14 May 2002



Jewish residents of east Jerusalem
May 9, 2002

Since the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967, some 130 Jewish families have moved into homes in the Arab neighborhoods of the city's eastern half. Maariv reports that as soon as this coming September, the number of Jewish residents of east Jerusalem could be doubled.

The distribution of Jewish residents of east Jerusalem:

Muslim Quarter of the Old City - 65 families, including a home owned by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, and hundreds of yeshiva students.
Silwan (near the City of David) - 30 families.
Nahlat Shimon (near Sheikh Jarrah) - 10 families.
Ras el-Amud - 5 families.
Near Damascus Gate - 3 families.
Arab section of Abu Tor - 4 families.
Beit Hanina - 7 families.
Yeshivat Beit Orot, near Mt. of Olives - 80 yeshiva students.

Source: Maariv.