3 February 2006
James Atkinson (www.tscm.com) writes:
Here is a copy of the R-20 .icf file that I wrote, and which caused a some folks to get extremely upset as few weeks back.
Could you please mirror it on Cryptome so that it doesn't magically disappear again at the request of DHS and the FBI.
Essentially what you do is take this file, download it into your Icom R-20, and it will find bugs... lot of bugs... from pretty far away.
You can also use it to find covert video camera by listening for the raster buzz.
I also programmed it so that you can hit popular bug bands if you choose.
The best implementation of this program is to drop identical copies in 10 radios, and then to activate only a single bank of 100 channels in each radio (a separate bank in each).
Remember to throw away the crappy Icom "limbo dance" antenna and instead install an Austin Condor rubber ducky.
The file is Copyright 2005, Granite Island Group