put themselves in many situation during battle where they thought they would never get out of. For example when Al Bara was tossed over the gate of the (if I’m not mistaken) romans to open the gate. This mission was next to suicide. There are many examples of sahabah sneaking out during the night to fight the enemies of Allah (swt) by themselves not expecting to return and hoping for martyrdom. I believe these situations are similar because neither those sahabah nor our brothers or sisters who do these operations expect to leave alive.

    And Allah (swt) knows best.

  9. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    "If the intentions of the Muslim are good and for the sake of Allah then he is a shaheed whether he died by the enemy or by his own hands. It is the intention that counts."
    alhamdulillah for the justice of islam. THE INTENTION IS WHAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE!

  10. Abu Zubair As SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    Salamualkum Shiek Anwar

    Mashallah May Allah reward you for putting light into this topic, May Allah accept All those 700 a shaeeds. We have indeed Missed you and were worried. Alhamduillah, May Allah preserve you and protect you from all the evil doers.

  11. ibn batutaNo Gravatar says:

    This looks like a response to the likes of Abu Baseer at-Tartusi! pls sheikh i need some clarification on the issue of covenants existing btw muslims and the lands of the kuffar at war with islam and the muslims. I have read a transcript of sheikh abdullah azzam, as well as an article by abu baseer on this covenant issue.pls respond. jazakallah khayran!

  12. JassimNo Gravatar says:

    May Allah guide us to understanding of His commands and prhibitions. Amin.
    Ya Sheikh Anwar,
    I have considered the example you gave and there are somethings I’d like to point out. Maybe you could answer via posting a comment.
    In the case of the Mujahideen who sunk their own ship, may Allah admit them to Al-Firdous and all of the righteous Mujahideen, I would consider the circumstances that gave rise to their decision and their motives for it (the decision).
    They had 3 reasonable options:

    1) Fight till no Mujahid left. This would ultimately leave the military equipment in the hands of the disbelievers to kill the believers elsewhere.
    2) Surrender. This is the worst option. In this case the disbelievers could use the weapons as well as the captives against the believers. Furthermore, Allah’s pleasure is at stake and surrender may be tantamount to retreating without it being a stratagem of war (this is a crime). And Allah knows best.
    3) Sink the ship. Give the disbelievers no way over the believers. This is the best option. The disbelievers would have no booty, no seized weapons to use against the believers, and no captives to use for their own benefits or advantages.
    The main circumstances that dictated the options that were available to the Mujahideen, by Allah’s will, were 2:
    Death is certain and immediately inevitable. Every option other than the “suicidal” one may lead to an advantage or several advantages for the disbelievers.
    Regardless of our belief on this issue of difference, we-the followers of Muhammad (sAaws)-stand in full and firm support, love, and admiration for anyone or any people who strive, fight, and sacrifice in order to establish Allah’s religion or defend the Muslimeen… so long as they INTEND to do so in accordance to Allah’s revelation.
    May Allah give victory to the believers. Amin.

  13. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    “Say, ‘Indeed, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds.’”
    [Surah Al-An'aam, Ayat 162]
    Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu to our dear Sheikh, Imam Anwar, and to my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. Jazak’Allahu khairan wa Barakallahu feekum ya Sheikh for the inspiring reminder. We ask Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala to preserve and protect you, dear Sheikh. And may Allah Azza Wa Jall reward you with Jannahtul Firdaws. May Allah subhanahu Wa Ta’ala unite the hearts of the Ummah, purified our intentions and make us firm on the path of Jihad Feesabililah to make His Word the uppermost, and debase the Kuffar.

    The way to the greatest attainment from Allah Azza Wa Jall is Jihad feesabililah until Martyrdom, victory from Allah Azza Wa Jall and an imminent conquest insh’Allah to establish Allah’s Rule, law and order over His creation – Al-Khilafah!
    ““Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.”
    [Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 111]

  14. SalahNo Gravatar says:

    Ya muslimeen, i am feeling a bit helpless because of the fact that the Jews control the media.. but with the help of allah swt we should spread a massive counter media project to expose the lies of the liar (Obama). Today they are parading him around showing how he is going to close Guantanomo and Al-jeweera is undoubtly going to go on and on about it and going to show his inaugural speech and etc… we need to expose this liar before he is successful in bringing our brothers and sisters to acts of kufr or at least complacency Wallhi something should be done.. all those that are good at making youtube videos etc. should do so inshallah… wallhi one can see that Obama is going to be a fitna for this umma.. a huge fitna.. may allah swt protect his servants and expose the liars when they lie.. ameen

  15. spopsNo Gravatar says:


    as salaam alikeum wa rahmatullah
    @salaam it was the rida wars not the romans it was against Musalimah (khathaab) over the wall into the garden and after this became known as the garden of blood. He was thrown over the wall in order to open the gate. He chose to go because he was so light but he received extensive injuries and he was personally cared for by Khalid ibn waleed (may Allah be pleased with them all.

  16. khalid bin waleedNo Gravatar says:

    “I JUMPED INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE ENEMMY DESIRING MARTYRDOM, but here i am dying on my bed, may the eyes of the cowards never taste sleep. wallahi we should leave our differences, and concentrate on breakin the the enemy. assalam alai kum ya shaykh anwar you are inshaallah one of the giants of this time may allah protect you and join me with you in jannah.

  17. ibn rawahaNo Gravatar says:

    to brother ibn batuta, can you direct me to the article of abu baseer and the transcript of abdullah azzam pls. ya shaykh shed some light on this issue of covenants of security jzkallah khair.

  18. AssadNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum Ya Sheikh

    Just a thing which keeps on popping in my head that all of those situation was when we were facing the army face to face but wut about us living in the west? another brother was talking about the covenant with kuffar can you please confirm or atleast send me the book by the sheikh who gave the fatwaa please

  19. sake of allahNo Gravatar says:

    salam alycum shiekh i’ve been waiting for to talk about this issue for along alhamduiliah you finally did. But shiekh i won’t say its haram and the person who does it is in the fire allahu alim. But i think you shouldn’t do it in muslim countries where our brothers well be killed also allahu alim. But if u do it and it kills kaffirs then alhamduilaih. Also in this stage of the ummah and how weak we are and how people don’t support our brothers who are in the front line i think its best for us to not do it. Because it brings more harm then good. When a person performs it it brings fitna for the ummah and the saudi salafis or the new salafis whatever they are make excuses. And its a way for them to say this is not jihad but fitna allahu alim. Also i love what our brothers in somali are doing but i think they need to slow donw and start to teach people wallahi every week they bring some type of lie about them subhannallah may allah protect u shiekh anwar and may allah keep u upon the haqq which u on inshallah salam

  20. Obama-maniaNo Gravatar says:

    The Leaders in my Islamic Center in US are very “happy” with Obama’s “moves” they count on him as the saviour, what they don’t understand is the “hidden agenda” behind the “obvious deserving closure of Gitmo that the entire world is against” hmm…BIG deal!

    They don’t have a concept of “scapegoat”

    see here:

    Obama’s agenda is the make it possible that Western ideology should be “forced” into the Islamist not through bullets or Gitmos but THROUGH THE RAND SCHOLARS and THEIR FOLLOWERS and all the RAND activities.(Soft side of Islam but NO JIHAD).

    Allahu Akbar!
    Allahu Akbar!
    Allahu Akbar!

    The FINAL separation between the Hypocrite and the true believers has started with OBAMAMANIA. The times of GREATES CLEANING (aka the FINAL SPIN/WASH in your washer) has begun, the GREATES TEMPTATION OF THE UMMAH to Believe and witness in something other than Allah swt and his words, attributes, law and Qadr has begun.

  21. SaladinNo Gravatar says:

    If Obama says Guantanomo is to closed. Not a big deal. There are much worse camps than it. For example the notorious Bagram in Afghanistan which is under US control. Rather than keeping away from blasphemous democratic process, lots of Muslims during the election campaign kept repeating the mantra that Obama will close Guantanamo and we MUST vote for hom forgetting the fact that it does not mean the automatic release of innocents that are unlawfully detained.
    May Allah make easy way for the release of innocents all over the world-Ameen. May Allah please help the innocents that are being tortured in the camps all over the world. Ya Allah – Release them like you helped the Brothers in Kandahar escape enmasse last year-Ameen

    Read this about Not just Guantanamo:

  22. BelaidNo Gravatar says:

    Indeed, Obama is going to be a great fitna in the next incoming years for all muslims. We should be extremely cautious in not listening to their lies because they have figured out that to win the war against Islam they’ll have to win the hearts of muslims first in order to turn them against us. They also figured out, throughout Bush administration that by going in war with Islam via invading/killing is doing them more harm than good. Obama’s adminstation are actually learning from their past mistakes to hit Islam really hard.

    And look how funny is it, they are starting out immediatly by closing Guatanamo. SoubhanaAllah. Like you said previous poster, it will be a final seperation between us and those hypocrite, kuffars, RAND muslims, etc.

    May Allah open for us a way to go in Jihad fisabillash and let us kill those kuffars and aid our beloved mujahideen brothers and make us die in his way so that we can attain the Highest Paradise. Ameen ya rabbi al Ralamine!

  23. SaladinNo Gravatar says:

    The Kandahar mass escape of prisoners was orchestrated by Mujahideen and involved suicide operations in blowing up the main gates of the sprawling prison complex acccording to various media reports. It was dubbed as one of the biggest jail breaks in human history. An estimated 1200 prisoners were released. If we assume that a suicide bomber rammed the gate of the prison then it was definitely a suicide operation that culminated in the release of hundreds of innocents. It definitely was the only way to release the Brothers. No one can say that it was haraam to do such an operation. On the contrary it is haraam to remain silent to the internment of thousands of Brothers and Sisters around the world.

  24. Al Faaris Al MiqdaamNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaamu 3aleykum,

    May Allah reward you yaa Shaykh…I love you for the sake of Allah

  25. AssadNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum

    Sheikh please if you can post in regards to position taken by some of our brothers saying that there is more of a fitna created cuz of the scholars on making takfir and calling them kharijis and makes more confusion amongst the people

  26. abdRhmanNo Gravatar says:

    Salam all,
    i have seen some iron gate made of automatic control that slide the gate open and close, ie. it fron and back. can we have technical poeple who can add this technique or incorporate this technique into a car. so that brave and courageous muslims are not lost to car bombing.

  27. Ultimate Muslim Warriors » Imam Anwar: Suicide or Martyrdom?No Gravatar says:

    [...] Anwar al-’Awlaki, hafidhullah, posted the following on his blog: In the argument of whether operations where the person brings death upon himself are allowed or [...]

  28. FaisalNo Gravatar says:

    Suicide would be to kill yourself cuz you don’t want to live, istish-haad is fighting to harm your enemy…if muslim nations helped Palestine or if our brothers had better weapons they wouldn’t need to do this so the Muslims should criticize themselves and not their brethren if they feel so strongly against a mujaahid destroying american and israeli military personelle and leaders. As Shaikh Al-QaraDawi put it: “”Allah Almighty is just; through his infinite wisdom he has given the weak a weapon the strong do not have and that is their ability to turn their bodies into bombs as Palestinians do”.

    One of the other evidences I have heard not mentioned on this particular post is the Boy in the story of the Trench telling the king how to kill him..wouldn’t this be “suicide”

  29. At-Tibyān PublicationsNo Gravatar says:

    The Ruling Regarding Killing One’s Self To Protect Information

    Based upon the essays of the Honorable Shaykhs

    “Al-Mukhtār Fī Hukm Al-Intihār Khawf Ifshā’ Al-Asrār” And “Shifā’ Sudūr Al-Mu’minīn”.

    By ‘Abdul-‘Azīz Al-Jarbū’ and Dr. Ayman Ath-Thawāhirī

    May Allāh preserve them


  30. At-Tibyān PublicationsNo Gravatar says:

    Verdict Regarding the Permissibility of Martyrdom Operations

    “[To:] The noble Shaykh Sulaymān Ibn Nāsir Al-‘Ulwān, may Allāh, the Most High, preserve him:

    You know what is happening to the Palestinians at this time from the crimes of the Jews and the humiliating Arab silence. So is there, in the suicide operations against the Jews, any opposition from the Sharī’ah?”…

    Thul-Qi’dah, 1425 H.


  31. At-Tibyān PublicationsNo Gravatar says:

    The Islāmic Ruling on the Permissibility of Self-Sacrificial Operations: Suicide, or Martyrdom?

    Based upon the book by the martyred Shaykh, Al-Hāfith, Mujāhid
    .Shaykh Yūsuf ibn Sālih Al-‘Uyayrī
    May Allāh have mercy upon him

    Originally translated by ‘Azzām Publications
    Edited, revised, references added, and further expounded upon by At-Tibyān Publications
    Using the book Al-Isābah Fī Talab Ash-Shahādah

    By the Shaykh, Abū Qutaybah Ash-Shāmī
    May Allāh have preserve him


  32. FaisalNo Gravatar says:

    Clarification, the Shaikh did mentioned this particular evidence in the life of Muhammad saaws makkan period, the story of the boy and the people of the trench, as an evidence some scholars use for supporting martyrdom operations

  33. faizaNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam alaikum to all my brother and sisters.
    jazakAllah khairun Imam Anwar as always, whenever you write something or deliver a lecture your truthfulness elevates ones emaan. May Allah always keep you firm on the haqq! May Allah protect your from the mushrikeen and munafiqeen who whish to harm you!

  34. Abu SafiNo Gravatar says:

    Ya Sheikh,

    Can you clarify: “The action of the Muslim leader, Yaqub, was done with the knowledge of his soldiers.” If all the soldiers died, how do we know this?

  35. AllahuAkbarNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum Imam Awlaki and brothers and sisters in Islam,
    It’s good to hear from you ya sheikh. May Allah SWT preserve you and continue to bless us with your knowledge.
    Regarding the martyrdom operations I think (it’s just my opinion, Allahu aalam) we have to point out one thing and that is the condition of the brother and sister at the time he/she is doing such operations. It shouldn’t be done out of despair or running away from the difficult situation. In other words the it should be a “sacrifice” for the sake of Allah and not a “way out” from a calamity. Because we have been advised to be patient and we have been advised to NOT give up. Because Allah says in the Quran “and after every difficulty there is a relief” and He repeats it TWICE. (Quran 94:5-6)
    For those who can sacrifice their soft couches and luxury lives in western countries for the sake of Allah SWT, that would be the pure intention inshallah.
    And may Allah make us of the mujahideen and shuhada, and to die on our best intentions.
    Allah knows best.

  36. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
    146 ; And with how many a Prophet have there been a number of devoted men who fought ( beside him). They quailed not for aught that befell them in the way of Allah, nor did they weaken, nor were they brought low. Allah loveth the steadfast.
    147 ; Their cry was only that said; Our Lord! Forgive us for our sins and wasted efforts, make our foot-hold firm, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk.
    148 ; So Allah gave them the reward of the world and the good reward of the hereafter. Allah loveth those whose deeds are good.///
    For the brothers on the boat the reward of this world is being remembered in a honourable manner and the reward of those brothers and sisters that sacrifice their lives in what ever manoeuvre of Jihad is even more courageous as they are usually alone , only with Allah Ash Shaheed by their sides.///
    no one can honour like Allah swt) can honour.
    “In sha”Allah ,If I can inflict harm and loss to the enermies of Islam before they hurt the believers then I would do it without hesitation, and if that action strikes terror into their hearts then Ive gained two objectives.
    When I return to Allah the closest to my heart He will be pleased with me and I would have done my duty” sister Zanzabil Amin

  37. spopsNo Gravatar says:


    as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah

    I hope that we do not stray too far from the topic, but regarding the opening moves by the new president of the black house is the classic statesman moves.

    It was clear that each president is elected at a particular time to do a particular job. If he is veering too far away from the objectives then he will be assassinated.

    Many of the previous posts are clear that Allah the most high is showing who are the true believers.

    It is easy to think that closing gitmo and the other CIA torture prisons would look like a step in the right direction. However, in reality the prisoners will be transferred to the main wings of the prisons within that country. Therefore, in the case of Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan this will not really help those prisoners as they will be now tortured by the mujrimoon/munafiqoon of that country and the CIA will still have access to them.

    Furthermore, he is seeking to ostracize the Muslims on the haqq even more by implying that they have values that they intend to adhere too. There value system is Kuffar based and is subject to change according to the whims and desires of the people unlike the sharia which is the law of Allah and is immutable.

    By playing this opening gambit he wishes to show that he is moderate and as a belief system that is just. America can no longer follow the Bush philosophy as they lack the economic ability to do that. Instead Obama will strive to bring other countries into the fold of the RAND muslim so as they will carry the weight of the economic burden. In the future and Allah knows best we will see Pakistan playing an important key role in trying to oust our brothers in the Taliban.

    As the best of the martyrs will say at the time of the Dajjal oh people do not be fooled by him. I say to you my brothers and sisters do not be fooled by him and his mentors.

    Some speech is magic.

    Back onto the topic in hand we may all hold different opinions on the validity of the permissibility regarding martyrdom operations. However the point we can’t deny is the success of such operations. If you go to my earlier post and follow the link you can clearly see that one truck killed in excess of 200 marines.

  38. AlhamdulillahNo Gravatar says:

    thanks to spops for his early post

    i personally am not yet sure either way about suicide bombings…

    But spops’s point about why the issue is paraded in the west is something I suspected about the western response to the suicide bombings.

    The kafir simply cannot comprehend such a level of sacrifice of his dunya. The dunya, at the end of the day, is all that’s valuable to him. Us muslims have the hereafter to hope for. I suspect that the efficiency of such attacks is what could have caused the possibly(to be generous) prompted media outcry. Also it could reflect the fear that such strikes generate in the heart of the kuffar armies.

    The point is to do what annoys the enemy of Allah and Islam, not what pleases them, as they are wiling to lie just to meet their ends as is described of the kuffar behaviour in general in the Noble Quran. We have also witnessed this in our own lifetimes with the whole ‘weapons of mass destruction’ episode with Iraq. They changed the excuse for war to removing the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, which is an excuse they would not have used to begin with because the US have been funding and supporting dictatorships in the Arab world.

    ”But you prefer the wordly life,

    While the Hereafter is better and more enduring”

    Quran, Saheeh Int. tans. 87:16-17

  39. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @Faisal Good points we cant criticize who we dont lift a finger to support and look at how much fear those martyres have put into the yahuds hearts they built this massive wall to protect themselves from death/// but death will find them out even if they are in fortresses built up strong and high. The other day I saw the fortress of Marhab the Jew in the Book [ Atlas on the Prophet's Biography ] the fortress is built up high its incredibly ugly just like the jews Allah is forever showing us His Ayyats Alhumduiallah Rabul Alaimeen also the story of the Boy of Hikmah and the stupid king is just amazing i can read it over and over and have gained so much intelligent advice from that as well as being amused, Allah mosr Gracious loves to see us smile too. It should be a must read for our children ,truly inspiring.

  40. syed qutbNo Gravatar says:

    Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbel did give the true naseehah, “in the times of fitan (trials) seek your hukms from the ahle jihad”. this was not hs personal opinion but based on the promise of Allah that those who fight in the cause of Allah and WILL SURELY “GUIDE THEM” (TMQ AL QURAN].





  41. BrotherNo Gravatar says:

    Assaama Alaykum wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatu.

    Insha-Allah can you please tell us if and when you plan on publishing a series on the Crusades? And Al-Andalus? Wallahi, there are so many lessons to be learned from these eras, and I know for a fact that many Muslims, including myself are sitting on the edge of their seats in eagerness awaiting these series.

    Barrak Allahu Feek ya Sheikh.


  42. AllahuAkbarNo Gravatar says:

    Below is a hadith about a man who killed himself to quicken his death because of the injury he had in the battle. And RasulAllah saws said he is in Hellfire.
    Sahih Bukhari: Volume 4, Book 52, Number 147:
    Narrated Sahl bin Sad As-Sa’idi:
    Allah’s Apostle and the pagans faced each other and started fighting. When Allah’s Apostle returned to his camp and when the pagans returned to their camp, somebody talked about a man amongst the companions of Allah’s Apostle who would follow and kill with his sword any pagan going alone. He said, “Nobody did his job (i.e. fighting) so properly today as that man.” Allah’s Apostle said, “Indeed, he is amongst the people of the (Hell) Fire.” A man amongst the people said, “I shall accompany him (to watch what he does)” Thus he accompanied him, and wherever he stood, he would stand with him, and wherever he ran, he would run with him.
    Then the (brave) man got wounded seriously and he decided to bring about his death quickly. He planted the blade of the sword in the ground directing its sharp end towards his chest between his two breasts. Then he leaned on the sword and KILLED HIMSELF. The other man came to Allah’s Apostle and said, “I testify that you are Allah’s Apostle.” The Prophet asked, “What has happened?” He replied, “(It is about) the man whom you had described as one of the people of the (Hell) Fire. The people were greatly surprised at what you said, and I said, ‘I will find out his reality for you.’ So, I came out seeking him. He got severely wounded, and hastened to die by slanting the blade of his sword in the ground directing its sharp end towards his chest between his two breasts. Then he eased on his sword and killed himself.” when Allah’s Apostle said, “A man may seem to the people as if he were practising the deeds of the people of Paradise while in fact he is from the people of the Hell) Fire, another may seem to the people as if he were practicing the deeds of the people of Hell (Fire), while in fact he is from the people of Paradise.”

  43. ChowdhuryNo Gravatar says:

    I have much respect for you sheikh. But I have to say that it would be nice if you could add the references from the quran/sunna that support this view.

    I think an important distinction needs to be made in cases of suicide bombing. Is the mass killing of civilians acceptable in order to destroy, for example, one enemy of islam? Where does suicide bombing cross the line..? I feel when describing a matter as serious as this you must clarify.

  44. HamidNo Gravatar says:

    As salamu alaikum sheik

    I am against suicide operations; (where one is the direct cause for themselfes killing.)

    first and foremost i love you for the sake of Allah, and admire your work.
    Maybe it is wrong of me to say this apperant to everyone but may Allah forgive me and all of us.

    “When the Muslim leader saw that the enemy was overcoming them he said we will not die but honorable and we will not hand over to them anything. He did not want them to take them as prisoners and did not want their equipment to fall into the enemies’ hands. So he descended to the bottom of the ship and broke a hole into it and they all drowned. The entire Muslim force of 700 men strong drowned in the sea.”

    If all of them died, then who narrated the story with so much information about the thougths and intentions of the commander and the soldiers, apperantly wich was done in a short amount of time?
    u asked if they might go to hell;
    well they might go to hell.
    we allways ask for paradise for all of the muslims, but Allah is the judge.
    either way, unfortunatly, when there is some among those who were the sahabas that will go to hell, then surely none after them can “secure” themselfes a seat in heaven, we are all in danger and might go to hell, may Allah forgive us and them.
    and the prophets (saas) will ask Allah about them, but even the prophet(saas) did not know, so the codemnation of a scholar for the actions of the soldiers of salahuddin is not necesseray.
    and the intention counts, but it cant allways count, a wrong act is a wrong act, allthoug our intentions might count it does not undo them just because WE think we are on the right path and are acting rightfully.
    Allah knows best, but intention does not undo the law of Allah, as far as i know, please correct me if i am wrong.
    and if it might undo it, it is not unto the scholars do decide, but only Allah.
    WE, all muslims, must obey and follow the laws of Allah, that is the only guaranty.
    a shortened example would be such of the dead man wich Musa(as) was sendt to ask about to his people, and the people replyed that this man wa bad/evil etc.
    Allah confirmed it, but Allah told that this man had been forgiven but the people did not know.
    ergo, breaking the laws and regulations set by Allah can only be forgiven(justified) by Allah.
    We must judge only by that wich we are given.
    If killing yourself is a great sin then it is a great sin.

    And yes, I support jihad with all my heart, allthoug i dissagre with several issues among wich is suicide and the way the military leaders lead the war.

    (personaly i believe just as in the time of the wars of apostasy at abu bakr siddiqs (ra) time that it would be more efficient to first fight the murtet regiments of the muslim world before fighting the western forces as abu bakr (ra) did.)

    and i dont see that the scholars of that time (ibn taymiya and the others u mentioned) would justify the drinking of the turks or other behaviour that is unislamic, but they would only promote the islamic actions.
    but nowdays, some scholars justify the unislamic acts just because those persons have good islamic actions, wich thereby causes misunderstanding and totaly disagrement and alienation with all the actions, also with the islamic ones.
    Finally, the fall of the islamic empire came about because of the acceptance of such unislamic behaviour wich slowly got acceptet by the muslims and thereby opened way for more and more normalization and acceptance of more and more unislamic behaviour.
    May Allah bless u and forgive all of us and help the ummah and grant us all jannat.

  45. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    Al-Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu ya shabab,

    O youth,

    As you probably know by now, your brothers and sisters in Ghaza are under attack by the forces of Israel, al-Yahood fi Israel. Or, to put it more simply Muslims are being killed by kuffar. [as I sit here I am reminded not only of the devotion to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala that is required of me, but of the blessings that Allah ‘Aza wa Jal. A man was teaching his child to pray and when he went into sujood the child flopped down on the ground like a pancake masha’Allah it is one of the cutest things I have ever seen] There is no question that what exists in Ghaza is jihad feesabililah. It is jihad al-dafi or jihad of defense and it is fardh ayn. Scholars are in agreement over this issue. When Muslims are attacked jihad becomes fardh.

    Yes, I have just said the “J” word about ten times. I guess we better run because the FBI will be here any minute now. I’m just kidding.

    Brothers and sisters now is a time we need to learn and educate ourselves on this issue, this issue of jihad. We are the youth, al-shabab, jihad is not for the old. It is not a duty that you can not put off until you are older and more knowledgeable. SubhanAllah if al-shuyukh were the ones fighting jihad feesabililah do you think we could have ever been a powerful nation? Can you imagine an army men with grey beards down to their bellies and wrinkles under their eyes fighting the vast armies of the kuffar? Brothers and sisters jihad belongs to us, the youth.

    Brothers and sisters there are some misconceptions that Western philosophy has created within our Ummah regarding jihad. First and foremost is the Hadith about a so called “Greater Jihad.” The Hadith refers to jihad al-nafs as being a greater form of jihad than the jihad of the sword. Scholars agree that this Hadith is forged, fabricated, false, or in other words someone simply made it up. No scholar knowledgeable in the science of Hadith trusts this Hadith to be true. In fact, every single Hadith that discusses jihad feesabililah, or jihad for the sake of Allah ‘Aza wa Jal, refers to fighting. Let us go over some of those Hadith so that we are not confused.

    There is one where a woman came to the Prophet (SAAWS) and she said, “Ya Rasoolu Allah (SAAWS)! I do everything my husband does. When he prays I pray behind him. When he fasts I fast with him, but he has left for jihad. Ya Rasoolu Allah (SAAWS)! Tell me a deed that I can do to equal his.” The Prophet (SAAWS) asked her, “Can you fast constantly, and make dhikr constantly during the day, and pray all night in the masjid until he returns?” This woman lived in Madinah, so her prayers would have been multiplied by one thousand times. She said, “No Rasoolu Allah (SAAWS), nobody can do that.” The Prophet (SAAWS) replied, “Even if you were to do all of this, your deeds would not equal one tenth of what your husband does.”

    As you can see this Hadith clearly refers to jihad of fighting, otherwise the woman would have been able to do it. A woman can make jihad of the nafs, so it becomes clear that this refers to jihad of the sword.

    Also on this point there is a Hadith: “The jihad for women is an accepted Haj.” This clearly means that jihad refers to fighting.

    Now as to the superiority of jihad of the sword over jihad of the nafs, there is a Hadith where a man saw a nice spot away from civilization and he exclaimed, “Surely I would like to spend the rest of my life here praying and remembering Allah ‘Aza wa Jal, but first let me check with the Prophet (SAAWS).” So here we have a man who wants to make jihad of the nafs for the rest of his life going to ask permission from the Prophet (SAAWS). The Prophet (SAAWS) when asked told the man, “No, it is better if you fight jihad than to do this.” So here we can see that jihad of the sword is the superior jihad.

    So now that we understand that the superior jihad is the jihad of the sword and not of the nafs like most people believe, it is important that we learn about jihad. What is okay? What is haraam? Who has to fight? Who is allowed to fight? How can we participate? Is suicide bombing haraam or halal? Can we kill civilians?

    First and foremost we need to establish who has to fight jihad and when do they have to fight it. It is narrated in Bukhari: “He who dies without having fought jihad dies upon a form of hypocrisy.” This means that you have got to do it brothers. Now there are three conditions where it is fardh ayn to fight jihad:

  46. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    (Continued From Above)

    Jihad is a collective duty (fardh kifayah) (A command which is imperative upon all to perform it, but if enough do perform it, it will be sufficient). That is the opinion of the majority of scholars. In al Hidayah (Hanafi) it states that: Fighting the non-believers is mandatory even if they do not initiate war and that is according the general texts of Islam.

    Al Mugni: Jihad becomes an individual duty in three cases: 1) When the armies meet it is mandatory to fight and not flee. 2) If the non-believers descend on Muslim territory. 3) If the Imam calls for war it is mandatory on every able Muslim to respond.

    Ibn Hazm: Jihad is mandatory on Muslims. If some do fulfill the duty by protecting our borders, and fighting the enemies in their own land and conquering it, then the other Muslims are relieved of the duty otherwise it is a duty on each one of them according the verse: “Go forth, whether light of heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah. That is better for you, if you only knew”

    Right now we do not have a leader so the issue of an Imam does not apply to us. However the last two definitely do apply. Are Muslims under attack? Yes. Are there enough of them fighting? No. So what do we do brothers and sisters? How can we help? Should we make Hijra Feesabililah and go fight them ourselves? Or is that too dangerous?

    Living in this world with modern technology the possibility of travel feesabililah is virtually a non-issue for those of us in the West. There are airplanes that have made it so Washington, D.C. is closer to Somalia in our era than Makkah and Madinah were in the time of the Rasoolu Allah sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. The only issue is monetary. Do you have the monetary means? Can you raise the $1000 it takes to get there? Some of you have that right now. Some of you could literally be a Mujahid tomorrow. What is it that holds us back from fighting these kuffar. These kuffar who some of you support even over your Muslim brothers. It may take you a day, a week, a month, or half a year, but you can be there to defend them. There are wars in Morocco, Algeria, Somalia, Philistine, Sheeshan, Philippines, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan where you can help.

    Rasoolu Allah sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “The People will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their food.” Someone asked, “Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?” He replied, “No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be froth and scum like that carried down by a torrent (of water), and Allah will take the fear of you from the breasts (hearts) of your enemy and cast al-wahn into your hearts.” Someone asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what is al-wahn?” He replied, “Love of the world and dislike of death.” [An authentic Hadith recorded by Abu Dawud and Ahmad]

    Book 37, Number 4284:

    Muhammad Ashraf’s commentary on this Hadith offers enlightening insights. He (d. 1310/1892), a distinguished Hadith scholar, gives the following interpretation:

    Factions of disbelievers and misguided nations will invite each other to fight you, break your power and take away the lands and possessions which you own in the same manner that a diner invites people to eat a bowl of stew. They will be eating from it without any restraint or contention amongst themselves. They will be eating it being excused for their behavior and undisturbed. They will eat what is in their hands without becoming tired, feeling ill effects or any injury that will stop them.” Someone asked: “Will they invite each other because we will be few in number?” He answered: “On the contrary, at that time we will be many in number. However, you will be scum and foam, like the scum and foam of a body of water, foam and filth. You will resemble it because of the scarcity of your courage and the lowness of your value and worth. Allah will surely remove any fear or fright of you from the breasts of your enemies and definitely instill that which causes weakness (al-wahn) in your hearts.” Someone asked: “Oh Messenger of Allah, what kind of or what aspect of weakness?” He replied: “”Love of the dunya (worldly, secular, immediate, materialistic life) and aversion to dying.

  47. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    (Continued From Above)

    Brothers those of you who are afraid of dying have been infected with al-wahn. You are weak. You are cowards. This is a call to Jihad. Haya ‘ala Jihad. It is your duty to respond. It is your obligation. There is nothing in your way ya shabab. If you believe in Allah Ta’ala and the Last Day then your belief should be that your reward will be greater for your efforts than anything you should suffer. If you die journeying in the path of Allah then insha’Allah your are Shaheed! You are a martyr! You are the most honorable of men. The scholars themselves should feel humbled when they mention your death, for they have achieved no such status.

    The Mujahideen are our protectors. They are a wall surrounding the Kabba as thick as the distance from Indonesia to the United Kingdom. When one of them dies we cry tears of joy, for this is a man who loved his Ummah. This is a man who died for his Ummah. When you take a step toward Haj there is not a single Mujahid who did not take it with you. This is the status of the Shuhadah. This is the status of the Mujahid. So when you sit there and you wonder about your death know that you are questioning Allah. You challenge him when you think this death is not worth surrendering your life for. Everyone is going to die, but you can pursue the honor of having the best last breath of them all. You can pursue martyrdom and Al-Firdaus or you can pursue a peaceful life and explain it to Allah Ta’ala later.

    Sisters, support the Mujahideen hopefuls. Do not deny them for marriage. Encourage your husbands to pay there way. Tell your brothers you will hope for them to be shaheed and not for them to return home. Pray for them to pass by the Grave. Pray that they lose their lives for the sake of Allah. Pray that they achieve victory in both the dunya and the akhira. Pray that they rule the world.

    These are the lions of Islam. When a kafir looks them in the eye his knees quiver and his eyes weep. There is no force on this Earth more feared than the Lions of Allah. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala gave them their lives and they have volunteered to give them back in order to please him. These are men who have volunteered for Death. They do not seek glory, fame, or power. These men have their hearts consumed by a love for Allah and death in his cause. There are no soldiers like them. When one dies his brothers, cousins, and friends volunteer to die in the path of Allah. The kuffar cannot stop them. If you do not wish to be among them then you do not desire Jannah. If you do not desire Jannah, then you do not know Allah.

    This is a Khutbah I am still editing/writing so feel free to critique it.

  48. UmeljihadNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah,

    I want to first apologize for posting in arabic without a translation. In truth I don’t have people on my email list who can read arabic, and I would feel guilty if I didn’t pass those emails on…..and I want to tell you all that I love you so much for the sake of Allah(swt)!

  49. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum wrwb to the would be Martyres Inshalla”Allah Jazakialllahkeir Sheihk Anwa, Allah swt keep u safe and all those striving in the cause to establish the deen of Allah where it should be Ruling the world @ Saladin Amin to everything you said We have muslim prisoners in jail here Australia that are force fed drugs to keep them disorientated so they cant perform their prayers,it happens in Ramadan too . This is psychological torture, they are abondoned by the muslim ummah here as no one wants to be associated with them or their families for fear that they are next So the responsibility is left to the widows and divorced women says alot about our ummah doesnt it.

  50. TaraNo Gravatar says:

    jazak Allah kheir, This is a great and largely misunderstood topic today.

    However, I think that it should be mentioned that Suicide missions are not allowed if they intentionally take the lives of innocents/non-combatants.

  51. MaryamNo Gravatar says:

    Whether its correct or not is depending on the intention. However in regards to the story sheik gave im a bit confused how did they determine their own fate, i mean how did 700 men give up, maybe if they faught longer Allah (swt) would have given victory to at least one of their men. Or even if some were captured, does that mean if an enemy captures a brother he needs to kill himself so he doesnt experience torture?
    Please do help me in understanding this. Were there any such acts made at the time of muhammed (pbuh) and what were his views?

    btw with respect to spoops story of the kuffar, im not sure if anyone has watched i am legend by will smith in the end of the movie he exploded himself to get rid of the infected people so that others can survive without catching the virus and he was made the hero of the story LOL.

  52. TAUSIFNo Gravatar says:


    Beutiful article again. The spirit of Islam is that of unity and overcoming evil at any cost by any means necessary snd that doesnt require breeaking any laws of Sharia. the streets of the Muslim countrries never shouted any slogans regarding arab nationalism all of them shouted Takbir. The blood of our muslim families are billion times more important than the tiny differences we have. There will be more attacks on Muslims lands very soon and to some extent they wont be avoidable due to the fact that many leaders are puppets who have to be destroyed by their masters illah MaashaAllah.The laders are the shields of the nation and many arab nations today are being governed by clowns. We muslims have to remain steadfast and work ourselves to a state where we can be on the opposing side and chose death over dishonour.

  53. No monkey business in IslamNo Gravatar says:

    Do Wahhabis Support Suicide Bombings?

    “…So what we hold is that those people who perform these suicide (bombings) have wrongfully committed suicide, and that this necessitates entry into the Hellfire, and Allah’s refuge is sought; and that this person is not a shahid (martyr)…”

    - Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih al-Uthaymin, Saudi Arabia

    Were we to limit the definition of terrorism to “last resort tactics that the weak use against the strong”, as mentioned by John V. Whitbeck, then Ingrid Mattson’s statement that the Salafi scholars “have denounced terrorism and denounced in particular the acts of September 11″ certainly holds true, especially when considering that “those statements are available publicly,” as she said.

    Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih al-Uthaymin was asked the following concerning attacking an enemy by blowing oneself up, “What is the ruling regarding acts of jihad by means of suicide, such as attaching explosives to a car and storming the enemy, whereby he knows without a doubt that he shall die as a result of this action?”

    Shaykh al-Uthaymin responded by saying, “Indeed, my opinion is that he is regarded as one who has committed suicide, and as a result he shall be punished in Hell, for that which is authenticated on the authority of the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), “Indeed, whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the Fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever.” 1

    However, one who is ignorant and does not know, and assumes his action was good and pleasing to Allah, then we hope Allah forgives him for what he did due to an erroneous judgement, even though I do not find any excuse for him in the present day. This is because this type of suicide is well known and widespread amongst the people, so it is upon the person to ask the people of knowledge (the religious scholars) regarding it, until right guidance is made distinct from error for him.

    And from that which is surprising, is that these people kill themselves despite Allah having forbidden this, as He said in the Quran:

    “And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you.”2

    And many from amongst them do not desire anything except revenge upon the enemy, by whatever means, be it halal (permissible) or haram (forbidden). So they only want to satisfy their thirst for revenge.

    We ask Allah to bless us with foresight in His religion and action(s) which please Him. Indeed, He is all-Powerful over all things.”3

    Elsewhere, Shaykh al-Uthaymeen commented specifically about the suicide bombings which take place in Palestine: “This is what is found from the practice of the Jews with the people of Palestine – so when one of the Palestinians blows himself up and kills six or seven people, then in retaliation, they take sixty or more. So this does not produce any benefit for the Muslims, and does not benefit those amongst whose ranks explosives are detonated.

    So what we hold is that those people who perform these suicide (bombings) have wrongfully committed suicide, and that this necessitates entry into the Hellfire, and Allah’s refuge is sought; and that this person is not a shahid (martyr). However, if a person has done this upon misrepresentation, thinking that it is permissible, then we hope that he will be saved from sin. But as for martyrdom being written for him, then no, since he has not taken the path of martyrdom.”4

    1 al-Bukhaaree (no. 5778)

    2 Quran 4:29

    3 Kayfa Nu’aalij Waaqi’unal-Aleem (p. 119, 120)

    4 Taken from Shaykh al-Uthaymin’s explanation of Riyaadus-Saaliheen (1/165-166).

  54. abu darraaaaaaaaaaaaaNo Gravatar says:

    assalamu caleykum,

    My dear friends anything that terrorise the enemy of allah is allowed and must be done. but if you killed yourself because you hate to be captured that is unacceptable, please when you are carry car with bombs and taking to gates of the enemy, you are not only terrorising the enemy but you destroy the enemy.

    intention and actions must meet together.

    you can not kill yourself and you must not kill yourself because you feared the enemy is capturing you, if you do that then that is running away from the battle field and whoever runs away the battle field without killed or captured by the enemy is in hellfire.

    I hope you learned

  55. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    1- there is a consensus among all the Jihadi Organization throughout the world that Martyrdom Operation is legitimate and they all practice it without any doubt.
    2-You will find only those people talking against shahidi attack(Martyrdom Operation)who never fired a bullet on enemy or never had spent a night with Mujahideen in Ribat.
    3- West is spending millions of dollars to buy Muslim Scholars just to say that Shahidi Attack is Harram.
    4-Kuffar does not fear your so called armies, they do not fear your wealth of oil, they do not fear your so called airforce, the only thing they fear is ” martyrdom Operation” and they are doing every effort to prove it a cowardly act in the eyes of the world and win public opinion, and the more they spent on it we find the martyrdom Operators increasing and not decreasing. The money they spending is becoming a Hasarah for them.8-36. Verily, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder (men) from the Path of Allâh, and so will they continue to spend it; but in the end it will become an anguish for them. Then they will be overcomed. And those who disbelieve will be gathered unto Hell.
    If enemy is scared of something just do it, as Rasool Allah Sallalaho Alaihey wassallam ordered to cut the trees in the battle (while it was forbidden to cut them under normal circumstances) The message is you cannot take advantage of our generous principles.
    5-what factor is playing a major role in the defeat of America in Iraq and Afghanistan? Alhamdulillah its the “Shahidi Attack” which has broken the backbone of america and its allies.
    6- Allah says in Suran Anfal, 60-And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war to terrorise the enemy of Allâh and your enemy. and the best way to terrorize them is to do as many as Shahidi attacks as many possible.
    7- if this was a issue of disagreement among the Ulama then why don’t we see any disagreement among the ulama who are in the battle field(Ribat)? they all are one and promoting and using it as their most deadliest weapon.
    8-we have been pushed to the wall and this is the only way to defeat the enemy
    9- take this example for better understanding- Nato is at war with Iraq and Afghanistan (and rest of the Muslims too), they use air force, artillery,drowns and every possible weapon they can and in response we Muslims have no airforce, nothing, but lets suppose we also have an air force to respond back to enemy. they send a missile to us and in return we send a missile to them by airforce or whatever means, this is justified and no one call it a terrorism (however under recent attacks on Israel they call it terrorism too)- Now we have to respond back to the enemy but we do not have an aircraft to carry a bomb, but we have a Mujahid who himself becomes a carrier of a bomb and becomes a Jet and hits himself where was needed. subhan Allah, this is exactly what is happening. Kuffar imposed puppet regimes on us and they thought, now there is no way for Muslims to react, but May Allah provide the Martyrdom Operation Brothers a highest place in Jannah, who step forwarded and invented this brave act of defending Ummah and terrorizing the enemy which can be described as one of the bravest form of attack on enemy of Islam in the history of Mankind.
    10-these Shaheedi attacks have not only forcing Americans to move out of Afghanistan and Iraq, it has also helped mujahideen to drive out the Murtad army of Pakistan out of wazirisitan.

    to all those- who are still confused, please first listen to the series of Mashari al ashaq by Sheikh Anwar Awlaki and then InshaAllah you will get Haq in his point.
    Before you point out your finger to your own brothers (who have sacrificed every thing for the sake of Allah) just see who is happy about it, are’nt you sharing the same point of view which is being propagated by the enemy? arent you helping out your own enemy by discrediting your own brothers? how much you have sacrificed in your own life as compared to one person who has performed a Shahidi attack? who is being benefited after the attack?
    if you cant do some thing yourself then please stop criticizing others, if you cannot go out in Jihad offering your life, stay home and pray for them and pray to Allah to give you such a Iman that one day you might become a Mujahid but dont be so low to criticize the ones who are defending you.
    In last, i want to mention a true incident from a recent battle field.
    a mujahid offered himself for a martyrdom Operation, he had to attack an american convoy to be passed by in afternoon next day, the Mujahid got up early in the morning and looked very happy , his brothers knew that fried fish is his favorite dish, so they offered him-as you are going on a Shahidi mission therefore we want to take you to your favorite food(fried fish) but the Mujahid kept on refusing and said, I have a dinner somewhere else i cannot go with you, every one was surprised on such statements as he never refused to eat fried fish. He was just waiting for the signal from his command to leave for attack, his patience were running out as he heard that convoy has not reached yet, just before 5 minutes of maghrib prayer he got his signal, he leaves for the mission of his life and to the life of paradise, he attacked the americans and killed almost every one in the convoy and the convoy with their humvees and jeeps and trucks was burning to ashes. Allah hu Akbar.
    when the operation was completed, one of the friend of this Shaheed, told his other brothers why he was refusing to eat and where was he invited for dinner,
    he narrated, when he got up this morning he told me that he saw a dream, where he saw a beautiful place in paradise and a dinner ready with fried fish in plates and there are beautiful young boys to serve, when he sat next to these beautiful fried fish and tried to eat it, some one stopped him and said, not now, come in the evening, this is all yours. He told me on the promise that I would not disclose it brothers before his shahada.
    And he left for his fried fish in Jannah just before Maghrib. SubhanAllah. May Allah place the martyrdom Shuhada among the highest ranks of Jannah, as they are the ones who have revived the dignity and honor of the Ummah.(the authenticity of the incident is true as it was narrated by a practicing momin, Allah knows the best)
    At least Kuffar is scared of something and they do not have a solution to it.
    May Allah reaward and protect Shaiekh Awlaki for speaking out Haq.
    Victory or Eternity

  56. Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what hear..."No Gravatar says:

    “The Mujahidin do not need you half men, with no resolve. They do not need any advice on Jihad from scholars who are paid for and defeated. They do not need to ask if it is okay with you or if there Jihad is compatible with your thinking. No, they do not need that. They have all the wisdom and the vision that they need. Die in your rage and continue your criticism of the Mujahidin. You cannot destroy their resolve; your poisoned pins will not affect their Jihad. Nothing will affect them.”
    -Al Maqdisi

  57. Kashif AminNo Gravatar says:

    JazakAllah Khair to the Imam and it is wonderful to hear from him again, Alhumdulillah.

    As to the validity of the argument presented in this article, all I can say is Allahu Alim. One thing I certainly agree with though is the importance of intention behind our actions.

    We have to ask ourselves the question, if our children were shot dead before our eyes, our wives violated, our mothers and fathers murdered, our homes demolished, our lives wrecked, would we not seek to resist and retaliate against the enemy and his oppression?

  58. HAnwarNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters

    @No Monkey business in Islam

    Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih al-Uthaymin is wrong in his opinion. He has wrongly used the hadith “Indeed, whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the Fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever.” This hadith is not related to those who kill themselves for the sake of Allah. One dose not need to be a scholar to understand this point. Shaykh Uthaymin should re-read the following hadith where it is described clearly that the believers mentioned in Surah Al-Burooj killed themselves by jumping in the Fire instead of renouncing their Islam. Allah praised such believers despite the fact that they killed themselves.

    Riyad-us-saliheen, No. 30

    Suhaib (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “There lived a king before you and he had a court magician. As he (the magician) grew old, he said to the king: `I have grown old, so send me a young boy in order to teach him magic.’ The king sent him a young boy to serve the purpose. And on his way (to the magician) the young boy met a monk to whom he listened to and liked it. It became his habit that on his way to the magician, he would meet the monk and sit there and would come to the magician (late). The magician used to beat him because of this delay. He complained about this to the monk who said to him: ‘When you feel afraid of the magician, say: Members of my family detained me. And when you fear your family, say: The magician detained me.’ It so happened that there came a huge beast and it blocked the way of the people, and the young boy said: ‘I will know today whether the magician or the monk is better.’ He picked up a stone and said: `O Allah, if the way of the monk is dearer to You than the way of the magician, bring about death to the animal so that the people be able to move about freely.’ He threw that stone at it and killed it and the people began to move about freely. He then came to the monk and told him the story. The monk said: `Son, today you are superior to me. You have come to a stage where I feel that you would be soon put to a trial, and in case you are put to a trial, do not reveal me.’ That young boy began to heal those born blind and the lepers and he, in fact, began to cure people from all kinds of illnesses. When a courtier of the king who had gone blind heard about him, he came to him with numerous gifts and said, `If you cure me, all these things will be yours.’ He said, `I myself do not cure anyone. It is Allah, the Exalted, Alone Who cures; and if you affirm faith in Allah, I shall also supplicate to Allah to cure you.’ This courtier affirmed his faith in Allah and Allah cured him. He came to the king and sat by his side as he used to sit before. The king said to him, `Who restored your eyesight?’ He said, `My Rubb.’ Thereupon he said, ‘Do you have another lord besides me?’ He said, `My Rubb and your Rubb is Allah.’ So the king kept torturing him untill he revealed the young boy. The young boy was thus summoned and the king said to him, ‘O boy, it has been conveyed to me that you have become so much proficient in your magic that you cure the blind and the lepers and you do such and such.’ Thereupon he said, `I do not cure anyone; it is Allah Alone Who cures,’ and the king took hold of him and began to torture him until he revealed of the monk. The monk was summoned and it was said to him: `You should turn back from your religion.’ But he refused. The king sent for a saw, placed it in the middle of his head and cut him into two parts that fell down. Then the courtier of the king was brought forward and it was said to him: `Turn back from your religion.’ He, too, refused, and the saw was placed in the midst of his head and he was torn into two parts. Then the boy was sent for and it was said to him: `Turn back from your religion.’ He refused. The king then handed him over to a group of his courtiers, and said to them: `Take him to such and such mountain; make him climb up that mountain and when you reach its peak ask him to renounce his Faith. If he refuses to do so, push him to his death.’ So they took him and made him climb up the mountain and he said: `O Allah, save me from them in any way you like,’ and the mountain began to shake and they all fell down (dead) and that young boy came walking to the king. The king said to him, `What happened to your companions?’ He said, `Allah has saved me from them.’ He again handed him to some of his courtiers and said: `Take him and carry him in a boat and when you reach the middle of the sea, ask him to renounce his religion. If he does not renounce his religion throw him (into the water).’ So they took him and he said: `O Allah, save me from them.’ The boat turned upside down and they all drowned except the young boy who came walking to the king. The king said to him, `What happened to your companions?’ He said, `Allah has saved me from them,’ and he said to the king: `You cannot kill me until you do what I command you to do.’ The king asked, `What is that?’ He said, `Gather all people in one place and tie me up to the trunk of a tree, then take an arrow from my quiver and say: With the Name of Allah, the Rubb of the boy; then shoot me. If you do that you will be able to kill me.’ `The king called the people in an open field and tied the young boy to the trunk of a tree. He took out an arrow from his quiver, fixed in the bow and said, `With the Name of Allah, the Rubb of the young boy,’ he then shot the arrow and it hit the boy’s temple. The young boy placed his hand upon the temple where the arrow had hit him and died. The people then said: `We believe in the Rubb of this young boy.’ The king was told: `Do you see what you were afraid of, by Allah it has taken place; all people have believed.’ The king then commanded that trenches be dug and fire lit in them, and said: `He who would not turn back from his (the young boy’s) religion, throw him in the fire’ or `he would be ordered to jump into it.’ They did so till a woman came with her child. She felt hesitant in jumping into the fire. The child said to her: `O mother! Endure (this ordeal) for you are on the Right Path”.

    May Allah grant those brothers who kill themselves for the sake of Allah the Jannatul Firdawus.

  59. faizaNo Gravatar says:

    salaam alaikum to all my brother and sisters.
    @ Zakariya and Brother Al Khurasani jazakAllah for the uplifting and truthful posts

  60. SirferazNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikukm

    There is a very in depth fatwa on the ruling of Fidayeen attacks initiated by the Chechen Mujahidden when others were saying that the 1st female Fidayeen attack was conducted there by our courageous sister Hawaa Barayev (May Allah grant her the Highest Paradise). Factual information is given from all 4 madhabs.


  61. spopsNo Gravatar says:


    as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah

    @um umar I have heard the shaikh give the explanation of the story of the boy and the king.

    However, when I presented this to brothers they said that this is not the same as what happens in martyrdom missions as it wasn’t by his own hand.

    He told the king how he could be killed, but did not actually kill himself as the king fired the arrow. I personally think that this is good point. However, the benefit that his demise brought was without doubt the greatest of sacrifices as through his action many became believers and entered in to paradise.

    I think that it is an important issue and needs to be said. On the other hand the story the shaikh brings regarding the brave brothers who did not allow themselves or their equipment to fall into the hands of the enemy is more convincing.

    Anyway, it is a very difficult area and we ask Allah to give us light to see the true hukm regarding this

    I have pointed out the benefits from the side of the military aspect and the psychological aspect and Allah knows best.

    as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah

  62. Wild Wild WestNo Gravatar says:

    Shaykh Al-Albaani approves martyrdom operations – with conditions:

  63. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Masha’Allah Brother Al Khurasani you covered it all and both you and brother Zakriya’s last paragraphs are enheartning to say the least. I cant understand shaykh al Uthmaymeen response especially on the Palestinian issue. There so much evidence to oppose his view I dont think hes ever joined his brothers on the battle field Id prefer to go with the Shaykhs that are actually in the field . Sacrificing your life for the betterment of the Ummah is the greatest honour and has by far the greatest reward.Allah swt)
    Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah ra) The Prophet saws) said, ” I have been given five things which were not given to any one else before me.
    1; Allah made me victoriuos by awe,( by His frightening my enermies ) for a distance of one months journey.We have to fufill these words and one way thats already working is the Martyrdom operations.

  64. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @ Sirferaz, can you enlighten us on the actual martyrdom operation of the sister Hawaa Jazakiallahkeir

  65. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @spops What was the intention of the boy , Allah swt) had given him the hikma to know the result . He knew he would die and that would intern greatly benefit his people. If the right intention is there then the means aren’t important but the result is the same, one of self sacrifice to save , improve, defend , rescue the state of the believers .
    I personally would rather die fighting than be drowned but I wont judge anyone, as to their intentions that with Allah If its a stratergy of war then thats enough.
    I think above anything that we must remember that suicide is taking ones life because someone has lost hope in Allahs mercy and this is not the characteristic of a mumin but the characteristic of a kaffur. Whereas the Martyres are seeking Allahs Mercy and only Allah swt) knows whats in the hearts. May Allah Al Hakeem , Al Muqaddim expediate our unity so we establish the Khalifah who will command and we will obey

  66. steeds of warNo Gravatar says:

    In the not so distant future when that evil Dajjal appears and it will have a fire on one side and water on the other , weve been told by the Prophet saws to throw ourselves into the fire , would the Prophet saws advise us to commit suicide or advise us to be from the martyres?

  67. ShirazNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaamu ‘alaikum
    Since there is no barrier between the du’a of the oppressed and Allah even if the oppressed person doesn’t believe in Him, could it be possible that any innocents killed by such martyr operations are being oppressed, and wouldn’t the du’a of such oppressed peoples (say, the families of those innocents killed) work against us?

