13 December 2001



[Commerce Business Daily: Posted in CBDNet on November 21, 2001]
[Printed Issue Date: November 27, 2001]
From the Commerce Business Daily Online via GPO Access

CLASSCOD: A--Research and Development
OFFADD: US Army Robert Morris Acquisition Center, APG Contracting
  Div., Aberdeen Branch, ATTN: AMSSB-ACC-A, 4118 Susquehanna
  Avenue, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-3013
SOL DAAD05-02-R-0005
DUE 011002
POC Jeffrey Pierce, 410-278-0861, FAX 410-278-0904
DESC:  The U.S. Army Robert Morris Acquisition Center, in support
  of the U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center (ATC) and the Director,
  Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) is soliciting innovative
  proposals through this Broad Agency Announcement in the area
  of multi- spectral sensors and seekers, including highly distributed
  sensor systems, and hybrid military-commercial products related
  to Test and Evaluation Development. Proposed research should
  investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary
  advances in science, devices, sensor systems, sensor platforms
  or methodologies as they apply to Test and Evaluation (T&E).
  Multi-spectral definition in this context includes multi-sensor
  and/or hyperspectral instrumentation in any combination of
  the following: ultr aviolet, visible, near infrared (IR), short-wave
  IR, mid-wave IR, long-wave IR, and millimeter wave and, by
  extension, the acoustic, magnetic, and seismic. Specifically
  the Government seeks innovative proposals in the multi-spectral
  sensors area that will allow improved T&E for system development
  of current and future systems that will require test and evaluation
  over the next 10 to 15 years. The goal is not to perform basic
  research, but to define and then enable technologies necessary
  to perform the tes ting and evaluation of future multi-spectral
  sensors on ground, sea and aerial platforms, and weapons systems
  in air-to-air, air-to-surface, surface-to-air, and surface-to-surface
  scenarios. DOT&E sees advances in multi-spectral sensors and
  related techno logies in the areas of Land Warrior systems
  (e.g. littoral environment); remote sensing systems; detectors;
  detector algorithms; human-machine interface development (e.g.
  heads-up displays); computational tools (e.g. signature models);
  sensor system target detection, acquisition, and identification
  and targeting assessments; countermeasure survivability and
  countermeasure enhancements; multi-spectral sensor fusion,
  networking, and sensor integration component testing; innovative
  approaches to test facilitie s and test instrumentation platforms
  (all weather sensor suites); land combat sensor analysis; target-background/foreground
  interactions; both human and materiel performance metrics development
  and testing; integrated multi-spectral sensor information deve
  lopment; fire-and-forget, and hit-to-kill sensor T&E concepts.
  PROJECT SCOPE: Total Funding for this project is estimated
  at $1.2 million, from which a total of 2 to 3 awards are envisioned.
  It is anticipated that increased funding levels will occur
  in the following fiscal years. The program is expected to be
  initia ted in FY02, however, the prospective proposer should
  be aware that there is no certainty in the funding or level
  of effort. The Government reserves the right to select for
  award all, some, or none of the proposals received. GENERAL
  INFORMATION: Proposals should address development and/or operational
  test and evaluation technologies. DOT&E strongly encourages
  well-coordinated, interdisciplinary research and development
  activities. Teaming among academic, industrial and /or g overnment
  partners are encouraged, however, this is not a requirement.
  Projects may be awarded in phases with the later phases being
  funded in FY03 or later and will be contingent on fund availability,
  merit of performance in previous phases, and anticipa ted future
  T&E requirement for the technologies being addressed. In order
  to minimize the magnitude of the proposal preparation and review
  process, a proposal abstract (i.e. White Paper) totaling no
  more than 15 pages (total) should be submitted by 12/10/ 02.
  Each abstract shall specify the organization code, sub-contractors
  (where applicable), and their specific roles. The abstract
  shall briefly describe the out year effort beyond completion
  of the phase I effort. Each abstract shall address a specific
  multispectral T&E need. Additionally, the abstract shall address
  any ongoing, defense or commercial science and technology efforts
  that will be leveraged, and cost sharing opportunities, if
  applicable. Additional information on the abstract and full
  proposal required format can be found at,
  which is estimated to be posted on or about 6 December 2002
  . Proposals should be submitted electronically in PDF, MS-Word,
  HTML, or ASCII format and should be forwarded to ATC by means
  of 3.25 inch floppy, ZIP (100 or 250 MB) disc, or CD-ROM. In
  addition, two paper copies should be submitted and mailed with
  the e lectronic media. No proposal submitted via e-mail will
  be considered. All abstract materials shall be addressed to
  the ATC, ATTN: Mr. Frank R. Carlen, U.S. Army Aberdeen Test
  Center , Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005, with a courtesy
  copy forwarded to the Robert Morris Acquisition Center, ATTN:
  Mr. Jeffrey R. Pierce, Bldg 4118 Susquehanna Blvd, Aberdeen
  Proving Ground, MD 21005.3013 (410-278-0861, e-mail:
  EVALUATION: Evaluation of proposal abstracts and full proposals
  will be accomplished through a technical review of each proposal
  using the following criteria: (1) relevance to multispectral
  T&E technologies, (2) overall scientific and technical merit,
  (3) potential and plans for the technology to transition, (4)
  offeror s capabilities and related experience, and (5) cost
  realism. Upon review, the Government will respond to proposal
  abstracts with a recommendation to submit or not to submit
  a full proposal and the time and date for submission of a full
LINKDESC: Army Single Face to Industry
EMAILDESC: US Army Robert Morris Acquisition Center, APG Contracting
  Div., Aberdeen Branch
CITE: (D-325 SN5135D4)