12 January 2005

From: MryAdls@aol.com
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 20:05:21 EST
Subject: Tabloid journalism and websites
To: jya@pipeline.com

Given that the information provided on your website under the name Dermot Ahern has now been proven to be misinformation, lies and not from the source it claimed to emanate from you NEED to apolizise to those whose lives you placed in jepordy.  Fyi the lies posted by you were sent to you by British Agent and Irish traitor, who like to call himself 'Kevin fulton'.  Your website is obviously merely a gossip column used by those with their own political agenda and the real truth and reality are dispensed with in yer endeavours to make a few bucks.   Shame and good riddance, ya rotten quisling bastard.


11 January 2005. Thanks to A. for IRA and Vodafone messages, and A.2 for Drug Dealers messages and who writes: More of the blog cached at Google:



These messages were posted to the Dermot Ahern Dundalk Blog (http://dundalk.blogdrive.com/) and then removed after threats to the blog operator.


dermot-balk.htm     + Dermot Ahern Blog Censored Again                 January 7, 2005
blog-yank.htm       + Dundalk Blog Yanked                              January 5, 2004
blog-threat.htm     + Dundalk Blog Threatened by Vodaphone             January 4, 2004

Blogs which grew out of the Dermot Ahern Dundalk Blog censorship:

http://dundealgan.blogspot.com/ (El Paso Times)

http://dundalk-talk.blogspot.com (Dundalk Talk)

Entry: Dundalks IRA MEN Sunday, January 02, 2005

Post us names and addresses of all the terrorists in your community.


 Posted by p o neill @ 01/02/2005 02:18 PM PST
these are the ones who kept investment from dundalk for so long.

Sean Brady, Leonard BAP Hardy,

 Posted by mike foster @ 01/02/2005 02:23 PM PST
slab murphy 71 larkin road ballybinaby...the osama bin laden of ireland

 Posted by the truth @ 01/03/2005 06:13 AM PST
gwb, usa.

 Posted by p o neill @ 01/03/2005 11:55 AM PST
sammy o hare
michael legs mc loughlin
dessie mackin
kevin mulgrew- works for MI5
seamus mc grane
alan clarke
cathal gartland inla
gary adams inla
brian mc ateer

 Posted by freddie scap @ 01/03/2005 12:48 PM PST
not dundalk men but does it matter.
Current Army Council

Gerry adams, martin mc guinness, pat doherty, brian gillen, tom murphy,gerry kelly, martin ferris,

 Posted by freddie scap @ 01/03/2005 12:52 PM PST
martin ferris, its his turn to publish his own book to retire on. Book out in the coming months.
New trend for current IRA leaders to publish books praising themselves for all they have done, but as usual they leave out all the real details we want to know.

 Posted by freddie scap @ 01/03/2005 02:05 PM PST
james morgan recent commanding officer of dundalk IRA.

 Posted by m @ 01/03/2005 02:56 PM PST
mickey mc kevitt
mickey campbell
peter campbell
liam campbell
brian hearty
arthur morgan
mickey morgan
gerry sloan
tony sloan

 Posted by vol @ 01/03/2005 03:22 PM PST
get these names taken down from this site or you will be found in a black bag on the side of the road is south armagh with a bullet in the head.

 Posted by / @ 01/03/2005 03:47 PM PST
Owen Corrigan who now owns Corrigans Bar in Drogheda was the Irish police man who sold information to the Dundalk IRA resulting in the deaths of many people.

 Posted by p o neill @ 01/03/2005 07:06 PM PST
Kieran mc bride
Pat Muckian
Paddy Myers

 Posted by Peter Quinn @ 01/03/2005 07:16 PM PST
Lads and Ladies, I hate to tell you put you all seem to be using screen names, lets be having your real names and own addresses, I doubt you will be as quick to expose that information.

 Posted by James Haughey @ 01/03/2005 07:26 PM PST
Philly Gaffer, the man's a leg-end

 Posted by p o neill @ 01/03/2005 07:43 PM PST
peter whats your problem, are you the Peter of Irish Gaels.

