16 November 2001. See HTML version of the Bill:
13 November 2001. Thanks to RC.
See bill: http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/cm200102/cmbills/049/2002049.htm
These notes refer to the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill
1. These Explanatory Notes relate to the
Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Bill as introduced into the House of Commons
on 12 November 2001. They have been prepared by the Home Office, Her Majesty's
Treasury, Department of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Defence, Department
for Transport, Local Government and the Regions and the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office, in order to assist the reader of the Bill and to help inform debate
on it. They do not form part of the Bill and have not been endorsed by
2. The notes need to be read in conjunction
with the Bill. They are not, and are not meant to be, a comprehensive description
of the Bill. So where a clause or part of a clause does not seem to require
any explanation, none is given.
3. The purpose of this bill is to strengthen
legislation in a number of areas to ensure that the Government, in the light
of the new situation arising from the September 11 terrorist attacks on New
York and Washington, have the necessary powers to counter the increased threat
to the UK. The measures are intended to:
4. The bill is in 14 Parts.
5. Part 1 and Schedules 1 and 2 of the Bill
contain provisions to prevent terrorists from gaining access to their money.
They complement provisions in the new Proceeds of Crime Bill and ensure that
investigative and freezing powers are available wherever funds could be used
to finance terrorism.
6. The introduction of account monitoring orders
will enable the police to require financial institutions to provide information
on accounts for up to 90 days. The existing requirement to report knowledge
or suspicion of terrorist financing will be strengthened, for the regulated
sector, so that it will be an offence not to report where there were "reasonable
grounds" for suspicion.
7. The Bill gives law enforcement agencies the
power to seize terrorist cash anywhere in the UK, and the power to freeze
assets at the start of an investigation, rather than when the person is about
to be charged, reducing the risk that funds will be used or moved before
they can be frozen.
8. Part 2 and Schedule 3 of the Bill contain
measures to update the Emergency Laws (Re-enactments and Repeals) Act 1964
to allow the UK to take swifter, more targeted action to freeze the assets
of overseas governments or residents. The Bill will widen the "trigger" so
that the Government can counter threats to any part of the UK economy or
threats to the life or property of a UK resident or national.
9. Part 3 and schedule 4 of the Bill create
a new gateway giving HM Customs and Excise and the Inland Revenue a general
power to disclose information held by them for law enforcement purposes and
to the intelligence services for their purposes.
10. The Bill also clarifies and extends a number
of existing gateways for disclosure of information from public authorities
to agencies involved in criminal investigations and proceedings. The gateways
will ensure that public authorities can disclose certain types of otherwise
confidential information where this is necessary for the purposes of fighting
terrorism and other crimes.
11. Part 4, clauses 21 to 32 ("Suspected
international terrorists") allow the detention of those the Secretary of
State has certified as threats to national security and who are suspected
of being international terrorists where their removal is not possible at
the present time. Such detention would be subject to regular independent
review by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission. These provisions change
the current law, which allows detention with a view to removal only where
removal is a realistic option within a reasonable period of time.
12. It is also intended to speed up the asylum
process for suspected terrorists. The Bill will exclude substantive consideration
of asylum claims where the Secretary of State certifies that their removal
would be conducive to the public good. This would not be in breach of the
1951 Refugee Convention because they are excluded from the protection of
that Convention.
13. It will also remove judicial review of decisions
of the SIAC in relation to the above two measures. SIAC is the body that
deals with suspected terrorists' appeals against immigration decisions: it
has three members hearing an appeal, one of whom has held high judicial office
and another of whom has been an immigration judge. There will remain an avenue
of appeal from SIAC to the Court of Appeal on a point of law.
14. The Bill will also allow for the retention,
for 10 years, of fingerprints taken in asylum and certain immigration cases.
This will help prevent applicants who have had their case resolved from
re-applying and creating multiple identities, which can be used in the
perpetration of terrorism or other serious crimes.
