19 June 2001
J. L. Landrum
Naval Research Laboratory
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-5004
P. Mejia
C&C Technologies
Lafayette, LA
The Oceanographic Remotely Controlled Automaton (ORCA) is a prototype Naval hydrographic/oceanographic survey system operated from a mother ship (Figure 1). Measurements are radioed to a control station on the mother ship, logged, and displayed in real time. A decluttered and customized chart background was needed to expand situational awareness. This paper describes the adaptation of an existing government map application program to provide the needed map services to the ORCA control station. Many hydrographic surveys are conducted in areas for which charts exist in some form and at some scale, often for the purpose of updating the existing chart or perhaps producing a chart at a larger scale. The ready availability of the pre-existing chart data may provide a valuable aid in the selection of survey platform and equipment and in planning the actual survey tracks, so as to properly investigate suspected navigation hazards such as underwater wrecks and other obstructions.
Sponsored by the Oceanographer of the Navy via SPAWAR PMW 185.
Published in the Marine
Technology Society OCC 98, Volume 1, November 16, 1998. Naval Research Laboratory
Contribution Number NRL/PP/7441 98-0011.
Conference Proceedings