  68. lubnaNo Gravatar says:


    jazakallah khayer imam anwar for clearing the confusion in peoples mind on this subject.may Allah reward you and guide you always Ameen.

    Alhumdulillah,i was convinced of martyrdom operations being haq ages ago ever since i learnt about them. and always praised the bravery and ingenuity of the mujahid doing this noble act mashaAllah.may Allah increase more of them Ameen.

    and brother abu draa, bro zakariya ,bro al khurasani and al maqdasi they all expressed this view very well Alhumdulillah.

    the objective of a mujahid is to kill and be killed and in some cases be killed i.e shahdah is the priority. martyrdom op achieves this objective in one go. whats wrong with that!

    bro khurasani your true story is very moving. guess what, fried fish has become my favourit dish too lately….:) i cant relate to that brother’s high eemaan but can to his fav dish.may Allah take the wahan away from our hearts Ameen.

    as for the case of 700 men in times of salahudin, it is bewildering for me just like many other members here so i will do sakoot/scilence as well. but i am sure it was the decesion of Yaqub the leader of those men only , and not that of salahudin cos they didnt have mobile phones then.

    about the point raised by someone that who reported the details of this incident if they all got killed. my common sense tells me it could be the enemy who related this incident after all muslims were surrounded by them and were communicating with them too.

    may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to the mujahideen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen

  69. SpopsNo Gravatar says:


    As salaam alikeum wa rahmatullah

    Subahnallah I left the blog for Jummuah I returned to it after asr and mash’allah so many comments.

    First of all I have to say that this blog is a great place to increase your knowledge and also to correct it.

    @Zakariya my dear brother much of what you have written is correct. However, the issue of “Jihad is not for the old” the prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) was 53 when he went to his first battle as a Muslim leader. Abu Bakr, Umar and many of the sahabah were likewise not young.

    Rather we follow what Allah the most high says in the quran in surah at tauba [009:041] March forth, whether you are light (being healthy, young and wealthy) or heavy (being ill, old and poor), strive hard with your wealth and your lives in the Cause of Allah. This is better for you, if you but knew.

    A second point is that in the Jihad of defence everyone is to fight if the amount of fighters is not sufficient to repel the invaders.

    Reality:- In Chechynia sisters are fighting alongside brothers approximately 21 of them complete with Kalashnikovs . I know of one story in which a brother was fighting alongside his wife and he was wounded and she told him off and asked him are you a man what is wrong with you fight.

    Furthermore, there are brothers who carried out martyrdom missions with their wives.

    The sad fact from all of this is that we the men of the ummah are sat around while the woman are out fighting.

    An example from the battle of the trench was when the women were behind the men who were fighting. Safiyah, the aunt of the Prophet (pbuh) saw a Bani Quraizah warrior wandering about outside their quarters. In these quarters, there were only women and children but had no men guarding. Every able man was needed on the battlefront to defend Madina and fight off the Kuffar army. In fact, the only man in these quarters was the elderly Hassan.(he was very old otherwise he would have been on the battlefield)
    Safiyah told Hassan to go and finish off the warrior lurking about outside. He refused saying that he was too old to fight. Safiyah herself went outside and attacked the lone warrior with a piece of wood. Soon the warrior was dead so Safiyah told the elderly Hassan to check his clothes and remove his weapons. Hassan again refused saying he was too old so Safiyah did it herself. She then threw the body over the wall which made Bani Quraizah think that this area was also well guarded.

    @All dear brothers and sisters, I want to bring something to everyone’s attention. Since the gaza conflict we have all been blogging on the issue of Jihad. We all know the obligations that it brings, yet we are still here blogging.

    This means that for different reasons we cannot go at this time, so we are left with no other option than to debate and remind each other. I suspect for some of us and I hope Allah will accept this excuse that we cannot move around as we would like. I know the shaikh without doubt is unable to move very far in that direction or he would be at the forefront of the Jihad.

    For other brothers and sisters we all have to prepare our excuses before Allah and ask him to forgive us.

    I also see the same youthful exertions coming through. Don’t forget the issue of when the youth wanted to battle outside of Medinah and the older battle tested Quraish and Ansar felt staying inside the narrow confines of Medinah was better. With age comes experience and in some cases wisdom. (but not always as is the case of Muhammad bin Qasim Al-Thaqafi )

    I would like to impress on everyone that Jihad is to win the pleasure of Allah and to repel the invaders or increase the lands of the Muslims. The shadaha is a reward given to some it is not the goal sought in itself. For if it was then who will defend the Muslims.
    Our great history tells us that even Bara ibn Malik was not allowed to lead an army as he would take the army into the next life and then who would defend the Muslims left behind.

    I know the story of Abu sufian and the pledge, but if we take a careful look at what took place we can see that drastic action was needed at that time. He wanted to raise the people to fight and not give up in this great time of urgency.

    The goals of Jihad are clear how we reach them are many but recklessness is not one of them and we should be keen to ensure that we do our utmost to ensure that we are prepared.

    Brothers have this great and noble thought that it is all about shahada, but the goal is much greater than that and much more nobler and that is the raising of the flag of Tawheed in all the places on the earth. Allah has given us this noble duty in the following verse.

    [002:193]  And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimoon (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)

    This is the purpose of Khalifah to bring justice to the land and to defeat the kuffar of shaitan and his followers from mankind.

    Therefore make your goal to raise the flag of tawheed to bring the people out of darkness and the reward if accepted may be shadaha inshallah.

    Ibn ‘Umar reported, The Messenger of Allāh, peace and blessings of Allāh be on him, said:
    ‘I have been commanded that I should fight these people till they bear witness that there is no god but Allāh and keep up prayer and pay zakāt. When they do this, their blood and their property shall be safe with me except as Islām requires, and their reckoning is with Allāh.”

    @Um Umar I advice you to visit and to bring this to their attention regarding these brothers as they will be able to rally lots of support to help them. Furthermore, as soon as the authorities know that people are on to them they will reciprocate and stop this munkar inshallah.

    If I have said anything which has hurt anyone please forgive me and if there is anything I neglected in my post then forgive me. Any good can only ever come from Allah and any evil is surely from my ownselve and the prompting of shaitan.

  70. SlaveofAllahNo Gravatar says:

    Ya Sheikh, brothers and sisters what about the meccan period when Prophet S.A.W told the sahaba to have sabr and Musa as when he told bani israeel to have sabr as they were slaves of firoun when he was persecuting male children at that time isn;t our time is the same and many muslims are not on the right path shouldn’t we have sabr and work very hard on reforming oursevles first grow sprtirually, becuase from inside most people don’t have taqwa in their hearts possess very weak iman. AllahuAlam

  71. AbidNo Gravatar says:

    “To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect,” A Question for some of our well intended brothers and sisters who say, “What’s the difference between the two?”

    Would Mccain do this?

    Obama acts on Guantanamo trials
    Barack Obama has requested the suspension of all military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay, in his first major act as the new US president.

    Continue reading ‘Obama pledges new start with Muslims’

  72. Zohaib AliNo Gravatar says:

    ok but that happens in Palestine but in Pakistan they kill there own muslim brothern is that justified

  73. No spin in Islam eitherNo Gravatar says:

    I agree and disagree on the posts here.

    Do not judge others Imaan, you have NO right whatsoever.

    Jihad or Martyrdom is held very high in Islam so do not put your own opinions to corrupt these acts, show your DALEEL from the Quran and Sunnah. Why did not any rightly guided Khulafah send “Suicide missions” in the wars even if they had to loose and retreat in some the we already know?

    Not just “specific” Jihadi scholars like “RAND” scholars will say OBVIOUSLY NO to this a JIHADI scholar will obviously say YES to this, why are you fooling yourself. There is a BIG difference in the meaning, methodology and the act itself of suicide vs martyrdom.

    Why was suicide attacks not done by any Prophets themselves who endured the MOST pain and tortures in their lives (Due to their Prophet hood) than anyone else?

  74. No spin in Islam eitherNo Gravatar says:

    @ Wild Wild West and Wacko

    Show me the money? not just a penny!

    post the entire article not what you like

  75. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    @ brother al khurasani and br. zakariya – jazakumullahu khairan for the above posts insha Allah it will be sadaqa jariya for you. truely the women are part of the ummah and also strive in the path of Allah and we have a duty as well and we have no excuse except for that which is apparent.
    @ the rest who are defending this, may Allah increase you in faith as well.
    @um umar -sister hawwa barayev is one of our contemporary sisters who disgraced half of the men of our ummah today. may Allah swt accept her shahada.

  76. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    @ Spops, you know that Ayat is clarified to say those who cannot really go do not have to go, but you are correct otherwise.

  77. muwahidaNo Gravatar says:

    salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

    JazakAllah khair for speaking the haqq and teaching the ummah, shaykh. BarakAllahu feek.

    Allah ya7fadhak, ameen.

  78. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatubu dear brothers and sisters for the Haqq. May ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta’ala increase you in knowledge and Imaan and keep us all on the ranks of the Mujahideen on the path of Jihad Feesabililah. Brother Al Khurasani, brother Spops and those standing firm for the Truth and Justice, please do keep up the excellent work! I love you all for the sake of Allah Azza Wa Jall. May ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta’ala reward you with Jannahtul Firdaws.
    “O you who have believed, respond to Allah and to the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life. And know that Allah intervenes between a man and his heart and that to Him you will be gathered.”
    [Surah Al-Anfal. Ayat 24]

  79. AmatullahNo Gravatar says:

    As salaamu alaikum,

    Alhamdulillah, we have enjoyed your writings very much. JazakAllahu khairan.

    This example, however, is not a hadith, and not proof that it is correct.

    The minhaj is to examine the Quran and Sunnah to come to a conclusion. Then there will be differing opinions that are acceptable on many matters.

    Insha’Allah the sailors would die martyrs, but not the captain whose intention was to bring death to himself and he succeeded. Insha’Allah Allah forgives/forgave the captain because he *believed* he was faced with certain death either way. Allahu Alim.

  80. FerozeNo Gravatar says:

    Martydom operations restore balance to the earth.They balance the military machinery such as warplanes which kill civillians by dropping bombs from the sky.We can fight them as they fight us.
    What about the incident of masada?The yahood seem to accept the ligitimacy of suicide operations being better than falling into the hands of the enemy as in the case of the example given by the learned imaam.
    All actions are judged by intention and the martyr is inspired by altruism-giving his or her life for the sake of Allah.
    I have also read that it is better for a women to commit suicide ,if she feels that the disbeliever will violate her body , in order to protect her dignity.So martydom operations are not the same as taking ones life as an individual to avoid the tests of life.

  81. brother farooqNo Gravatar says:

    As salaamu ‘alaikum:

    With all due respect, maybe we should forget whether these are “suicide” operations or “martyrdom” operations, or at least put it to the side, as there is something WAY more important than this, IMHO, as this is the first step! And that is the TARGET. Many brothers seem not to know know who the target should be! Shouldn’t that be the thing, or at least the first thing that at least we should be able to agree on? YET, many of the brothers go on and on and on and on, calling us brothers as being “fake Muslims,” “munafiqeen,” “traitors,” ETC., ETC., JUST because WE THINK that is is totally Islamically WRONG and HARAAM to intentionally target kaafir noncombatants, including women, and children, and BABIES! I have stated over and over on this blog and others that I 100% support the targeting of kaafir combatants, meaning, the crusader military, and their tawghoot murtadeen puppets, or ANY targeting of any COMBATANT kaafir, fighting the Muslimeen, whether in ‘Iraq, Chechnya, NWFP, Kashmir, Somalia, Afghanistan, the zionist entity, etc., etc., YET you still call brothers like us very despicable, disgusting things, JUST BECAUSE we DON’T agree that a Muslim can intentionally target kaafir noncombatants, including women, children and BABIES!

    Wallahi, when brothers say the intentional killing of kaafir NONCOMBATANTS on the streets of London, including women, children, and BABIES (!!!!!), are better than or equal to, let’s say, the targeting and killing of kaafir COMBATANT soldiers in their crusader ships off the southern coast of the Arabian peninsula, or the killing of filthy kaafir Russian crusader COMBATANTS in Chechnya, or the killing of invading Ethiopian Crusader kaafir troops on the streets of Somalia, etc, then this is BAATIL!!!! Anyway, shouldn’t the TARGET be the first thing that Muslims should agree on??

  82. Abu AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    A time would come when one patiently practices the deen, will be like holding burning charcoal in his hand. May Allah forgive our sins, guide us all and give us a’afiya… AMEEN

  83. HasanNo Gravatar says:

    Reading the above comment just made me laugh … this “guy” is going on about kuffar women and children, when his own are being massacred and raped all over the World. how merciful and compassionate he is!

    was salaamu ‘alaykum ikhwaan,

    JazakAllaahu khayran shaykh… maybe you should make a post discussing the rulings for and against such tactics of war.

    and to the so concerned guy , you are not hypocrites, you are too sufi-tastic.

  84. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    To Abid:
    Obama is a deceitful Kafir, and a lying Zionist at that! Do you know that he has already slaughtered unjustly more than a couple dozens of our brothers and sister in Afghanistan and Pakistan, today and yesterday?
    Here are some of the facts on the ground so far:
    At least 20 Muslims have been killed in two missile attacks by the US-Terrorist drones flying over northwest Pakistan. In the first attack, three missiles were launched on a house in North Waziristan close to Afghanistan, The second attack, just a few hours later, hit near Wana in South Waziristan, where a dozen Muslims were killed. The strikes come one day after Terrorist Obama, the new US Pharoah, appointed Terrorist Richard Holbrooke as special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Know that these attacks are the first since Pharoah Barack Obama took office of the Terrorist and announced his special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Does this injustice mean anything to you??
    Or are you telling us that you still have hope in your Crusader/Zionist savior?

    “O you who have believed, do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah against yourselves a clear case?”
    [Surah An-Nisaa, Ayat 144]

  85. MohammadNo Gravatar says:

    Brothers ans Sisters, What are you living for? What are we doing here? Whats going on around the world? Go to Iraq (Afghanistan or Palistine) today and see your brothers and sisters, see them!, See what is happening there!, its gonna happen to you one day, dont think your living in the West your comfortable, your ‘khalas’ We are in a first world country, Look whats happening Brothers and Sisters their heads are being blown off, their legs are being amputated, their arms, their bodies, their flesh and meat is being just thrown off their bodies – LOOK! – And were to comfortable with cultivation, were to scared to go to jihad, What are you living for, Do you not read in your prayer, – that your Prayer, your Sacrifice, your Living and your Dying is for Allah Ta’la! – Are you a Hypocrite? are you really for Allah Ta’la? open your EYES! open your MIND! open your THOUGHTS!….

    oh Muslims who are Awake! Oh Muslims who are Alert! oh Muslims who are Following up the News World Wide! you will know, oh people of Islam, that the Muslims today are in a state of Hardship, a state of Distress, from the daily bloodshed in Palistine, from the continued U.S bombing in Afghanistan, from the Attacks on Muslims in Iraq, in Kashmier, those in Chechniya, that of those in Somalia, those that were in Bosinia, Indonisia and Burma, those that were in the WORLD where the Muslims were, they attacked them. The daily attacks are continuing today, the recent innocent iraqis, the recent terror – U.S terror attacks on the innocent iraqis, and likewise the harassment on the Muslims, the peaceful righteous Muslims in the west and beyond. Does it leave in anyones mind, Anyones Mind who reflects and contimplates, What is really ment by the term, by the wording, by the so called ‘war on terrorism’ – does it leave a doubt in anyones mind, that it is nothing but a war on ISLAM and the MUSLIMS.. to ensure the Zionst, those Pigs, the Zionst American domination in every corner of this Earth. This is the disease, this is the plot, this is the Main PLOT… However! the plot today, the war today, the focus today is not only on military warfare, No! they are attacking the Muslims in a secret subtle way, whereby the attacked does not persive himself being attacked, he becomes controlled on a leash, without himself even knowing his being attacked..

    Allah Ta’la is telling you: Have you perferred the Life of this world compared to the Next, Allahs saying to you; little, Little, LITTLE is the comfort of this Life in comparison, In COMPARISON to the Hereafter. its eternal, its Eternal brothers and sisters, its ETERNAL, Everlasting, Never Stopping, there’s no full stop, its eternal, its continuing. This is a Full stop where your gonna end – That, there’s no Full stop.
    The Hadith is clear Brothers and Sisters, clear as light, CLEAR AS LIGHT when you take hold the tails of cows, love this world, become satisfied with this Duniya, You Abandon Jihad, what does Jihad mean here? You abandon to Sacrifice your Life for Allah Ta’la, YOU ABANDON TO SACRIFICE, the desire, the love to Sacrifice your Soul for Allah Ta’la.. Meaning you will not want to confront Death because Your to Comfoftable with this duniya, So How will you die upon this belief, HOW WILL YOU DIE ON THIS BELIEF, how will you Confront Allah Ta’la on the Day Of Judgement – Think and reflect Brothers and Sisters… THINK AND REFLECT!

  86. gammarayNo Gravatar says:

    As-salamou alaykum
    Sheikh Anwar I just want to thank you initially for the abundance of information you have provide to me and all of us and it is very invaluable in this day and age at a time when there is so much corruption in aqeedah and bid3a.
    Sheikh I want to talk about jihaad and I say that I agree with mostly everything you have said on this matter but I just want to voice my understanding of the applicableness of jihaad in the sense when it is definitely required.
    Jihaad is of 2 categories i.e. defensive and offensive and there is a very real need today for defensive jihaad like in filasteen, iraq, afghistan amongst others. But the question is are we ready and prepared?

    Today there is much corruption in aqeedah and bid3a in the religion so first of all as an army we are not united on aqeeda which is critical and a must. As an example, look at afghanistan when the russian invaded, they were victorious in teh end but look what happened after, they started killing each claimed the victory was due to their belief and now look at afghanistan now …

    So correct aqeedah is a fundamental necessity of jihad in teh path of Allah the other one is to be prpeared for jihaad, we can not forget the realities of this world which we are all subjected to irrespective of religion or way and we must be prpared adequately for undertaking jihaad missions. We have verious jihaad groups in raq, afghanistan, palestine etc. and some of them are doing well by the will of Allaah but lets face it they are not adequately prepared and they are resorting to suicide missions because its like a one-shot attempt at taking out the enemy, IF it works then all praise to Allaah but dont forget we are still losing men which means our numbers are dwindling further and its just not efficient in the long-term.

    There are few groups like al-qaida amongst others who are doing jihad missions right now but I think this way is futile right now because of the basic corruption of aqeedah and lack of resources right now, not to mention they dont even have the backing of their rulers. Many are getting killed and I just wonder how long they can last, I hope I am wrong about this may Allah help them but logically it just seems they are fighting a losing battle.

    I think the solution is for all of these groups to basically give dahwah to the people because this is the way of teh way of the prophet, I think we need to focus on aqeedah and sticking to the path of the prophet and following his sunnah, we all want victory and honour of islam to be restored and to stop the bloodshed of our muslims all around the world; but I just think the path of following in the footsteps of groups like al-qaida and other is hasty and futile. That is what they are, just groups not armies and you need armies of people with correct aqeedah and ample provisions to fight these kuffaar.
    So if they come home now and start of this task of giving da’wa to the people in their respective countries then teh reformation can begin. This way, peopel will be on teh right path with correct aqeedah and following the correct sunnah of the prophet. This way is slow and will take a long time perhaps or maybe not people have awoken to their corrupt rulers and “islamicization” as the west puts it is setting back into the minds of people. This also gives us time to prepare. Remember victory is not governed by the rulers, as corrupt as they may be its ultimately upto the people, look at hajjaj al thackafi, he killed 100 000 muslims and was an unjust man but in his time the muslims conquered middle asia because they were on teh right path so Allah gave them honour still; I think we can learn by this that all the people need to reform and groups need to redirect their energies into this aspect of correcting aqeedah and following sunnah otherwise when they are killed who will be left to carry on their mission. A rag-tag group that is just fighting due to anger and personal injustices? This way of da’wa will demand alot I mean the spirit of sacrifice will need to be developed because by this reformation I do not doubt people will be killed by their rulers they are killing muslims already who they deem a threat but how long can they go on for, if we trust in Allaah we know he will bring us through this type of crisis too, people suffered in the past no doubt and many of us will have to make this sacrifice too even at the hands of corrupt and tyrant rulers and some people will be killed for following this path but it will be less in comparison to how many men are killed on teh battlefield in rag-tag groups against the kuffar who are much more amply preparaed. When the nation is free of corruption in aqeedah and has ample provisions then we can make jihad and then it will be in the hands of Allaah, we will have done our best by correcting corruption in deen and in making preparations so then that will be th epoint to do jihad fee sabil allaah and inshallah we will be granted victory.
    Maybe im not totally correct in saying current jihaad groups should just come home and stop all this fighting and let the kuffar take over completely because then chaos would ensue but if these groups are really fighting in the name of Allaah then they need to redirect their energies on da’wa, that is the only way jihad can be successful because when muslims are on teh correct path soley fighting for Allaah and upholding his word then victory will be for his slaves and then we will be able to stop all this oppression to our fellow muslims. I guess families need to play their part too and ensure their children have totally islamic upbringing and groups like al-qaida and their offshoots should direct their energies on this aspect too, to the masses.

    Offcourse we know that victory will eventually come but not without following the quran and sunnah in its pure unadulterated form.

    Anyways Sheikh, this is just my comments but feel free to comment on this if you deem I have said anything that may be incorrect.

  87. umm salamahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaykum,

    barakallahu feek ya shaykhoona wa asalullaha an yahfadhuka mina dawagheet. Mashallah i am so happy you wrote this for those of the Ummah who accuse the isthish-hadeyeen and those who have doubts about it.Alhamdulillah i think shaykh yusuf al uyayree (rahimahullah wa taqabalahu fee shuhada) wrote the best book on this issue.At Tibyan(may Allah reward them and protect them) have done a wonderful job translating his books and every book.


  88. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum wrwb Sabhan Allah LA HULLA WALLA QUWAITA ILLA BELAIH ALEEUL AZEEM @spops Jazakiallahkeir for your advice as always and all your post ///
    @ mumin ,The only reason why we are still debating these issues is that we dont have a shield for the Ummah, we dont have a Khalifah to clarifly our differences A Khalifah to command and we will not hesitate to follow his commands/// now our ummah is like a man who worships many gods not the man that worships one. Allah help us to look at the big picture and not at our own personalised one and move forward to establish the Shield .@ Dear sister nisa,a pearl of our ummah Jazakiallahkeir and Amin,I wanted to hear the story of sister Hawwa as I find them fasinating and we can gain knowledge insha’Allah @ Zakariya yes the elderly are given the option but what kind of man would take it unless hes absolutely helpless, I remember seeing an incredible scene that has never left my mind [ Three elderly muslims trapsing thru the snow over the mountains in Uzbeckistan after an government offensive against them . the three would have been in 70s or 80s the man in the middle was being supported by a man on one side and a woman on the other they had their weapons they were dressed in Islamic gear and were very thin but they looked beautiful but in pain , pain because the Ummmah has neglected them and turned to the passing life for enjoyment .If Allah must give me long life I wish to be like them.///
    on the authority of Abu Sa’id who said the Prophet saws said ” On the day of Judgement there will be a flag for every person guilty of treachery. It will be raised in proportion to the extent of his guilt, and there is no guilt of treachery more serious than the one committed by the ruler of men.

  89. syed qutb iiNo Gravatar says:

    My dear brother and scholar of Haq,
    i find in the example of the quran, the incident of the boy in the qisa of surah burooj. and from the sahaba many who carried out attacks seeking martyrdom. as the most honourable self sacrife i have come across is the example of Imam Hussain (ra) and the Ahle bait each example make me cry. The example of the arrow through the neck of Asgar ibn Husain ibn ALi (ra) aged 6 months, stuck to the arm by an arrow throw his neck.
    the example of qasim and Aun and Muhammad (Raa) only in their infancy, dressed up in bridal gear by the daughter of Ali (ra) to marry them on to the hoors.

    By Allah i think we have handed the greatest example of martyrdom operation. But i admire the way they look upto to the martyrdom operations.
    Baring in mind daleel declare that nabi (saw) mentioned the great sacrife of imam Hussain against Yazid.

    This is not the daleel for the action but ismaeel Zabi Ullah (ra) was in essence engaged with self sacrifice.
    Who did not even ask Our father Ibraheem (as) to tie his hands even.

    Is it not daleel that in the march to Badr the companions and the imam of the prophet (as) were chanting and crying that victory comes to them in the form of shahadah on the plains of Badr.

    was it not the sahabi (ra) who ordered to be catapulted over the forts of khayber, declaring either he would open the gates of land on spikes.
    In the history of creation of Pakistan
    did not out father admire the sons who put grenades on their bodies and go under the tanks.. did the ulema ever declare this as suicide then or now?





    The mujahids remind me of the children of karabla in the battle against yazid to re-establish the rashida calphate.. dressed up in groom outfits to marry the hoors, youngest of the being 6 the son of zainab bint ali (ra).

    When the yazid forces began to burn the tents of the camp of imam hussain (ra) the hijabs were removed as war booty, the women including sayida zainab bint Ali (ra) asked zain ul abideen (rh). that they rather be burnt alive than seen without their hijabs.

    the tareek of islam is written by mujahideen scholars like ibn taymiyah (rh) written with the blood of the martyrs.

    Nabi (saw) “whoso ever dies without neeyah of shahadah will die the death of a a munafiq” { al bukhari)

    Sayid qutb (rh) said “our word remain dead till we die in their cause, so then they live amongst the living”

    Pls read final chapter of milestones to understand the sacrifce need for the haq.
    and refer to the tafsir of hadith by tibyan publication on the people of the ditches.

    By loved brother anwar Awlaki “fear not the blame of the blamers”.

  90. steeds of warNo Gravatar says:

    I dont know why you people keep going on about Obamah he’s a loser and as a muslim you shouldn’t even be in the enermies camp.

  91. JassimNo Gravatar says:

    @ brother farooq,
    Please listen to what Sheikh Al-Mujahideen Ayman Az-Zawahiri says in this vid between 14 minutes and 18:20 as an answer to the points you mentioned.
    May Allah open our hearts to understanding His revelation. Amin
    And to everyone else… you’re missing out if you haven’t listened to this already!!

  92. SaneNo Gravatar says:

    Everyone here knows perfectly well that Anwar Alawlaki will come down in support of “martyrdom operations”. But ask yourself, how will /Allah/ judge a person who destroys Allah’s own creatures indiscriminately?

  93. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @ Ukhi Mohammad I love you and respect you for the sake of Allah Masha’Allah you are worthy of your beautiful strong name ALLAH AL MUJEEB MAKE YOU A LEADER AMONG MEN , THE UMMAH NEEDS YOU

  94. Umm AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaykum,

    jakalllahu khayran.May Allah reward you immensely.

  95. Al MujahidNo Gravatar says:

    JizakALLAHu Khairan!
    I’ve been waiting for your blogs and it finally came, but I’ll have to say, I go with you, I have some doubts but may ALLAH clear those thoughts from me!

  96. No spin in Islam eitherNo Gravatar says:

    As Salamalaikum,

    The question is not weather we should do JIHAD, that is very clear we should.

    The question here is what “weapons” are allowed in Shariah.

    Lets clarify here -The act of “desperation” when you are cornered and find no escape and “take your enemy out along with yourself” is not synonyms with preemptive killing with throwing yourself on a target for someone else.

    If this suicide missions were successful in a created beings eyes thenwhy is our creater still humiliating us in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya , Kashmir etc.. Hmmmm, may be with ALL good intentions we are putting our own human understanding and desires way ABOVE what our creator has in fact legislated for us.

    As for the argument if our enemies use such and such ways/weapons we should. That is nonsense, we are the slaves of Allah swt not our enemies scapegoats. Are you also telling me that our enemies use their women to seduce us for intelligence or trap or as a kill, so we should send our sisters on this mission? if not why just be selective. be careful!

    Jihad/Fighting in the path of Allah swt is and will continue irrespective of anyone here in this blog including Imam Anwar, ONLY because of Allah swt legislation.

    But the question is what can be used as a “halal weapon” and what is a haraam weapon” in the EYES of ALLAH swt not somebody else?

  97. UmeljihadNo Gravatar says:

    Subhan Allah, the people who argued for the “suicide” martyr operations provide so many beautiful examples and explanations that make complete sense. They speak with such passion and love for Allah aza wa jal and His religion, and they’re firm in their conviction alhamdulillah. On the other hand those who are arguing against it are causing confusion and doubt. They’ve brought up some valid points, but each and every single one has been answered. Maybe they have a disease in their hearts that they don’t want to see the truth, and going around spreading doubt.17:80. Say: “O my Lord! Let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and Honour, and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honour; and grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me).”

  98. khadijaNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum wr wb,
    @ firoze. Yes I indeed we dont have the same military hardware. we dont have tanks, misiles and fighter jets to deliver ordinance. Qur’an tells us to gather all we can of power and steeds of war. So those who deliver their own selves as power and steeds of war to deliver ordinance, may Allah accept them amongst the shuhada’ Amin.
    Target selection is an issue. If someone want to do a istishaad op, pick a good target!
    For those who are yelling for all of us to go to Jihad, have you ever tried? What the muhajireen who want to move on to become mujahideen need is ansar. It isnt like you can just pack up and walk into a recruiting office and be on your way.

  99. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    “And prepare against them whatever you are ABLE OF POWER and of STEEDS OF WAR (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery, rockets, grenades, bombs, bomb Jackets, home made bombs etc.) by which you may terrorize the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know but whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.”
    [Surah Al-Anfal, Ayat 60]

    To “No spin in Islam either”, I hope this answers your question.
    And if you are still in doubt, please read more on the Qur’an and the Seerah of the Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him.
    But if you are no longer in doubt about martyrdom operations please still do read more on the Qur’an and the Seerah of the Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him.

  100. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @ Sane A person who destroys Allahs creation indiscriminately is a jew , a christain, a mushrik and a munafic

  101. Abu Zubair As SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    Wsalamyalkum brothers and sisters,

    I have enjoyed reading each and every comment Alhamduillah. Jazakahallah khair Sh.Anwar on touching such a controversial topic, that I’m sure many of us were confused about. But my question to the regular users of the site. I have noticed the absence of brother “Abdullah Abu Harriath” I have ideed missed his informative comments, and hope that he is doing fine. Inshallah

  102. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum:
    As the Illegal State of Israel prepares to respond to possible war crimes charges after its soldiers admitted to having used chemical weapons against Muslims in Gaza, we should ask ourselves the questions “why are they now pushing for this?” “What does it matter what kind of weapon was used in terminating innocent souls, whose lands and homes have been illegally occupied and besieged?”
    It matters to the Zionist entity and its allies, because this is a strategy that they need to cover up for their crimes and injustices that have been going on for over half a century in Palestine.
    Now we have the media and the UN are all talking about the Illegal state of Israel using white phosphorus in the attacks of Gaza, but non of them are talking about the slow genocide that actually is taking place in Palestine. None of them are talking about the occupation of Palestine and the injustices for over half a century by the Illegal Israeli terrorists. Almost all, are talking about chemical weapons used, and forgetting that that the Illegal Israeli were using every form of weapon at their disposal to eradicate every single Muslim in Palestine, young , old male female. They don’t even have regards for the dead in their graves and for livestock and crops.
    The UN nuclear watchdog said on Wednesday that it would open an investigation into Israel’s alleged use of depleted uranium weapons, which are listed as ‘illegal weapons of mass destruction’ in the Geneva Convention.
    Hey UN!! Where were you when Illegal Israel, forged the Illegal State of Israel unjustly? Where were you when Illegal Israel acquired chemical and biological weapons? Where were you UN, when Illegal Israel accumulated over 200 nuclear warheads? Where were you when Palestinians are besieged, and slaughtered by the Illegal State of Israel? Where were you when your numerous resolutions against the Illegal state of Israel were ignored by the Zionist pigs?? Did you send armies to disarm Illegal Israel or approve mandates like that of Iraq and Afghanistan?? Did you place embargoes and sanctions on the Illegal State of Israel? Where were you and why didn’t you?
    I know where you were, you were and still in the heart land of the Zionist entity, watching, scheming, and counting checks from your founding fathers, and your pigs banker. Oh UN, you nearly jewed me there! But soon we will come to know what is going to emerge from all these, insh’Allah.
    “And those who disbelieve are allies to one another, (and) if you (Muslims of the whole world collectively) do not do so (i.e. become allies, as one united block with one Khalifah – chief Muslim ruler for the whole Muslim world to make victorious Allah’s Religion of Islamic Monotheism), there will be Fitnah (wars, battles, polytheism, etc.) and oppression on earth, and a great mischief and corruption.”
    [Surah Al-Anfal, Ayat 73]

  103. SaladinNo Gravatar says:

    To Spin, What makes you think that Mujahideen are humiliated in various Jihad fronts? Quite the contrary. The caravan of martyrs from the mountains of Chechnya, Afghanistan to slums of Gaza proves that they are the successful ones. Mullah Omar has never asked for any help from any one except Allh SBT but NATO and other Kuffars from 40 so called technologically advanced countries are pleading for more boots on the ground and equipment. It is not Mujahideen but the invaders who are being humiliated. Wallahi,on the Yaum Al Qiyamah all mankind would wish they would have been in those Jihad fronts rather than in their comfortable homes. The path to Jannah is through the treacherous battlefields, mountains and slums. There are Masha’Allah enough learned Brothers among Mujahideen to decide what is right and what is prohibited. They are fully aware of their responsibilities and are carrying on with utmost trust in Allah SBT. The best way you can contribute something of value to Ummah is to hasten to those Jihad fronts and prove your point. Once again let me repeat. A single martydom operation in blowing upo the gates of Kandahar prison resulted in freedom of over 1200 Brothers from the notorious Kandahar prison. I am sure the Mujahideen did shura and performed Salat Al Istiqarah to come up with that decision. The Creator is not humiliating the Mujahideen but humiliating the so called Muslims that claim to be part of Ummah. Prophet SAS said a time will come when Muslims will be humiliated all over. When Sahaba RA asked if they will be fewer Muslims. Prophet SAS replied that there will be too many ( 1.5 Billion) but they will be like foam on the flowing water that has no value. It is those Muslims analogous to foam that are being humiliated not the Mujahideen. And Insha’Allah they are successful and will be successful.

  104. MohammadNo Gravatar says:

    Alhamdulillah walillah ilhamd – ameeen my Sister umm umar, wallah – i would be happy if Allah Allows me to even serve the Mujahideen, and makes me amongst their Ranks,… but Subhan’Allah, to clarify those great, those powerful words they were extracts which i wrote taken from my beloved Sheikh Feiz may Allah protect him – I love and listen to him so much that ive memorised many of his lectures,…. May Allah Ta’la Allow Us to apply the Words we learn into action, and May Allah Unite Us amongst whom ALLAH LOVES! – ameen

  105. fsiekonomi.multiply.comNo Gravatar says:

    well, if there’s better way in spite of martyr bombing; take it. i mean, there is no need for martyr bombing if all islamic and (majority) islamic countries unite and defeat israel. greater bombs could be dropped onto israel area. if there’s world war 3; let it be.

    we have jews blogger commented on our blog. let us figght their doctrines through media war.


  106. abdur-rahman castroNo Gravatar says:

    shaykh Anwar alhamdulillah that you have posted something new, i’ve been on the outlook and awaiting for a new blog and jazakumullah khairam. Thank you for the insight on the delicate subject of martydom cause it’s a topic of much controversy around the muslims around the world and on the non-muslims thus far. I have discussed the topic of martydom with a few selected brothers, they have given me their opinions and they have some points that can be validated and some that i am of the personal opinion that i disagree with, but as you have said we are all entitled to our differences but at the end we should not allow our differences cause division amongst us muslims. It is true and valid that the Prophet(saws) mentioned in the ahadith that if a person stabs it’s self with a sharp object or throw itself from a mountain, they will end up in hellfire and will do that continously ’til day of judgement. If the shaheed in palestine or iraq do adopt these methods to inflict enough casualty to the disbelieving conbatants since they have no little or no means to fight back except with decades old weapons in comparisson to the high-tech gadgets the west feeds the zionist pigs and monkeys then i say personally that they have a justified reason to defend their famillies and country. The palestinian brothers cannot be compared with the weapons the zionist occupiers have, the palestinian resistance fighters have home-made explosives and outdated kalashnikov AK-47s and in addition they are innefective against the apatche helicopters and the tanks except for urban fighting;yet as you said before “the rock is mightier than the tank.”
    i think that if the word “jihad” is brought up, many try to find a way around it or to avoid it all together especially the rand muslim simpathysers of western democracy. We are living in times of darkness and insecurity, we are lost sheep without a shepherd and muslims want solutions, a cure for the disease that has been going on for decades in the muslim lands. You have mentioned imam Anwar that muslims cannot have a khalifah if we are not prepared and it’s true, just as the sahabah were prepared to recieve Islam. I can see that many are asking when jihad is needed, so far i have read in the book titled “jihad, crusades and holy war” that jihad is performed when fighting the disbelievers in defense and not in offense and jihad is only to be declared by the ‘emir of the muslims i.e., the khalifah in other words, however i will look into it more to provide more evidence insha’allah. In order to clarify to those whose question is wether what kind of weapon we should use, Allah has already clarified in the Qur’an that we should prepare light or heavy with whatever we can” and perhaps the brothers can help quote the ayat in Qur’an where this is mentioned. There is no such thing as “halal weapon,” weapons as weapons, the palestinians have home-made rockets, the lebanese brothers have anti-aircraft/anti-tank and the iranians have missiles powerful enough to cause heavy, heavy damage and Iran has no fear of the disbelievers; now syria, jordan and also yemen is plnning to buy more anti-air radars as i have read, but Allah knows best. Imam Anwar may Allah protect you and preserve you, we are greatful for your insight and may Allah give the victory to His righteous servants, amin.

  107. steeds of warNo Gravatar says:

    @ gammaray ,
    To the most Honourable Brothers and Sisters of our time.
    At Tauba 120 ; And was it not becoming of the people of Al Madina and the bedouines of the neigbourhood to remain behind Allah’s Messenger saws) when fighting in Allahs cause ) and not to prefer their own lives to his life. That is because they suffer neither thirst nor fatigue, nor hunger in the Cause of Allah, ,nor they take a step to raise the anger of the disbelievers nor inflict any injury upon an enermy but it is written to their credit as a deed of righteousness. Surely , Allah loses not the reward of the Muhsinun
    121; Nor they spend anything in Allahs cause )—-small or great —-nor cross a valley, but it is written to their credit, that Allah may recompense them with the best of what they used to do .
    S 2;249 How often a small group overcame a mighty host by Allahs leave? And Allah is with the patient.

  108. Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what hear..."No Gravatar says:

    The title of our jummah khutbah today “BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA”. The speaker talks about how he inspired him and us (not me) and the so call change and all that other nonsense to please the kufars. All I have to say is Allahu musta’an and may guide these so call muslim leaders.

    I almost forgot they invited a kufar again but only this time a laday to speak to the congregation and they were clapping for her inside the masjid. Wa’outhi billah.

  109. Taalib ul ilmNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum.may Allah guide us all to his not the fiqh of absence of khilafa isolation as nabi SAW told huzaifa rad.

  110. Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what hear..."No Gravatar says:

    “Wallāhi, a drop of blood from elders of Āl Al-Farrāj today, Wallāhi it is greater to Allāh than America perishing in totality. Wallāhi the honor of a Muslim sister raped in Iraq or in Palestine or in Afghanistan, Wallāhi it is greater to Allāh ‘Azza Wa Jall than the entire earth perishing.
    So where are those with jealousy? Where are the Muwahhidūn? Where are those who fear the questioning in front of the Lord of the Worlds on the Day of Resurrection?
    What will you say to Allāh, if He asks you about the blood of our brother, Ibrāhīm Ar-Rayyis, who committed no sin or lowliness, [who was killed] only to please the crusaders, and in the path of pleasing Bush and his soldiers?
    Do you not know, O you scholars, O you students of knowledge, the [Qudsī] Hadīth, that Allāh will call His slave to account and say to him:
    ‘O son of Adam, I became sick and you did not visit Me.’ He will answer: ‘How can I visit You? You are the Lord of the worlds!’ He will say: ‘Did you not know that my slave so and so became sick and you did not visit him. Had you visited him, you would have found Me with him.’”
    By the martyred Shaykh, ‘Abdullāh Ar-Rashūd

  111. Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what hear..."No Gravatar says:

    The Causes of the Ummah’s Defeat – PART 2
    Dr. Rāghib As-Sirjānī
    At-Tibyān Publications
    The fourth disease from the disease of the Islāmic Ummah – and it is a very, very dangerous disease – is the abandonment of Jihād, my brothers…
    As a natural result of the immersion in the Dunyā and the luxury that exceeds the limit, the Muslims have abandoned Jihād, and they satisfied themselves with marching at the tails of other nations. And the Muslims have accepted what their enemies have called As-Salām (peace), when it is clearly Istislām (submission). The Muslims during the time of the Tattār did not understand, just as many of the Muslims in our time now do not understand, that the fundamental way to return the plundered rights of the Ummah is Jihād, and though peace may be the correct solution in certain circumstances, it cannot be the suggested choice if the rights of the Muslims have been looted, and if their blood is spilled, and if they are expelled from their lands, and if their Religion, their opinion, and their standing are mocked. The Muslims do not understand that peace comes only with the return of all their rights, and it is not made except when we are high and honored, and it cannot be unless we possess the sufficient deterrent power so that we may respond to the enemy if he violates the peace agreement. In any other case, the peace is not really peace, rather it is submission, and this is what is not accepted in our Sharī’ah.

  112. Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what hear..."No Gravatar says:

    “The Muslims have to understand very well that the word “Jihād” is not a shameful matter for us to be shy of or to hide from. It is not a vile word that must be erased from the school curriculums, or from the media, and from the pages of the newspapers and books, and from the Friday sermons, and from the lessons, and other than this. Not at all, my brothers! Al-Jihād is a very great word. Al-Jihād is the camel hump (the peak) of Islām. Al-Jihād is the highest thing in Islām, whether the enemies of the Ummah – any enemies of the Ummah, whether from outside of it or from its sons – like it or not. The word “Al-Jihād” in its various forms came in the Qur’ān over 30 times. The word “Al-Qitāl,” meaning the Ummah’s fighting against its enemies, this word appears over 90 times in the Book of Allāh ‘Azza Wa Jall. The word “An-Nasr” (victory) appears over 140 times. To where will we run from these words? To where will we run from these Āyāt?
    To where will we run from the Statement of Allāh, Azza Wa Jall,
    يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ حَرِّضِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَلَى الْقِتَالِ
    O Prophet! Incite the believers to fight [1]
    To where will we run from His Statement,
    يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ قَاتِلُواْ الَّذِينَ يَلُونَكُم مِّنَ الْكُفَّارِ وَلْيَجِدُواْ فِيكُمْ غِلْظَةً وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّ اللّهَ مَعَ الْمُتَّقِينَ
    O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you [2]
    When will the harshness appear if all the Muslim countries are occupied, and we are still searching for peace?
    To where will we run from from the Statement of Allāh, Ta’ālā
    قَاتِلُواْ الْمُشْرِكِينَ كَآفَّةً كَمَا يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ كَآفَّةً
    Fight against the polytheists collectively, as they fight against you collectively [3]
    My brothers and sisters, how can an Ummah who desires to protect itself and to defend its honor and its sanctities leave Jihād and fighting? In what customs, or in what laws, or in what religion, is a nation who is occupied in the East and the West encouraged to not talk about Jihād and fighting and war and preparation? In what law is this present?? My brothers, I believe that this disease, the disease of abandoning Jihād, and abandoning talking about it, and abandoning preparation for it, is from the greatest diseases of the Ummah. And there has never ever been in our history any upliftment except with it, with Jihād in the Path of Allāh. And there is a lesson for us in history.”

  113. steeds of warNo Gravatar says:

    Brother Abu Ayrow as Somali, I think you need to get out of there Insha’Allah swt make Hijra easy for you.

  114. steeds of warNo Gravatar says:

    Abu Ayrow you dont belong there you belong in a far better place may Allah Al Waasi open the way for you to move from the land of darkness to the land of light.

  115. steeds of warNo Gravatar says:

    Brother Jihadfeesabililah I think youve added a few to the list I love the bomb jackets and home made bombs , necessity is the mother of invention and Allah swt is the one who inspires us. Insha’ Allah our work will be as excellent as yours.

  116. No spin in Islam eitherNo Gravatar says:

    Again, Let me ask this AGAIN.

    My question is can we use our body as a weapon preemptively, knowing we will blow ourselves in the process to achieve whatever legible target it might serve our good purpose?

    Remember, Musa (AS) DID NOT use his body to jump in the Black sea, he used his WOODEN STICK with TAQWA AND TAWAKUL in ALLAH which was the ONLY reason the sea split.

    TODAY the Ummah has so many resources including weapons and yet what justifies PREEMPTIVE use of blowing up Muslims, even if it seems to some that that’s working in the SHORT TERM for Mujahid, May Allah protect them and grant them true wisdom and vision.

    Brothers and Sisters there is no better weapon than taqwa and tawwakul as long as you use even your stick to kill your enemy. Victory will come ONLY if you avoid what is prohibited 100%, I direct you all to the last part of Imam Anwar’s post, he says what he mentioned cannot be the source of legislation to justify Suicide martyrdom.

    AGAIN, do not be SHORT SIGHTED and think you are winning due to such and such, victory is for the believers but ONLY if you a patient and practice what is allowed in Islam and stay away from what is not.

  117. No spin in Islam eitherNo Gravatar says:

    @ H Anwar

    Imam Anwar, I have great respect for your knowledge and have all your CD’s that became the means from Allah swt to change my life. What you have mentioned I have heard in your lecture also, that still does not answers my question,Imaam.

    What thus far has been mentioned is justification for suicide martyrdom when forced into it by your enemies with no way to escape.

    What I am asking is PREEMPTIVE suicide martyrdom’s daleel?

    Baraak Allahu feek

    Wa Billahi Taufeeq

  118. No spin in Islam eitherNo Gravatar says:

    @ H Anwar

    “Surah Al-Burooj killed themselves by jumping in the Fire instead of renouncing their Islam.”

    here is tafsir ibn Katheer- Surah Al-Burooj:

    (Blessed is He Who has placed in the heaven Buruj, and has placed therein a great lamp (the sun), and a moon giving light.) (25:61) Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, Ad-Dahhak, Al-Hasan, Qatadah and As-Suddi, all said, “Al-Buruj are the stars.” Al-Minhal bin `Amr said,

    By the heaven holding the Buruj.) “The beautiful creation.” Ibn Jarir chose the view that it means the positions of the sun and the moon, which are twelve Buruj. The sun travels through each one of these “Burj” (singular of Buruj) in one month. The moon travels through each one of these Burj in two-and-a-third days, which makes a total of twenty-eight positions, and it is hidden for two nights.

    (And by the Promised Day. And by the Witness, and by the Witnessed.) Ibn Abi Hatim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said,

    (And by the Promised Day.)( This refers to the Day of Judgement. (And by the Witness.) This refers to Friday, and the sun does not rise or set on a day that is better than Friday. During it there is an hour that no Muslim servant catches while asking Allah from some good except that Allah will give it to him. He does not seek refuge from any evil in it except that Allah will protect him. (And by the Witnessed.)( This refers to the day of `Arafah (in Hajj).) Ibn Khuzaymah also recorded the same Hadith. It has also been recorded as a statement of Abu Hurayrah and it is similar (to this Hadith).
    (Cursed were (Qutila) the People of the Ditch (Ukhdud).) meaning, the companions of the Ukhdud were cursed. The plural of Ukhdud is Akhadid, which means ditches in the ground. This is information about a group of people who were among the disbelievers. They went after those among them who believed in Allah and they attempted to force them to give up their religion. However, the believers refused to recant, so they dug a ditch for them in the ground. Then they lit a fire in it and prepared some fuel for it in order to keep it ablaze. Then they tried to convince them (the believers) to apostate from their religion (again), but they still refused them. So they threw them into the fire. Thus, Allah says, ( look the disbelievers forced the believers into fire, like they even did to Ibrahim (AS))

    (Cursed were the People of the Ditch. Of fire fed with fuel. When they sat by it. And they witnessed what they were doing against the believers.) meaning, they were witnesses to what was done to these believers. Allah said,

    And they had no fault except that they believed in Allah, the Almighty, Worthy of all praise!) meaning, they did not commit any sin according to these people, except for their faith in Allah the Almighty, Who does not treat unjustly those who desire to be with Him. He is the Most Mighty and Most Praiseworthy in all of His statements, actions, legislation, and decrees. He decreed what happened to these servants of His at the hands of the disbelievers – and He is the Most Mighty, the Most Praiseworthy – even though the reason for this decree is unknown to many people. Then Allah says.

    (To Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth!) Among His perfect Attributes is that He is the Owner of all of the heavens, the earth, whatever is in them, and whatever is between them.

    (And Allah is Witness over everything.) meaning, nothing is concealed from Him in all of the heavens and the earth, nor is anything hidden from Him.

  119. Al-AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    @ steeds of war

    Akh, do not misunderstand me, Jihad is absolutely necessary in this time because our fellow muslims are being slaughtered and put under such hard times at present. What I am saying is, have we made adequate preparations for this?
    Remember Jihad is not just about being a martyr we also have another reason to fight i.e. to advance the word of Allaah and to
    rescue muslims who are facing suffering at our enemy’s hands, we shouldn’t wish death in the sense that we’re resigning our self to this fate, our determination should be to change the course of events for betterment of muslim ummah, but if we get death then Subhaanallah, what better way to go than this.
    We should all wish to be a shaheed because there is no better way to go but remember this will only go to the best muslims among us it’s like a bonus if you like, a bonus for a muslim who satisfies the basic requirements of praying 5 times is on the correct aqeeda and sunnah of the prophet, fasts ramadhaan and pays his zakat if he can, fearing Allaah in public as well as private. Remember Allaah will never hand us victory if we are divided.
    In places like palestine, iraq and afghanistan we have only a small part of the overall populations doing jihaad when really the entire poulation should be fighting to rid their lands of kufr elements and fighting to restore the honour of islam and protecting the blood, wealth and honour of each muslim; which we know not every single individual is doing, you have to wonder why that is and it all comes back down to the fact that not everybody is on the path of the prophet and salaf as-salih.
    You may be thinking that this is all easy for me to say behind my pc in my home where I get meals, warm bed and clothes on my back (alhamdulillah) but I am speaking from what scholars in the past have said.
    If all these groups like HAMAS and al-quaida and their offshoots would re-focus their energies on reforming the masses in their respective countries and do da’wa like the prophet did initially then muslim lands which are currently under occupation and/or failed by corrupt regimes would definitely see massive gains because people would be acting according to the qur’an and sunnah so when the time comes to unite we will hopefully not see any disunity amongst the muslim brothers as we know this is something that can incur the wrath of Allaah and cause the enemy to have the upper hand.

    This way is also beneficial in that we can prepare adequately by making provisions for war, we need to make good preparation for war and jihad is no different, its fighting for Allaah but it still requires preparation and ample provisions as Allaah has mentioned in verses pertaining to jihad.

    With regard to fighting the enemy alone without the backing of rulers is not advised also because its reckless and will just bring about more death. This is what we are seeing happening right now, we know the hypocritical regimes in muslim countries are the pawns of kuffar who are in power right now but we shouldnt try to take them on without the backing of our rulers because th eruler provides a safety-net if you like in the sense that we are fighting under him and he bears some resposibilty on our behalf if we need to launch an attack on the kuffar that may harm their non-combatants such as women, children and the weak amongst them.
    Fighting the kuffar without the rulers permission is granted given that you’re adequately prepared but if not then there is no point in risking life and limb when you dont even have the preparations, rather be patient and wait for Allaah to show you a way out and in the mean time stick to the quran and sunnah and dont diverge from this.

    As for fighting corrupt rulers directly this is not advised as long as they allow us to establish the 5 daily salaats, I know there is some interpretation pertaining to the hadith that mentions this and some go so far as to say that it means if the ruler does any act contrary to shariah; but scholars have said that we shouldnt launch offensives against the rulers unless we see clear-cut kufr (and only then if we are adequately prepared) in that if he goes so far as to deny the qur’an and sunnah then you can depose him, otherwise we should continue our da’wa and not obey him in anything wrong as well as constantly urging him to fear Allaah which may get you killed in this day and age so a muslim needs to exercise caution and use proper judgement. The basic heart of the matter is that we shouldnt try to depose the ruler unless he blatantly denies quran and sunnah to replace it with some other creed and leaves the muslim to continue in their da’wa to reform the people. Ultimately it is the people that will shape the ruler, if he sees them becoming more islamic he will initially probably try to clamp down on this which may result in harsh treatment of muslims and even death but if the people are patient and stick to the way of the prophet and salaf as-salih then eventually the ruler will have to contend with the peoples’ issues and Allah may even bring about a change in the ruler if the people are reformed internally. Its like the example of the people in say a place like the USA, they like to drink and engage in other haram activities so their states give them these types of places to entertain themselves and to keep them quiet.
    Many sahabas in the time of the prophet suffered ugly ends for this deen and people will obviously need to make similar sacrifices but the deathcount would be less than the numbers that we are seeing on the battlefield when offshoot groups try to tackle corrupt regimes and the kuffaar at the same time coupled with poor provisions and with regard to the emaan of such people, well Allah knows best – may Allah give them victory if they are fighting in his name.
    Trusting in Allah is the most important and if we do this then no matter how numerous the enemy is or advanced their technology they can not win if we soley rely on Allaah but we cant just jump into jihaad without what I have mentioned above.
    If our aqeedah is not pure we will lose by disunity, if our emaan is not at the level required we may even flee from the battlefield incurring the wrath of Allaah greatly and if we dont have ample provisions then we are just wishful thinkers who think we can win via emaan expecting a miracle alone, despite being told by Allaah in the quran that preparation is a key factor, Allaah helps those who help themselves right?

    We ask Allaah help the current mujahids and to grant them shahadah at the point of death but as I mentioned before who will replace them? The truth is nobody can replace them if the people are not at the level of emaan as the current mujahids let alone the salaf as-salih which is the type of men and women we need now. If we fail to attain this level we will simply be replaced altogether as im sure you’re aware of and Allaah will bring about a new generation that is strict on following his commands and is not afraid of engaging the kuffaar in both verbal and physical forms of jihad. We ask Allaah to make us of that calibre of muslim -ameen.

