12 June 2002



Free Seminar

Location Intelligence in Government

Washington D.C.
June 12, 2002
Grand Hyatt Washington
1000 H St. NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
8:30 Registration and refreshments
9:00 – 11:30 Seminar

Learn how government agencies are leveraging location intelligence to manage programs and make better decisions. MapInfo will demonstrate the latest technology and real-world applications that are currently assisting government agencies across the nation to deliver true solutions to citizens and constituents.

We will take a look at MapInfo Professional v7.0 - the latest and greatest release. Ideal for MapInfo Professional users.
Demonstrations of MapInfo Professional v7.0 -
Direct read of shape files
Windows certified
Improved database connectivity
Spatialware for SQL Server
Other improved data access
Enhanced GIS analysis and processing tools
New publishing capabilities
See the new MapInfo Discovery™ - new ways to distribute and share maps via the web
See demonstrations of mapping applications on the pocket PC
Whether you're new to location-intelligence or you're an experienced MapInfo Professional user who wants to see the latest features and functionality - Location Intelligence in Government will give you better perspective on your citizens and programs.

Register now! See you soon.

Questions? Contact us at: or call 1-800-619-2333.