21 March 2002. Thanks to Anonymous.

These messages trace the involvement of Nick Turner, a former South African intelligence officer, with Codex Data Systems to develop South African, South American and European markets from March 1999 to October 2000 when the relationship ended in dispute. Other parties involved include the South African National Intelligence Service (NIS), the Intelligence Division of the SA Police and various Codex representatives and aspiring representatives in Europe and Africa.

The messages appear to originate in the files of Terrance Kawles, who is (or was) Codex's Vice President and Legal Counsel, though Cryptome's source is unknown.

They offer an example, by no means limited to Codex, of the shady underworld of marketing and buying spying technologies among parties justifiably not trusting one another yet wanting to take advantage of the prospects for government and industry cooperation in espionage -- even if the technologies fail to perform as promised. A lesson learned is Nick Turner's cry that he is unskilled in the use of PGP: had he been these messages might remain undisclosed:

From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> 
To: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> 
Subject: pgp
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 08:33:59 +0200


In the style of all good intelligence personnel, it's been so long since I used 
PGP that I cannot remember my pass phrase. 

In a nutshell, I cannot decrypt your message - so please do not think that I am 
just not responding, I just have to start again. 

The other problem is that my original version of the program is on my desktop, 
and it was subsequent to that install that I purchased my notebook, and PGP 
isn't on the notebook. It will be in the next few minutes! 

So, all in all, I screwed up, sorry - please be patient, I am not very familiar 
with PGP, and I am battling to get some support for its operation. 


Other characters:

"Eric" is Eric Schneider, the author of D.I.R.T., who left Codex in March 1999. See: http://cryptome.org/dirt-author.htm

"Frank" is Frank Jones, the head of Codex.

Some of Nick Turner's sales targets and customers cited here:

South Africa:

Marcus Holtzhausen, Military Intelligence
Minister Tswete, Safety and Security Minister
Bala Naidoo, Senior Liason Director, Safety and Security Ministry
Godfrey Baloyi
, Lieutenant Colonel, Military Intelligence
R. Sinclair, National Intelligence Service
Judge Heath, Heath Special Investigation Unit
Beaunard Grobler and Wimpie Brits, Computer Crime Division, SA Police

United Kingdom:

Foreign Office
MI6 friend
Home Office
Scotland Yard
NCIS (Intelligence)

United States:

Thomas Kubic, FBI

What remains tantalizing is whether Codex is an undercover operation of US intelligence and/or law enforcement agencies, distributing its covert spying and reporting products worldwide in order to plant deeply concealed bugs beneath the advertised bugs -- to spy on the spies -- as if repeating the success of Crypto AG in betraying its all too trusting customers. As Terrance Kawles reassured one nervous customer in transmitting a Codex document: "DON'T WORRY THERE IS NO DIRT BUG IN IT!!!!!!!"

From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> 
To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> 
Subject: Re:
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 07:07:05 +0200

Hi Terry

Business first - I can be on line from say 5pm local time today, 11th, 
which is about 10am your time. Do you have any special requirements ? 

I am about to make contact with National Intelligence Service (NIS) and 
the Intelligence Division of the SA Police. As you already know, it takes 
a bit of time, but I am hopeful.

As far as West Park Hotel was concerned, I was very happy with the room, 
and I had a fantastic time walking the streets and wandering in Central Park. 
I look forward to a reason for returning ! 

Talk to you later.