 Posted by p o neill @ 01/03/2005 08:28 PM PST
JC John Connolly former OC
Rory Duggan
Fra Brown
Paddy Agnew

 Posted by Love @ 01/03/2005 08:52 PM PST
A bag on the side of the road would be very fitting.
GWB, USA. That one is legit.

 Posted by a chara mo chara @ 01/03/2005 09:03 PM PST
not a very smart move. the IRA probably has all your addresses from your ip's, just a warning.

 Posted by Gareth O'Connor @ 01/04/2005 06:16 AM PST
Did Geroid's brother Liam Adams get exiled to Muirhevnamore because he was a tout ? Do Malachy Foots, Kevin Meehan and Briege Elliman also still live there ?
Did PIRA's Aiden Moley, Danny McNamee and Donal Moyna ever make TPUs at Kimble's ?
Might Brian Arthurs, Derek Brady, Saoirse Breathnach, Alan Brown, Mickey McDonald, Tommy Clare, Seamus Daly, Rauiri Dougan, Patrick Duffy be mixed up in anything ?
Do Tommy Eccles, Patrick, McPhillips and Brian McShane who killed Garda Frank Hand at Drumree still call Dundalk home ?
How about Liam Fagan, Niall Farrell, Jim Fox, Eibhlin Glenholmes (maybe back in Belfast with Bobby Campbell ?), Donna Maguire/Hardy, Owen Hanratty, Paul Kelly, Sean Kenna, Damien Lawless, Darrin Mulholland, Kieran and Paddy McDonagh ? Is Martin McDonagh leader of the Cokes ?.
Does Bic McFarlane still live there ? How about Dalton McKevitt, Vincent McKeviit, Bernadette Sands McKevitt ?
Theres plenty more but times nearly up and I don't want to pay for another hour.
Have a good morning

 Posted by Name Flash Mc Veigh @ 01/04/2005 11:55 AM PST
What about Kevin and Peter Conlon they didnt get a mention yet?

 Posted by kevin conlon @ 01/04/2005 12:14 PM PST
flash mc veigh of cooley park

 Posted by martin ingram @ 01/04/2005 01:53 PM PST
is the john connolly mentioned by p o'neill a blow in? did he ever live in belfast and does he own a taxi depot down there?

great blog lads.

 Posted by p o neill @ 01/04/2005 02:29 PM PST
he is involved with Town Cabs, dublin st, dundalk.

 Posted by Emmett @ 01/04/2005 02:55 PM PST
This thread is highly irresponsible.

 Posted by Dundalk sucks @ 01/04/2005 05:15 PM PST
Great blog! Maybe posters can give more details of activties of these terrorists. Maybe even photographic evidence.

 Posted by thomas @ 01/04/2005 05:46 PM PST
Phil Mc Cullough Andersonstown Belfast

 Posted by thomas @ 01/04/2005 05:46 PM PST
Phil Mc Cullough Andersonstown Belfast

 Posted by Lardass American @ 01/04/2005 06:02 PM PST
Isn't everyone in Dundalk in at least one of the IRAs?

 Posted by thomas @ 01/04/2005 06:16 PM PST
rusty cunane inla etc

 Posted by Gareth O\'Connor @ 01/04/2005 06:27 PM PST
They're not all some type of IRA, some are INLA/IRSP. The rest are either PIRA/Sinn Fein/Provos/Shinners/Pinheads, or Officials/Workers/Stickies, or CIRA/RepublicanSF or RIRA/32CSC/Cokes.

Three of the 10 Suicide Dieters (Patsy O'Hara, Kevin Lynch and Michael Devine) were INLA but PIRA likes to ignore that and pretend they were all Pinheads.
The Pinheads also won't admit that the INLA owns Strabane, parts of Derry and Belfast.

 Posted by snitch @ 01/04/2005 06:37 PM PST


 Posted by ian p @ 01/04/2005 06:40 PM PST
i think the cokes are finished in that town

 Posted by Name not available @ 01/04/2005 06:45 PM PST
Dont worry ur home address wont be got from your ip address firstly because only the owners of blogdrive would have access to this secondly your isp would have to tell them what your address is and that aint gonna happen!!! so post away dont worry about dumb fags trying to INTIMIDATE u!