    Sheikh Anwar, I have said all of this in the hope that you would comment on the above and is what I have written a true depiction of what classical scholars of islam have said. I gather you must be busy but I would be grateful if you could offer any comments about what I have said and correct me if I have said anything wrong as I do not want incorrect information entering peoples’ minds – jazaakallah khair.

  120. brother farooqNo Gravatar says:

    One Question:

    If a Muslim were to kill a filthy, disgusting, dirty kaafir Crusader soldier carrying an M-16 (May Allah make this possible for all of us… Ameen), is this the same if a Muslim were to go up to a 2 year old noncombatant kaafir BABY and slash his/her throat with a knife, killing this BABY????? Please answer this…. You brothers that say this is the same are the ones who are the “Hypocrites”!!! You say you are, but you ARE NOT following Allah (swt) and His Qur’an, NOR are you following the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa salaam, who said NOT TO INTENTIONALLY KILL NONCOMBATANTS, including women, children, babies, the elderly, day laborers, those in religious seclusion, such as monks, etc. You brothers are only following your own desires and nafs, etc., May Allah (swt) guide you…and all of us…. You brothers call me a “sufi,” a “hypocrite,” etc., NO, I am ONLY following Allah (swt) and His Rasool, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa salaam, and try my utmost to follow our pious predecessors, the Salaf as Saliheen (not the so-called “salafi” of the zionist/crusader tawghoot kingdom of “Saudi” Arabia!), and we are considered Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah …. Yes, the dirty, filthy kuffar do the most evil, disgusting, heinous things, such as murdering innocent Muslim women, children, babies, old people, and other noncombatants. HOWEVER, are we as Muslimeen, supposed to act like these filthy, dirty, evil animals, and sons of monkeys, and pigs?? NO! WE ARE MUSLIMS! We have to act according to the Book of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of the Rasool, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa salaam, and then we will be victorious upon the enemies of Allah (swt), the kuffar, the crusaders, the filthy zionists, their dirty munafiqeen and murtadeen puppet stooges, etc…… BTW, please answer my initial question…

    May Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong or if I offended anyone… Ameen

  121. SomaliaNo Gravatar says:

    What is wrong with the people who say;

    ” we are not prepared to do jihad but we should instead correct our Aqida first. We should correct our Aqida blah blah blah”

    To me this sounds like someone who is trying to say;

    ”I am too chicken to fight if it looks even slightly as if we might lose. But if it looks like we’re winning I will jump the bandwagon.”

    Isn’t this why the early muslims lost some battles, so the true muslims would go to battle to get shadah whilst the hypochrites would stay behind and so they’d be differentiated to the body of muslims? Isn’t being a Shahid the best status after being a Siddique (and then a Saaliheen (righteous individual)) according to the Quranic verse?

    What is the Aqida problem that also several posts have mentioned? Aqida is very simple and Islam is very simple so a child could understand it it isn’t brain surgery is it? I don’t see the Aqida problem that we have in muslim countries except for the bidah that exists. I am not sure that we can end bidah by bringing the hadith and Quran to the individuals practicing bidahs, or even if this is the way we are supposed to reform the ummah. People naturally look up to the dominant power in the world and attempt to imitate it and parrot its mottos and beliefs, for no other reason than that it is dominant, although I could be mistaken about this.

    Better to jump the bandwagon where Allah says in the Quran where he will make his deen prevail over ALL the world (and the injunction for jihad, whether you are light or light or heavy) as insha Allah the rewards will be high at this stage as there are relatively few people fulfilling jihad.

    Any corrections to anything I have said would be appreciated Brothers and Sisters

    Wasalamu’alaykum warahmatullah

  122. AssadNo Gravatar says:

    Salaamu Alaikum

    The birth date of whole suicide issue seems to be a issue after 9/11 where as it has been happening in chechnya afga
    hanistan palestine for ages and only now recently the condemnation of this issue have been on the rise, well one thing for sure is that the media has been successful in the planting the seed of doubt and shaytan is enriching such thoughts full time from now on… SubhanAllah, time to realise that just becuz you dont like something does not mean that it is the hukum of shariah. if Sheikh Uthaymeen says that suicide is forbidden and its his opinion and the salve of Allah has quoted two or three hadith, read the books on such issues from tibyan publication and see where it stands and then question was the sheikh forced or not? i have seen sheikhs say that women cant drive a car becuz of the awra been exposed and the dignity been attacked… THERE ARE FAR MORE IMPORTANT THINGS PLEASE FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH, the same sheikh does not comment on the fact the pork and alchohol loving american of whom are homsexuals and beastality practising sodomites doing in the muslim lands. for people who have negative to say just shut up please and if one needs a daleel please look into the hadith book where the Rasul (SAWS) says “THE PERSON WHO BELIVEES IN ALLAH AND THE LAST SHOULD SPEAK GOOD OR NOT SPEAK AT ALL”
    These shahids are the lions of this Ummah, when we speak about them we speak with our head up high, who told you that they are losing? they are the winners and you have lost you are a loser, they sacrificed lives wealth family evertyhing for the sake of Allah, you cant even utter a word of support. who is weak and who is great we know. dont disrespect them incase Allah might get angry with you, May ALLAH preserve the sheikh, wish we could be your students not just commentors on this blog, May Allah give our sons, brothers and sisters daughters the same zeal as that of the mujahideen Ameen

  123. to my brothr ibn batutaNo Gravatar says:

    can u direct me to the transcription of abdullah azzam and the article of abu baseer to do with the issue of covenants with governments in war with muslims pls jzkallah khair. abu zar’ah

  124. SomaliaNo Gravatar says:

    @brother farooq

    By the way you are not following the Salaf or Rasoolullah (salallahualayhiwasalam) because they participated in night raids on towns whereby they were unable to differentiate between man, woman or child due to the darkness of night.
    This is if your point is that if jihad leads to the death of one innocent soul, then we should turn our backs to Allah’s command of Jihad. This is ridiculous because while the Western Media portrays muslims as being happy killers of innocents, its own government has killed untold thousands of civilians in Iraq during the war.

    In Islam as part of shari’a if one man is executed unjustly, it is equivalent to killing the whole of mankind and this is in the Quran I think(I read this a few years ago).

    @ Al-Abdullah

    I don’t think you have listened to the imam’s medina seerah series because had you done so you would know that many times the Sahaba infact took pledges to DIE. They took pledges to die, at one time I recall there were several hundred who took such a pledge in a battle. A famous example is Khalid ibn Waleed who stated that many times he activley went looking for martyrdom by throwing himself into fighting situations where he could conceive himself to emerge alive from, and yet he died in his bed.

    Al-Abdullah, if you think the intention of Jihad is for an individual to see for himself the improvement of the state of the ummah as a result of his jihad then you are simply deluded. Khalid ibn Waleed was looking for death many times and was he not one of the greatest hopes in himself for the ummahs expansion? The muslim seeks martyrdom as a personal goal. The selfish behavior of humans is natural; they only worry about their own spiritual or physical wellbeing. Those who take care of their spiritual wellbeing are the successful. This is why when we do bad things we are wronging ourselves as sins are not natural for us. But we are weak and Satan whispers to us, and the best of those commit sins are those who repent to Allah (I think this last statement is a hadith, is it?).

    The idea that jihad, for the individual, is solely for forcing an improvement of the ummah’s condition is only true if you view victory as coming from the muslims and not from Allah, in a similar way to the kuffar who view their weapons and manpower as the reason for their success. Many of them openly deny that Allah even created the Earth and Universe. And how are they lead astray, when Allah created us from a mere drop of fluid, and the same Athiests cry deeply and sincerely to God whenever they are in trouble?

    No, but in the words of Musa (alayhisalam) and Muhammad (Salallahualayhiwasalam)as Allah states in the Quran;

    ”Indeed the Earth belongs to Allah and he gives it to whom he pleases amongst his (created) slaves. And the (best) end is for those who are muttaqin (the God-Fearing)”

    I encourage brothers and sisters to correct my mistakes Jazakallahukhayran

    Wasalamualaykum warahmatullah

  125. SomaliaNo Gravatar says:

    sorry on my last post the fourth paragraph should read where (Khalid) …into fighting situations where he couldN’T conceive himself to emerge alive…

  126. SalimNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam alaikum sheikh,

    I consider you one of my teachers and agree with all your opinions dear sheikh. But, I would like for you to clarify and give more details in this post. I am not quite sure what you are saying in terms of what is allowed and what is not.

    Yes we accept that it is judged by your intentions but there can never be a blanket acceptance or permission for all martyrdoom operations. If I run into a field full of kufar during war and it is almost certain death even if I die it is not suicide because Allah (swt) has ordered us not turn away or turn our backs but stand and fight (unless it is a tactic of war). But, if I form the intention to kill by explosions which are completely indiscrimiate on a train with people who I have no right to kill. This is suicide on about three different levels. One I almost certainly decided to kill myself in the exchange as a technique to kill others. I cannot decide to end my life this is the authority of the creator alone. It is not my right. This could be argued to be a form of shirk.

    The circumstances are very distinct. I may go into a situation where I am out gunned and outmanned and it would seem from a Human perspective that it would be unwise to do such a thing but in this situation death is far from certain. It is with Allah and following his command. But the second situation is clearly a person forming the intention that he will achieve his aims by killing himself. He does not have the right to do this. He has formed the intention to end his life. This is clearly suicide and forbidden.

    As for the brothers and sisters in Palestine they are defending their homes and their Land so even though the sharia is the same the circumstances are different. They have had Muslim land taken from them and are under seige. There is an existing continuous state of jihad there so it is clearly different from say a muslim walking into a train in the middle of London.

    Please clairify us sheikh

    jazakallah khair

    salaam alaikum

  127. jassimNo Gravatar says:

    @ farooq,

    It’s obvious you don’t really care to know what we say. I had already posted a video of Shaykh Ayman giving a definitive answer. Not one person here said its ok to kill babies or noncombatants intentionally and neither did Imam Anwar. Are you so devoid of reason? Aren’t the ones who give the orders and the ones who fund the war against Islam and the ones who rally people in support of the fight against Islam and the ones who are rallied into supporting the fight against Islam and the ones who encourage enlistment in the forces that slaughter the men, women and children of Islam and the ones who enlist in these forces, aren’t they all combatants?
    Don’t respond with a drone-like answer as if your just programmed to keep repeating the same thing over and over. If you have a brain you should understand that what has been said excludes noncombatants. Babies are always noncombatants. But the mujahideen cannot be blamed for harming noncombatants by mistake or by necessity, in the case that the enemy places his facilities in an urban city for example or in the case that the mujahideen do not have sufficient targeting systems to always hit on point.

  128. AmiirNo Gravatar says:

    “ya Allah, we would not hesatate or become stingy in giving everything worldy we posses, money,weaponds or our lives”

  129. SomaliaNo Gravatar says:

    Thankyou brothers jassim and assad for your informative and inspiring posts.

    I am correcting myself on the 8;13pm post I am not ure if Rasoolullah (alayhisalam) himself participated in the night-time town raids but the sahaba did.

    @ Salim

    you seem to have armchair mujahid syndrome. You are describing very specific situations in the battlefield when I doubt you have ever been in a battle field, and I apologise if that is not the case. I haven’t been myself in battle but I don’t critiscise those who are very probably the best muslims and people on the planet because they are performing jihad which is considered to be the peak of Islam and Islam is the best religion in the sight of Allah.

    By the way, as I mentioned in my previous post, Khalid ibn Waleed, and many others, clearly stated at certain times that went out into battle intending to be martyred, as well as the sahaba who made an OATH to die.
    so put that in your plate and eat it


  130. spopsNo Gravatar says:

    In the name of Allah the most gracious, most merciful and peace and blessings be upon the messenger of Allah Muhammed and his family,

    as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah brothers and sister in Islam.

    You know my dear brothers and sister that today I felt like crying and I will tell you why.

    I see on the blog that as Muslims we do not respect each other. We name call and point to the weakness of others emaan because they don’t agree with what we think or say.

    Yet, I know that Allah tells us and the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) tells us the value of islamic brotherhood and sisterhood, the value of a Muslim life, the value of this deen.

    Allah the most high tells us;
    وَالَّذينَ كَفَرُواْ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاء بَعْضٍ إِلاَّ تَفْعَلُوهُ تَكُن فِتْنَةٌ فِي الأَرْضِ وَفَسَادٌ كَبِيرٌ

    008:073] And those who disbelieve are allies to one another, (and) if you (Muslims of the whole world collectively) do not do so (i.e. become allies, as one united block with one Khalifah – chief Muslim ruler for the whole Muslim world to make victorious Allahs Religion of Islamic Monotheism), there will be Fitnah (wars, battles, polytheism, etc.) and oppression on earth, and a great mischief and corruption (appearance of polytheism).

    ..A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim. He neither oppresses him nor humiliates him nor looks down upon him. The piety is here, (and while saying so) he pointed towards his chest thrice. It is a serious evil for a Muslim that he should look down upon his brother Muslim. All things of a Muslim are inviolable for his brother in faith; his blood, his wealth and his honor. Sahih Muslim Book 31, Number 6219.

    Narrated AbuHurayrah: Allah’s Apostle (peace_be_upon_him) said: Verily, Allah would say on the Day of Resurrection: Where are those who have mutual love for My Glory’s sake? Today I shall shelter them in My shadow when there is no other shadow but the shadow of Mine. Sahih Muslim: Book 31, Number 6225.

    Narrated Aisha: Allah’s Apostle (peace_be_upon_him) said: Kindness is not to be found in anything but that it adds to its beauty and it is not withdrawn from anything but it makes it defective. Sahih muslim: Book 31, Number 6274.

    Instead what we find that over a matter that is upon ishtihad that we find brothers and sisters referring to others that they have a disease in their heart, subhanallah. The enemies of Islam must be loving this and realizing that while we are in this state we are not a danger.

    The sahabah held different opinions about things, but they never fell out. The prophet told us to make 99 excuses for our brothers. Yet, we find someone loving jihad, but rejecting the idea of Martyrdom missions and he is told that he has weak emaan.

    By Allah I have seen some of the most beautiful brothers from the Mujahideen and they would never have classified someone who loves Jihad in this manner. I have seen them fetch and carry for their brothers loving them and making dawah for them.

    I tell you this that the prophet muhammed (peace be upon him) would never have stood for what some of you are saying to each other. Did you ever stop and think that maybe this person doesn’t have the knowledge that I have. The knowledge is supposed to make you easy with the believers and harsh against the disbelievers.

    Maybe through this blog people might not accept Martyrdom mission, but they will leave the false aqeedah and begin to love the jihad and the people who do jihad.

    It is that we have become the bastions of Islam and in so doing have trodden the path of being arrogant. My heart is weeping for my children in all the lands of jihad. How many of us put a meal on the table and think what are my brothers and sisters eating in Gaza, what are my children eating in Kashmir. I hope that my mother is okay in chechenya. Wala and bara has principles and we must learn these principles and not fall into partisanship. Allah warns us in the following ayat

    مِنَ الَّذِينَ فَرَّقُوا دِينَهُمْ
    وَكَانُوا شِيَعًا كُلُّ حِزْبٍ بِمَا لَدَيْهِمْ فَرِحُونَ

    [030:032] Those who split up their Religion, and become (mere) Sects,- each party rejoicing in that which is with itself!

    I love shaikh Anwar for the sake of Allah, but does that mean we can’t have a difference of opinion over something or am I going to be like others who make taqleed whether right or wrong.

    Remember the injunction:-

    لَهُ مُعَقِّبَاتٌ مِّن بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِ يَحْفَظُونَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِ اللّهِ إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرُواْ مَا بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ وَإِذَا أَرَادَ اللّهُ بِقَوْمٍ سُوءًا فَلاَ مَرَدَّ لَهُ وَمَا لَهُم مِّن دُونِهِ مِن وَالٍ

    [013:011] For his sake there are angels following one another, before him and behind him, who guard him by Allah’s commandment; surely Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition; and when Allah intends evil to a people, there is no averting it, and besides Him they have no protector.

    I also tell you that the opinion of Musab al Zarqawi (may Allah accept him as a Martyr)is that it is not essential that a person enter into Jihad accepting Martyrdom missions as a criteria for entry.

    Furthermore, I tell you this that I have seen brothers who are from tabligh in the path of Allah and they were the foremost in good manners and helping their brothers. If brothers stopped to rest they would be the first to start rubbing the backs and legs of the weary Mujahideen not even bothering about themselves.

    I hope that we all understand the point I am making. Finally do not get me wrong if some deviant is on here and seeks to cause disruption this we will deal with him or her and send them away with their tail between their legs humiliated and defeated.

    I love the Muslims, the Mutmins. Let us remember what is said about the great scholar and Mujahid ibn Mubarak When Sufyan ibn ‘Uyayna was told that Ibn al-Mubarak had died, he said, “May Allah have mercy on him. He was a man of fiqh, knowledge, worship, asceticism, and generosity. He was courageous and a poet.”

    He also said, “No one has come to us like Ibn al-Mubarak and Ibn Abi Ziyada.”

    Muhammad ibn al-Mu’tamir said, “When ath-Thawri died, I asked my father, ‘Who is the faqih of the Arabs?” He replied, “Ibn al-Mubarak.”

    He divided his time between dawah and jihad let us hope that we can be in the shadows of people like him and let us weep for our wrongdoings.

    I finish with the blessed words of the prophet muhammed (peace be upon him)

    O People, no prophet or messenger will come after me and no new
    faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand
    words which I convey to you. I am leaving you with the Book of God (the
    Quraan) and my Sunnah (the life style and the behavioral mode of the
    Prophet), if you follow them you will never go astray.

  131. brother farooqNo Gravatar says:


    I didn’t say ANYTHING about (un)intentionally killing kaafir noncombatants. I kept saying, and stressing on “INTENTIONALLY” targeting noncombatant kuffar. Of course I am aware that RasoolAllah (saw) said that the Mujahideen could target the kuffar in the night raids, or use weapons such as the catapult which don’t distinguish between combatants and noncombatants, etc., and with this, they would, or could UNINTENTIONALLY kill kaafir noncombatants, and that is the point. RasoolAllah (saw) said that this can be done even though kaafir noncombatants are “unintentionally” killed. I NEVER, NEVER said the Muslimeen should not fight jihad fisabilillah against our enemies, because there may be some kaafir noncombatants that are killed. PLEASE reread what I said. JazakAllahu Khair.


    I care what you say brother, but I have seen Dr. Zawahiri, and have heard many of his speeches. Not that he doesn’t speak the Haq at times, but he obviously does call on the mujahideen to intentionally kill kaafir noncombatants. What about his alleged planning and/or approval of the brothers who carried out the 7/7 London bombing. It’s not like that “blessed operation” (as I recall he called it) targeted British soldiers or other crusaders. Of course he, Dr. Zawahiri, and one (or two) of the brothers who made a video tape beforehand, said that it was indeed their goal to INTENTIONALLY kill noncombatant kuffar. How can anyone deny this? This is part of the belief or ideology of certain groups, and if you and other brothers/sisters want to believe in it and claim that this is truly part of Islam, then that’s up to you. For instance, Al-Libby allegedly just released an audio for the Muslims to intentionally kill kaafir noncombatants in places such as the UK because the dirty, filthy zionist Yahood (may Allah curse them) had done so against the Muslims in Filasteen… As to what Shaykh Anwar believes, I really don’t know, and still love him for the sake of Allah (swt) even if he said or believed in something that I don’t agree with. But on this blog and others I have seen brothers say that it is totally, 100% halaal and Islamically correct to INTENTIONALLY kill noncombatant kuffar, including children and BABIES. And when I have said how can you say that it is the same (the “intentional” killing of a baby or a child kaafir noncombatant) as killing a kaafir that IS a combatant, such as a filthy crusader soldier, they said that I was, and other people that brought this up, a “munafiq,” “sell-out,” etc., and that IT IS part of the deen to do this. Also, when did I ever say that the Muslimeen should not target the kuffar who enlist in the various crusader forces? In closing, are you gonna deny that many brothers DO SAY that it is totally, 100% permissible and halaal for the mujahideen to “intentionally” target kaafir noncombatants? And also could you please answer the question I raised in the last post.

  132. khurasani 2No Gravatar says:

    JazakAllah khair.Akhee al khurasani and other brothers and sisters.

  133. steeds of warNo Gravatar says:

    Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem may Allah reward Saladin, Somalie, Assad , Jassim. I couldn’t believe where still going over the same thing @Al Abdullah your waiting for paradise on earth when everything is cosy then we go fight, those who are already doing it have no choice and Allah is supporting them [please read Signs of ar Rahman in Jihad of Afghanistan] by Sheikh Awad al-Qarni its link is on the gaza site under Jihadfeesabililah
    At Tauba 122;
    And it is not proper for the believers to go out to fight [Jihad ] all together. Of every troop of them, a party only should go forth, that they [ who are left behind may get instructions in Islamic religion. and that they may warn their people when they return to them, so that they may be aware.
    This is also happening now eg. Sheikh Anwar is doing that job and other men of Taqwa who have been in the field and are in the field right now as Saladin has already stated.
    Every muslim who is not fortunate to be a tourist must be doing his upmost now to support those fighting , their families and reforming the ummah
    Allah Azza wa Jall says beware of asking too many question about the deen as those before you were destroyed for that reason . Rasul Allah Also gave the same advice. As far as our leaders in Muslim lands , they have clearly shown their hearts to us they are kaffur or Munafic at best either way they have to go and will through Jihad fee sabililah so brother become the tourist of this Ummah and catch up with those enjoying the holiday and reap the rewards , as for jumping into jihad , If a kaffur came to kill your family and your wife doesn’t wear hejab at all are you going to remind her to put it on first and take your time fixing every munkah in your house or are you going to make tauba for not enforcing it and attack the enermy without hesitation.

  134. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    @ my dear respected brothers Jasim and Somalia, please ignore ‘brother farooq’ as he is simply regurgitating himself . only to make you angry ,annoyed and frustrated. if he was serious in his alegation he would have put the name and date of the posters here who according to him ,”But on this blog and others I have seen brothers say that it is totally, 100% halaal and Islamically correct to INTENTIONALLY kill noncombatant kuffar, including children and BABIES”

    aouzo billah minashytan arrajeem!

    may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to the mujahedeen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.

  135. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols
    27 Muharram 1430 H. / 24-01-2009
    In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
    All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
    1 tank of American invaders army destroyed in Farah Friday afternoon 24-01-2008 at approximately 12:15 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up 1 tank of American invaders army in Husain area in Bakwa district of Farah province, the landmine destroyed the tank and all the terrorists in it were killed.
    Puppet army check post captured in Bamian Friday midnight 24-01-2009 at approximately 2 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a check post of puppet army in Dahanitoghian district of Bamian province, in the attack a number of puppet army terrorists were killed, few were wounded, the check post was demolished and a stock of weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
    15 puppet army terrorists killed and a check post demolished in Kandahar Friday midnight 24-01-2009 at approximately 2:10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked puppet army check post in Charghalbi area in Arghandab district of Kandahar province, in the attack 15 puppet army terrorists were killed, one was arrested, others fled, the check post was demolished and a vehicle and 15 small weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
    Puppet army commander arrested and 2 check posts demolished in Badghis Thursday afternoon 23-01-2009,at approximately 5:10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked puppet army check posts in Sanjatki area in Maqur district of Badghis province, in the attack one commander of Puppet army Usman was arrested, other puppet terrorists fled, both check posts were demolished and stock of weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
    2 tanks of American invaders army destroyed in Khost Thursday afternoon 23-01-2009 at approximately 12:10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmines blew up two tanks of American invaders army in Karwani area in Alisher district of Khost province, the landmines destroyed both tanks and killed seven invader terrorists were killed.
    A convoy of enemy ambushed in Laghman Thursday afternoon 23-01-2009 at approximately 2:22 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of American invaders army in Watan Gato area in Alishang district of Laghman province, however the damages and causalities of the enemy were not reported.

    4 British invaders army terrorists killed in Helmand Thursday afternoon 23-01-2009 at approximately 12:15 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a foot patrolling unit of British invaders army in Adam Khan area in Grishk district of Helmand province, in the ambush Mujahideen killed four invader terrorists and wounded three.

    2 tanks of American invaders army destroyed in Khost Thursday midnight 23-01-2009 at approximately 1 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a American invaders army in Manzaki area in Zerok district of Khost province, in the ambush two enemy tanks were destroyed, the number of kafirs and munafiqs killed was not reported.

    American invader army terrorists martyr 22 civilians in Laghman Wednesday night 22-01-2009 at approximately 10:15 pm local time, American invader army terrorists bombard and attacked villagers in Laghman province, in the attack the invader terrorists martyred twenty civilians including women and children and many were wounded in this cowardly attack of the enemy.
    1 tank of Canadian invaders army destroyed in Kandahar Wednesday night 22-01-2009 at approximately 10:15 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of Canadian invaders army near a bazaar in Maiwand district of Kandahar province, the landmine destroyed the tank and killed all the invader terrorists in it.
    2 tanks of Canadian invaders army destroyed in Farah Wednesday night 22-01-2009 at approximately 11:00 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmines blew up two tanks of Canadian invaders army in Joi Spid and Mula Noab Ziart areas in Bakwa district of Farah province, the landmines destroyed both tanks and killed eight invader terrorists.
    1 tank of Australian invaders army destroyed in Uruzgan Wednesday afternoon 22-01-2009 at approximately 2 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of Australian invaders army in Drwishan area of Tarinkot city capital of Uruzgan province, the landmine destroyed the tank and all the invader terrorists in it were killed.
    Puppet army check posts demolished in Balkh Tuesday night 21-01-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked three check posts of puppet army in Charska area in Char Bolak district of Balkh province, in the attack few puppet army terrorists were killed, others fled, the three check posts were demolished and stock of weapons were Mujahideen’s booty. .
    O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
    O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
    O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
    O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
    O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
    O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
    O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
    Allahu Akbar
    “Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
    [Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]

  136. brother farooqNo Gravatar says:

    As salaamu alaikum Spops:

    Dear brother/sister, JazakAllahu Khair for such a wonderful, and truly beautiful post. That is what Islam is all about. May Allah (swt) reward you abundantly…… Let me say, to anyone that I was harsh to or unfair to, please forgive me.

  137. steeds of warNo Gravatar says:

    @spops Amin for the words of Taqwa May Allah forgive us all, guide us all and unify us all

  138. ukthNo Gravatar says:

    “And do not kill yourselves”

    i can understand this post, it was only themselves that they killed, they didnt kill others along with them Allah knows best if they did right or wrong, i compleatly disagree with martyrdom operations, (but from the 700soldiers i can see it to be a diffrent story as they did it with good intention,yet still i dont agree with killing oneself, Allah is the giver and taker of life, why should anyone play God?who cares if they are scholors or leading an army of jihad, doesnt make what they do perfectly fine, we are insaan we make mistakes!) It is Allah who will judge as to whether they are shuhada or not. if its not from the quran or sunnah why would any sane human act upon it?if the prophet sallahu alayhi wasallam encouraged such thing or Allah gave permission for it then no doubt I would believe and practice it. Take these so called halal banks for example just coz they have scholors backing them up doesn’t all of a sudden make what they are doin halal!
    So u guys believe in these operation acts yh? so where were you guys on the 27th of December eh!?? Sitting comfortably in your homes just hoping the arab leaders would do something!

    Id like to ask you all in regards to the suicide bombers in London,
    Are they shuhadah? Did they do an act pleasing to All-Mighty Allah by killing themselves along with other innocents?
    I would like to hear ur response in regards to the londen bombers inshaAllah…

  139. ukthNo Gravatar says:

    spops i havent read the whole of ur post yet, but just wnat to say i totally agree with u, muslims are so eager to jump and call their fellow muslims names such as munafiq, kafir etc, my words to them are ‘Fear Allah’, what makes it funny is the fact they stress keeping to quran and sunnah and dont even realise they are not keeping to the quran and sunnah at times, it is the trick of satan, they start to think they are better than their fellow muslims thus become arrogant

  140. MohammadNo Gravatar says:

    Aslam alaikum brothers and sisters!

    Those Fearless Companions, those Strong Worriors, those Strong Commandos, those who Loved Allah Ta’la, who Loved Muhammad (saws), They spread Islam to the Shore of the atlantic and borders of China, But what was their incentive, what was their reason, WHY! was it to for worldly benefits, NO! was it for worldly gain, NO! worldly material, NO! was it to be seen or heard by man, NO! it was for none other than the search of Martyrdom, THE SEARCH OF MARTYRDOM! the search for Shahadah the Most honourable death for a believer. Today.. in our times, it is the Fear of death, the Fear of Sacrificing your finger your toe a drop of blood, that is more honourable than anything else. LOOK AT US! Worldwide, Look at our current affairs, look at our situation, Look at the people around Us, we are the most humiliated nation on the face of the earth, with no doubt – WHY? because Martyrdom to us is not as appealing, IT IS NOT AS APPEALING TO US, as it Was to those Ancestors the great Worriors are that Past us who lived around the best creature that walked the earth Muhammad ibn Abdullah (saws).
    Open your Eyes and Look at the massacres, those that occured in Bosnia & Kosovo, in Burma & Indonisia, those that are occured in Kashmeir and are Still occuring, Those that are Occuring today in Afghanistan, Those that are occuring in Iraq, in Palistine – have we done anything about it, Are we Able to do Anything? WE ARE NOT!, Why are we Not? because our lifestyle is more precious to us than doing anythinge about it.. Our Brothers in Cuba (guantanamo) who are chained like dogs, tied like animals, placed in a 2.4 – 1.8 cage, concrete base, tin roof shifting wire off four walls. Shackled they can’t walk, they can’t even move, those orange suits of theirs so humiliated, HUMILIATED, degraded, we are down trodden, inslaved, WHY? because we are the most humiliated nation Today!..
    Martyrdom to us is not as appealing to us, as it was to our great Ancestors, our Courageous Worriors, who lead the Most impressive military campaigns in History… Wallah! before you cannot even look at a Muslim if your Kaafir, unless you put your head down, not that the Muslim was scary, But the Kaafir was scared of him.. Today its the Muslim who got his head down like this, scared to look up ‘ah look at him terrorist, terrorist, extremist’ – We dont want this, we dont need this, wallahi this is no other than the reminder of the ills the sickness of the Muslims Today – Its a simple fact that we Fear death,… A SIMPLE FACT THAT WE FEAR DEATH!

  141. SomaliaNo Gravatar says:

    @ brother farooq

    We seek refuge with Allah from Satan the outcast.
    If you say you believe in the jihad, I say Alhamdulillah. But there are other posts from people who do say that we should not fight jihad. I love all the muslimeen for the sake of Allah and I can be a bit tough in the way I write. Thats the way I write.

    About this dr zawahiri, brother, I have grown up in the UK, so I don’t want to see the common people blown up even if they are Kafir…

    But my main point is that its not the place of the western media to parade and vilify the ‘terrorist attacks’ when the US government is persisting in an unjustified war inwhich many, many civilians are killed.

  142. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum wrwb to all the brothers and sisters in Islam Jazakiallahkeir brother @ spops for the good reminder Please forgive me if Ive offended anyone or belittled anyone of my brothers and sisters. Allah reminds us
    Al Hujurat 11;; O you who believe! Let not a group scoff at another group. it may be that the latter are better than the former. nor let women scoff at other women it may be the latter are better than the former, nor defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames. how bad is it , to insult one’s brother after having Faith ( ie to call your Muslim brother a faithful believer) as; O sinner, or O wicked etc ) And whosoever does not repent , then such are Zalimun.

  143. SalahNo Gravatar says:

    Zakaria why do you want to report blogs to the al-yahood??? that doesnt make sense.. just let them write whatever it is they are going to write why would we request to the kafreen to stop what other kafreen are saying about our blog.. that doesnt make sense.. let them write what they write and we will write what we write

  144. JassimNo Gravatar says:

    @ Farooq,

    You asked, “If a Muslim were to kill a filthy, disgusting, dirty kaafir Crusader soldier carrying an M-16 (May Allah make this possible for all of us… Ameen), is this the same if a Muslim were to go up to a 2 year old noncombatant kaafir BABY and slash his/her throat with a knife, killing this BABY?????”
    Answer: No they obviously aren’t the same. But I have not heard of one single case like this, on the part of the sunni mujahideen. Killing with a knife is very selective and specific, therefore, entirely intentional. I’m not saying that children haven’t been killed, but if so it was a result of necessity or mistake to due the non-specific nature of today’s weapons and battlefields.
    “Also, when did I ever say that the Muslimeen should not target the kuffar who enlist in the various crusader forces?”
    Answer: You didn’t, but you speak as if it is only those who enlist in forces who are combatants. In fact, they are only the arms (or hands) of the enemies global body/network/system/machine.
    “In closing, are you gonna deny that many brothers DO SAY that it is totally, 100% permissible and halaal for the mujahideen to “intentionally” target kaafir noncombatants?”
    Answer: Yes I deny that. I haven’t heard them say it’s ok to kill noncombatants. Rather, they say it is ok to kill a group of people or a type of people who YOU think are noncombatants and so you translate it as if they are saying it’s ok to kill noncombatants.
    Your response still indicates to me that you haven’t listened to the vid. I don’t plan on getting stuck going back and forth about this issue. It may be hard for you to come to reconciliation concerning it, as the lives of people are not trivial matters, but you have to be willing to accept the truth even if you may not like it. Just as some of our believing sisters accept that men may marry up to four even though they dislike it. “…And it may be that you dislike a thing that is good for you. And it may be that you like a thing which is evil for you. Allah knows and you don’t know.” What you think and what you feel are not criteria for what is right and wrong or good and evil. Whoever refuses to accept any portion of Allah’s criteria for wrong and right has apostatized (I’m not saying you’ve done this). Here’s the vid of Shaykh Ayman again. Pay attention to the example he gives of Hunayn. Listen from 14:00 to 18:20.

  145. JassimNo Gravatar says:

    I wanted to say… Wa iyyak Lubna. Amin. May Allah strengthen the Muslims, guide us, give us victory, and save us from the Hell-fire.
    @ everyone (I mean this in general to address ppl who say we are all Muslims we need to unite):
    Whoever rejects Jihad, whoever slanders the Mujahideen, whoever does not acknowledge the obligation of the establishment of Shari’ah, whoever takes the disbelievers as companions/advisors/caretakers/protectors/allies, and all who defend the above mentioned people are munafiqeen (most clearly, if they have heard the verses of Allah or hadith of the Prophet (sAaws) in regards to these crimes). And hiding behind the fataawa of a munafiq scholar does not save them nor excuse them. They are munafiqeen, even if they pray, fast, pay zakat, perform hajj, and speak shahadah with their tongues. Because the shahadah is not in their hearts and they oppose it in their actions and in their speech otherwise. I will not unite with them. I will not be their brother. Certainly they are not my brothers or sisters and certainly they are not brothers or sisters to the believers. Make excuses for them if you like… but I will not. “A person is on the religion of his companion.” Ibn Taymiyyah says in Majmu’ Al-Fataawa that whosoever dismantles the Shari’ah is a kaafir and whosoever MAKES EXCUSES for them is a kaafir; and they must be fought.
    But I love the believers and Muslims, those who do not reject one verse of Allah nor one authentic hadith. Who have walla and bara–hating what and who Allah hates and loving what and who Allah loves–and who fear Allah. Who long for Jihad. “Anyone who dies without having fought Jihad, nor having desired to do so, dies on one aspect of hypocrisy” as RasooluAllah (sAaws) said. On the day of resurrection a person will be with those he loves. May Allah cause us to die while loving Allah and the believers. Amin.

  146. AssadNo Gravatar says:

    Salaamu Alaikum

    @ spops, Jazakallah ya abd, tht was indeed very thoughful and very good reminder, it should make people realise, Imam Anwar did a post before regarding the difference of opinion and how we should respect it, May Allah forgive us for saying anything wrong and also i sincerely ask forgiveness from anyone and everyone including the Sheikh if i said anything to hurt them even for a split second please for the sake of ALlah forgive me, May Allah guide us to the right path and make us amongst the shuhada Ameen

  147. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @ Mohammed is your Sheikh Feiz by any chance the Sheikh Feiz that used to live in Sydney, and was banned from re entry into Australia, your words sound like something he’d say.? and masha’Allah to them they are correct unfortunatly.

  148. salaamNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam to all by beloved brothers and sisters in Islam. I love you all for the sake of Allah (swt).

    Brother Spops is a blessed brother mashallah. I tried addressing this point in the 44 ways of supporting jihad when people began speaking of Dr. Naik. The Ummah will very rarely, if at all, agree on a single ruling. Personally, when I find a situation like this, I stick to the teachings of our noble Messanger (saw) when he said: The halal is clear and the haram is clear. Between them is a shade of gray. That which you find doubt with, leave it. If you do that which you have doubt in, you may find yourselves in sin. If you doubt the operations, then leave it. If you agree with it then agree with it. Inshallah both are right and both will get rewarded. The fact is we have more important things to worry about than whether this is halaal or haraam. What we need to focus on is bringing the masses back to Allah (swt) by helping the love Allah (swt). Then get rid of the munafiqeen rules who corrupt our lands. Then we get rid of the zionist-crusader pigs. What this blog should be about is how we can get this plan rolling. Let the scholars deal with this issue and when we re-establish khilafa than we wont have to debate these issues.

    Again: Get people’s hearts back to loving Allah (swt) -> get rid of the munafiqeen leaders -> Re-establish the khilafa -> Victory.

    The fact is we’re not scholars. We can’t go around saying this opinion is right, that opinion is wrong. Bless you all for stating your opinions and supporting them with ayat and ahadeeth, I’ve learned a lot. But instead of spending hours going through this blog and defending our opinion, lets brainstorm ways of bringing the ummah back to the dean. Liberating falasteen is our goal. This should be the goal of EVERY muslim. Whether you agree with the operations or not, falasteen will not be liberated through them, but it will be through khilafa. Get the ball rolling. Brainstorm ideas of what we can do with our families and communities to get others to join the movement. The hardest part in doing almost anything is taking that first step. Let us be the ones who take that first step, whether it be through making hijrah, going and joining our noble mujahideen, by doing weekly halaqa’s at our masjid, or a weekly halaqa at our own homes. I don’t know about you guys, but I want to be the Abu Bakr or Umar of this Ummah. Who do you want to be?

  149. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @ukth, if you completely disagree with Martyrdom operations thats your choice you have free will but I’d be careful if I was you as the evidence is here over and over go back to the post on Gaza and 44 ways of Supporting jihad , gain more knowledge and Insha’ Allah your heart and mind will be inline with the Ayyats in Quran referring to puting fear into the hearts of the disbelievers, which is our duty. The one thing that the Sahabah feared most especially Umar Farooq ra was being a munafic and not even being aware of it. He was forever asking the other Sahabah if he was a munafic Allah protect us from that evil life and evil end.

  150. UmeljihadNo Gravatar says:

    @spops, Your post made me ashamed of myself for what I said. Thank you for the eye opening post, I always read and respect what you have to say. Jazaka Allah Khayr. Please forgive me everyone, after all I am one who lacks knowledge.

  151. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    spops – mashaAllah
    . i was wondering whether someone would spot this out. as well as br. mohammad’s comment!!!
    [[@All dear brothers and sisters, I want to bring something to everyone’s attention. Since the gaza conflict we have all been blogging on the issue of Jihad. We all know the obligations that it brings, yet we are still here blogging.]]

    @Abu Ayrow as Somali – last week they had a congress man and they asked people to sign so that they could qualify to run with another muslim brother also wanting to run. people do not know really in our area about these things and also our shuyukh promote this. inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raj3ioon. our area has a lot of that, the FBI sponsored an eid party for one particular masjid!
    @ um umar – im sorry i didnt get back to you earlier. i tried to copy and paste her story from adobe reader but it wouldnt let me. here check this website –

    download this book about the role of sisters ! it is a vry nice book by yusuf uyayri (rahimahullah)

    she drove a truck with some xplos. into a russian barrack kllng 27 russian terr0r1sts – the same evils that went on harming other muslims in shishan.-muslims have a right to defend themselves.

    alhamdulillah i feel like im in a prison alhamdulillah! Allah loves those who are patient. may He ta3ala grant me and everyone patience. ameen

  152. MNo Gravatar says:

    Imam I love the fact the you speak up.

  153. khadijaNo Gravatar says:

    just some articles i found amusing.
    1. John Pilger about Bush’s “Freedom Medals”
    2.Robert Fisk on Obama

  154. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Abdullah bin Amir ra) narrated that Umar bin Al Khattab ra ) picked up a piece of straw from the ground and said, “Would that I were this piece of straw!
    Would that I’d never been created ! Would that I didn’t exist! Would that my mother never gave birth to me ! Would that I didn’t exist! Would that I were non-existent, forgotten thing!” Umar ra) did not say these words out of ungratefulness ; rather he said them because of his prodigious fear of Allah swt) and of His punishment.

  155. Mr.SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    “If the intentions of the Muslim are good and for the sake of Allah then he is a shaheed whether he died by the enemy or by his own hands. It is the intention that counts.”

  156. SaladinNo Gravatar says:

    Obama says Afghanistan is now the “central front on terror.” The central front has moved from Afghanistan to Iraq to Iran to Syria to North Korea to Pakistan and back to Afghanistan again. That’s a boatload of central fronts for a war that doesn’t have any front lines. Obama says he wants to make sure Afghanistan “cannot be used as a base to launch attacks against the United States.” Nobody can actually launch an attack on much of anything from the mountains of Afghanistan. You can plan an attack from there, but you can plan an attack on the United States from a picnic blanket spread out in front of the Lincoln Memorial. And oh yeah, the Taliban had nothing to do with 9/11, and have no interest in being party to a second one, and wouldn’t be fighting if invaders hadn’t pitched a tent city in their front yard.

    Here is the excerpt from Murad Hoffman’s article written few years back titled Islam and the West. It is edited to reflect the ongoing orgy of violence unleashed by West in the name of freedom. “Let us now take a good look at the record of that marvelous, self-appointed center of rationality, the enlightened Western world. Since the 18th century, in contrast to the high ideals pronounced and exported, what one discovers in terms of actual behavior is highly disturbing: Slave-trading, extermination of native populations, apartheid and colonialism -countless millions killed; two savage world wars-56 million killed ; Stalinist massacres-29 million killed and the Nazi holocaust-6 million ; ethnic (in reality, religious) cleansing in Bosnia, Chechnya, Kosova and atomic warfare against civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And the latest genocidal wars unleashed by the Pharoahs in DC that has already killed millions.

    These disasters were the bloodiest the world has ever seen. But even if Western people were not at war with each other, they have behaved violently against nature: against animals, plants and even minerals-to the point that the destruction of resources and environmental disasters like air pollution threaten the survival of mankind.
    None of the bloody excesses mentioned took place in the Muslim world; and yet the West, in spite of such a record, has the nerve to ask the rest of the world to follow its example and to deny not only the existence, but also the possibility, of an alternative.”

  157. Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what you hear..."”No Gravatar says:

    “Liberating falasteen is our goal”. Our goal is now only to liberate falasteen but rather the whole world and to make Allah’s word high inshaAllah.
    Listen to the Constants of Jihad and Mashari Al-Ashwaq.
    I would also advice myself and my brothers and sisters to read the strategic goals and the objectives of our brothers. Also, study the fiqh of jihad and the hot issues concerning our brothers from the scholars we trust their deen not those who with disagree with. For example, those who say we should obey the rulers put in place by the kufars and i’m sure you know all the other invalid arguments they have. Don’t seek your knowledge from the RAND scholars. They are liars. Wa a’othi billah.
    @somalia, Barak Allahu feekum akhii be patient and kind with your brothers don’t be like the madhaakhila (murji’ah of our time).
    @Jassim mashaAllah. Jazakum Allahu khair akhii

  158. MohammadNo Gravatar says:

    //those Fearless companions//

    Extracts taken from the lectures of our beloved Sheikh Feiz of Australia, May Allah Bless him and all those who follow the ways of those Fearless Worriors, and Fearless Commandos,…

    He currently resides in Lebanon.

  159. faizaNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam alakum to all my brothers and sisters whom I love fi sabeelillah.
    @spops, jazakAllah for the great reminder, even though I agree with you 100% I can also relate to the frustration felt by the brothers and sisters here on this blog, when someone tries to water down Islam and try to find ahadeeth here and there in which they try to base their arguments. Nonetheless we should not attack one another as Imam Anwar‘s post is clear and balanced.

    @salaam mashAllah jazakAllah for the inspirational post, indeed participating on this blog is a great blessing from Allah, as we are sharing knowledge, info and ideas. Your right our time here shouldn’t be a time of wasteful and empty word but rather we should put our words in to practice, bi’idnillah
    May allah subhana ta’ala give us the tawfeeq to be part of the reestablishment of the khalafa ,to be amongst the ranks of those who fight jihad fi sabeelillah and gain martyrdom.

  160. The Men Behind ObamaNo Gravatar says:

    Sorrry…I meant Ehud BARAK.

  161. slave of AllahNo Gravatar says:

    Salam alaikum:

    Many or most of the Mujahideen groups today do say that it is legitimate to target and kill all the non-Muslim noncombatants in the West, period. They defend and condone all of the attacks carried out against these non-Muslims, and yes, of course they intentionally do target the kaafir non-combatants including women and children. Such as the London Subway attacks, the Madrid Spain attacks, the Bali bombings, and all other attacks on kaafir non-combatants, such as the killing of western/non-Muslim tourists in Muslims lands, and so forth. Are these acts really and truly justified in the Sharia? I’m not so sure. And extremely and very, very importantly, are Muslims considered to be “disbelievers” (murtads) if they don’t agree with these acts? I believe Imam Anwar, in one or more of his lecture series (“The Constants On the Path of Jihad” being one) stated that if we don’t believe in and fully support these attacks and also fully support the groups that carry out these attacks and believe in their ideology (“al-Qaeda”) that we as Muslims are in essence, “hypocrites,” or even “murtads,” taken out of the fold of Islam. Our blood would obviously be halaal then. I mean these are very serious allegations. I don’t know what to think. Any comments?

  162. slave of AllahNo Gravatar says:

    I just wanted to say that I do respect and love the mujahideen, so please don’t make takfeer on me, even if I am confused as to whether we are supposed to kill noncombatants/civilians. (I was always taught this was totally haraam, unethical, and against the deen al-Islam) However, a lot of Muslims would be considered as murtads and kuffar because I for a fact know that they don’t at all agree with the intentional killing of noncombatants or agree with the operations that al-Qaeda carry out.

  163. Abu-MaryamNo Gravatar says:

    MashaAllah, a praiseworthy article, Note what the Shaykh is saying: we all have our right or wrong opinions, but what is of sense is to leave our differences behind us and rally the support of those that are on the frontlines defending our deen!

  164. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualikum wrwb to the ummah of Mohummed saws) @Saladin,not good news Kheir Insha’Allah, Allah is all seeing the abuses of this world always end up paying, Inshall’Allah the oil ends ( not till weve all made Hijra fee sabililah)then it can dry up will make a difference I hope.///Amin Abu Ayrow ///
    surat_ an _nisa Jazakiallahkeir sister ,masha’ Allah I’ll check it out insha’Allah, please sister remember your sisters that are in jail and that will uplift you motivate you, as we are free to do so many good deeds and Alhumduiallah nothing remains the same except Allah, your situation will improve , soon insha’Allah /// Brother Salaam, insha’ Allah your duas are answered Insha’Allah we will make more effort on something productive We all should be making plans for Hijra if in the west.Im still confused about where to go Id rather live in poor Arab country than one following the west. Allah help us all to make the right decision.

  165. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    i agree with brother Jasim’s sentiments and words and know exactly where he is coming from.
    we are ordered to love Allah his messenger and his deen more than ourselves and our fellow brethern.

    and i will give you the example of hazrat umar may ALlah be pleased with him.

    when a man came to hazrat abu bakr and told him he was not satisfied with the decision of prophet muhammad salalho alyhe wasallam in favour of a yehoodi and asked him to help, Abu bakr refused as he could not dare to question his messenger.
    but when the same man went to Umar bin khattab , he told him to wait, went in, got his sword and slash the head off the complainer!

    Umar’s ghyrah and love of his prophet muhammad told him to act in this manner and later on Allah approved of umar bin khattab ’s action and revealed the ayah that … ”when Allah and his messenger decide a matter for you then you cant have a say of your own in it”

    a true mu’min is harsh and FIRM where he needs to be and soft and UNDERSTANDIN where he needs to be and does not mix the two.

    may Allah give us all the true understanding of His deen and give us the courage and hikmah to act accordingly Ameen.
    may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahedeen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.

  166. kirbroNo Gravatar says:

    Do you all consider Muslims that don’t agree with deliberate atacks on non-combatants, for instance like the London 7/7 attacks to be so-called hypocrites, sell outs, “fake” Muslims, or even murtads, etc. And what is your daleel? Because in various ahaddith the RasoolAllah(saw) forbade the intentional killing of noncombatants. But various mujahideen, and brohers here are saying these are 100% halaal. But again where is your daleel for this? And again, what about the Muslims who don’t agree with this?


  167. Abu YahyaNo Gravatar says:

    Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what hear…”

    “I almost forgot they invited a kufar again but only this time a laday to speak to the congregation and they were clapping for her inside the masjid. Wa’outhi billah.”

    Abu Yahya:As-salam-ylakum wa-rahmatullah,
    My dear brother in Islam, and to all my brothers and sisters in general, it is exactly this type of misguidance that we the shabab have to stand up and confront. Having been granted this enlightenment from Allah (swt) to understand the Quran and Sunnah in light of our current state (one of Allah’s graces he has bestowed upon us to which we can not thank him enough) it then becomes essential that we confront falsehood when we hear or see it, as much as we are able.
    “_fear Allah, as much as you are able to, and listen and obey…” (Surah At-Taghabun:16).
    “Those of the Children of Israel who went astray were cursed by the tongue of David, and of Jesus, son of Mary. That was because they rebelled and used to transgress.”
    “They restrained not one another from the wickedness they did. Verily evil was that they used to do!”(Al-Ma’idah:78-79).
    May Allah Azza-wajal guide us all to be among those who aid his religion, and stand up in times where misguidance is being propagated and injustice is being committed. Ameen!
    “We sent aforetime our Messengers with clear proofs and revealed with them the scripture and the Balance (justice), that mankind may stand forth in justice; and We sent down Iron, in which is mighty power (in matters of war), as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help Him and His messengers in the unseen. For Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might.”(Surah Al-Hadid:25).

  168. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    Mullah Mohammad Hasan Rahmani: Taliban Not Talking Peace & Not Attacking Women with Acid


  169. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    Ad-dunia sijnul mu’min wa jannatul kaafir.
    The world is prison for the believers and paradise for the disbelievers.
    may we be counted as believers infront of Allah.
    um umar -jazakillahu khaira for the reminder. alhamdu lillah there is no complaint. we all are in afar better off situation. they say when you complain about the decree of Allah azza wa jal, you fail your test!

  170. AndalusNo Gravatar says:

    As salaamu ‘aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

    A brother has written a fascinating new book on Al Andalus called An Incomplete History: The Muslims of Spain Post-1492/897 ـه In A Global Context And Its Relevance to Muslims Today.

    It is a voluminous release and covers briefly the period of Muslims in Andalus from the opening of Andalus by Tariq bin Ziyad to the fall of Garnata in 1491. The focus of the book is what happened to the Muslims of Andalus AFTER the fall of Garnata. It includes within it:

    1. Imam Ghazalis fatwa to Yusuf Bin Tashfin to fight the Muslim rulers fighting alongside the kuffaar and implementing other than Allah’s law.

    2. Numerous documents pertaining to the life, worship and jihad conducted by those Muslims within Andalus.

    3. All of the work is analyzed not just through the prism of Andalusi and Maghribi politics but through the perspective of the deen and global events at the time as well. It puts the current situation in context.

    LINKS TO BOOK:…lus-After-1492…dr26brffvg.pdf

    Jazakum Allahu khair. Please encourage others to put it on their sites as well.

  171. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    Kids were burned alive. Sisters were raped. Those muslim families who fled to farms were chased. Sisters who hid in the fields were found, their private parts/passages penetrated by knives (Subhan Allah!) which were twisted and pushed further into their bodies, their womanhood physically destroyed and mutilated and their dignity reduced to nothing. Muslims' houses were burned - entire families were torched alive.
    this is a sick dipiction of what is happening to our brs. and srs. in gujurat, india.
    there are many around the world where muslims have been forgotten sudan, somalia, falestin, shishan, bosnia, afghanistan, chinese muslims, philipino muslims, uzbeksitan, turkmenistan, iranian muwahidoon, cambodian muslims, our baghram, abu ghrayb, guantanamo brs and srs, the lands of the muslims ruled by unjust rulers and list goes on.
    we will be asked about what we did! we will be aksed we will be asked .
    for those who say dawah this and dawah that , rasulullah saw was the best man ever and he had the best companions who were knowledgable yet they went forth and strived in the path. did they say who’s going to spread the islam if they were not there. they went and defended this religion and they had a lot of knowldge about islam so what about u and me?

