24 November 2001

Source: The Middle East Petroleum Geoscience Website

GEO Conferences

The biennial Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, GEO, is the premier petroleum geoscience technology event in the world's most profilic petroleum basin. Since its launch in 1994, it has been supported by the National Oil Companies of the Gulf Cooperation Council and other Middle East countries, International Oil companies, five professional societies (AAPG, DGS, EAGE, SEG, ESG and SEG), Petroleum Ministries, the Service Industry, and both Middle Eastern and International Universities. The most recent GEO 2000 Conference was attended by over 850 industry and 60 academia delegates, a dramatic increase of more than 300 delegates over GEO 98.

GEO 2002
5th Middle East Geoscience Conference and Exhibition
15-17 April, 2002, Bahrain

For GEO 2002, the Program Committee expects another successful program with a substantial proportion of posters. Abstracts may be submitted online between 15 April to 15 July, 2001. The evaluation will be completed in September 2001, and the final status (accepted or excluded) will appear on this website before November 2001. For more information, click on Call for Abstracts.

Call for Abstracts
GEO 2002 welcomes abstracts covering all aspects of the petroleum geosciences, ranging from the Prospect to Mature Petroleum Flow in Reservoirs. Studies should deal with applied Middle East and North Africa case studies, analogs from other basins, and new tools and techniques with potential applications for the Middle East.

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