 Posted by Gypo Nolan @ 01/04/2005 07:41 PM PST
Are all the guys who went to Dundalk from Belfast running the ra down there, or is it split evenly with the locals.

 Posted by Gypo Nolan @ 01/04/2005 07:42 PM PST
Are all the guys who went to Dundalk from Belfast running the ra down there, or is it split evenly with the locals.

 Posted by Brad. Gorbals @ 01/04/2005 07:55 PM PST
fuck of morons you are the kind of scum who would have been pointing out hidng jews to the nazis. hopefully you will be visited at your drug infested hovels ! then we will see how brave you are .

 Posted by Namebartender @ 01/04/2005 08:49 PM PST
all the brave people who have name presons for being in the i.r.a.why dont you give us your real names, and prehaps afew days in court standing over your evidence, would decide the truth or not of the matter, go on give it go!

 Posted by o\'ruairc @ 01/04/2005 10:35 PM PST
Barry o,Brien reckons he is a republican but he is just a garda tout masquerading a republican beware of this man he WILL set you up to save his own skin

 Posted by o\'ruairc @ 01/04/2005 10:35 PM PST
Barry o,Brien reckons he is a republican but he is just a garda tout masquerading a republican beware of this man he WILL set you up to save his own skin

 Posted by Gypo Nolan @ 01/04/2005 11:06 PM PST
Does mooch still live in Dundalk, or has he scarpered? Is Adams brother still there, or is it his cousin, the rent a mouth tout?

 Posted by Bigmick @ 01/05/2005 12:00 AM PST
This is amazing stiff if its true.

Hope there are no bad people reading this and taking notes

 Posted by Surrounded by scum @ 01/05/2005 12:05 AM PST
Excellent site

 Posted by Name @ 01/05/2005 01:02 AM PST
Wonderful Stuff.
Being reported all over the world.
If you want to fuck the Provos (sorry I mean peaceniks-"decommissioning"-guns-to-columbia-in-return-for -Cocaine-that-will-pay-the-pensions-until-mi5/6-fucked-them)
this is the best place to do it.
Just keep it public and lets see if these worms have the bollox to act against "their own". Especially with one of the biggest American websites watching this blog. Say what you fuckin like. It would be one dumb fucker who reacted with this spotlight on them.
Fuck the RA.

 Posted by toronto @ 01/05/2005 01:28 AM PST
Patty McStereotype
Seamus O'Irish

I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, and I also highly doubt Republicans care about small-scale gossip websites like this one, but you should keep in mind the fact that the Internet is not as anonymous as you think. Anyone who has enough free time can find out who is saying what (or who is running this site).

 Posted by Gareth O\\\'Connor @ 01/05/2005 02:38 AM PST
Hey Gypo Nolan, it wasn't Mooch Blair who did Eamonn Collins, someone said Michael (his cousin ?) did it. Last I heard Mooch and Michael were still in Muirhevnamore (Mooch at Villa One) but that could have changed since the Garda "found" the 17 bullets. Even though O'Loan claims that "KF" thought he saw Mooch smelling of fertiliser and looking for more coffee grinders just before Omagh, and Mooch was doing stuff with the Cokes around Newry then, Ronnie Flanaghan did clear him (makes you wonder) especially since they say Mooch was involved in the Newry RUC canteen and Maurice Healey. I'd forgot about Mooch and Michael Collins when someone mentioned Muirhevnamore. Josephine Hayden, Michael Hegarty's girl, used to come up from Tallaght to visit Saoirse Breatnach.
Arthur Morgan TD has come a long way from Dundalk since he used to row boatloads of guns and bullets across Narrow Water, now he pays people to row for him. Talking about fishing boats, one of the Belfast Provos who was on the run from the Crum, Gerry (or Tony ?) Sloan used to live in Dundalk after he'd spent some time with Martin Ferris TD in the Munster PIRA battalion. Colm Murphy had moved to Ravensdale from south Armagh before he managed to get done for Omagh. Kev Murray, was from Dundalk before the poor lad who died from breathing too much diesel and fertiliser, (like Belfast Brian Keenan will) . Was Pearse McGeough from Dundalk ever a Provo, like Chris O'Donnell was and wasn't Sean O'Donagh from Finnabar Cres. involved with something a while ago ?
Martin Quigley went a really long way from Dundalk to the States to study computers but ended up trying to make rockets and fuses to blow up Brit helicopters with Richard Johnson from NASA, and doing time for it. Maybe he was related to the Cokes Eoin Quigley from Oakland Park who got lifted with Tony O'Hare, Alan Brown and Dalton and Vincent McKevitt, all from Dundalk.