15. Part 5 of the Bill extends the racially
aggravated offences of assault, public order, criminal damage and harassment
to cover attacks aggravated by religious hostility. They extend the provisions
concerning incitement to racial hatred to cover religious hatred. They include
cases where the hatred is directed against groups abroad, and increase the
maximum penalty for such offences from 2 to 7 years imprisonment.
16. To be prosecuted for stirring up religious
hatred, a perpetrator must use threatening, abusive or insulting words
or behaviour intended or likely to stir up hatred against a group of people
because of their religious belief (or lack of religious belief)
17. Part 6 of the Bill will strengthen current
legislation controlling chemical, nuclear and biological weapons.
18. The provisions set out in Part 7 (and schedules
5 and 6) will place an obligation on managers of laboratories and other premises
holding stocks of specified disease-causing micro-organisms and toxins to
notify their holdings, and to comply with any reasonable security requirements
which the police may impose.
19. It will also require managers of laboratories
and other premises, on request, to furnish the police with details of people
with access to the dangerous substances held there. The Secretary of State
is given power to direct that a named individual must not be allowed access
to such disease strains or the premises in which they are held.
20. The provisions in Part 8 reinforce and update
the regulatory regime for security in the nuclear industry.
21. They also extend the jurisdiction for the
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Constabulary (AEAC) so that their
constables can protect nuclear sites and nuclear material more effectively.
They will be able to be deployed in all civil licensed nuclear sites, rather
than at present only on premises of specified nuclear operators, and within
five kilometres of such sites.
22. They also strengthen sanctions against the
unauthorised disclosure of sensitive information on the security of nuclear
sites, nuclear material and proliferation-sensitive nuclear technology.
23. Part 9 improves enforcement of aviation
security requirements and the ability of the police to deal with potentially
dangerous situations at airports and on board aircraft. It includes provisions
in respect of the removal of Unauthorised Persons from Airport Restricted
Zones and from Aircraft.
24. At present the Aviation Security Act 1982
makes it an offence for an unauthorised person to enter an airport's Restricted
Zone, or an aircraft, and to remain there after being asked to leave. However,
there is no specific power to remove someone who refuses to leave. The Bill
gives this power of removal. It will also bring the aviation industry into
line with the maritime and Channel Tunnel industries, where equivalent powers
exist under the Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990 (Section 39, as amended
by the Merchant Shipping and Maritime Security Act 1997) and under the Channel
Tunnel Security Order (Article 31(4)) respectively.
25. In a small group of cases detainees can
fail to co-operate with police identification procedures (e.g. fingerprinting).
Part 10 contains powers to give the police and customs services the authority
to demand the removal of any item which they believe is being worn wholly
or mainly for the purpose of concealing identity, such as facial covering
or gloves.
26. Clauses 97 to 100 and Schedule 7 will allow
the British Transport Police (BTP) to act outside their railways jurisdiction
when asked to assist by a constable from the local police force, the MDP
or the UKAEA constabulary or Ministry of Defence Police officer, and in an
emergency. The changes will also give BTP officers certain powers available
to local police officers, including powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 and
powers to enter into mutual aid agreements with other forces.
27. Similarly, changes proposed for the Ministry
of Defence Police (MDP) will allow them to act outside MoD land when asked
by a constable from the local police force, the BTP or the UKAEA constabulary
or in relation to a specific incident, and in an emergency. The changes will
also allow MDP to provide assistance, on request, to other forces, and extend
to them certain powers in the Terrorism Act 2000
28. Part 11 contains provisions to allow
communications service providers to retain data about their customers'
communications for access by law enforcement agencies and for national security
purposes and to enable a code of practice to be drawn up in consultation
with industry.
29. The code of practice will allow communications
service providers to retain data about their customers' communications for
access by law enforcement agencies. Currently communications service providers
are obliged to erase this data when they no longer need it for billing purposes.
