27 March 2002



GIS-Based Homeland Security Initiatives Abound
Friday, March 22, 2002

In the past, it has been difficult to make decision makers understand the critical need and requirements for spatial information and analysis. Now, in the wake of Sept. 11, GIS companies are finding it easier than ever to make the case for spatial technology, particularly for homeland security initiatives.

For example, MapInfo was one of the first companies to publicize such initiatives when it announced its homeland security program on Jan. 29 (see MapInfo Unveils New Homeland Security Program Leveraging Location Intelligence. As part of the program, MapInfo is embarking on a multicity tour to discuss homeland security and business continuity with government agencies.

On March 18, Autodesk announced two homeland security applications, Web Enforcer and FloorView (see Autodesk Technology Used in Homeland Security Applications). Using Autodesk's GIS technology, the two third-party products are being used by law enforcement officials and emergency response teams to help plan for and react to threats and emergencies.

On March 21, ESRI announced a series of its own homeland security initiatives, including technology grants, training and advanced educational materials,for local, state and federal government agencies as well as private organizations (see ESRI Unveils Series of Homeland Security Initiatives).

Since Sept. 11, it's become clear that spatial technology's ability to integrate diverse data is critical to homeland security. Thanks to initiatives such as those mentioned above, GIS companies are doing their part to expand spatial technology's use in emergency management and response applications across the country.