17 September 2001

Source: Maps-L (Maps and Air Photo Systems Forum)


Priority: NORMAL
X-Authentication: IMSP
Approved-By: Johnnie Sutherland
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 11:37:07 -0400
Reply-To: Maps and Air Photo Systems Forum
Sender: Maps and Air Photo Systems Forum
From: Johnnie Sutherland Subject:
1:50,000 Scale Topographic Maps of Afghanistan, complete.


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Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 16:19:52 -0500
From: Geoffrey Forbes
Subject: 1:50,000 Scale Topographic Maps of Afghanistan, complete.
Sender: Geoffrey Forbes
To: John Sutherland
Reply-To: Geoffrey Forbes Message-ID: <>

I realize that there is a heightened interest in large-scale topo mapping of Afghanistan due to the current national crisis. I want to make all of the MAPS-L subscribers aware that East View Cartographic has in stock the complete set of 1:50,000 scale Russian military topographic maps of Afghanistan. 1648 maps make up the complete set. We also have all other scales in stock. Additionally, we offer Russian satellite imagery and aerial photography of the country from the 1980s. Please contact me with any questions.

Best regards, Geoffrey Forbes
Director of Operations East View Cartographic, Inc.
3020 Harbor Lane N Minneapolis, MN 55447-5137 U.S.A.
Tel (763)550-0961 Fax (763)559-2931


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