From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Fw: Software error Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 07:29:58 +0200 Terrance I received this message and I cannot find Erics email details. Can you please forward and get back to me or the originator with a fix. Thanks Nick -----Original Message----- From: Nick Rogers <rogersn@yebo.co.za> To: Nick Turner <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 7:14 PM Subject: Software error See attachment. Greetings Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\dirt.jpg"
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: HASP AUTHENTICATION Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 08:53:44 +0200 Terry I have been requested by our client if you cannot in fact download the authentication directly with him. His name is Nick Rogers, and he will be on line at 5pm at <Rogersn@yebo.co.za> I have no problem with this if you approve. By the way, is the error mesage I sent you anything to do with the HASP authorisation ? I understood it was valid until the 13th. Regards Nick
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: HASP AUTHENTICATION Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 18:52:25 +0200 Terry I wondered if you would pick up on another 'Nick' ! It's going to get confusing as I have another potential customer for us called Nick, and another called Neil....hope we don't confuse eveyone. I will be away from my office for the next 4 days - any help you can give by direct contact with either Nick at the email I gave you, or Marcus at <mailto:pak04482@mweb.co.za>pak04482@mweb.co.za will be very helpful, thanks. And I did wonder about a new kind of entry!!!! Regards Nick (number 1) :) -----Original Message----- From: Terrance L. Kawles <<mailto:tkawles@tco.com>tkawles@tco.com> To: nickturner <<mailto:cctvsecurity@iafrica.com>cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> Date: Thursday, March 11, 1999 5:20 PM Subject: Re: HASP AUTHENTICATION At 08:53 AM 3/11/99 +0200, you wrote: Terry I have been requested by our client if you cannot in fact download the authentication directly with him. His name is Nick Rogers, and he will be on line at 5pm at <Rogersn@yebo.co.za> I have no problem with this if you approve. By the way, is the error mesage I sent you anything to do with the HASP authorisation ? I understood it was valid until the 13th. Regards Nick
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "TERRY KAWLES" <TKAWLES@TCO.COM> Subject: software problem Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 11:21:41 +0200 Terry The local time as I send this is just before 11:30am  Marcus, one of my contacts from MI has phoned to say that they are dissapointed that they were not contacted by you or Eric in regard to their problem. We need to demonstrate our ability to respond and support if we are to continue supplying more copies of the package. They have an urgent requirement to get up and operative - please don't let me down with whatever is required, contact them tonight on the email addresses I have given you, or if necessary on their telephone number - Marcus on (2783)2696032. Terry, I need your help as I cannot support them myself with this problem. As I said, I will, within the next hour be away from my office until Monday, and I therefore cannot deal with their need directly. Thanks and regards Nick
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: Replacement HASP Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 09:20:41 +0200 Terry Thanks for your response, and yes of course I understand the need for correct procedures - but doesn't anybody read their emails ? Please send to : Nick Turner House of Security Shop 336 Sanlam Centre Kings Road, Pinetown Kwa Zulu Natal 3600 Tel: (2731) 709-0202 Fax: ( " ) 709-0378 I have provided on at least 2 occassions in the last week these delivery details, please put them on your files and unless I advise to the contrary, these will always be my delivery particulars. Both I and my client await your confirmation Fedex despatch details. -----Original Message----- From: Terrance L. Kawles <tkawles@tco.com> To: nickturner <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> Date: Thursday, April 01, 1999 6:22 PM Subject: Re: Replacement HASP Nick: With Eric no longer with Codex, we had to be sure that hasp updating was functioning properly before we could send out a replacement HASP. For obvious reasons of quality assurance, I am sure you would agree with this policy. Having now fully tested the update, we can now ship the replacement HASP. It will be sent via FEDEX, and will have a nominal value placed on it for customs purposes. > >Please verify to whom the HASP is to be sent? > >Terry > >
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 15:15:49 -0400 To: tkawles@tco.com From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> Subject: Re: Digital Detective Workshop Frank This may sound a little funny, but I have been asked by my contact in Military Intelligence if it would be possible to receive an invitation to Digital Detective Workshop from Codex. Obviously to get Department approval (time and finance) he will benefit from a direct invite from you. He has requested that we visit with you, and specifically spends one day to discuss further requirements here, and some software queries. I look forward to your reply Nick
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 15:15:54 -0400 To: tkawles@tco.com From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> Subject: Re: Digital Detective Workshop Frank Sorry, I am not thinking. If you are able to arrange this 'personal' invitation, please FAX it to Mr Marcus Holtzhausen, C/- House of Security, South Africa. Our fax is (2731) 709-0378 Thanks
Date: [?] May 1999 To: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: Digital Detective Workshop Nick: No problem with the invitation, I am in charge of that area. Just provide the particulars for the person basically the information requested on our registration page of the Digital Detective Workshop, and I will fax him a formal invitiation. Terry At 03:15 PM 5/10/99 -0400, you wrote: >Frank > >This may sound a little funny, but I have been asked by my contact in >Military Intelligence if it would be possible to receive an invitation to >Digital Detective Workshop from Codex. > >Obviously to get Department approval (time and finance) he will benefit >from a direct invite from you. > >He has requested that we visit with you, and specifically spends one day >to discuss further requirements here, and some software queries. > >I look forward to your reply > >Nick >
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: Digital Detective Workshop Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:13:55 +0200 Hi Terry Nice to hear from you again. Thank you for the faxed invitation, I have passed this on together with my own invitation. Believe it or not, the authorisation needs 7 signatures, so I should be able to confirm if we are coming by Wednesday/Thursday. A couple of questions to which I would appreciate your answer - 1. Marcus (my client) is especially keen to be able to spend time with Frank and whoever has taken over from Eric. He has requested me to confirm this will be possible. His purpose....to discuss his current DIRT installation and some points which he has not divulged to me. In order that I book air travel and accommodation corrrectly, I will need your confirmation of the above, and if he can spend time with you on the 10th, or after the workshop on the 12th. 2. I have faxed Comfort Inn to check accommodation availability. If possible I would like to book Marcus and myself into the Westpark Hotel after the workshop. I can make the reservation - can you assist in regard to getting there? At this time I can see no reason why we will not be there. If all is OK, will it be possible for us to pay your registration fee on arrival, or must I first do a bank transfer? Any discount applicable for coming so far ??!! Thanks, I look forward to your reply Nick
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "TERRY KAWLES" <TKAWLES@TCO.COM> Subject: accommodation etc. Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 17:17:37 +0200 Hi Terry I hope to have Marcus confirmed within the next 3/4 days. I have provisionally booked flights and will advise details soon. I have faxed Comfort Hotel twice but they do not respond Can you request accommodation, two single rooms for 10/11 June for me please. I trust that if Marcus has a problem, and providing I give a couple of weeks notice the booking can be cancelled without you incurring cost??  I hope our plans work out as I am really looking forward to coming over again. Is the snow finished now ? Regards Nick
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "TERRY KAWLES" <TKAWLES@TCO.COM> Subject: Fw: Re. Codex Visit Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 13:21:56 +0200 Terry Please find below the message from Marcus. Hopefully you will be able to accomodate his requests. Regarding your very kind offer to assist us in confirming accommodation, I never received any response, so can I impose upon you to contact : Westpark Hotel - two single rooms for the nights of 10th,11th,12th. June I ask for this hotel on the understanding that you can assist as follows :- 1. We will get to the hotel by taxi on arrival in NY 2. You will pick us up on the 11th and take to the workshop. 3. You will help us after the workshop and any subsequent discussion time to get back to the Westpark 4. We will meet with Frank and any other people as you decide necessary on the 12th as per the attached details. 5. We will get back to the airport by our own arrangements. I really hope you can help, and as time is rapidly running out, please let me know if there is anything that in turn can do. FINAL QUESTION - National Intelligence have now asked me to arrange a demo of DIRT. Please advise the procedure now. Kind Regards Nick -----Original Message----- From: Marcus Holtzhausen <<mailto:pak04482@mweb.co.za>pak04482@mweb.co.za> To: Nick Turner <<mailto:cctvsecurity@iafrica.com>cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 12:21 PM Subject: Re. Codex Visit Here is the initial list as requested. Cut and paste the relevant sections for Codex Greetings Marcus HOUSE OF SECURITY First Draft I expect the following : * A. Required Demonstrations. Tempest system monitoring. Hope software. GSM 2060 system if 900 MHz range9 (CCS International - <http://www.spyzone.com>) Any other computer crime related software tools that may be available. Any other products that CCS may sell that could be of use to my org. B. Gather as much information and catalogues as possible on items related to our activities.Re 1. Technical support on DIRT. Implement the Email support that was started before Eric Schneider left. Designated support person that will get to know our situation and problems etc. 2. Cost of products/ Delivery time/ Customization of a product. 3. Detail Company profile. CODEX DATA SYSTEMS. 4. Establish Access to secure areas on Web site. 5. Questions regarding D.I.R.T ( Depending on the Digital Workshop content most of these questions could have been answered by the time when we meet Terry) What is the possibility of incorporating all the different components of DIRT into a central console from where the user can access and execute the different features of the application instead of several different components (target manager, remote access, notepad, target index etc.) This is to cater for the novice users. Features we want to see in the Target Index(optional features that can be enabled or disabled depending on user requirements) Shutdown of remote PC ­ Time/date. Startup of remote PC ­ Time/date. More information on remote PC. Remote console is defeated by Proxies etc. therefore any system information required must sent by BUG from the inside. Network information(ipconfig /all information) INI file content Directory structure PWL files Scan remote system and give location of important files and applications in use on the target PC. PWL files Ini files Internet cached files Favorites/Bookmarks What Mail application Mapped network drives Features we want to see in DIRT Tray program: Show Ralog.txt file. Show Dirtlog.txt file. Show downloaded files (from target Pc) per Target. Each target must have his own subdirectory created when ŒNew Target¹ button is used in Target Manager. Show List of Bugs. The following features Date of creation Intended for which target. Name of file and size. When is Next release of DIRT? Current one is a preview release of HTML version accord to Documentation. THE DIRT BUG MUST BE TIME LIMITED FROM THE MOMENT OF GENERATION (UNLIMITED/SPECIFIC DATE/ X DAYS/ X MONTHS). DUE TO STRICT RULES GOVERNING THE USE OF DIRT THE OPTION MUST BE BUILT IN TO TIME LIMIT THE BUG. THIS IS TO PREVENT ABUSE UOTSIDE THE DIRECTIVES GRANTED BY A JUDGE OR DESIGNATED OFFICIAL. Improvement of DIRT Remote Access Interface to combine GUI(FTP) with Telnet session will improve the usability of application hundred fold. Alarm incorporated into Target Index/Tray Icon for new mail received from Target and which one. This is important for dial up targets that only stay online for a limited period of time. To remote access to target PC the target has to be online. GUI for defbug.txt setup options will improve fuctionality. Problems with DIRT. How to kill BUG on a target Pc without using remote console. Why is new data from target not imported into database? Correct mail folder is selected and configured. Example: Bug Version: 1 Bug ID: ERBRPBCR segment TS: 926313656 CSL: wrote 74 segments (NS=74) GetT: Target match... SLO: reading 74 segments. GS: Found TS... IS: TS exists. IMPTEXT: Called ImportSeg for new data... IMPTEXT: Freed outbuf. IMPTEXT: Done Scanning File *** Decoding Updated Logs *** CSL: wrote 74 segments (NS=74) SLC: No Seg List! SLC: No Seg List! GNT: Failed! *** Writing Target Index *** SLC: No Seg List! SLC: No Seg List! SLC: No Seg List! GNT: Failed! SLC: No Seg List! Target List Closed The remote access address must be read from the incoming mail messages from target to retrieve IP address of target PC to be used in remote console. Automation of this possible? Are there any more commands available under Remote Access? In line with Back Orifice trojan. Help files do not provide enough technical information on the use of DIRT. Example. Information of TCPIP ports and there function. More help in setting up custom target bugs. Examples of target scenarios and how to address them. Expand advanced help section. No text under Strategies and Decoy Programs section of the Help file. How if possible is proxies and NAT defeated for remote console purposes?
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: Fw: Re. Codex Visit Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 16:42:32 +0200 Terry Thanks for your reply. As you know, there is not a heck of a lot to do around the Comfort Inn once the workshop is over. In fact I really can see no point in being there. My absolute priority is for Marcus to be able to spend time with you and Frank. If staying at the Westpark will not prevent this time together, then I am very happy with your reservations as they stand. Is $110 a fair price considering any other options ? If so, then I do not want to change anything. Terry, we are coming a long way, and it's out of my pocket - but you must also tell me if we need to compromise in order to guarantee your presence. Thanks for your help. Nick
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 09:41:53 -0400 To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Fw: Re. Codex Visit At 04:15 AM 5/28/99 -0400, you wrote: Reply-To: "nickturner" From: "nickturner" To: "Terrance L. Kawles" Subject: Re: Fw: Re. Codex Visit Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 16:15:22 +0200 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.5 What? The stimulating conversation with fellow travelers at the Hotel Bar isn't exciting enough for you?!? ;-) ;-) with that sort of possibility perhaps I should consider......... OK, I've considered - we will have the inspired conversation, the beer, AND enjoy Manhatten later!! Don't worry. Marcus will be given the royal treatment. Terry Thanks - Marcus actually phoned today to advise me of people in the same line of work that are potential customers for you and I. Obviously in the interests of business it will return dividends for us both. By the way - you didn't comment on setting up a dem of DIRT for my client at National Intelligence ?? When did you want to do the demonstration? Terry
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "TERRY KAWLES" <TKAWLES@TCO.COM> Subject: codex visit Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 14:32:33 +0200 Terry I have had an emergency phonecall from our government. Can you please INCLUDE another participant in the workshop - a Lieutenant Colonel Godfrey Baloyi. Godfrey is very highly placed in Intelligence, and will obviously influence greatly our success. I will also need to impose upon you again and ask if you could book another room at the Westpark for me please. You have not commented on the questions Marcus submitted ??? Nick
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 05:12:25 -0400 To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Fwd: Re: Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 00:09:05 -0400 To: "Terrance L. Kawles" From: "Terrance L. Kawles" Subject: Fwd: Re: From: "nickturner" To: "Terrance L. Kawles" Subject: Re: Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 15:29:31 +0200 Terry Tickets are now issued, and paid for, so we are all coming as planned. Can you confirm the extra room yet?? From the following, what is best for you ? - I can phone you once we are safely at the hotel and arrange the time for you to collect us for the workshop - You can just tell me what time (and where) to be if getting to the hotel is difficult for you. Can you please confirm your mobile phone number Thanks Nick -----Original Message----- From: Terrance L. Kawles <<mailto:tkawles@tco.com>tkawles@tco.com> To: Nick Turner <<mailto:cctvsecurity@iafrica.com>cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 10:42 PM From you: By the way - you didn't comment on setting up a dem of DIRT for my client at National Intelligence ?? When did you want to do the demonstration? Terry
