9 July 2010
A sends: At the moment, mental health is a heavily politicised issue in Australia, hitting front page news: Legal threats have been directed at a number of psychologists recently by the author of these documents, the Australian Psychological Society (APS). The material is mostly of limited interest, to the roughly 20,000 or so psychologists in this country. The documents show the APS making representations biased towards the factional interests of one group of specialists. Efforts to bring some of this material into the open have been hampered on a number of fronts, including members being threatened with expulsion and legal intimidation. The material shows a state of considerable unrest within the profession about the (mis)handling of representations in the field leading up to the launch of a national registration scheme for all health professions in Australia. The intention of making these documents accessible is to allow the profession to see those representations made on their behalf and to take corrective steps to address the inherent bias and prejudice that is contained therein. It is hoped that this will lead to more positive efforts at reforming mental health policy. 8 documents Zipped: http://cryptome.org/aps-censors/aps-censors.zip (5.4MB) NRAS_2006.PDF (26 April 2006) May2006a.PDF (May 2006) May2006b.pdf (May 2006) May2006c.pdf (May 2006) APS_monitoring.pdf (27 January 2010) APS_meeting_5_Feb_2010.pdf (5 February 2010) PBA_slides_notes.pdf (9 April 2010) PBA_slides.pdf (9 April 2010)