19 June 2001
K. Shaw
Naval Research Laboratory
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-5004
At the NRL-developed 3D database: http: I /postoffice.nrlssc.navy.rnil/dmap, you can walk
inside buildings, view sniper fire angles, threats, etc. and view buildings, street lights, and other features that actually exist at Camp Lejeune. This capability was developed by NRL, from data collected at NIMA St. Louis. The research was funded by the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory and initially provided for the Urban Warrior Exercise. At this same site on the first page, click on the GIDB (for Geospatial Information Database), and experience cutting edge mapping database technology/information distribution that will allow you to answer the question, "what mapping data is available for this area-of-interest?" The mapping data will be displayed on your Netscape browser similar to a Geographic Information System.
If you have any questions, problems with firewalls that could limit viewing the site, plug-in questions, etc. email or call Kevin Shaw at NRL, shaw@nrlssc.navy.mil (228) 688-4197.
Sponsored by the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory.
Published in
the GEOSPATIAL Times, Volume 1.2, Summer 1999.
Journal Article