 Posted by Bettyswallocks @ 01/05/2005 09:00 AM PST
I'll name a few terrorists: Blair, Bush fronting for the terrorists states of Britian and the US, facilitated by Ahern who like most that came before him nothing but a puppet of the British state. All the posts previous to this(bar a few) have been nothing but incestious shite. I don't live in Ireland any more but as the years go by I have become increasingly scunnered by the standard of creature which inhabits the land.

For fuck sake, will the lot of you get your fucking heads out of the sand.


 Posted by Gypo Nolan @ 01/05/2005 10:12 AM PST
Hey Gareth thanks, I was wondering how do the ra get rid of their money down there. Is it like here, in the taxi depots. Here they have bought up all the taxi depots to legit their money, they have made quite a few owners offers they could not refuse. They were into big insurance scams with the taxis also, and the stuff from the last big heist of electronic goods in the south was for sale at very low prices up here.

I see somebody already mentioned John Connolly, John is a wanted man up here, went on the run down there a long time back, he wasn't OC up here though, he must have got promoted down there if he was OC in Dundalk.

The ra, up here are in to a lot of stuff to legit their business'. Maybe more later.

 Posted by Annie @ 01/05/2005 10:47 AM PST
Alex Maskey got his house in Andersonstown at the point of a gun. It had been allocated to someone else when a hench man for Maskey went in with a gun, and Maskey got the house. Long time ago but he is so uppity now.

 Posted by Gaz @ 01/05/2005 11:32 AM PST
Alot of touts on this website

 Posted by Gaz @ 01/05/2005 11:32 AM PST
Alot of touts on this website

 Posted by mitchell mc laughlin @ 01/05/2005 11:40 AM PST
What about A1 CABS, TOP RANK CABS, TOWN CABS, DUNDALK CABS..............

No the RA are not involved in taxi s in Dundalk.

We will be taking it up at the next Ard Fheiseanna the amount of ill gotten wealth amongst provos in the Dundalk/south armagh areas. It is just not on Gerry.

 Posted by mitchell mc laughlin @ 01/05/2005 11:44 AM PST
Can anyone post photos of any of these terrorists or their businesses.

Photographic evidence could save the peace process.

 Posted by pp @ 01/05/2005 11:46 AM PST
what about tommy mc mahon
micksey martin
mickey collins
jim mc cann

 Posted by Gypo Nolan @ 01/05/2005 12:57 PM PST
Mitchell the ra are not involved in the taxi game in Dundalk, so Dundalk has no illegal cigarettes or illegal booze? A lot of the taxi depots here sell the drink and cigarettes for the ra. The depot belongs to the ra although some have fronts. There are guys in Belfast who are well in on this racket, it is not just south Armagh based. Try wangling in on their terrority and see what will happen? Then you will see the ra turn on their own! They sell their stuff round the doors, kids bring dvd's cd's cigarettes clothes anything you want.

A friend of Alex Maskey, a former prisoner, owns property (a lot of it) all over W Belfast, a garage, and taxi depot, is a front for the ra.

Plenty of laundering going on, but nothing of this kind in Dundalk. FFS!! Who are you trying to kid?

 Posted by Name @ 01/05/2005 02:16 PM PST
the taxi man who charged me £14 quid for a £5 fare on new years day, biggest fucking terrorist of all the hooer!!

 Posted by IP ADDRESSES @ 01/05/2005 02:43 PM PST
There are ways of finding a person from their IP address. Especially if they use a computer on a LAN such as in a workplace or college.

 Posted by nobber @ 01/05/2005 02:56 PM PST
If you access the net from inside a college/workplace the IP address that will show up is that of the college/workplace, not the machine you're using.

 Posted by Curious @ 01/05/2005 02:57 PM PST
Any chance we could have one of these for Derry?

