updated 26 november 1999



Walden Supermax


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project description
Population approx. 400 cells
All spaces listed shall be monitored via 24hr. electronic surveillance
    Public Lobby reception point for visiting family members, friends, attorneys, clergy and other groups
    Inmate Visitation visits from family members, lawyers, religious persons. �includes contact and non-contact visitation
    Hearings and Investigations criminal court proceedings occur here
    Executive Administration prison administrative activities
    Case Management and Records inmates case files and histories
    Inmate Intake / Classification �/ Transfer / Release inmate arrival, identification, screening, physical and psychological evaluation. �assessment of housing requirements based on known enemies, mental deficency, psychological impairment, escape risk potential, suicide risk, protective custody needs.
    Master (Central) Control Center / Communications communications throughout institution, main computer, electronic monitoring of all movement through facility, visual observation
    Custody Operations (Command Center) decisions about staff assignments, monitoring of staff security activities
    Inmate Housing may be small groupings of cells known as 'pods'
    Unit Management supervises smaller housing grouping
    Inmate / Social Services Programs will be dedicated to Lassen Park bio/geo conservation & management
    Education / Library will be dedicated to Lassen Park bio/geo conservation & management
    "Industry" will be dedicated to Lassen Park bio/geo conservation & management
    Recreation will be dedicated to Lassen Park bio/geo conservation & management
    Religious Services
Health Services
Food Service
Central Laundry
    Commissary (Canteen) .inmates can purchase small articles in this store: candy, cigarettes, etc.
    Warehouse all prison supplies stored here
    Engineering / Plant Maintenance this department maintains the physical plant
    Physical Plant energy center: mechanical equipment room, chiller equipment room, fan room, electrical room, emergency generator room, sewage treatment plant, water treatment / storage
    Transportation / Security Perimeter Access  
    Exterior Guard towers Fences Security perimeter, detection systems, security zoning



Death House (lethal injection, gas chamber, electric chair)