12 July 2001
of Contents
This appendix contains an outline of engineer input to OPLANs and OPORDs. Annex M (Figure E-1) states the topographic products required for completing a mission. The GI&S officer is responsible for developing this annex to the OPLAN. Figure E-2 is a sample of Appendix 1 to the Topographic Annex.
The analysis of the AO (Figure E-3) is the terrain-analysis unit's textual and graphic input to the OPLAN or OPORD. It can be an annex or an appendix to an annex of the OPLAN or OPORD. (Historically, it is an appendix to Annex B).
Figure E-1. Sample Annex M
Figure E-2. Sample Appendix 1 to the Topographic Annex
Figure E-3. Sample Analysis of the AO (continued below)
Figure E-3. Sample Analysis of the AO