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 05:12:33 -0400 To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Fwd: Fw: Problem with DIRT importing of new data Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 00:09:13 -0400 To: "Terrance L. Kawles" From: "Terrance L. Kawles" Subject: Fwd: Fw: Problem with DIRT importing of new data From: "nickturner" To: "TERRY KAWLES" Subject: Fw: Problem with DIRT importing of new data Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 08:37:24 +0200 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.5 -----Original Message----- From: Marcus Holtzhausen <<mailto:pak04482@mweb.co.za>pak04482@mweb.co.za> To: Nick Turner <<mailto:cctvsecurity@iafrica.com>cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 8:17 AM Subject: Problem with DIRT importing of new data Hello Nick Currently experiencing problem with DIRT. Fails to import new data received from mail folder specified in configuration. Its seems to scan the new mail messages but to import takes place. Attached is log file in Zip format that Codex can look at. Greetings Marcus    Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\dirtlog1.zip"
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 05:12:39 -0400 To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Fwd: HELP To: "TERRY KAWLES" Subject: HELP Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 20:04:27 +0200 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.5 Terry, An urgent request please. Can you please FAX to me a letter to the person below confirming that the House of Security is your official and exclusive distributor of DIRT in South Africa. There is a good possibility that they will order a copy for me to bring back after the workshop. DETAILS : Mr R. Sinclair National Intelligence Service Private Bag Pretoria South Africa. If you can please fax to me, and I will forward to them. PS - Thanks for the invoice for Mr Baloyi. Just between you and I, I have heard that he is possibly being 'groomed' to head up M.I. in the near future. Just a rumour at present. I take it from the invoice that this is also confirmation of his accommodation??
From: "nickturner" To: "TERRY KAWLES" Subject: NEED THE LETTER Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 10:37:36 +0200 Terry I hope you got my mail yesterday In case I was not understood, National Intelligence are interested in purchasing a copy if DIRT. To do so quickly (they are government after all!) they need your confirmation that House of Security is your exclusive distributor here in South Africa. If you have a problem with that please tell me and I will not push so hard to make the sale. I look forward to seeing you on the 11th. and I hope you will confirm my questions of the last 2/3 mails I sent you. Regards Nick
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: DDW last minute arrangements Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 17:16:24 +0200 Terry Great, thanks for the info. Looking forward to some great times Nick NB. Thanks for the letter - I will advise if I hear from NIS before I leave Sunday.
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "TERRY KAWLES" <TKAWLES@TCO.COM> Subject: Fw: Problems with Software : D_ _ _ Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 11:31:15 +0200 -----Original Message----- From: Nicky Rogers <<mailto:rogersn@yebo.co.za>rogersn@yebo.co.za> To: Nick Turner <<mailto:cctvsecurity@iafrica.com>cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> Date: Friday, June 04, 1999 8:30 AM Subject: Problems with Software : D_ _ _ Hello Nick Same problem with our software as the last time(Does not import the data received into target index). This is very frustrating because of the importance of the cases were working on. Please forward this Email to Codex. Thank You Greetings Marcus Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\dirtlog.txt"
From: "Marcus Holtzhausen" <pak04482@mweb.co.za> To: "Nick Turner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com>, "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com>, "CDS" <cds@ucs.net> Subject: Visit to Codex : June 99 Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 10:55:36 +0200 Hello Terry & Frank The purpose of this email is to list the action points that were discussed during our visit to New York that is for Codex to act upon: * Access to restricted areas other than DDW on Codex Website. * Areas restricted to official agencies only.       * Screen Capture add on to DIRT bug. * Available. If yes please provide copy. * Technical support on DIRT. * Public key attached for secure mail correspondence. * Support questions will be directed to Codex with Nick as CC. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.5.3 mQGiBDdwgEURBADMg4Q4wrGzmWis3IoWftc0eyIXmOyGzOkdxCkF/XRcYqEBRL8e XGLe7NtKIf98H/FhXnLa027WZ0vZad5+MRv8p/6gMLljqjZOE6l9HQn5idwUK+3Z ylXQo3qvTd1y1+1Gv1qKZWBzlOj/nNBF+QBxJE5sejbR7o4Hni8KZY/X1wCg/0mD V1N0/Gs+Ywn2UHB1THaIkXED/RMIO1CgbGduXW4ImDiJnlQS1/wSHplZc6nEoTWm zNDoj8TYWBUHwCpasyAV3jrttVmwsS5yP1TZPmT9gp7/CN0CAXE1v1QoqF5X3kpk U4ZUVyU+bSHhoT2WYEHApw5LhZtvhb1H95DisWQGusWpeQWnR3y1JaK4B2asbjS2 BcZEA/0bku6sJsnmPsFhNCpPMMLP8aRb2Ie82CkTPzv7te43SK5R3xJJVVb4rcUT ajNss3iOACDmLyk/SxBb8meWRkn2NV2vtK/snMI31bKbr4UdjHbiLMnG8z8mIrbX VMHX4CwT9HD6MX1Ok1QrYA8ItlklwWIITToK95scSBp2JiM+4rQoTWFyY3VzIEhv bHR6aGF1c2VuIDxwYWswNDQ4MkBtd2ViLmNvLnphPokASwQQEQIACwUCN3CARQQL AwIBAAoJEMwL7ADFzTarXCoAnj3hgOowXyTu2XtxYjVozwxZgp9qAJ4nB0S4MTKG wNXlr4doFBU1pUKUJbkCDQQ3cIBFEAgA9kJXtwh/CBdyorrWqULzBej5UxE5T7bx brlLOCDaAadWoxTpj0BV89AHxstDqZSt90xkhkn4DIO9ZekX1KHTUPj1WV/cdlJP PT2N286Z4VeSWc39uK50T8X8dryDxUcwYc58yWb/Ffm7/ZFexwGq01uejaClcjrU GvC/RgBYK+X0iP1YTknbzSC0neSRBzZrM2w4DUUdD3yIsxx8Wy2O9vPJI8BD8KVb GI2Ou1WMuF040zT9fBdXQ6MdGGzeMyEstSr/POGxKUAYEY18hKcKctaGxAMZyAcp esqVDNmWn6vQClCbAkbTCD1mpF1Bn5x8vYlLIhkmuquiXsNV6TILOwACAgf9GnQ9 KVu/Y7HQTW0anFbt8FKrFTQxXTsfo0hYmT8ChJ4HiBVqHaO4LMpSns+ARQnFteoL VnsuUDfJmJiPDD20jXumFiBfW1esyfRm3PpcduNyZohDQOrOeqI5aAnKkD8HU/xD xvL9Evuofe496nlsYZDhqlOVMwCKh3QFpPojb1mMtuZRTKgg0ynwalnsvfO352CF gqCvToXFYioxdxdoqBlVnbTdCUj9qUbsYmYa2Jld4MG7sxlYwM7BUR8su6C+nBKG yWDaiuBIf7N7TN5j0p/lqYIEr4ZUyKnYR3iBLiLIoT5JwwVJXPOoT+QTRroRO10n Kx/g+MAfA9eWvqMMgIkARgQYEQIABgUCN3CARQAKCRDMC+wAxc02q+S8AKDG4cmI vC3HbAB9TegjvmMVy8exSQCg+48cyQcDleAuaiff/7eDhu3kvO0= =Vmni -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- * Details of other products than DIRT that is traded under Spyking banner. * D2 * D3 * VII * Pc Phone home. * Surveillance Products?     * Information on the methods use to defeat proxies etc. * Hasp Update and DIRT update to fix bug with the importation of target data. * Time limit that can be set on bugs created. * Help file update - our version is not up to date. * Information on software to scan sites automatically for SMTP relaying : not Spade. * Subsription to Newsletter * Surveillance list forum. * Information of HERF gun. How to build and use such a item. The above items is in short as discussed and for your urgent attention. Regards Marcus Holtzhausen Tel : +27 (0) 83 269 6032 Fax: +27 (0) 83 301 6378 Email : <mailto:pak04482@mweb.co.za>pak04482@mweb.co.za Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\Marcus Holtzhausen.asc"
Date: [?] Jun 1999 To: "Marcus Holtzhausen" <pak04482@mweb.co.za> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: Visit to Codex : June 99 Marcus: Your email was received. The East Coast's largest trade show, PC Expo, is running June 22-24 in New York City, so we''ve been busy with that. We should be able to respond no later than Tuesday, 6/29. Terry
From: "Marcus Holtzhausen" <pak04482@mweb.co.za> To: "Nick Turner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com>, "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: Visit to Codex : June 99 Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 08:31:23 +0200 Received your Email and await further communication. Thanks for replying. Regards Marcus -----Original Message----- From: Terrance L. Kawles <tkawles@tco.com> To: Marcus Holtzhausen <pak04482@mweb.co.za> Date: 24 June 1999 03:31 Subject: Re: Visit to Codex : June 99 >Marcus: > >Your email was received. The East Coast's largest trade show, PC Expo, is >running June 22-24 in New York City, so we''ve been busy with that. We >should be able to respond no later than Tuesday, 6/29. > >Terry
Date: [?] Jun 1999 To: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: reply to Marcus At 04:55 PM 6/28/99 +0200, you wrote: Terry Like yourself, we have been extremely busy since our return, but business carries on. Marcus has expressed some concern that the software fix for the identified bug has not been sent yet. We understood from Frank that it had been done, and it was a simple matter of handing us the fix. I am travelling up to Pretoria tomorrow for appointments with various people interested in your products, and will be with Marcus Wednesday. Please make sure that Marcus has heard from you by then. I understand they have now in excess of 3000 files which they cannot decode because of this on-going problem, so you see my difficulty. During my time up there we will be continuing discussions in regard to source code access and HOPE. Your response will obviously assist in these discussions. On another matter, Frank undertook to supply me with my own copy of DIRT for demonstration purposes. This, together with the commercial version and a version of PC Phone-Home are all outstanding. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Nick
Date: [?] Jun 1999 To: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: reply to Marcus At 04:55 PM 6/28/99 +0200, you wrote: >Terry > >Like yourself, we have been extremely busy since our return, but business >carries on. > >Marcus has expressed some concern that the software fix for the identified >bug has not been sent yet. We understood from Frank that it had been done, >and it was a simple matter of handing us the fix. I will discuss this with Frank today and will give it top priority. Our chief programmer is now back from holiday and I am told has taken care of the issue. >I am travelling up to Pretoria tomorrow for appointments with various >people interested in your products, and will be with Marcus Wednesday. >Please make sure that Marcus has heard from you by then. I understand they >have now in excess of 3000 files which they cannot decode because of this >on-going problem, so you see my difficulty. > >During my time up there we will be continuing discussions in regard to source >code access and HOPE. Your response will obviously assist in these discussions. > >On another matter, Frank undertook to supply me with my own copy of DIRT for >demonstration purposes. This, together with the commercial version and a >version of PC Phone-Home are all outstanding. All software will be sent to you via email. The HASP will arrive via FEDEX., as will any necessary documentation. Do you have a copy of the DIRT Operations Manual? >I look forward to hearing from you. > >Regards >Nick
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. From: "Marcus Holtzhausen" <pak04482@mweb.co.za> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com>, "CDS" <cds@ucs.net> Subject: Fw: Visit to Codex : June 99 Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 18:51:18 +0200 Hello Terry It is of the utmost importance that I receive a answer about the bug fix for the DIRT problem were currently experiencing. My bosses are all over me about results that I can't give till the problem is solved. Your help in this regard will be appreciated  Regards Marcus -----Original Message----- From: Marcus Holtzhausen <<mailto:pak04482@mweb.co.za>pak04482@mweb.co.za> To: Nick Turner <<mailto:cctvsecurity@iafrica.com>cctvsecurity@iafrica.com>; Terrance L. Kawles <<mailto:tkawles@tco.com>tkawles@tco.com>; CDS <<mailto:cds@ucs.net>cds@ucs.net> Date: 23 June 1999 10:55 Subject: Visit to Codex : June 99 Hello Terry & Frank The purpose of this email is to list the action points that were discussed during our visit to New York that is for Codex to act upon: * Access to restricted areas other than DDW on Codex Website. * Areas restricted to official agencies only.       * Screen Capture add on to DIRT bug. * Available. If yes please provide copy. * Technical support on DIRT. * Public key attached for secure mail correspondence. * Support questions will be directed to Codex with Nick as CC. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.5.3 mQGiBDdwgEURBADMg4Q4wrGzmWis3IoWftc0eyIXmOyGzOkdxCkF/XRcYqEBRL8e XGLe7NtKIf98H/FhXnLa027WZ0vZad5+MRv8p/6gMLljqjZOE6l9HQn5idwUK+3Z ylXQo3qvTd1y1+1Gv1qKZWBzlOj/nNBF+QBxJE5sejbR7o4Hni8KZY/X1wCg/0mD V1N0/Gs+Ywn2UHB1THaIkXED/RMIO1CgbGduXW4ImDiJnlQS1/wSHplZc6nEoTWm zNDoj8TYWBUHwCpasyAV3jrttVmwsS5yP1TZPmT9gp7/CN0CAXE1v1QoqF5X3kpk U4ZUVyU+bSHhoT2WYEHApw5LhZtvhb1H95DisWQGusWpeQWnR3y1JaK4B2asbjS2 BcZEA/0bku6sJsnmPsFhNCpPMMLP8aRb2Ie82CkTPzv7te43SK5R3xJJVVb4rcUT ajNss3iOACDmLyk/SxBb8meWRkn2NV2vtK/snMI31bKbr4UdjHbiLMnG8z8mIrbX VMHX4CwT9HD6MX1Ok1QrYA8ItlklwWIITToK95scSBp2JiM+4rQoTWFyY3VzIEhv bHR6aGF1c2VuIDxwYWswNDQ4MkBtd2ViLmNvLnphPokASwQQEQIACwUCN3CARQQL AwIBAAoJEMwL7ADFzTarXCoAnj3hgOowXyTu2XtxYjVozwxZgp9qAJ4nB0S4MTKG wNXlr4doFBU1pUKUJbkCDQQ3cIBFEAgA9kJXtwh/CBdyorrWqULzBej5UxE5T7bx brlLOCDaAadWoxTpj0BV89AHxstDqZSt90xkhkn4DIO9ZekX1KHTUPj1WV/cdlJP PT2N286Z4VeSWc39uK50T8X8dryDxUcwYc58yWb/Ffm7/ZFexwGq01uejaClcjrU GvC/RgBYK+X0iP1YTknbzSC0neSRBzZrM2w4DUUdD3yIsxx8Wy2O9vPJI8BD8KVb GI2Ou1WMuF040zT9fBdXQ6MdGGzeMyEstSr/POGxKUAYEY18hKcKctaGxAMZyAcp esqVDNmWn6vQClCbAkbTCD1mpF1Bn5x8vYlLIhkmuquiXsNV6TILOwACAgf9GnQ9 KVu/Y7HQTW0anFbt8FKrFTQxXTsfo0hYmT8ChJ4HiBVqHaO4LMpSns+ARQnFteoL VnsuUDfJmJiPDD20jXumFiBfW1esyfRm3PpcduNyZohDQOrOeqI5aAnKkD8HU/xD xvL9Evuofe496nlsYZDhqlOVMwCKh3QFpPojb1mMtuZRTKgg0ynwalnsvfO352CF gqCvToXFYioxdxdoqBlVnbTdCUj9qUbsYmYa2Jld4MG7sxlYwM7BUR8su6C+nBKG yWDaiuBIf7N7TN5j0p/lqYIEr4ZUyKnYR3iBLiLIoT5JwwVJXPOoT+QTRroRO10n Kx/g+MAfA9eWvqMMgIkARgQYEQIABgUCN3CARQAKCRDMC+wAxc02q+S8AKDG4cmI vC3HbAB9TegjvmMVy8exSQCg+48cyQcDleAuaiff/7eDhu3kvO0= =Vmni -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- * Details of other products than DIRT that is traded under Spyking banner. * D2 * D3 * VII * Pc Phone home. * Surveillance Products?     * Information on the methods use to defeat proxies etc. * Hasp Update and DIRT update to fix bug with the importation of target data. * Time limit that can be set on bugs created. * Help file update - our version is not up to date. * Information on software to scan sites automatically for SMTP relaying : not Spade. * Subsription to Newsletter * Surveillance list forum. * Information of HERF gun. How to build and use such a item. The above items is in short as discussed and for your urgent attention. Regards Marcus Holtzhausen Tel : +27 (0) 83 269 6032 Fax: +27 (0) 83 301 6378 Email : <mailto:pak04482@mweb.co.za>pak04482@mweb.co.za Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\Marcus Holtzhausen1.asc"
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 17:29:16 -0400 To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> From: CDS <cds@ucs.net> Subject: Re: SEND OUT NEW SOFTWARE ASAP AND REPLY TO THIS TO NICK REGARDING THE TECHNICAL PROBLEMS. Sent fj At 01:38 PM 7/7/99 -0400, you wrote: > >> >>Reply-To: "nickturner" >>From: "nickturner" >>To: >>Subject: RESPONSE >>Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 15:28:15 +0200 >>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.5 >> >>Terry >> >>I am sending this to you simply because it was with you that I verbally >>discussed my concerns regarding the communications and reaction times between >>our two companies. >> >>I am extremely disappointed in the kind of follow-up we are receiving. >>Marcus, out of complete frustration telephoned Frank concerning the >>outstanding bug fix and was told "the programmer has just walked in with >>the disk, I will send it to you immediately" the implication being that it >>would be via email as they confirmed the correct address for Marcus. A full >>24 hours later nothing has been received. >> >>Secondly - I have progressed ny discussions at the highest level with >>National Intelligence and the SA Police (and others) concerning the purchase >>of DIRT, and a joint venture regarding HOPE. Decisions are quite literally >>imminent and very positive. >> >>Let me put it plainly - I really enjoyed the company of both yourself and >>Frank. I genuinely hope that the association will continue and develop, that >>is my wish. >> >>BUT, I must caution you in advising that various government agencies look to >>Marcus and his advisory team for guidance on new technology, and at present >>it is only because of my friendship with him that he has not expressed his >>thoughts about the support and backup he is receiving from Codex. >> >>Perhaps in light of the potential American market we are to small for you ? >> >>Terry, I am now asking you as a friend - please tell me the truth - if there >>are problems which cannot be rectified in the short term, tell me. If there >>is a communication difficulty let me know. The bottom line is that I am >>really getting fed up with phonecalls telling me about non-existant support. >> >>Personally I consider the government market here to be of sufficient value >>to take the trouble and make the effort, but as your representative here I >>need more than I am getting. >> >>I look forward to putting these difficulties behind us and moving forward >>to the benefit of yourself and my company. I await your comments. >> >>Nick > > ************************************************************************ This communication is copyrighted and is protected by U.S. and International copyright law. The information transmitted in this e-mail message may not be reproduced, reposted or forwarded to anyone other then the intended recipient without expressed written permission of the sender. Violation of U.S. copyright law is a criminal and civil offense... ************************************************************************
Date: [?] Jul 1999 To: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: new updates At 03:31 PM 7/20/00 +0200, you wrote: >Terry > >Thanks very much for your updates, these are most welcome and I have spent >a large part of today advising people of what is now available. > <Frank mentioned the possibility of my providing a regional monitoring service >for PC PhoneHome. That would be really exciting for me, and I will speak to >him in this regard. The possibilities for marketing PCPH are endless. Some other distributors in Europe are talking about licensing the technology to the major ISPs in order for them to offer the service to the customers. The ISPs would also be completely in charge of their own monitoring center. So the annual license fee is found money.  Other scenarios include the "bundling" concept for computer manufacturers; and of course you setting up a monitoring service in the RSA and controlling all of the RSA business from there. >Finally, I know you guys work under pressure there, and your help is really >appreciated. If my last mail to you appeared unpleasant please accept my >apologies, but Marcus is now happy, I am happy, and it looks like I will VERY soon have more DIRT orders. No apology needed! >Kind regards >Nick Talk to you soon.
