3 September 2001. Thanks to BH.
This is Appendix A of CJCSM 6231.05a Manual for Employing Joint Tactical Communications - Joint Communications Security, 2 November 1998.
[12 pages.]
APPENDIX A KIV-7 EMBEDDABLE KG-84 COMSEC MODULE 1. General. The KIV-7 is a compact COMSEC device designed to protect digital data communications links at rates up to 512 kbps. It is compatible with the KG-84 family of encryption devices in the secure data and OTAR modes. Built-in key management features support the current key distribution system and the emerging Electronic Key Management System (EKMS). The KIV-7 fill interface is compatible with DS-101 (data transfer device) and DS-102 (common fill) electronic keying devices, and provides storage for up to 10 encryption keys. A removable crypto ignition key (CIK) prevents unauthorized access and protects the internally stored keys. The KIV-7 front panel is pictured in Figure A-1 below. ____________________________________________________Figure A-1. KIV-7 Front Panel ____________________________________________________ 2. Functional Overview. The KIV-7 encrypts and decrypts digital data on dedicated links between communications devices. It accepts synchronous or asynchronous, serial, plain text data from a variety of terminal devices, encrypts the data, modulates it if required, and produces a serial cipher text output. The process is reversed on the receive side. The KIV-7 operates either from internally generated clocks or externally supplied clocking signals, including terminal timing or station clock sources. Although normal operation is full-duplex, it also operates in the half- duplex and simplex (point-to-point, netted, or broadcast) modes. In both synchronous and asynchronous data modes, the KIV-7 operates at the following internally generated data rates: 50 bps 600 bps 16.0 kbps 115.2 kbps 100 bps 1.2 kbps 19.2 kbps 128.0 kbps 110 bps 2.4 kbps 28.8 kbps 192.0 kbps 150 bps 4.8 kbps 32.0 kbps 288.0 kbps 200 bps 8.0 kbps 38.4 kbps 220 bps 9.6 kbps 57.6 kbps 300 bps 14.4 kbps 64.0 kbps An external 32 x data rate clock at rates up to 1.024 MHz is accepted in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. In synchronous modes, an external clock signal at rates up to 512 kbps is accepted. The KIV-7HS can be externally clocked at rates up to 1.544 Mbps. 3. RED/BLACK Interface. The KIV-7 interfaces with a variety of communications devices at its RED and BLACK data ports. RED interface capabilities include EIA-530 (RS-449), RS-232, and RS-422/423. These same interface capabilities exist on the BLACK side, along with a wireline (transformer coupled) interface with the optional WLA-7 Wireline Adapter. The KIV-7 accommodates both the DS-102 (KYK-13, KOI-18, KYX-15) and DS-101 (AN/CYZ-10) fill interface standards. Figure A-2 shows the KIV-7 interface ports along with the typical devices with which it is interoperable. __________________________________________________
Figure A-2. KIV-7 Interconnectivity Diagram __________________________________________________ 4. RED (Plain Text) Interface. The RED input/output (I/O) signals are available at connector J3 on the KIV-7 rear panel, permitting direct connection of the KIV-7 with compatible terminal equipment. The connector is a 37-pin D-type female connector in a male shell. This interface supports the interchange of serial digital data; associated control information is exchanged on separate control circuits. Table A-1 contains the pin assignments for the J3 connector, along with signal names, descriptions, and signal direction with respect to the KIV-7. Application notes for the RED interface follow. ___________________________________________________________ Table A-1. KIV-7 RED Interface Pinouts ___________________________________________________________ PIN # SIGNAL NAME I/O DESCRIPTION ___________________________________________________________ 1 CHASSIS GND G CHASSIS GROUND 2 TXDPT-P I TRANSMIT DIGITAL PLAIN TEXT 3 RXDPT-P O RECEIVE DIGITAL PLAIN TEXT 4 PTRS-P I PLAIN TEXT REQUEST TO SEND 5 PTCS-P O PLAIN TEXT CLEAR TO SEND 6 PTDM-P O PLAIN TEXT DATA MODE 7 SIG GND G SIGNAL GROUND 8 PTRR-P O PLAIN TEXT RECEIVER READY 9 RXCLK-N O RECEIVE CLOCK 10 PTRR-N O PLAIN TEXT RECEIVER READY 11 PTTT-N I PLAIN TEXT TERMINAL TIMING 12 TXCLK-N O TRANSMIT