  172. JassimNo Gravatar says:

    @ slave of Allah & Kirbro
    slave of Allah said:
    “Such as the London Subway attacks, the Madrid Spain attacks, the Bali bombings, and all other attacks on kaafir non-combatants, such as the killing of western/non-Muslim tourists in Muslims lands, and so forth. Are these acts really and truly justified in the Sharia?”
    “…are Muslims considered to be “disbelievers” (murtads) if they don’t agree with these acts?”
    Kirbro said:
    “Do you all consider Muslims that don’t agree with deliberate atacks on non-combatants, for instance like the London 7/7 attacks to be so-called hypocrites, sell outs, “fake” Muslims, or even murtads, etc. And what is your daleel? Because in various ahaddith the RasoolAllah(saw) forbade the intentional killing of noncombatants. But various mujahideen, and brohers here are saying these are 100% halaal. But again where is your daleel for this? And again, what about the Muslims who don’t agree with this?”
    The concept of civilian and noncivilian are nowhere to be found in Shari’ah. Rather, the Shari’ah divides people into combatants and noncombatants. A combatant is anyone who supports the enemies war and establishments with his life, wealth, or opinion. These establishments include government, military, corporations which fund enemy political agendas, organizations which encourage the enemies ideologies, etc.. Most of those harmed in the events you guys pointed to could at least fall into the category of support by opinion for the enemy’s war against Islam. And Allah knows best.
    The daleel is abundant. Read what Imam Anwar points out from Ibn Taymiyyah, look at how the Prophet (sAaws) order the assassination of the two who were opposing Islam with their words, or how he ordered the execution of some people once the Muslims claimed Mekkah, or during the Battle of Hunayn when they killed an old man for giving advice to the enemies, or when the Muslims ambushed the caravans of Quraysh. You’ll find examples in these of the killing of unarmed people who are not in physical combat or have not ever taken part in physical combat. But they were in ideological and or someway or another a part of the economic combat. So they were combatants. Personally, I would prefer if such attacks were not carried out. I don’t like them. I prefer to remove the evil shepherds and spare the bad sheep (if you want to put it that way). But I stand with my brothers and I have evidence in support of them.
    I wouldn’t call someone who said what you said a kafir or murtad, rather, I would pray that Allah make the truth of the matter clear and open our hearts to its acceptance. And I haven’t seen kufr in what you’ve said so I still see you guys as my brothers. But if you were maliciously criticizing the Mujahideen every time something like what you mentioned happens, and you discourage people from loving or supporting the mujahideen, or you rally with the RAND Muslims and hypocrites to show the kuffar how much you disapprove of the actions of the Mujahideen, then I would see hypocrisy and I would consider you as hypocrites and I wouldn’t want anything to do with you.

  173. AllahuAkbarNo Gravatar says:

    Noam Chomsky writes how Israel intentionally targets civilians and how they do not see any difference between the civilians and militants.

  174. MohammadNo Gravatar says:

    @’o slave of Allah’, you claim to be a Slave of Allah, then Mash’Allah,.. but dont say about someone what they didnt say, here being Imam Anwar You are slandering him – i suggest you rewiew the Consants series again and then come back and adjust Your words.. Subhan’Allah really it seems to me its You who’s making Takfeer,… so Akh please Calm down, Take it easy – And Relax!

  175. JassimNo Gravatar says:

    Correction: The sheep are evil too (not just bad).
    And in case anyone got the wrong idea, I support all of the Mujahideen’s operations.

  176. MuhammadNo Gravatar says:

    I see that most of the people fail to read between the lines. they are arguing whether suicide attacks are permissable or not. while this topic can be taken as the response/support of muslims of that time and todays. Who is requesting for references pls refer to “MISHARY AL ASHFAQ” as Shaikh mentioned in the blog. read the last lines and conclude the moral of the topic.
    “Brothers and sisters whether you agree or not with martyrdom operations let’s leave our differences behind us, and let us support our Muslim brothers who are in the frontlines. Just like we disagree on many other issues, we should not let our disagreements stand in the way of our solidarity in the face of our adversaries.”

  177. Ibn Na'eemNo Gravatar says:

    @ Jassim,

    I think the blog post is about whether or not martyrdom operations are allowed on battlefields or not.

    As for your view on the permissability of attacking tubes and buses etc, this is a totally false view. The Prophet (SAW) prohibited his companions from attacking non-combatants from the mushrikeen. It could be argued that non-combatant mushrikeen were “supporting” their leaders by not opposing them in their lands – yet still their blood was not to be spilt. So therefore, how is the non-combatant population of the enemy nations a legitimate target?? You cannot make huge assumptions like this based on no proof. Such actions severely ruin the image of the true mujahideen.

  178. SaladinNo Gravatar says:

    Meanwhile Jihad continues in Caucasus and caravan of Martyrs continues.

    Amir of Khasavyurt Sector is Martyred


    A source inside the command of Khasavyurt Sector of Armed Forces has
    reported that Amir Umalat (Umalat Magomedov), Amir of “Al-Bara” Jamaat,
    whose zone of responsibility is Khasavyurt district of Dagestan, was

    As it was previously reported, a firefight between one Mujahid and a
    large gang of Traitors and Invaders which lasted for about 2 hours was
    took place in the town of “Airfield” last Muharram 23, 1430 (January 20,
    2009). Later it became known that the battle was conducted by Amir Umalat.

    The Invaders reported about that fight only on the next day, saying that
    3 Invaders were wounded from their side.

    Meanwhile, according to the sources inside the command of Mujahideen,
    Amir Umalat managed to seriously injure at least 5 scumbags.

    A source in the command of Khasavyurt Sector of AF of the Caucasus
    Emirate said that taking advantage of unexpected rising of mist, Amir
    Umalat had managed to get out of the encirclement.

    During the battle, he was seriously injured in the face.

    According to specified data, Amir Umalat battled against the 60-member
    unit of “Special Forces”.

    Breaking through the encirclement and reaching the base, the commander
    of the Mujahideen became a Shaheed (inshaAllah) because of the large
    loss of blood.

    Amir Khanif; Shirdi-Mokhk ambush


    Winter operation continue in Chechnya. The command of Eastern Font
    (Commander Amir Aslanbek), reported that yesterday in the area of the
    village of Shirdi-Mokhk in Nozhai-Yurt district, a mobile squad of the
    Mujahideen under Amir Khanif attacked a group of Russian Invaders.

    The Mujahideen reported at least 5 Russian soldiers were killed and
    wounded during the battle. The Mujahideen did not incur any casualties.
    The details of the fighting are unknown.

    After Mujahedeen’s departure the battle place was subjected to aerial
    bombardments and artillery shellings.

  179. FerozeNo Gravatar says:

    The object of the person doing a martydom operation is not to kill himself or herself alone but to hurt the enemy and strike fear in the heart of the enemy.If the martyr wanted simply to kill himself why not do it at home why go out?This shows that the intent is different.It is martydom not suicide.This is the only effective weopon our brothers and sisters in Palestine have.They celebrate jihaad so lets not undermine their struggle by being overly critical of martydom operations.We should support it as it drives the disbeliever insane.

  180. Kufr AkbarNo Gravatar says:

    Muhammad, this “Shaikh” of yours absolutely does endorse suicide bombings against civilians. See his December 28 piece for example.

  181. spopsNo Gravatar says:


    as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah

    @urat_an_nisa_74_100 Jihad is dawah and it is a mercy as it removes the oppression from the oppressed. However if you are not in the field of Jihad for whatever reason then ready an excuse as to why you are in the land of the kuffar…….Shaikh Uthman gives five excuses to present before Allah, one of which is you are there making dawah.

    @ All I will back after a short break inshallah………

    Remember the ayat….[005:054] O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion (Islam), Allah will bring a people whom He will love and they will love Him; humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers, fighting in the Way of Allah, and never afraid of the blame of the blamers. That is the Grace of Allah which He bestows on whom He wills. And Allah is AllSufficient for His creatures needs, AllKnower.

    therefore believers be humble with the believers and easy with the Muslims call them to which brings Allah’s pleasure and make them love the Jihad for the sake of Allah.

    Don’t become divided and remember the prophet’s advice I leave you two things the quran and my sunnah whoever holds on to these will never go astray.

    Not everyone is the same in person or knowledge as Allah said

    يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَى وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ

    O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa (i.e. one of the Muttaqoon (pious – see V.:). Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.

    Therefore we are all different some of us speak Arabic, others Indian and many of us other languages…

    Remember the young man who wanted to make Zinah. The prophet took time to explain to him the evil consequences and then prayed for him.

    Then there was the sahabah who sent word to the Mekkans that they were to be invaded. The prophet (peace be upon him) didn’t order that he be killed as he had been to Badr and he gave an excuse that the prophet (peace be upon) accepted.

    Therefore think before you speak and when you speak try to do so with the Muslims with kindness and understanding to their situation judge everything on its merits.

    With those from the kuffar or the clear deviants then be harsh against them and argue in a way that is better and do not hold back from berating them and castigating them until they are humilated and downtrodden as Allah wishes to punish them at the hands of the believers…..

    Stand up proud and tall for Islam as Allah as told us to enter Islam and then be straight on the path of righteousness.

    Remember what Allah has said and think on this.

    يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ كُونُواْ قَوَّامِينَ لِلّهِ شُهَدَاء بِالْقِسْطِ وَلاَ يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ عَلَى أَلاَّ تَعْدِلُواْ اعْدِلُواْ هُوَ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَى وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ إِنَّ اللّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ (

    005:008] O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah and be just witnesses and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Well Acquainted with what you do.

    As salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah to all the believers and Muslims and to the disbelievers I invite you to accept Islam and to save yourself from an eternal torment. To the disbelievers who are fighting the Muslims we are coming for you soon inshallah…………………..

  182. Al Faaris Al MiqdaamNo Gravatar says:

    JazaakAllahu khayr for the Andalus PDF Book….I highly recommend it!!!!!!

  183. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @Jassim ,Jazakillahkeir , excellent explaination. @surat_nisa I know you too well to know your content to be a prisoner of this world, I just wanted to uplift your spirits
    Ali’s Sermon ra) ” the two things I fear most ( in terms of sins) are following desires and having long term expectations for this world; As for the former, it blocks one from the truth, as for the latter, it causes one to forget the Hereafter. Lo! This world is traveling away (from us ). Lo! the Hereafter is traveling towards us. Each has two children . So be from the children of the Hereafter and not from the children of the world. For indeed, today is action without accountability and tomorrow ( Judgement Day ) is accountability without action.”/// Insha”Allah we are from the children of the next duniah as this duniah and all its illusions tun to dust.

  184. KirbroNo Gravatar says:


    Thanks for your reply brother. But can you (and others), if you are at liberty to, please tell me for instance, how a were the 7/7 attacks in London which were intended to intentionally kill as many noncombatants as possible, have been something that could be defended according to the Qur’an and the Sunnuh of Rasool Allah(saw). I mean how were random kaafir noncombatants (including children), many of whom could most likely say they did not support their governments’ ongoing war/crusade against the Muslims, nor not necessarily voted for the Blair regime be considered as combatants. I mean they were by all accounts just people coming home from work and school, and they did not really seem to fit into the categories that the Rasool Allah (saw) targeted in the conquest of Makkah, and other instances of propagandists, inciters, and war planners for the Quraysh/Yahood musrkikoon, that he ordered to be assassinated, or gave the approval for their assassinations after the fact. Thanks in advance. May Allah make it easy for us all aameen.

  185. menjNo Gravatar says:

    This is a refreshing take on the issue, I agree that differences over the legality of the martyrdom operations should not be a hindrance for Muslims to give full support to the mujahideen who are struggling for Islam.

  186. SalimNo Gravatar says:


    jazakallaah for the comments which were of no use whatsoever. Before you start running off with your bright comment you should understand that I am a person who supports jihad as every Muslim is meant to. But, trying to clarify the terms of engagement isn’t being armchair at all. The sahabas made intention to die as martyres but that is clearly not the same as intending to kill yourself is it Brother. One is to hope to die in a situation the other is making sure you die by your own hand. If they are the same to you then there is no point arguing with you at all, you are not able to make easy distinctions such as being killed and suicide! wishing to die in battle by someone else’s blade, is not the same as cutting your own throat with your own sword. How can they ever be the same? Please explain Somalia

  187. SalahNo Gravatar says:

    K, if United States decided to bomb Moscow.. what do u think would happen the next day? Of course Russia would return the favor by bombing New York.. likewise when England and Spain bomb Baghdad.. bombs will go off in London and Madrid… and in both cases the aim of the attacks were to hinder the economy by attacking the infraestructe and to give a taste to the non-combatants in England and Spain what their governments have been doing to the non-combatants in Iraq.. so to give a detterent so that people will think twice about allowing their government to aggressively attack another people. Understand??? Every government and military in the world understands that equation.

    Next point.. there are many incidents that Awlaki has pointed out in his tapes of people who pledged Rasullah (saw) to die before the battle started which i think is sufficient evidence… it is about the intention and allah swt knows best. Either way those who critisize from a distance should also know that is also haram to stay away from battle when there is a fard put on them… so do not be a hypocrit condemning one thing because it could possibly be against the shariah.. while also going against another part of the shariah

  188. salaamNo Gravatar says:


    Salaam to all my brothers and sisters who I love for the sake of Allah (swt).

    Our brothers and sisters on this site who have been blessed and favored by Allah (swt) to be in the field of Jihad, please remember us next time you meet the enemy. Indeed the du’a of the one who is about to fight is accepted by Allah (swt). Ask Allah (swt) to give the Ummah victory in our times. Ask Allah (swt) to unite us with you. Ask Allah (swt) to forgive us who are behind.

    Jazakallahu Khair.

  189. Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what you hear..."”No Gravatar says:

    @ Salah jazakum Allah khair akhii. I love your analogy akhii. subhan’Allah

  190. Abdul RahmanNo Gravatar says:

    Salam to all

    Sorry to jump out of the subject.

    Can anyone please clarify me is Huda TV and Peace TV from RAND Muslims?

  191. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    uniting this ummah will take a long time Alaih Ahleem, kheir insha’Allah

  192. surat_an_nisa_74_100// [ surat_as_saff_1_14]No Gravatar says:

    @spops – yes, wa Allahu alaam – [jazak Allahu khair for your comment truely the muslims need to to be divided.]

    what i was intending to say is that the prophet saw fought in the battle field eventhough he saw had the most knowledge of the deen and he saw was surrounded by companions who were wealthy in knowledge and they went out and fought and defended this religion.

    “There is no blame on those who are infirm, or ill, or who find no resources to spend (on the cause), if they are sincere (in duty) to Allah and His Messenger: no ground (of complaint) can there be against such as do right: and Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. Nor (is there blame) on those who came to thee to be provided with mounts, and when thou saidst, “I can find no mounts for you,” they turned back, their eyes streaming with tears of grief that they had no resources wherewith to provide the expenses. ”
    ‘ – tawba : 91 -92
    the exempt still need to be sincere in duty to Allah awj wa Allahu alaam.

    @um umar – i found your words uplifting jazakillahu khaira

    as saff trans.
    : 10. O You who believe! Shall I guide you to a commerce that will save you from a painful torment.
    11. That you believe in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad ), and that you strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives, that will be better for you, if you but know!

  193. surat_an_nisa_74_100// [ surat_as_saff_1_14]No Gravatar says:

    i mean the muslimoon NEED NOT TO BE DIVIDED a'udhu billah not need to be divided a3udhu billah . la ilaha il Allah muhammadan rasulullah!

  194. No spin in Islam either- still awaiting my answerNo Gravatar says:

    First Khutbah

    O Muslims! Achieving noble and lofty objectives require enormous sacrifices in proportion. There can be no doubt that the higher an objective is, the greater its sacrifice must be. Therefore, if ones ultimate objective is to please Allaah and hope to be granted Paradise, then defending Allaah’s religion and protecting His Book and sacred places ranks highest in attempting to attain His pleasure.

    Sacrifice comes in many shapes, forms and levels, it can be performed through many different channels, but there is no doubt that the sacrificing of one’s soul for the sake of Allaah in order to defeat His enemies and support Islaam is the very highest level. This is of course Shahaadah, or martyrdom. The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam exerted maximum effort to instil the magnitude of Shahaadah as well as the concept of Jihaad deep into the hearts of his companions and his followers who were to come after him. He sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam used two methods in order to achieve this objective:

    Firstly: By repeatedly declaring his deep love and fervent wish for Shahaadah. Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “I swear by the One in Whose Hands my soul is, I wish that I would fight for the sake of Allaah (i.e., Jihaad) and get martyred, then return and fight again and get martyred, then return and fight again and get martyred” (Bukhaari & Muslim) What a wonderful wish coming from the purest of hearts! This is nothing except a reflection of deep love and overwhelming desire; a desire to attain Shahaadah, which is one of the greatest paths to Paradise.

    Secondly: By explaining the virtues of Shahaadah and the ranks of the martyrs in Paradise as well as descriptions of their bounties, such as in the Hadeeth when Marwaan said: “We asked ‘Abdullaah Ibn Mas’ood, may Allaah be pleased with him, about the following verse: (which translates as): “And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allaah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.” (Aal-‘Imraan: 169).’ He, may Allaah be pleased with him, replied: “We asked the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam about this verse and he replied: “Their (i.e., the martyrs souls) will live inside green birds that dwell in designated lamps which hang on the throne of Allaah, they will roam freely in Paradise as they please, then return to these lamps”” (Muslim).

    A Shaheed has six other benefits; Al-Miqdaam Ibn Ma’di Karib, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “A martyr has six bounties: He will be forgiven with the first drop of his blood that is spilt; He will see his place in Paradise (at the time of death); He will be saved from the ‘Great Horror’ (on the Day of Judgment): A Crown of Dignity will be placed on his head, which contains many corundums, each one being more precious than this life and all that it contains; He will have seventy two Women of Paradise; And, he will be allowed to intercede for seventy of his family members (who would have otherwise gone to hell).” (Tirmidhi & Ibn Maajah).

    The pain that a martyr feels at the time of death will be reduced so greatly that he will only feel as if he was stung by a mosquito. Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “A martyr only feels from the effect of being killed that which one would when being stung by a mosquito.” (Tirmidhi, Nasaa’i and others).

    Moreover, the finest dwellings in Paradise are those of the martyrs. Samurah Ibn Jundub, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “Last night I was inspired (through a dream); I saw two men come to me and take me up a tree (in Paradise) then into a dwelling which was the best I have ever seen; they informed me that it was the dwelling of the martyrs.” (Bukhaari).

    Also, the angels spread their wings over the body of a martyr as a form of honour, dignity and respect. Jaabir Ibn ‘Abdullaah, may Allah be pleased with him narrated: “My father’s body was brought to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam on the day of Uhud. The disbelievers had mutilated it; I went to uncover his face when some of my family members stopped me. Then the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam heard a woman crying, so he said: “Why are you crying? Do not cry, the angels are continuing to shade him””.

    Among all the dwellers of Paradise, only the martyrs would wish to return to this life. This is due to the immense rewards and respect that have been mentioned in the previous Ahadeeth. Anas bin Maalik, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “Nobody who enters Paradise would ever wish to return to this life again, even if he was to be given the whole world and everything in it – except for a martyr; for he would wish to return and get killed ten times due to the honour that he received (in Paradise).” and in another narration: “For what he finds as virtues of martyrdom.” (Bukhaari & Muslim).

    Therefore, it comes as no surprise that these poignant prophetic words had such a great impact on the hearts of the pious chosen generation of the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. It deeply instilled the concepts of Shahaadah into their hearts along with the fervent wish of achieving this exalted status, so they toiled continuously to achieve it. There are a multitude of stories that demonstrate this, for example: Anas bin Maalik, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated: “The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam took off with his companions and they beat the polytheists in reaching Badr. When the polytheists arrived there, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “None of you should do anything until I proceed.” Then, when the disbelievers came closer to them, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “Rise to Paradise, which is as wide as the distance between the heavens and the earth.” ‘Umayr Ibn Al-Hamaam, may Allaah be pleased with him, asked: ‘O Messenger of Allaah, is it really as wide than the heavens and earth?’ He sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam replied: “Yes.” Thereupon ‘Umayr said: ‘Bakh Bakh.’ (an expression reflecting astonishment). The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam asked: “What made you say Bakh Bakh?” He said: ‘Nothing, except the desire to be of its dwellers.’ The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “You will be of its people.” Then ‘Umayr, may Allah be pleased with him, took out some dates which he had in his arrow pouch and started eating them, then he stopped and said to himself: ‘Indeed it would a too long a life for me if I were to live long enough to finish eating these dates’ – then he threw them away and fought until he was killed.”

    Just look at how this companion viewed the few moments needed for eating dates as being too long a time to live! The words of people like these at the time of their martyrdom were as powerful as earthquakes, so much so that in some cases, words like these resulted in their enemies embracing Islaam such as in the following narration:

    Haraam Ibn Malhaan, may Allaah be pleased with him, was one of a group of companions of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam who had memorised the Qur’aan and were experts in it. The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam dispatched seventy of this group to inform a group of polytheist tribes about Islaam and recite the Qur’aan to them. However the tribes of Ra’l and Dhikwaan from among these polytheist tribes betrayed and slaughtered the whole group of companions near a well called Ma’oonah. As Haraam, may Allaah be pleased with him, was being killed, he screamed in front of his killer: “I swear by the Lord of Al-Ka’bah that I won!” After this, his killer went about asking people what these words meant (i.e., that Haraam had won) until he was told that what Haraam, may Allaah be pleased with him, meant was that he had attained martyrdom. Due to this, the killer embraced Islaam. This narration was mentioned in the book of Bukhaari.

    Some of the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam would smell the scent of Paradise and it would make them unable to control their desire to fight strongly and valiantly to the death. Anas Ibn Maalik, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: “My uncle Anas Ibn An-Nadhr, may Allaah be pleased with him, missed the battle of Badr, so he said to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam: ‘O messenger of Allaah, I missed the first battle that you fought against the polytheists, but if Allaah allows me to participate in the next one, then He will see what I can do.’ Then, after the day of the battle of Uhud when the some Muslims retreated he went forth saying: ‘O Allaah I seek your forgiveness for what they have done (i.e., the Muslims for retreating) and I disassociate myself from what those have done (i.e., the polytheists for killing the Muslims)’, as he continued going forth, he came across Sa’d Ibn Mu’aadh, may Allaah be pleased with him, and said: ‘O Sa’d! I swear by the Lord of the tribe of An-Nadhr, it is Paradise (i.e., the reward for martyrdom). I can smell its fragrance close to Uhud.’” After the battle, Sa’d Ibn Mu’aadh told the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam: “I swear By Allaah, on that day I could not perform as he did.” Anas Ibn Maalik, may Allaah be pleased with him, continued: “(After the battle) we found more than eighty gashes on his (i.e., Anas Ibn An-Nadhr’s) body which were the result of swords, arrows and spears. In fact, the polytheists had mutilated his body so much that nobody could recognise who it was, except his sister, who identified him from his fingers.” (Bukhaari & Muslim).

    Here is another narration, one of a Bedouin whose sincere wish for martyrdom was granted: Shaddaad Ibn Al-Haad, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated: “A Bedouin came to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, accepted Islaam and said: ‘I wish to migrate (to Madeenah)’. So the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam asked some of his companions to take care of him. Then after a battle, the Muslims had gained some booty so the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam divided it and gave the Bedouin’s share to some of his companions to look after, as the Bedouin was still at the rearguard. When the Bedouin returned, they gave him his share, so he asked them: ‘What is this?’ they replied: ‘It is your share from the booty which the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam gave us to hold on to for you.’ So the Bedouin took the booty and went to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and asked: ‘What is this?’ The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam replied: “Your share of the booty.” The Bedouin said: ‘This is not why I believe in you and follow you; rather, I follow you so that I can get shot by an arrow right here, (and then he pointed to his throat) then die and enter Paradise.’ The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “If you are sincere then Allaah will grant you your wish.” After a short while, fighting resumed and the Bedouins body was brought to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam with an arrow in his throat at exactly the spot where he had pointed to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Thereupon The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “He was sincere so Allaah granted him his wish.” Then using his own garment, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam shrouded the Bedouin, prayed the funeral prayer over him and was heard by his companions to say during the prayer: “O Allaah! This is Your slave who migrated for Your sake and was killed as a martyr – and I testify to this”. Which testimony could ever be more honourable, sincere and truthful than this great one given by the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam?

    There are abundant examples from the lives of the companions of Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam which illustrate their burning desire to achieve martyrdom – and what a noble objective this is!

    Also, in our time, many of the shining stars from the righteous of the Muslim nation have joined the caravan of martyrdom. These are the people whose blood testifies to their heroism and immense sacrifice; they are the martyrs of Bosnia, Kosova, Chechnya and before them Afghanistan, as well as many other Muslim lands.

    Today we Muslims and indeed the entire world can witness the greatness of martyrdom being illustrated in the uprising of Palestine in general and Al-Aqsaa In particular. This kind of stance, which revives the magnitude and virtues of martyrdom in the heart of the Muslim nation, is exactly what we need at this time. It is vital that the Muslims exert every effort to spread the love for achieving martyrdom just like the pious early generations of Muslims did. We must continue on the same road that they were on, which is that of our Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and indeed all the prophets before him, in order to support our religion and defeat our enemies.

    O Muslims around the world! Support your brothers in Al-Aqsaa as this is obligatory upon all of you. Do not forsake them, listen to the saying of your Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam: “Any Muslim who forsakes his fellow Muslim at a time when his honour and sanctity are being attacked will have Allaah forsaking him at the time when needs His support the most. Any Muslim who supports his fellow Muslim at a time when his honour and sanctity are being attacked will have Allaah supporting him at the time when needs His support the most.” (Ahmad & Abu Daawood).

    O people of knowledge and leaders of influence! Revive the importance of martyrdom and reawaken the spirit of seeking it. Instil the virtues of it in the hearts and minds by all methods possible, whether that is written, audio, video or otherwise. Our country has set an example in supporting this and donating generously in its cause from all different sections of its community; scholars, officials, men, women, elderly and children alike have not held back in this, which is cause for delight to the believers and enragement for the Jews as well as those who support and protect them. Likewise, in all other Muslim countries, the Muslims have supported their Palestinian brethren. May Allaah reward everyone for all that they have sacrificed in support of their brothers in faith. We ask Allaah that this convoy of support will continue and increase. We must increase in this and therefore rush towards Paradise which is greater than the heavens and earth. Allaah says what translates as “Indeed, Allaah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allaah, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’aan. And who is truer to his covenant than Allaah? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.” (At-Tawbah: 111).

    Second Khutbah

    Slaves of Allaah! The biased Western Media has always described the struggle of our persevering brothers in Al-Aqsaa against Jewish aggression as acts of terrorism and violence. They have recently started another campaign against this resistance and are using all their available means to put an end to it.

    Slaves of Allaah! The Jews are described in the Book of Allaah as those who distort words and facts and quote them out of context and this is exactly what they and their supporters from the tyrant regimes all over the world are currently doing. They use false terminology to misguide, confuse and deceive. What your brothers are committing in Al-Aqsaa are not acts of mindless violence, but rather it is a blessed uprising to resist and curtail the Jewish oppression and aggression: this is a legal right which all religions, ideologies and international laws recognise. Nobody could deny this fact except the ignorant, arrogant or evildoers.

    Suppose we were to agree, for the sake of argument, that this uprising is nothing but mindless and random violence, then we must ask ourselves: who was the one who initiated this? Was it not one of their leaders when he broke in to Al-Aqsaa with his soldiers who shot live bullets at a congregation of worshippers while they were in prayer? The truth is so clear! How can people regard the victim and the murderer as the same? How can the oppressor and the oppressed be equal? The truth is clear, but the Jews are deceivers. Allaah says that which translates as: “They [think to] deceive Allaah and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive [it] not.” (An-Nisaa’: 142)’.

  195. Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what you hear..."”No Gravatar says:

    …So, Do Not Fear Them!
    By Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi
    An Encouragement to Be Firm on the Truth,
    Openly Express It, and to Not Fear the Helpers of the Tyrants

  196. cakraNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam ‘Alaikum yaa Sheikh,,

    Maybe it’s a little too late to ask permission, but I’ve just translated your article into Bahasa Indonesia and posted in in my blog. I hope you don’t mind.

    Jazak Allah khayran katheera.
    Was salam alaykum wr. wb.

  197. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    @No spin in Islam either: can we use our body as a weapon? Your question, I guess this is the most stupid question I have ever heard. How do you fire a Gun(by a body part ofcourse), do you read a Surah from Quran and then blow on it and the gun fires with the Baraka of your blow? What can be a better takkul on Allah than the one who marches towards Shahada with a certainity that he will be granted shahada.
    @brother Farooq, your example is like a person, who has read one part of a thing and just following that. Some people just read one aya of zikar and then follow this only thing throughout their life, some just listen that , good Akhlaq take a person to Jannah and then don’t do anything else.
    Allah says, enter in the religion completely. Its not like tablighi jamat as they have invented a new jihad by reading a book written by their sufi or going door to door asking people to come for a chilla and do not follow salaf.
    I remember sheikh awlaki once mentioned in his series of lectures that, oneday this issue of Martyrdom operation will become a distinguishing factor between ahl-e- haq and ahle- bida. And it is happening exactly like that.

    I have seen that brothers/sisters have quoted excellent examples from Quran and hadith but still I am surprised to see the questions of the hypocrites.
    Those who are confused, please listen to Constants of Jihad, Mishari alashaq and a book mentioned here by sister by Yousaf Uyayri.
    If you are still not convinced then go in the camps of Mujahideen who are so keen to go for this amle tishhadiya but their turn is years away.
    If your are still not convinced then listen to the true dreams of the brothers who saw the shuhada in Janna.
    If you are still not convinced then smell the scent of the brothers blood who are sacrificing their lives every day and support amle tashhadiya.
    If you are still not convinced then ask a Zoinist Israeli and Nato terrorist that how much he is scared of a young guy in his teen age walking towards him with a smile on his face(and a Jacket underneath).
    If you are still not convinced then be it, we will keep on giving our lives for the sake of Allah, and it is the religion of Allah Subhan wa tala and there is not a azero percent doubt in our minds that it will not be victorious.
    He is not in need of your justification for accepting his beloved Mujahideen who seek shahada by Martyrdom Operation or by attacking with any other weapon. He the Most High and the only Greatest has said:
    5-54. O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion (Islâm), Allâh will bring a people whom He will love and they will love Him.
    Oh Shuhahada (martyrdom Operation and all others) of Afghanistan- Iraq, Sheshan, Somalia, Falestine, Shaam, Indonesia, Saudia, Pakistan….. Be witness to Allah that we are the ones who love your status and love the way you were martyred and ask Allah to raise your status even more, we wish that we be in your talks when you rest under the throne of Allah Azza wa Jall and Allah hear our names as your admirors and He accept us as Shuhahda too. We wish to be among those who are still waiting,
    33-23. Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allâh [i.e. they have gone out for Jihâd (holy fighting), and showed not their backs to the disbelievers], of them some have fulfilled their obligations (i.e. have been martyred), and some of them are still waiting, but they have never changed [i.e.they never proved treacherous to their covenant which they concluded with Allâh] in the least.
    Vicotory or eternity.

  198. khadijaNo Gravatar says:

    I checked out the translation you did of the Shaikhs blog on your blog. MashaAllah, nice job.

  199. AndalusNo Gravatar says:

    Amazing new book out on Andalus called AN INCOMPLETE HISTORY. How is it relevant to me and you? Once you read about the situation of the Muslims post 1492 in Andalus, you will see such stark similarities between our situation and theirs.


  200. SomaliaNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu’alaykum warahmatullah

    To all the brothers and sisters whom I may have upset with my words on this blog I ask their forgiveness and I ask the forgiveness of Allah the Mighty.

    I was listening to an Abdullah Hakim Quick lecture about the cultural invasion of the west via t.v and commerce. The mp3 lecture is entitled the Dilemma of the Youth. It mentions some interesting things for example the attack on Islamic culture by the distribution of free tvs in pious muslim villages in the muslim world and the rise of homosexuality movements in the West. Here’s the link for this hour or so long lecture, its the fourth lecture from the top;

    Again brothers and sisters I’m sorry for some of the things I recently wrote in response to some posts and I thought about spops’s post, so I ask those concerned to please forgive me.


    Also I want to thank all the bro s and sis s for their posts as they often contain Quran and ahadith. They make this blog a good place to learn Insha Allah.

  201. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    @ brother Al khurasani. jazakallah khayer for this beautiful duaa:

    ”Oh Shuhahada (martyrdom Operation and all others) of Afghanistan- Iraq, Sheshan, Somalia, Falestine, Shaam, Indonesia, Saudia, Pakistan….. Be witness to Allah that we are the ones who love your status and love the way you were martyred and ask Allah to raise your status even more, we wish that we be in your talks when you rest under the throne of Allah Azza wa Jall and Allah hear our names as your admirors and He accept us as Shuhahda too. We wish to be among those who are still waiting”,


  202. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:


    It is because this particular one is aimed at shutting down our websites. He has a following of people who go out and report whatever he finds. If we shut it down it will save our brothers some time. He helped shut down for example.

  203. SomaliaNo Gravatar says:


    @ Salim

    Brother, the question we can ask but which we cannot perhaps get an answer to is; would the Sahaba participate in suicide bombings if thye were alive now? This is considered given their willingness to give the ultimate sacrifice in battle, given the evidence that we have. Of course to simply answer your point about slitting your own throat being different than wanting to die, the situation has changed whereby suicide bombs have a lot of impact on the enemy in a way that perhaps is not achieved by any other means. This is the point that I want to make. What we might call conventional Suicide is clearly haram, according to the hadith where the Rasool (alayhisalam) said that a person would go on killing himself in hellfire in the same way inwhich he comitted suicide.

    But also as Rasool (alayhisalam) said that righteousness is what the heart, at the end of the day, is comfortable with. If we haven’t been out in Jihad, then we are not in their position and they will have a very high level of eeman and their hearts
    be much cleaner than ours, as the imam anwar mentions in the audio series on ibn An-Nuhaas that paricipating in Jihad for a very short time guarantees you Jannah. So you see that their moral compass, so to speak, would be much better than ours if we haven’t yet been in Jihad. I hope I’ve made myself clear brother I didn’t want to offend you if that was the case.

    Subhanallah I really liked the ibn An-Nuhaas Jihad series by the imam Anwar and I would recommend it to anyone who hasn’t already heard it.


  204. syed qutb iiNo Gravatar says:

    “when the hypocrite were told come fight in the way of Allah (or at least defend yourselves).” The hypocrites said “had we known fighting would take place, we surely would have followed you”.. that day they were closer to disbelief than iman”.. (surah imran)

    Allah u akbar

    “And when the ones sat at home sat at home said, had they listened to us they would not have been killed”. Say: “avert death death if your are indeed truthful”.. (surah imran tmq)

    Allah u Akbar

    “and you see them rushing them to the kuffar”..

    Allah u Akbar.. the hukm is Only His (swt). Who made clear the heart of the munafiqs hatred for the jihad and shahadah…
    My dear brothers and sisters.. Imam Ali (ra) would defeat any one debates, but admitted that he could not defeat the arrogent, as the arrogence is not willing to think.
    SO waste not your time with the arrogent who abuse the sacrifices of Allahs muwahideen. As them so what solution do they propose, and you see them their thoughts are poluted with secular solutions.
    They are dazzled by the bright lights of west. but not seeing the zulm where the light of the west does not reach… They view Islam from a secular perspective.

    They do not see the tawheed being Allah hukm being implemented.

    And that even the quran ordered the hukm being established and fighting the tawageet. “and when dawood slayed jaloot, We gave Dawood the MULK (authority), and the hikmah (nabuwah)”

    SO the mulk is only obtained by dying the hands of the muwahideen with the blood of the tyrant tawageet).

    Ya ummah aim your anger agains the tawageet, let them be see the punishment of ALlah through your hands so that Allah may heal the chest of the believers.. May Allah make us walk in the shade of the quran like the muajhideen fi qule makaan

  205. ukthNo Gravatar says:

    in simple terms killing oneself is suicide fullstop

    when one is killed by the enermy THAT is martydom

    all u have to do is go back to the sunnah to know that

    physical jihad is only on the battlefield when the kuffar wage war against the believers, jihad isnt random bombing in the streets of london or anywhere else

    UM UMAR am pretty sure i know who you are

  206. To Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    I think @ No spin in Islam was being “sarcastic” in his last post that gave him/her the answer for his/her question, no need to be rude here, think before speeking.

  207. Abu HassanNo Gravatar says:

    The US is not actually against terrorism per se, they’re against only those terrorists who are not allies of the American empire. For example, there is a lengthy and infamous history of Washington’s support for numerous anti-Castro terrorists, even when their terrorist acts were committed in the United States. At this moment, Luis Posada Carriles remains protected by the US government in Florida, though he masterminded the blowing up of a Cuban airplane that killed 73 people. Venezuela, a key location in this murder plot, has asked Washington to return Posada to Caracas. But the US has refused. He’s but one of hundreds of anti-Castro terrorists who’ve been given haven in the United States over the years along with many other terrorists from Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador, and other countries.

    The United States has also provided support of terrorists in Kosovo, Bosnia, Iran, Iraq, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and elsewhere, including those with known connections to al Qaeda. All to further foreign policy goals more important than fighting terrorism. What’s happened is that the War on Terror has served as a cover for the expansion of the empire.

    Supporters of the War on Terror tell us that it’s been a success because there hasn’t been a terrorist attack in the US in the six -plus years since 9-11. Well, there wasn’t a terrorist attack in the US in the six-plus years before 9-11 either. So what does that prove? More importantly, since the first American bombs fell on Afghanistan in October 2001 there have been scores of terrorist attacks against American institutions in the Middle East, South Asia and the Pacific — military, civilian, Christian, and other targets associated with the United States, including two very major attacks in Indonesia with large loss of life.

    But the worst failure of the War on Terror is that American actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, including all the torture, have probably created thousands of new anti-American terrorists. We’ll be hearing from them for a terribly long time. Please log in to post a reply.
    Show all comments

  208. SalimNo Gravatar says:


    salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah.

    Brother before you yourself make fatwa on other people you should at least have the ability to deduce the reality correctly as well as the fiqh.

    Your comments are blanket and have no taste. You should also be careful of the big allegations you’re making against your brothers and sisters.

    barakallah feek


  209. SalimNo Gravatar says:

    Brother Somalia,

    I take your point and respect you and love you for the sake of Allah.

    Let us make one thing abundantly clear. Fighting in Jihad does not give the mujahid the sole right to decide on issues of Fiqh and sharia concerning Jihad, if it does please bring your evidence to back this up please?. So let us get rid of this false arguement that claims this. It is the one who is trained in Fihq that is qualified to to make such comments. And remember if all the scholars went off to battle who would be left qualified to teach and bring the Ummah back to its original potential. The ummah needs its intellectuals now more than ever. So lets get shot of this idea and be grown up and mature enough to move forward to the next stage of the preparation of the Islamic state and not squabble over such matters.

    Phophet (saw) said the ink of scholar is greater than that of a martyr.

    He said that for a reason.

    Jihad now is fard on certain areas yes but the Ummah desperately needs education to rid itself of ignorance and batil. When the education is pure the hearts and minds will be pure and the iman clean and ready to hear the call of jihad when it comes insha’allah. The problem we have now is that the scholars on mass are not doing their job except a few….And most are so silent orteaching batil that they are justas much a part of the problem. The their are he scholars for dollars who are munafikuun.

    What is the point of giving the call when the hearts that are meant to receive the call are hard with dunya.

    I do not make this point in the way the selefi do. I do not believe we must get everyone to pray before we can call for success, no. I am a bit more of a realist. The simple fact is the call for jihad was given and the ummah didn’t move a single inch. This must be so satisfying to the kufar as they have implimented a plan that is still keeping the ummah weak and inactive to the call of Allah (swt). My point is that I spend my time trying to educate the ummah about such issue and trying to rid them of kufr thoughts and objectives and then re-educating them in the true deen. So, insha’allah when the call comes in the future it falls on hearts that are not only ready for jihad but ready to establish the law of Allah (swt) in the new Kindom of the rightly guided khalifh, insha’allah.

    So Somalia to answer your question specifically intention alone does not allow you to bend the sharia. I can not sleep with a woman before I have married her according to the sharia. She still remains haram to me until we are married lawfully until that time any sexual activity is punishable regardless of how sincere your intentions to marry . Equally, if I commit suicide no matter how much I will kill the enemy during the transaction, it still remains suicide.

    That is the difference between being Muslim and kufr, we have limits they have none except their own desires.

    Christians abandon the law

    Jews change and alter the law

    Muslims abide and follow the sharia regardless because we know doing so brings us closer to the creator (swt) and true success in this world and in the hereafter. The second we abadon the law we become like the Christians (astray) the minute we change or alter the law we become like the Jews(cursed). We follow the sharia because Allah (swt) and his prophet (saw)know best.

    salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah.

  210. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    i am pro martyrdom op!Alhumdulillah!
    and dont BELEIVE martyrdome op fits the deffinition of SUICIDE!

    let us say for argument sake that martyrdome op is suicide. and it is haram then read the following two ayahs from surah baqarah and ponder over them. you will conclude that when it comes to fitnah and oppression then Allah REMOVES THE PROHIBITION i.e haram becomes HALAL and allows to KIL AND SLAIN the KUFFAR. the two forbidden/haram acts here are ‘prohibited months’ and ’sacred mosque’

    2:191 And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.

    2:217 They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: “Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members.” Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you Turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein.

    so from the above ayah it seems under special circumstances prohibition can be lifted like eating of the pork to save ones life.martyrdom op can be allowed.

    and it was a similar issue when hazrat abu bakr ( RA )fought the people who refused to pay zakat i.e fitna irtidad . evnethough people said how can you fight people who say shahadah and read salat and then he qouted the ayah from the quraan ,where Allah talks about all three things at the same time to be qualified for a true mu’min. and zakat was missing in that Abu bake was justified to fight those ”muslims”

    similarly if YOU think it is suicide, it can be accepted to fight the kuffar and their fitnah and oppression.and will be justified cos it is a very EFFECTIVE and POWERFULL way under the circumstances, and the limited choices we have. we dont fight with swords one to one any more and martyrdome is just a new method invented just like other modern weapons.

    may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahedeen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.

  211. HlMEDNo Gravatar says:

    To brother Salim. They are different like the moon and the sun are different, but I don’t think Sheikh Awlaki is saying that Muslims should be allowed to cut their throats while fighting the enemy. Those soldiers who killed themselves put a hole in their boat. If the boat did not sink, I am sure they would not have decided to cut their own throats to ensure they would not be captured. Although I have read that Osama has bodyguards who are prepared to shoot him in the event he gets caught and I think that is haram. What I think we need to remember is that Allah knows what is in our hearts. If we intend to fight oppression or to gain glory or whatever it is we want by our actions, Allah will judge you by it. I recommended a book in another posting and I will recommend it now.

    The book is My Jihad: The True Story of An American Mujahid’s Amazing Journey from Usama Bin Laden’s Training Camps to Counterterrorism with the FBI. The brother converted to Islam in America and is still a Muslim. He did jihad in Kashmir and Chechnya where he lost a leg and gives a first person account of the guerrilla tactics he was involved in. Do not be fooled by the title because most of the book is when he was in the trenches fighting Russians before he disagreed with the killing of women and children.

  212. SalaamNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam everyone,

    I found some very good news coming from our brothers in Somalia.

    May Allah (swt) bless them

  213. syed qutb iiNo Gravatar says:

    I ask the question to the blamers, what is your solution you propose if you do not see the land of the muslims being occupied, this is the reality. Hence All the lands have become harbi in nature and in reality. They are occupied by apostate ruler, who are agents and crusader forces like in the land of Hijaz (land of the two holy mosques).

    Imam Ahmed (rh) when he gave naseehah “in the times of fitnah seek you hukms fromt he ahle Jihad”, this was not his personal opinion it is based on the ayah “fight in the cause of Allah and will guide You (tmq al quran). To the insulters and blamers of the shuhadah, fear Allah!. Had it not been for these pure souls, we would have long been replace by Allah with a new nation.

    I ask the one who says killing oneself as being suicide not martydom.

    Would you call the people under the mount sanai, when Allah ordered that he will only forgive them if they killed them self, that day over 10,000 killed them self to ask for Allah forgiveness. hence in your view they should be punished for suicide bu this was the sharia for musa (as).
    Which has been abrogated by the sharia given to Nabi (saw), How about the example of the mother in the qisa of surah brooj, who took one step forward and two steps back, until Allah enspired the baby to declare “short is the pleasure of this world compared to the next”. so they both jumped into the fire. You declare this as suicide.

    How about our elder from pakistan fighting against the mushrikeen, who went under the tanks with grenades?? did any sufi or deobandi or wahabi declare them as suicide.
    The ones who use the term suicide were the wispers of shaytan fromthe yahood to make muslims argue, since this weapon is one they cannot defeat and stuck immense fear into their hearts, even the russian admitted to their fear of them and also the US.

    Watch from beruit to bosnia by robert fisk, “the martyrs smile”.

    Lets define suicide properly, “suicide is defines as ending ones life as they see no hope”. the intention os suicide is “to bring ones souls to none existence”. This is done when one does not believe in the Akirah.
    As for the martydrom bomber they wish to see Allah laugh as mentioned in the hadith on the sacrifice for themselve to bee with the ones they love in the akhirah.

    Martyrdom operations is “sacrificing ones life for the objectives of instilling fear and loss into the ranks of the enemies of Allah”

    Was it not the blessed sahabi who through off his sheild and protection and the date in hand on hearing nabi (saw) i promise you jannah is you are slayed this day.

    Or Numan bin bashir (ra) who mentioned, either i will land on spikes or i shall die.

    Or was it not asked to the great hanafi scholar that the romans uses lances, and they as the hukm, if it was allow to run on to the lances (spear like) as they are too long, a technique used by romand, to thrust into the bellies before the enemie reaches their ranks. The hanafi scholars of the time yes this was permitted to run on them to make their battion behind them for sucessful.

    For those who insult the army of Nabi (saw) of this decade, as commiting “suicide”, I ask you bring your daleel from the text.

    To the blamers who sing to the wispers of shaytan of the yahood and the west. Even the west does not call their soldiers who throw them self on grenades to save their solider as suicide. Yet you blamers accuse the soldiers of Allah with suicide.

    If you have a more better weapon then produce it and show it to the warriors of Allah. that will give them victory in this world and then next.

    I ask the blamers what have they done other than blame the warriors of Allah, What have you done to remove the crusaders from the islamic lands, and the apostates the west as implanted on the muslims? What have you done or are doing to remove them? So the law of Allah becomes supreme on the earth again?

    I was taught a very interesting concept my by proffessor. “any prat can critisise a master piece, even a child”. So i ask the muslims do not bother with these blamers.. Victory will only come when Allah is pleased witht he qurbani of the mumineen, as we see in surah Burooj.

    Was it not the monk, whom some muhadith and mufasir have said was from the companion of ibn maryam (as),
    so when he heard the both declare to the taghoot the tawheed of Allah, “this day you (O boy) are better than me”.. SUbhanAllah the boy being better than the companion of ibn maryam (as)…

    So far the only scholars we have hear blame the mujahideen are the scholars for dollars who are linked to the tawgeet, be they saudi sulooli or the US or the other tawageeti rulers.

    Imam Abu hanifah (rh) said “if you see a scholar at the gates of a ruler accuse him of his deen”.

    I ask the blamers when Imam Hussain (ra) and his sister dressed up qasim, Aun and Muhammad non of whom wher over the age of 10, Aun being only 6.
    To face the vicious soldiers of Yazid.

    Sayida Zainab (raa) the daughter of Ali (ra) dressed them up in grooms outfits to marry hoors. was this not a martyrdom operation for them?

    How about Abbas ibn Ali (rh) who called his two brothers from his blood mother, and asked them, that we have seen Hussain (ra) sacrifice his brothers and sons for Allah. I wish that your TWO deceased bodies come before me (as martyrs)”
    Why you may Ask, becuase he wanted to show Allah he also sacrificed his blood and his beloved for the pleasure of Allah”.

    Was imam Hussain (ra) not told surrender or die.. Hence in essense it was martydrom or “suicide” in the superficial defination of the blamers.

    The examples are many my brothers and sisters.

    Imam Hussain (ra) mentioned that in the time of Nabi (saw) “they used to teach the battle of Nabi (saw) and the sahaba (raa), in the same manner they used to teach the quran”.

    We have handed the martydom operations to the shia to claim love for and we the ahle sunna have given up the rememberance of the perfect martydrom operation of the ahle bait to the shia, to champion. When we are the true followers, who are following the path to fight the yazids of today, nay far worse than yazid.. at least Yazid never replace or claimed he would replace the sharia.. the ruler today have made themselves as lord making legislation, when the hukm is only for Allah..

    I ask my brother to learn about the martydrom operation of Imam Hussain (ra) and the ahle bait in karbala..
    In it you will find the concepts of the aqeedha like Iman, sabr, tawakul-Allah, ehsan and al wala wal baraa and many other”.

    I ask the blamers when Imam Hussain reached karbala, he ordered the land to be bought for their graves… is this not marching to your death O insulters of the martyrs.

    in the word of ibn qayum
    “i will make fighting them (tahgoot) my role in this life as long as you keep in in existence (O Allah).. I will slice their strength with my tongue”..

    Indeed the muajhideen have tasted the sweetest of taste.. the taste of pleasing their rab..soon they shall revive the days of gone, of salahudeen..the day when the people of nifaaq shall cry tears of blood… they (ahle kufr and nifaaq.

  214. faizaNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters
    To those who disagree with Imam Anwar i would just like to say, Imam Anwar‘s post is clear and balanced he is not issuing a fatwa, he is simply giving differences of opinions regarding this topic and a great lesson from history. Whether we agree or not, that’s not the main massage of his post. We need to reflect and bonder on verses of the Quran. inshAllah I leave you to reassess Imam Anwar’s massage

    “Brothers and sisters whether you agree or not with martyrdom operations let’s leave our differences behind us, and let us support our Muslim brothers who are in the frontlines. Just like we disagree on many other issues, we should not let our disagreements stand in the way of our solidarity in the face of our adversaries.”

  215. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols
    29 Muharram 1430 H./ 26-01-2009
    In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
    All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
    A tank of NATO invaders army destroyed in Kandahar Monday noon 26-01-2009 at approximately 3:00 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of NATO invaders army in Salihan area in Panjwai district of Kandahar province, the landmine destroyed the tank and killed all the invader terrorists in it.
    5 Puppet army terrorists killed in Khost Monday afternoon 26-01-2009 at approximately 12.13 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Khalbasat area in Sabri district of Khost province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and five puppet terrorists in it were killed.
    1 tank of Canadian invaders army destroyed in Kandahar Monday 26-01-2009 at approximately 5:15 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of Canadian invaders army in Garmawk area in Maiwand district of Kandahar province, the landmine destroyed the tank and killed all the invader terrorists in it.

    Puppet army check post demolished in Parwan Sunday night 25-01-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a check post of puppet army in Satami area in Shenwaro district of Parwan province, in the attack few puppet army terrorists were killed, four were wounded, others fled, the check post was demolished and a stock of weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
    1 tank of British invaders army destroyed in Helmand Sunday morning 25-01-2009 at approximately 10:11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of British invaders army in Adamkhan area in Grishk district of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the tank and killed all the invader terrorists in it. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

    1 tank of British invaders army blown up in Helmand Sunday morning 25-01-2009 at approximately 7:06 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of British invaders army in Bazaar in Nawzad district of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the tank and killed all the invader terrorists in it.

    1 tank of American invaders army destroyed in Farah Saturday 24-01-2008 at approximately 10:12 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of American invaders army in Husainabad area in Bakwa district of Farah province, the landmine destroyed the tank and all the terrorists in it were killed.
    7 Puppet army terrorists killed in Helmand Saturday afternoon 24-01-2009 at approximately 5.13 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Bolan area Lashkerga city capital of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and killed six puppet terrorists.
    5 Puppet army terrorists killed and 1 vehicle destroyed in Uruzgan Saturday afternoon 24-01-2009 at approximately 5.00 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Garmawak area near Taren kot city capital of Uruzgan province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and five puppet terrorists in it were killed.
    O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
    O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
    O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
    O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
    O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
    O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
    O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
    Allahu Akbar
    “Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
    [Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]

  216. MuadNo Gravatar says:

    Rabbi urged ‘no mercy’ in killing of Gazans
    Mon, 26 Jan 2009 19:06:59 GMT

    Chief Military Rabbi Brigadier General Avi Ronzki
    The Israeli Army’s chief rabbi has caused controversy by calling on troops to ’show no mercy’ in their attacks against Palestinians in Gaza.

    Chief Military Rabbi Brigadier General Avi Ronzki had distributed pamphlets to Israeli troops implicitly sanctioning the killing of civilians.

    “When you show mercy to a cruel enemy you are being cruel to pure and honest soldiers. These are not games at the amusement park where sportsmanship teaches one to make concessions. This is a war on murderers,” the pamphlets read.

    Human rights group Yesh Din has said that the pamphlet borders “on incitement and racism against the Palestinian people.”

    The group urged Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Army Chief General Gabi Ashkenazi to dismiss Ronzki.

    The pamphlet also quotes statements made by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, the extremist leader of the Jewish settlers in the West Bank – who opposes any compromise with Palestinians.

    “The Palestinians claim they deserve a state here, when in reality there was never a Palestinian or Arab state within the borders of our country,” the pamphlet quoted Aviner as saying.

    According to the right group, the pamphlet contains “degrading and belittling messages that border on incitement and racism against the Palestinian people. These messages can be interpreted as a call to act outside of the confines of international laws of war.”

    Thousands of people, including women and children were killed or wounded during Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip.

    The Israeli Army also used banned weapons, including white phosphorous and depleted uranium, to attack targets inside the populated area.


    Israeli rabbis: Thou shalt kill civilians
    Tue, 30 Dec 2008 16:00:11 GMT

    Haya Hamdan, the Palestinian girl killed in Beit Hanun
    Four leading Israeli rabbis have sanctioned the murder of civilian population in the Gaza Strip amid the Israeli onslaught on the region.

    “When a population living near a Jewish town sends bombs at the Jewish town with the purpose of killing and destroying Jewish lives there, it is permitted, according to Jewish Law, to fire shells and bombs at the firing sites, even if they are populated by civilians,” read a ruling issued by Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe and Rabbi Meir Mazuz.

    The four added that a warning should be issued prior to any attacks; however, they reiterated that the army’s response to rocket or mortar fires may be immediate “even if there is no time for a warning.”

    The rabbis argued that the army should announce that it would bomb any civilian community from which a rocket is fired to force the local residents into confronting those who fire rockets or mortars at Israeli targets.

    Rabbi Mazuz is a member of the Shas Council of Torah Sages.

    The ruling seems to give a free hand to Israeli commanders to attack Gaza’s civilian population and persuade those troops who have reservations to kill civilians due to humanitarian considerations.

    Tel Aviv launched an “all-out war” against the enclave allegedly to put an end to rocket attacks by Palestinian factions on Israel. IAF warplanes and helicopters have so far pounded over 300 targets, including schools and TV stations across the coastal area since Saturday.

    The attacks have left at least 385 people killed and 1,800 others wounded, Palestinian medical sources told Press TV.

    According to UN officials, 57 civilians, including women and children, are among the victims.

    Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, however, had formerly downplayed the high number of civilian deaths saying civilian casualties are a quite normal outcome of war.