 Posted by People Person @ 01/05/2005 03:09 PM PST
Klass just pure Klass, Keep this up, It makes interesting reading. I would like to see some of the pics of these people who have been holding Northern Ireland to ransom for so long.
I guess thay have all just turned to crime ie: Robbing the Northern Bank.

 Posted by The Westerner @ 01/05/2005 03:30 PM PST
Well done to the absolute twats posting names on this site. Are u southern sympathisers of the UVF/UDA etc? Remember they bombed Dundalk in 1975. Are u trying to get them to do it again?

 Posted by Chaps @ 01/05/2005 03:33 PM PST

 Posted by The Westerner @ 01/05/2005 03:46 PM PST
To 'Chaps'. Whats your political allegiance, if any, apart from ignorance. Do 'decent people' who want 'to live an ordinary peaceful life' hurl so much abuse in such a short sentence.

 Posted by admin @ 01/05/2005 04:09 PM PST
"mick" returned your email but they keep failing on your side.

Youre a "star"

 Posted by tomás @ 01/05/2005 04:24 PM PST
wow!! lets all tout on the provos!!
what dicks would tout only thing that has stopped the brits from genocide. people forget very quickly, but then again they like to say tiocfaidh ar la n then wouldnt dare act. cowards, yeomen, the lot of ya! its a sad day when irishmen turn on another, thats the english' job not ours.

 Posted by hilary @ 01/05/2005 04:27 PM PST
thomas sharkey is a fine councillor

 Posted by bigballs @ 01/05/2005 04:37 PM PST
Hey thomas, it was the provos that turned, not everybody else. They turned from fighting for a free ireland to criminality. Cunts the lot of them.

 Posted by Toronto @ 01/05/2005 04:41 PM PST
Hi admin...I sent you an e-mail a few days ago..I expect a reply

 Posted by tomás @ 01/05/2005 04:57 PM PST
not all of them, and i dont agree with that element either

 Posted by republican @ 01/05/2005 04:58 PM PST
It appears that this forum has allowed the enemies of peace and justice in Ireland to smear the good names of many simply because they are Irish Republicans. There will be repurcussions if anything should happen to anybody named on this site at the hands of the brit occupier or their surrogates within the stinking sewers of Unionist terrorism.

 Posted by concerned @ 01/05/2005 05:06 PM PST
"There will be repurcussions " shove it up your hole dickhead. I think i saw Osama Bin Laden in one of the new semi's down the Red Barnes Road. I'm not a tout, neither is stake-knife

Entry: VODAFONE Monday, January 03, 2005

Vodafone Ireland has its main Irish call centre based in Dundalk, employing in the region of 200 people. Most if not all those working there have access to all customer details from their phone records. For years now it is the talk of the town who is ringing who and who is texting who. Many employees discuss vodafone customer details on the outside and this can be very dangerous in a town like Dundalk. What is there stopping Vodafone employees discussing phone records with serious criminals or terrorists. Very little background checks are done on those working in Vodafone.


 Posted by admin @ 01/04/2005 12:18 AM PST
just recieved a letter from Vodafones legal people will post the letter here in full tomorrow. [Vodafone letter]

 Posted by ex employee @ 01/04/2005 11:21 AM PST
what about the overcharging widely known in house.

 Posted by mary @ 01/04/2005 12:10 PM PST
As an employee since the Eircom days i can tell you that what goes on here is a national disgrace. Most of the young ones working here check up on boyfriends etc to see who and what they are texting. In one case a Garda and well known footballer was caught out "seeing" a married woman from Blackrock by someone on the inside checking his details. Not all of the call centres have security systems on the computers, leaving the system wide open to "in=house snoops". Peter Richardson is a nice boss.

 Posted by Concerned @ 01/04/2005 05:59 PM PST
I have also been given info from Vodafone employees - although intriguing, I'd rather not know it!
It included incidently the Taoiseach's phone bill etc.
This must be stopped at once.

 Posted by sean @ 01/04/2005 06:04 PM PST
employees freely putting credit on friends phones, wat a job

 Posted by ooooo @ 01/04/2005 06:38 PM PST
has to be the most bitchy place to work, too many clicks and too many kissing peters ass

 Posted by Name Bernard Ghillebaert @ 01/04/2005 07:09 PM PST
Thats so funny, I have seen the letter - bottoms are twitching at Newbury.

blogger = idiot so lets send him a stupid letter.

