26 October 2004. Editor IsBushWired writes:
For what it's worth, someone wrote in to Portland Indy Media recently saying that a company called Tether Technologies of Columbia, MO had designed the device Bush wore. The poster also said that the signal was carried to his ear by an Israeli-designed earpiece "thinner than a human hair." I haven't been able to find Tether Technologies yet. Another post I found last night on Portland Indy Media:ITMBTC linkThe US government has been funding the developement of this type of device for years. The device, the MET Ossicular Stimulator, is manufactured by Otologics (www.otologics.com) and does not require any external mechanics at the ear...making it undetectable from side views. They must have needed a transponder to pick up the signal and transfer it to the device ... hence the bulge.
Source: Otologics
22 October 2004. James Atkinson (www.tscm.com) expands his assessment of ear-pieces below.
Cryptome has reviewed several hundred close-up photos of Bush's ears and only one appears to show a hearing device and it, too, could be challenged as an effect of lighting as Jim Atkinson describes below:
Source: http://www.thiscantbehappening.net/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/bushearpiece.jpg
Photo accompanies a Salon article by Dave Lindorff, archived here:
Selected photos from the Associated Press archive via the New York Public Library:
21 October 2004. James Atkinson (www.tscm.com), a technical countersurveillance professsional, doubts Bush is wearing an ear piece as suggested below, instead lighting reflection produces the effect shown. He notes that in-ear devices have visible components on their surface, not the smooth surface seemingly in the left-ear Bush photo, although two devices in the middle-left hearing-aid photos below are fairly smooth. If Atkinson is correct, there appear to be no photos of Bush wearing an in-ear receiver such as that shown below of a cueing system to supplement photos of what is alleged to be a transmitter on his back.
Here are several in-ear (audial canal) hearing aids:
Source: http://stores.ebay.com/HEARINGAIDS4YOU_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQdptZ0QQsclZallQQsotimedisplayZ2QQtZkm
20 October 2004
Bush Bulge: http://cryptome.org/bush-bulge.htm
Bush Ear Piece
Sources: |
It is not known if the ear piece is a hearing-aid or an in-ear receiver
for wireless communication with aides and/or security personnel.
One type of an in-ear receiver for a cueing system,
shown with battery compartment open: |
![]() Source Thanks to R. |
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 21:10:01 -0400 To: John Young <jya@pipeline.com> From: "James M. Atkinson" <jmatk@tscm.com> Subject: Hearing Aid Background Materials - Pinna Envy Please see the following links and note the anatomy of the pinna (ear lobe, et al.), and how the structures of it effect the shadows cast into and around both the ear canal and the pinna. The tragus and anti-tragus frequently causes a shadow that can be mis-interpreted to be an eavesdropping or assisted hearing device. A similar shadow can also be caused by excessive ear hair, or severe wax build-ups. The area between the tragus and antitragus is often where the controls of the device can be seen such as those used by CNN and Fox News. The tragus is also frequency used to conceal the battery compartment or removal appendage. Great care must be taken when analyzing a grainy photograph or video as the position of a light source can create artifacts similar to that which would be present it a technical device was present. A mere darkening of the ear canal, shadowing, or lightening does not mean that a device is present. Instead someone examining such a photograph must look for the radial rib(s) on the volume or similar control, and must look for the device used to remove the device from the ear canal (usually a short, thin piece of clear plastic) or other artifacts caused by protuberances of the technical device and not the structures of the ear itself. Also, the presence of such a device can be confirmed by viewing the speakers ear canal and clothing with a thermal camera, by testing for modulated magnetic fields (typical 40-98 kHz) near the speaker, and low intensity directional RF fields in the area. The thermal camera is difficult to use in this case as it requires usage very close to the person being examined, and the Secret Service tends to get touchy about people lurking around close to the President with funny looking optics. The magnetic fields can also be detected, but by the same token the person trying to detect magnetic field needs to be moderately close to the person wearing such a system and while this can be done from a distance the amount of magnetic interference present around the President during such an event makes it extraordinarily difficult to detect this kind of field during his public appearances. The Secret Service also gets a little touchy about people lurking around the stage and podium with loop antenna prior to and during Presidential appearances. The RF fields on the other hand are very, very easy to detect, intercept, and demodulate, even at considerable distances, but it does require specialized equipment once the distance is more than a few hundred feet. -jma http://www.earaces.com/anatomy.htm http://www.hearingloop.org/fq_concerns.htm http://www.hohadvocates.org/telecoils.htm http://adam.about.com/encyclopedia/003303.htm http://www.ccent.com/PHS/anat.html http://www.ciprodex.com/consumer/ear_anatomy.asp