29 October 2004
A. writes: I downloaded all the .doc files on the deadletter archive and extracted the hidden information MS word stores in .doc files:
The perl script is here:
and you must have anti-word installed:
Just wanted to provide this to confirm the information source and provide more information about these documents. You can see revisions, who created the file (or what MS reports), etc. This technique was used on some EU documents:
1|10/17 - 2:00pm - Nicaraguan Rally to celebrate the 7th Annv. of NACARA and that over 15,000 Nicaraguans will be voting for the first time in this Presidential election thanks to the Republican Party. Ideal surrogates: Gov. Jeb Bush, Senator Connie Mack, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Mario Diaz-Balart ( Connie Mack and L. Diaz-Balart authored the legislation in 1997 which granted 70, 000 Nicaraguens permanent residency in the United States).
1|Microsoft Word 10.0
1|U.S. House of Representatvies
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1|(305)412-8994, ext 100 (w) (305) 773-6146
1|(786) 277-3795 & (305) 389-2448
1|(786) 388-9098 (h)
1|1433 SW 107 Ave.
1|16700 NE 19 AVENUE
1|5372 West 16 Ave.
1|72 Hour Coordinator
4|Absentee Ballot Coordinator
2|African Americans
1|Andy & Lorraine Grigsby
2|Bracketing Coordinators
5|Canvassing Coordinator
1|Chairman, Miami- Dade County
1|Communications Coordinator
1|Communications Director
1|DATE \@ "M/d/yyyy"
1|Democrats 4 Bush
1|Deyanira Cruzco Suarez
1|Director, Hispanic Grassroots Dev.
1|Election Strategy
3|Event Coordinators
1|Gary Jean-Phillipe
1|Gerald/Elizabeth Bauman
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1|Haitians for Bush
2|Hispanics for Bush
1|Hon. Gaston Cantens
1|Hon. Juan Carlos Zapata
1|Jeanne-Maryse Elysee
1|Jennifer Bennick
1|Jose De la Lama (Peru)
1|Jose Felipe Alonso
1|Juan Jose Esclasans Ven
1|Julio Alberto de Armas
1|Last saved by
2|Lawyers for Bush
1|Marcoantonio Real (Nic)
1|Maria De La Milera
1|Mary Ellen Miller
1|Mercedes & Luis Perez
2|Michelle Azel
1|Nicaraguans for Bush
1|Oswaldo/Lucy Daubar
1|Pedro Roig, Jr., M.D.
1|Perla Answersertern
1|Phone Bank Co-Coordinator
1|Phone Bank Committee
5|Phone Bank Coordinator
1|Poll Watching Coordinator
1|Postcard Coordinator
1|Raymond Jean-Phillipe
1|Rep. Gaston Cantens
1|Seniors for Bush
1|TO and new information
1|Teresita SanMiguel
1|Transportation Co-Coordinator
1|Transportation Committee
4|Transportation Coordinator
4|Victory 04 Field Director
1|Volunteer Committee
2|Volunteer Coordinator
1|Volunteer Coordinator/Events
1|Volunteer/Events Coordinator
1|Voter Reg./Events
5|Yard Sign Committee
5|Yard Sign Coordinator
2|Bush Cheney '04, Inc.
1|Microsoft Word 10.0
1|Sarah Sauber
1|Bush-Cheney '04, Inc.
1|P <y
1|PreProgram and Bios
1|Scott Kopple
2|Ana Carbonell
1|House Information Resources
2|Message from Jeb Bush:
1|Microsoft Office Word
1|Microsoft Office Word Document
1|n abierto en Miami-Dade numerosos sitios para que usted pueda votar antes del 2 de noviembre. Es sumamente importante que en las elecciones de este a
2|Ana Carbonell
1|House Information Resources
1|Microsoft Office Word
1|Microsoft Office Word Document
|Annual event held at Prairie Village, a replica of a pioneer town. Steam-powered and horse-powered threshing. Many antique tractors and cars, tractor pull, and musical entertainment. Other activities include train rides, dinner train, carousel rides, and tours of the village`s historic buildings. 2004 features Hart-Parr Oliver and 2005 features International.
1|Avoca [West Central Region]
1|Carnival midway, quilts, food, entertainment, crafts.
1|Food, entertainment, car show, parade, fly-in breakfast, Iowa Aviation Museum tours, airplane rides.
2|GMR Marketing LLC
1|HYPERLINK "http://web.sdstate.edu/humanities/festival" \t "_blank"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.attatribal.com" \t "_blank"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.butlercountyiowa.com"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.cedarfallstourism.org"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.centralstatesfair.com" \t "_blank"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.deadwood.org" \t "_blank"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.greenfieldiowa.com"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.henrycountytourism.org"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.keokuktourism.com"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.lewisandclarkfestival.com" \t "_blank"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.meetmuscatine.com"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.prairievillage.org" \t "_blank"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.usd.edu/whover" \t "_blank"
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1|Julie Coughlin
1|Microsoft Office Word
1|Microsoft Office Word Document
1|Music in the park, arts and crafts, car show, car cruise.