There seems to be a real problem , if Vodafone had any sense they would address the problem, then report back HERE on why we shouldn't move our business to the more secure ORANGE. Good luck with these aholes. Its ironic that you are being intimidated by these corporate fools, given the scope for more serious objections with what you do..

 Posted by Name @ 01/04/2005 11:09 PM PST
everyone change to o2 now!!

 Posted by Bigmick @ 01/05/2005 12:02 AM PST
Is this true -any of it ?. Thinking of moving over to O2 tomorrow

 Posted by Name @ 01/05/2005 12:04 AM PST

letter was already posted at


 Posted by Surrounded by scum @ 01/05/2005 12:14 AM PST
Heh, that letter is about as convincing as their adverts. It must have being a right dope who wrote that, honestly, you have just witnessed the work of one of Scumdalks dumbest people. Heh

 Posted by Name @ 01/05/2005 02:06 PM PST
Vodafone staff have access to credit card details, even the bottom of the rung staff.

 Posted by employee @ 01/05/2005 02:46 PM PST
ye and bank details too

 Posted by simon @ 01/05/2005 03:26 PM PST
i work in vodafone and i ahve credited my and my friends mobiles with money and i have never been caught. i have topped up my phone about 15-20 times in the past 2-3months. Its FREE

 Posted by operator @ 01/05/2005 03:32 PM PST
ye the scandal and talk in the place in unreal, i thought everyone on the outside was aware of this. No 087 number is safe everyone in the place has full access.

 Posted by Name @ 01/05/2005 04:08 PM PST
100% true about staff having full access to everyones text messages etc,,,,Anne Lennon was sacked for giving out such info!!!

 Posted by ----------- @ 01/05/2005 04:21 PM PST
only the tip of the ice-berg, ask vodafone can you have access to your details and you will see when they were snooping

 Posted by Rocco @ 01/05/2005 05:01 PM PST
hey give me some free credit will you?

 Posted by Rocco @ 01/05/2005 05:02 PM PST
anyway half the skangers of da town work there, and the blokes who work there prob get the little tramps of dundalk to suck them off for 10 euro credit!

 Posted by VODAFONE EMPLOYEE @ 01/05/2005 05:54 PM PST
I have worked in Vodafone for two years. A few things need to be cleared up at once:

1) You can see who's been texting who, but It's impossible to read the content of peoples' text messages on the systems.

2) Staff do have access to credit card details, but no-one would risk their job and their wages over credit card fraud. It would be too easy to get caught. i.e. If a number of people noticing discrepancies on credit card bills, all made there last transaction to VF and were all topped up in VF by the same person, that person would be caught straight away. No-one is stupid enough to do that.

3) Employees can't put credit on anyone's phones unless it's authorized. This is the one thing that VF check like a hawk. People in high positions have been sacked in the past for this and measures have been put in place since.

I hope this clarifies issues somewhat.

Source: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=cache:LWTtYeyisucJ:dundalk.blogdrive.com/archive/3.html+dermot+aherns+blog&hl=en

DERMOT AHERNS DUNDALK BLOG PAGE - Tue 4 Jan - Over 1000 Hits Today

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Sunday, December 26, 2004
Name and Shame Drug Dealers
Name any drug dealers you know  operating in the Dundalk area.

Posted at 09:36 pm by Dermot Ahern

Posted by concerned parent @ 12/27/2004 02:15 AM PST
Dougie ward from o hanlon park.

Posted by m @ 12/27/2004 02:28 AM PST
joe moran and paddy mc donagh

Posted by P @ 12/29/2004 02:37 PM PST
EX GARDA finfar hickey now living in cooley

Posted by mc ardle @ 12/29/2004 07:47 PM PST
mickey connolly but he is small time muppet just making a quick euro

Posted by giant man @ 12/29/2004 07:52 PM PST
know of the guy that sell illegal steroids in the ave rd gym, does he count.

Posted by pppppp @ 12/30/2004 11:04 PM PST
r u trying to get these arressted

Posted by mike foster @ 01/02/2005 02:22 PM PST
hey- what about slab murphy?