CLOCK 13 PTCS-N O PLAIN TEXT CLEAR TO SEND 14 TXDPT-N I TRANSMIT DIGITAL PLAIN TEXT 15 TXCLK-P O TRANSMIT CLOCK 16 RXDPT-N O RECEIVE DIGITAL PLAIN TEXT 17 RXCLK-P O RECEIVE CLOCK 18 PTLL-P I PLAIN TEXT LOCAL LOOPBACK 19 PTRS-N I PLAIN TEXT REQUEST TO SEND 20 PTTR-P I PLAIN TEXT TERMINAL READY 21 PTRL-P I PLAIN TEXT REMOTE LOOPBACK 22 PTDM-N O PLAIN TEXT DATA MODE 23 PTTR-N I PLAIN TEXT TERMINAL READY 24 PTTT-P I PLAIN TEXT TERMINAL TIMING 25 PTTM-P O PLAIN TEXT TEST MODE 26 NC NC SPARE 27 SIG GND G SIGNAL GROUND 28 +5V RED O +5V TIE-OFF (RED ONLY) 29 RALMIND-P O RED ALARM INDICATOR 30 STP PUL-P O STEP PULSE 31 SYNCTX-P I SYNC COMMAND TRANSMIT 32 PTMON-P O PLAIN TEXT MONITOR 33 SYNCRX-P I SYNC COMMAND RECEIVE 34 PTMON-N O PLAIN TEXT MONITOR 35 RMTOPER-P I REMOTE OPERATE 36 -6V RED O -6V TIE-OFF (RED ONLY) 37 RMTZERO-N I REMOTE ZEROIZE ___________________________________________________________ a. Pins 1 through 25 of the DB-37 connector conform to the circuit assignments specified in EIA-530. The elec- trical characteristics of these circuits, however, are selectable via the KIV-7 front panel menus. The RED interface may be programmed for standard EIA-530, standard RS-232, or a hybrid RS-422/423 which is similar to the RS-449 interface of the KG-84C. EIA-530 will replace RS-449. Pins 26 through 37 are assigned KIV-7 specific functions with fixed electrical characteristics. b. When standard EIA-530 is selected, the data, timing, and control signals fall into two categories. Category I signals are balanced and conform to the electrical charac- teristics specified in RS-422. Category I signals include: Transmit Digital Plain Text Receive Digital Plain Text Transmit Clock Receive Clock Plain Text Terminal Timing Plain Text Request to Send Plain Text Clear to Send Plain Text Data Mode Plain Text Receiver Ready Plain Text Terminal Ready Category II signals are unbalanced and conform to the elec- trical characteristics specified in RS-423. Category II signals include: Plain Text Local Loopback Plain Text Remote Loopback Plain Text Test Mode c. When standard RS-232 is selected, all data, timing, and control signals are unbalanced and conform to the electrical, mechanical, and circuit function characteristics specified in the RS-232 standard. In addition, the interface meets the electrical characteristics of RS-423. When this interface is selected, input signals TXDPT-N, PTRS-N, PTTT-N, and PTTR-N must be tied to signal ground. Output signals RXDPT-N, PTCS-N, PTDM-N, PTRR-N, RXCLK-N, and TXCLK-N are not active and should not be connected. d. When hybrid RS-422/423 is selected, data and timing signals are balanced and conform to the electrical charac- teristics specified in RS-422. These signals include TXDPT, RXDPT, TXCLK, RXCLK, and PTTT. All control signals are unbalanced and conform to the electrical characteristics specified in RS-423. These signals include PTRS, PTCS, PTRR, PTTR, PTLL, PTRL, and PTTM. Input signals PTRS-N and PTTR-N must be tied to signal ground, and output signals PTCS, PTDM, and PTRR are not active and should not be connected. e. When the KIV-7 is configured for either EIA-530 or RS-422/423, unbalanced operation of normally balanced signals is possible. Both signal polarities are available; therefore, either the inverted or noninverted sense of the signal may be used. The unused polarity of all input signals must be tied to signal ground and the unused polarity of all output signals must be left unconnected. 5. BLACK (Cipher Text) Interface. The BLACK I/O signals are available at connector J2 on the KIV-7 rear panel, permitting direct connection of the KIV-7 with compatible data communications equipment. The connector is a 37-pin D-type male connector in a female shell. This interface supports the interchange of synchronous or asynchronous serial digital data, with associated control information exchanged on separate control circuits. Table A-2 contains the pin assignments for the J2 connector, along with signal names, descriptions, and signal direction with respect to the KIV-7. Application notes for the BLACK interface follow. ___________________________________________________________ Table A-2. KIV-7 BLACK Interface Pinouts ___________________________________________________________ PIN # SIGNAL NAME I/O