    Israeli Rabbi: Beautiful Rachel saved army
    Sun, 25 Jan 2009 19:26:06 GMT

    Rabbi Ovadia Yosef says Mother Rachel helped Israeli soldiers kill Gazan fighters.
    The spiritual leader of Israel’s ultra-orthodox Shas party says a beautiful young woman sent by God assisted the Israeli army in Gaza.

    Following rumors of a woman appearing before Israeli troops, warning them of danger ahead in different locations in Gaza, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef gave his rabbinical seal of approval to the widely tossed around battlefield tale.

    “The soldiers arrived at a house and wanted to go inside. There were three armed terrorists waiting for them there.”

    “And then a beautiful young woman appeared before them and warned: Don’t enter the house, there are terrorists there, be careful,” said the prominent Israeli religious leader in his Shabbat sermon.

    When asked by the Israeli soldiers, Yosef said, the woman introduced herself as “Rachel” — the biblical matriarch, the beloved wife of Jacob.

    The 80-year old rabbi then went on to say that with the help of Mother Rachel the soldiers found the terrorists inside the place and killed them.

    As founder and spiritual leader of Shas, Rabbi Yosef is believed to be held in almost saintly regard by hundreds of thousands of Jews of Middle Eastern and North African origin.

    Earlier this week, former Israeli Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu had confirmed the rumor, saying, “The story is true. I sent her.”


  217. MuadNo Gravatar says:

    ‘Obama gave green light to Pak attacks’
    Sun, 25 Jan 2009 22:55:40 GMT

    Barack Obama (L) along with former US commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus (C), and Senator Chuck Hagel over Baghdad
    US commanders say they had consulted President Barack Obama before launching recent drone attacks on Pakistan’s tribal belt near the Afghan border.

    “Four days after assuming the presidency, he (Obama) was consulted by US commanders before they launched the two attacks,” Guardian said Sunday.

    The report comes after 22 people were killed in two separate US missile strikes on the Waziristan region bordering Afghanistan, on Friday.

    The attacks were the first since President Barack Obama took office Tuesday.

    Obama has said that he is prepared to bomb inside Pakistan if he gets relevant intelligence about the whereabouts of al-Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden.

    Obama earlier hinted at increased operations in Pakistan, saying he thought George W. Bush had made a mistake in switching to Iraq before completing the job against al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    Meanwhile Pakistan’s foreign ministry said Saturday that it had told US that the attacks by unmanned aircraft were of its ‘great concern’.

    “We maintain that these attacks are counterproductive and should be discontinued,” it said in a statement.

    President Obama has not commented on the missile strikes.

    However, he has made the war in Afghanistan and the intertwined fight with al-Qaeda in Pakistan a foreign policy priority.

    Obama has emphasized that Pakistan and Afghanistan are the central front in the US so-called war against terrorism.

    “Afghanistan and Pakistan are the central front in the America’s war against terrorism and the deteriorating situation in the region poses a grave threat to the global security. It’s an international challenge of the highest order. That’s why we are pursuing a careful review of our policy,” Obama said on Thursday.

    The tribal regions along the shared border between Pakistan and Afghanistan have become a safe haven for militants after a US-led invasion in late 2001 toppled Taliban in Afghanistan and sent insurgents to border areas with Pakistan.

    The US and its western allies have accused Pakistan of ‘not doing enough’ to prevent attacks on supply routes as well as cross-border operations carried out by insurgents against foreign troops in Afghanistan.

    The US military uses unmanned drones armed with hellfire missiles to attack Pakistan’s tribal region.
    Pentagon has used the allegation as a pretext to launch drone attacks on Pakistan’s tribal regions — a move that has increased tension between Islamabad and Washington and has triggered anti-American sentiments among the Pakistani people.

    Over 500 people — suspected militants as well as civilians — have been killed in such attacks, which started under the Bush administration.

    Pakistan says that the drone attacks undermine the country’s sovereignty and trigger public anger.


    Obama: Pak, Afghanistan front of war on terror
    Fri, 23 Jan 2009 07:22:09 GMT

    US President Barack Obama has emphasized that Pakistan and Afghanistan are the central front in the US so-called war against terrorism.

    Speaking to the State Department after Richard Holbrooke was appointed Special US Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Obama said the worsening situation in the region poses a grave threat to what he called ‘global security.’

    “Afghanistan and Pakistan are the central front in the America’s war against terrorism and the deteriorating situation in the region poses a grave threat to the global security. It’s an international challenge of the highest order. That’s why we are pursuing a careful review of our policy.”

    The tribal regions along the shared border between Pakistan and Afghanistan have become a safe haven for militants after a US-led invasion in late 2001 toppled Taliban in Afghanistan and sent insurgents to border areas with Pakistan.

    Obama said the situation can not be resolved quickly in the region.

    “The American people and the international community must understand that the situation is perilous and progress will take time. Violence is up dramatically in Afghanistan. A deadly insurgency has taken deep root. The opium trade is far and away the largest in the world,” he said.

    The remarks come as the International Council on Security and Development, an influential research center, said in early December that the US and its allies were in a genuine danger of losing Afghanistan as the Taliban continues to expand its influence on almost 70 percent of the country.

    The comments also come ahead of an expected influx of some 30,000 American troops into Afghanistan to combat al-Qaeda-linked and pro-Taliban insurgents that have sent violence skyrocketing in the region over the last two years.

    Obama warned that al-Qaeda and Taliban are able to ’strike from bases embedded in rugged tribal terrain along the Pak-Afghan border’.

    US officials say militant activities in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan affect cities in the US, Britain and other western countries.

    Meanwhile Holbrooke said Pakistan’s situation is “infinitely complex and I don’t think I would advance our goals if I tried to discuss it today.” He indicated an eagerness to travel to the region and report back to Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

    Richard Holbrooke has been appointed Special US Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan.
    “In putting Afghanistan and Pakistan together under one envoy, we should underscore that we fully respect the fact that Pakistan has its own history, its own traditions, and it is far more than the turbulent, dangerous tribal areas on its western border,” Holbrooke said.

    The US and its western allies have accused Pakistan of ‘not doing enough’ to prevent attacks on supply routes as well as cross-border operations carried out by insurgents against foreign troops in Afghanistan.

    Pentagon has used the allegation as a pretext to launch drone attacks on Pakistan’s tribal regions — a move that has increased tension between Islamabad and Washington and has triggered anti-American sentiments among the Pakistani people.

    The Pakistani Army has asked world powers to stop demanding that Islamabad do more to prove its loyalty to the so-called ‘war on terror’.

    “Such unhelpful statements must stop,” said the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), General Tariq Majid in a statement on Tuesday.

    About 1,500 Pakistani soldiers have been killed in fighting against militants in Pakistan since 2002.

    ‘US strike’ on Pakistan kills 21
    Sat, 24 Jan 2009 17:38:25 GMT

    Pakistani paramedics treat a victim of a missile attack.
    The death toll from two suspected US missile strikes in Pakistan — under President Barack Obama — has risen to 21, security officials say.

    Intelligence officials said eight people including five militants of Arab origin died in the missile strike at a house near Mir Ali, the main town in North Waziristan districts near the Afghan border.

    Hours later another suspected US drone fired two missiles into a house in Wana, the main town in South Waziristan, killing seven people.

    “Six bodies of local tribesmen were found in the rubble of the house which was destroyed in a US missile strike on Friday just outside the town of Mir Ali in North Waziristan district,” an official was quoted by AFP as saying.

    The attacks were the first since US President Barack Obama took office Tuesday.

    Over 500 people — suspected militants as well as civilians — have been killed in such attacks, which started under the Bush administration.

    Pakistan says that the drone attacks undermine the country’s sovereignty and trigger public anger.


    Biden vows more strikes inside Pakistan
    Mon, 26 Jan 2009 22:29:10 GMT

    Joe Biden (L) with President Barack Obama
    US Vice President Joe Biden emphasizes that Pentagon would not hesitate to launch strikes inside Pakistani territories near the Afghan border.

    “I can say that the President of the United States said during his campaign and in the debates that if there is an actionable target, of a high-level al-Qaeda personnel, that he would not hesitate to use action to deal with that,” Pakistani media quoted him on Monday.

    The remarks come after 22 people were killed in two separate US missile strikes in the Waziristan region, on Friday.

    US commanders said they had consulted President Barack Obama before launching recent drone attacks on Pakistan’s tribal belt bordering Afghanistan.

    “Four days after assuming the presidency, he (Obama) was consulted by US commanders before they launched the two attacks,” Guardian said Sunday.

    Earlier, Obama had threatened to invade and send ground troops into Pakistan to hunt down terrorists – even without permission from Pakistan’s Government.

    Obama has also hinted at increased operations in Pakistan, saying he thought George W. Bush had made a mistake in switching to Iraq before completing the job against al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    Obama has made the war in Afghanistan and what the US calls the intertwined fight with al-Qaeda and Taliban in Pakistan a foreign policy priority. He has emphasized that Pakistan and Afghanistan are the central front in the US so-called war against terrorism.

    Meanwhile Pakistan’s Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Monday said he will take up the issue with world leaders at an upcoming economic summit in Davos, Switzerland.

    Gilani was also of the opinion that the US policy in Afghanistan had not been successful as the situation in the neighboring country was not normal and violence has taken a surge.

    The tribal regions along the shared border between Pakistan and Afghanistan became safe havens for militants after the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 toppled the Taliban regime, sending insurgents across the border.

    The US and its western allies have accused Pakistan of ‘not doing enough’ to prevent attacks on supply routes as well as cross-border operations carried out by insurgents against foreign troops in Afghanistan.

    The Pentagon has used this as a pretext to launch drone attacks on Pakistan’s tribal regions — a move that has increased tension between Islamabad and Washington and has triggered anti-American sentiments among the Pakistani people.

    CIA and the US military use unmanned drones armed with hellfire missiles to attack Pakistan
    Over 500 people — suspected militants as well as civilians — have been killed in such attacks.

    Pakistan says that the drone attacks undermine the country’s sovereignty and trigger public anger, which undermines the country’s counter-terrorism efforts.

    US drones have carried out at least 33 missile strikes in Pakistan’s tribal areas since the new Pakistani government came to power in March last year.

    Pakistan’s influential army has repeatedly claimed readiness to defend the country’s sovereignty even if it entails clashing with US and NATO forces along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.


  218. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    “Indeed, We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth so you may judge between the people by that which Allah has shown you. And do not be for the deceitful an advocate.”
    [Surah An-Nisaa, Ayat 105]
    HIMED wrote:
    “I recommended a book in another posting and I will recommend it now. The book is My Jihad: The True Story of An American Mujahid’s Amazing Journey from Usama Bin Laden’s Training Camps to Counterterrorism with the FBI.”
    Are you serious? No really? You must be kidding us. Don’t you know that the Mu’min does not buy into such RAND propagandas.
    Know that Shikh Usama bin Laden, may Allah Azza Wa Jall protect him, is one of the heroes of this Ummah of Rassolilahi (Sallahu Alaihi wa Salaam). Know that we as Muslims have our current heroes today who are either in Ribaat or they are in the frontlines fighting against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan, Palestine, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq Checnia, Kashmir and other lands of Jihad Fee Sabililah.
    Know that a murtad or this deceiver who fled from the Mujahideen to join with the Taghut FBI terrorist, his neck should be strike. So do not be for the deceitful an advocate.
    The Kuffar with their world wide deception tools and terrorist organizations such as the FBI, CIA, MOSSAD, MI5, think they can deceive the Muminun . But Allah Azza Wa Jall Says:
    “They [think to] deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive [it] not.
    In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie.
    And when it is said to them, “Do not cause corruption on the earth,” they say, “We are but reformers.”
    Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive [it] not.
    And when it is said to them, “Believe as the people have believed,” they say, “Should we believe as the foolish have believed?” Unquestionably, it is they who are the foolish, but they know [it] not.
    And when they meet those who believe, they say, “We believe”; but when they are alone with their evil ones, they say, “Indeed, we are with you; we were only mockers -
    [But] Allah mocks them and prolongs them in their transgression [while] they wander blindly.”
    [Surah Baqarah, Ayat 9-15]

  219. SomaliaNo Gravatar says:

    @ abdul rahamn


    I dom’t think peace tv is RAND because it was founded by Dr Zakir Naik I think, and he seems pretty sincere and he is good at quoting references. Peace tv hold conferences which scholars and speakers like Salim Al Amry, Bilal Philips and Yusuf Estes attend ,all of whim seem to be good and sincere.

    Please clarify your conerns as I would be interested to know if it is RAND.

    I haven’t been watching huda tv although I have heard about it.


  220. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum wrwb brothers and sisters, When Allah chose Musa as) and supported him with his brother Harun as) Allah then sent them to Firaun Surah TA HA
    43; Go both of you. to Firaun verily he has transgressed ( all bounds in disbelief and disobedience and behaved as an arrogant and a tyrant)
    44; And speak to him mild words, perhaps he may accept admonition or fear Allah.
    These are Allahs words to the evilist man of that time Firaun even called himself God but Allah is lenient ( for a certain amount of time ) to his enermies, then if they dont believe Allah fixers them up . So we must be lenient with our fellow believers, for when a believer receives admonition they will reconise it and take heed, this is the characteristic of a believer . So take heed of the good reminders as it will only benefit a believer. Our deen is vast and covers all aspects of life and death and we are foever learning and we will never compass it but we will be held accountable for what knowledge we have learnt and but into practice.
    @ Syed quth ii just one thing about Bani Isreal the ones that followed the worship of the calf were actually killed by the ones that didnt . the saying killing themselves ment that the the followers of Musa and Harun ra) actually killed those who opposed them , it was bloody and Allahs command.///
    Allah Most Gracious is forever forgiving our sins and we as brothers must overlook the faults of our brother and act as one body If we love Allah and want his deen perfect on earth then we must practice all aspects of it . If ive made a mistake help me out Wasalames

  221. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @Jihadfeesabililah Amin to all you said Jazakiallahkeir as always Usamah is my hero and all those who walk in that same path.

  222. UmeljihadNo Gravatar says:

    @lubna, baraka Allah feeki, I wish my daughter had someone like you to teach her.

  223. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    My appologies to my Brothers and sisters if i misunderstood someone’s post.
    May Allah forgive me if I un-intentionally hurt any of my brother.
    we are here for Allah and there is nothing personal.

  224. SomaliaNo Gravatar says:

    Let me first mention that you have completely swerved from the issue of the difference between conventional suicide and martyrdom operation, as is clear from your first paragraph.
    Now,you first mention that you are dead-on with the Quran and Sunnah when it comes to denouncing suicide bombings, which is what you have unequivocally done, you follow a completely different route when it comes to Jihad feesabeelillah. If this is not the case, then allow me to educate you;
    Several times, Non-Muslims came to the Prophet (alayhisalam) and asked him if the could participate in a battle at the actual time it was being
    fought. Rasoolullah (alayhisalam) did not say go back, you’re full of many false beliefs and you need to be educated, go back you need tarbiyah and knowledge etc.
    Rather he (alayhisalam) said, say the shahadah, and go and fight…
    one of such Non-Muslims a jew, who was later to be called the ‘Best of Jews’ by Rasoolullah (alayhisalam)
    And finally, I am not the one who is giving a Fatwah. I have said in, previous posts, that I am undecided as regards to martyrdom operations and that I don’t condemn them either.
    So you see Salim that it is you who is coming down firmly on one side of the arguement, so don’t accuse me.
    thanks to Muad for some of this Israeli insider Rabbi stuff, shows us how crazy those people are in Israel with their crazy ideas of Jewish supremacy being due to blood, and not because of piety and righteousness.

  225. al khazaanNo Gravatar says:

    asalamualakum to all muslims around the world. imagin the fear in the face of the kafir if martydom operations was on the increase. this is the only thing a kafir will never understand thats why they call it suicide they think muslims r like them. by allah the one and only lord of the worlds its all about a sincer intention and al husnl dan billah.inshallah inshallah.

  226. PathanNo Gravatar says:

    I just wanted to say that I as a muslim pathan really love you muslims that support Islam. you all are my family.

  227. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Dear Brothers and sisters-
    Brother Sops, Jihad fesabeelillah, Um Umar, Uml Jihad,lubna, Syed Qutab,salam, faiza, zakariya, muhammad, Brother from Somalia, Jasim…. My request to you all, please pray for those brothers who are trying to make Hijra, who are ready and just need a push to be in the battle field.
    Its a special request to you all and all those who love Mujahideen and wanna be one of them.
    May Allah make your hearts firm, May Allah help you to over come all kind of fitan and help you pass this stage of Hijra.(Amin)

  228. Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what you hear..."”No Gravatar says:

    Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
    From the Fruits of Jihād
    Sixteen: Between the permissible and what is better, and between the legislated and what is more beneficial.
    Author: Abū Muhammad al-Maqdisī
    ﴿إِنَّ هَـذَا الْقُرْآنَ يِهْدِي لِلَّتِي هِيَ أَقْوَمُ﴾
    Verily, this Qur’ān guides to that which is most just and right
    One of my prison mates asked me what I thought of how some of the Mujāhidīn had killed an American civilian then publicized it on television and the internet for the entire world to see, such that it became the news of the hour and almost completely stole the spotlight from news of the atrocities of the Americans – who claim to be defenders of human rights – in Abu Ghraib prison!!
    I replied that I do not support or like such actions, even though I know how the Mujāhidīn who did them felt; their yearning for the religion of Allāh to be victorious, their care for restoring it to strength, their pain for the affairs of his Ummah, and their anger at how the enemies pounce madly on their prey. I know that all of this is what propelled them to publicize their actions, despite which I maintain that I do not like what they did, and wish they had neither done nor publicized it.
    It is more befitting for a person who attributes himself to the great school of the Islamic Jihād not to announce or adopt any actions for which he will be censured. Instead, he should focus on actions that will raise the banner of Jihād and distance it from anything that will discolor it or enable the enemy to exploit it by, defaming the Mujāhidīn, or using it to achieve their own goals.
    My companion remarked, “You surprise me! Why do you not like them – are they not permissible?”
    I replied: O my brother, when I say that I do not like something, it does not necessarily mean that that thing is in opposition to the Sharī‘ah or a matter of contention. There is nothing more beloved to me than agreement between the Muslims and partaking in acts of good, but I am devoted to destroying anything that will harm the Jihād and its reputation during a time in which the war no longer solely depends on physical combat, for the media now plays a large role in this war. So my statement stems from my choosing what is purer and more beneficial for the da‘wah, the Jihād and the Muslims in these circumstances.
    I have repeatedly stated throughout my writings, speeches and lessons – to you and others – that the callers and the Mujāhidīn will not be victorious or benefit their Ummah and Jihād in the manner they desire unless they rise above only looking at what is permissible and impermissible, and instead begin to weigh up the permissible things for their benefit and harm, advantages, which is stronger, and which is more preferable.
    Allāh the Exalted said,
    ﴿إِنَّ هَـذَا الْقُرْآنَ يِهْدِي لِلَّتِي هِيَ أَقْوَمُ﴾
    Verily, this Qur’ān guides to that which is most just and right
    and Allāh said,
    ﴿وَاتَّبِعُوا أَحْسَنَ مَا أُنزِلَإِلَيْكُم مِّن رَّبِّكُم﴾
    And follow the best of that which is sent down to you from your Lord
    So Allāh has commanded us to pursue the most advantageous, best and most beneficial actions to us, for He said,
    ﴿الَّذِينَ يَسْتَمِعُونَ الْقَوْلَ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ أَحْسَنَهُ﴾
    Those who listen to the Word and follow the best thereof
    As Muslims, we should not be looking at what is permissible, legislated and lawful; they are already known and accepted, and we can only decide on actions or Jihād that are thus. We cannot attain what is with Allāh by disobeying Him, and the religion of Allāh will not become victorious by means of what is unlawful, disbelief or shirk. This must be one of the fundamental truths understood by anyone who works for this religion, and one of the basic principles of its helpers and Mujāhidīn. So we should not raise issues and ask questions purely based on this outlook, but rather – as we have said numerous times before – we must consider that which is most beneficial for the Jihād, most advantageous to the Muslims, and most harmful to their enemies.
    At-Tibyan Publications

  229. SomaliaNo Gravatar says:

    @ Brother Al Khusrani

    Amin to that du’a, thumma Amin

  230. muhammad from nigeriaNo Gravatar says:

    ”Know that Shikh Usama bin Laden, may Allah Azza Wa Jall protect him, is one of the heroes of this Ummah of Rassolilahi (Sallahu Alaihi wa Salaam)”
    Absolutely so!
    And no one criticises him and others on the path of the most important ‘ibadah today except Puppet scholars and their deluded students,RANDsters and those who hate JIHAD.
    Real mu’min hardly criticise the mujahids esp.with the object of discrediting their struggle.And even if they do criticise them,it is for constructive purposes or with advisory tones,having in mind that in the final analysis the mujahids are the ones on the field and are thus closer to the realities of Jihad on the field.
    From so many comments i have read i’ve noticed that some still think of JIHAD as something carried out with CUTLASSES,SPEARS,ARROWS,KNIVES…and this is simply ludicrous.
    The mujahids,given their ltd.capacities,know the best method of dealing with aggressive kuffars; you can only advise especially if you are far off the battlefields.
    Besides these kafirs and their agents are CONFIRMED LIARS such that even if they’ve been killed by a roadside or remote-controlled bomb/landmine,they’d claim it was a suicide attack just to paint a picture that mujahids are cowards or stuff like that.Unfortunately some weak muslims fall for this ruse.
    May Allah continue to aid the mujahids over and against their enemies and the enemies of islam.

  231. muslimNo Gravatar says:

    any good books on the mhaj of jihad

  232. smokeynaughtyNo Gravatar says:

    Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I am deeply concern that some of us still thinks that the attacks such as 9/11, 7/7 London bombing and others are done by the Muslims. These are the Kuffar lies and fitna since all these campaign of terror are perpetrated by the Kuffar themselves on their own people on their own soil to justify their war on Muslims. There are so many evidence that these attacks are not done by Muslims.
    If you got the time, please read Sheikh Imran Hosein’s article on “Islam and Terrorism – A Muslim Response To The Attack On London”–a-muslim-response-to-the-attack-on-london.html

  233. Abu AnsarNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam Aleikym ya Sheikh and Muslims!

    Jazaka Allahu for your posts calling to rightenous while rekindling the obligation of our deen. The contributions on this blog are uplifting. I love you all fillah.

    Its almost a consesus that Jihad is Fard ayn, and I can see people on this blog are willing to jump on to this caravan, May Allah enable it for us and make us Shaheed, Amen.

    As Jihad is Fard Ayn today, so should the preparations for it. If any one could share ways of preparing for Jihad it would help those who are seriously thinking of undertaking this ibadah.

    Looking forward to receiving some sugestions

  234. pathanNo Gravatar says:

    Al Qaeda should educate the taliban I mean the taliban want to be really good muslims but I think the taliban need to be educated about Islam.
    I don’t mean to insult any mujahideen.

  235. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    @ Umeljihad
    baraka Allah feeki ya ukhti, may Allah protect you and guide you always Ameen.

    @ brother Al Khurasani

    inshaAllah brother Allah will make a way out for you soon. Allah knows the intention of a sincere person and ALWAYS aid him/her. he says in the Quraan, ‘a man gets what he strives for’. may Allah be your helper ,protector and guide always Ameen.

    @muhammad from nigeria

    i agree with you brother.its not easy to go out and fight in the way of Allah and hence the reason the people of haq and jihaad are very few. most of us are infetuated with wahan i.e love of dunya and fear of death. so the people who offer themselves for martyrdom operation which means to offer your life in the price of jannah, are even FEWER. and yes the media lies constantly about this noble act to put people off by it. if you are sincer muslim loving the deen and mujahedeen then you can immediatley differentiate between the two.
    and most of the achivement done by mujahedeen are by remote control devices as is clear from jihadfeesabelillah’s reports here.

    brother i dont beleive that 9/11,7/7,madrid etc was done by muslims at all.
    mujahedeen have enough invaders/occupiers/oppressors in their own lands to finish off then to kill innocent civillian in foreign lands.
    to target civilian directly in UK ,US etc doesnt make sense at all. they are slaves of their evil government too. as is clear from their public protest and marches on gaza and stop the war for iraq.
    may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahedeen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.

  236. UmeljihadNo Gravatar says:

    @Brother Al Khurasani, amin ya rub. May Allah (aza wa jal) grand hijrah and shahada to all who truely desire that in their hearts, and may He open the doors and guide them on that path.

    @smokeynaughty, do you know if Imran Hosein is sufi or not?

  237. SalahNo Gravatar says:

    Smokey naughty do not spread things you do not know about… lies of the kuffar especially al-yahood.. ask any of the people here who are aquianted with such knowledge, with first hand knowledge.. for example anwar al awlaki says in the speech ‘battle for hearts and minds’ that the kuffar are so desperate that they now are claiming that the lider of the jihad is a ficcional character… made up by the enemies of islam as to supposedly have an excuse to attack muslim countries.. blah blah.. the kafreen dont need excuses or they can just make up one.. like ‘Hamas broke the ceasefire’ (lie) ‘Iraq has weopons of mass destruction’ (lie) etc.. they would not need to blow up the twin towers etc.. plus after the bombing of Madrid almost immediately afterwards the Spanish people disbanded the government who went to war in Iraq.. because they realized if their government is bombing the people of Iraq they should expect bombs in return.. al-yahood make up lies and spread propoganda from many angles.. this being one of them.. that the mujahadeen are not intelligent or skilled enought to pull off such feats and that really the West are performing self afflicting attacks to attack and enslave the muslim populace etc.. What i say to that is wake up and realize what is really happening. Ameria is on the verge of going bankrupt while being stuck in two wars that they are losing.

  238. SalimNo Gravatar says:


    salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatubu

    I do not wish this to be an exchange causing either of us bad feelings. But, I feel I must point you to the post again to read my entry, carefully.

    Somalia my brother I’m not sure what point you’re making. But, you haven’t answered anything that I have stated. I’ll be a little clearer for you.

    Firstly, the hadith you quote doesn’t counter my point about the ummah needing tarbiah. Becuase the the man who went to rasulullah (saw) was answering the call. The situation was different completely. My point was that no one from the ummah was moved enough to defend GAZA. The situation is quite different my brother, and therefore does not apply. If the ummah today at least did what this man did we would be half way to establishing the state!

    Secondly, I did not dodge the issue of Jihad fi sabeelillah. My answer and opnion is the same. Your intention does not allow you to transgress the sharia…simple. The matter is distinct and there is little or no grey area. Fighting to the death for the sake of Allah is the pathway of the rightous in battle. Killing yourself in order to kill kufar at its very best is doubtful as you yourself are not convinced of its authenticity. Anyway, the Prophet (saw) was clear when he said that which is doubtful we should leave it alone.

    jazakallah for the education brother Somalia

    salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah

  239. SaladinNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum Brother “baton” aka pathan. What are you trying to do on this site? The Taliban Mujahideen do not need your advice. They know very well what is their goal and have Alhumdulillah enough knowledge and means to implement that.
    Your name pathan itself reminds of British colonialists who made the big fitna of demarcating the Durand line separating Afghanistan with their brethren. Are you aware that the name Pathan is derived from the english word ‘baton . It is really a derogatory name meaning a stick to govern the unruly tribesmen as the British called them. Why are you using that name? These names likes Pathans, Arabs, Turks etc that rekindle nationalism/tribalism are the cause of much of the fitna around us. Just say you are Muslim and the least you can do is to pray for the downtrodden oppressed and Mujahideen all over the world.

  240. Al Faaris Al MiqdaamNo Gravatar says:

    Brothers and sisters, I see that you’re making du3a for each other, PLEASE also include me in your du3aa, you’re brother Abu Sulayman Al 7atimi…

  241. AllahuAkbarNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters in Islam,
    The following advices first apply to myself, may Allah forgive us all. I would like to caution you my brothers and sisters about the conspiracy theories… while some of them look really convincing, there are some which were purposely invented by the enemies of Islam so that we will be busy with them. (E.g US went to Iraq for Oil!).
    Another point, as Imam Awlaki has reminded us all, the differences of opinion on the matter of martyrdom operations should not deter us from supporting the mujahideen on the battlefield by all means. The important thing is, we all support Jihad. If you disagree on the particular method employed by the mujahideen, there are surely other methods that you agree, so you should employ these agreed methods yourself. Because the last thing we need now is disunity among ourselves. Instead we should unite under the banner of La Ilaaha Illa Allah and start doing what we need to do.
    Brothers and sisters, please refrain from arguing with each other, lest you would say something that Allah doesn’t like. Also please don’t post about things that you are not sure, especially when it concerns about other fellow Muslims. Sometimes posting baseless info (rumor) might change the hearts of the muslims towards the one that you are talking about, and in return he/she may go and tell others… the result: you accumulate a lot of sins, if the things that you spread are false. Therefore, it’s better to keep those things to yourself and speak only good about others (unless you see an apparent hypocrisy or kufr on him/her). It’s better to stay away from creating fitnah. Sahabas did their best to avoid creating fitnah, and that’s the best lesson.
    Allah grants knowledge to those who are sincere, therefore if we put our trust in Allah and do our research and then make istikhara and seek help from Allah, InshAllah Allah will open our hearts and will show the True Way to us, whether reassuring our belief in something or by distancing our heart from particular trivial issues. And Allah is the Best Adviser!
    May Allah make us die as true muslims and shaheed. And Allah gives shahaada to whomever He wills. Ameen.

  242. pathan aka kulsumNo Gravatar says:

    Saladin I did not mean to cause fitnah I don’t think that was my intention…and no I did not know that “pathan” meant that…I am with the muslims all the way as much as I can…yeah I should not use the name “pathan” and I just think that the taliban are really kind.

    Islam forever!

  243. pathan aka kulsumNo Gravatar says:

    oh yeah sorry I forgot

    Walaikum As Salam

  244. pathan aka kulsumNo Gravatar says:


  245. SomaliaNo Gravatar says:

    @ Salim

    I think your view on the issue of Jihad and martyrdom operations is exactly the inverse of my own. Here’s why I think so;
    You have implied that we should not fight Jihad because the majority of the Muslim Ummah did not respond to the ‘call’ in Gaza. There are two points to consider here;
    1) The Muslimeen in Gaza themselves did put up a heroic fight and thwarted the Israelis aim of defeating Hamas. Also, other muslims, for example us in the Uk, were in the support of the Jihad in Gaza and our imam still makes du’a Qunoot in Fajr as he did during the holocaust in palestine.
    2) People follow their leaders, and the prime ministers and presidents of the Muslim countries did not send troops to palestine, which they ought to have done to defend the muslims. This is because some of them were dictatorships funded by the US. In other words they sold their religion.
    So you see I disagree with you when you take the action of the majority of muslims as a good reason to deflect the Shari’a of Jihad.
    I will just clarify once more on the issue of martyrdom operations, although I suspect that your heart is stone cold on this issue judging from the couple of posts inwhich you have addressed the issue;
    At the end of the day, your intention and Ikhlas for doing a deed is what you will have to show to Allah on the day of judgement.
    And frankly, Salim, we have to queation our view on a controversial topic, such as this, when it agrees with the view of the enemies of Islam. These are the same Kuffar who are engaged in a crusade against the muslims.
    Other than that, I can say that I agree to disagree on this topic with you, and I can follow those with the opinion I feel to be correct and you follow those with the opinion that you feel to be correct.
    Wasalamu’alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

  246. SalimNo Gravatar says:


    This is the best advice and I heed it sincerely and may Allah (swt) bless and keep you safe from the evil within ourselves and the kufar. May he grant you fidous and those that feed you and love you. May all your duas be answered may Allah (swt) grant you the best of this world and the world to come. May Allah grant the Muslims victory and the speedy return of the Islamic state, may Allah (swt) unite the ummah despite our fault and guide us to the Victory over our enemies and the fitna within our ranks.


  247. SomaliaNo Gravatar says:


    thanks for the reminder

  248. silly foolNo Gravatar says:

    pathan you silly fool, you say ‘you dont want to offend any mujahideen’ but realise this, that the taliban are mujahideen. so why offend?

  249. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @ Brother Al Khurasani Amin Amin Amin
    Companions ! Advance ! The cool breeze of Paradise waits to welcome us , and triumph and glory are waiting for us. Khalib bin Walid

  250. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    @Al Faaris Al Miqdaam

    may Allah be your protector and guide always Ameen ,and may you have a stronger eemaan with every passing moment Ameen! may Allah give sakeenah to your qalb Ameen.may Allah shower you with his mercy and rehmah Ameen.

    and the same goes for the rest of my dear brothers and sisters in islam here Ameen.

    may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahedeen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.

  251. syed qutb iiNo Gravatar says:

    Bismillilah wal hamdullilah as salatu wassalam ala RasoolAllah (saw), wa in il hukmo ilALLAH.

    Um Umar jazaKallah for ur view.. but Ibn Kathir, and in mariful Quran Muhammad Shafi both state that the hukm under mount sanai was for self sacrife.. but Allah under his mercy did make it easy for them, but they had to have intention for self sacrifice..

    Agreed with Brother above.. regarding conspiracy theories..

    911 leading to the battle of Badr and 911 leading to the global war between muslims and mushrik legislators.

    in the build battle of badr, nabi (saw) ordered raids, and Surah Qureysh directed nabi (saw) to the importance of the trade routes of Quresh.. The quresh did not recognise the authority of nabi (saw).. so continued using routes passing through and via medina.. Hence in order to establish the new Authority of Nabi (saw) he ordered raid esp on TRADE ROUTES. The route was vital to the economic survival of Quresh.. hence were threaten.. Thus the first attack leading to the death of a mushrisk occured.. in the trade routes.. this infuriated the mushrik rulers of quresh thus leading to the might battle of Badr.
    Is this what also occured in the raid on New york?
    911 comparison to badr.. an interesting analysis i was given by a non muslim who wants to become muslim
    The Muslims who attacked twin towers also hit the trading centre of the capitalist world. like the trade routes of Quresh. They two infuriated took an offensive against muslims.
    The only difference is that time we had an Islam state today we dont..

    In the stories of bani Israeel.. the story of the tower of babel (babeel),
    The tahgoot in their arrogence made a tower to challenge the believer amongst bani israeel. They said they will build a tower into the heaven (sky) and see Allah. Their arrogence over took them.. so they built the tower of babeel which reached the skies. But Allah made it come crashing down.. some narraters say Allah send those to bring it down.

    One thing the blamers forget is a crucial difference between suicide and martyrdom is that suicide is done “with desperation and hoplessness” WHile the martyr does it out of pleasure i’m sure the muslims who do carry out such attacks go fully content and happy. Video of their last moments bare witness to this fact.
    In the documentary from beruit to bosnia by robert fisk “the martyrs smile”. The american soldier say all I remember of the attacker was the smile…

  252. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam, No matter what acts we muslims do and no matter what acts we dont do just to please Allah swt) we will be critisized by the western media as they are our enermy and their intention is to twist everything to their advantage, We as muslims have to have Taqwa in every situation , how we react in one situation can be different to how we’d act in another very similar situation, depending on many factors but Allah swt is the inspirer and he controlls the hearts.Whether certain acts are the result of conspiracy theories or actually done by Muslims which i totally understand the justifcation behind these acts, are irrelevant as we the muslims will be blamed or framed but in reality and in the long run we do actually benefit from them whether they are a plot of the Kaffur or done fee sabililah, as Allah swt brings Kaffur plots to nothing and rewards sincere deeds These are the Qahdar of Allah and He Knows best.

  253. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Both the armies confronted each other at Yarmook. the Roman general , Mahan, scornfully addressed his counterpart, Khalid bin Walid ra and said,
    “It looks as if poverty, nakedness and starvation has compelled you to come here. If you wish I am willing to give each of you ten dinars, expensive clothes and good food. You can take these things and leave. Next year too I can send you these things , and you do not have to take the trouble to come here”.
    Khalid was enraged and answered
    ” Mahan listen to me very carefully!.You are mistaken about the reason we are here. We are people who drink the blood of our opponents . We have heard that Roman blood is very delicious, and we have come to enjoy it ourselves.”
    saying this he spurred his horse, Waving the flag of Islam and shouting Allah Akbar he ordered his troops to attack the enermy. Brimming with the turbulent emotions of Jihad and with a desire to achieve Martyrdom , he addressed his men.
    ” Companions ! Advance ! The cool breeze of Paradise waits to welcome us, and triumph and glory are waiting for us ”
    Hearing these fervent words of their leader , the Mujahideen fell on the Romans in a massive attack. Confused and bewildered they did not know what to do,
    Khalid bin Walid ra was enthralled by the spirit of Jihad and the desire for Martyrdom ; he waded through the enermy lines right into the centre , reaping the harvest of destruction, On the first day Rome had lost one hundred and twenty thousand men /// Allahu Akbar

  254. SalahNo Gravatar says:

    @Salim.. well i guess that is your opnion that it is doubtfol i think the only thing that is doubtful is your argument.. and that is the opnion of many others.. anyways we as a ummna need to avoid the doubtful but also avoid the whispers of shayton the shayton of men and jinn… and the reason why we are even arguing this today i believe is do to the infulence of al-yahoodee mass media (including all of the Arabic channels).. do u think the people of filisteen have any doubts regarding where the martyr goes after he is done sacfrificing his life for the sake of allah swt in defense of the oppressed women and children and men who have been stripped of all diginity? I do not think so…

  255. ImranNo Gravatar says:

    I totally agree with Shaikh Anwer thoughts and I agree weakening economy of Kufaar whatever way is needed, even if do anything in their countries still not even as compare to million of civilians in Iraq and millions of civilians in Afghanistan alone. If we had bomb wouldn’t we use it against the enemy. so, whatever we have we are doing the right thing. what kufaars are propogating Its just tip of the iceberg but underneath is something different. to deviate this ummah. because thats only thing (suicide bombing) they can’t control. so, they are putting hate in muslims hearts so they can oppose themselves as much as they can. I also agree with shaikh and I’ve listened to all his lectures and it changed my life as well.
    Jazak Allah Khair

  256. ImranNo Gravatar says:


  257. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Dear brothers and sisters Assalam-o-Alaikum. Thanks to your prayers. May Allah unite us together in Battle field or in Jannah.
    Few suggestions from my side, kindly consider:
    Please please lets be practical and see what we are doing for Islam or what we have done for Jihad and how can we help Mujahideen.
    there are so many issues like who did 911 etc and other matter like this, trust u me, you can never comprehend untill you spend sometime with true mujahideen.period.
    @Pathan- brother regarding your comments about Taliban- Taliban and Al-qaida are just two wings of the same eagle.
    I dont wanna convince any one, but would like to state some facts, i know for sure. American/Pak govt propeganda is on its peak to win public opionion against taliban particularly in sawt and wazristan. sometimes what we see is not even true. intelligence agencies are playing the worst role ever to defame taliban. Just to give you some examples; they have sent their own agents in swat in the disguise of taliban and they do such acts which are against islam so that people hate taliban. They have curfew 24/7 in their area and the security forces are killing innocent people.
    You will never see any news in the TV channels when pak army kill so many civilian every day, however, if taliban hang one traitor/american spy, they show in the TV that taliban are illiterate people who are hanging innocent people. This is 100% what Rand Insitutute has insitructed them to do. I was surprised to see one day, when Interior minister of pakistan was holding up a press conference and it was during those days when media started to interview taliban and alqaida leaders. Mr Rehman malik said “i beg you do not interview these terrorist and dont make them Heroes by conducting their interviews on Tv Channels”
    Brothers and sisters, just be sure of one thing, that our right place today is with those who are pointing their guns against the Taghoot and the ones who are being targeted by Taghoot, just join them or help them and lets come out of this syndrom of sitting home and criticising those who have sacrificed every thing for islam.
    we should use this forum to increase our love with those who love Allah and who are being loved by Allah.
    i did not post these comments to have a discussion on Taliban policies in swat and waziristan- if some one disagree with me, its on him to go and find the facts himself. I wont respond back to any comments against this post, my purpose was to just tell the truth.
    Allah knows the best.
    Taliban Zindabad, Amrikaan Murda Bad. (Long live Taliban, death to America)

  258. MuhammadNo Gravatar says:

    @ Kufr Akbar
    Kufr-e-Akbar being muslim, I already hate you for your name. and also don’t try to be on my side. I know what shaikh endorse and I’m with him 100%

  259. faizaNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters.
    @ Brother Al Khurasani jazakAllah for the reminder, ameen to your dua. inshAllah to all the brothers and sisters here on al haqq blog we should include our mujahedeens who are at the front line and for those of us who desire to be amongst them, in every salat we pray. May Allah keep them steadfast and elevate their emaan.

  260. AhmadNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamualaykum brothers & sisters,

    Please take some time to read a fatwa from Shaykh Afifi al-Akiti, entitled “Defending The Transgressed”.

  261. nice try but...No Gravatar says:

    look at those who were closest to the prophet (SAW)…Khalid Ibn walid could have died in battle…but Allah (SWT) did not allow this…He did not die a maytr on the battle field against the enemy…

    “”I fought in so many battles seeking martyrdom that there is no place in my body but have a stabbing mark by a spear, a sword or a dagger, and yet here I am, dying on my bed like an old camel dies. May the eyes of the cowards never sleep”"”

    We do not decide if we die mayrtrs…it is Allah (SWT) who decides this. How can we die shaheed if we fight in a way that is against the laws of Jihad as dictated by the prophet? We fight the way we want allah (SWT) wants us to fight….and maybe i’m being arrogant by saying this…but i don’t think using muslims as human bombs is the way to go…. i challenge the sheikhs and scholars that approve suicide bombings to put on a bomb vest themselves

    I do not recall a hadith in which the prophet ordered the muslims in mecca to attack the quraish….and they lived under heavy persecution.

    I do know that when times got hard in mecca…the muslims performed hijra….because it was better for them…and when the muslims fought, they fought well…when they killed, they killed well…..

    Allahu A3lam….i believe victory will be ours if we start thinking and fighting with our heads…not intentionally spilling our sons’ blood.

  262. nice try but...No Gravatar says:

    a comment of above…the prophet did not tell the muslims LIVING in mecca …who where living under extreme persecution…to attack the quraish…
    he did not tell the muslims in mecca to attack the leaders, homes, what ever…

    and every the prophet looked for alternatives to peace….when the quraish came to him with a peace deal HE TOOK IT…even when the sahaba thought it was a bad idea….BECAUSE PEACE TIME was used to regroup, to teach, to spread islam…..

    by the time the muslims conquered mecca…they were so vast in number that they just walked into the city. not 1 drop of blood was spilled.

    the ‘war’ needs to start in our own crippled ummah

  263. nice try but...No Gravatar says:

    i fear for the sheikhs and scholars that encourage suicide bombings to young muslims from poor and oppressed backgrounds….but don’t strap some c4 on themselves…..

    if you are going to preach something, you should do it yourself. That applies to all of you right now who are supporting Suicide bombings so easily…

    if Allah (SWT) willed it, he could turn a tiny rock into a weapon….we do not have to use our bodies.

    Allahu A3lam…

  264. SaladinNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum, See the contrast in remarks of Taliban and Ahmedinijad. This clown Ahmedinijad only talks about crimes against Iranian nation. He just talks about Iran. Nationalistic feeling run deep in that country. On the other hand Taliban are Ummah centric and asked for complete withdrawal from Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel.

    Taliban calls on Obama to reverse Bush’s ’satanic policies’.The Taliban called on President Barack Obama to close all “evil” US detention centers for militants, “completely withdraw” from Iraq and Afghanistan and “stop defending Israel,” in a message released Tuesday.

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the change promised by Barack Obama during his presidential campaign means he must apologize for U.S. “crimes” against Iran, including American support for a 1953 coup in the country and the backing of Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war.

  265. Brother Al-KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Dear Brothers and sisters, Kindly ignore to this ignorant “nice try but..” we need not respond to such posts which is evident from the fact that the poster does not have any true understanding of the religion.
    Walaykum Assalam.

  266. Al Faaris Al MiqdaamNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaamu 3aleykum,

    @ bro/sis ‘nice try but’ most of what you have said, Shaykh Anwar has covered it in Mashari al-Ashwaq series, why don’t you just listen, if indeed you are truthful?

  267. Al Faaris Al MiqdaamNo Gravatar says:

    @ bro/sis ‘nice try but’, from what I’ve read from your statemnents I understand that you’re saying we shouldn’t fight Jihad but seek alternative peace, RasoolAllah says what you suggest is the problem for this Ummah, and he says that Jihad is the only solution for this Ummah when he said:

    “When you enter into a transaction, follow the tails of cows, are pleased
    with agriculture, and give up conducting Jihad fe Sabeelillah, Allah will
    make disgrace prevail over you, and will not withdraw it until you return to
    your original Deen (i.e., True Islam).

    This hadith tells us of the problem and the solution. The interesting thing is
    that the problem mentioned in the hadith, some Muslims today say it is the
    solution. So what is the problem? Rasoolullah (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) says
    when you are busy with business and agriculture and livestock and you leave
    Jihad fe Sabeelillah, you will be humiliated.
    Some Muslims say that the only way this Ummah can be victorious is if we
    follow the way of the other nations in terms of industry, agriculture, trade,
    then we’ll become like them and we will become victorious. So if we are
    successful in business, successful in agriculture, successful in technology and so on that is the way for the Ummah. Rasoolullah (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam)
    says that is the problem.

    Some Muslims say the way forward for this Ummah is to distance itself from
    terrorism and spend their time in becoming good in Business, good in
    technology, agriculture, and the rest; and this is how we can compete with the
    rest of the world. Rasoolullah (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) said that this is
    wrong and Allah ‘Azza wa Jall will dishonour us if we do that. And Rasoolullah
    (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) says there is no way out from this until you go
    back to your Deen. The commentators on this hadith say going back to the
    Deen here means going back to Jihad fe Sabeelillah specifically because
    Rasoolullah (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) says leaving Jihad is leaving the Deen
    so the only way to go back to the Deen is to go back to Jihad fe Sabeelillah; so
    Jihad becomes equal to the religion. So this is the solution; the solution of the Ummah.

    And I remind you with the words of Shaykh Abdullah Azzam “Jihad and rifle alone. No negotiations. No conferences and No Dialogues”

  268. Al Faaris Al MiqdaamNo Gravatar says:

    At your statement bro/sis ”nice try but” ; ”BECAUSE PEACE TIME was used to regroup, to teach, to spread islam….”….I ask you by Allah , are we living in a time of peace? It is the ‘Ijmaa (consensus) of our ‘Ulamaa that if the enemy occupies one handspan of the land of the Muslims Jihad becomes Fardh ‘Ayn, I ask you by Allah how many miles of land have been occupied yet you speak of peace? A strange time we live in…

    You said the Prophet was looking for peace, yet he (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) is the one who said: “My rizq (sustenance) comes beneath the shadow of my spear.”. he (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) is the one who said I am the Prophet of Mercy, I am the Prophet of Malhama (battle/battles), he Prophet was looking for peace, yet he (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) is the one who said: “My rizq (sustenance) comes beneath the shadow of my spear.”. he (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) is the one who said I am the Prophet of Mercy, I am the Prophet of Malhama (battle/battles), he (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) is the one who said as is reported in the Saheehayn: “I have been supported with fear as far as a month’s journey.”

    We are the Ummah of Jihad, we are not followers of Gandhi, we are the Ummah of Walaa & Baraa not of interfaith conferences, we do not fear the blame of blamers.
    We are the sons Khalid, al-Barraa’, Muthanna, al-Qa’qa’, Dhiraar, ‘Amr, Abu Ubaidah, Abu Dujanah, Az-Zubair & Talha, and Abdullah ibn Az-Zubair, Muhammad ibn al-Qasim, Musa bin Nusair, Tariq bin Ziyad.

  269. Al Faaris Al MiqdaamNo Gravatar says:

    Again, @ ‘nice try but’, you said “i fear for the sheikhs and scholars that encourage suicide bombings to young muslims from poor and oppressed backgrounds…”
    This statement made me really upset, are you trying to suggest the Mujahideen despair of this life and commit suicide because they’re not pleased with Allah’s decree?
    I tell you by Allah, the Mujahideen are from well of families, respected & noble, who freely choses to sell his soul to Allah in return for the highest price; JANNAH!
    What do you say O brother, in regards to the Shaheed who smiles and happily give his life for the hereafter? The one who has smelled the breeze of Paradise in the battlefield will never let go and always pursue Shahaada…

  270. IbraheimNo Gravatar says:

    If ALL the muslims were to unite who would be able to stop us? If just half of the middle east walked up to the israeli border who could stop them?

    This problem we have today is because we have no unity or courage.

    Times are definetly changing as we speak. America is in deep trouble financially and militarily and the rest of the global economy relied so much on them they are suffering with them!

    There predicting tent city’s and soup lines here in america within the next 2-3 years!

    As the sheikh mentioned in earlier teachings when Allah decree’s he provides a way with it.

    Only Allah knows but it looks like things willbe changinf all over the world very shortly.

    May Allah protect all of us!

    Salam Alaykum,

  271. Al Faaris Al MiqdaamNo Gravatar says:

    ”.i believe victory will be ours if we start thinking and fighting with our heads…not intentionally spilling our sons’ blood.”

    Now that statement came out very wrong, what do you say in regards of al-Khansaa’ who offered all her sons FeeSabeelillah during the battle of Qaadisiyyah? And the Ansaar, as in the case where the father (Abdullah ibn al-Jamuh) and son where arguing about who should go to Jihad? And Asmaa’bint AbuBakr who incited her son to fight until he was martyred, when she said: ”… fight on as your companions
    who were killed under your flag had shown perseverance. If
    however you desire the world, what a miserable wretch you are.
    You would have destroyed yourself and you would have destroyed
    your men.”

    And he (Abdullah) replied: “But I will be killed today, there is no doubt about it.”

    And she (Asmaa’) replied:
    “That is better for you than that you should surrender yourself
    to Hajjaj voluntarily and that some minions of Banu Umayyah
    should play with your head.”

  272. Abu Ayrow as SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    @ nice try but…
    Tell your scholars who oppose martyrdom operations to join the ranks for our beloved brothers but use ’suicide bombing’ as an excuse to abandon jihad. Plus Sh. Anwar (ha) is already waging jihad with his words fulfilling his role as a scholar. Didn’t Allah say, “”O Prophet, incite the faithful to fight”. And who dares to doubt that?

  273. Abu Ayrow as SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    @ nice try but…
    “The Mujahidin do not need you half men, with no resolve. They do not need any advice on Jihad from scholars who are paid for and defeated. They do not need to ask if it is okay with you or if there Jihad is compatible with your thinking. No, they do not need that. They have all the wisdom and the vision that they need. Die in your rage and continue your criticism of the Mujahidin. You cannot destroy their resolve; your poisoned pins will not affect their Jihad. Nothing will affect them.”
    -Al Maqdisi

  274. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    @Al Faaris Al Miqdaam,
    jazakallah khayer dear brother for very inspiring and uplifting posts .
    i like this qoute :Shaykh Abdullah Azzam “Jihad and rifle alone. No negotiations. No conferences and No Dialogues”

    @ brother Al khurasani
    Taliban zinda baad! kuffar murda bad! inshaAllah victory is very near.

    may we all increase in our eemaan with eachothers company here Ameen.

    may Allah increae our insight into the matters of deen and dunya and help us to make the right decisions at the right time Ameen.

    may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahedeen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.

  275. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols
    Safar 2, 1430 H./ 28-01-2009

    In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
    All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
    In a ambushed 1 tank of Canadian invaders army destroyed in Kandahar Wednesday morning 28-01-2009 at approximately 5:12 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of Canadian invaders army in Kalai Shamer area in Mewand district of Kandahar province, in the ambush one tank of enemy was destroyed and all invaders in it were killed.
    2 supplies trucks of American invaders were destroyed in Baghlan Wednesday 28-01-2009 at approximately 9:17 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a American supplying convoy traveling in the Saead area in Desaiad district of Baghlan Province. According to reports, Mujahideen burnt-out 2 trucks of the enemy. later a firefight started between Mujahideen and puppet security guard, which continued until 3 pm in which a large number of puppet terrorists were killed or wounded. The Mujahideen did not suffer any casualties and all Mujahideen involved in the ambush returned safely to their posts after the attack.
    A tank of British invaders army blown up in Helmand Tuesday morning 27-01-2009 at approximately 7:15 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of British invaders army in Bazaar in Nawzad district of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the tank and killed all the invader terrorists in it.
    5 German invader army terrorists killed and 1 tank destroyed in Kunduz Tuesday noon 27-01-2009 at approximately 11.13 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of German invaders in Janqzk area in Kortapi district of Kunduz province, the landmine destroyed the enemy tank and killed five German invader terrorists in it.
    British invaders army terrorists blown up in Helmand Tuesday noon 27-01-2009 at approximately 12.25 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up on foot British invaders army patrolling unit in Alizo area near bazaar in Nawzad district of Helmand province, in the landmine blast killed few invader terrorists. After explosion firefighting started which was continued for two hours, during which many kafirs were killed and wounded, later British invaders plans bombarded the area in which two Mujahideen were injured.
    Puppet frontier police base demolished in Herat Tuesday night 27-01-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a base of puppet frontier police near the border of Torkmnistan in Torghondi district of Herat province, in the attack puppet frontier police terrorists fled, the base was demolished, a truck and a vehicle was destroyed and a stock of weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
    In 3 explosions a number of British invaders terrorists killed in Helmand Tuesday noon 27-01-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of British invaders army in Dahzor area in Musa Qalla district in Helmand province , in the landmine destroyed the tank and few invader terrorists in it were killed.
    Soon after more British invader terrorists arrived in the area to transfer the dead bodies of killed terrorists, when Mujahideen detonated two more landmines in which three more invader terrorists were killed and few were wounded, later British invaders bombarded the area but their were no casualties on the Mujahideen side.
    3 puppet army terrorists killed in Badghis Monday evening 26-01-2009, puppet army terrorists attack on post of Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Ghaljar area in Char Qadis district of Badghis province, in the attack three puppet army terrorists were killed, others fled and a stock of weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.