1|National and regional bands, workshops and impromptu jam sessions.
1|Parade, street dance, food, games, car show.
1|Richard Adams
1|Second Annual Music Festival
1|Several stages of music, crafts, camping.
1|Microsoft Word 10.1
2|Randa FahmyHudome
1|"Let's say you tried to have an election, and you could have it in three-quarters or four-fifths of the country, but some places, you couldn't because the violence was too great. Well, so be it," Rumsfeld told the Senate Armed Services Committee. "So you have an election that's not quite perfect."
1|"She doesn't have to win in the southwest, she just has to be semi-competitive just like Blunt needs to do in the urban areas," Ali said.
1|, for example, has gained national attention for its 38-page military and overseas voters' guide, which outlines registration and balloting procedures. Indiana accepts completed ballots via fax but not e-mail.
1|All the wrangling that has taken place over electronic voting the past year has pointed out one inescapable conclusion, many observers say: Touch-screen machines may not be the ideal solution to voting error and fraud, but their weaknesses are simply the latest variation in a process that has never been completely secure.
1|Another key demographic is the African-American vote. More African-Americans
4|B* CJ
1|Bush's opposition to gay marriage also may help explain his appeal. A majority of likely voters supported banning gay marriage in the five Gore-2000 states that were questioned about it last week: Iowa, Michigan, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
1|But Bush backtracked a bit from two of his previous statements on Iraq. He said he used "an unfortunate word" earlier this week when he suggested that U.S. intelligence officials were "guessing" when they offered a downbeat assessment of the outlook for Iraq. The intelligence assessment of Iraq's future offered scenarios ranging from a tenuous security situation to all-out civil war.
1|David Kimball, a professor of political science at University of Missouri-St.
1|Despite sounding themes that he has repeated almost daily on the campaign trail, Cheney inspired raucous ovations throughout a slightly modified 26-minute stump speech. Not once did he raise his voice. Save for a wave given upon taking the stage and another as he left, he gestured not a bit. Rather, his hands rested on the lectern, moving only to reach for a glass of water, to nudge his glasses up his nose, to turn the pages of the speech.
1|Drewes vied with politics: fliers in pockets and stickers slapped on T-shirts,
1|HYPERLINK "http://news.mywebpal.com/partners/865/public/news575464.html"
2|HYPERLINK "http://springfield.news-leader.com/news/today/0920-AroundtheO-182832.html"
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2|HYPERLINK "http://springfield.news-leader.com/news/today/0924-AroundtheO-186315.html"
1|HYPERLINK "http://stloracle.blogspot.com/2004/09/flimsy-attacks-on-blunt-may-backfire.html"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.columbiatribune.com/2004/Sep/20040922Feat001.asp"
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1|HYPERLINK "http://www.missourimost.org/"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/mld/myrtlebeachonline/news/politics/9744234.htm"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.newstribune.com/articles/2004/09/22/news_state/0922040032.txt"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.sedaliademocrat.com/284121246989470.htm"
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1|HYPERLINK "http://www.springfieldnews-leader.com/today/0923-Kerrycampa-185634.html"
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2|HYPERLINK "http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/education/story/8CDB19A165E1655386256F18001C6C78?OpenDocument&Headline=Registration+drives+shift+into+high+gear+at+campuses+here"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/election2004/story/57C1A07015737C4986256F1700185961?OpenDocument&Headline=Carnahan,+Hathaway+both+back+early+voting"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/election2004/story/6181C090616147D086256F150017B715?OpenDocument&Headline=McCaskill,+Blunt+are+in+a+dead+heat"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/missouristatenews/story/44B8A6E21AC3A73886256F1900754455?OpenDocument&Headline=Blunt+won%27t+take+part+in+Oct.+21+debate"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/stlouiscitycounty/story/486A9FFBAEECC65F86256F17001B191F?OpenDocument&Headline=College+tuition+is+low-key+issue+in+campaign"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/stlouiscitycounty/story/74FE444C9BB4819186256F19001C2264?OpenDocument&Headline=Secretary+of+State+candidates+discuss+election+reform"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/stlouiscitycounty/story/9AC573ED301330FF86256F19001C21CD?OpenDocument&Headline=County+election+officials+scramble+to+correct+mistake+on+abs"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/stlouiscitycounty/story/9DFF0963501F2A8386256F1700197652?OpenDocument&Headline=Candidates+for+Gephardt%27s+seat+seek+to+define+themselves+at"
2|HYPERLINK "http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A39102-2004Sep21?language=printer"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/09/20040923-15.html"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.wilmingtonstar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040919/ZNYT02/409190400/1002/Business"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.wjla.com/externalwebsite.hrb?website=http://capwiz.com/wjla/e4/cinfo/?id=100193" \o "Read More About This Person"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.wjla.com/externalwebsite.hrb?website=http://capwiz.com/wjla/e4/cinfo/?id=127076" \o "Read More About This Person"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.wjla.com/externalwebsite.hrb?website=http://www.georgewbush.com" \o "Visit Dick Cheney's Website "
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.wjla.com/externalwebsite.hrb?website=http://www.johnkerry.com/" \o "Visit John Kerry's Website "
2|HYPERLINK "http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0904/175315.html"
1|HYPERLINK "http://www.wjla.com/search.hrb?s=key&k=Kerry" \o "Search For More Stories On This Topic"
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1|In 2001, Heppermann sent his daughter, Kara, to the Columbia campus with little expense, thanks to scholarships. At the time, tuition for an undergraduate was under $5,000. Now it tops $7,100, and Kara needs a part-time job and at least $400 a month from her parents to cover expenses.