DESCRIPTION ___________________________________________________________ 1 CHASSIS GND G CHASSIS GROUND 2 TXDCT-P O TRANSMIT DIGITAL CIPHER TEXT 3 RXDCT-P I RECEIVE DIGITAL CIPHER TEXT 4 CTRS-P O CIPHER TEXT REQUEST TO SEND 5 CTCS-P I CIPHER TEXT CLEAR TO SEND 6 CTDM-P I CIPHER TEXT DATA MODE 7 SIG GND G SIGNAL GROUND 8 CTRR-P I CIPHER TEXT RECEIVER READY 9 RXCLK-N I RECEIVE CLOCK 10 CTRR-N I CIPHER TEXT RECEIVER READY 11 CTTT-N O CIPHER TEXT TERMINAL TIMING 12 TXCLK-N I TRANSMIT CLOCK 13 CTCS-N I CIPHER TEXT CLEAR TO SEND 14 TXDCT-N O TRANSMIT DIGITAL CIPHER TEXT 15 TXCLK-P I TRANSMIT CLOCK 16 RXDCT-N I RECEIVE DIGITAL CIPHER TEXT 17 RXCLK-P I RECEIVE CLOCK 18 CTLL-P O CIPHER TEXT LOCAL LOOPBACK 19 CTRS-N O CIPHER TEXT REQUEST TO SEND 20 CTTR-P O CIPHER TEXT TERMINAL READY 21 CTRL-P O CIPHER TEXT REMOTE LOOPBACK 22 CTDM-N I CIPHER TEXT DATA MODE 23 CTTR-N O CIPHER TEXT TERMINAL READY 24 CTTT-P O CIPHER TEXT TERMINAL TIMING 25 CTTM-P I CIPHER TEXT TEST MODE 26 NC NC SPARE 27 SIG GND G SIGNAL GROUND 28 +5V BLACK O +5V TIE-OFF (BLACK ONLY) 29 BALMIND-P O BLACK ALARM INDICATOR 30 NC SPARE 31 NC SPARE 32 NC SPARE 33 SPLX2W-P I SIMPLEX 2-WIRE STATUS 34 PTTCTRL-N O PUSH-TO-TALK CONTROL 35 EX2WEN-N I EXTERNAL 2-WIRE ENABLE 36 -6V BLACK O -6V TIE-OFF (BLACK ONLY) 37 NC SPARE ___________________________________________________________ a. Pins 1 through 25 of the DB-37 connector conform to the circuit assignments specified in EIA-530. The elec- trical characteristics of these circuits, however, are selectable via the KIV-7 front panel menus. The BLACK interface may be programmed for standard EIA-530, standard RS-232, or a hybrid RS-422/423 which is similar to the RS-449 interface of the KG-84C. EIA-530 will gradually replace RS-449. Pins 26 through 37 are assigned KIV-7 specific functions, with fixed electrical characteristics. b. When standard EIA-530 is selected, the data, timing, and control signals fall into two categories. Category I signals are balanced and conform to the electrical charac- teristics specified in RS-422. Category I signals include: Transmit Digital Cipher Text Receive Digital Cipher Text Transmit Clock Receive Clock Cipher Text Terminal Timing Cipher Text Request to Send Cipher Text Clear to Send Cipher Text Data Mode Cipher Text Receiver Ready Cipher Text Terminal Ready Category II signals are unbalanced and conform to the elec- trical characteristics specified in RS-423. Category II signals include: Cipher Text Local Loopback Cipher Text Remote Loopback Cipher Text Test Mode c. When standard RS-232 is selected, all data, timing, and control signals are unbalanced and conform to the electrical, mechanical, and circuit function characteristics specified in the RS-232 standard. In addition, the inter- face meets the electrical characteristics of RS-423. When this interface is selected, input signals RXDCT-N, ETCLK-N. ERCLK-N, CTCS-N, CTDM-N, and CTRR-N must be tied to signal ground. Output signals TXDCT-N, CTRS-N, CTTT-N, and CTTR-N are not active and should not be connected. d. When hybrid RS-422/423 is selected, data and timing signals are balanced and conform to the electrical charac- teristics specified in RS-422. These signals include TXDCT, RXDCT, ETCLK, ERCLK, and CTTT. All control signals are unbalanced and conform to the electrical characteristics specified in RS-423. These signals include CTRS, CTCS, CTDM, CTRR, CTLL, CTRL, and CTTM. Input signals CTCS-N, CTDM-N, and CTRR-N must be tied to signal ground, and output signals CTRS-N and CTRR-N are not active and should not be connected. e. When the KIV-7 is configured for either EIA-530 or RS-422/423, unbalanced operation of normally balanced signals is possible. Both signal polarities are available; therefore, either the inverted or noninverted sense of the signal may be used. The unused polarity of all input signals must be tied to signal ground and the unused polarity of all output signals must be left unconnected. 