    2 tanks of American invader army destroyed in Farah Monday night 26-01-2009 at approximately 10:00 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmines blew up two tanks of American invaders army in Dihek area in Gulistan district of Farah province, the landmines destroyed both tanks and all the American terrorists in them were killed.
    O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
    O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
    O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
    O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
    O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
    O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
    O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
    Allahu Akbar
    “Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
    [Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]

  276. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Closing the cages of Guantanamo is not enough
    In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
    Barack Obama, the new president of America, on the first day of his work in the White House signed a decree, in accordance with a pledge he had made, to close the Guantanamo prison and to stop all the military trials of its prisoners. He also appointed Richard Holbrooke and former Senator George Mitchell as his peace envoys for Afghanistan and for the Middle East.
    This action of Barack Obama regarding Guantanamo prison can be regarded as a positive step to strengthen peace and stability in the region and in the world. It is, however, another issue as to how wide the breadth of American terror in Bagram, Abu Ghraib and other prisons compares to the suffering in Guantanamo, or whether the closure of this prison is really Obama’s initiative or the result of the blessing of the strength, faith, and great determination of the Mujahideen.
    Even in captivity, the Mujahideen constantly operated as resilient warriors who could not be broken by either their abductors, jailers, or the hell of Guantanamo itself. Guantanamo became the dungeon of the pious and eventually the world came to realize that the zoo was not composed of those inside the bars, but instead, the exact opposite.
    Anyway, as a result of the enormous chaos that the war-mongering Bush administration created in the region and the world, the closure of one prison can only be seen as an ordinary effort.
    If Barack Obama is really interested in peace and stability in the world, he should not suffice to this measure alone and should declare as null and void all those evil projects which have been started in the light of the satanic polices of Bush to destabilize the entire world.
    Bush created those projects based on his satanic policies and without any legal basis. He illegally attacked Afghanistan and Iraq, shedding the blood of hundreds of thousands of people in these two nations of believers. During the eight years of his rule, Bush orchestrated many heinous crimes against the Muslim Ummah and Islamic movements in the Middle East in order to protect the interests of the Zionists.
    Unfortunately, these mad actions of Bush were also approved by a number of stupid leaders in the world such as Blair, as they set up an unholy crusader alliance against the entire Islamic nation in the name of the so-called war on terror.
    However, this international crusader coalition not only did not lessen or eradicate the existing opposition in the region against them, but on the contrary provoked such a widespread hostility in the entire world against America and its crusader allies as a result of which the American interests were seriously threatened throughout the world from New York to London, to Madrid and to Bali, and the blood of many citizens of the West was shed and the economy of the entire western world, including America, faced stagnation and slowdown.
    Now if Barack Obama, according to his speech, really wants to open a new page of peaceful relations with the Islamic world based on mutual respect, then before anything else he should stop and declare null and void everything that has taken place under the criminal polices of Bush.
    He should completely withdraw his forces from the two occupied countries of Afghanistan and Iraq and he should end support for Israel which is against Islamic interests in the Middle East and in the entire world.
    Obama should have by now realized that increasing military forces and the logic of the use of force against the independent nations of the world have totally lost their meaning and no longer have any chance of being implemented anywhere.
    He should pay attention to the fact that the righteous resistance of the Mujahideen against the American hooligans in Iraq, Somalia, Palestine and Afghanistan has damaged the arrogance of the American empire to the extent that that arrogant superpower has now become the laughing stock of the oppressed nations throughout the world and has lost its former grandeur.
    Today the American superpower is grappling with difficult economic and financial problems in addition to numerous security, political and military problems because of its arrogant and expansionist policies. These are the kind of problems that in the eighth decade of the last century caused the destruction of another arrogant (Soviet) empire from the face of the earth.
    Therefore, in order for the United States to avoid the same fate as the Soviet Union, it is essential for Obama to take steps which will reaffirm a message of peace and stability to the entire world. These steps, if taken, will also protect the American economy, military, and government. A continuation of old policies will further stoke the flames of Afghan Jihad and like sands in an hourglass, so will be the days of American barbarism and egotism.
    Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

  277. SalaamNo Gravatar says:

    Oh believes of the Lord of the Worlds,

    Allah (awj) tells us: “The (faithful) slaves of the Beneficent are they who walk upon the earth modestly, and when the foolish ones address them answer: Peace” (25:63)

    Why do you waste your time answering these people. If they slander our ‘Ulamaa and Mujahideen then they will take their hasanat or give them their sins on the day of judgment. These people who openly slander Muslim brothers and have no BLATANT evidence of their hypocrisy (such as LaMubarak, may the Curse of Allah (swt) be on the munafiqoon), are only hurting themselves. Whether you agree with martyrdom operations or not isn’t the point our Imam (ha) was trying to make, rather supporting our Ummah was.

    This blog should be used for brainstorming ideas on how we can help the Ummah, as a whole. How can we better ourselves and prepare for the impending victory of Islam. If you look at history, the victorious armies of Islam seem to be around 12,000 to 15,000 strong. Meaning if you want to be part of this army, you have to be amongst the best 12,000 people of this Ummah. Let’s do our best to be part of this small and blessed group so that we may reap the rewards and victory of Islam and not just watch from the sidelines.

    Oh my brothers and sisters who I love for the sake of Allah (swt), what are some of the small things which you do throughout your days that’s boosting your imaan?

    Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever says: ‘La ilaha illal-lah wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahu-l-mulk wa lahu-l-hamd wa huwa ‘ala kulli shai’in qadir,’ one hundred times will get the same reward as given for manumitting ten slaves; and one hundred good deeds will be written in his accounts, and one hundred sins will be deducted from his accounts, and it (his saying) will be a shield for him from Satan on that day till night, and nobody will be able to do a better deed except the one who does more than he.”

    Everyday I do this twice, after Fajr prayer and just before I go to sleep. It takes me about 10 minutes to say this, and I figured 10 minutes of sleep isn’t worth anything, but doing this dhikr will benefit me for eternity.

  278. umm yahyaNo Gravatar says:

    assalamulaykum my dear brothers and sisters. marsha allah this article got me thinking deeply. i came to the conclusion that i am in no position to agree or disagree with this issue.why? because i am here at home, having a relaxed life alhumdulilah while the people who are involved in such operations are suffering in every possible way. they land is invaded, they family is dead, they are hungry etc. so who am i to say they will go to hell? the least i can hope for as a muslim is for Allah to accept their deeds and forgive their sins. i remember how i felt when a sudden death occured in my family, i was devastated, i couldn’t control my emotions. imagine in just one day you lose all your siblings as well as your parents? would you still be condemning those who are trying to cause harm to the enemies using whatever means available?
    i know some of you would say ‘ well that doesn’t still make it right’. but i think those who say this should just keep quiet since they have nothing good to say.

  279. Dawah_isTheWayNo Gravatar says:

    salamu alaykum. how come in the entire article no direct evidence from quran and sunnah?

  280. Al BaraNo Gravatar says:

    Jazaak Allahu Khayr. I truely love you for the sake of Allah. If Allah permits, I will meet you in this life and hug you my brother and learn from you. If not in this life, then I pray to Allah that we will be united in the hereafter and to make the day of judgement our best day, to illuminate the light which will be given to us unlike the hypocrites whos light will be extinguished, and that we walk together along with our Nabi Muhammad SAW and his Ummah. Ameen.

  281. SalimNo Gravatar says:


    salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah,

    Brother I am trying my best to be patient with you but I fear you’re doing this on purpose but I will think the best of you as I am ordered to by The majestic Allah (swt) and his perfect creation the nabi ul Islam, Muhammed (saw).

    Brother, where did I imply that the ummah should not fight in Jihad? The posts are there to be read. If your first language isn’t English then I will be slow to criticize you. But, in no way did I give the impression that we should not fight in jihad. I’ll say it even clearer again.

    We should fight in Jihad and do so as soon as the call or need arises for jihad has come. There is Jihad now upon the ummah. Those who are not able to go to those places should give zakat and or sadaqa in support. (is that clear enough for you)

    The only point I made was that suicide in Islam is forbidden expressly by the sharia and there is not getting away from that patent fact brother. If the idea is that we fight in the cause of Allah (swt) then we should do so according to his (swt) limits and not to transgress those limits, as Allah (swt) does not guide the ones who transgress his limits.

    So brother Somalia I can not make it any clearer for you. I just ask that you do not try to read into my words meanings that either I do not intend or that you hink I have said as it is abundantly clear to everyone else that I have not implied the words you have ascribed to me.

    suicide operations are not jihad and that is where I think you have problem making the distinction. The sharia orders jihad but forbids suicide, simple. I can’t see the problem you’re having with this issue.

    salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.

  282. Al Faaris Al MiqdaamNo Gravatar says:

    @ Dawah_isTheWay, evidence from the Qur’an & Sunnah have been presented by the Shaykh in Mashari al-Ashwaq series listen to it…

  283. SalimNo Gravatar says:


    Just to answer your point directly again.

    I said I wanted the ummah to be in a state of readiness by being educated in the deen so that their iman becomes high. So, when the call comes they do not fear kafir leaders or fear the loss of wealth or their families but run to jihad with a smile on their faces in the hope of answering the call and meeting their Lord as well as crushing their enemies. So, actually I was arguing one step ahead of you by preparing the ummah to fight jihad but as a whole blessed ummah together as a solid structure as the majestic as ordered us to do, Not just a few mujahid here and there unsupport by the reast of the ummah except for dua.

  284. Abu Ayrow as SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    “In our opinion, the Saudi government is losing on the ideological front, although it may win temporarily on the front of confrontation by security means. The reason is that the dominant ideology feeding the current of violence is an indigenous ideology, not an intruder into the kingdom. It is an ideology that the official religious establishment espouses and that it considers a sound standard for the entire world, except when it comes to applying it to the Saudi case and to the al-Saud family.”

  285. MuadNo Gravatar says:

    Israel expels Venezuelan diplomats

    Chavez expelled Israel’s ambassador to protest Tel Aviv’s hostilities against the Palestinians in Gaza.
    Israel expels Venezuela’s diplomatic staff after Caracas severed ties with Tel Aviv in protest to a massive Israeli onslaught on Gaza.

    The Israeli Foreign Ministry said Wednesday that the move was a response to the expulsion of Tel Aviv’s ambassador from Venezuela.

    On January 6, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez expelled Ambassador Shlomo Cohen and his staff from Caracas and broke off ties with Tel Aviv.

    Israel’s military campaign in the Gaza Strip left over 1,330 Palestinians dead and at least 5,450 others wounded.

    “Venezuela … has definitively decided to break diplomatic ties with the state of Israel given the inhumane persecution of the Palestinian people carried out by the authorities of Israel,” Chavez said in a televised speech.

    In response, Israel accused Venezuela of having relations with Palestinian and Lebanese resistance groups, claiming that Caracas is “training” Hamas and Hezbollah fighters.

    “Due to the decision of Venezuela to cut relations with us a few weeks ago we told the Venezuelan charge d’affaires that he and his staff should leave Israel,” Foreign Ministry official Lior Hayat said adding that they are declared persona non grata in Israel.

    Venezuelan diplomats should leave Israel by Friday.


  286. Hijrah_IslamNo Gravatar says:

    As Salaamu Aleykum Wa Rehmatulah,

    Please help each other in making Hijrah for the sake of Allah (SWT) alone. We complain to Him alone and we seek His help and guidance. He is the most Merciful and the most Loving. We beseech him with our hearts to bestow on us utmost Sakeena (Tranquility) that is the best thing we can ask SWT, Ameen.

    “O my Lord! cause me to land at a blessed landing place, and You are the best of those who cause to land”.(Al-MuMinoon:29)

    Verily! As for those whom the angels take (in death) while they are wronging themselves (as they stayed among the disbelievers even though emigration was obligatory for them), they (angels) say (to them): “In what (condition) were you?” They reply: “We were weak and oppressed on earth.” They (angels) say: “Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to emigrate therein?” Such men will find their abode in Hell – What an evil destination! (Surah Nisah)

  287. MohammedNo Gravatar says:

    Sheik your work continues to amaze me. Mashallah i look forward to reating your writings everyday and cant wait until you deliever a new speech. May Allah give you a high level in Jennah and have mercy on you.

  288. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    @Al Faaris Al Miqdaam
    @Abu Ayrow as Somali Jazak Allah for such great comments. “Jihad and rifle alone. No negotiations. No conferences and No Dialogues” beautiful, let me add one more quote from Sheikh Azzam Shaheed rehmullah.
    “There are few who understand Jihad, the ones who practice it are even lesser and those who remain steadfast on Jihad are rare”
    I wonder how some hypocrites try to discredit those who have written the history of Jihad with their blood, while they themself have no character and no practical experience of Jihad, who have never spent a minute in Ribat but still claim to be champions of Fiq-ul-Jihad. This is absolute Jihalat. Those who scared of Duniya are sitting home and those who scared Allah are fighting in the battle.
    Those who are aksing reference from Quran and Sunnah, dont you read that Sheikh said, listen to the series of Mashari al Ashaq.Our sheikh does not talk with out reference from Quran Sunnah & Hadith.
    Allah says, that you think you will enter paradise and you wont be tested? during your dawa is the only where is the test?If some one is not being opposed by Kuffar or Hizbu shaitan, then its a clear evidence that he/she is not on Haq. Open up your eyes.

    O People, Listen to that person clearly, who claims that he talks for your benefits. If his talk is according to Quran and Sunnah then it is his right that you must support him(fardh) and if it is against Quran and Sunnah you must reject it.
    If you wanna see who is he? then see who are his friends, if you cant find his friends then see who are his enemies. Do you know what this man thinks about the Ummah? do you also know that what are the views of His enemy against your ownself?
    Have you ever thought that who is holding up positions from your side against the crusaders? what is the direction of the arrows of Batil?
    Those people who are encourraging your to have negotiations with the enemy, have already given approval to Kuffar of their help, what is the solution they have for the revival of Ummah from this Zillah(disrespect)? what reply do they have to the bullets of Jews and the christians? ask them answer from Shariat? Oh Muslims, open up the book of Allah and try to understand the religion of Salaf saliheen, recognize the Haq and you will get to knnow Ahle- Haq.(words of Hafiz Ammar Sidiqui, from the book Get up to defend yourself, translated from the Khutba of eidul Fitar by Sheikh Osama Bin Laden Hifdhullah, Shawal 1420)

  289. Abu Ayrow as SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    @ Dawah_isTheWay akhii did you bother to read the article.
    “The approval of Salahudeen and Ibn Shaddad, and the action of 700 Muslim soldiers are not a source of legislation in Islam so we cannot claim that this is an evidence for the legality of martyrdom operations. The evidence for that needs to be derived from Quran and Sunnah and the understanding of the early generations of the text and I have covered this matter in the series of Mashari al -Ashwaaq.”

  290. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum wrwb to the ummah @Syed quth ii, Jazakiallakeir brother for pointing out my mistake,It wasn’t my veiw but something I learnt from someone I trusted Alhumduiallah we are forever learning , Insha’Allah from the right sources.
    @ To the mumins ; What are the fruits of being poor and oppressed in this Duniah = a greater desire for social justice and compassion for your fellow man, a strong sence to share ones meager wealth with the needy and support them through encouraging words and actions Many chances to experience the true beauty of this world ( giving)not taking and a closeness to our creator that only one feels once they have experienced oppression as only Allah is their constant support.From poverty and oppression comes much Kheir.

  291. Abu Ayrow as SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    @ Somalia and the other somali speaking brothers and sisters Sh. Hassan Hussien has a new series called Madahiru Nasir and also listen to Nawaqidul Islam inshaAllah. MashaAllah all of his lectures are amazing but those two are very beneficial wa Allahu alam. We ask Allah (awj) to protect him ameen. Below is the link.
    Just like the english speaking murji’ah hate and label Sh. Anwar Al Awalaki (ha) khaariji. The somali speaking murji’ah hate and label Sh. Hussan Hussien (ha) khaariji as well. Wa a’outhi billah. May Allah give them what they deserve. Ameen
    Your brother

  292. ImranNo Gravatar says:

    @Dawah_isTheWay Pls listen or read electronic copy of Mishary Al Ashfaq for references. This article was about the response and support of previous muslims and todays muslims to the mujahideen.

  293. Abu Ayrow as SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    Army to report record number of suicides. Allahu Akbar!
    That is suicide.
    La hawla wala quwatta illa billah

  294. Abu Ayrow as SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    Economic troubles bring many to the brink.
    “Supervisors at a Los Angeles suicide call-in center say many of the calls they field now are about lapsed medical insurance, foreclosure, bank problems and unemployment benefits. “I don’t think it’s ever been this bad. Not in my tenure,” says counselor Elizabeth Gore. “Because the people that we’re dealing with now, they have always had [money]. They went to school, they were able to get jobs. Now the jobs are not even out there.”
    The worse is yet to come and the Sh. Anwar (ha) said, “you have only seen the beginning”. Who dares to doubt that our brothers are not achieving they stated goals by the grace of Allah.

  295. muhammad from nigeriaNo Gravatar says:

    Allah does not have to tell you the weapons to use for Jihad but He has commanded Jihad in numerous Quranic verses.The matter therefore rests with the mujahideen’s ijtihad at different times…

    ”I wanted the ummah to be in a state of readiness by being educated in the deen so that their iman becomes high.”
    What you are saying in effect is that we should wait till the cows come home.
    Education or tarbiyyah is a lifetime issue and was and can never be a precondition for waging Jihad.
    The problem is not lack of education but WAHN-LOVE OF LIFE AND HATRED OF DEATH!But whoever Allah has raised above this fear,nothwithstanding their few number,are those that undertake this most important ‘ibadah of Jihad.
    And guess what education can even be obtained on the battlefield.Wasn’t the Rasul teaching some of the sahabas to avoid nationalistic tendencies when he noticed it cropping up?

  296. NaeemahNo Gravatar says:

    As adults we understand this, but the muslim children in the west are very confused. I’m a madrasa teacher and tell my kids to never side with the enemies of Allah no matter what and that cnn lies are not to be believed by an intelligent Muslim. but how can i explain to them the suicide bomber who kills 30 in a shia or sunni masjid or in a funneral. there are no materials to read out there about this and we can’t believe the media. Can someone help me on how I should tackle this issue with kids as young as 8 and include teenagers and young adults??
    JazakumLah kheyr

  297. muhammad from nigeriaNo Gravatar says:

    Abu Ayrow as Somali’
    Thanks for the information on suicide in the US army and among the disbelieving population as engendered by the bravery of mujahideen which in turn has led to the economic woes of America and its allies,whether they admit such or not.
    Those who want to condemn suicide should turn their faces to America…that’s where it’s happening.

  298. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    @ Abu Ayrow as Somali

    i like your posts dear brother in islam, they are very uplifting and eemaan strengthening Alhumdulillah.
    may Allah help you and guide you always Ameen.

    also jazakallah for putting the link of ‘Army to report record number of suicides’

    you have put it in BLACK & WHITE for people who only see GREY all around them.

    may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahedeen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.

  299. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    And the Economy will bleed to death.(InshaAllah)

    And Allah Azza wa Jall says in Surah Anfaal:

    36. Verily, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder (men) from the Path of Allâh, and so will they continue to spend it; but in the end it will become an anguish for them. Then they will be overcome. And those who disbelieve will be gathered unto Hell.

    And now watch whats happening with US economy.

    Top U.S. companies cut 35,000 jobs

    As More Jobs Lost, Economists Forecast 3 Million Jobs To Be Lost In The U.S. In 2009

    Chicago Tribune Greg Burns column: Single-day tally: 55,000 jobs gone
    Boeing Layoffs Reach 10,000 As Losses Mount (BA),0,4680613.story

    yes indeed Allah is preparing us for victory and InshaAllah, america will be destroyed by the will of Allah, Indeed Allah says, whoever takes my friends as enemy I wage war against them.
    Ya Ikhwan, abshiro… lets not miss the train. Victory is around the corner InshaAllah.
    I would like to send my salam to all the shuhada of Afghanistan,Iraq, Sheshan and every where and not to be forgotten for sure the best of all, our Brothers of Amle-tashhadiya. May Allah increase your status in Jannah and join us with your caravan. (amin)
    Takbeer- Allah hu Akbar.

  300. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    @Naeemah: Dear sister in Islam May Allah reward you for your concerns of Ummah:
    I can understand your problem: First of all, lets take out our kids from west, its not the place for Muslims to live any more. You will see why kids of Palestine are not confused about this issue. Its not possible without Hijrah, educate their parents to move out of Darul Kufer.
    Kids must be taught clearly who are Muslims and who are not. Shias are Zindeeq(worst kaffers). They have the most wierd concepts about Sahaba and Ummahat ul momineen. I have recently read a book regarding them and believe u me i cannot even write those woords what they used to say. In no way we can call them Muslims. If you doubt about their concepts, ask any scholar or read their books on shiaism. May Allah curse those who curse our sahaba and mothers of the believers.

  301. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Watch this to see the bottomline of the lies of Western Media

    Watch this report in full and you will notice that what the reporter does not stop regurgitating as the Taliban are simple Afghans, fighting a brutal occupation. Since they are betting, drinking, gambling and enjoying music, so they are “new,” “modern,” “new style” Taliban and “new Afghan incarnation” for the reporter. But he won’t say the truth that these are ordinary Afghans because he is 20 minutes into the reports that says nothing but blaming Taliban for everything that has gone wrong.

    The Western media would keep on adding these adjectives only to add legitimacy to an illegal war and illegitimate occupation and justify mass murder in the name of the Taliban and Al-qaeda, despite the admission, as you will see in this report, that “no one talks about Osama, al-Qaeda or Mullah Omar.” All this discussion is part of the Western media and politics’ fantacy world they have created to fool their public into supporting the war of terror.

    In this report everything is factual. The evidence is right there. But what they report is wrong. The Afghans fighting against the occupiers are drinking, gambling, betting, and we don’t know what else are they doing which the reporter calls “un-Islamic.” Yet the reporter calls them Taliban. The evidence on the tape shows these are ordinary Afghans, standing up to the invaders. But the report won’t say this because it started with the Taliban mantra. So when they see the evidence they cannot hide, they call it “new Taliban,” etc. just to save their lies from falling apart.

  302. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    A good website:

  303. prostratingcavalryNo Gravatar says:

    As Salamu Alaikum wr/wb to all my dear brothers and sisters, MashAllah the issue of jihad and martyrdom operations is crystal clear from the many many evidences that our dear sheikh has presented in his various works, as well as those reiterated and explained on this site. There is no doubt that the predominant view here is the haq, alhamdolilah we are now all prepared to teach those who are not here, this is our next responsibility. But, before I continue, I must say that I totally yearn to do jihad and to do all we’ve discussed, my duas are for the mujahideen, and for unity in their ranks,- but even if all the muslims find ways of making it to the frontline, and become shaheed inshAllah, as we all desperately want,- how are we going to implement shariah, we do need a constitution and people well versed in it, as well as all aspects of shariah and geopolitics. Whether we establish Khilafah through jihad or during it, we do need to educate the ummah quicktime, and strengthen them against the undoubted revenge of the west, so they all like us are ready to fight and die for khilafah in jihad fisabilillah. My point is, shouldn’t we link our zeal for jihad with our work for khilafah, day and night, non stop doing actions that guide the ummah to the mother of all fards. We here may know, but so much of the ummah doesn’t even know she’s become RANDized, because the teachings of compromise are so subtle. The ummah needs us to present Islam as an alternative as well as the true way of life, by showing how it will practically solve economic, sociatal and legal problems. Our dear sheikh does this, and I’m sure many of you do too, but I think, we could learn a lot from many of the brothers and sisters here, if we also discussed the giving of dawah for khilafah, as inshAllah the whole ummah will definately live in it, but unfortunately not all will fight fisabilillah for it.

  304. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    "Remember that Allah's religion is not dependent on the world's approval.
    "If you disbelieve, you and all on earth together, then verily! Allâh is Rich (Free of all wants), Owner of all Praise." [14:8]

    Had Allah willed, He would triumph over his enemies without supporters and men but He wishes to test the people against each other and choose the believers as martyrs. When ordeals occur, they show the difference between people of firmness and people who lack resolve and steadfastness. Those who think ill of Allah can only cause dissorder in the ranks.
    Anyone who tries to justify his lack of resolve and seperation from the struggle will be set afar from the ranks to keep them strong.

    ‘Allah will not leave the believers in the state in which they are now until He separates what is evil from what is good’ [3:179]
    - Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi

  305. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Naeemah wrote: “As adults we understand this, but the muslim children in the west are very confused. I’m a madrasa teacher and tell my kids to never side with the enemies of Allah no matter what and that cnn lies are not to be believed by an intelligent Muslim. but how can i explain to them the suicide bomber who kills 30 in a shia or sunni masjid or in a funneral. there are no materials to read out there about this and we can’t believe the media. Can someone help me on how I should tackle this issue with kids as young as 8 and include teenagers and young adults??”
    First of all you have to let your students understand the real issues that are happening in the world. You do not have to water it down or give them false information regarding the real enemies of Islam, especially the Jews and those who associate others with Allah Azza Wa Jall.
    “You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah;” [Surah Al-Mâ'idah, Ayat 82]
    The Students also have to know who the real soldiers of Al-Islam. You have to make them understand and differentiate who are fighting for nationalistic causes and those who are fighting for the sake of Allah Azza Wa Jall, and establishing the Islamic state for the Shariah and not a Taghut run government. For example, today we have the Taliban al-Mujahideen in Afghanistan, or the Shabab al-Mujahideen in Somalia for instance who are on the path of Jihadfeesabililah. The Taliban (or the students) brought up the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, and is headed by Ameerul Mumineen, (Commander in chief of the Believers) Sheikh, Mujahid, Imam Mullah Mohammed Omar, may Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala Protect him). The Students or the Taliban implemented the Shariah in Afghanistan and gained popularity among the believers. It is this Mujahideen that succeeded in banishing out the Russian Kuffar of their occupation in Afghanistan.
    Now, today we have another occupation, and injustice in Afghanistan by the United States of America and its allies of NATO countries including the Illegal State of Israel. These attacks against the Islamic state of Afghanistan came with notorious lies, atrocious propaganda, and ferocious oppression by the United States of America and NATO.
    The Mujahideen, i.e. the Taliban, by the Will of Allah Azza Wa Jall, is able and still able to fight against this occupation and oppression (despite the Taliban small number in arms) and is inflicting great harm on the Satan forces in Afghanistan. How can you understand this? Afghanistan was attacked in 2001 by the United States and its allies, and they (US and NATO countries) are still begging for more and more of their “soon to be dead soldiers”.
    In order to reduce the numbers of their dead and their casualties, the United States have started to randomly attack Pakistan, mosques, villages and putting blame of these atrocities to the Taliban or the Mujahideen. In this way, The US will command its puppets in Pakistan to send their Army to fight against the Muslims Who are supporting the Mujahideen and the Taliban. In this way, Muslim armies are going to serve as a source for military man power for the US and NATO. Pakistan Soldiers will now continue to be sacrificed to fight wars for the United States of America and Illegal State of Israel, attacking and oppressing countries that stand on their path for world domination.
    In Iraq and Afghanistan, all the terrorism is done by the same Americans and British as well, to give them more justification to stay in the Muslim lands for “entirety”. Like how the Europeans, British “founded” the Republic of the United States of America against the Native Americans, Lakotas or “Indians”.
    In Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and other lands, The Crusaders perpetrate these attacks in markets, mosques, hospitals, schools and then blame it on so call “Muslim terrorist”. Who is bombing the Masaajid? Muslims? No. not Muslims. It can only be Kuffar that commit these atrocities and killing Muslims. In Iraq, they kill the “Shias” and blame it on the “Sunnis” and kill the “Sunnis” and blame it on the “Shias”. Before America and Britain and their corrupted allies like Illegal Israel went to Iraq there were no case of “suicide” bombings in mosques, hospitals and there was no so call “killings between the Sunnis and Shias”. These phenomenons started after the invasions and the occupations. The Muslims are just basically defending themselves against these American and British terrorists. The occupiers employ mercenaries and death squads to do their dirty jobs like the US Army raping Muslims women etc and torturing and slaughtering our young and old men. Same thing with what happened in the Abu Gharib and Guantanomo bay prisons. You know there is so much abuse and injustice filled in these kuffar’s hearts.
    Same process is going on today in Somalia, Palestine and Gujarat. Then they will try other lands wherever Muslims are. So when you see, Masjid AL-Aqsa brought to the ground, Allah Forbid, or other great masaajid disappear from the face of the world they will blame it on the “Muslim Terrorist” and those Muslims still sleeping or blinded by their media will agree to that.
    As to what is happening in Pakistan, this is the same story. Justification for them to enter Pakistan and continue their annihilation of Muslims, just like Musharaf, one of their puppets did few months ago, attacking Mosques and killing innocent lives in the houses of Allah.
    Allah [SWT] Says “Fitnah is worse than killing” {2:190}
    The Fitnah that the American and British terrorists and allies such as Illegal Israel are doing are greater and more harmful. They expel people from their homes; invade and occupy their lands, create millions of refugees, who have neither safety nor salaam. As for those Muslims that Americans and the British killed and annihilated, Inshallah we hope that they will be forgiven and sent to Paradise.
    These terrorist did not only create these great Fitnah and killing, but also create 21st century slavery, colonization and nationalism. Muslims have the right to defend themselves against all these injustices. And “there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors.” {2-193}
    So you as a teacher it is your duty to make your students understand these issues that the Ummah faces. These students have to really understand these problems so that they can be armed with Imaan and determination to be the future soldiers of Allah Azza Wa Jall, and to protect Islam and Muslims. You should not conceal the issues of Jihad, or for that matter, the legality of Martyrdom operations in Islam. The issues of Al Wala’ Wal Bara’ have to be clarified for the children as well.

    “O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.”
    [Sura Al-Ma'idah, Ayat 51]

    “And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, “Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance.” If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.”
    [Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 120]

    The children have to know these things now while they are growing up and not wait until they are all grown ups to try to explain these things to them. The results of that as we know are usually what see now, as some being ignorant and arrogant about these issues.

    Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of taghut. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak.
    [Surah An-Nisâ, Ayat 76]
    And Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala Knows best.

  306. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum:

    Sister Lubna’s, (may Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala protect her) Video link is another example of the notorious lies and the atrocious propagandas of the western media to discredit the Taliban al-Mujahideen and to cause the muslims to part against them. There are tons and tons of these kinds of lies and propagandas in the west and kuffar countries against the Mujahideen, who are not only in Afghanistan but in Somalia, Palestine, Pakistan, and everywhere we are as well.

    “O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason.”
    [Surah Aal-Imrân, Ayat 118]

  307. Israeli army used flechettes against Gaza civiliansNo Gravatar says:

    27 January 2009
    Apart from white phosphorus, the Israeli army used a variety of other weapons in densely populated civilian areas of Gaza in the three-week conflict that began on 27 December.
    Flechettes are 4cm long metal darts that are sharply pointed at the front, with four fins at the rear. Between 5,000 and 8,000 are packed into 120mm shells which are generally fired from tanks. The shells explode in the air and scatter the flechettes in a conical pattern over an area about 300m wide and 100m long.
    An anti-personnel weapon designed to penetrate dense vegetation, flechettes should never be used in built-up civilian areas. The Israeli army has used them in Gaza periodically for several years. In most cases their use has resulted in civilians being killed or injured.
    Amnesty International’s fact-finding team in Gaza first heard about the use of flechettes in the most recent conflict some ten days ago. The father of one of the victims showed the team a flechette which had been taken out of his son’s body.
    In its latest post on Amnesty International’s Livewire blog, the team described how on Monday it visited towns and villages around Gaza and found more hard evidence of the use of flechettes.
    In ‘Izbat Beit Hanoun, to the south-west of the town of Beit Hanoun, several flechette shells were fired into the main road, killing two people and injuring several others on the morning of 5 January.
    Wafa’ Nabil Abu Jarad, a 21-year-old pregnant mother of two, was one of those killed. Her husband and her mother-in-law told the team that the family had just had breakfast and were outside the house drinking tea in the sun.
    Wafa’ and her husband were standing by the corner of the house when they heard a noise, followed by screams. They turned to go back into their house but at that moment Wafa’ and several other members of the family were hit by flechettes. Wafa’ was killed outright.
    That same day, at the other end of the street, 16-year-old Islam Jaber Abd-al-Dayem was struck in the neck by a flechette. He was taken to the hospital’s intensive care unit but died three days later. Mizar, his brother, was injured in the same attack and still has a flechette lodged in his back.
    In the village of al-Mughraqa on the morning of 7 January, a shell struck the room where Atta Hassan Aref Azzam was sitting with two of his children, Mohammed, aged 13 and Hassan, aged two and a half. All three were killed. The six other members of the family who were in the house fled to the nearest school for shelter. The team examined the bloodstained wall by which the three were killed. It was full of flechettes.

  308. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols
    3 Safar 1430 H./ 29-01-2009

    In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
    All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
    6 Canadian invader army Terrorists killed in Kandahar Thursday morning 29-01-2009 at approximately 9:13 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a foot patrolling unit of Canadian invaders army in Sperwan area in Panjwai district of Kandahar province, the landmine killed six invader terrorists and wounded a few.
    6 American invader army Terrorists killed in Farah Thursday morning 29-01-2009 at approximately 9:11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up on foot American invaders army in Dihdadi area in Bakwa district of Farah province, the landmine killed six invader terrorists and few wounded.
    Puppet district headquarter attacked in Takhar Thursday midnight 29-01-2009 at approximately 2:00 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked puppets district headquarter in Ishkamish district of Takhar province, in the attack the headquarter and police station was damaged but enemy causalities were not reported.
    1 tank of American invaders destroyed in Kunar Wednesday night 28-01-2009 at approximately 10:12 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed convoy of American invaders army in Deoa Gul area in Choki district of Kunar province, in the ambush one tank of American invaders army was destroyed and few terrorists were killed or wounded .

    ambushed kills 4 American invader terrorists in Kunar Wednesday night 28-01-2009 at approximately 11:12 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed convoy of American invaders army in Paqer Alimor of Korangal valley of Kunar province, in the ambush four American terrorists were killed, few were wounded also few tanks of enemy were damaged.
    O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
    O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
    O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
    O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
    O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
    O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
    O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
    Allahu Akbar
    “Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
    [Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid ]

  309. JassimNo Gravatar says:

    @ brother khurasan
    Amin. InshaAllah I’ll do that.

  310. SaladinNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum Sister Lubna, Jazakallah for your views about the pharonic media reporting about Taliban. If you notice they keep blaming Taliban for the mess forgetting the 10 years of brutal occupation by Soviets that bombed the poor country to dust and then the US and its NATO coalition pounced on the battered country bombing it to dust. All the media talks about is how girls are not allowed to study . They don’t mention that the country does not have any infrastructure left. There are no boys school to begin with and the media keeps repeating the mantra about girls education. Then they mention how the Buddha statues were demolished. The media avoids the fact that the UN was trying to restore the Buddha statues at a time when there was famine that was killing innocents. The UN and its donors were interested in preserving the art of stone statues at a time when children were dying. It was no surprize that Taliban needed to demolish those stone artifacts. Remember the story of Umar RA when he was kissing the Hijre Aswad in Kabah. He said he is doing it out of respect for Prophet SAS as he saw him doing the same but a blood of a single Muslim is more precious than the Hijre Aswad. Where do Buddha statues come in front of Hijre Aswad. The value of single human life is paramount in Islam compared to such stone artifacts. A group of concerned Americans have been calling poor Taliban as hillbilly tribesmen that were used as pretext to be near Central Asian where there are tremondous resources. There is a flourishing US military base in Uzbekistan and India is groomed by West to be a player in that region. India has built its first airbase outside India in Tadjikistan. And mercenary Pakistani leaders were asking for a corridor through Afghanistan to establish trade with Central Asia. Pakistan failed to get any recognition for its dubious role in war on terror and was never a part of security agreements taking place between Afghanistan, Russia, China, US , India and other central Asian countries. But whatever plan the enemies of Islam are hatching, Islam will be the winner. There was a BBC documentary by Riz Khan several years back on Central Asia. It dwelt on the present communist apparatchiks that were installed by Moscow. The Central Asian countries did not gain independance through any struggle. They were given independance on plate making sure that the installed puppets serve Moscow’s and Western interest in the long term scenario. Anyway the BBC documnetary concluded that communism will have its last stand in Central Asia but Islam will be the ultimate winner. And Insha’Allah there are already signs in that direction.

  311. Al-Baraa Ibn Malik: ''...There is only Allah, then Paradise.''No Gravatar says:

    This particular story begins only hours after the death of the noble Prophet when many Arabian tribes took to leaving the religion of Allah in large numbers, just as they had entered it in large numbers. Within a short space of time only the people of Makkah, Madinah and Ta’if and scattered communities here and there, whose commitment to Islam was unwavering, remained within the religion. Abu Bakr as-Seddeeq, the successor to the Prophet, stood firm against this blind and destructive movement. From the Muhajireen and Ansar, he mobilized 11 armies each under a separate commander and dispatched them to various parts of the Arabian peninsula. Their purpose was to make the apostates return to the path of guidance and truth and to confront the leaders of the rebellion. The strongest group of apostates and the greatest in number were the Banu Hanifah among whom Musaylamah the Imposter arose, claiming that he was a prophet. Musaylamah managed to mobilize forty thousand of the best fighters among his people. Most of these however followed him for the sake of ‘asabeyyah (or tribal loyalty) and not because they believed in him. One of them in fact said, “I testify that Musaylamah is an imposter and that Muhammad is true but the imposter of Rabi’ah (Musaylamah) is dearer to us than the true man of Mudar (Muhammad).”

    Musaylamah routed the first army sent against him under the leadership of Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl. Abu Bakr dispatched another army against Musaylamah led by Khalid bin al-Waleed. This army included the cream of the Sahabah from both the Ansar and the Muhajireen. In the front ranks of this army was Al-Baraa ibn Malik and a group of the most valiant Muslims. The two armies met in the territory of the Banu Hanifah at Yamamah in Najd. Before long, the scale of battle tilted in favor of Musaylamah and his men. The Muslim armies began to retreat from their positions. Musaylamah’s forces even stormed the tent of Khalid bin al-Waleed and drove him from his position. They would have killed his wife if one of them had not granted her protection. At that point, the Muslims realized in what a perilous situation they were. They were also conscious of the fact that if they were annihilated by Musaylamah, Islam would not be able to stand as a religion and Allah the One God with whom there is no partner would not be worshipped in the Arabian peninsula after that. Khalid mustered his forces once more and began reorganizing them. He separated the Muhajireen and the Ansar and kept men from different tribes apart. Each was put under the leadership of one of its own members so that the losses of each group in the battle might be known. The battle raged. There was much destruction and death. The Muslims had not experienced anything like this in all the wars they had fought before. Musaylamah’s men remained firm amidst the tumult, as firm as immovable mountains although many of them had fallen. The Muslims displayed tremendous feats of heroism. Thabit ibn Qays, the standard bearer of the Ansar, dug a pit and planted himself in it and fought until he was killed. The pit he dug turned out to be his grave. Zayd ibn al-Khattab, brother of Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with them both, called out to the Muslims, “Men, bite with your jaw teeth, strike the enemy and press on. By Allah, I shall not speak to you after this until either Musaylamah is defeated or I meet Allah.” He then charged against the enemy and continued fighting until he was killed. Salim, the mawla of Abu Hudhaifah, and standard bearer of the Muhajireen displayed unexpected valor. His people feared that he would show weakness or be too terrified to fight. To them he said, “If you manage to overtake me, what a miserable bearer of the Qur’an I shall be.” He then valiantly plunged into the enemy ranks and eventually fell as a martyr. The bravery of all these, however, wanes in front of the heroism of al-Baraa ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him and with them all. As the battle grew fiercer and fiercer, Khalid turned to al-Baraa and said, “Charge, young man of the Ansar.” Al-Baraa turned to his men and said, “O Ansar, let not anyone of you think of returning to Madinah. There is no Madinah for you after this day. There is only Allah, then Paradise.” He and the Ansar then launched their attack against the mushrikeen, breaking their ranks and dealing telling blows against them until eventually they began to withdraw. They sought refuge in a garden which later became known in history as The Garden of Death because of the many killed there on that day. The garden was surrounded by high walls. Musaylamah and thousands of his men entered and closed the gates behind them and fortified themselves. From their new positions they began to rain down arrows on the Muslims. The valiant Baraa went forward and addressed his company, “Put me on a shield. Raise the shield on spears and hurl me into the garden near the gate. Either I shall die a martyr or I shall open the gate for you.” The thin and wiry al-Baraa was soon sitting on a shield. A number of spears raised the shield and he was thrown into the Garden of Death amongst the multitude of Musaylamah’s men. He descended on them like a thunderbolt and continued to fight them in front of the gate. Many fell to his sword and he himself sustained numerous wounds before he could open the gate. The Muslims charged into the Garden of Death through the gates and over the walls. Fighting was bitter and at close quarters and hundreds were killed. Finally the Muslims came upon Musaylamah and he was killed. Al Baraa was taken in a litter to Madinah. Khalid ibn Al-Walid spent a month looking after him and tending his wounds. Eventually his condition improved. Through him the Muslims had gained victory over Musaylamah.

  312. prostratingcavalryNo Gravatar says:

    Khilafah is not dependant on the worlds approval, what Allah wills, will occur, but surely we should work towards what we want to achieve, tie your camel etc.

  313. Jaafar Ibn Abi TalebNo Gravatar says:

    When the Muslim army reached Mu’tah, a small village situated among hills in Jordan, they discovered that the Byzantines had amassed a hundred thousand men backed up by a massive number of Christian Arabs from the tribes of Lakhm, Judhaam, Qudaah and others. The Muslim army only numbered thirty thousand…

    Despite the great odds against them, the Muslim forces engaged the Byzantines in battle. Zayd ibn Haarithah, the beloved companion of the Prophet, was among the first to fall. Ja’far ibn Abee Taalib then assumed command. Mounted on his ruddy-complexioned horse, he penetrated deep into the Byzantine ranks. As he spurred his horse on, he called out:

    “How wonderful is Paradise as it draws near!
    How pleasant and cool is its drink!
    Punishment for the Byzantines is not far away!”

    Ja’far continued to fight vigorously but was eventually slain. The third in command, ‘Abdullaah ibn Rawaahah, also fell. Khaalid ibn al-Waleed. the inveterate fighter who had recently accepted Isl?m, was then chosen as the commander. He made a tactical withdrawal, redeployed the Muslims and renewed the attack from several directions. Eventually, the bulk of the Byzantine forces fled in disarray.

    The news of the death of his three commanders reached the Prophet in Madeena. The pain and grief he felt was intense. He went to Ja’far’s house and met his wife Asmaa’. She was getting ready to receive her absent husband. She had prepared dough and bathed and clothed the children. Asmaa’ said:

    ”When the Messenger of God approached us, I saw a veil of sadness shrouding his noble face and I became very apprehensive. But I did not dare ask him about Ja’far for fear that I would hear some unpleasant news. He greeted and asked, “Where are Ja’far’s children?” I called them for him and they came and crowded around him happily, each one wanting to claim him for himself. He leaned over and hugged them while tears flowed from his eyes.

    ‘O Messenger of God,’ I asked, ‘Why do you cry? Have you heard anything about Ja’far and his two companions?’

    ‘Yes,’ he replied, ‘Tney have attained martyrdom.’”

    The smiles and the laughter vanished from the faces of the little children when they heard their mother crying and wailing. Women came and gathered around Asmaa’.

    “O Asmaa’,” said the Prophet, “Don’t say anything objectionable and don’t beat your breast.” He then prayed to God to protect and sustain the family of Ja’far and assured them that he had attained Paradise. The Prophet left Asmaa’s house and went to his daughter Faatimah who was also weeping. To her, he said: “For such as Ja’far, you can (easily) cry yourself to death. Prepare food for Ja’far’s family for today they are beside themselves with grief.”

  314. The best deathNo Gravatar says:

    Um (the mother of) Haritha came to Allah’s Apostle after Haritha had been martyred on the Day (of the battle) of Badr by an arrow thrown by an unknown person. She said, “O Allah’s Apostle! You know the position of Haritha in my heart (i.e. how dear to me he was), so if he is in Paradise, I will not weep for him, or otherwise, you will see what I will do.” The Prophet said, “Are you mad? Is there only one Paradise? There are many Paradises, and he is in the highest Paradise of Firdaus.” The Prophet added..

    “A forenoon journey or an after noon journey in Allah’s Cause is better than the whole world and whatever is in it; and a place equal to an arrow bow of anyone of you, or a place equal to a foot in Paradise is better than the whole world and whatever is in it; and if one of the women of Paradise looked at the earth, she would fill the whole space between them (the earth and the heaven) with light, and would fill whatever is in between them, with perfume, and the veil of her face is better than the whole world and whatever is in it.”

  315. Allah removed from my heart all traces of fearNo Gravatar says:

    Said ibn Zayd was totally devoted to the Prophet and the service of Islam.
    He witnessed all the major campaigns and encounters in which the Prophet engaged with the exception of Badr.

    Before Badr, he and Talhah were sent by the Prophet as scouts to Hawra on the Red Sea coast due west of Madinah to bring him news of a Quraysh caravan returning from Syria…

    When Talhah and Said returned to Madinah the Prophet had already set out for Badr with the first Muslim army of just over three hundred men.

    After the passing away of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, Said continued to play a major role in the Muslim community. He was one of those whom Abu Bakr consulted on his succession and his name is often linked with such companions as Uthman, Abu Ubaydah and Sad ibn Abi Waqqas in the campaigns that were waged. He was known for his courage and heroism, a glimpse of which we can get from his account of the Battle of Yarmuk. He said: “For the Battle of Yarmuk, we were twenty four thousand or thereabout. Against us, the Byzantines mobilized one hundred and twenty thousand men. They advanced towards us with a heavy and thunderous movement as if mountains were being moved. Bishops and priests strode before them bearing crosses and chanting litanies which were repeated by the soldiers behind them. When the Muslims saw them mobilized thus, they became worried by their vast numbers and something of anxiety and fear entered their hearts. Thereupon, Abu Ubaydah stood before the Muslims and urged them to fight. “Worshippers of God” he said, “help God and God will help you and make your feet firm.”

    “Worshippers of God, be patient and steadfast for indeed patience and steadfastness (sabr) is a salvation from unbelief, a means of attaining the pleasure of God and a defence against ignominy and disgrace.”

    “Draw out your spears and protect yourselves with your shields. Don’t utter anything among yourselves but the remembrance of God Almighty until I give you the command, if God wills.”

    “Thereupon a man emerged from the ranks of the Muslims and said: “I have resolved to die this very hour. Have you a message to send to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace?”

    “Yes” replied Abu Ubaydah, “convey salaam to him from me and from the Muslims and say to him: O Messenger of God, we have found true what our Lord has promised us.”

    “As soon as I heard the man speak and saw him unsheathe his sword and go out to meet the enemy, I threw myself on the ground and crept on all fours and with my spear I felled the first enemy horseman racing towards us. Then I fell upon the enemy and God removed from my heart all traces of fear. The Muslims engaged the advancing Byzantines and continued fighting until they were blessed with victory.”

    Said was ranked by the Prophet as one of the outstanding members of his generation. He was among ten of the companions whom the Prophet visited one day and promised Paradise. These were Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Abdur-Rahman ibn Awl, Abu Ubaydah, Talhah, az-Zubayr, Sad of Zuhrah, and Said the son of Zayd the Hanif. The books of the Prophet’s sayings have recorded his great praises of the Promised Ten (al-’asharatu-l mubashshirun) and indeed of others whom on other occasions he also gave good tidings of Paradise.

  316. Punishment for cursing the SahabaNo Gravatar says:

    Saad bin Abi Waqas (may Allah be pleased with him) one day heard a man grumpling; when he listened closely to what he was saying he realized he was abusing Ali, Talhah and Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them). He told him to stop, but he would not listen and continued. Finally, Saad bin Abi Waqas (may Allah be pleased with him) lost his temper, and said if he did not control his tongue he would put a curse on him. Arrogantly the man told him that he was arrogating powers to himself and he asked him if he thought he was a Prophet..

    Listening to the man’s bitter words, he merely turned away. He went, made his ablutions for prayer and offered two supererogatory units of prayer. Then he entreated Allah Almighty:

    “Oh Allah you know that this man is abusing men of purity, with whom You Yourself are Pleased because of their goodness. Surely You will not approve of theses abuses. May this man be a lesson for such other men.”

    He had barely done with his supplications when people saw that a raging she-camel had broken away from the rope which tethered her, and leaving her home had entered in the midst of a crowd of people. It seemed as if she was looking for a particular person. In seconds she had the head of a person in her bloodthirsty jaws and was shaking it violently from side to side. Finally his neck broke and in no time he had become the prey of death. People were stunned in silence. The dead man was non other than the one who had been abusing the noble companions a few minutes earlier, and against whom Saad bin Abi Waqas (may Allah be pleased with him) appeared. He had indeed become a lesson for people.

  317. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    brother these are not my words but of Abid Ulla Jan i.e the admin of that site. i am not that eloquent and knowledgeable YET.

    jazakallah for your duaa brother,may ALlah protect you and guide you always Ameen. your reply to sister Naeema has refreshed my memory too, i already bleived in every word you said.

    @Al-Baraa Ibn Malik: ”…There is only Allah, then Paradise.”

    beautiful recount brother, jazakallah khayer, may we all learn the lesson directed at us in this incident.Ameen.

    may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahedeen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.

  318. AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    Islamic state of Iraq official video
    two year on the progress

    p.s check out the little brothers dua in clips 3 ALLAH U AKBAR

  319. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum wrwb to the beautiful members of the Ummah of Mohummed saws ) Jazakiallahkeir for all the wise posts reminders and the chance to gain beneficial Knowledge After feeling so down about the terrible situation of the ummah and my own heavy load this is like a breath of fresh air The blessings on Jumah the Day of Increase, on you all May Allah swt Increase our Emaan and our love to please Allah swt fee sabililah and gives us the ability to make a positive difference I love and respect you all for the sake of Allah You never cease to amaze me and support me with your words of Hikma Insha’Allah make it easy for us all to implement our words into action. To make Hijra feesabililah and join the force for Jihad and for Khalifah fee sabililah I would like to support u all with more than just my duas insha”Allah I will soon please say Amin your respectful sister in Islam Wasalames

  320. AL- AYD means strength in obedience to AllahNo Gravatar says:

    The most beloved of prayer to Allah is the prayer of Dawud as , and the most beloved of fasting is the fasting of Dawud as , He used to sleep for half of the night, stand in prayer for a third of the night, then sleep for a sixth of the night, and he used to fast alternate days. He never fled from the battlefield, and he always turned to Allah.

  321. faizaNo Gravatar says:

    @ um umar
    ameen ameen ameen

  322. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @Dear sister Faiza Jazakillahkeir Allah protect you and your family and bless you in this life and the next,and may Allah Most Gracious accept your duas

  323. umm abdullahNo Gravatar says:

    oh dear sister naeemah,

    Its best if you tell stories of sahaba and their jihad to the kidsand also telling stories of Shuhada for example of Bosnia(from the cassete by Azzam Publications “in the hearts of green birds” and “under the shades of swords”),Afghanistan(the book “signs of Rahman in jihad of Afghan”,and Iraq(siyar a’llam shuhada fee biladi rafidayn”)and quiz them once in a while and mashallah they begin to develop great love for jihad and shahada.This is what we should be telling our kids as bed time stories instead of brothers Grimm “fairy tales”.

  324. Anti-SomethingNo Gravatar says:


    No doubt every act has conditions that need be fulfilled in order for the act to be classified permissable.
    and the act in question of MO is not exempt from conditions.

    The muslim can not opt for MO, when the result will be 50 dead civilians and 1 dead kafir.

    no, rather some of the conditions i recall just from the top of my head,going by the conditions listed by shaikh al bani in his fatwa regarding this issue include,
    1)permission from the amir of the army to carry out the act.

    2)the option for MO must be a LAST RESULT. (used when other means of warfare can not be applied or prove to be not of benefit. and this is judgement passed by the amir of the soldiers.

    3) in order to do the act the benefit must be for the muslim army as a result whilst simultaneously weakening the enemie.

    and much more.

  325. Anti-SomethingNo Gravatar says:

    Not intending to patronise, but reading through some of the comments. i have come to the conclution that this topic is too complex for some to grasp. so before making a decision i sincerely advice you to not be hasty in judgement. for Allah loves the one who seeks ilm with sabr. than the one who seeks a conclution with impatience.

    remember there is so much you can know. and then nomore. none the less that MORE, still exists.

    this MO topic being halal or haram is to complex for simple minds that are clued up only on basics. their logic/ reasoning is basic and their understanding is basic so no doubt they seek a basic conclution. whilst looking at a complex issue. and here is where the problem lies.

    and i pass this judgement in light of what the questions asked show me.
    this is not a black and white matter. the truth is in study of the grey area.

    may Allah reward those who seek the haq with patience and are not hasty.
    may Allah forgive us and guide all of us.

    lastly barakallahu feek sheikh anwar.
    you will be in my duas.

  326. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    Sister Hawaa – Sword of the Hijab
    To all Muslims!
    To all those who failed to fulfill their duties to their brothers and sisters in Chechnya,
    To all those who waste their time with worldly exploits
    while Muslims are slaughtered in Chechnya and other parts of the world
    Take heed of the message issued by a young Muslim woman who wore the Hijab and was not even 20 years old, whose final words were: “I know what I am doing; Paradise has a price and I hope this will be the price for Paradise.”
    Moments later, sister Hawaa’ Barayev drove a car laden with explosives through the streets of Alkhan Kala and into a building that was used by the leadership of Russian Special Forces in Chechnya. Russian troops unleashed a hail of fire in an attempt to stop sister Hawaa’, but Allah had chosen to give victory to her and to her message. She drove the car through the gates and into the centre of the building. The explosives detonated ripping through the structure and causing heavy damage.