71 larkin road ballybinaby

Posted by Name @ 01/02/2005 08:24 PM PST

hey nice idea. happy new year to everybody.

found your site mentioned at cryptome.org.

Posted by the truth @ 01/03/2005 06:12 AM PST
seriously, this is fucked up.

ok, if he sells hard stuff like cocaine/herion/ecstasy/crack, yeah thats bad.

but if its some reefer/hash, let the dude make his money.

Posted by m @ 01/03/2005 11:58 AM PST
alan grey

Posted by M @ 01/03/2005 02:07 PM PST

Posted by JOE @ 01/03/2005 03:05 PM PST
Why not ask the gards. Sure arent most of the dealers working for them as informers.

Posted by Name @ 01/03/2005 07:12 PM PST
Who mentioned Slab Murphy, Your a slabber. Up the Ra. Drug Dealers out.

Posted by Toronto @ 01/04/2005 05:29 AM PST
Maybe the owner of the site is trying to get rid of the competition.

Posted by Seamus Rourke @ 01/04/2005 01:05 PM PST
That lil' guy on the corner...the one dressed all in green. It's not my fault! Those tasty litl' morsels!! Green clovers, lucky horseshoes...MAN I NEED A FIX.

Posted by Name @ 01/04/2005 02:13 PM PST
If you did this in America, first you'd be killed, second you'd be sued for libel.

Posted by Jimmy Sands @ 01/04/2005 05:09 PM PST
Wouldn't it make more sense to do that in the opposite order?

Posted by lenny @ 01/04/2005 06:00 PM PST
Jimmy Sands
You have to remember that you are dealing with American Irish Republican supporters here. I doubt they would be able to think out the logical order of anything.

Posted by mike foster @ 01/04/2005 06:01 PM PST
Hey `Name'....Slab Murphy who? Slab Murphy the myth...the man who doesn't exist....the simple pig farmer who knows nothing about anything? to even acknowlege the man exists, is saying something, given that he himself claims that he can't even SPELL `IRA'....
i reckon you're gonna get kneecapped for even admitting that he's IRA.

Posted by .... @ 01/04/2005 06:08 PM PST
Name and shame? what a wonderful idea... what a foolproof idea.. its like those wonderfully succesful witch hunts of old... drug dealers are known to the guards... vigilatism is still a crime.. well done Dermot

Posted by Name @ 01/04/2005 08:18 PM PST
karen Winn........ , Bishop's court small time arsehole big mouth !!!!

Posted by fuck the lot of use @ 01/04/2005 08:31 PM PST
this page is irresponsible and dangerous all you have to do is put the name of somebody that you didn`t like on the page and thats them ruined

Posted by Name @ 01/04/2005 09:16 PM PST
mostly all the niggers in town...

Posted by Gypo Nolan @ 01/04/2005 10:27 PM PST
o boy glad you mentioned the niggers. Was in Dundalk recently and the place is over run with niggers. seen them passing little packets of white powder among a crowd in centre of town.

Posted by o'ruairc @ 01/04/2005 10:30 PM PST
Barry o'Brien a garda tout, extortioner,pimp and drug dealer. Cliams to be a republican but has no links to anyone just a common hood...

Posted by Name @ 01/04/2005 11:04 PM PST
any numbers? i'm strung out man!!

Posted by Bigmick @ 01/04/2005 11:52 PM PST
A spot of libel anyone ? Wonder how Mick Mc Dowell would rate their chances in court ?

That said -a courageous site !

Posted by CT @ 01/05/2005 09:32 AM PST
Doesn't take much to get the racist scum out, does it?

Posted by Hey @ 01/05/2005 10:18 AM PST
Who is th eguy in the Gym on the ave Road ? I think I know

Posted by Jimmy Crackhead @ 01/05/2005 12:02 PM PST
Awwww badass! Man i been bustin to get my hands on some crack since i came over here from NYC yo! NOW I GOT SOME NAMES YO! I CAN CHASE ME SOME MOTHA FUCKIN DRAGONZ Y'ALL!!!

Which one of those crazy mo'fo's should i be hittin up for some sweet rock action baby?????