1|In our second term, we will keep moving forward with a pro-growth, pro-jobs agenda,
1|Iowa. Iowa voters ranked terrorism and the economy equally atop their list of concerns. They approved of the decision to go to war in Iraq by 50-44 percent, and were evenly split, 45-45, over whether the country is on the right track or wrong track.
1|Lamone fiercely defends the new technology: "I can tell you that the voters overwhelmingly love the equipment. ... We are hearing from some folks who are buying into this paper-trail issue. They don't understand the procedures that we use to ensure that nothing can happen to the voting system." The procedures include software and hardware testing, double-sealing with special tape designed to show when tampering has occurred, and rereading of memory cards by counties the day after the election, Lamone said.
1|Macromedia Fireworks 4.0
1|Mr. Sloca countered that Missouri voters remain committed to the Bush-Cheney vision of lower taxes, strong national defense and respect for the sanctity of human life.
2|Network & Online Services
1|On the other side are groups representing minorities, arguing that touch-screen voting without a paper trail could make it easier for a corrupt elections official to make those votes disappear. "We are concerned about the fact that this is not a tried-and-true system," said Melanie Campbell, executive director of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation. "What we are concerned about is voter confidence."
1|Parents As Teachers Program (Chapter 178.695) The lieutenant governor shall act as an adviser to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for all such programs. The lieutenant governor also serves as an advisor to DESE on early childhood education. The Early Childhood Program allows low-income stay-at home parents to receive payments for staying home with their children. If these parents participate in the PAT program, they can receive a higher amount of money from Early Childhood Program funding.
2|Press clips 9/24
1|R. Michael Alvarez, a California Institute of Technology professor and co-director of an electronic voting research project run by Caltech and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said 4 million to 6 million votes were lost nationally in the 2000 presidential election because of a variety of problems. According to a 2001 report issued by the Caltech-MIT group, as many as 2 million of those votes were lost because of faulty ballots or equipment problems, but up to 3 million were lost due to registration mix-ups, with another possible 1 million votes lost through botched polling-place operations.
1|Stafford County Registrar Ray Davis said the controversy has been generated by "the pseudo-experts that they think they... can program the [touch-screen] equipment." Davis said that the county will buy a computerized system once the Elections Assistance Commission develops guidelines.
1|State Democrats struck back quickly. Lt,. Gov. Joe Maxwell, the vice-chairman
1|The Pentagon had been planning to offer the option of sending ballots via e-mail voting to a wider sample of military voters in November. But, citing security concerns, it abandoned in January its $22 million pilot program called SERVE, which would have offered e-mail balloting to military voters in seven states - Arkansas, Florida, Hawaii, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah and Washington. Security concerns also pre-empted a pilot program that would have let about 250 overseas military members vote on the Internet in the 2000 election.
1|Vice President Dick Cheney stoked up Republican supporters in St. Joseph Thursday with tough talk about Democratic challenger John Kerry and a well-received nod to local lore.
1|electorate that has swelled by an unprecedented number of 18- to 24-year-olds -
1|his appearances have all come before Bush-Cheney supporters, either at invitation-only stops or at ticketed Republican National Committee rallies.
1|registration drives featuring a cast of new players ranging from the Hip-Hop
1|s job losses during his stop in St. Joseph. A spokesman for the John Kerry-John Edwards campaign said 28,900 jobs have been lost in Missouri since Mr. Bush took office.
1|s re-election bid. Though he spoke in Fulton in April, the vice president
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