Date: [?] Jul 1999 To: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Let's start with this X-Attachments: C:\My Documents\DOCS\Codex\dirtman.zip; X-Eudora-Signature: <Standard> Here is the Dirt Manual At 12:53 PM 7/21/00 +0200, you wrote: >Terry > >A little while ago you asked me if I had a DIRT operations manual. The >answer is NO. > >If I am not to late, can you include one in the Fedex pack you are sending me ? > >ALSO - I have established a terrific contact for DIRT in a new Serious >Crimes division of the police. I will be talking with you about them in the >next day or so. > >Regards >Nick >>All software will be sent to you via email. The HASP will arrive via FEDEX., >>as will any necessary documentation. Do you have a copy of the DIRT Operations >>Manual? >>I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Nick
Date: [?] Jul 1999 To: "Nick Turner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: FEDEX tracking # Nick: the tracking number is:  8072 6344 7782 Terry
Date: [?] Aug 1999 To: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: pro-forma At 05:37 PM 8/4/00 +0200, you wrote: >Hi Terry > >Thanks for the quick service !! > >The hasps and disks have arrived, and my client is travelling down to me on >the weekend to see the new showrooms and to collect the product. > >You will need to fax or email me a pro-forma for the goods so I can arrange >for the transfer of the funds. How do you want me to handle this? Invoice the client at full SRP, or you at the discounted price? >Can you also please confirm if the hasp is time-coded, or will it operate >without your authorisation once installed. NB. the client will pass to me >his certificate of receipt of goods when he is here - do you require as copy ? Yes. The HASPS are NOT activated. In essence you have 2 dead programs in your possession. Once we get confirmation of arrival, we email the .hsp files to you. At that point you install the program and the haspset program onto the control computers. Then the respective .hsp files are copied into the proper directory AND DRAGGED INTO THE main haspset file. A dos box will pop up and ask if you want to update, and you respond by typing "y(es)". >I have also been in discussion with the Mozambique Embassy in regard to DIRT. >Can you confirm that they, as a foreign embassy are a legitimate purchaser. If they have the full power and authority to contractually bind the sovereign, then you may sell to that state through their embassy. As for Mozambique, they are not on the ITAR restricted list and are therefore eligible to acquire the technology. >Regards >Nick
Date: [?] Aug 1999 From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: PCPH Brochures and Mailers Cc: Bcc: "Nick Turner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com>, "John Van de Luijtgaarden" <info@intellitech.nl>, "William Van de Luijtgaarden" <frassini@planetinternet.be>, "Villy Rasmussen" <vr@admin.dk>, "Harish Gupta" <secur@del2.vsnl.net.in>, "Itse Oostenbrug" <itse@mitec.nl> X-Attachments: C:\My Documents\DOCS\Codex\Zipz\PCPHmailbro.ZIP; Greetings: I have attached a PC PhoneHome (TM) brochure model and a mailer model for your use. Of course, feel free to replace CDS contact information with that of your own company. T. Kawles
From: "nickturner" To: "TERRY KAWLES" Subject: recent info Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 17:24:31 +0200 Terry I have been very impressed with the recent info you have sent - it's great and will be most useful. I was even more impressed that Frank contacted Marcus to see if everything was OK !!!! I still have a couple of negotiations underway which will be confirmed quite soon. One of the potential deals involves a couple of people who I understand will be attending the Workshop in September. Delivery of the shipment you just sent will be made Saturday - I will fax you the confirmed receipt to enable you to send the HASP authentication. I wish I could come over in September, I think I am getting the New York New York bug !!! perhaps you've 'infected' me ?? Nick
Date: 08/[?]/00 To: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: Various At 10:22 AM 8/9/00 +0200, you wrote: Hi Terry, Did you get my email regarding the chaps from Computer Crime attending your workshop, and my visit ? Today (Monday) is a public holiday, I will be wiring your money to you tomorrow, and will fax confirmation as before. The client has received the goods, and will advise me of the email address to send the hasp activation to. Do you want to send it to me, or direct to the client ? please advise. Kind regards, and I look forward to seeing you and Frank again soon. Nick Great! You may not have guessed, but you should have already received the .hsp files by email through cds@ucs.net. Not to worry, Frank is sending them out again to you. The filenames are as follows: nturnerph.hsp - this is your haspset for PC PhoneHome nturner.hsp - this is your haspset for DIRT sania10.hsp - this is the client's haspset for DIRT Talk to you soon. Terry
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: Wire transfer status Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 10:51:37 +0200 Terry Thanks for the advice on the wire transfer. Did you not receive the faxed copy of the transfer ? I sent it over a week ago.... I will see what I can find out from here, but the money should have been in your account more than a week ago. I have moved from warm to hot with another DIRT deal, will keep you posted. Regards Nick
Date: 08/[?]/00 To: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: Wire transfer status Nick: Yes, we have the fax copy of the transfer. That's why I wanted to contact you to follow up from your end. I checked our account this morning (Tuesday)... it's still not credited. Good work on the new deal! If there is anything you need, let us know At 10:51 AM 8/17/99 +0200, you wrote: Terry Thanks for the advice on the wire transfer. Did you not receive the faxed copy of the transfer ? I sent it over a week ago.... I will see what I can find out from here, but the money should have been in your account more than a week ago. I have moved from warm to hot with another DIRT deal, will keep you posted. Regards Nick
Date: 08/[?]/00 To: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: Wire transfer status Nick: Wire transfer was credited to our account this morning. Terry At 10:51 AM 8/17/99 +0200, you wrote: Terry Thanks for the advice on the wire transfer. Did you not receive the faxed copy of the transfer ? I sent it over a week ago.... I will see what I can find out from here, but the money should have been in your account more than a week ago. I have moved from warm to hot with another DIRT deal, will keep you posted. Regards Nick
Date: 08/[?]/00 To: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: New York Visit Cc: Bcc: cds@ucs.net X-Attachments: X-Eudora-Signature: <Standard> At 05:08 PM 8/19/99 +0200, you wrote: Hi Terry Glad to hear that you got the funds. As you get to know me better you will find that if I say it's been done then you can trust my word. Not that I think for a moment you doubt it, but I really appreciated you sending the goods on the basis of me saying I would pay, thanks. Believe me, it wasn't you I was worried about....I wanted to guard against a bank SNAFU! A small favour ??? could you possibly phone, or get someone to phone for me and find out if the Westpark Hotel has a room available for 16th, 17th and 18th September. The room I had last time was far bettter than the first time I stayed there, bigger and in better condition. But I will discuss that later, assuming they have a vacancy. All set. Reservation #58464. $95USD/night + tax. I understand my three colleagues from the Computer Crime Division have already made reservations at the hotel, so it's just me. I would also like to have dinner with you and Frank (I'm paying this time) if you are free on say the 18th ?? Absolutely!! Catch up with you soon. BTW: PC PhoneHome? Where are we with that in South Africa? Terry Regards Nick
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: New York Visit Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 17:08:39 +0200 Hi Terry Glad to hear that you got the funds. As you get to know me better you will find that if I say it's been done then you can trust my word. Not that I think for a moment you doubt it, but I really appreciated you sending the goods on the basis of me saying I would pay, thanks. A small favour ??? could you possibly phone, or get someone to phone for me and find out if the Westpark Hotel has a room available for 16th, 17th and 18th September. The room I had last time was far bettter than the first time I stayed there, bigger and in better condition. But I will discuss that later, assuming they have a vacancy. I understand my three colleagues from the Computer Crime Division have already made reservations at the hotel, so it's just me. I would also like to have dinner with you and Frank (I'm paying this time) if you are free on say the 18th ?? Regards Nick
Date: 08/[?]/00 To: "Nick Turner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: PCPH development in RSA Nick: Setting their owner server to handle PCPH is no problem at all. It is just a matter of setting a licensing price. The whole thing is incredibly simple. We control the total maximum allowed (to use PCPH) by the HASP that will be part of the server useage. As for their involvement in PCPH, we have no objections, but the framework is entirely up to you. As a valued member of the team, we want to be sure you have some financial reward for the development of the PCPH in RSA. Terry 
From: cctv <cctv@iafrica.com> To: Terry Kawles <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Visit and some things Date: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 4:32 AM Hi Terry I met with the two chaps from Compute Crime Division yesterday, and they are very excited about metting with you and Frank. I don't know if it's the same in the States, but these guys really struggle to get approval to spend the money for the trip, and they are being messed around a bit with the finances. Question - These two chaps, Beaunard and Wimpie, have within their control a little more that 3,000 PC's and they have asked me if we cannot set up PC PhoneHome on their own server. In fact, they are pretty keen to get involved with the product on a 'private' basis outside of their normal government responsibilities. Do you have any problems in discussing with them when we are in NY some kind of deal ? I also look forward to placing another order for DIRT in about a weeks time. Nick
To: From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Update status Cc: cds@ucs.net Bcc: "Darryl M. Henry" <dhenry@Security-Assoc-Group.com>, "Johan Erlandsson" <thesaint@netspace.com.au>, "Nick Turner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com>, "John Van de Luijtgaarden" <info@intellitech.nl>, "William Van de Luijtgaarden" <frassini@planetinternet.be>, "Villy Rasmussen" <vr@admin.dk>, "Harish Gupta" <secur@del2.vsnl.net.in>, "Itse Oostenbrug" <itse@mitec.nl>, "Steve Guine" <steve@guin.com>, "Bo Voigt" <bv@kgnetwork.dk>, "Gerry Hall" <intpro@compuserve.com> X-Attachments: Greetings: Please reply to this email by providing a brief synopsis of the following: 1. Present activities regarding Codex Data Systems products 2. Upcoming activities that you may require our help or assistance (for CDS strategic planning purposes) 3. Any challenges you may be having that may require our attention Please make your response ASAP. General statements of intent/issues are better than no response. NOTE: If you do not respond by Tuesday, August 31, 1999, we will assume that your company is no longer interested in doing business with Codex Data Systems, Inc. as a reseller. Sincerely, Terrance L. Kawles, Esq. Vice President-General Counsel Codex Data Systems, Inc. 167 Route 304 Bardonia, New York 10954 Tel: 914-627-0011 Fax: 914-627-0211 Company E-mail: cds@ucs.net Web: <http://www.codexdatasystems.com/>
To: "John Van de Luijtgaarden" <info@intellitech.nl>, "William Van de Luijtgaarden" <frassini@planetinternet.be> From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: D.I.R.T. press release form CODEX DATA SYSTEMS, INC. ANNOUNCES THE RELEASE OF D.I.R.T. - Data Interception by Remote Transmission D.I.R.T. is a revolutionary surveillance software product designed to allow remote monitoring of a target PC by military, government and law enforcement agencies. Bardonia, New York: Codex Data Systems, Inc., a computer software development company that specializes in groundbreaking computer software products, announced the creation of D.I.R.T.ô - Data Interception by Remote Transmission. D.I.R.T. is a revolutionary surveillance software product specifically designed for use by military, government and law enforcement agencies to combat Internet and computer crime. It is the only product of its type in the world.  D.I.R.T.ô is designed to allow remote monitoring of a target PC. Base functionality includes a specialized application with surreptitious keystroke logging capabilities and stealth transmission of captured data to a pre-determined stealth Internet address monitored and decoded by the D.I.R.T. Command Center Software. Physical access to the target computer is not necessary. D.I.R.T. features include: … remote file access & capture … remote network file access (access other machines on a LAN) … remote system management (run remotely, registry edit, etc.) … real time capture (show keys as they are typed) … remote screen capture … remote audio capture (if a microphone is attached) … remote video capture (if a video camera is attached) … database connectivity for LP "D.I.R.T. is similar to an eavesdropping device," states [insert your name and company here], the regional distributor of  D.I.R.T. "Instead of placing hardware inside the target's computer that would necessitate physical access, investigators electronically place hidden software via the internet that monitors the target PC according to user-defined commands. The entire operation is done safely, securely and by stealth from any listening post in the world. The D.I.R.T.ô Command Center software can electronically monitor multiple cases simultaneously. It allows investigators to read ANY encrypted message regardless of type of encryption used. Encrypted messages that were archived can also be read." Potential uses of D.I.R.T. are limitless The potential uses of D.I.R.T. are limitless," continued [insert your name here]. "D.I.R.T.ô allows military intelligence unparalleled information warfare capabilities. It allows for verification of criminal activity on a target PC. D.I.R.T.ô also allows government & law enforcement agencies to gather critical intelligence data and evidence of criminal activity." For more information about D.I.R.T., contact [insert your name, company and contact information here] or visit Codex Data Systems, Inc.'s web site at www.codexdatasystems.com.
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: DDW visit and some ?'s Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 13:27:38 +0200 X-Priority: 3 Hi Terry, The final approval for my two government associates has been given. They will not be given their foreign currency allocation until end next week. Can they please pay their workshop fees on arrival ? and, would you please book two places as follows : Mr Wimpie Brits Mr Beaunard Grobler Two further requests for help if I may please - Will you be able to collect us from the Westpark as before and take the three of us to Bardonia ? (and hopefully back again later) If that is OK, then can you please add two further rooms for them at the Westpark? I have also been asked to find out on behalf of National Intelligence Agency if you have additional products similar to the one they just purchased that would be useful to them. Any thoughts ? They are of course aware of HOPE, but maybe you have something up your sleeve to tell us about at the workshop . Thanks and regards Nick
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 15:52:41 -0400 To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> From: CDS <cds@ucs.net> Subject: Re: EMERGENCY FIX!! FOR NICK!!Fwd: THE SCORPION GROUP Cc: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> Help - The program tells him ' hasp time error, wrong hasp key' He has entered the code/number on the hasp without success, and as you already know, he has been unable to open the authentication file. Terry, I really do hate to bug you, but PLEASE, can you email him at <spookook@netactive.co.za> TONIGHT and send him a fix. Both he and I will appreciate it. Thanks Nick Nick, Nothing is broken. The hasp has expired at the end of the month. We do this with all demo versions for security reasons. Attached please find a new .hsp file called nickt100199.hsp This file should be copied into the DIRT directory. Highlite the file and drag it into haspset file in DIRT directory. It will ask if you want to update. Click yes and update. This will authenticate the software until Oct.1, 99 The info in the "data" directory in DIRT should be deleted and then re-imported to read. This is the normal method of monthly re-authentication for demo versions. Frank Jones Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\nickt100199.hsp" ************************************************************************ This communication is copyrighted and is protected by U.S. and International copyright law. The information transmitted in this e-mail message may not be reproduced, reposted or forwarded to anyone other then the intended recipient without expressed written permission of the sender. Violation of U.S. copyright law is a criminal and civil offense... ************************************************************************
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 12:13:24 -0400 To: tkawles@tco.com From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: PGP Public key Attached find public key. Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\Nick Turner Public key.asc"
From: "cctv" To: "Terry Kawles" Subject: USA visit and D3 Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 14:39:52 +0200 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 Hi Terry, A couple of things - We are still having problems getting Dave from NIA up and running, I have been liasing with Frank the last couple of days in this regard. Thought you should know as you may have experienced the same problem Dave is having and be able to provide the answer we need. Remind me NEVER to become a travel agent !!!!! - Beaunard and Wimpie are going to stay at the Best Westin (or is it Western?) in Bardonia on the 16th and 17th. I understand that they have managed to get faxed confirmation for these two nights. They have asked if we (that means you..please) can confirm two rooms for the nights of 18th and 19th at the Westpark for them. D3 - this morning the press here had a business headline which read in part - "South African Software business loses 6 million Rand per year on Software piracy " and - "for every software copy sold, another is copied or stolen" and - South Africa is one of the few countries where software piracy is on the increase" Is there a market for D3 here ?? I look forward to your comments, and seeing you soon. Nick Full names - Beaunard Grobler and Wimpie Brits.
