11 February 2002



Afghanistan Geospatial Datasets & Services
Reduced Pricing
(Now through February 28, 2002)

LAND INFO International has reduced its pricing on select Afghanistan topographic maps, digital elevation models (DEM), and feature extraction map layers (i.e. roads, hydrography).   The special pricing is valid on orders placed by February 28, 2002.  Contact a LAND INFO representative to place your order today.  You may phone a representative directly at 1-800-949-5080 (+1 303-369-6955).

Description Specifications Standard Price Special Price Now through 2/28/02

1:50,000 scale topographic maps from the Russian Military Series; Click here to view sample;

          400 dpi resolution;         


$163,350 full dataset of 1,650 maps


$50,000 for full dataset

TIFF file format with TFW header file;

Lat/Long, WGS 84

1:100,000 scale topographic maps from the Russian Military Series

400 dpi resolution;


$43,461 full dataset of 439 maps


$24,145 for full dataset

TIFF file format with TFW header file;
Lat/Long, WGS 84

1:200,000 scale topographic maps from the Russian Military Series;Click here to view sample;    Click here to view map index;

400 dpi resolution;


$12,573 full dataset of 127 maps


$6,985 for full dataset

TIFF file format with TFW header file;
Lat/Long, WGS 84


Description Specifications Standard Price Special Price Now through 2/28/02

30-meter DEMs produced from either 1:50,000 scale or 1:100,000 scale topographic maps; 90-meter DEMs produced from 1:200,000 scale topographic maps;

          DEM ASCII format     



Lat/Long, WGS 84


Description Specifications Standard Price Special Price Now through 2/28/02

Contours extracted from any 1:50,000 scale, 1:100,000 scale, or 1:200,000 scale Afghanistan topographic map;

DXF vector format


Lat/Long, WGS 84

1 minor feature, 1 layer extracted from any 1:50,000 scale, 1:100,000 scale, or 1:200,000 scale Afghanistan topographic map;

DXF vector format 




Lat/Long, WGS 84

1 major feature (roads, water), 1 layer extracted from any 1:50,000 scale, 1:100,000 scale, or 1:200,000 scale Afghanistan topographic map;

DXF vector format


Lat/Long, WGS 84

Full vectorization except contours; Up to 8 features into 8 layers, extracted from any 1:50,000 scale, 1:100,000 scale, or 1:200,000 scale Afghanistan topographic map;

DXF vector format


Lat/Long, WGS 84

Full vectorization including contours; Up to 9 features into 9 layers, extracted from any 1:50,000 scale, 1:100,000 scale, or 1:200,000 scale Afghanistan topographic map;

DXF vector format


Lat/Long, WGS 84

NOTE ON AFGHANISTAN SPECIAL: Prices may vary based on client specifications.