17 April 2003
Source: http://usinfo.state.gov/cgi-bin/washfile/display.pl?p=/products/washfile/latest&f=03041601.plt&t=/products/washfile/newsitem.shtml

US Department of State
International Information Programs

Washington File

16 April 2003

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Gets $6.71 Billion

(Additional funds to support domestic counterterrorism operations)

The FY'03 supplemental spending bill signed April 16 by President Bush
will provide an additional $6.71 billion for the Department of
Homeland Security to support domestic counterterrorism operations
activated at the start of the war in Iraq.

A fact sheet issued by the department says $4.31 billion will offset
the costs of Operation Liberty Shield, and an additional $2.4 billion
will help the airline industry to enhance its capabilities to combat

Following is the text of the fact sheet [note that, in the text, a
billion is equal to one thousand million]:

(begin fact sheet)

Office of the Press Secretary
April 16, 2003


Today, the President has signed the FY '03 Supplemental Bill
authorizing an additional $6.71 billion for the Department of Homeland
Security to support Departmental functions and domestic
counterterrorism operations that have been activated as a part of
Operation Liberty Shield at the start of the war in Iraq. The
Department was allocated $4.31 billion to offset the costs of
Operation Liberty Shield and an additional $2.4 billion was made
available to the airline industry to help with costs associated with
enhancing the capabilities of the airline industry to combat
terrorism. As we make progress in establishing the appropriate
mechanisms to fund homeland security needs around the country, we
welcome Congress' cooperation in ensuring the Department has the
necessary flexibility to direct funds so that we can further this
important mission.

U.S. Coast Guard -- $628 million

-- Up to $628 million has been made available to the U.S. Coast Guard
to support military activities in connections with operations in and
around Iraq and the global war on terrorism, specifically, Operation
Liberty Shield.

-- Since the start of the war, the U.S. Coast Guard has increased
patrols at major U.S. ports and waterways, increased escorts of
ferries and cruise ships, and been involved with the arrival and
departure of every high interest vessel within and around American

Counterterrorism Fund -- $150 million

-- $150 million has been made available to the Department of Homeland
Security to support expanded responsibilities of the Department to
prevent, counter, investigate and respond to acts of terrorism.

Bureau of Customs and Border Protection -- $333 million

-- $333 million has been made available to BCBP to further enhance the
security of our nation's borders and maritime ports of entry. Of this
amount, $35 million is designated for the Container Security
Initiative and $90 million has been designated for portal radiation
detection and monitoring technology.

Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement -- $170 million

-- $170 million has been made available for additional personnel at
our country's borders and maritime ports of entry, to enhance the
ability of BICE to develop the Entry-Exit system across our borders
and for other necessary expenses related to Operation Liberty Shield.

Transportation Security Administration -- $665 million

-- $665 million has been made available to the TSA for modification of
commercial airports for security enhancements, additional port
security grants and for passenger screening, hiring, training and
related costs.

-- $20 million of those funds are designated for trucking industry
grants to fund the nation-wide trucking security and safety

-- $30 million will be used for Operation Safe Commerce to further
enhance Maritime and Land Security.

Airline Support -- $2.4 billion

-- $2.4 billion is being provided under Title IV of the bill for costs
affiliated with the enhancement of security of airliners and the
ability of the airline companies to protect and combat terrorism.

-- $100 million will be available to compensate airline companies for
the costs associated with the strengthening of flight deck doors as
required by the Aviation and Transportation Security Act.

-- The remaining amount shall be distributed to U.S. airline companies
proportional to the share each carrier has paid or collected in
passenger security fees and air carrier security fees.

Office for Domestic Preparedness -- $2.23 billion

-- $2.23 billion will be provided to be used for state domestic
preparedness plans.

-- $1.3 billion is provided through a formula based grant program for
state domestic preparedness efforts. Through the ODP grant program, 80
percent of the grant funding will be designated for localities, and 20
percent designated for the states to help assist first responders.

-- $200 million is provided for critical infrastructure formula-based
grants for the states to protect their critical sites.

-- $700 million is provided in grants for high-threat urban areas to
be designated by the Secretary of Homeland Security.

-- $30 million is provided for direct technical assistance to the
States to further enhance their abilities to combat terrorism.

Emergency Preparedness and Response -- 99.75 million

-- $99.75 million is provided including; $45 million for operating
expenses, and $54.75 million for Emergency Management Planning and
Assistance account for interoperable communications.

In addition:

-- $3 million was provided to the Bureau of Immigration and Customs

-- $30 million was provided to the U.S. Secret Service, and

-- $2 million was provided for the Federal Law Enforcement Training
Center to provide assistance with costs related to Operation Liberty

(end fact sheet)

(Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S.
Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)