To: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Visit Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 09:41:02 +0200 X-Priority: 3 Terry 1. Can you confirm that you will pick me up from Westpark on Thurday, and at what time. 2. I have not had the confirmation from you regarding Beaunard Grobler and Wimpie Brits reservation at Westpark for the nights of 19th and 20th. Looking forward to seeing you Nick
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: Visit Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 09:24:00 +0200 X-Priority: 3 Terry Beaunard and Wimpie have made their own arrangements to stay at Best Western for the nights of 16th and 17th. They then wanted to move to Westpark for the nights of 18th and 19th. So.....My reservation is unchanged ......B & W require accom. for 18th & 19th .....I need to know that you will pick me up on the 17th and at what time... And we all look forward to being there. Are you having it at the hotel, or at your office ? Nick ----- Original Message ----- From: <tkawles@tco.com> Terrance L. Kawles To: <cctv@iafrica.com >cctv Sent: 09 September 1999 05:54 Subject: Re: Visit At 09:41 AM 9/9/99 +0200, you wrote: Terry 1. Can you confirm that you will pick me up from Westpark on Thurday, and at what time. 2. I have not had the confirmation from you regarding Beaunard Grobler and Wimpie Brits reservation at Westpark for the nights of 19th and 20th. Looking forward to seeing you Nick Nick: Things are a bit confusing. Let's clear it up now so that your accommodations are squared away. I have you at the Westpark on the 16, 17, 18 as requested. I was told that Beaunard and Wimpie were taking care of their own accommodations at the Westpark. Did understand correctly that B&W are at the Best Western here near Bardonia on the 16, 17, and 18? What is the deal with the 19 and 20? We may have a problem with accommodation at the Westpark for then. Please elaborate. Terry P.S. Did you get Frank's email regarding the switch the NIA's Hasp for your HASP? Bring the NIA's old Hasp with you next week and we'll give you a new HASP.
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: USA Visit Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 08:02:24 +0200 Terry I really don't want to be a burden on you, but I need an answer - I leave tomorrow for London. It is now Monday morning, and it will be Monday night when you presumably get this. That means that I will now not receive your answer until the morning of my departure. I have meetings at Johannesburg airport with Beaunard and Wimpie just before leaving and I still cannot confirm if they have accommodation. If you refer to my message of the 6th, I asked if it might be possible for you to confirm B & W for the two nights at Westpark. If you cannot, can you maybe suggest suitable down-town accommodation (they have a maximum budget of $95 per night) and I will try to assist them somehow from here. Perhaps you could also confirm answers of my message of 10th also. Thanks and see you soon Nick
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <cds@ucs.net> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Wimpie & Dave & Marcus Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 08:03:45 +0200 X-Priority: 3 Hi Frank Thanks for your kind words about South Africa in the SLF. I am particularly encouraged by your desire to come here and do the show. It is my opinion (and of others that I have spoken to) that you will be well received. I propose to investigate possible venues and delegate interest in Johannesburg, Durban and Capetown. I guess that means you and Terry will need to be here for about 10 days assuming you want to visit one of the game parks and rub noses with a rhino or something ? Wimpie phoned me last night and said you had agreed a price with him of $500 for the version of D2 without the pop-up window??? He wants a copy urgently, by the end of this week if you can. Is that price correct, and if so, what discount do I get ? They have decided that because of the way they operate one copy of DIRT will not work, the reason....... the two of them want their own PC's to be the control units, and they both travel to different parts of the country at different times. I understand that they have made application for funds to purchase two copies and are now waiting for the money. Their boss has agreed already. Dave (NIA) advises me that he experiences an intermittent problem whereby his PC is not recognising the hasp. This is frustrating for him, and he want to know if you have any ideas. Could this also be a hasp problem ? Lastly, I emailed Terry regarding the setting of prices for new developments. I spoke at length to Marcus yesterday and explained that upgrades, i.e. small amendments, changes etc. are supplied FOC as per agreement for 12 months, major add-on developments, e.g. word macro, PowerPoint etc. fall under the category of 'optional extras' and are chargeable. Both he and I need to know urgently what price you feel is justified for this new development. I have suggested a cost to him of about $750 - $1,000 for the extras, what do you think ? They are still considering the source code issue and my guess is that this will still take some time unless they include perhaps NIA into the deal. Marcus tells me he has spoken with you about some issues, I am not aware from anything you have told me, please advise if there is anything I should know. Regards Nick
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <cds@ucs.net> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: possible opportunities Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 08:49:59 +0200 Hi Frank, We are at present about half way through the 9th International Anti Corruption Conference being held here in Durban. Yesterday I took a chance and went to the conference centre (lots and lots of security) and luck was with me. I met Judge Heath who heads up a government operation called the Heath Special Investigation Unit, a group mandated by President Mandela (originally) to sort out fraud and corruption in this country. I am to meet with him again today and present him with information about you and your products. He is as you can imagine a very influential person. OK, so that's one thing. The other requires your comments. This conference is being attended by almost 1,300 people from about 50 countries, all with one thing to discuss - DIRT - they just don't know it yet !! Please look at the following list of countries, and tell me the definite NO's, as in avoid these people. Obviously I will not approach countries like the P.R.C. and Nigeria, and countries like the UK I have already begun talking to, but have a look. A lot of these people are very senior, and who knows where it might lead us. Perhaps you can just mark the ones worth a try with a 'Y' and I will assume ones left blank are not to be contacted. Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Botswans, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cambodia, Camaroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia (now I just know you want those guys !) Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Equador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, poland, portugal, Russia (ha, ha), Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania. There are actually a lot more but it doesn't take a genius to figure your answer. There is also a very long list of guys from the USA, e.g. Director of the World Bank, Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI (Thomas Kubic) and a whole lot more very interesting people. Are the names of these delegates of any use to you? Last point - thanks for the hasps, they are safely in my safe. I have numbers 21, 22, 23 and 8 (also marked cctv) which I assume is my demo unit. Which unit do I give Wimpie as the single target as per his spec ? I look forward to hearing back from you. Nick
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <cds@ucs.net> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Questions Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 11:26:35 +0200 Frank, Just a couple of points. Marcus has been on the phone to me a couple of times regarding the silence he is getting from you guys at the moment. Is there something we should know ? He has sent me copies of his emails to you, and would really like to get an answer, any answer, as long as it's not silence... I would also like a couple of answers to my queries please... 1. Confirmation of the rest of Wimpies' order (disk) and authentication. 2. How is the space for Dave to attend Decembers' DDW 3. Any comment of the airfare situation for February. As an update, I have recruited the services of a professional PR company to ensure we get the best results. It may be that we do three sesions. I feel it might be better to have one specifically for law enforcement and the rest for commercial users. What thoughts have you. Also, regarding the dates, will it cause chaos at your end if we in fact have the meetings early March instead of late February. I only ask in case venues are not available, and the degree of your flexibility re dates is useful for me to know. 4. Any queries from the UK yet ? Nick
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <cds@ucs.net> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: SA Visit Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 11:20:37 +0200 Frank You asked about our security exhibition. The largest show in South Africa is called Securex, it is held in Johannesburg at the end of March (annually), and last year atttracted about 6000 people. I would guess there are about 200 exhibitors from here, UK, Italy, Germany and the Far East. During the show which lasts 3 days there are 'conference' type activities dealing with various aspects of the security industry. In this country the largest portion of security expenditure is in the guarding/cash-in-transit business, with my area ( cctv) valued at about 400 million pa. It is my intention to try and arrange your visit to generate both interest and impact about a week before Securex (that's why I asked you if March was OK for you). I will update you as to progress once I have agreed a program with my PR company. In regard to the UK. I am seriously looking at 'exhibiting' Codex at the upcoming Internet Fraud Conference in November. I am negotiating with the conference organiser, but at this time the costs are outrageous. As a matter of interest, would either of you like to spend a couple of days in London at the end of November ??? Keep me posted please on the list of UK enquiries. My contact in the Foreign Office should have my information pack by now, and my old secret service guy is flying in from Europe to spend a couple of days here this weekend. I will be with Marcus tomorrow - he tells me you are looking at CD options and have not sorted costs yet. Please advise me once your sell prices are fixed. I am waiting to hear if Dave is going to be at December's workshop. I will let you know. As for me, I move into a new house (my wife sold the last one while I was with you guys!) on the 1st December and I may not get 'release papers' for this one. I look forward to hearing from you Nick
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 12:53:41 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Re: ORDER and London Frank The good news, I have received this morning a confirmed order from B & W for 2 x 10 target versions. Please fax me a pro forma as previously, and advise what you will do concerning the software. I will personally deliver the hasps. In regard to London, I also think its expensive, but the London is...consider these - Sponsor the cocktail party @ 2,500 pounds Sponsor the whole conference @ 15,000 pounds Sponsor the conference documentation @ 1,500 Pounds And if all thats to much, they will insert your promo materials in the conference documentation for a mere 750 pounds. Makes being there seem cheap !! Actually I agree, I think it's to expensive, and I wonder if it would be a better idea to infiltrate the premises and do it for the price of an air ticket ! Of course there is another thought, we sell your products for the equivalent $ amount in Pounds, that way we recover the costs and we are not overpriced according to the UK market. My friend from MI6 has been with me for the last few days, and he has given me the whole story as to why he believes they haven't bought this kind of product. In a nutshell, he believes no one wants to take on the responsibility for the manpower, and the effort to get financial approval is to complex for the investigator to be bothered. There are of course much more positive avenues which I am exploring now. If I can find just one senior person who hates pedophiles and porn, then we have the access we need. I look forward to hearing from you Nick
From: "NICK TURNER" <CCTV@IAFRICA.COM> To: "Terrance L. Kawles, Esq." <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: ORDER and London Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:09:30 -0700 X-Priority: 3 Hi Terry Sorry for the confusion, in future, any orders I place with you will specify additional items if required. The two copies in question are standard 10 target with no extras. Thanks and regards Nick
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "CDSsales" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: SA Visit Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:26:47 +0200 Frank, Did you write item 14 of the last SLF ??!! A couple of points: 1. I am going to try and get you and Terry a slot to speak as part of the Securex Conference. This will be separate from our DDW activities, but my hope is to talk some sense into certain people who would prefer to pretend that computer crime is not really a problem. If I can arrange the conference, and even as part of the DDW activities, it would be beneficial to modify the presentations to include more specific South African statistics and legal specifics. How do you feel about gearing your presentations in this way. 2. The software for the 2 x 10 target etc. I assume that the DIRT attachment you sent a couple of days ago is the software for the latest orders ? I will deliver the hasps to them Tuesday. Once this is done, will you send a further .hsp authorisation, or shall I just send what you have already given me? Sorry if this sounds like I am confused, but I was told yesterday that Trencor, the company 75% completed with some 2 million rand of my equipment has closed the factory. You could say I am a bit nervous about getting the rest of my money...and I am not concentrating to well on other things. Regards Nick
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 22:30:02 -0500 To: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> From: CDSales <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: Fw: securex conference Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> At 08:24 AM 10/30/99 +0200, cctv wrote: Following my discussions with the organisors of Securex, see their reply below.... I know their just going to luv you guys......... You can send your 'cv's' to me (sounds like your'e looking for a job!) and I will forward them to Rosemary. By the way, one of the possible venues for the DDW is a place that has quite a lot of presentation equipment including projectors etc. for PPT. Do you want me to arrange that kind of stuff here or will you bring your own projector? We have our own LCD projector. We can bring but if we can hire there at reasonable cost it will be less to bring. We will definitely need it for the DDWs in other places... Your input? Nick ----- Original Message ----- From: <secassoc@global.co.za> Rosemary Cowan To: <cctv@iafrica.com> cctv Sent: 29 October 1999 03:38 Subject: Re: securex conference Thank you for your e-mail. I would be happy to use both gentlemen if they are available. We could run two workshops, one for each category and I assume, each would speak at one of them. The workshops are 45 minute sessions only, and I would like to run your two on the first day. The first one to start at 11h00 and end at 11h45 and the second at 12noon to end at 12h45. What I would need is a "title" for each workshop and a brief cv and detail on the speaker at each one. The first workshop on that day is also computer linked but is based on investigation management and intelligence analysis. That will run from 10h00 to 10h45. I look forward to hearing further from you. Kind regards Rosemary This is GOOD.... I think we should "wet the whistle" here.... would it be possible to do the Securex show and then piggyback our own thing a day or two later.... with the idea of getting some of the Securex attendees to attend our DDW in SA? I think we should "BANG" the audience.... Hit them with one of our technologies that will "WOW" them so we become the "HIT" of the show... comments? We need to do a SA to New York intercept...
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: SA Visit Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 13:47:52 +0200 Frank I am going to try and organise venues for DDW here that supply all the presentation equipment necessary. If I can arrange things so you don't have the problem of carrying the equipment around it's a bonus. Of course...if you want to leave the projector here with me after youv'e left so I can do more local shows - that's also fine !!! As far as Securex and DDW timing is concerned, my plan is to do the DDW's either just before or just after Securex. Ideally I would like to do them before as this will motivate prospective clients to visit us at the exhibition. Of course the opposite is also true.....The one factor which influences final decision is availability of venue. I am still working on this aspect, but it is a bit more complex that I originally envisaged. As far as you being the STARS of the show, I have no doubt....I believe the success will to a great extent depend on the interest we can generate with our invitations, and I am working on this aspect later in the week. Dave just phoned me from Cape Town - he thinks that his bosses will approve the budget for him to come to NY. The problem is that he has kind of suggested I go with him...I will let you know. Nick
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 09:53:42 -0500
To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com
From: "Marcus Holtzhausen" <pak04482@mweb.co.za> 
Subject: Re: Technical Question