30. These provisions fall within the Regulation
of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 which sets out the limits on the purposes
for which the law enforcement, security and intelligence agencies may request
access to data relating to specific communications.
31. There is also a reserve power to review
the arrangements and issue directions if necessary. If still needed, it must
be reviewed by an affirmative order every two years. As soon as the power
is exercised, there is no need for further review.
32. Part 12 brings in provisions to strengthen
the law on international corruption. The clauses put beyond doubt that the
law of bribery applies to acts involving foreign public officials, Ministers,
MPs and judges. They give courts jurisdiction over crimes of bribery committed
by UK nationals and UK companies overseas. There is also a technical provision,
to ensure that the existing presumption of corruption in the 1916 Act, which
it is intended to abolish, does not apply any more widely as a result of
these new provisions
33. Measures on police and criminal judicial
co-operation agreed by the JHA Council of the EU (third pillar) can currently
only be implemented in the UK by primary legislation. This clause would enable
them to be implemented by secondary legislation by the affirmative resolution
procedure. Measures agreed on European Community matters (for example the
environment or the internal market) can already be implemented by secondary
34. Part 13 also contains measures relating
to the use or threatened use of noxious substances, (including biological
agents or toxins, toxic chemicals or radioactive material) for terrorist
and other similar purposes.
35. It also introduces a new offence of hoaxing
involving apparently noxious substances
36. The proposals, amending the Intelligence
Services Act 1994, introduce greater flexibility for intelligence gathering
outside the British Islands and adapt the scope and definition of serious
crime. They achieve this through extending the powers of GCHQ.
37. The Bill reintroduces the offence of a general
failure to disclose information about terrorism. It was previously contained
within in the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) in relation to Northern Ireland.
The new provision will extend the provision to domestic and international
terrorism. The Bill will also introduce a definition of a radioactive weapon.
38. The bill also amends schedule 7 of the Terrorism
Act 2000 to include internal journeys. It will equalise provisions to stop,
detain and search people who journey internally with those travelling to
and from the UK and Common Travel Area (CTA).
39. It will also give a power to require carriers
to supply information about passengers and freight to enforcement agencies
and allow sharing between the agencies. Details of the information that carriers
will be required to provide is to be decided in secondary legislation.
40. Part 14 provides for consequential and
supplementary provision to be made by secondary legislation, and makes provision
for commencement and for the extent and short title of the bill.
41. Clause 1 introduces Schedule 1, which expands
and replaces the current provisions in the Terrorism Act 2000 for the seizure
and forfeiture of terrorist cash at the borders in civil proceedings.
42. Terrorist cash is cash which is intended
to be used for the purposes of terrorism, cash which consists of the resources
of a proscribed organisation or cash which is or represents property obtained
through terrorism. "Terrorism" and "proscribed organisation" are defined
in paragraph 19 of Schedule 1. Property obtained through terrorism is defined
as property obtained by or in return for acts of terrorism or by or in return
for acts carried out for the purposes of terrorism (paragraph 11(1) of Schedule
43. Subsection (2) makes it clear that
the powers of seizure and forfeiture are exercisable whether or not any criminal
proceedings have been brought for an offence in connection with the cash.
44. Schedule 14 to the Terrorism Act 2000 (as
amended by clause 2 to the Bill) provides for a code of practice to be made
in relation to the operation of powers under Schedule 1 to this Bill. The
code is subject to a consultation process and to the affirmative resolution
procedure. Subsection (5) of clause 1 provides that, in this instance,
the modifications to the existing code may be made in the order commencing
Schedule 1.
45. Subsections (1) to (3) amend the
Access to Justice Act 1999 so that Community Legal Service funding is available
for proceedings under Schedule 1.
46. Subsections(4) to (7) amend Schedule
14 to the Terrorism Act 2000 so that it applies to Schedule 1 to this Bill.
47. Subsection (8) amends the Legal Aid,
Advice and Assistance (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 so that legal aid is
available for proceedings under Schedule 1.
