22 July 2000. Hironari Noda gives permission to reveal his name as source of this document. Mr. Noda is a former officer of Japan's Public Security Investigation Agency.

14 July 2000. Thanks to SK.

PSIA is one of the intelligence agencies in Japan.

For Official Use Only

Agenda For the Visit Of

Japanese Public Security Investigation Agency Officials

22 June 1998

6D57 OHB

Time Topics of Discussion
0900-0930       Community Management Staff
General Overview of the US Intelligence Community and the DCI's role
0930-1015 Counterterrorism Center
Latest activities of terrorist organizations in Southeast Asian countries? Identification of Russian terrorist groups? How active are they?
1015-1100 Office of Russian and European Analysis
Crime and Narcotics Center

Russia: General briefing on current political stability? How long will Yelt'sin be around? Prospects for a new cabinet? Activities of Russian Mafia at home and abroad?
1100-1200 Nonproliferation Center
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) - Which countries are most actively involved in proliferation? What can be done to prevent this? Any information we can share on development and production of nuclear weapons in India/Pakistan.
1200 Depart for Lunch

For Official Use Only