6. Configuration Programming. The various configuration options are programmed using the SETUP A, SETUP B, and SETUP C menus. Options must be selected to match the setup of the distant-end device with which it will be communicating. Electrical interfaces must be compatible with attached devices and be programmed prior to online operation to prevent damage. a. [-SETUP A]. Use this menu to select data clock options, synchronization mode, data modulation, data length, transmit and receive data rates, teletype mode, and interface control. b. [-SETUP B]. Use this menu to select plaintext and ciphertext inversion, transmit and receive clock gating, synchronous out-of-sync detection, idle options, autophasing options, and update options. c. [-SETUP C]. Use this menu to select the plaintext and ciphertext electrical interfaces, fill interface and key format, DS-101 fill address, remote control address, display intensity, and speaker operation. d. [-SETmgmt]. Use this menu to manage user-defined configurations. Up to three different configurations may be stored and later recalled. At power up, the KIV-7 is configured using the settings last stored or recalled prior to power off. 7. Programming Setups. Use the following steps to program configuration options: a. Ensure the KIV-7 is offline. b. SCROLL to [-SETUP A], [-SETUP B], or [-SETUP C] and press INITIATE. c. SCROLL to the desired submenus and press INITIATE. d. SCROLL to the desired option and press INITIATE to select. The currently selected option is highlighted on the message display. e. SCROLL to [ Return] and press INITIATE to exit the submenu. f. Repeat steps c through e to select other options within the same setup menu. g. SCROLL to [=Return] and press INITIATE to exit the setup menu. h. Repeat steps b through g for other setup menus. 8. Storing Setups. Use the following steps to store programmed configuration options: a. Ensure the KIV-7 is offline. b. SCROLL to [-SETmgmt] and press INITIATE. c. SCROLL to [-STORE] and press INITIATE. d. SCROLL to the desired storage location (1, 2, or 3) and press INITIATE. e. Observe the status message. f. SCROLL to [ Return] and press INITIATE to exit the store menu. g. SCROLL to [=Return] and press INITIATE to exit the setup management menu. 9. Recalling Setups. Use the following steps to recall the factory default (location 0) or user defined configuration options: a. Ensure the KIV-7 is offline. b. SCROLL to [-SETmgmt] and press INITIATE. c. SCROLL to [-RECALL] and press INITIATE. d. SCROLL to the desired storage location (0, 1, 2, or 3) and press INITIATE. e. Observe the status message. f. SCROLL to [ Return] and press INITIATE to exit the recall menu. g. SCROLL to [=Return] and press INITIATE to exit the setup management menu. 10. Operating Guidelines. The following guidelines for specified modes must be observed when configuring and operating the KIV-7. a. Clock Modes (1) Slave. Not recommended for full duplex commu- nications modes. (2) Station. Not recommended for full duplex communications modes. The station source must be equal to one of the KIV-7 internal data rates. (3) Terminal Timing 1. The terminal timing source must be equal to one of the KIV-7 internal data rates and accurate to within 117.5 ppm. A receive clock must be provided via the ciphertext (BLACK) interface from an external clock source. (4) Terminal Timing 2. A receive clock must be provided via the ciphertext (BLACK) interface from an external clock source. b. Synchronization Modes (1) Act 1 and Act 2. Not recommended for full duplex communication modes. In-band OTAR is not supported. (2) HF. In-band OTAR is not supported. (3) External. The modem is responsible for clock recovery and frame synchronization. In-band OTAR is not supported. c. Communication Modes (1) Full Duplex. Transmit and receive data rates must be equal. (2) Full Duplex Indep. The receive plaintext output (RXDPT) is held in the MARK condition whenever the transmit channel is resynchronized. (3) Simplex 2W and 4W. During simplex external operation, input signal PTRS must be held in the OFF condition until the KIV-7 is placed online. d. Transmit/Receive Data Rates. If a 1 x data rate clock is supplied, only synchronous baseband data may be processed. e. Autophasing. Autophasing is valid only when processing asynchronous data and simplex internal operation is selected. f. External Signals (1) Remote Operate. Minimum pulse width is 50 ms. (2) Remote Zeroize. Minimum pulse width is 20 µs. (3) Sync Receive. Minimum pulse width is 20 µs. (4) Sync Transmit. Minimum pulse width is 20 µs.
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