48. Clause 3 introduces Schedule 2 to this Bill.
49. Part 2 contains measures to allow the United
Kingdom to take action to freeze the assets of overseas persons or governments
who are threatening the economic interests of the United Kingdom or the life
or property of United Kingdom residents.
50. These provisions will allow the United
Kingdom to impose sanctions in cases of urgency, where neither the United
Nations nor the European Union has yet agreed a course of action, or in cases
where it is appropriate for the United Kingdom to impose sanctions unilaterally.
51. The provisions replace section 2 of the
Emergency Laws (Re-enactments and Repeals) Act 1964. Under that section,
the United Kingdom can freeze the assets of an overseas government and overseas
residents if the country or the persons in question is (or are) acting to
the detriment of the United Kingdom economy. Under the provisions in the
Bill, the Treasury will be able to freeze the assets of overseas governments
or residents when there is a threat to the United Kingdom economy or to the
life or property of United Kingdom nationals or residents.
52. This clause allows the Treasury to make
a freezing order if two conditions are satisfied. First, the Treasury must
reasonably believe that action threatening the United Kingdom's economy (or
part of it) or the life or property of United Kingdom nationals or residents
has taken place or is likely to take place. Secondly, the persons involved
in the action must be resident outside the United Kingdom or be an overseas
53. A freezing order prohibits all persons in
the United Kingdom, and all persons elsewhere who are United Kingdom nationals,
bodies incorporated in the United Kingdom or Scottish partnerships from making
funds available to or for the benefit of a person or persons specified in
the order. The order may specify the persons taking the action referred to
in clause 4 and any person who has provided or is likely to provide assistance
(directly or indirectly) to those persons. The specification may be by name
or by description of persons set out in the order. Where a person is specified
by description, the description must be such that a reasonable person would
know whether he fell within it.
54. This clause introduces Schedule 3, which
makes further provision about the contents of freezing orders.
55. This clause requires the Treasury to keep
under review whether any freezing order should be kept in force or amended.
56. This clause specifies that a freezing order
lapses two years after it was made.
57. This clause sets out the persons who are
nationals or residents of the United Kingdom for the purposes of this Part.
It also sets out who is a resident of a country outside the United Kingdom
for the purposes of this Part.
58. A freezing order must be made by statutory
instrument. The order must be laid before Parliament and ceases to have effect
after 28 days unless it is approved by each House of Parliament.
59. This clause applies where a freezing order
has already been made. Where a further order specifies additional persons
of the same description as those specified in the original order, or amends
the order to specify fewer persons, it is instead subject to the negative
resolution procedure.
60. This clause provides that an order revoking
a freezing order (without-re-enacting it) is subject to the negative resolution
61. This clause provides that an order that
would otherwise be treated as hybrid under Parliament's standing orders is
not to be subject to the special procedure for hybrid instruments.
62. This clause provides that a power under
the Part to make a freezing order or an order amending or revoking a freezing
order may be exercised so as to make different provision for different purposes.
A freezing order or an order amending or revoking one may also include
supplementary, incidental, savings or transitional provisions. Nothing in
this Part affects the generality of this power.
63. Freezing orders bind the Crown and Crown
servants, but the Crown is not criminally liable for breaches of freezing
orders. The orders will not bind the Queen in Her personal capacity.
64. This clause repeals the Treasury's existing
power to freeze assets under section 2 of the Emergency Laws (Re-enactments
and Repeals) Act 1964. The repeal of section 2 does not affect any references
to that provision in other subordinate legislation.
65. This clause clarifies and extends a number
of information disclosure provisions available to individuals working in
public authorities. The powers are listed in schedule 4. It permits disclosure
to assist any criminal investigation or criminal proceedings being carried
out in the UK or abroad or to facilitate whether or not such investigations
or proceedings should begin or end. The clause does not limit any power to
disclose that exists apart from this clause.
