15 January 2005. Kevin Fulton writes today (Cryptome posted this to the hi-jacked blog):

After an interview with the Sunday Times ref: the Dermot Ahern, Dundalk blog, I have never said that I was the owner, or have I ever posted on the site. Looking at some of the articles that have been posted, I can confirm that they are correct. I would like to take this opportunity to relay to the real owner, my admiration for his bravery, and having the balls to stand up to the IRA. He should know that these people would and will put him down a hole if they ever find out his real identity. As I said on your site the Provo's have blamed me on posting the (correct ) articles about them, and have challenged any one to a day in court to prove the allegations. Well, I will take them up on this when the Irish Gov opens the public in query into the Breen and Bucannon murders. Once again to the people in Dundalk and the other towns in Ireland, now is your chance to name and shame the men with no faces. No more secrets. Fear is a powerful weapon. Use it on them. (IT IS WORKING) Signed Kevin Fulton.

14 January 2005

According to the original operator, the Dermot Ahern Dundalk Blog site has been hi-jacked by "Michael," a party connected to blogdrive.com, the site's host. The original operator's administrative privileges have been revoked and he/she has nothing to do with the current site.

Cryptome: The site is now likely a sting run by the authorities. If "Michael" wishes to prove otherwise, send Cryptome a verifiable explanation for the takeover, takedown, deception: jya@pipeline.com


dermot-names.htm    + Dermot Ahern Blog IRA Names and Vodafone Shame   January 11, 2005
dermot-balk.htm     + Dermot Ahern Blog Censored Again                 January 7, 2005
blog-yank.htm       + Dundalk Blog Yanked                              January 5, 2004
blog-threat.htm     + Dundalk Blog Threatened by Vodaphone             January 4, 2004

Blogs which grew out of the Dermot Ahern Dundalk Blog censorship:

http://dundealgan.blogspot.com/ (El Paso Times)

http://dundalk-talk.blogspot.com (Dundalk Talk)