Posted by Rocco @ 01/05/2005 02:08 PM PST
There is so much drug dealers in dundalk and when the tara re-opens up thats where you will find all those SOBs

Posted by Name joey @ 01/05/2005 02:30 PM PST
lenny heroin gorman...
are ya still living with charlotte cooney...

Posted by joe90 @ 01/05/2005 02:30 PM PST
Yeah i have heard about that scumbag barry obrien being a tout he has a lot of money and he never seems to get caught at anything he seems one to stay well clear of.

Posted by Name 1234 @ 01/05/2005 02:33 PM PST
think gorman is living in ashbrook...

Posted by Name @ 01/05/2005 02:38 PM PST
hi. im gay

Posted by Name @ 01/05/2005 02:39 PM PST
gay i tells ya

Posted by Name @ 01/05/2005 02:39 PM PST
gay i tells ya

Posted by Name @ 01/05/2005 02:39 PM PST
martin burke
22 playdell avenue
little scummy bastard

Posted by Name @ 01/05/2005 02:40 PM PST
ho chi africanus
pure girl like

Posted by Name cokeman @ 01/05/2005 02:44 PM PST
up the druggies...
ger o connor and deckie gernon..
have the best coke in the land the boys from bellews bridge...

Posted by dhfsdjhg @ 01/05/2005 02:51 PM PST
all this talk about barry o brien and nobody mentioned the fact he was arrested last year for child pornography and 275 explicit pictures of children found on his computer. how come no charges came of it??????????it one thing been a informer but how can he be let go with that..have his handlers not got kids themselves??makes ya wonder who is worse the guards or him????its a pitty that gun man missed him!!!!!!!!!!better luck next time..do us all afavour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Hey @ 01/05/2005 02:51 PM PST
Name the guy in the Ave Road Gym !!!!

Posted by herman @ 01/05/2005 02:55 PM PST
is it clive mcguiness?

Posted by Name @ 01/05/2005 02:56 PM PST
yep Ho Chi ( i love cork) Africanus.
he's big time dealer in contraband and smut of all sorts. kinda cute though

Posted by nobody @ 01/05/2005 03:18 PM PST
shit i didnt know there was this many people lived in dundalk . maybe i wont blink and miss it next time i drive threw it , happy new year all u druggies .

Posted by Idonbelieveit @ 01/05/2005 03:41 PM PST
Your mother

Posted by Idonbelieveit @ 01/05/2005 03:42 PM PST
...oh and your sister too.

Posted by drug dealer list: @ 01/05/2005 03:44 PM PST

Posted by simon @ 01/05/2005 03:44 PM PST
know any of there phone numbers. lookin to talk to one of them. list it HERE

Posted by drug dealer list: @ 01/05/2005 03:46 PM PST

Posted by deshit @ 01/05/2005 04:11 PM PST
Now why don't some of you nice Vodafone people check out the dealers names here and post all the numbers so we can all share??

Posted by biker @ 01/05/2005 04:33 PM PST
is scott neary not a charity fundraiser

Posted by Bobby Why? @ 01/05/2005 04:47 PM PST
Sure this sites a bit mad isn't it?

Posted by Jimmy Crackhead @ 01/05/2005 05:21 PM PST
hahaha yiz'll never catch me cunts

Posted by Name obkdob @ 01/05/2005 05:44 PM PST
Hey ...! What about naming the prostitutes and their customers...?

Posted by fgfhdfgfd @ 01/05/2005 06:06 PM PST
u r all a pack of fagats

Posted by Marty2k4 @ 01/05/2005 06:11 PM PST
Connell Mc Ginley


Posted by Me @ 01/05/2005 06:16 PM PST
Bert McBert


Posted by fgfhdfgfd @ 01/05/2005 06:21 PM PST

Posted by fgfhdfgfd @ 01/05/2005 06:21 PM PST

Posted by Ahern u Scumbag @ 01/05/2005 06:22 PM PST

Posted by fgfhdfgfd @ 01/05/2005 06:23 PM PST
brian me kevit bay estste

Posted by fgfhdfgfd @ 01/05/2005 06:24 PM PST
kevin winn cbs priciple blackrock