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Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 09:54:51 -0500 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: CDSsales <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Hello Frank Here is a list of items that we need answers to and also answers to some of your questions: 1. Request - Special Bug to overwrite one already installed. a. Basic changes required to current Bug is as follows: * Ability to set validity of Bug. Time limitation of 30, 60 90 days or unlimited to comply to local regulations. Once time runs out, if a time limit is set, the bug must uninstall the neccessary files and registry entries. * If a bug is installed on a target machine and the configuration of the bug needs to change due to operator requirements, a new bug must be able to overwrite the old bug and install over the old one. It should not be neccessary for the operator to use the kill command. We have found that if the remote console does not work (for whatever reason) then the bug cannot be killed and therefore will send email back to the operator till such time that the target formats his drive or deletes the Windows directory. 2. Remote console * Activate Delete command in remote console. This would be a SA version for all the SA clients. W use the information we gather to direct our operations and not to gather evidence that would be presented in a court case. We believe that it would be counterproductive to mention this software in a court room. * Enable screencapture. Your answer dated 9 Aug 99 was that it would be available shortly. 3. Infected Cd's Your answer to my Email on pricing arrangements for the "function" add-on is awaited. The idea was to provide us with the capability to burn our own Cd's locally. 4. Bugging Nt Server On 19 Oct 99 you replied to a question that the software will be able to bug an NT Server within two weeks. Is this available and will it be a new software update for us? 5. Lotus macros Is this available as yet? Additional add on module for DIRT? Cost? 6. Source Code. We've had discussions with Nick about this and will continue our discussions in the near future. Our biggest obstacle to the purchase of the source code is to find the funds. We purchase a vary wide variety of equipment on a yearly basis and Dirt being only a small portion of that. We are trying to find the money in the current budget but if not we will budget for it in the next financial year 2000/2001. WE NEED THE COSTING FOR THE DIFFERENT ITEMS ASAP BECAUSE WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN UNTIL MONDAY 15 Nov 99 HAND IN OUR FINAL BIDS FOR ANY LARGE PURCHASES. Your cooperation is appreciated. Regards Marcus
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Macros for marcus Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 15:01:22 +0200 Frank I ordered last week the three macros for Marcus. I am waiting for your invoice, and your confirmation as to whether you will send direct to Marcus or to me. Can you please advise - I need the money :-) Trencor owe me 1,350,000 and I am really beginning to get stressed. Nick
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terrance L. Kawles, Esq." <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: Macros for marcus Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 07:53:52 +0200 Terry Thanks for your message. as you know I cannot get funds out of South Africa without your invoice, so the sooner you send it the better. I still need to know how you are sending the macros - will they come on disk, or by email. You are of course correct in that they are for a 10 target version. Please advise soonest how and when you will send. Marcus is submitting his request for budget and I should know what he is allowed in a week or so, will keep you informed. Regards Nick
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: SA Visit Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 07:58:24 +0200 Frank, I know that you guys have a lot on your plate at present, but time is rapidly passing regarding the SA workshop. I have an exhibition briefing in Johannesburg in 10 days time - and if possible I need your career histories for the conference part of what we will do at Securex 2000. The PR company I hired just went broke so I have to start all over again with another firm and the organisation of the DDW - seems this is not my best year ever.... Regards Nick
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 12:22:32 +0200 From: ccu <ccu@global.co.za> Subject: HASPS: UNSUCCESFULL INSTALLATION PROBLEM! To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com Hi Frank & Terry Thanks for the hasps and copy of DIRT. Unfortunately both copies linked to "hasp 22" and "hasp 23" are not working. The extracted files we received via e-mail from <cctv@iafrica.com> on 16 November 1999,&nbsp;includes only the following: Directory of D:\DIRT . <DIR> 11-17-99 10:26a . .. <DIR> 11-17-99 10:26a .. OS DAT 417 05-06-97 2:15p os.dat _ISDEL EXE 8,192 11-19-97 4:05p _ISDEL.EXE SETUP EXE 59,904 11-19-97 4:09p SETUP.EXE LANG DAT 4,557 05-30-97 11:31a lang.dat _INST32I EX_ 300,178 11-19-97 4:05p _INST32I.EX_ _SETUP DLL 11,264 11-19-97 4:08p _setup.dll SETUP INS 57,505 10-27-99 6:55a setup.ins _SYS1 CAB 186,476 10-27-99 6:55a _sys1.cab SETUP BMP 183,504 05-21-99 8:40a setup.bmp DATA TAG 102 10-27-99 6:55a DATA.TAG SETUP INI 59 10-27-99 6:55a SETUP.INI _USER1 CAB 51,904 10-27-99 6:55a _user1.cab LAYOUT BIN 353 10-27-99 6:55a layout.bin DATA1 CAB 782,121 10-27-99 6:55a data1.cab SETUP LID 49 10-27-99 6:55a setup.lid HASP23 HSP 321 11-17-99 7:39a hasp23.hsp HASP22 HSP 321 11-17-99 7:39a hasp22.hsp HASP8 HSP 321 11-17-99 7:39a hasp8.hsp 18 file(s) 1,647,548 bytes Total files listed: 18 file(s) 1,647,548 bytes 2 dir(s) 6,237.98 MB free Unfortunately abovementioned list does not contain "HASPSET.EXE" ????? Could you please assist? Thanks, Beau
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: hasp problem Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 13:32:12 +0200 We have been unable to get any of the software working here. This includes my own system as well as Beau and Wimpie. We cannot find a haspset.exe file on any of the copies of dirt, therefore dragging the .hsp file to a non existant file is a bit difficult. Please send to them (and to me) the .exe that we need (assuming I can copy that into the dirtcd file we have. Beau and Wimpie can be sent direct to <ccu@global.co.za> I would also appreciate come advice as to how this happened. Also I am assuming that we are still not dealing with faulty hasps. Last question - I assume the prompt for the serial number is in fact to enter the hasp id number. Tomorrow I am supposed to demo the Judge Heath and his special investigation unit - I need some feedback for that as well. Regards Nick
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 14:13:31 +0200 From: ccu <ccu@global.co.za> Subject: RE: HASPS / PROGRAM PROBLEM To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com Cc: cctv <cctv@iafrica.com> Nick, Terry &amp; Frank: I received the following files from&nbsp;<mailto:cctv@iafrica.com>cctv@iafrica.com : Hinstall.exe (802KB) haspid.exe (106KB) When executing Haspid, it seems that the identification code has been installed successfully. The following message in MS DOS mode appears "ID is 93872123 (press enter to continue)". When executing DIRT the following appears: (See attached screen snapshot) Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\error message.zip"
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Fw: hasp install Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 16:13:07 +0200 X-Priority: 3 Self explanatory - ----- Original Message ----- From: <ccu@global.co.za>ccu To: <cctv@iafrica.com>cctv Sent: 17 November 1999 01:51 Subject: Re: hasp install Hi Nick Nope.. we have the file "hasp.exe"&nbsp;. We need "haspset.exe" I think that Frank them should send again a copy of DIRT as well as a complete set of copies for the hasps for both 22 & 23 Thanks Beau ----- Original Message ----- From: <cctv@iafrica.com>cctv To: <ccu@global.co.za>ccu@global.co.za Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 12:22 PM Subject: hasp install I have attached hasp.exe and dirt. thanks Nick Turner
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "CDSsales" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: Special Investigation Unit Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 09:54:49 +0200 Frank I am really sorry about the size of the photo, I had no idea it would take so long to download - if I tied your PC up please accept my apologies. The other photos I can send by post if you are interested. I also meant to tell you about the guys yesterday from the Special Investigation Unit. When the good Judge told his task force leader to check out our stuff he told me that he couldn't find anything about it until he contacted a friend of his in the FBI. He didn't tell me what was said...but he sure had a big smile on his face!!! It would appear that Nelson Mandela is arranging for the Unit to be sectioned into provinces, so we may get a multiple sale, as always, I will keep you informed. You should have the faxed confirmation of the payment for the upgrades by now - let me know when you are sending the programs.. Lastly - I am building up a list of appointments for London. I will also be seeing the guys from Interpol. Are you happy to go ahead with your part of the web site as we discussed ? a small investment for us both considering the possibilities. I am also considering some kind of advertisement in an internation publication called Fraud Watch, published in the UK, and really nice litle updates on what is happening. Do you have any specific needs/requirements or concerns about mentioning DIRT ? Obviously I will get your approval before finalising any deals, but that would go with anything I do anyway. Let me know. Regards Nick
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: DDW Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 08:12:41 +0200 I will be up in Johannesburg when you hold your next DDW - I hope it is a great success and the guys who couldn't get to the last one courtesy of Hurricane Floyd make it to this one. Please pass on my regards to any that I may have met last time. Terry - I did ask if there was a PPT on IDICE - the Special Investigation Unit here have asked for more info. Frank - in regard to the DDW in Europe - when and where. It is possible some of the people I am in touch with in the UK would like to attend. Next week I go 'on the road' so to speak with my new laptop and your products. I have meetings with several law enforcement people set up. If there is anything you can send me that is new that you may have prepared for your DDW Friday, please let me know, or have a copy. I expect to get more news on add-ons for the other users soon - but I didn't get a reply as to your expected release date for the PPT module ? I look forward to your reply Thanks and regards Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Spook's problem Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 12:54:22 +0200 Good morning chaps.. My friend Dave in Capetown is so excited - he has a very high profile bad guy cold and he knows he has the goods on him, but he still cannot import the files!! I have sent him the updated version of the program, and he now gets CRC hasp error. What is the problem, can it be fixed urgently, can you email him and encourage him??? please. I now use my highly protected laptop (except when you guys are around!) so I can now also do more work and get less sleep....I will be monitoring tonight for your help. Thanks Nick By the way - Dave is keen to get financial approval for the add-ons. Success in this investigation will certainly mean more business for us in his organisation.
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Dave, DIRT and the bad guys Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 14:30:27 +0200 Frank I have faxed you a copy, but to more fully understand some of the pressure Dave is under, go to http://www.iafrica.com/news/sanews/story02.htm>www.iafrica.com/news/sanews/story02.htm Nick
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 01:49:47 -0500 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Re: DDW Frank I have today received an order from the last of the big spenders! The NIA have officially confirmed their order for 1 (one) 10 target version of the Microsoft Word module. Can you please 1. send me an invoice 2. send me the software and update. In regard to your SA visit - please phone a travel agency in NY and ask what the fare is NY/JHB/NY departing end Feb. This is not because I want you to pay, but I am comparing how much more it costs to purchase in SA currency. I need both answers ASAP please. Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com>
To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Securex etc. Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 09:41:30 +0200 Frank Please have a look at the attached document. Just a couple of thoughts about the trip and the theme or direction we should consider. Obviously your ideas are most important. I will confirm your flight arrangements soon, probably next week. You should also have the copy of my deposit into your bank for the NIA. Please confirm when you will send the update for them. Thanks and regards Nick Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\Securex &amp; DDW.doc"To: "intel com"
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Securex Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 10:56:57 +0200 Frank It is my intention to promote Securex and the topic/s you will speak on as a completely separate entity to DDW here. Am I right? If so, then my understanding of your suggestions is that they are for Securex, and I wouldn't want to change your ideas at all. Each one of the 4 suggestions you make has great relevance here. You could choose one or all and not really go wrong. In regard to your 'theme' for DDW, any ideas yet? I would like to open discussions with the printers for invitations etc, and this information will be needed for&nbsp;other promotional ideas. I will take care of all the registrations. Just so you and I agree - I am rying to structure this whole thing in such a way as it is self-financing. In other words, your travel and your accommodation costs you nothing, except any "game hunting", which is at your expense ;-) The question of a 1/2 day trip to Kruger will cost, but I have not yet been able to find accommodation, to many damn tourists! From the proceeds of the DDW I hope to be able to meet the various expenses of travel and promotion, and in order to do this I need numbers. If I can get the numbers I hope for, then a delegate fee of R1,500 (about $240) will just about do it. I am really interested in your subjects for DDW. In the past you have prepared a session number with subject matters within those sessions. Can you identify at this time your thoughts in any detail? I am getting a lot of questions about you subjects from the existing DIRT users. As far as the commercial guys are concerned, they will not be advised of the content for our client base. As you can see, I will be printing and sending two invitations, hence the need for you to identify the different subjects. We will also need to think of an 'information pack' for delegates. Will you provide a CD as before, or have you got some other ideas? TRAVEL I have provisionally requested flights as follows: Depart JFK February 27th @ 17:55 Arrive JHB February 28th @ 15:30 Depart JHB March 10th @21:20 Arrive JFK March 11th @ 07:20 Please advise if these dates are OK I need from you - your full names as they appear in your pasports You will need to : 1. Check that your passports are valid 2. Arrange for SA visas (if required) 3. Collect your tickets from the NY office of SAA when I tell you they are ready. I look forward to planning in a bit more detail over the next week or two. Nick
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 07:30:32 -0500 To: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> From: CDSales <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: Securex Cc: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com At 10:56 AM 12/20/99 +0200, you wrote: >Frank >It is my intention to promote Securex and the topic/s you will speak on as a >completely separate entity to DDW here. Am I right? Yes... Securex ideally would appeal to the larger crowd ... I think something along the lines of a wakeup call about the internet... "Surfing Cyberspace: Dangers in a Digital Sea" ??????? >If so, then my understanding of your suggestions is that they are for Securex, Yes >and I wouldn't want to change your ideas at all. Each one of the 4 suggestions >you make has great relevance here. You could choose one or all and not really >go wrong. Consensus? Which would have greatest impact and /or cause greatest stir? >In regard to your 'theme' for DDW, any ideas yet? I would like to open >discussions with the printers for invitations etc, and this information >will be needed for other promotional ideas. Same as the other DDWs, no? It was our intention to change it a LITTLE bit but basically the same one day thing... >I will take care of all the registrations. > >Just so you and I agree - I am rying to structure this whole thing in such >a way as it is self-financing. In other words, your travel and your accommodation >costs you nothing, except any "game hunting", which is at your expense ;-) Sounds like a plan.... a little profit never hurts ;-) >The question of a 1/2 day trip to Kruger will cost, but I have not yet been >able to find accommodation, to many damn tourists! F*cking Americans ;-) >From the proceeds of the DDW I hope to be able to meet the various expenses >of travel and promotion, and in order to do this I need numbers. If I can get >the numbers I hope for, then a delegate fee of R1,500 (about $240) will just >about do it. How many bodies do you think you need? >I am really interested in your subjects for DDW. In the past you have prepared >a session number with subject matters within those sessions. Can you identify >at this time your thoughts in any detail? I am getting a lot of questions about >you subjects from the existing DIRT users. As far as the commercial guys are >concerned, they will not be advised of the content for our client base. Digital Detective Workshop Course Outline - Law Enforcement Types of Computer crime Cyberlaw Basics Bypassing Passwords Finding Hidden Data Recovering Deleted Data How to Trace E-Mail Monitoring User Activity Creating Online Profiles Find Hidden Identifiers HD Search Techniques Create Trackable Files Cyber "Sting" Operations >As you can see, I will be printing and sending two invitations, hence the need >for you to identify the different subjects. Let me give the civilian outline some thought today.. I will send you by the end of our day here... >We will also need to think of an 'information pack' for delegates. Will you >provide a CD as before, or have you got some other ideas? CD-ROM as usual ? Last time we also gave away a free copy of PC PhoneHome... OK with you? >I look forward to planning in a bit more detail over the next week or two. > >Nick Dancing girls to meet us at the plane? Bimbo-mobile for long drives? How much travel will we do? How many cities? How long each place? Rough itinerary yet? Can I rent an Uzi for security? ;-) FJ
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "CDSsales" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Word Template for DIRT decoys Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 08:00:20 +0200 Frank May I please ask what the delay is in getting the Word update for NIA to me. I transferred the money to you well over a week ago so I guess it can't be that. Is there a problem I should be aware of? I would really like some kind of reply please Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: From Nick Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 11:13:34 +0200 Terry As I said to Frank, my computer now tells me what it is going to do, and no matter what I try this is the type style it's going to give me. I am going to reinstall Outlook, but in the meantime, if this is a special 'add-on' from you - I am beginning to like it!!?? The purpose of this is simply to wish you and your family a really terrific Christmas day, doing whatever you do and hopefully enjoying each others company. I look forward to picking up with you again next week, and then we can all look forward to the Codex Millennium Add-on. Kind regards Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: SA Visit and Wimpie Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 21:07:31 +0200 Hi Guys, First, The Securex conference organizers have agreed (because I told them you are famous, Internationally renowned and really nice people) to extend your speaking time to 90 minutes. Further, they are placing you as last speakers on the first day so that if you need a bit more time, want to demo something, or just field questions, you can go over time if necessary. What they need, quite urgently, for publication and promotional purposes is a firm subject heading, and a brief overview of topics that will be covered. If you can get this to me please&nbsp;urgent. You can also email the organiser direct (as I am away&nbsp;from the 9th-16th) at <secass@global.co.za> Contact is Rosemary. Second issue is Wimpie. I have had some pretty confidential chats and it would seem that the attraction (and relative safety I guess) of the private sector has become more appealing than the police. I would like to be able to supply him with a one month demo version (or longer if you agree) free copy of PC PhoneHome. We have an excellent opportunity with one of SA's biggest companies to fit the product to 14,000 pc's country-wide. The customer has only one condition, and that is that he insists on using a South African product. (or what appears to him to be) Can you (for the right price of course) provide for that quantity a product that says "developed by Codex Data Systems, South Africa"? or "made in South Africa"? This is not a source code issue, it is simply to enable the customer to invest the money necessary by being able to say that he is supporting a South African "product" I look forward to your response. Regards Nick
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 15:22:42 -0500 To: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> From: CDSsales <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: SA Visit and Wimpie Cc: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com >Second issue is Wimpie. I have had some pretty confidential chats and it would >seem that the attraction (and relative safety I guess) of the private sector has become more appealing than the police. Smart guy ;-) SOONER OR LATER THEY FIGURE THIS OUT >I would like to be able to supply him with a one month demo version (or longer >if you agree) free copy of PC PhoneHome. You mean a demo copy so he can generate pcph bugs? OK If you want... We'd have to sign him to a confidentiality contract... >We have an excellent opportunity with one of SA's biggest companies to fit the >product to 14,000 pc's country-wide. The customer has only one condition, and >that is that he insists on using a South African product. Put TK in touch with a local attorney and perhaps we'll do a South African company with local address. etc. For 14,000 copies I'll have the thing autographed by Shaka Zulu, printed in Africkanners, smeared with lipstick kisses from the 3 babes in that picture you sent and play African tribal music in the background ;-) Anything else you need? P.S. Any idea where we are staying in Joburg? Pretoria? I was looking at hotels and the area trying to get an idea of itinerary. Any idea on overall itinerary? Any good shark fishing down there? If I can't bag a man-eater in the jungle I'll settle for one in the water ;-) P.P.S. I wanna buy a REAL safari jacket down there... the khaki one with all the pockets.... any ideas? The kids want REAL Rugby shirts also... perhaps a list of suppliers... FJ
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 11:23:29 -0500 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Re: SA Visit and Wimpie Frank >Put TK in touch with a local attorney and perhaps we'll do a South African >company with local address. etc. With your permission and/or knowlege, I can simply register a name here e.g. Codex South Africa, with you and Terry as 'members'. This will simply be a 'shell' unless you decide to make more use of a SA connection. To do this would not require Terry to use an attorney, we can do that in SA through my own accountant if you are willing. Remember, the idea is (initially anyway) just to enable us to get the deal with Wimpie. We will go in with a quote now, so we need to work on the following: Wimpie will set up in his new office a server to provide monitoring under a name like Codex South Africa. You need to tell me what you want from the deal, I will then put my margin and tax onto your cost and Wimpie will get us all the money. The client is pretty hot, and will (if Wimpie has correctly read the client) make a quick decision once he has the quote, and seen a demo. Nick