    After the dust settled, 27 Russian soldiers, many of them senior Special Forces officers, lay dead. The building used by the Russian Special Forces was severely damaged, and a Russian army of 270,000 Russians watched helplessly as a female warrior of Allah drove a knife through the heart of the leadership of Russia’s elite forces. The massive damage to the building and the hundreds of panicky Russian soldiers who surrounded the structure after the attack belied official statements that only few soldiers were killed or wounded in the attack.
    Sister Hawaa’s sacrifice for the sake of Allah and the Muslims is a warning to the unbelievers not only in Chechnya, but across the world, that the people of Allah will no longer accept the tyranny of infidels. It is a warning to all those who think they can commit crimes against Muslim women and children without being accountable for such crimes; Hawaa’ Barayev taught the enemies of Allah that they will be held accountable and will be hunted down by the soldiers of Allah; Hawaa’ Barayev taught the enemies of Allah that the Ummah of Islam still has, and will always have, mothers who give birth to Mujahideen, men and women, who will defend the faith and honour of Muslims everywhere.
    Will those Muslims who are sitting in the comfort of their homes learn the lessons taught to the world by Hawaa’Barayev; will you follow in her example of unquestioning faith and heroic selflessness? Will you support your brothers and sisters in Chechnya with your strength, political and financial? Will you at least remember your brothers and sisters in Chechnya in your prayers?
    This operation has added a new dimension to the guerilla war that the Mujahideen are undertaking as part of their effort to exterminate the presence of Russian forces in Chechnya. May Allah increase the number and scope of such operations, and may He grant His Infinite Mercy to our beloved sister and martyr of the Ummah, Hawaa, for truly is He the Most Gracious and Most Merciful, and we do not sanctify anyone above Him.
    Shortly after news of the operation spread, Field Commander Ramadan Ahmadov commented: “The men of Chechnya who are sitting at home and doing nothing can no longer look at the faces of their women any more; may Allah have mercy on sister Hawaa’.”
    Hawaa’ Barayev is the first woman to launch such a martyrdom operation in Chechnya. She is not the first woman martyr in Chechnya, for there have been many of our sisters who have died at the hands of the Russian cowards. However, sister Hawaa’ has set a precedent with her actions; not only has she followed in the footsteps of her elder cousin, the brilliant field commander, Arbi Barayev, she has also reinforced the determination of the Mujahideen to live, fight and die for the sake of Allah Most High.
    May Allah grant His Victory to the Mujahideen in Chechnya, and may He reserve for them a lofty position in the highest levels of Paradise and in the shade of His Glorious Throne. May one of these Mujahideen be our sister and martyr of this Ummah:

    “I know what I am doing; Paradise has a price
    and I hope this will be the price for Paradise.”
    Hawaa’ Barayev, The Sword of the Hijab.

  327. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @surat_an_nisa_74_100 masha”Allah I did read about Hawaa before but not as beautifully put as this post Jazakiallahkeir sister.
    @Anti-something theres alot of Hikma in what you said but there are times when decisions have to be made quickly and not always with an Amir present, and thats when your connection with Allah really comes through As Allah is the one who inspires us into action.

  328. NaeemahNo Gravatar says:

    JazakumuLah kheyr for your advice sisters and brothers, Jihadfeesabililah May Allah reward you with Jannat Firdaus you are very knowledgable and couragious. As I was reading your comment i felt love for the sake of Allah for you and i remembered a hadith that a man told the prophet SAW “I love that man…” and the prophet SAW asked him if he told him when he said no he said to him that he should go and tell him now. Everyone has put out great comments and show their determination. the Kaffirs are trying to uproot Islam but they don’t know its planted in our hearts thus they’ll have to uproot 1.5billion people to eliminate Islam. May Allah help us be steadfast. Amin

  329. Anti-SomethingNo Gravatar says:

    @um umar you said

    “Anti-something theres alot of Hikma in what you said but there are times when decisions have to be made quickly and not always with an Amir present, and thats when your connection with Allah really comes through As Allah is the one who inspires us into action.”

    Barakallahu feeki ukhti for your comment. I in no way object. i was stating the the general rules not neccessarily intending to get in depth. To clarify i do acknowledge that exceptions to the general prohibitions exist. be the topic be MO or any other deeny issue.

    this further illustrates my point that this topic is to complex and requires deep thought and understanding. may Allah make us of those whom he blesses with religeous understanding.

    as for all of you muslimeen whom replied to ‘nice try but’
    may Allah reward you for your effort. i believe the haq has been stated and it is up to ‘nice’ to accept or not.

    May Allah guide these objectors.
    and thank Allah ya muslimeen for blessing you with good reasoning. No doubt this is a great gift. and the weapon we use by Allahs leave to differentiate between haq and batil.

    Fi amaanilaah

  330. StrangersNo Gravatar says:

    Aslam alaikum my dear and blessed brothers and sisters, may Allah pave the way for us to the safest place on earth ‘the battlefield’ Subhan’Allah.

    After reading so many of the great posts by my brothers and sisters, it is so amazing to find Mash’Allah humble Sisters who are on the Level – Jazak’allah the likes of sisters umm umar,faiza, naima, lubna, umm abdulla,umm yahya, umm salamah, umm jihad,… and all the many sisters.
    May Allah Make you follow the great Mujahidah from the likes of the Sahabiyats… Aishah, Asma bint Abi Bakr, Safiyyah, khadija, Fatima, Hafsa, Haula Bint-e-Tuwait, Khansa, Umm Habibah, Zainab and others…
    Jazak’allah @surat_an_nisa_74_100 for your post on the account of ‘the forgotten cry of chechniya’ Subhan’Allah!…
    The days past and the time came for the lion to be taken to the Paradise, who’s merit she had for so long sung about, thus the lion of chechniya past away in a state of glory through its knight and courage announced the death of your sister – May Allah have Mercy on you o Sister Hawaa!

  331. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Abu Hurairah ra) related that the Prophet saws)asked Jibreel about this verse;

    “And the trumpet will be blown, and all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth will swoon away, except him whom Allah swt) wills ” S 39;68

    He Said ” They are the martyrs. Allah will raise them, and they will be girding on their swords around His Throne , angels will come to them from the Mahsar[ place of gathering for judgment] with superior mounts made of white rubies; the legs of those mounts will be of gold, their bridles will be of fine or thick silk, and their cushions will be of silk…. they will travel in Paradise on their horses and they will say at the lenght of their excursion ” Take us so we may see how Allah judged between His creation.” Then Allah Azza Wa Jall will laugh at them and when Allah laughs to a slave, there is no reckoning for that slave.
    Related by Ibn Abee Ad Dunyaa

    And for this let all those strive who want to strive S 83; 26

  332. ImranNo Gravatar says:

    Actions are by intentions. This is the crucial thing brothers and sisters (in my opinion). Example, an action of a servant of Allah can be sound but the intention will not benefit him i.e minor shirk. So in the case where a martyrdom operation is a sound tactic, then we should not criticize the action as we should be aware of the intention and not to play into the enemy’s vocabulary. And Allah knows best.

  333. Umm AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaykum,

    well akhoona Imran,the intention of the people who do this is none of our business.Allah will judge them for their niyaat.

  334. umar fousheeNo Gravatar says:

    as salamu alaikum ya shaikh…I think most people just have a problem with (WHO) is killed in these missions…it’s hard to swallow when we hear children or women or the elderly or innocent were the targets. I know some people disagree on WHO is a legit target and this is an issue that has to be spoken on MORE…Jazakallahu khair.

    ALSo whats the timeframe for you compleating Medina part two life of prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

  335. umar fousheeNo Gravatar says:

    For the missions, we understand on why police stations or military post and even som government buildings but what is said about the market places or schools…who should muslims feel about these places? We know it could be the media just trying to make the brothers look like terroist but what is the ruling they use to understand WHO can be a target of the missions and what is said about colateral damage according to quraan and sunnah?

  336. syed qutb iiNo Gravatar says:

    Just as i bare witness there is no deity/legislator other than Allah. just i bare witness that Nabi Muhammad (saw) is the imam and the final prophet to be born and he (saw) is the slave of Allah. I bare witness you Imam Awlaki are from the scholar of Haq.. who why the will of Allah will never fear the blame of the do not divert from this path till you meet your Rab’s Arsh and you kiss the hands of Nabi (saw) with victory.. but be aware the wispers of shaytan O my brother Imam anwar Awlaki, just as the murtadeen are are our enemies.

    O muslim
    Today many scholars give fatwa depending on who is listening to them (thus Brelwhi scholars always talk about “love” of Prophet (saw) without mentioning its requirements of sacrifice and giving up of things which normal people love such as music and idle talk, or the deoband and tablighi jamaat scholars always talking about dawah by gusht only and the pro-saudi salafi always talking about bidah and respecting the ruler)

    and too many give fatawa giving validity to anti-islamic albeit “muslim” governments (e.g. scholars deliberately causing confusion between majlis shura and democracy, or between the linguistic and sharii meanings of the word jihad)

    and us ourselves only telling others things about Islam which benefit us (for example husband complains about the wife when she is disobedient and uses islamic evidence to reprimand her and forgets the islamic evidences regarding kindness to the wife)

    So beware of these things and from reading the fatawa below of shaikh ibn taymiyah (ra) it should be clear how important this issue is.

    In his Al-Fatawa Al- Misriya, volume 4, in the chapter on Al-Jihad, he observed:

    We say that any group who departs from any of the apparent indisputable laws of Islam that have been (handed down from generations to generations of Muslims without any interruption), then it is incumbent to fight against such a group according to the consensus of Muslim imams (leaders of Islamic schools of law), even though they recite the two testimonies.
    So if they recite the two shahadas (testimonies) but abstain from observing five daily prayers they must be fought against until they offer prayers, and if they abstain from paying zakzah, it is incumbent upon All Muslims to fight them until they start paying zakah. Similarly, if they abstain from the fasting of Ramadan or pilgrimage to the oldest House of Allah or refuse to prohibit the abominations or adultery or gambling or drinking and other things forbidden by the Islamic Shariah; or if they refuse to enforce the laws of The Qur’an and Sunnah pertaining to life, property, honour, management of affairs and other such things; or if they refrain from enjoining good, forbidding evil, and fighting the disbelievers until they embrace Islam or pay jizyah (poll tax) in submission.
    Likewise, if they introduce innovations in religion contrary to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, and the practice of the righteous ancestors and Imams of the community by, for instance, blaspheming the Names, Signs, or Attributes of Allah , or rejecting divine foreordainment or decree, or rejecting the manner in which the Muslim community behaved in the days of the rightly guided Caliphs, or slandering the foremost from among the emigrants (muhajirin) and the helpers (ansar) and those who followed in their footsteps faithfully; or if they fight the Muslims in order to force them to submit to them, abandoning the Islamic Shariah, and all other similar cases concerning which Allah says,

    وَقَاتِلُوهُمْ حَتَّى لاَ تَكُونَ فِتْنَة ٌ وَيَكُونَ الدِّينُ كُلُّه ُُ لِلَّهِ

    And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allāh) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allāh Alone (in the whole of the world).(Al-Anfal:39).

    Thus in all such cases when religion is partly for Allah and partly for others, it is incumbent upon Muslims to fight until all religion is for Allah alone.

    Another Fatawa

    A scholar who abandons what has learnt from the Qur’an and the sunnah and follows a ruler who does not rule in accordance with the teaching of Allah and his Messenger is an apostate and a disbeliever who deserves punishment in this world and in the hereafter.
    (volume 35 page 373 Al-Fatawa Ibn Taimiyah).

    Nabi (saw) said “there will always be in my ummah a ta’ifa fighting (qatiloonah) on the path (of truth i.e Islam)”.

    Jannah lies under the shade of the syoof and remember the naseehah of imam ahmed ibn hanbel 9rh) “in the times of fitnah seek your hukms from the ahle qital”

    O Ummah respond to the scholars of the syoofs.. and eliminate the murtadeen and their tawageeti thrones and raise the raya of haq over their destructions

    fear not in the sake of Allah the blame of the blmers ya ummah

  337. UmmuasmaNo Gravatar says:

    There was once a man who had very little provisions of food with which to feed his family much less a visitor. But to feed the visitor he dimmed the light in the house and refrain himself and his family from eating till the visitor had his fill of the food.
    It was dark, thus even the visitor had no idea what was going on, and neither did him nor his family reveal this story but today we read about it.

    Narrated Abu Hurairah radiAllah ‘anhu: I heard Allah’s Messenger sallahu ‘alayhi wasalam saying, “While a shepherd was amongst his sheep, a wolf attacked them and took away one sheep. Then the shepherd chased the wolf, the wolf turned towards him and said “Who will be their guard on the day of wild animals when nobody except I will be their shepherd. And while a man was driving a cow with a load on it, it turned towards him and spoke to him saying, ‘I have not been created for this purpose, but for ploughing.’ “The people said, “Glorified be Allah.” The Prophet sallahu ‘alayhi wasalam said, “But I believe in it and so does Abu Bakr and ‘Umar radiAllahu ‘anhum. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol 5, Hadith No. 15)

    I hope inshaAllah we can all learn from the above.

    Narrated Abu Hurairah radiAllahu ‘anhu: The prophet sallahu ‘alayhi wasalam said, “(There are) two words (expressions or sayings) which are dear to the Most Gracious (Allah) and very easy for the tongue to say, but very heavy in the balance. They are: “Subhan Allahi-wa bihamdihi – Subhan Allahil-’Azim.”* (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol 9, Hadith No.652)
    *’Glorified is Allah and praised is He – Glorified is Allah, the Most Great’ (or I deem Allah above all those unsuitable things ascribed to Him, and free Him from resemblling anything whatsoever, and I glorify His Praises! I deem Allah, the Most Great above all those unsuitable things ascribed to Him and free Him from resembling anything whatsoever)

  338. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Dear sister in Islam @Ummuasma and dear brother in Islam @ syed quth ii

    Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
    Allah chooses for Himself those whom He wishes, and he guides unto Himself those who turn to Him in repentance and obedience 42;13

    Allah make us of those who follow the best of words and apply them to our life and actions

  339. DalmarNo Gravatar says:

    Iam very sorry to hear the word of JIHAD had been used a political war and other interests of voilences by some psychopatic Arabs, who claim they fight for god, i want to declare and to tell all MUslim non Arab people to understand that there is no JIHAD today on the planet, so all MUslims should stay away to join the ruthless terrorists who stand killing the innocent pple on the world, and i hope AL-qaeda, and all similar cults would be eradicated from the world soon inshallah, may the curse of god be upon AL-qaeda and Al-shabab they ruined the reptation of Muslims… Iam Somali and inshallah i expecting al-shabab and alqaeda will be leveled to earth….

    Allah akbar

  340. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @ Dalmar Sabhan Allah dont you know the tongue can take u to hell fire You know we all love Jihad fee sabililah and totally love and respect all the Mujahideen and are always making Duah for victory and to establish Shariah all over the earth , this will happen so get used to it . Your words are evil you are following the footsteps of shaytaan , if you curse pious people Allah will be at war with u , may Allah fix u

  341. DalmarNo Gravatar says:

    To Um Umar,

    Iam very sorry to answer pple like you but yet i understand you might be Somali girl who has been hypnotized by Arab barbarics, so you need my advice whether you accept or not its up to you,

    As long as you believe in that Al-Qaeda and Alshabab terrorists are Mujahidin, youre the one who is going to hell, Allah may curse Al-qaeda and AL -shabab and Hamaz, and Allah already punished them and now they are under attack from the god…..

    and there is no what is called Shariah law, Sharia Law is satanic and dirty torture and very harsh against humanity we dont need to use sharia law now, we have our own constitution, and Allah will punish those who say Sharia law and kill the people torture stone the pple and you will see inshallah in hereafter who is wrong and who is right?


  342. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    na’uthu bi-rabbin nas

    Subhan Allahi Jalalah for a moment i thought no. 349 was kufr akbar but no its no.351. inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raj’ioon.

    may Allah ta3ala save us from being from among those who sell themselves to dunia.

    @dalmar – no matter how much u waste ur time spillin filth, Allah swt will always support them and we do not judge . you have stayed in the land of kufr for too long and it has contaminated you. you are not one whom i would spend time arguing with. you have insulted Allah’s law and Allah swt knows best if this is kufr. all i know is frm the verses…and see where you are with Allah swt

    “…If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) Unbelievers.”-maida:44


    “Those who desire the life of the present and its glitter,- to them we shall pay (the price of) their deeds therein,- without diminution.” hud-15

    here are some notes i took from anwar’s lecture on the constants

    “The way that pleases Allah swt is that our actions should be dependent upon what Allah swt has ordered us to do.

    we should do something not because it will make us win or because of the outcome, but we should do it because Allah swt tells us to do it… leave the results to Allah swt.

    we do not judge our actions based on the outcome to figure out whether or not we were right or wrong.

    we should judge our actions based on whether they conform to Allah’s command or not.”

  343. StarangersNo Gravatar says:

    (Declaration of the Refutation of Disbelief.)

    O Allah! verily do I seek refuge in Thee from associating any partner with Thee knowingly; I beseech Thy forgiveness for the sins which I am not aware of; verily, Thou art the Best Knower of all secrets. I repent for all the sins and make myself proof against all teachings except the teachings of Islam. I have entered the fold of Islam, and I hereby declare:- There is no deity but Allah and Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah.

    As we have heard the concept of the ‘Rand Muslim’, this filthy worm of a thing Dalmar is a fully blown Rand Muslim!…

    Let it be Known that;
    Those who Mock Allah (SWT), the Sunnah of our beloved Muhammad (SWAS), or Mock the Shari’ah (Allah’s Law) are Kaafir and Murtads… clear cut!

    Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah said “If he thinks that something other than the guidance of the Prophet(SAWS) is more perfect than his guidance, or that among them are those who are allowed to go beyond the Shari’ah of Muhammad(SAWS)) – He is a Kaafir who Must Be Killed after asking him to repent…

    “Whoever believes that anyone among Mankind, Scholars, slaves, or kings, is not to follow him (Muhammad SAWS), obey him (Shari’ah) or take what was given to him in the book (Qur’an) and Wisdom (the Sunnah) is a Kaafir (disbeliever).”
    Majmoo’ al Fataawa Ibn Taymiyah, 27/58-59

    This matter is clear and there is no dispute concerning it.

    Thus, if the law of Allah Ta’la is not supreme, these people turn to kufr. These people are very weak and if they are ruled by kufaar, they could very well give way to kufr, (As has been clearly done by this murtad)…
    This is why the next hadith has so much relevance;
    Jaabir ibn `Abdullah(R.A) was weeping and he said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah(SAWS) saying, ‘People will come into Islam in great crowds and they will leave Islam in great crowds.” Musnad Ahmad, hadith 14,334

    He it is Who has sent His
    Messenger [Muhammad] with the guidance and the
    Religion of Truth [Islam] that He may make it prevail over all religions. And Allah is enough for a witness.
    Al-Quran 48-28

    So Dalmar, Repent to Allah Ta’la withh a Sincere Repentance, Seek Refuge with Allah from the Devil, from Nifaq and Kufr…

    Repent in the name of Allah who created you and to Him you Shall return…

    Repent to Allah Ta’la and likewise enter the Fold of Al-Islam, join the ranks of the Friends of Ar-Rahman…
    Leave your friends of the Shaitan, Kufr and Nifaq, otherwise let it be known that,…
    May you be killed upon the hands of the Frinds of Ar-Rahman!

  344. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Masha”Allah @strangers and dear sister@surat_an_nisa we , I and surat_an _nisa have had a long association with Dalmar we know him well and I only replied to him as on Judgement Day I didn’t want to be asked why I had read his evil words and didn’t reply.Masha”Allah I love the people of Haqq , Allah swt) unites us even though we have never layed eyes on each other Is not Allah the Most Ingenious of All His Creations . I feel your goodness in my heart and spirit.
    Allah make us from His Muquarrabuun.

  345. AL SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    Dalmar belo ku gathatee!!!!!! may the cures of ALLAH be upon you for talking about our brothers who chose to shed their blood for the sake of ALLAH (swt) may ALLAH never give you the iza and understanding those brothers have. people like you who say jihad doesn’t exist make me sick to my stomach, are u telling me today there is no jihad in falsteen uhh? Your deaf, dumb and blind tell me your macliin in duksi never tought you these ayahs.

    (1) ‘Jihad is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike something which is good for you and that you like something which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.’ (Surat-al-Baqarah (2), ayah 216)

    (2)‘Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision. They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His Bounty, rejoicing for the sake of those who have not yet joined them, but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on them no fear shall come, nor shall they grieve.’(Surat-aal-Imran (3), ayah 169-170).

    (3) ‘Let those (believers) who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter fight in the cause of Allah., and whosoever fights in the Cause of Allah, and is killed or is victorious, We shall bestow on him a great reward.’ (Surat-an-Nisaa’ (4), ayah 74)

    (4)‘Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike TERROR into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies.’(Surat-al-Anfaal (8), ayah 60)

    (5) ‘O Prophet! Urge the believers to fight. If there are twenty steadfast amongst you, they will overcome two hundred, and if there are be a hundred steadfast they will overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they (they disbelievers) are people who do not understand’(Surat-al-Anfaal (8), ayah 65)

    (6) ‘Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and return calmness in the hearts of the believing people thus relieving their anxiety. Allah accepts the repentance of whom He wills. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.’(Surat-at-Tawbah (9), ayah 14-15)

    (7)‘Fight against those who believe not in Allah nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and those who acknowledge not the Religion of Truth (i.e. Islam), from among the People of the Book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.’ (Surat-at-Tawbah (9), ayah 29)

    (8) ‘March forth, (whether equipped) lightly or heavily, and strive hard with your wealth and your lives in the Cause of Allah! This is better for you, if you but knew.’ (Surat-at-Tawbah (9), ayah 41)

    (9) ‘Those who stayed away (from Tabuk expedition) rejoiced in their staying behind the Messenger of Allah; they hated to strive and fight with their wealth and their lives in the Cause of Allah, and they said, ‘March not forth in the heat.’ Say: ‘The fire of Hell is more intense in heat,’ if only they could understand!’ So let them laugh a little (and they will) cry much as a recompense of what they used to earn (by committing sins). If Allah brings you back to a party of them, and they ask your permission to go out (to fight), say: ‘Never shall you go out with me, nor fight an enemy with me: you agreed to sit inactive on the first occasion: then you sit (now) with those who lag behind.’(Surat-at-Tawbah (9), ayah 81-83)

    (10) ‘Verily, Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in rows (ranks), as if they were a solid structure.’(Surat-as-Saff (61), ayah 4)

    to people who reject HIS ayahs and say there is no proof of jihad ALLAH (swt) says “Ah woe, that Day, to the Rejecters of Truth”(Surat-al-Mursalat (77), ayahs 15, 19, 24, 28, 34, 37, 40, 45, 47 and 49)

    if this is not enough proof i quote the Nobel Quran once again when ALLAH swt says “Then what Message, after that, will they believe in?”(Surat-al-Mursalat (77), ayah 50)

  346. MaryamNo Gravatar says:

    @ Dalmar
    you would never be able to understand how happy iam to know there are worst muslims then me. At the end of the day Allah (swt) does tell us to compete for paradise. So if there are people who think sharia law is satanic maybe im not right at the end of the list
    Thanks lol

  347. umm abdullahNo Gravatar says:

    may Allah show you the light o dalmar.i am not surprised you said something like this.The ummah will always have enemies with in so all u can do is ask Allah for istighfar and hidaya or you can blind follow what ever you follow and regret later on.

    Aisha Umm Abdullah

  348. mueenNo Gravatar says:

    Actually we r are away from sunnah of our suhabas.US etc is not our enemy we face enemy within.We have Mushriks and Munafiks within us.Is US our enemy or Pakistan?Also enough bloodshed has been done.Also the whole earth belongs to Allah.For whome one should fight.Is it that Iraq were these people worship graves and have associated different things with Allah.We all should remember that we r responsible our self for all the tornment over us.We should say no to fight against enemy outside and start soughtingout enemy within us…Destroy graves made as Masjids.And grave worshippers.Then Allah will be pleased with us.Also we should remember Why Khalifahi Rasool Abu Bakar radiyallahuanhoo made jihad against those who didnot gave zakah……..Another thing is :Is dirty killer Musharraf good or Muslim and Bush is bad or non muslim.Musharaf has proved that he was most dirty one…..

  349. Umm firdausNo Gravatar says:

    Before your start cursings the rulers of the muslims at present, know that they are only a representation of the masses. The muslim society today has aspects of jahilia in it as well as love of the duniya. Hence force, the rulers have aspects of jahilia and love of this duniya. It should be apparent from this that the first step to achieving Khalifah is not to denounce the rulers, because the next ruler may well be similar. But it is to change the state of the people, so as to breed the characteristics of the new Khalif. Insha’Allah.

    As for those who speak ill of the Muslim leader I must remind you of the issue of the Kharijee- The Khawaarij are a sect which came out to kill ‘Alee ibn Abee Taalib (radhi-yallaahu ‘anhu) concerning the issue of ruling/leadership.

    Their chosen path was one of distancing themselves from ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan and ‘Alee ibn Abee Taalib (radhi-yallaahu ‘anhumaa), and condoning walking out against the Imaam (leader) and seeking to overthrow him if he opposes the Sunnah. Likewise, they would make takfeer (render someone a kaafir) of anyone who commits a major sin and claim that he will forever abide in the Fire of Hell.

    What you are calling to sounds awful similar to what they were calling to.

    May Allah give us guidance. Amin

    Was salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

  350. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    To Umm firdaus:
    How can you compare Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan and ‘Alee ibn Abee Taalib (radhi-yallaahu ‘anhumaa)to the puppet rulers that are in the lands of the Muslims?

  351. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    “Indeed, We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth so you may judge between the people by that which Allah has shown you. And do not be for the deceitful an advocate.”
    [Surah An-Nisaa, Ayat 105]

    TO Umm firdaus:
    May be this will open your eyes.
    “O you who have believed, do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah against yourselves a clear case?”
    [Surah An-Nisaa, Ayat 144]

  352. faizaNo Gravatar says:

    salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters,
    @ Dalmar i have one thing to say to you, if you claimed to be a Muslim before, what you just uttered has taken you out of the folds of Islam. I will bear witness on the Day of Judgment that you declared to be a kaafir and murtad
    May Allah’s curse be upon you, for you have disbelieved after believing.

  353. StrangersNo Gravatar says:

    Asalam-alaikum my dear brothers and sisters,
    May Allah ta’ala make us of those who aknowlege and comply and obey Allah, and abide by His religion…

    All praise be to Allah Ta’ala…

    @Umm firdaus, my dear respected sister after reading your post, im trying to figure out to who and which post you are referring to, as the previous 10 or so posts we were refuting the little rat ‘Dalmar the Murtad’ if you read his posts you will notice clear cut Kufr in his statements!…

    As for the ‘muslim rulers’ -

    1- They allied with the Kufaar the crusaders (Chritians)and zionsts (Jews) to fight islam, to kill for them (they send their armies to fight and kill True Muslims.

    (Sheikh ibn Taymiyyah had this to say,
    “One of the manifestations of taking the kuffar as allies which Allah (SWT)denounced the Ahl ul-Kitaab (Jews and Christians) and the hypocrites for is to believe in some of the kaafir ideologies, or to rule by their law and to leave the Book of Allah.)

    2- They follow a Shari`a other than the Shari`a of the Messenger (SAWS), it is pure and clear kufr and they are the worst of people. And this is the kufr that takes one out of the Islamic religion.

    “Thus whoever legislates besides Allah and replaces the Shari`a of Allah Almighty another legislation, then already he has opposed Allah Almighty His legislation. He made himself a partner with Allah and a rival and he has left from the fold of Islam. Going out from them is compulsory and they are the rulers of today, who have apostated.”

    also, Sheikh ulIslam Ibn Taymiyyah(R.A) has said,
    “It is known by consensus of the religion of Islam and the Muslims that anyone who allows other than the Shari`a to be followed, he is a kaafir. And his kufr is like the one who believes in some of the book and doesn’t believe in another part of the book.”

    This is precisely what our modern day rulers are doing. So who would try to stop the believers from striving in the cause of Allah (SWT) against them?!…

    3- They Mock the Sunnah of our beloved Muhammed (SAWS)

    Say: ‘Was it at Allaah, and His Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and His Messenger that you were mocking?’
    Make no excuse; you disbelieved after you had believed. at-Tawbah-65

    and my sister umm firdous,as you think some people who are posting on these blogs have a khawarij ideology, then i believe that none of our brothers and sisters have this view, insha’Allah…

    as for the khawarij they are harsh to the believers and merciful to the disbelievers, they say all sins committed is kufr!

    We however, love the muslims for the sake of Allah ta’ala…

    Our love and Loyalty is for Allah (SWT), His Messenger (SAWS), and the Muslims and our hatred and disavowal is to the Kufaar, Munafiqs and Murtads…

    May Allah ta’ala guide us to the sirat-ul-mustaqeem…

  354. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    Allah swt has already revealed the verses and has made them clear. now we should look and see where we are!

    truely i denounce the leaders in our lands and urge everyone to read the qur’an and see for yourself what Allah swt has revealed. it is apparent and the believers pledge allegiance to Allah swt and His awj rasul saaw.

    truely the verses of the quran are very clear!

    jazak Allahu khair jihadfeesabilillah
    may Allah ta3ala guide us all

  355. Umm firdausNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatu,

    Bismillah, Alahum salli ‘ala muhammad wa ‘ala Aali wa sahbi wa ‘ajma’een.

    I think the main point has been over looked here. If the current muslim leaders were removed the person to take charge next may not be any better.

    Meaning the state of the muslims will not change. You only need to look at the majority of the people of saudi to see what kind of a ruler there is.

    Look at our brothers and sisters in syria and lebanon. If you look you will see the vast majority of them are more moderate than anything else.

    Is it such a shock that the rulers are they way they are when the society they come from is no better. Of course they are nothing compared to Uthman or Ali (RadiyAllahu anhum), When you have a society where commanding the good and forbidding the evil among each other is something foreign is it so surprising that this would be the result.

    Wa sallamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.

  356. DalmarNo Gravatar says:

    this site of ANWAR ALAWLAKI has to be marked as one terrorist site which provides hatred and cruelty against the humanity so this has to be shut down soon, and that will implemented soon Inshallha,

    Such these sites shouldnt be allowed to run..

  357. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    fard ayn is fard ayn and insha Allah these wicked leaders of ours will be no more. we have allowed them to rule us and we will continue to be under this evil untill we turn back to Allah swt’s law and we cant implement this without the obvious which is fard ayn now/ and turning back to quran and sunnah.
    the muslims have become so comfortable with this western agenda sytem, a system which is not ordered by Allah awj. by Allah awj if we do not turn back to that which we have been ordered you will not see a change and there will not be any justice. our leaders need to be out and the muslims need to go back to quran and sunnah! and there is a way for this. we cannot keep accepting allegiance with kuffar and hypocrities, we are muslims and we will be a witness against the other nations. we (majority) are too relaxed. we have accepted voting like the kuffar, we have accepted majority their systems. now when will you take a step to change our situation. we can not keep complaining and doing nothing. islam will one day be the rule in the world and it would not have come just like that without that which was prescribed.
    @the ignored- please save yourself and make taubah.

  358. DalmarNo Gravatar says:

    Guys ladies and gentlemen how can we all stand one line and overcome terrorism and restore back Muslim to Islam?

    How can we stop terror that some people called JIhad?

    HOw we can tell our youths to stop the suicide and tell them to preserve their lives?

    May Allah protect and save the good people

  359. abu'l hudaNo Gravatar says:

    there are several problems with this analysis.

    first of all, the passage as described by ibn al-shaddad seems to suggest that the intention was not to drown – but to submerge the ship in the water so that the enemy did not manage to take any of the booty – that was the `izzah of the commander of the ship, he did not want to leave the enemies anything, and so they made holes in the ship.

    secondly, in this plan, there is still the possibility that they could swim to safety, or at least be captured or killed at the hands of the enemy – as one Muslim was.

    as such, one cannot equate this with the self-sacrifice that is done at the hands of the one who straps himself with explosives – who knows there is very little (if any) chance of survival.

    as for nobody complaining at the time of this incident: well there are many reasons for this:

    1. communication was not as it is today.

    2. even if it was, this episode was in the background of a greater success, and a greater strategy – the jihad of Salahuddin cannot be compared to the jihad of today – thats not belittling the efforts of people by any means; all i am saying is that Salahuddin was called a Sultan and all the Muslims were behind him, and he was a force to be reckoned with.

    the reason why the scholars of the day didn’t speak out against the fighters – because they were figting under amr, there was authority. today, we see the scholars divided over their leadership. i don’t see how a man in the mountains can be given leadership and amirate, and furthermore, sometimes they make grave mistakes. for example look at how many of even the mujahidin make criticism of zarqawi and his ultra-extreme methods.

    imam anwar, you write well, raise important issues, and make good points, but there are too many generalisations in your work; same with the response to Sh. Taqfique – which i will comment upon insha’Allah.

  360. Umm YousifNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaykum,

    I agree with many of the points of abu’l huda. Especially the point, where puting holes in the ship doesn’t mean one will die, there is always the possibility of being able to swim, even if it seems mostly unlikely. But straping explosives to your body there is no possibility of survival. Besides look how many years this is being done and only a handful of enemies are being killed at a time, and it is not really having any impact expect maybe a slight thorn in the side of the enemies.

    Until each individual MUSLIM man and woman looks inwardly and says I am the problem, nothing will change!

    The Muslims have bad leaders because the masses are into dunya. If the roots of the tree, which are the masses, are rotten then the top of the tree will be no rotten too.

    Fear Allah and be obedient to Him. And, insha’Allah, the Muslim ummah will rise again.

  361. talib in the westNo Gravatar says:

    as salam upon who follows the correct guidance of rasool allah..aleyhi as salat wa salam

    we have not heard of a scholar from ahl al sunnah who other scholars has vouched for his scholarship to be calling suicide bombing a martydom operation. rather it is said that these operations are an evil act and a spreading of corruption and fitna in the world.

    this is the first time i visit this site and should say i am shocked to see what is presented in this blog from baseless proofs and irrational comments.

    this is an appropriate subject on the topic of suicide bombings and political assassinations by sh abul hassan al-maribi

    شرح كتاب فتنة التفجيرات والاغتيال

    they are lectures in arabic btw…

  362. HishamNo Gravatar says:

    as-salaam aleykum,

    To Sheikh Awlaki:
    You may need to write a part 2 to this piece as it is very unclear that you may be referring to suicide bombing that only targets military installations and not civilians.

    The criticism I hear about suicide bombing is directed at those who target civilians. This is no noise (as you suggest there should not be) about suicide operations targeting military. Indeed, the suicide attack where the civilian is targeted seems to be the prevalent form, at least from our couches. And this suggests you are dealing with this issue and asking us to remain silent on suicide civilian targeting missions.

    Thus, it is vital that you clarify what you mean. Do you mean it is ok to remain silent and complicit on suicide bombs that target civilians? If this is so, please retract your comment.

    Should a supposed ‘jihadi’ rape women in the name of Jihad or on the way to Jihad, then clearly no Muslim would support this brother or remain silent, even if it does provide some benefit to the enemy. Rape is not so far from murder in the fiqhi scale of crimes.

    As Muslims, we need to have faith that acting righteously will in no way benefit our enemies, even if it seems that way. Truth and Justice is proscribed for us.

    I also want to ask you about your opinion on suicide? You seem to support that it is halal. Yet, quite clearly destroying one’s own self is not haram and to argue that in the case of war it is, seems to suggest you are transforming the haram into halal. Running into an enemy to fight with almost certain death is not often encouraged as the Muslim armies are well disciplined, and even so, does not equate to directly ending one’s own life.

    So why in suicide attacks can we transform the haram into halal, but not say in voting according to your opinion.


  363. HishamNo Gravatar says:

    Edit [above post] :”not halal” i meant in 8th line from bottom. and i was referring to suicide in martyrdom ops

  364. DalmarNo Gravatar says:

    blowing up yourself is totally suicidal and unforgivable sin, its only loosers, psychopathic rutless satans do that action, its action who is totally desprate in ,life and has nothing else, these pple who kill themselves are brainwashed and hpnotized first and they do the job thinking they are going to the heaven ….
    Very disgusting how someone can go into Allah’s heaven while murdering innocent people? there is no martyrdom its total suicide, May Allah forgive those innocents who died without know what they have done, and May Allah punish the masterminders, Like Usama bin Laden, Ayman azawahir and all similar heartless demons… they are really cowards, May Allah curse in the world and burn in the hell in hereafter

  365. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    the likes of the above statements are just a proof that i should not be here. too much contamination from these surroundings.
    i wonder if you all read what br. anwar said subhan Allah and again we dont plegde allegiance to kufr or take partners other than Allah ta3ala. this is seriously getting annoying, he already answered you yet you keep asking the same questions. and that one making dua against the believers, inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raj’ioon. they are rushing to uphold the banner of islam and also rushing to save our brs. and srs. yet we have some relaxing in luxury and Allah swt is the best of judges.
    the intention counts and please try to read what the brother said…

    Allahuma-r zuqna shahadah

  366. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    “And let not those who disbelieve think they will escape. Indeed, they will not cause failure [to Allah].
    And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.”
    [Surah Al-Anfal, Ayah 59-60]
    TO: those victims of the enemy’s plot and the RANDized Mozlemz being blined and don’t use reason, we say to you all:
    “Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason.
    Had Allah known any good in them, He would have made them hear. And if He had made them hear, they would [still] have turned away, while they were refusing.”
    [Surah Al-Anfal, Ayah 22-23]

    1. If the Enemy is thousand strong and the believers facing the enemy are only a few number of 100, is not that “suicidal” enough, and mind you none of the believers is suppose to turned their backs in retreat? If the believers are all killed by the enemy would you call it suicide or martyrdom? If the believers killed the enemy and they died in the process no matter what the means that was used, would you call it suicide or martyrdom? If the believer only weapon to terrorize the enemies that are armed to the teeth is by blowing himself up and with it take as much of the enemies, would you still consider that suicide?
    2. What is a definition of a civilian? What is a definition of a democratic civilian society?
    Who is an innocent democratic civilian in an armed conflict? Know that these terms do not really mean much in an armed conflict. Know that Islam recognizes either combatant or non-combatant. You know even the Kuffar with all their stupidity have invented new terms such as “Enemy Combatant”, “Unlawful Combatant” etc. what does all these terms mean to you?

    “O Prophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are among you twenty [who are] steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you one hundred [who are] steadfast, they will overcome a thousand of those who have disbelieved because they are a people who do not understand.
    Now, Allah has lightened [the hardship] for you, and He knows that among you is weakness. So if there are from you one hundred [who are] steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you a thousand, they will overcome two thousand by permission of Allah. And Allah is with the steadfast.”
    [Surah Al-Anfal, Ayah 65-66]

  367. HishamNo Gravatar says:

    as-salaam aleykum Jihadfeesabililah

    You said:

    “1. If the Enemy is thousand strong and the believers facing the enemy are only a few number of 100, is not that “suicidal” enough, and mind you none of the believers is suppose to turned their backs in retreat? If the believers are all killed by the enemy would you call it suicide or martyrdom? If the believers killed the enemy and they died in the process no matter what the means that was used, would you call it suicide or martyrdom? If the believer only weapon to terrorize the enemies that are armed to the teeth is by blowing himself up and with it take as much of the enemies, would you still consider that suicide?”

    The answer is: Islam does not compromise on its teachings. If our Lord says no suicide, then we cannot commit such an act. There are significant differences between running into almost certain death and putting an explosive belt on you and pulling the trigger. We cannot change the religion because we feel these acts are “sort of” like other permissible (in the right context) acts.

    If we are told by our Creator not to kill innocents intentionally, then that is just what we have to do as Muslims.

    We will gain victory in this dunya and the next by being righteous and upholding our ideals and religion, not compromising it for emotional, irrational and not very unproductive gains. Have faith that by acting righteously we will be successful inshaAllah.


  368. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    “Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of a believing people
    And remove the fury in the believers’ hearts. And Allah turns in forgiveness to whom He wills; and Allah is Knowing and Wise.”
    [Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 14-15]
    That is right: Islam does not compromise on its teachings. If our Lord says no suicide, then we cannot commit such an act. If our Lord says no allying with the Kuffar because it is kufr, then we cannot commit such an act also.

    But you are the one calling this stratagem of war suicide and allying with the Kuffar as “lobbying for better conditions for Muslims” .
    You know what the Mujahideen and the Ulema call this stratagem of war? Martyrdom Operations: and they have given the daleel and the evidences for its use in our situation and even during the time of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) this was a legitimate stratagem of war.

    Yes it is true, we are told by our Creator not to kill innocents intentionally, but who is killing the innocents intentionally? In war casualties happened to both the innocent and the guilty. The Mujahideen with their strategy by using martyrdom operations reduced much of the casualties to the innocents, but with the Kuffar and with their drones, bomber jets and missiles they kill in the hundreds or thousands at a time indiscriminately and intentionally the innocents and then they call it “collateral damage”. And we find the parrots, in their “civil” societies and their magicians “news media” just parroting it away as “collateral damage”. Look into the authentic histories and see what we mean.
    “[Fighting in] the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. And fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.”
    [SurahAl-Baqarah, Ayat 194]

    “So let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. And he who fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory – We will bestow upon him a great reward.”
    [Sura An-Nisa, Ayat 74]
    Wassalamu Alaikum.

  369. talib in the westNo Gravatar says:

    @ Jihadfeesabililah

    who are the ulemaa who called suicidal operations, martydom?

    this is a serious question btw

  370. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    they are either in jail or they were got shahada nsha Allah.

  371. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    “And of the people is he who sells himself, seeking means to the approval of Allah. And Allah is kind to [His] servants.”
    [Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 207]

    TO: Talib in the West:
    Know that majority of the world Ulama and scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (Adherents to the Sunnah and the community) and Islamic authorities both in the Islamic and the Western worlds do support martyrdom operations on the enemies of Islam as a legitimate stratagem of war on the basis of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Some of the scholars that called “suicidal operations” as martyrdom are either in prison and torture camps, some exiled, and others received shahadah insh’Allah. The list is way too lengthy but nevertheless we will quote some here from the Ulama and the Mujahideen (may Allah reward and preserve them):
    Sheikh Al-Albani has permitted martyrdom operation under certain circumstances.
    Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi has called martyrdom operations: “the greatest of all sorts of Jihad in the Cause of Allah. A martyr operation is carried out by a person who sacrifices himself, deeming his life less value than striving in the Cause of Allah, in the cause of restoring the land and preserving the dignity.”
    Sheikh Ahmad Al-Qubeisi has proclaimed that “those who commit martyrdom operations who are, by Allah, the greatest martyrs in Islamic history…”
    Amongst others in the Hijaz that has permitted martyrdom operation is the Imam of Al-Masjid al-Ḥaraam in Makkah, Sheikh Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sudayyis.
    The former President of Al-Azhar University, Ahmad ‘Omar Hashem and Sheikh Ibrahim Mudeiris of Gaza have all praised and urged on martyrdom operations by the Mujahideen.
    Shaykh Sulayman Ibn Nasir Al-Ulwan permits martyrdom operations.
    Sheikh Abdullah ‘Azzam permits martyrdom operations.
    Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahiri permits martyrdom operations.
    Sayed Mohammed Musawi, head of the World Islamic League in London, also agreed the permissibility of martyrdom operations and insisted “there should be a clear distinction between the suicide bombing of those who are trying to defend themselves from occupiers, which is something different from those who kill innocent civilians, which is a big crime.”
    Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid Tantawy, the top Egyptian Scholar of Al-Azhar University, and the mufti of Egypt, Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Al ¬Tayyeb supports martyrdom operations on Israel as part of the Palestinian struggle “to strike horror into the hearts of the enemies of Islam.”
    Sheikh Fu’ad Mukhaymar (the late scholar of Al-Azhar and the head of the Sunni Egyptian Institutions in Egypt) states the following:

    “The view adopted by the majority of our contemporary Muslim scholars, describing as martyrs the Palestinians who blow themselves up in the occupied land in showing resistance against the aggression, is correct for the following reasons:
    A person who blows himself up sacrifices his life for the survival of others. He dies for his homeland and his holy sites.
    Those disarmed people are annihilated every day. Their houses and factories are destroyed and their farms are devastated. They stand with their hands tied before the tanks and armored vehicles of their enemies. The least they can offer is this sacrifice. A person who does this operation is considered by Ulama as a martyr especially as he sacrifices his life, not for a material gain, but for the sake of Allah.
    The Palestinians lack the military support of the whole world. In this case, do they have to wait their doom or try their best to defend themselves?
    The instances cited by scholars, in supporting their arguments, are also correct. History is full of many fascinating examples in which Muslims demonstrated an outstanding courage and strong spirit in fighting their enemies; they would sacrifice their lives for the sake of achieving their aim.
    As regards the questioner’s reference to the narration that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) disapproved the act of a fighter who killed himself, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did this when he knew that the man killed himself out of despair and discontent. But on the issue at hand, a Palestinian knows well what he does and chooses it with his free will. It’s for this great sacrifice that he deserves martyrdom.”

    Also, regarding the permeability of martyrdom operations of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, following is a relevant quotation of the resolution of the Islamic Fiqh Academy affiliated to the OIC in its fourteenth session, held in Duha (Qatar) 5–13 Dhul-Qi`dah1423 A.H., 11–16 January 2003 C.E.:
    “The Islamic Fiqh Academy stresses that martyr operations are a form of jihad, and carrying out those operations is a legitimate right that has nothing to do with terrorism or suicide. Those operations become obligatory when they become the only way to stop the aggression of the enemy, defeat it, and grievously damage its power.”
    Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, deputy chairman of European Council for Fatwa and Research, states:

    “Martyr operations are not suicide and should not be deemed as unjustifiable means of endangering one’s life. Allah says in the Glorious Qur’an: (And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah love those who do good) (Al-Baqarah 2: 195).
    The verse obviously indicates that failing to spend in Allah’s Cause is like casting oneself into ruin. That is the reason behind the revelation of the noble verse. Reviewing the Islamic rule: “Words should be construed as imparting general meanings regardless of their specific occasions”, the meaning of the afore-mentioned verse is bound to extend to include any negligence of a religious duty; i.e. forsaking a religious duty entails casting oneself into ruin. The same applies to committing sins.
    Therefore, it’s quite an abysmal analysis for someone to focus on the afore-mentioned verse through a narrow a perspective, without taking into consideration all relevant points.
    Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) strictly forbade suicide and made it clear that anyone who commits suicide would be cast into hell. But in such case suicide means Muslim’s killing himself without any lawfully accepted reason or killing himself to escape pain or social problems.
    On the other hand, in martyr operations, the Muslim sacrifices his own life for the sake of performing a religious duty, which is jihad against the enemy as scholars say. Accordingly, a Muslim’s intention when committing suicide is certainly different from his intention when performing a military operation and dying in the Cause of Almighty Allah. So it is natural that the religious legal status would differ in each case, as Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) says in a hadith: “Actions are but by intention, and every man shall have but that which he intended.”
    This means that martyr operations are totally different from the forbidden suicide. Concerning the Palestinians, they carry out the operations in showing resistance to the aggression launched by the enemy who has occupied their land, destroyed their houses, desecrated their sacred places and driven about four million of them out of their houses, replacing them with even larger numbers of Jewish settlements.
    The enemy relies on sophisticated military equipments while, at the same time, denying the Palestinians their basic human rights, killing their women, children and men mercilessly, and rendering the Palestinians powerless and incapable of defending themselves—even all the Arab countries face the same fate, lacking necessary weapons.
    So the Palestinians have nothing in their disposal but stones which they throw at their enemy in order to defend their country. This, despite its indication of a high morale, cannot deter the enemy this way. So the Palestinians resort to martyr operations, in which the martyr blows himself/herself up, sacrificing his life for the sake of his country and inflicting serious but reciprocal harms on the enemy.
    In the light of the above-mentioned facts, I believe that those missions are a sacred duty carried out in form of self-defense and resisting aggression and injustice. So whoever is killed in such missions is a martyr, may Allah bless him with high esteem. I call on every Palestinian not to hesitate in carrying out such operations as long as they are the only way of making jihad and are made with an intention of sacrificing one’s life for the Sake of one’s religion and nation. I wish that other scholars who hesitate concerning such a matter to reconsider their views according to what I have said and what other scholars have said. May Allah guide us all to what is right.”
    Some more quotations from the scholars and the Mujahideen:

    “We emphasize the great importance of martyrdom operations against the enemy – operations that have inflicted great damage on the United States and Israel, which damage is unprecedented in their history, thanks to Almighty Allah.”
    [Sheikh ul-Mujahideen Usama bin Laden].
    “The Intention of the suicide bomber is not the [same] intention of the person committing suicide. What is the intention of a person committing suicide? The intention of a person committing suicide, his/her life is a pain…. so he/she takes his/her life, that’s the intent! They can’t stand living anymore.
    But that suicide bomber is that what his intent is?
    No. His intent is to take out as many of the enemy as he can. His people do not have the military means to take on the enemy in the battlefield because that enemy is armed to the teeth, the whole population [of the enemy], males and females, they are all military personnel. Some of them [i.e. the enemy] waer uniforms, some of them wear civilian clothes, every last one of them is trained. They’ve got “oozes” in their homes or they are walking with them etc., they are military targets. So I go to a pizzeria and takeout so many of them.
    This is war. It is war!
    My intention is not that am tired of this life.
    So it [martyrdom operations] is a legitimate expression of battle [in the Shariah]. You do that [martyrdom operations] enough times it may bring this people [the enemy] down.”
    [Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips]
    “My opinion which I have stated in past recordings and is still my opinion now is that non-combatant women and children cannot be targeted. However if the type of war forced on us to fight is one in which non-combatants would end up being killed in order to reach to the fighting force then it is allowed in this case. Examples of this are the striking of al Taif by the catapult during the time of Rasulullah(saaws). Parallels of this today are the two methods that our brothers in Palestine have adopted: martyrdom operations and the firing of rockets into the occupied territories. Both of these methods inevitably do kill women and children. The current case of Gaza adds another dimension and that is that the Jews are targeting the entire community in Gaza by siege and indiscriminate bombing and this is why I am inclined to the view of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen in this particular situation.
    In the current situation of Palestine I must say that I agree with the methods adopted by the mujahideen and I agree with them when they state that they would not stop targeting civilians until the Israeli’s do the same.”
    [Imam Anwar Ala-Awlaki]
    Many other Ulema have supported martyrdom operation attacks based on Qur’an and Sunnah in connection with the Chechnya, Somalia, Iraq, Palestine and the Afghanistan Struggles.
    Here is book to read:
    Know that the person who commits suicide acts out of despair, or for some personal reason, whereas the Mujahid acts out of love for Allah Azza wa Jall and a desire to please Allah Azza wa Jall: to do what Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala has commanded, which in the specific instance of martyrdom operations is confronting and attacking the enemies of Islam, even if this means, insha’Allah, one’s own death. The intention of the Mujahid is, or rather should be, a pure intention, and if this is indeed the case then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala may well accept their martyrdom and so admit them into Paradise. A pure intention in this instance is to: (a) a desire to please Allah Azza wa Jall (b) harm, humiliate or kill the enemy; (c) to give strength and encouragement to Muslims; (d) to weaken the resolve of the enemy; (e) to seek the reward of martyrdom, which is Paradise. And Allah Azza wa Jall know best.

    You know it’s funny that the enemy calls their dirty soldiers who are sacrificing their lives for evil and in the path of Shaytan as “heroes” and “patriots”, and they call our heroes who sacrifice their lives as “terrorist suicide bombers” or “cowards”, and we find their RAND Mozlemz parrots in the West parroting those phrases of the kuffar.
    “Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.
    [Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 111]

  372. talib in the westNo Gravatar says:

    @ Jihadfeesabililah

    akhi lets focus on those scholars who are alive and reachable.

    Have you ever went or sent a letter to any of the legitimate scholars you have mentioned in your post and asked them directly what is their position.

    sh qaradawi, sudais, bilal philips…these 3 in no way would support this and i doubt the sources you have brought. Sh sudais and qaradawi are knwon for coming on tv and admonishing such acts…and sh bilal is a well known da’ii that follows the majority ulemaa from the kingdom, shaam. who all deem suicidal operations as haraam.

    the quotes from the quran and sunnah are clear that suicide is haram without the logical interpretations of few..and i repeat few, and you know that well.

    akhi you need to sit with a legitimate scholar and take from him your knowledge and avoid the internet so you dont have to switch your beliefs every other month according to how the wind is shifting.

  373. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    “Say, ‘Indeed, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds.’”
    [Surah Al-An'aam, Ayat 162]

    talib in the West, what do you know of my need of a “legitimate scholar”? Or my situation for needing to “avoid the internet”? Or “switching my beliefs every other month according to how the wind is shifting”?

    You asked for the ulama that called “suicidal operations” as martyrdom operations, and I gave you your answer. It is up to you now to do whatever you want with it.
    My understanding of Islam is not the question, or my understanding of the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
    The Question is: Suicide or Martyrdom?
    And the Ulama and the Mujahideen have all agreed on this that it is a legitimate stratagem of war based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah and I agree with that and submit to Allah Azza wa Jall alone without any partner or “without the logical interpretations of few”. If you disagree, I say to you: for you is your religion and for me is my religion.

    “Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason.
    Had Allah known any good in them, He would have made them hear. And if He had made them hear, they would [still] have turned away, while they were refusing.”
    [Surah Al-Anfal, Ayah 22-23]

  374. talib in the westNo Gravatar says:

    @ Jihadfeesabililah

    “I say to you: for you is your religion and for me is my religion”

    a3ooth billah akhi…this statement is very dangerous to use…its as if you believe in something the majority of muslims dont believe in…which means your are taking desires, opinions and false notions as gods beside allah…

    “Who is an innocent democratic civilian in an armed conflict? Know that these terms do not really mean much in an armed conflict”

    question is who decides what and where is an armed conflict…bunch of guys in the mountains…

    now supposed 3 guys in the states say they have declared jihad against america, and obviously all they will target is civilians since they have no chance of getting into military places…so is it wajib for all muslims in the states to support these guys in their acts…since allah subahan says “but if they seek your help in religion, it is your duty to help” and jihad is the religion from the hadith of rasool allah

    therefore ba-rak allah feek..we can quote all the ayats in the quran that pertains to jihad when the means are there…but since we have no legitimate state that declared jihad then we have to abide by the ayats and ahadeeth of patience…and to correct the beliefs and the actions of the muslims.

    by allah you have seen what has happened in iraq and afghanistan…the muslims took over major lands and used means such as suicide bombing and violent measures against civilians…In iraq the so called islamic state lost all the lands it gained..other sunni groups departed from this group and deemed them as evil people who are thirsty for blood…In afghanistan the americans are coming since they finished up in iraq and the same scenario would repeat itself in somalia.