66. This clause enables the Secretary of State
to prohibit the disclosure of information for the purposes of overseas criminal
investigations or criminal proceedings that would otherwise be permitted
by clause 11 or without clause 11 by the provisions modified by that clause.
This power may be exercised where it appears to him that the overseas
investigation or proceeding relates to a matter in respect of which it would
be more appropriate for any jurisdiction or investigation to be exercised
or carried out by the authorities of the United Kingdom or a third country.
67. Any person who knowingly makes a disclosure
prohibited by the Secretary of State pursuant to clause 12 will be guilty
of an offence. The person will be liable on conviction on indictment to
imprisonment for a term of up to two years or a fine or to both, and on summary
conviction to imprisonment for a term of up to three months or a fine of
up to the statutory maximum (which is currently set at £5000).
68. This clause applies to information held
by or for the Commissioners of the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise
Departments. The clause provides that no obligation of secrecy, excepting
the Data Protection Act 1998 requirements, prevents the voluntary disclosure
of information on the authority of the relevant Commissioners made for the
following purposes: to assist any criminal investigation or criminal proceedings
being carried out in the UK or abroad or to facilitate whether or not such
investigations or proceedings should begin or end. In addition, the clause
allows for disclosure to the intelligence services (the Security Service,
the Secret Intelligence Service and GCHQ) in support of their functions these
functions include the protection of national security and the prevention
and detection of serious crime.
69. Disclosed information cannot be further
disclosed by the recipient except for the purposes permitted for original
disclosures and with the consent of the relevant Commissioners. Bodies who
receive information from Customs and the Inland Revenue may not further disclose
that information to the intelligence services except for criminal investigations
or proceedings. The clause does not limit any power to disclose that exists
apart from this clause.
70. This Part contains measures concerned with
the capacity of the UK's immigration and asylum procedures to deal with people
whose presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good.
71. The first two measures - extended powers
to detain foreign nationals who are suspected international terrorists (clauses
21 to 32) and non-consideration of the substance of an asylum claim made
by certain people whose removal from the UK is conducive to the public good
(clauses 33 and 34) - are fairly narrow in their focus. They apply only to
those cases where any appeal against a decision taken by the Secretary of
State lies with the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC). SIAC is
an independent judicial body set up by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission
Act 1997 to hear appeals which involve a public interest provision. A "public
interest provision" is a provision by which a person's presence in the UK
is considered not to be conducive to the public good for reasons of national
security, or the relations between the UK and any other country, or for other
reasons of a political nature.
72. The third measure allows the Secretary of
State to retain fingerprints taken in asylum and certain immigration cases
which were previously destroyed once the case was decided.
House of CommonsSession 2001- 02
Anti-Terrorism, Crime And Security Bill
as introduced in the House of Commons on 12th November 2001 [Bill 49]
Terrorist property
Freezing orders
Disclosure of information
Immigration and asylum
Race and religion
Weapons of mass destruction
Control of pathogens and toxins
Nuclear Security
Aviation security
Police powers
Retention of communications data
Bribery and corruption
Clause 1 Forfeiture of Terrorist cash
Clause 2 Amendments relating to section 1
Clause 3 Terrorist property: amendments
Clause 4 Power to make order
Clause 5 Contents of order
Clause 6 Contents: further provisions
Clause 7 Review of order
Clause 8 Duration of order
Clause 9 Nationals and residents
Orders: procedure etc.
Clause 10 Procedure for making freezing orders
Clause11 Procedure for making certain amending orders
Clause 12 Procedure for revoking orders
Clause 13 De-hybridisation
Clause 14 Orders: supplementary
Clause 15 The Crown
Clause 16 Repeals
Clause 17 Extension of existing disclosure powers
Clause 18 Restriction on disclosure of information for overseas purposes
Clause 19 Disclosure of information held by revenue departments
© Parliamentary
copyright 2001
Prepared: 13 November 2001