From: "Jerry Raymond" <j.raymond@pc-security.com> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: Response to your telephone call Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 15:14:38 -0500 Terry: Thanks for your fast reply. Jerry -----Original Message----- From: Terrance L. Kawles <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> To: Jerome E. Raymond <jraymond@pobox.com> Date: Thursday, January 06, 2000 11:35 AM Subject: Response to your telephone call From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: PC PhoneHome Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 10:59:03 +0200 Terry Thanks for the details and costs. I notice you have said 'including monitoring' One of the peculiar requests of the client is that we must provide the service in such a way as it appears totally 100% South African. Wimpie will set up all the necessary requirements re server etc. You need to tell us what is required, what will the cost be, and what you would like to make ($'s) from the monitoring. i.e. your portion of the 'annual monitoring' if any, over and above the costs you have given me. Please don't forget I will be out of reach from 9th-16th Regards Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: PC PhoneHome Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 17:11:43 +0200 Terry Mac's are available here, most people don't use them because of their extremely high purchase price. In the main, the users are people requiring high quality graphics or specialised applications. In any event, if that's part of the deal so that we can maintain security and integrity of the system, then we just make Mac a compulsory component of the whole deal. Re costs, Wimpie has been unobtainable today, but my general impression is that the per pc cost is fair. Am I correct in assuming that the dealer % comes off your quoted price, or should it be added? More good news for you re DDW. I met with the editor of SA's largest security magazine and (a) he wants to attend the Securex session, (b) he wants to attend DDW, and (c) he wants to interview you both for publication. Fame for you in SA, and you haven't even got here yet!
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Fw: Workshops at Securex Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 14:44:19 +0200 I'm back! (wish I was still on holiday) I gotta tell you - Mauritius is a genuine place to relax....Ah well, now it's just the memory and the photos! Attached is the confirmation of the Securex thing for your info. Please note, day 2 should read day 3 and has been corrected. Guys - I also need your help - Marcus is lining up some more bucks to spend with us, but he is really giving me a hard time about - 1. Where is the PPT module 2. Where is screen capture 3. and where is something else you confirmed on a memo to him but he has not yet received. also- he screwed up on his computer and deleted his Word module. Can you send me a copy (10 target) ? Terry - I have spoken to Wimpie and he is very excited about your possible agreement re PC PhoneHome. I am going to provide him with an official quote, but you need to get back to me regarding him doing his own monitoring. He is not against getting a Mac, but he has a heck of a powerful server at present and doesn't want to duplicate resourse if it's not absolutely necessary. Frank - What are your thoughts about an ex-SA Police computer agent going into (legitimate) private practice? He has numerous professional contacts, and would use the products in a 'legal' method, but anyway, what think you? Regards Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Brazil Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 11:25:49 +0200 Frank, I have been offered an opportunity by the S.A. Government Department of Trade and Industry to join them on a trade mission to promote your products at a major trade exhibition. The only problem is that to get included, I have to prove that there is South African 'content' in the Software. I told them that we proposed soon to be offering PC PhoneHome monitoring from South Africa which required substantial SA input, and that should qualify us. I have been provided with a number of facts and figures about the market, all of which indicate a tremendous opportunity. How do you feel about opening a 'Codex South Africa'? After all, I would still have to purchase from you. Any thoughts? Just as a matter of interest, I will have appointments pre arranged with the correct people, courtesy of the SA Govt. Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: what's happening? Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 07:47:59 +0200 Frank Haven't heard from you for a while - everything OK? I haven't had anything from SLF for 3 days either. I am beginning to get some positive responses for the DDW here, so far about 8 people have confirmed. Not a lot in numbers, but quality companies - and I haven't even sent out the invitations yet. Obviously the 7th will have about 20-30 (I hope) from government etc. I will keep you posted. What comments about Brazil etc. I would like to do that if you agree. Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: Brazil Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 10:59:00 +0200 Terry I only got your response this morning (Saturday) hence I was unaware that you were away. The decision to do the Brazil thing is not 100% dependant upon the Dept. Trade, I can make that decision based on whether or not I want to fund it totally on my own. or get a 50% rebate back from the Govt. The rebate simply depends on the extent to which SA content exists in the product. They are keen to have us participate, the show is in June, and I am not really in a rush, they seem to be! I was more interested in your initial reaction to setting up some sort of overseas interest for yourselves. Also, for your info - I have a meeting Wednesday with a British Govt. chap who has the highest possible contacts (President/Prime Minister and Minister of Finance) in four African countries. There are some interesting possibilities for us and I will let you know more later. Re DDW, even though I have not sent invitations yet, we have had positive response from key people in some major organisations. Interest is coming from the preliminary work we are doing from the major banks, and the company that owns most of the diamond and gold mines here. Regards Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "CDSsales" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: SA Visit and Wimpie Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 19:16:50 +0200 OK guys, this is SERIOUS!! Please treat this as genuine, and for real. The client that requested the quotation for PC PhoneHome on 14,000 PC's has now changed his request. Before I explain, I have met today with Wimpie, who has now formed his own organisation specialising in computer forensic activities to a client base he has developed over the past few years. It is one of these organisations we are talking about. This client would like to offer you US$2,000,000, that's two million American Dollars for you to sell him PC PhoneHome. That means sell him the product, the source codes and the international marketing rights. Are you interested? If you are, then it is quite possible that the deal will go through during February, or certainly within a short period of time. The other important issues that need to be addressed are concerning Marcus. With reference to your memo to him confirming prices etc. he has placed an official order for the supply of: 1. Software to allow time limitation as required, combined with inoperable facility and new bug to overwrite old bug 2. Software to activate delete command, and remote screen capture 3. CD's 4. NT server. Numbers 1,3,4 are chargeable at the agreed cost, number 2 free of charge. The problem.....the money runs out 31st March. If the goods are not delivered by then, the order is cancelled. Not something Marcus is saying, but the department auditor lays down the law, and no delivery, no deal. Can you achieve this deadline? I look forward to your response. Nick
To: From: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Important INFO Re: Codex Data Systems, Inc. I attach a letter in Word format for important information about our company. DON'T WORRY THERE IS NO DIRT BUG IN IT!!!!!!!
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "CDSsales" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: PC PhoneHome deal Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 11:08:31 +0200 Hi guys Hope you slept well...I was absolutely knackered having just returned from a trip away. Let me fill you in a bit on what I have been doing. A lot of background work has been done with three colleagues of mine to get your products into some quite interesting areas. For example, I spent Wednesday night until 3am in discussion with the personal advisor to a certain Colonel resulting in an invitation to travel there next month. The beauty of this and 4 other deals I am negotiating is that your suggested prices go right out the window as we are talking in the hundreds' of thousands of $'s. If I had to guess, I would suggest this is the year where you guys become members of the elite income bracket. The deals are all out of South Africa, and exclude the UK which will probably require me going to London mid March. So, back to this PC PhoneHome deal. Wimpie has the intimate details which will be made available should we reach a go ahead in principle. In other words, if you tell me that the price is interesting enough to progress, then I will go back to JHB and broker a deal such that I will get on a plane to you with the paperwork once all is agreed. As I see it, the steps are fairly simple. If you agree, and the client agree the financial side, a document will be drawn up by you guys agreeing to sell your invested rights in, and only in, PC PhoneHome to the client and his company. The price will include source codes and existing marketing information. It hasn't come up yet, but I would imagine he will also want you to agree not to develop a competitive product for a period of time. I will not mention this, but you should expect something like that to occur. So, assuming you agree the price, and he agrees to pay, the only steps left are some sort of agreed payment schedule, e.g. 50% up front, balance over an agreed period or whatever. Now, as you would expect, there is one small element which needs to be accepted. (I was only advised of this this morning) Wimpie considers himself one of the best computer aces in the country. He has 'sold' the deal on the basis of adding some value to the product as it exists. This value is a chip which overcomes the problem of losing the program in the event the bad guy formats the drive. Wimpie assures me that given two months he can produce such a solution. I know that flash memory may be one direction, we are doing that with the digital video recorder software, but to be honest, this is not in my area of expertise, what do you say? I will be available this evening for an on-line chat, telephone call or whatever. The only problem is I have only one line at my home, so I will either be on-line or talking, not both. My home telephone is (+2731) 764-2259. If you still feel that this warrants a call to let me know when you are at your computer just call the above number. Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "CDSsales" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: Are you online? Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 09:47:19 +0200 Guys I am really sorry - best laid plans and all that... When I got home last night the builders had cut the telephone line somewhere and I couldn't find the fault. No line, no phone, no communications! Then, when I check my mobile phone, dead battery. yesterday was not my day. I doubt the telephone technicians will fix my phone until Monday, so we have two options. If my calculations are correct, you are currently 7 hours behind us. That means that at 10am your time, it will be about 5pm here. I leave it in your hands, I will make sure my mobile is on all night, and you can call me when it's convenient. Sorry for the mess-up Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "FJ" <fjones@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: General items Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 09:40:45 +0200 Thanks for the call - let me update you on general items. Wimpie has started a company known as C.S.F.S. (computer security & forensic solutions). Through this medium he is now able to approach some major corporates that had previously used the services of the SA Police Computer Division. Obviously he has access to information and contacts which will be useful to us. I will get back to him in regard to the subject of our telephone conversation. Other matters: 1. You will email Marcus (or I can also) but better from you, to just explain the problem with PPT. I have told him what you said about 2 weeks ago, so I think he was kind of expecting the solution by now. 2. You will complete the work necessary on the other modules - this is an official order!- as per my previous email to you, and as per the memo confirming details sent by Terry. Your estimate - 2 weeks. 3. You will advise in regard to PGP for correspondence on other matters. If you require any other info, please let me know. Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Contact me Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 13:06:20 +0200 Frank & or Terry Can one of you please give me a call when you pick up this message. I need for you to do a demonstration to a London location tomorrow. I (subject to a final confirmation) will be in London next week (Wednesday and Thursday) for another 2 or 3 demonstrations. I will discuss the clients with you later, but one is Prince.....(a genuine 'Your Royal Highness'!!) The details of email address/tel/fax numbers will follow once I have received them. Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Tanzania Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 12:04:21 +0200 Frank One of the destinations I have planned for your product is Tanzania. I am going to know tomorrow or perhaps Wednesday if we are likely to conclude a deal. As you know, I have never tried to hide the fact that you and Terry at Codex are the brains etc. behind the products, and I often refer people to your web site. I must also advise you that I am not quoting certain countries the same costs as you would quote if you receive an enquiry. The budget for some countries is vastly bigger than what we have achieved up to now. Should you receive any enquiries from UK, France, Tanzania, Nigeria, or indeed the African continent, please let me know and I will tell you if I am already in discussion. This is not because I want you to pass it all to me, but if I quote US$$$$$$$$ and you quote US$$$ then you will understand the problem. Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com>
To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: UK Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 17:52:40 +0200 'Morning guys Please confirm or clarify something for me I have three people working with me in London with contacts in the Home office, Scotland Yard, and the newly formed NCIS (Intelligence). I have been working with them, and of course have the good Dr Parr on my list. I need you to confirm if you are also working directly with people there. You will recall after my last visit to London I told you of my contacts, and asked if you had any objection to me taking over from Gerry as far as the UK was concerned. Your answer was "go for it" I understand however that we may be in a situation whereby one of the prospects is playing one against the other, and is talking to you without (or as far as he knows without) my knowledge. Can you confirm or advise please Nick
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 13:36:48 -0500 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Friedland Frank This guy is now becoming a pain in the ass I have approached him on three separate occasions with reference to discussing a COORDINATED approach. So far the only reply I have received was to ask me what Moonlight night vision products are!! I would want a professional approach assuming that he knows people I may not have met. But for goodness sake, has he never heard of playing one against the other. As for Nigeria, one of the people I will be meeting in 'neutral' territory, that is London, is the Deputy President who has already been advised and is to confirm travel arrangements next week. On Friday I am to be introduced to three people at the highest level of the South African Govt. in Pretoria The personal legal advisor to the most senior government officials is to affect these introductions. I was going to advise you next week once the necessary preliminaries were completed. Please do not divulge any further information to this guy, he will not improve anything that hasn't already been done, and may well undermine past efforts. If he shouts off his mouth about selling your products for you, what will National Intelligence make of the letter they have a copy of from Terry confirming my exclusive arrangements with you? It's silly, and will only damage existing confidences and relationships. Please do me a favour and insist that he operates through your existing and official channels. Nick
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 15:18:30 -0500 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Re: Friedland Frank Thanks for your support I will still endeavour to get him working with us instead of being counter productive. I am going to be up in JoBurg anf Pretoria Friday as I mentioned, so I will advise. By the way, Tanzania will probably require a demo using your undoubted abilities to scare their little digital asses! Probably Wednesday, and they are 1 hour ahead Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com>
To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: UPDATE: D.I.R.T.T v.2.1 now in beta Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 08:59:52 +0200 Terry DIRT v2.1 ? sounds good, must get one!! :-) Thanks for copying me in on your email to Mr Friedland. I feel more confidant knowing that serious enquiries will be properly and professionally dealt with. Frank - sorry for the confusion, the demo will probably be Wednesday 16th, but I will let you know in plenty of time. Marcus and I were talking this morning, and he is looking forward to receiving the add-ons etc sometime next week. Please let me know if your time scale changes. We have also got discussions back on track to upgrade him from his existing 10 target to 25 target. I seem to recall your last price list jumps from 10 to 50 target. Can you still provide a hasp with 25? and if so what cost? He is working on the old details I gave him some months ago. One other thing to emphasise if I may please. We have spoken about pricing before, and I need to inform you that with the exception of my existing client base of current users, all new prospective customers are being quoted a price which they not only can afford, but are prepared to pay. In most cases, this means you will be receiving for example about 3 times the price on average for the product. If you get an enquiry from UK, or Africa (remember, I give clients your web site details) please be aware that they may have already been quoted a price. I hope this doesn't create a headache for you, but certain countries can afford to pay a premium without necessarily being unreasonably treated. Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: General Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 09:35:21 +0200 Terry Thanks for your letter. I have faxed a copy to Geoff (he's the legal one!) and unless I hear otherwise, I am sure it will be just fine. Frank did say he would cover me for a French deal I may be able to progress, but we can return to that if it looks like going places. I also have your invoice for the ad-ons for Marcus. Can you please confirm that these have been completed and are ready for shipping. With all my financial problems at Trencor, and the expenses for the conference, air fares etc, the delay between paying you and getting the bucks from Marcus is pretty important to me. If you can confirm, then I will deposit immediately so the delay between one and the other should then be minimal. For your interest, the 256,000 Rand Trencor owe me is no closer to resolving, but I am really hoping we can sort it out without having to resort to legal means. I will be updating you both with South African details soon, but I received a phonecall last night (Sunday) suggesting that they hoped to get a meeting with the President later this week. The plan is to do a demonstration probably Wednesday, and then try for the President Friday. I will almost certainly be telephoning you later today or tomorrow depending on the availability of the various politicians. Regards Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: SA Letter Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 13:53:28 +0200 Terry Further to your letter confirming my status and the distributor arrangement. It would seem that we need to make one small change if possible please. Can you substitute the portion "Nick Turner and his firm House of Security" with "Nick Turner and his firm African Trade and Development Corporation Limited" The reason is simple, I have an overseas company based in a tax free environment (Isle of Man), and it is my intention to use this for the forthcoming sales. If you require any additional details please give me a call, or just email the amended letter. Thanks and regards Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Business Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 17:27:28 +0200 Frank and Terry Things are now really starting to warm up a bit. I have been on the phone about 4 times to London today and we seem to have at last broken through the various barriers and have now got to the right people. Tomorrow my London colleague will be meeting with the Deputy Director of the NCIS who has expressed a desire to first know more, and second have a demonstration. This is the first 'in' prior to the major exhibition taking place later in March called - 3rd International conference and Exhibition for Criminal Intelligence Analysts. It is quite possible that I will be in London sometime next week for a series of meetings with some government and security people, together with our French contact. I will as always keep you up to date regarding the UK. Here in South Africa my colleagues in Johannesburg have had preliminary discussions with their clients, and we are looking very good for the demos I have previously mentioned. If Terry is comfortable with the small change to the letter, then I expect our timetable to remain unchanged. We (that is Bruce in Johannesburg) has President Mbeki's travelling schedule so we can plan to a certain degree when he is available. Frank, as far as an off-shore account for you is concerned. I am going to set mine up with my European associate from the Isle of Man. It's easy and quick, and it is done in such a way as to legally not require us to produce a set of audited accounts. Would you like me to make enquiries on your behalf in regard to the mechanics of such a thing for you, or do you have your own avenues? Clearly it will be to your advantage to have a tax free environment when the payments are made. At the appropriate time, the purchase will be made from my overseas company to you which of course enables us to deal in UK Pounds, Swiss Francs or US$, whichever is best. Thanks and regards Nick
From: "House of Security" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "Terry Kawles" <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: pgp Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 08:33:59 +0200 Terry In the style of all good intelligence personnel, it's been so long since I used PGP that I cannot remember my pass phrase. In a nutshell, I cannot decrypt your message - so please do not think that I am just not responding, I just have to start again. The other problem is that my original version of the program is on my desktop, and it was subsequent to that install that I purchased my notebook, and PGP isn't on the notebook. It will be in the next few minutes! So, all in all, I screwed up, sorry - please be patient, I am not very familiar with PGP, and I am battling to get some support for its operation. Nick