    Therefore the known properly educated ulema has stood by the actions of the salaf and we are obliged to follow them in these times of ignorance and deviation from the correct path…allah subhana said “so ask the people of the Reminder if you do not know”

  375. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    “And say, “Do [as you will], for Allah will see your deeds, and [so, will] His Messenger and the believers. And you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you of what you used to do.”
    [Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 105]
    talib in the west wrote:
    “which means your are taking desires, opinions and false notions as gods beside allah…
    …the muslims took over major lands and used means such as suicide bombing and violent measures against civilians”
    The truth of the matter is I am not here to win a debate nor to argue, but your unforgivable accusations against myself and the allegations against Muslims is getting out of control and these allegations sounds like the kuffar’s or the victims’ of the enemy’s plot. If you continue insisting on your allegations against myself, the Sheikh, the Mujahideen and Muslims, please produce your proofs, if you should be truthful. Or else you will be written as a liar and you can end up in the Fire of Hell for eternity.
    These sinful acts of wrongful accusations, assumptions, spying, spreading corruption, mixing the truth with falsehood or concealing the truth and taking own desires as gods are no doubt the ways of the party of Satan such as the West, USA, UK and the Illegal State of Israel.
    Know that in Islam we do have the concept of Ummah and this means that the Mu’min, the true Ulama and the Mujahideen are united on all fronts laid down by the Qur’an and the Authentic Sunnah of the Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him. The Ummah share the same beliefs and goals and that is Worshipping Allah alone without any partner and following the Straight Path to Jannah as Practiced by the Prophet [Peace be upon him] and those who follow them in righteousness. The Ummah is united in one brotherhood, and we all are engage in defending and fighting any force that attack our fundamental human rights given to us by the Creator and our fundamental way and system of life, Islam. We do not hold nationalistic ideas, nor do we participate in un-Islamic cultural baggage; we do not accused people baselessly nor do we attack the righteous heroes of the Ummah nor lie about them to the Kuffar. We do not belief in such things as secular-godless democracies, nor do we cast votes or participate in elections designed by the laws fabricated by people. We belief in Justice and the rule of Allah’s Law: the Shariah and the Hudud; and we do not have beliefs in so call “civil democratic Islam”. We are not with the party of Satan, nor are we with does that terrorize, massacre and torture innocent people like the present day Firoun and his gangs who followed him to this very day, but we terrorize the enemies with what the enemy hates, that is, Jihad fee Sabililah and Martyrdom Operations until there is no more Fitnah and until worship is acknowledged to be for Allah Azza wa Jall. But if they cease, leave our lands, stop fighting our religion, and free our brothers and sisters from their torture to death camps, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors.
    So you in the West, if these are the things you are wholesomely accusing our Muslim brothers and sisters of “terrorism”, “suicide”, “false notions”, or “switch beliefs every other month according to how the wind is shifting”, then I tell you terrorist we all are: that is, us who submit and bow to Allah alone and not to Taghut, not the Kuffar, the West, the UN, the USA, the UK, Israel, and definitely not the Dajjalic systems, Satan or our desires.

    Finally I leave you with the Signs of Allah again for all to ponder:

    “Have you seen the one who takes as his god his own desire? Then would you be responsible for him?
    Or do you think that most of them hear or reason? They are not except like livestock. Rather, they are [even] more astray in [their] way.
    Have you not considered your Lord – how He extends the shadow, and if He willed, He could have made it stationary? Then We made the sun for it an indication.
    Then We hold it in hand for a brief grasp.
    And it is He who has made the night for you as clothing and sleep [a means for] rest and has made the day a resurrection.
    And it is He who sends the winds as good tidings before His mercy, and We send down from the sky pure water

    That We may bring to life thereby a dead land and give it as drink to those We created of numerous livestock and men.
    And We have certainly distributed it among them that they might be reminded, but most of the people refuse except disbelief.
    And if We had willed, We could have sent into every city a warner.
    So do not obey the disbelievers, and strive against them with the Qur’an a great striving.”
    [Surah Al-Furqan, Ayat 43-52]


  376. talib in the westNo Gravatar says:

    allah yin3am 3aleyk

    So do not obey the disbelievers, and strive against them with the Qur’an a great striving.

    abide by this and you should succeed in the dunya and akhira insha allah

    akhi im not here to argue either or win a debate…its a mere discussion

    “So you in the West, if these are the things you are wholesomely accusing our Muslim brothers and sisters of “terrorism”, “suicide”, “false notions”

    akhi its not me…but its the prevalent opinion the majority of the ulema in the kingdom, shaam and egypt are upon…

    you just dont have a convincing in it clear to you the failure that had occurred in iraq in the name of jihad fi sabeel allah…not only them, but all the groups that used suicide missions as a legitimate tool…

    so lets balance between the benefits and negatives..what do you say regarding this

  377. Omar sNo Gravatar says:

    Asalaam Alaikum,

    Nothing annoys me more than seeing people posting essays! SubhanAllah! Keep it short and to the point. If you need to reference chunks of information provide links instead and summarise the link. If you feel you need to preach start your own website!


  378. DalmarNo Gravatar says:


    I donno why someone who claims a Muslim would like to listen and accept to blow himself, killing yourself is totally haram and sin in the eyes of god….

    Iam surprised to hear that some people saying blowing up is martyrdom, and they made reference what socalled Ulama invented, they dont have a dalil from the quran but they have dalil from clerics which means people are not satisfied their Quran so they demand more from their psycho uluma and that means those pple are devils they worship more than god

    May Allah eradicate Alqaeda, Hamaz and all terrorist group, may Allah suppurt the army of god those who are fighting against the terrorists


  379. Abd- AllahNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaykum
    One key point in this incident that happened to these 700 people is that their intention when breaking their ship was not to kill themselves, even if they knew that this action will most likely lead to their death. What is wrong is when a person does an action with the intention of killing himself.

  380. Hussein HafezNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaamu `laykum

    May Allaah reward the sheikh Anwar al`wlaki.

    Scholars who do not support sucide or martydom operation (depending on your understanding of the fiqh of the matter) emphasise that if the person performs this operation with ikhlas and based on ijtihad and or ignorance (of the opposing opinion) then in sha’ Allaah they are given the reward of the shaheed. This the veiw of sheikh ibn `uthaymeen may Allaah have mercy upon him. I only point this out to demonstrate that not all scholars who are against this method are also against the mujadeen

    Secondly, I do not belive fiqh issues like this should not be discussed because jihad fee sabeelillaah means jihad on the path of Allah. IE: Jihad for His sake and Jihad on the way that pleases Him. So even though the appropriate times and place should be chosen for scholars to discuss the fiqh of jihad it should not be sidelined or seen as an attack on the mujadeen.

    and Allaah knows best

  381. sisterNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaamu Alaykum,

    1) As many have said referring to the hadith, actions are by intention; and shirk is the only unforgiveable sin. So is there any way to *know* for sure the ultimate fate of any individual muslim?

    2) There is a defect in the way the question was asked of Sheikh uthaimeen. No one knows for certain that they will die in an operaton as Allah (swt) Alone knows when and where someone will die. So there is no certain death facing the one in the martyrdom operation. Some who have tried have failed to explode their weapons due to equipment defects, and that is known.

    3) Trainers or recruiters should be extremely cautious in preparing those who do these acts – that they are not enticing them with financial rewards for their families, fame, etc. or making them fear poverty and using their poverty condition as the source of anger against the occupiers. Their intentions should not be corrupted or built upon error otherwise any sort of excuse for this (that the intention is jihad for Allah (swt)) is undermined.

    4)Some civilian populations are armed to the teeth and their presence constitutes ongoing invasion. Some civilian populations are not invading Muslim lands, are not generally armed or in a state of war with muslims, and have a different level of protection: they should not be intentionally attacked. However, to me the argument that Israelis do something (attack civilians) and so Muslims can too is wrong-headed — we should be holding ourselves and inspiring others to a HIGHER standard, not debasing ourselves to a lower moral standard.

    5) Even if mujahideen do disobey the rules of war and engagement – let’s say killing unarmed women and children – they should be corrected and disciplined by their own military leaders within a command structure and not by civilian muslims or muslims not in that war environment. Second point within this is that using the wrong tactics does not mean the struggle itself is wrong.

    6) Nevertheless, Despite the Above, My Bottom Line: Aren’t there other strategies of jihad that are less controversial? Can’t the mujahideen employ these other strategies instead? Also, I think any halal strategies can be used to achieve objectives, including non-violent, and may be more effective in terms of decreasing fitnah, getting unified, preserving infrastructure that would be helpful in victory, gaining non-muslim allies, converts and/or securing their neutrality.

    7)Beyond strategies of war, what will the mujahideen do once they win the wars? That is why there needs to be more work on our deen, our ummah, and the condition of our hearts, so that the winners’ state is one that will please Allah (swt). We do not want to be like the people Allah (swt) saved from Pharoan and then they started worshipping the calf.

    May Allah (swt) forgive us, guide us and make us live and die upon Islam, and enter us in jennah and that is the great success.

  382. IlmseekerNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahee wa Barakatu

    Suicide Operations or Self-Sacrifice Operations shall be an exception not the rule. There are situation inmidst the battlefield where self-sacrifice may safe many lives. This should be the last option if the situation requires it.

    The person who does the Operation should do it out of his freewill without being forced by another person. I absolutely disagree with leaders who order soldiers to do such operations. Such operation should not be planned, but if a specific situation occurs in the battlefield then the person makes his own ijtihad to find out what is the best solution to safe other lives.

    The Muhahid should be careful, because the suicide attack is his last action in his life. If is was appropriate then he might receive mercy on the Day of Judgment and if he was wrong then it could be bad at Resurrection.

    I should be an absolute exception not the rule.

  383. Lukman Abu-AnwarNo Gravatar says:

    May Allah Unite the Muslims against there apostate dictators and give victory to Islam. May Allah preserve Sheikh Anwar for us. May Allah grant us entrance into Firdausil A’ala

  384. Lukman Abu-AnwarNo Gravatar says:

    I am new to this Sheikh Anwar’s blog. I am very happy to see that a great number of Muslims from around the world are commenting positively with intellectual references from Sharia; on this and other important subjects. May Allah make us a shield against the enemies of Allah

  385. Abu AzzamNo Gravatar says:

    i don’t understand why our brothers still waste time on topics like Suicide or Martyrdom? or should we fight or should we stay?
    stop wasting time and prepare your self’s for the Battles before your death’s come while your hands are on the keyboard.
    stop wasting your youth on baseless arguments brothers war is not what you seen on movies.
    Come to Eraq
    Come to falesdeen
    Come to Sheeshan
    Come to Afghanistan
    Come to Somila
    Prey to Allah to Join your Brothers and Fight the Kaafirs.
    Allah Akbar
    Allah Akbar
    Allah Akbar

  386. nasir sheriffNo Gravatar says:


  387. Abu AzzamNo Gravatar says:

    Dear Brother nasir sheroiff

    you are just looking and making excuses for keeping away from fighting in the Cause of Allah.
    its disgracing when men like you waste you time and do nothing while the Crusaders kill and rape our brothers and our sisters in every corner of this world where the dirty filthy crusaders women are fighting and torturing in the Prisons and every where just blem your brothers,
    shame on you for saying or even asking about my faith in Allah.
    it is people like you who help the Shitaans army and blaming the mujaheddins while you fill you belly with dirt and rest on the soft bed.

    And what is wrong with you that you
    fight not in the Cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.”
    Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame, etc.), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit (at home). Unto each, Allah has promised good (Paradise), but Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward.

    think deeply,dear brother in Islam, how Allah encourage the spirit to make Hisword superior and to protect the weak, and to rescus the oppressed ones.Also think deely how Jihad is connected with Salat and Saum, it is made obvious that Jihad is similar to both of them, and all the three (Jihad,Salat and Saum) are ordained (by Allah) for the Believers.

    O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allah (i.e. Jihad) you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter.

    May Allah guide you to the stright path and Forgive you ameen….

    your Brother

    Abu Azzam

  388. zaki zaimNo Gravatar says:

    By Allaah sh. Anwar, I love you for the sake of Allaah and continue to admire your courage and steadfastness. Suicide as you mention is from the kaba’ir and it is incomprehensible to compare a sin of this magnitude to the corruption and the alcohol consumption of the Mamluks and the Turks in general. With all due respect, I do disagree with your opinion and analysis on ‘martydom operations’ and I would have expected the 700 Muslim soldiers on the ship to use the arsenal they had against the overwhelming force of the kufaar and die in the midst of inflicting as much damage as they could on them and their ships. In other words, rather than sinking the ship so that they and the weapons are not captured, they should have died fighting with what they had. If they were concerned about weapons falling to the enemies, they could have simply thrown the excess overboard. indsight may be a wondeful thing and I may be judging from the comfort of my chair; but there is not a single authentic report from the time of the Messenger (SAW) or the Sahabah (RAA) or the Tabi’een where any one of them took their own life in order to avoid capture. During the Prophetic battles, Muslim prisoners were taken, their properties were looted, yet they did not consider burning their belongings and killing themselves. As far as todays examples go, the Hindu tamil tigers of Sri Lanka are well known for carrying cyonide tablets, to be consumed in case of capture. There is no such example of ‘martyrdom operations’ from the best of generations in early Islam. As Muslims, we either die fighting our enemies til our last breath no matter how big the enemy force is without looking at the consequences of failure.

  389. Abu AbdulNo Gravatar says:

    Sometimes I wish the general people caught up in the violence can speak their minds. Perhaps that will help to formulate our thoughts better. It is easier for me writing from the confines of my office with air conditioner etc, to proclaim that fightings should continue however the tune could change when there is fighting, killing and violence all around me. May Allaah guide us to that which is best in our deen and dunyah.

  390. mustaf mohammedNo Gravatar says:

    shiek albani ha mentioned that suicide is prohibted in islam and we all know he was of thos that revied this noble deen. the madab of the pios predeccors is haqq.

  391. UmmAbdullaahNo Gravatar says:

    AsSalaamu alaikum

    This is intended for all the gain true understanding of this deen of Islaam (way of life).

    Please read what the scholars say with regards to this issue.

    It is not our place to speak without knowledge. All that we do and say will be counted among our deeds in this life.

    Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (may peace and prayers be upon him) said that we should take care and guard the two things between the jaws (our tongue and our private parts). This is the haqq.

  392. Dr Junaid ZamanNo Gravatar says:

    Dear Mr Anwar Alawlaki, I donot want to comment on my own views rather i would like you to comment on this response posted at one of the internet site

    A Salafee Response to Anwar al-Awlakee pt.1
    This is a translated transcription of a phone call with our shayk Dr. Abdullaah bin Abdur- Rahmaan al-Jarboo, Professor from the College of Dawah “Usool ud-Deen” – Formerhead of Dept. of Aqeedah at Medinah University. This took place on Saturday, March 28,
    2009(2/4/1430). This call was placed to the Shaykh in order to gain clarification about a man called Anwar al-Awlakee.
    The call was placed by Br.Saeed Rhana al-Maghribee and the questions were put to the shaykh by Br. Muwahhid Aaadil al-Michiganee.
    Now to the text of the call.
    The Translator: Our Shaykh, we would like to present to you some of the mistakes of a man called Anwar Awlaki who is Yemeni and is currently residing in Yemen, but he used to be in the U.S. He has a lot of affect on the youth all over the west and they raise him to the level of the scholars. Awlaki has served as an Imam in Colorado, California, and most recently in the Washington, D.C. area where he headed the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Centre and was the Muslim Chaplain at George Washington University [2]. He studied under Sheikh Uthaymeen for a short while (few months) as well as Salman Oadah. He received a general ijaza in Quran, Sciences of Quran, Hadith, Sciences of Hadith, Tafsir , Fiqh,
    Usool Fiqh and Arabic from: Hassan Maqbooli al Ahdal, Hussein bin Mahfoodh,
    AbdulRahman Shumailah al Ahdal, Hamud Shumailah al Ahdal.. Anwar al-Awlaki
    currently resides in Yemen, and is associated with Iman University. (In Yemen, where Zindani is)
    He published many Cds, lectures and albums, from the most famous lives of the prophets.
    He gives listeners doubts in their religion and does not call to Dawah Salafiyyah; rather he calls to praise the people of Desire and has great mistakes in his manhaj like allowing suicide bombings. He also quotes from the people of innovation in his lectures and Cds like Sayed Qutub, Salman Oadah and Mowdoodee.
    The Shaykh: This is some background information on him then?
    Translator: Yes. The first of the observances against him is his saying; “Brothers and sisters whether you agree or not with martyrdom operations let’s leave our differences behind us, and let us support our Muslim brothers who are in the frontlines. Just like we disagree on many other issues, we should not let our disagreements stand in the way of our solidarity in the face of our adversaries.” (This can be found on his website on the
    article called Suicide or martyrdom).
    The Shaykh: In the name of Allaah the Kind Bestower of kindness. All praise is due to Allaah the Lord of all creation. In addition, may Allaah mention in the highest company and secure our prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions; to proceed.From the standpoint of what I heard of his background, his “shaykhs’, and his ideas in general, is it clear that this individual is affiliated with the Ikhwaan al-Muslimoon (muslim brotherhood). Especially one of their branches called the “Suroorees”.
    The muslim brotherhood group has a distinct orientation, and their concerns revolve around certain contemporary issues in which they oppose those firmly rooted in knowledge. They oppose the scholars in their speech and verdicts.
    Therefore if this man builds his orientation upon this thinking and ideology of those groups affiliated with, and derived from the likes of the Islaamic Group of Pakistan, at whose head was al-Mawdoodee; the Muslim Brotherhood group of Egypt , and Hamaas of Palestine, (then know) that all of these groups have a specific ideology for themselves.
    Thus, the awareness of this man’s background his ideological affiliation is very important
    in knowing his orientation, and making a ruling concerning him and his statements.As far as the issue of suicide bombings- they call them martyrdom operations-and the scholars have labeled them as suicide, then these acts are most of what the opposers,
    endorsers of takfeer (i.e. those who expel muslims from the fold of al-Islaam without right) from the Muslim Brotherhood group promote on the internet, in their writings,books, CD’s, and lectures. They authorize these acts of violence for which they attempt to assemble proofs to validate them.
    These proofs and evidences that they seek to substantiate their position by have alreadybeen declared by the people of knowledge as invalid for their use as evidence in the supporting of these acts.
    The most important premise in their process of presenting the legitimacy of their stance is their use of al-Qiyas (i.e. analogy or comparative deduction). They conclude that these acts are the same as al-Iqtihaam (attacking the enemy ranks individually) or at-Tatarrus (making one’s self or the use of one as a human shield in a face-to-face battle with the enemy).
    Because of this, and pay close attention to the following, there exists neither one explicit text, nor any historical account from the companions, Allaah be pleased with them, nor in the history of jihad that can be used to prove the validity their ideology having a basis in the religion. There is no precedent in history (i.e. Islamic) of anyone committing suicide in jihad!
    Rather, there was one who committed suicide during a battle in the era of the messenger,but the prophet condemned him for that.
    On the account of there not being any clear text to support them, they resort to analogical deduction by comparing suicide bombings to al-Iqtihaam(attacking the enemy ranksindividually), exposing one’s self to the possibility of being killed; or they compare these bombings with the permissibility of at-Tatarrus( making one’s self or the use of one as a human shield in a face-to-face battle with the enemy). The al-mutatarras bihi (soldier used as a human shield) who is killed to create an advantage for the muslim forces, is not to be compared to one who kills himself!
    All of their proofs return to their comparing suicide attacks with al-Iqtihaam or at-
    Tatarrus. Consequently, the response to this is that they oppose the verdict passed by those firmly rooted in legislated knowledge, which is the outlawing of killing of one’s self. The people of knowledge, the scholars, have explained that there are definitive texts showing that the one who kills himself with anything will be punished with the self-same object and method from his death until resurrection day.
    In addition to this, whoever killed himself deliberately, then he is considered as a suicide,and is included among those threatened with the fire of hell.
    The scholars have clarified that the approved warfare mentioned in Allaah’s statement,
    ن&_@AB ن و &_@A_C لله D__* _C ن &__EAB
    “…they fight in Allaah’s path, wherein they kill the enemy or are killed by the enemy…”
    There is not a third situation where it is mentioned that they kill them selves!
    This is what is connected with the definitive texts that prove the illegality of killing one’s self in any condition.As far as the verdicts of those firmly rooted in knowledge, then those such as:
    o Shaykh Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz
    o The Permanent Committee for the issuance of verdicts in Saudi Arabia
    o Shaykh Muhammad ibn SAalih al-Uthaymeen
    o Imam al-Albaanee
    And many others than these scholars, known for their knowledge, righteousness, and understanding, have agreed with the consensus, and following the example of those firmly established scholars before them, that killing of one’s self is forbidden! Now for those who oppose the scholars, then they do so from two approaches; 1
    . Their opposition is the result of their lack of understanding of the religion (of al-
    2. They seek to prove their position with arguments leveled by the takfiree groups, or from the splinter groups of the Muslim Brotherhood, and use their methods of
    There are those from the people of knowledge who have issued verdicts (in favor of suicide bombings), but the reality of their proof do not extend beyond the previously mentioned arguments, or they are ambiguous evidences. However, the explicit and detailed proofs point to the illegality of such activities.
    Secondly, from the angle of Qiyaas (comparative deduction), in their use of comparing suicide bombing with al-Iqtihaam and at-Tatarrus, to what they call “martyrdom operations”, this is an invalid conclusion involving two errors:

    1. First of all, it is the use of deduction in the presence of explicit texts regarding the forbidden nature of killing one’s self, and in that case, there is no basis for the use of comparative deduction. This type of deduction is called “al-Qiyas Iblisee”
    (satanic reasoning). This satanic reasoning happens when one seeks to employ
    analogy in a matter where there exists a clear text, and a conclusion is drawn by
    this reasoning. This is similar as what occurred when Iblis (satan) was ordered by
    Allaah to prostrate to Aadam, and he refused to do so in the face of an explicit
    text, or order. He resorted to analogy by saying that fire is superior to mud, so
    how could he prostrate to Aadam? How could the superior one prostrate to the
    inferior?Thus, they seek to prove their position while there are explicit texts to the
    contrary of what they promote. The evidence for the forbiddance of suicide is
    clear and definite. If we accept that analogy in this matter is permitted, when in
    fact it is not, but if we did so for the sake of argument, this analogy would be
    false. The false analogy is one wherein there exists disparity between the
    situations comparedThe primary disparity is the analogy of suicide bombings to at-Tatarrus( making one’s self or the use of one as a human shield in a face-to-face battle with the enemy) and the Mutatarras bihi ( soldier used as a human shield) or al-Iqtihaam (attacking the enemy ranks individually). This person does not kill himself; others only kill him. Thus, the enemy kills the one who attacks the enemy lines by himself. He does not kill himself. He does not commit suicide; rather, the one who kills him is the enemy. Furthermore, the soldier employed as a shield by the Muslim army is killed by the Muslims, because they crush him in the rush of the swollen ranks towards the enemy, with the aim of killing the unbelievers. They (the Muslims) may trample him and he dies. The Muslims do not kill him intentionally; he dies in the course of the battle. You will not find any of themkilling themselves.

    2. The second disparity is that the scholars have stipulated that there has to be a
    horde of soldiers at the battle, and that is an important condition. The condition
    that this person’s death is the result of the throng of soldiers pushing forward in a
    face-to-face battle with the unbelievers has been stipulated. In this case, he is
    allowed to penetrate the enemy ranks individually, distracting the enemy, and
    inspiring bravery in the Muslim ranks. Just as the jurists require that the soldier
    employed as a shield is not killed except out of extreme necessity. This occurs
    when no other option is present. Consequently, comparing suicide attacks to al-
    Iqtihaam or at-Tatarrus is impermissible, and is considered a satanic analogy
    when made in contradiction to definitive texts.

    If we accept that for the sake of argument that suicide is lawful, then it is an
    invalid analogy because of existing disparities that in both cases, this person is
    killed by other than himself.
    Similarly, the jurists have explained that there exists the condition of the battle taking place amongst a crowd of combatants, and of there being a dire necessity.
    It has become clear to us that the Takfeerees’ dependence upon these proofs is futile. As a result of this, they contradict and oppose those scholars deeply rooted in knowledge, and muddle up the issue by resorting to analogy to prove their stance, which is not allowed, and is considered a satanic analogy.
    None of their methods of proof goes beyond what we have stated, and all praise is due to Allaah.
    Sa’eed Rhana: possessor of excellence, they also seek to prove their position by using the story of the Boy and the King, and the story of Baraa ibn Maalik.
    Sh. Al-Jarboo: their means of using these stories as proof is well known. I myself have researched this issue, and all who seek proof by their methods, this is their condition.In so far as using the proof of the narration about Baraa ibn Maalik is concerned, then this story is a proof for al-Iqtihaam (attacking the enemy ranks individually), because Maalik attacked the enemy lines by himself. This is their seeking proof by comparing suicide attacks with alIiqtihaam.
    Now as far as the Boy is concerned, then:
    1. The boy did not kill himself: he was killed by the king.
    ((The call was interrupted at this point))
    2. The second disparity is that the scholars have stipulated that there has to be a
    horde of soldiers at the battle, and that is an important condition. The condition
    that this person’s death is the result of the throng of soldiers pushing forward in a
    face-to-face battle with the unbelievers has been stipulated. In this case, he is
    allowed to penetrate the enemy ranks individually, distracting the enemy, and
    inspiring bravery in the Muslim ranks. Just as the jurists require that the soldier
    employed as a shield is not killed except out of extreme necessity. This occurs
    when no other option is present. Consequently, comparing suicide attacks to al-
    Iqtihaam or at-Tatarrus is impermissible, and is considered a satanic analogy
    when made in contradiction to definitive texts.
    If we accept that for the sake of argument that suicide is lawful, then it is an
    invalid analogy because of existing disparities that in both cases, this person is
    killed by other than himself.
    Similarly, the jurists have explained that there exists the condition of the battle taking place amongst a crowd of combatants, and of there being a dire necessity.
    It has become clear to us that the Takfeerees’ dependence upon these proofs is futile. As a result of this, they contradict and oppose those scholars deeply rooted in knowledge, and muddle up the issue by resorting to analogy to prove their stance, which is not allowed, and is considered a satanic analogy.
    None of their methods of proof goes beyond what we have stated, and all praise is due to Allaah.

    Sa’eed Rhana: possessor of excellence, they also seek to prove their position by using the story of the Boy and the King, and the story of Baraa ibn Maalik.

    Sh. Al-Jarboo: their means of using these stories as proof is well known. I myself haveresearched this issue, and all who seek proof by their methods, this is their condition.
    In so far as using the proof of the narration about Baraa ibn Maalik is concerned, then this story is a proof for al-Iqtihaam (attacking the enemy ranks individually), because Maalik attacked the enemy lines by himself. This is their seeking proof by comparing suicide attacks with alIiqtihaam.
    Now as far as the Boy is concerned, then:
    1. The boy did not kill himself: he was killed by the king.
    ((The call was interrupted at this point)
    We say that the story of Baraa ibn Maalik falls under the category of al-Iqtihaam. The Takfeerees/Jihaadees use this as proof when actually it is a proof for al-Iqtihaam. Furthermore, we say that Maalik did not kill himself, and he was not killed in this instance. For if he was killed, it would have been the enemy that had done so; he did not at all commit suicide! This was a situation where the ranks were extremely tight and crowded. What he did was advantageous for The Muslim army in a throng of soldiers; it does not compare to these suicide attacks.
    For them, the Takfeeree/Jihaadees, there is a comparison with existing disparities, and they are not at all permitted to make analogy in this case.
    They make analogies upon analogies. They compare the texts with what they call
    “martyrdom operations”; these bombings. They compare this with al-Iqtihaam; so we say that this analogy is exceedingly impermissible, and it is satanic when there is a found explicit text regarding this issue. We also say that this analogy is futile as it is a comparison with obvious disparities.
    The reason for this is that Baraa ibn Maalik advanced on the enemy ranks by himself, during a face-to-face battle. None who do this in en-masse, and are killed, is considered to have committed suicide; they were killed by the enemy. This is contrary to what one who blows himself does.
    The jurists have stipulated that there is a crush and jam of combatants for this type of strategy to be valid. The attacks that they carry out do not include this condition; rather they carry them out in a sneaky fashion.
    Regarding the story of the Boy and the King, first, the Boy did not kill himself; the
    misguided King killed him. Secondly, the boy’s situation is from the category of
    extraordinary phenomena and miracles are manifest among people in accord with a wisdom that Allaah desires. Allaah prevented the killing of the boy by the king by any method except for one. Allaah informed the boy of the method, and the boy, in turn, informed the king-thus achieving the wisdom that Allaah desired from the boy’s death. Thus, what happened was nothing other than from the category of miracles. What proves this is that the boy was thrown from a mountain; and lived-he was thrown into the sea, and did not drown; he came out. In addition to what is mentioned in the narration is that the King said to the boy, “Your fame has reached the extent that is said that you canreturn sight to the blind and raise the dead, etc…” The boy was also thrown to a lion and
    killed it. This proves that he was given miracles. Miracles cannot be employed in the use of analogy; there is no comparison to be made with them. They are special incidents that cannot be used as a proof in legal matters.
    Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen said, “that this miracle has a benefit, and that this benefit is in accord with Allaah’s wisdom; meaning that Allaah is the one who desired that benefit and that he arranged the means by which the boy was not killed except in a certain manner.”
    Therefore, the seeking of proof for these suicide bombings by employing this story is not acceptable from two matters:
    The boy did not kill himself, the boy did not kill himself; the unbelieving king killed him.
    This story is from the category of miracles and extraordinary phenomena, and comparison is not allowed to be made them. This happening was specifically forthe boy. This is because Allaah informed him of the manner by which he could
    be killed; and the boy said to the king, “You cannot kill me except by this and
    There is also a third important perspective that the people of knowledge have explained; it is that the boy was under a legislation of those nations who came before us. If we accepted this and assessed the permissibility of using this as a proof, then this is from a legislation of those who came before us; and it is not permissible to use as a proof for ourselves in a case where we find that is in
    contradiction to and/or abrogated by our legislation. We have in our legislation
    that the clear forbiddance of suicide.

    From these three perspectives, it is clear that is not allowed to use the story of the Boy and the King as a proof supporting suicide attacks- and Allah knows best.
    End of Part one…………

  393. sTrAnGeRNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullah,

    It is strange that the conclusions come before the question. You can see this clearly:

    “we would like to present to you some of the mistakes”

    “He gives listeners doubts in their religion”

    “does not call to Dawah Salafiyyah”

    “he calls to praise the people of Desire”

    “has great mistakes in his manhaj like allowing suicide bombings”

    “quotes from the people of innovation in his lectures and Cds like Sayed Qutub, Salman Oadah and Mowdoodee.”

    If all the above is already believed to be true by the questioner, then there are no questions left to ask.

  394. UmuhanNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Aleikum.
    JazakaALLAH shaykh.May Allah ta’alah preserve you.The way i see it whats happening to Iraq, afganistan n all the muslim territories is a way to wake us up as muslims. We are the best of nations but right now we are occupied with the kufar’s way of life and idiology.Shaykh I do agree with you they died as shaheed because the lable suicide and terrorist is branded by the kufar. they have turned the muslim land their play ground for testing their weapons, but inshaAllah i belive they are doing as a faver by awakening our lions!!
    May Allah forgive me for anything wrong i have written. because its only my opinion. ma’asalam

  395. Umer FarooqNo Gravatar says:

    AssalamuAlaikum, JazakAllah Khair brother for that useful insight.

    “Suicide bombing” is a name given by westerners and western puppets in Muslim countries to Martyrdom Operations and this word is technically and smartly crafted by Kuffar to let a layman assume that it was a suicide in first place.

    Each and every martyrdom operation needs to be evaluated in its own particular set of circumstances. Life of Mujahid is the most precious one and if there exists a possibility that particular operation can be carried out without martyrdom operation by Mujahid then it needs to be carried out like that. But if there is a situation in which Mujahedeen are left with no other option (like loss of weapons or manpower etc.) and it is utmost necessity to carry out a particular operation in specific time period then martyrdom operation needs to be carried out.

    Now giving a generalized fatwa declaring it halal and haram is not possible as the situation of our brothers fighting on front lines across the world changes rapidly. As, the beloved Shaikh Anwar said, we should all keep on praying for those Mujahids and we should also pray to Allah swt to make us one of those (InshAllah).

  396. mohamedNo Gravatar says:


  397. Servant of AllahNo Gravatar says:

    I agreed to stranger. In fact, there are some statements which comes from shyakh albanee and uthaymeen allowing martyr during war in path of allah by suiciding. The problem what I believe is the red string need to be pulled out is, the hatred of an individual toward shyakh al’awlaki which end up of some individuals try to put the shaykh down infront of the eyes of the people. I believe if the shaykh of came with those statements sit down, eye to eye, with syakh anwar discuss the matter, he would taken back what he said. The fact that someone who already filled his heart with hatred toward the shaykh(i’m saying basic on the scripture above, when he started off mentioning the shaykh in such a bad bad before even given an answer), how could you meet up the point when you hate the person not the action? Like the wise Allah said to the prophet : they’re not hating you because who you are, but because what you brought with you.
    So, I believe those kind of people who used to exist in those days prophet used to live in still exist, even now among the muslims. If there is someone who brought the truth of the true of islam, people who support him will be far more less than those who against him, this is the sunnah of allah through his revelations, this is the sunnah of allah through out history. Human desires command you of wrongdoing and sins. The one who stands up for the truth, attracts more enemies among the humans. Only those whom Allah gives guidance, and seek his guides.

  398. Servant of AllahNo Gravatar says:

    by the way I would like to share a very wise statement from what I read the other day, I dont exactly remember the exact statement, but I could summarize it means.
    “The scholars who disagree with act of suicide martyr in path of Allah, had never once involve in jihad nor point out gun to the enemies of Allah”.
    I believe this very wise statement, to say. How could you disagree with those people who striving to last blood, means while those who are against them, so calm sitting down on his chair enjoying meals with family, and not even helping them. I remembered once story of rahimahumullah scholar hassanul basri, he kept delaying his khutbah jum’ah about slavery, just to full fill his action first before he commands people about it. With all due respect, I could not agree of any scholars of disagree with this matter, until he involve in it, and gives his wise words to us based on what he lernt and what he experienced with. that where a wise words like muhammad alaihi sholah to wasallam words touch into sahaba’s hearts, not only he said it, but he did it. and He is my number on example out of any matter, and he should be every muslim example in anyway.

  399. AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    I have to say that personally i dont agree with suicide bombings. You cannot compare anything from Islamic history to the suicide bombings of today. There is absolutely no comparison whatsoever. I may be wrong. Allahu’Aalim. But I tend to stay away from those things which I have doubts in. You cant really compare the incident of the ship and the 700 men. They didnt go with the intention for suicide. They didnt go out with the intention that today we are gonna make a hole in the boat and drown ourselves. They went fighting. They were in war, in a battle, fighting. They made a tactical decision to save their ship and themselves from coming into the hands of the enemy. They died fighting to the last breath. You cant compare this to someone who goes out with the intention that I am gonna blow myself up today. I thought the purpose was to go out to fight and kill the enemy and HOPE for martyrdom from Allah. Not just to go and kill yourself. Where is the fight in that? You just wasted yourself. You cold have gone and killed a few today and came back. Tommorrow go and kill a few more and come back. If you are martyred then Alhamdulillah, if not then you put your hope in Allah and continue. This is just my opinion and Allah knows best.

  400. ObserverNo Gravatar says:

    It’s risky business, the point that is being made is that this Martyrdom issue is being played into a satanization campaign on behalf of the ‘moderate’ Muslims who are saying that the whole phenomenon of comteporary Jihad is somehow suicidal and unstrategic. These Martyrdom Operations can become a source of differences of opinion in specific circumstances: fine.

    But it is worth noting that these Operations require time, military preparation, financial resources, background intelligence — something that an individual who is desperate and wants to die simply can’t do. The risk of getting caught is extremely high, so it is an extremely poor way of committing suicide. Also, these operations, in sheer strategic terms, are overwhelmingly effective. Each one of these attacks is an absolute blow to the enemy, not only militarily, but psychologically. This issue really makes the enemy tremble in fear: that’s why they make such a big deal out of it.

    So if we are questioning intentions, this is arrogance, since we do not know what is in the breasts. And if we are questioning the strategic benefit, there is not much so say against the Martyrs. So the cons of being against this issue greatly exceed its pros. And the author of this blog has presented much stronger evidence than this in previous occassions. Of course, your Lord knows best.

  401. so sadNo Gravatar says:

    Going for jihad does not mean that death is certain. Allaah has created all beings and has decreed their provision and life spans. It is strange that a Muslim would think that going for jihad in the battle field means that he will be killed there, and that if he does not go for jihad he will escape death. This is a mistaken notion, because jihad does not hasten the hour of a man’s death, and not going for jihad does not delay it. A person may spend his whole life in jihad and not be killed in battle. One of the best examples of that is the great Sahaabi Khaalid ibn al-Waleed (may Allaah be pleased with him) who spent most of his life in the battlefield, then he died in his bed, whilst thousands of people die every minute in their homes or places of work or on the street. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “And if Allaah were to seize mankind for their wrongdoing, He would not leave on it (the earth) a single moving (living) creature, but He postpones them for an appointed term and when their term comes, neither can they delay nor can they advance it an hour (or a moment)”

    [al-Nahl 16:61]

    “No person knows what he will earn tomorrow, and no person knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allaah is All‑Knower, All‑Aware (of things)”

    [Luqmaan 31:34]

    Allaah tells us of those who think like this, and He refutes them:

    “O you who believe! Be not like those who disbelieve (hypocrites) and who say to their brethren when they travel through the earth or go out to fight: ‘If they had stayed with us, they would not have died or been killed,’ so that Allaah may make it a cause of regret in their hearts. It is Allaah that gives life and causes death. And Allaah is All‑Seer of what you do”

    [Aal ‘Imraan 3:156 – interpretation of the meaning]

    Ibn Katheer said:

    Allaah forbids His believing slaves to imitate the kuffaar in their corrupt belief which is indicated by what they said concerning their brethren who died on journeys or in war, that if they had not travelled or gone to war, what befell them would not have befallen them. Allaah says “O you who believe! Be not like those who disbelieve (hypocrites) and who say to their brethren” i.e., of their brethren; “when they travel through the earth” i.e., for the purpose of trading etc; “or go out to fight” i.e., on military campaigns; “If they had stayed with us” i.e., in our land; “they would not have died or been killed” i.e., they would not have died on the road or been killed in battle. The words, “so that Allaah may make it a cause of regret in their hearts” mean, He has created this belief in their hearts to increase their sense of grief for their people who died or were slain.

    Then Allaah says, refuting them:

    “It is Allaah that gives life and causes death” meaning, creation is in His hand, and to Him all things return. No one lives or dies except by His will and decree, and there can be no increase or decrease in the life span of anyone except by His will and decree.

    Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 1/420.

    And he said:

    Just as caution does not change the will and decree of Allaah, so too fleeing from jihad or avoiding it does not hasten or delay the appointed time of death. Rather life span is decided and provision is allocated. And it cannot be increased or decreased, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “(They are) the ones who said about their killed brethren while they themselves sat (at home): ‘If only they had listened to us, they would not have been killed.’ Say: ‘Avert death from your ownselves, if you speak the truth’”

    [Aal ‘Imraan 3:168]

    “They say: ‘Our Lord! Why have you ordained for us fighting? Would that you had granted us respite for a short period?’ Say: ‘Short is the enjoyment of this world. The Hereafter is (far) better for him who fears Allaah, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly even equal to the Fateela (a scalish thread in the long slit of a date stone).

    Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!’”

    [al-Nisa’ 4:77-78]

    And we have narrated from the commander of the army, the leader of the troops, the guardian of Islam, the sword of Allaah unsheathed against His enemies, Abu Sulaymaan Khaalid ibn al-Waleed (may Allaah be pleased with him) that he said – when he was about to die – “I have seen such and such battles, and there is no part of my body that has not been struck by arrows, stabbed or hit, but here I am about to die in my bed like a camel. May the eyes of cowards know no sleep” – meaning that he was sad that he had not been killed in war, and was grieved that he was going to die in his bed.

    Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 1/300.

    and shakyh Uthameen was a scholar may Allaah swt have mercy on him.

    i would also like to see imam Awlakis response to Dr Junaids post. i also have many of your lectures and feel i have beneifitted from them, however i felt uneasy when you said suicide is ok, ie its ok to strap a bomb to oneself etc? or did i misunderstand that? from all i can see those who died making jihad were killed by the enemy, not by their own hands.

    as for other things happening in history then i am not talking about that as i want proof from the quran or sunnah.

    i know jihad is an obligation, i also know suicide is haram.

  402. so sadNo Gravatar says:

    i want to point out that (an this is from

    Going for jihad does not mean that death is certain. Allaah has created all beings and has decreed their provision and life spans. It is strange that a Muslim would think that going for jihad in the battle field means that he will be killed there, and that if he does not go for jihad he will escape death. This is a mistaken notion, because jihad does not hasten the hour of a man’s death, and not going for jihad does not delay it. A person may spend his whole life in jihad and not be killed in battle. One of the best examples of that is the great Sahaabi Khaalid ibn al-Waleed (may Allaah be pleased with him) who spent most of his life in the battlefield, then he died in his bed, whilst thousands of people die every minute in their homes or places of work or on the street. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “And if Allaah were to seize mankind for their wrongdoing, He would not leave on it (the earth) a single moving (living) creature, but He postpones them for an appointed term and when their term comes, neither can they delay nor can they advance it an hour (or a moment)”

    [al-Nahl 16:61]

    “No person knows what he will earn tomorrow, and no person knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allaah is All‑Knower, All‑Aware (of things)”

    [Luqmaan 31:34]

    Allaah tells us of those who think like this, and He refutes them:

    “O you who believe! Be not like those who disbelieve (hypocrites) and who say to their brethren when they travel through the earth or go out to fight: ‘If they had stayed with us, they would not have died or been killed,’ so that Allaah may make it a cause of regret in their hearts. It is Allaah that gives life and causes death. And Allaah is All‑Seer of what you do”

    [Aal ‘Imraan 3:156 – interpretation of the meaning]

    Ibn Katheer said:

    Allaah forbids His believing slaves to imitate the kuffaar in their corrupt belief which is indicated by what they said concerning their brethren who died on journeys or in war, that if they had not travelled or gone to war, what befell them would not have befallen them. Allaah says “O you who believe! Be not like those who disbelieve (hypocrites) and who say to their brethren” i.e., of their brethren; “when they travel through the earth” i.e., for the purpose of trading etc; “or go out to fight” i.e., on military campaigns; “If they had stayed with us” i.e., in our land; “they would not have died or been killed” i.e., they would not have died on the road or been killed in battle. The words, “so that Allaah may make it a cause of regret in their hearts” mean, He has created this belief in their hearts to increase their sense of grief for their people who died or were slain.

    Then Allaah says, refuting them:

    “It is Allaah that gives life and causes death” meaning, creation is in His hand, and to Him all things return. No one lives or dies except by His will and decree, and there can be no increase or decrease in the life span of anyone except by His will and decree.

    Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 1/420.

    And he said:

    Just as caution does not change the will and decree of Allaah, so too fleeing from jihad or avoiding it does not hasten or delay the appointed time of death. Rather life span is decided and provision is allocated. And it cannot be increased or decreased, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “(They are) the ones who said about their killed brethren while they themselves sat (at home): ‘If only they had listened to us, they would not have been killed.’ Say: ‘Avert death from your ownselves, if you speak the truth’”

    [Aal ‘Imraan 3:168]

    “They say: ‘Our Lord! Why have you ordained for us fighting? Would that you had granted us respite for a short period?’ Say: ‘Short is the enjoyment of this world. The Hereafter is (far) better for him who fears Allaah, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly even equal to the Fateela (a scalish thread in the long slit of a date stone).

    Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!’”

    [al-Nisa’ 4:77-78]

    And we have narrated from the commander of the army, the leader of the troops, the guardian of Islam, the sword of Allaah unsheathed against His enemies, Abu Sulaymaan Khaalid ibn al-Waleed (may Allaah be pleased with him) that he said – when he was about to die – “I have seen such and such battles, and there is no part of my body that has not been struck by arrows, stabbed or hit, but here I am about to die in my bed like a camel. May the eyes of cowards know no sleep” – meaning that he was sad that he had not been killed in war, and was grieved that he was going to die in his bed.

    Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 1/300.
    and shakyh Uthameen was a scholar may Allaah swt have mercy on him.

    i would also like to see imam Awlakis response to Dr Junaids post. i also have many of your lectures and feel i have beneifitted from them, however i felt uneasy when you said suicide is ok, ie its ok to strap a bomb to oneself etc? or did i misunderstand that? from all i can see those who died making jihad were killed by the enemy, not by their own hands.

    as for other things happening in history then i am not talking about that as i want proof from the quran or sunnah.

    i know jihad is an obligation, i also know suicide is haram.

  403. al-suyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    “Going for jihad does not mean that death is certain.”

    No, but certain acts make death pretty much certain. Such as what many Sahaba did, which was to penetrate so deep into enemy ranks that it was only a matter of time before one of the enemies – who by the way would be surrounding that person by this point – could kill them.
    I won’t go over all of this stuff because it’s been mentioned, but I’ll leave it at this.

    This is an issue that scholars have differed on. Each side can claim a number of knowledgeable scholars. So this isn’t an open-shut issue, it’s a difference of opinion where one or the other shouldn’t be condemned. So instead of looking at a brother who might have blown himself up and declaring him to be Hell-bound, why not pray for his fate to be good?

  404. AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    “Going for jihad does not mean that death is certain”, this is absolutely true. But what about going for jihad when death is definitely certain such as in the case of the suicide bomber. Nobody can say that a suicide bomber who blows himself up is going to survive. Death is certain in this case. And the person who does it knows it. So is this Jihad? You cannot even compare this to the sahaba (r.a) who used to dive into the midst of 100 men and start fighting them. Even this does NOT, I repeat does NOT make death certain or even close to certain. You see, we as muslims and believers do not look at numbers on the battlefield. We rely only on Allah for help and victory. We put our trust in Allah and rely on Allah alone, just like that one sahaba (r.a) would have done whilst diving into the midst of 100 men. And many a time, with the help of Allah, the sahaba would be able to empower all those 100 men and kill or repel them all. In this case death is not certain. Yes the Sahaba would have known that death is possible, but then every single mujahid who goes for jihad knows that. But the main point of all this is that death is never certain. There was no such thing as suicide bombings in those days. This is a modern phenomena bourne out of extreme desperation. And Allah knows best. (p.s the example of the sahaba is just an example and does not refer to any particular incident).

  405. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    @ observer post 411

    mashaAllah,very good points raised. i like your clarity of thoughts and insight.

    may Allah reward you abundantly and guide you always Ameen.

  406. BismillahNo Gravatar says:

    Dr Junaid Zaman:

    You said
    “Dear Mr Anwar Alawlaki, I donot want to comment on my own views rather i would like you to comment on this response posted at one of the internet site.”

    What makes you think that Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki, Al-Mujahid fee sabeelillah, has time to waste on such a repugnant slanderer? How did you reason that he has any obligation or even any slight interest in doing so?

    First of all, the integral principles, concepts, and basis of every one of al-Jarboo’s arguments are either partially or entirely built on falsehood. Such as his dismissal of Qiyas and saying those who do it practice satanic thought, while Imam Abu Hanifa is distinctly known for his Qiyas. I suppose he is calling Imam Abu Hanifa a satanic thinker. And of all the people he mentioned as being “firmly rooted” in knowledge only one of them, Sheikh al-Albaanee (rA), stood with the believers against the Crusaders while the others have committed treason and pacified the youth with their SATANIC fatwas!

    There is hardly anything legitimate to address. He even left no room to wonder if he is a man of intelligence, beginning with his outrageously dumb-witted suggestion that Imam Anwar is Ikhwani. And it only gets worse with part 2 and 3 in which he justifies obedience to the treasonous puppets who rule the Muslim lands today!

    Some scholars are good and some are evil. Iblees is a scholar, having more knowledge than any scholar alive today.
    Shakey Dr. Al- Jarboo is a kafir a munafiq and a shaytaan. And Indeed the Sahabah have made takfir on deviants such as Shakey Dr. Jarboo. And indeed Umar chopped head when the one man, who claimed to be Muslim, was displeased that Muhammad (sAaws) ruled in the favor of his friend.
    So let the Shakey Dr. return to his business and mind his health. And I’d talk to Shakey Dr. Al Jarboo in person if I could, so that maybe he’d sober up to the certain consequences of his words in the Akhira and the possible consequences of them in the dunya.

    And someone should remove your post whether you meant well by it or not because it is promoting falsehood, blatant stupidity, and nifaaq. And Allah does not like that evil should be repeated. So keep please keep such evil speech to yourself. And to oppose the munafiqeen with your tongue is part of good speech.

    Allah knows best.

  407. Um Umar travellerNo Gravatar says:

    @ so sad , the evidence is all here if you care to look and suicide is haram yes
    but we are not talking about suicide we are talking about martrydom operations as a strategy of war
    two totally different acts

  408. ObserverNo Gravatar says:

    This issue wants to be portayed as ambiguous and with ample room for interpretation. That is not the case. It is a sign of how low one’s esteem for al-Mujahideen worldwide is. Virtually all of them proactively use and promote Martyrdom Operations. The former scholars would refer difficult issues to the frontline, and the ones on the frontline are closer to their Lord. A true believer is in love with death, because death is facing his Lord.

    So what is sadder, giving a Fatwa against al-Mujahideen, criminalizing their acts and pursuing enmity with the soldiers of the Lord Most High; or supplicating for the soul of an individual who has pushed his creed to the final circumstances and hands his soul over to his Lord for the destruction of His enemies? These operations are being utilized by the Victorious Group, and some have the audacity of sending them to Hellfire with their intellectual ponderings.

    Who’s side are you on?

  409. q929No Gravatar says:

    Assalaamu’alaykum wr wb;
    Brothers and sitsters, I have husnuzhon that the story of 700 mujahids can be understood as follow. I trust if the mujahids decided to make holes in the ship with not to not sink the ship fast, but with calculation and intention that the ship would sank slowly but surely during their fighting the enemies, because they think that they would definitely died during the battle, anyway, they really wanted that the ship would finally sink not long after each of them died by the fighting. I trust that the 700 mujahids, almost all of them, or most of them have died by the weapons of the their enemies before the ship totally engulfed the ships and all its contents. Or if there were some mujahids that still lived, they were the ones that were assigned by the commander to control the hole, to ensure the ship was drowned right after they were killed.

    Regarding the martyrdom operation, I believe it a syahid, considering that the desired effectiveness of the attack could not be achieved when the bomb is not guided in such a way to the target; If killing moslems that are used as human shield by enemies is allowed in an attack (if avoiding killing the moslems would preserve the enemies from being destroyed and the desired effectiveness of attact is prohibited) then killing oneself in a martyrdom operation to inflict a desired effectiveness of attack to enemies is insyaAllaah understandable if it is an allowed case also. A suicide that is prohibited in this dien is when somebody does that due to being impatient to endure the suffering resulted from tests or mushibah from Allaah.
    Wallaahu a’lam; pls forgive if it sounds not appropriate

  410. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    @ Bismillah post 417

    mashaAllah very well said,

    ”Some scholars are good and some are evil. Iblees is a scholar, having more knowledge than any scholar alive today”

    so from now on i should call the scholars for dollars as the scholars who have ijaza from iblees….:)

    may Alllah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahideen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.

  411. so sadNo Gravatar says:

    As Salamualykum
    I don’t want to get into any name calling, slandering or backbiting.

    it is ramadhan what point is our fasting if we fall into these major sins.

    i don’t want to discuss things with anyone, i think there is no harm in asking imam Awlaki a question, perhaps it should be emailed to him privately.

    As for what someone else might have said about him, i think we should remember that ppl ask scholars questions then we get a translated ‘this is what was said’ translated, can’t remember exactly what was said version.
    so i don’t bother forwarding these things i get in emails etc
    And Allahu Alim what was asked or said for sure. and Allahu ALim on the emails ppl can say whatever, Allaah swt knows who said what etc

    i don’t like anyone saying anything about imam Awlaki, or Shaykh Uthameen, or Abu Ameena or …. etc etc or about my brother or sister. etc so lets be calm and if we speak it should be gentle and calm and with good words.

    we might be anonymous on here but Allaah swt can see us and knows what we are doing etc we are still accountable.

    If some of us feel this is a grey area or that we haven’t understood a hadith or a verse from the quran explaingin something i would hope that we could asking a question and it could be answered whenever there is time. By Imam Awlaki, i hope he is well insha’Allaah.

    perhaps we could also spend some of our time this ramadhan making sincere dua to Allaah swt to help us guide us and help our brothers and sisters and guide our brothers and sisters ameen.

    perhaps we could spend some time reading quran in a language we can undertand so that we can learn from it how to live our lives and cry when we are reminded indha’Allaah.

    tafseer ibn khatheer is available in english too.

    hope everyone benefits from these last few days, ameen.

    PLease i did not mean to offened anyone, sorry things seem to come accross incorrectly on emails and blogs.

    As Salamualykum

  412. al-suyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    Like I said, it’s a difference of opinion. SCHOLARS have taken two opposing sides. Is it so hard to make dua for your brothers, or should we condemn them to Hellfire because they did something we disagree with?

  413. so sadNo Gravatar says:

    As Salamualykum I am not condemming anyone to hellfire, Allaah swt knows best who is going where and i do make dua for our brothers and sisters, so if 423 is meant for me then i don’t know what i said that makes you think i have condemed anyone to hell. Astagfirullah wa atoo bu illaay.


  414. al-suyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    I’m speaking in general. People who disapprove of these operations equate them to suicide (i.e. the standard kind), and therefore apply the punishment of suicide – which is hellfire – to those who perform those operations.

  415. Just another ConvertNo Gravatar says:

    As Salamualykum,
    I am not a scholar, nor would I even say that I have knowledge to formulate an opinion on this subject. All that I have are my faculties. The act of setting of a bomb strapped to your body in order to fight against your enemy is something I have pondered about for a long time. For me, the action is very final and there is no recourse in it, therefore, my logic tells me to abstain from that particular act. I do not fear being killed fighting against an enemy of Allah, but I do fear the act of killing oneself in order to fight an enemy. When I came to this religion, I was hoping for clarity; this is one the subjects that has never been clear to me, and because the act is so final, it seems too great a risk when the consequence of the action could be eternal hell. May allah give us clarity concerning this action. Ameen.

    Ma Salam.


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