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 09:59:11 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "amss" <amss@icon.co.za> Subject: Re: at last frank you make some sense! i will NOT do a deal on monday as my partners in England and usa(new york) must view our final structure and deal. ian somehow managed a share for himself and nick in seabridge. i cannot now supply the funds, the major portion of the clients and all the marketing work, and end up with 10%. would you accept this as a fair deal? (anyway i am not a shareholder of seabridge am i .) remember, i only became involved with this lot a few days prior to meeting you and terry.the only person that i knew was gary. ----- Original Message ----- From: FJ To: <mailto:cctv@iafrica.com>cctv@iafrica.com Cc: <mailto:amss@icon.co.za>amss@icon.co.za <mailto:jdfowler@iafrica.com>jdfowler@iafrica.com <mailto:tkawles@codexdatasystems.com>tkawles@codexdatasystems.com <mailto:ianbrebner@csi.com>Ian Brebner Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 3:59 AM Subject: Re: At 05:13 PM 4/1/2000 +0200, you wrote: >Frank > >I received a phone call today from Gary regarding Seabridge and the various >things which require to be formalised. > >As I said in a message to Terry (to which I have had no reply yet), I have >worked very successfully with you personally on a verbal basis, and have >never felt the nead to reduce to writing the things you and I have discussed. > >The situation which is imminent with Seabridge means that Terry has obviously >progressed substantially, and it seems likely that an agreement will be >reached. Of course as soon as this happens, then clearly a requirement of >Luchi and Co will be that we, that is Ian and I cease marketing Codex products, >and DIRT in particular. This implies of course that existing negotiations and >their relevant profit will presumably revert to the Luchi organisation, and >income to me will be lost. > >Given this situation, will you please agree to give me the comfort of your >confirmation this time in writing. I am actually not concerned about voting >rights within Codex, as far as I am concerned this can remain under the >control of yourself and Terry. I am more obviously concerned that your plans >for my survival are still the same plans that we discussed. > >The security I am seeking from you of course only becomes a reality in the >event Codex and their partner agree and conclude the deal under discussion. >Should this not eventuate, I understand we revert to essentially the situation >between us the currently exists. > >Please confirm as soon as possible as this impacts on what Gary and I >discussed today. > >I would also confirm that as far as I am concerned when we shook hands it >meant the same as a hand shake in times of old - you certainly have my 100% >comittment, that has not changed. Please accept this request in the spirit >in which it is meant. > >Regards >Nick Nick, Let me make my position very clear once again. Our authorized representative in the African area at this time is House of Security. No one else is authorized by me or my company to represent themselves as our agent. If anyone else is representing themselves as our agent their claim is fraudulent at this time. We did as you know, enter into negotiations with certain parties who represented themselves as a Swiss company called Seabridge. No deal has been signed with these people as of this date. I negotiated a deal with them in good faith while I was in South Africa which in my mind they reneged on. I notified them by e-mail that the deal was dead as far as I am concerned. I instructed them to return to you the unpaid for hasp that I gave to Bruce De Kock. It is my understanding that this hasp has not been returned. I am less then happy about the entire affair. Had they proceeded in good faith we all could have been very successful. You would have been compensated as I promised with a deal directly with us and a management position as I promised you. Ian could have been similarly compensated. It is my desire to maintain a close business relationship with both you and Ian. The problem with this whole situation is that too many people are running around making decisions for me and my company without consulting me. The fact that you made them a stipulation of purchasing your company is also a sore point with me. How does Codex Data Systems, Inc. profit from them purchasing your company? At this point we are unsure of how our products are being represented in the African area and at what price... It appears that international rights to our products are being offered to several parties at various prices without consulting me directly. You asked for and received permission to match their (Seabridge's) offer to obtain international rights. To date nothing has transpired. You asked for and received permission to approach AIN. If they (AIN) are truly interested in obtaining the international rights as you say, they have a funny way of showing it by not contacting me directly... If they in fact intend to visit us in New York this week as you say they had better pick up the phone and call me. If they are prepared to sign the deal immediately they can have it. Seabridge now claims that they cannot proceed because you and Ian refuse to release stock in Seabridge which they issued you. At this point I am not sure WHAT to believe... I have instructed Terry to advise them (Seabridge) that they have until 5PM New York time on Monday April 3, 2000 to sign this deal and send us proof by fax that they have wired the negotiated money to our account or the deal is dead. I will not proceed with them after Monday. No deal with anyone is valid without my signature. If this deal fails with Seabridge it is our feeling that is was partially caused by the interference of yourself and Ian. I understand your concern for compensation but I gave you my personal assurances that you would in fact be compensated by us. The Seabridge deal could have been good for everyone involved. It is a shame if it does not happen. Unlike Seabridge who would be paying money to secure rights to represent our products, you (House of Security) have operated in the African territory with our permission and without an investment on your part. You operate at our whim. You have been paid all commissions due you to date. You have no reason to doubt my word as you know I have always been honorable when I give my word. The only thing that this bickering has done is insured our products are NOT being sold since you guys are spending all your time fighting it out and jockeying for position. If the Seabridge deal fails on Monday, your exclusivity is null and void. You can consult Terry Kawles on this and he will go over the terms of our representative agreement with you... You brought this on yourself. You will no longer be our SOLE representive in Africa. We will seek out and strike immediate deals with any and all who will respresent our products in OUR best interests. We value your input and representation of our products in the area but your conduct in this matter has been self-centered and in our opinion not in the best interest of Codex Data Systems, Inc. I hope you understand my position. I want the Seabridge deal to happen. If it does not happen I will insure everyone involved with this affair will lose... After Monday (if a deal is not done) all sales will be negotiated directly between the principles (CDS and the buyer). No other terms will be acceptable to me. Commissions will be paid accordingly by us after payment in full is received... I hope you guys come to your senses quickly. You have until Monday close of business New York time to work it out. After that time exclusivity is off the table. Frank Jones Frank Jones CEO Codex Data Sytems, Inc. 167 Route 304 Bardonia, New York 10954 USA Tel: 914-627-0011 Fax: 914-627-0211 E-Mail: <fjones@codexdatasystems.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 09:59:16 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "amss" <amss@icon.co.za> Subject: Re: Fw: Codex systems thanks terry this would be the way to go for now.no price has been discussed. they should have whispered in their ear that S.A. IS PAYING $2000,000 for one sys. they are buying 4 .it's all a question of keeping up with the jones's ...sorry frank. you can get back to him and confirm a trip to N.Y..please copy me on it. thanks! Rather this way.. keep client happy while we sort out the details.ok. regards luchi ----- Original Message ----- From: <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com>Terrance L. Kawles To: amss Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 5:41 PM Subject: Re: Fw: Codex systems At 05:20 PM 4/7/00 +0200, you wrote: terry from our Kenyan friend luchi Luchi: We certainly have done many demos for reps previously, including many where we did the actual intercept from NYC and the "rep" was with the client at the remote location and "closing" the sale. We could also certainly entertain the End-User's delegation here in NYC, with or without the rep being here. It would be the rep's call. Terry ----- Original Message ----- From: <intelcom@nbnet.co.ke>intelcom To: <amss@icon.co.za>Luchi Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 2:57 PM Subject: Codex systems Dear Luchi, Thank you for your e-mail of today. The officials of N.S.I.S are pushing me for a demo of these systems, I would suggest since you are not ready for this demo you talk to Terry and see if the demo can be done at Codex in New York. I have seen the new system and will talk to them and hear what they say. If Terry accepts we go to New York then he can contact me directly with copy to you. I honestly think New York would be ideal since they want other systems and software which I think will be available in New York. Best Regards, Steve Magambo Sincerely, Terrance L. Kawles, Esq. Vice President-General Counsel Codex Data Systems, Inc. 167 Route 304 Bardonia, New York 10954 Tel: 914-627-0011 Fax: 914-627-0211 Direct E-mail: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com Company E-mail: sales@codexdatasystems.com Web: <http://www.codexdatasystems.com/>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 09:59:20 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "amss" <amss@icon.co.za> Subject: Re: Comments on your comments. thanks guys i appreciate it.face saving like the Chinese say luchi ----- Original Message ----- From: <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com>Terrance L. Kawles To: <amss@icon.co.za>amss Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 5:31 PM Subject: Re: Comments on your comments. At 05:09 PM 4/7/00 +0200, you wrote: hi terry and frank we are now at the stage where my partners become involved . the final stages. i am finalising the business proposal to them as codex has decided on a 50/50 participation.we are happy with this. i will, i am sure be asked for some more clarity on some of the issues. i will in turn communicate these to you. we are still keen on the ww rights for obvious reasons, and during the interim ,will still pursue this with yourselves. please be patient as we are now, i believe very close to finalisation. the meeting with the D.G. NIA went very well.the intelligence committee which handles the budgets are to decide as to the number of systems that are to purchased, or should only one system be purchased and a specially established unit comprised of the 4 agencies be set up. non of the heads are too keen on this as not even the Israeli's share intelligence amongst one another. we have that we would reduce the price significantly should all 4 buy. we will soon be told exactly what the budget will be and then do a deal.we will of course clear with you prior to a final price commitment from us. do we at this stage stop talking to :Poland,china,France, and UK?or can we do a first come first served? more later regards luchi Luchi: As a sign of good faith and of confidence in you and Ciex, Ciex may continue to speak to Poland, China, France and the UK on a first come, first served basis. Sincerely, Terrance L. Kawles, Esq. Vice President-General Counsel Codex Data Systems, Inc. 167 Route 304 Bardonia, New York 10954 Tel: 914-627-0011 Fax: 914-627-0211 Direct E-mail: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com Company E-mail: sales@codexdatasystems.com Web: <http://www.codexdatasystems.com/>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 09:59:28 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "amss" <amss@icon.co.za> Subject: Re: Take a look hi frank and terry if you frank, would like us to only complete the deals that i in good faith initiated then pull out,of this deal, feel free to say so. if you would like us out now, then let me know. this bitter start will not serve any purpose. if you really want a dedicated, committed and professional external marketing arm let me know. regards luchi ----- Original Message ----- r From: <fjones@codexdatasystems.com>FJ To: <mailto:tkawles@codexdatasystems.com>Terrance L. Kawles Cc: <mailto:amss@icon.co.za>amss Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 9:46 PM Subject: Re: Take a look At 01:52 PM 4/11/00 -0400, you wrote: >my proposed response to Luchi. > MY response... Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\TO TERRY11.doc"
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 09:59:32 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "amss" <amss@icon.co.za> Subject: Re: Take a look 2 or 3 thanks frank let me clear the issue with the handshake at my home. you may know that i only knew of the products a few days before you came to s.a. at the time when we all spoke to you privately at my home i was not aware that bruce and gary did not have the money and i sat in more as an observer to the negotiations.you will recall that bruce did most of the talking on this deal. when he offered to give you 50 thou down , i was surprised. but when he agreed to pay 5 mill i was shocked. i assumed that seabridge had this funds. when you left i asked bruce where the money was going to come from. even gary was shocked. bruce said to me "what! don't you have the money?" i nearly shat myself. i had known bruce for 5 days. my offer from them was for equity if i generated sales and leads. this i could do easily. i was told by ian and bruce that they had guaranteed money from one of our larger banks for the african rights. i felt that this was the wrong way to go as we would have lost our marketing independence. also the agencies would be less than happy to buy the product from a bank. nor would other countries be happy. i was then asked by all to get them out of the fuck up and try in short time get the funds. this i was not motivated to do ,as i would initially end up with 20% and local partners that were not in the game.then ian and nick ended up with 50% of the company on top of all this. if you were here you would have put a bullet into each of them. at the end you did the best thing. all deals were off. i hope that you now understand more of the history. regarding israel, 3 meetings were attended to, due to the fact that i was very confident that we would strike a quick deal but for the other issues that screwed things up (as well as france and china). i rank these opportunities in terms of what i call the "excited factor": 1 china 2 israel 3 france...they are looking to a UK product buy this apparently does not have the features that dirt has. what are the implications of a private label? is it the same product different name please clarify the terms thanks frank ----- Original Message ----- From: <fjones@codexdatasystems.com>FJ To: <amss@icon.co.za>amss Cc: <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com>tkawles@codexdatasystems.com Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 1:50 AM Subject: Re: Take a look 2 or 3 At 12:52 AM 4/12/2000 +0200, you wrote: >hi frank and terry >if you frank, would like us to only complete the deals that i in good faith initiated then pull out,of this deal, feel free to say so. if you would like us out now, then let me know. this bitter start will not serve any purpose. if you really want a dedicated, committed and professional external marketing arm let me know. > >regards > >luchi Luchi, If you can do these deals then do them... Show me you can sell this stuff and I'll give you whatever (almost) you want... Read the attached .doc for my replies to your questions. Think seriously about a private label version. It cuts out all the bullshit... FJ ---------- Frank Jones CEO Codex Data Sytems, Inc. 167 Route 304 Bardonia, New York 10954 USA Tel: 914-627-0011 Fax: 914-627-0211 E-Mail: <mailto:fjones@codexdatasystems.com>fjones@codexdatasystems.com
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 09:59:39 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "amss" <amss@icon.co.za> Subject: the attached reply Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\Re_ Your proposal1.txt"
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 10:00:24 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "Luchi" <amss@icon.co.za> Subject: Frank/luchi As the president of Codex you will ultimately make the final decision as to who you want as an International Marketing Partner for your products. i too am pissed off at all the bickering and bull shit going on.remember that i only came into the loop a few days prior to meeting you and Terry for the first time. i was also lied to initially by certain people due to greed on their part. i was informed amongst others that: 1. House of Sec. held the rights 2. African Trade ...whatever... held the rights (brebnors company) 3. A Spanish CODEX sales agent was on his way here to sell. 4. A.I.M held limited "SOUTHERN EQUATORIAL REGION" rights 5.Seabridge were negotiating to obtain the rights.this is where i came in. WHAT A FUCK UP!! CREATED NOT BY ME I CAN ASSURE YOU! I am sure that as a businessman trying to fund this venture you would personally want to puke at this scenario. I certainly want to. i have pulled out of this, not because we cannot find the money, but for all the reasons that you are now aware of,via the various communications that abound. i want to structure something for the long term for all to benefit and i do NOT want to be in this for the short term to make a few bucks as a certain person told us recently. is this what you and terry want.. short term bucks.no ,i dont think so either. I have communicated with Terry on this and once all the crap has been sorted out and if you feel that my company i.e.. Ciex S.A. Asset Management Services ,as well as the local Cyber Group can get the REAL marketing job done for you internationally ,you can let us know. By now i am sure that you have done your own due diligence on us, and you will i hope have seen that we do have GENUINE abilities in all geographic areas, i.t.o your prime target market for the Codex product range both in GOV. and commercial arenas I wish you and your group every success! kind regards luchi
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 10:00:34 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "Luchi" <amss@icon.co.za> Subject: hi there guys it seems that some one(unknown to us at this point ) sent a fax to the nia informing them of the COST price of dirt.the letter was unsigned and undated . this however does not create too much of a problem in our getting our price or close to our price as there are "other" factors at play here that the arse hole who did this is not aware of. all you have to do should you in the unlikely event get a phone c all,state that the local agent will discuss all prices. as an aside, one of the agencies are wanting to talk about toast as well. i have said that the product can only be bought on the back of a purchase of the latest version of dirt. correct? regards luchi
From: "Marcus Holtzhausen" <pak04482@mweb.co.za> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com>, <tech@codexdatasystems.com>, "Nick Turner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> Subject: CRC Error with Hasp after upgrade with new hasp file Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 18:22:58 +0200 Problem. CRC error on Hasp after installation of new hasp file update(15 target) Solution : ??????? Dirt software cannot be used since the hasp upgrade regards Marcus
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 14:38:45 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "Ian Brebner" <ianbrebner@csi.com> Subject: Codex Africa-Dennis Good morning Frank, I received your message regarding you conversation with Dennis yesterday evening. I was probably in the land of slumber when you called. I spoke at length with Dennis this morning and advised him of the agreements that are now in place in respect of Africa and Europe in that Codex USA have now formed Africa and europe in a joint partnership with Nick and myself. It would appear that he has done extensive ground work with various organisations and was at the stage of being highly embarrassed at not being able to deliver. It was fortuitous that Nick was delayed in J'burg for a flight to Durban, so I arranged for Nick to call Dennis who in turn went to the airport like a "rat up a drain pipe" to meet with Nick. The up shot of all this is that, as indicated in your discussions with Dennis, Dennis will be offered a Directorship in Codex Africa subject to a satisfactory conclusion with the current deals. Appointing Dennis onto the Board will mean that Codex Africa will have to provide the following House Allowance Car. Entertainment Allowance. Medical. Travel Expenses. Salary Commission on Sales. Obviously if any one of the deals goes through at the price levels discussed, there will be no problem in accomodating the above. We will make Dennis aware of the offer to him and the remunerations he will receive prior to meeting with his contacts. This way there is a massive incentive for him to conclude a deal for us. When I am in South Africa next week, we have arranged for a meeting with Dennis and the organisations that he is dealing with, to present an online demonstration to those interested. I propose that this demo is done thursday 20.04, so pencil this date in. Dennis would like a letter from yourself ( CDS US) confirming that CDS has now formed a company Codex Data Systems Africa, with an office in South Africa, the MD is Nick Turner. Terry could email this to me on CDS US letterhead and I will give it to Dennis when I arrive in J'Burg on Tuesday. Nick in the meantime will prepare a letter of offer to Dennis on CDS Africa. Dixon Group. I have spoken at length to Duncan Pickering Laptop Buyer for the Dixon Group and Also Peter Lyons Buying Director. who could be interested in PCPH to install on all the PC/Laptop/palm units prior to retail of the units. I have discussed with Duncan the position of CDS Europe and to support this CDS US have taken a stand at Ifsec 2000 to present Codex Products. I have verbally invited them to the show Would you arrange for a letter of invitation to these guys and any other persons that they feel may be interested in visiting the exhibition within the company to come and visit the CDS Stand W15. This can be forwarded to <peter.lyons@dixons.co.uk>peter.lyons@dixons.co. Similarly extend an invitation to: Peter Butters email: <mailto:jbutters@cc.ernsty.co.uk>jbutters@cc.ernsty.co.<mailto:jbutters@cc.e rnsty.co.uk>uk Mark Steeles email: <mailto:mark@spring9demon.co.uk>mark@spring9demon.co.<mailto:mark@spring9dem on.co.uk>uk Jean Francois Briand email: <mailto:technisa@compuserve.com>technisa@compuserve.<mailto:technisa@compuse rve.com>com Gerard Lot email: <mailto:technisa@compuserve.com>technisa@compuserve.<mailto:technisa@compuse rve.com>com Bernadette Faurie email: <mailto:bernis@faurieb.demon.co.uk>bernis@faurieb.demon.co.<mailto:bernis@fa urieb.demon.co.uk>uk Dominic Gardham email: <mailto:dominic_gardham@csi.com>dominic_gardham@csi.<mailto:dominic_gardham@ csi.com>com Having a problem loading CDS programs onto my laptop and finalising the loading on my PC Laptop Loaded Hinstall onto C:drive, it appears on C:drive directory. Loaded PCPH C:program files: PCPH When I attempt to open these file to continue the inst sequence as I did with Terry I get "there are no viewers for this type of file Would you like to try the default viewers?" Answer "yes" response " there are no viewers capable of viewing ZipFile files" Winzip is installed on my laptop. SCREAM. PC Installation I have installed Hinstall, PCPH,Dirt,Bait now at the stage of finalising with IAN.HSP DISC. I tried as suggested yesterday by you to command in dos prompt Hinstall -i. Bad command. Help!!! Did you get locked out again with Reflex-Magnetics down loads. If the test you run with these products do not detect dirt or bait we could have an interesting visitor to the stand namely John Buckle Chairman of reflex. Forwarded "mouse" mail Speak later no doubt Regards Ian
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 14:38:49 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "Ian Brebner" <ianbrebner@csi.com> Subject: Ifsec2000 Frank, Invitation for Ifsec2000 to Duncan Pickering, Buyer Laptops for Dixon Group email <duncan.pickering@dixons.co.uk>duncan.pickering@dixons.co.uk Also advise him in the email the PCPH attraction now for PALM units and the tie up with Maza car company recently announced. That the possibility of PALM now being installed in cars will of course give a way of tracking cars when stolen. Adios amigo
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 14:38:52 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "Ian Brebner" <ianbrebner@csi.com> Subject: Codex - Ifsec 2000 Itse, I apologise for not forwarding information to you regarding House of security products, but the last few days since we spoke have been hectic. I have just returned from New York and a very successful meeting with Codex. We have entered into a partnership with Codex and are in the process of opening Codex Data Systems Europe. This means that you can now purchase your requirements through and direct with myself CDS Europe, or from CDS Inc USA. Therefore any purchase orders will be in accordance with the Codex schedule price list and not through a middle man, which I believe detracted you from marketing Codex Products in the past. There is also the opportunity for you to now become an official Codex distributor for Holland. Should you be interested in discussing with me this opportunity contact me on 00 44 1903 787799 or email <ianbrebner@csi.com>ianbrebner@csi.<mailto:ianbrebner@csi.com>com As discussed with you, I know you have a vast amount of interest in Codex Products A distributorship will give you the opportunity to now target your potential intelligence markets. Codex Data Systems will be at the forthcoming Ifsec 2000 exhibition in Birmingham from 8-11May on Stand W15. We extend to you an invitation to visit the stand and more importantly to meet with Frank Jones CEO Codex Data System Inc from New York. We look forward to meeting with you at Ifsec 2000. Hopefully we will have time to send to you a formal visitor's invitation. Finally, Nick Turner who now heads up a New Codex Africa company will also be at Ifsec 2000 this will give you the opportunity to discuss the cellular phone modification and other products marketed by House of Security. I look forward to receiving your comments. Ian Brebner, Managing Director Codex Data Systems Europe.
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 13:47:59 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Re Denis etc. Frank In discussion with Denis this morning. Luchi has arranged a meeting with NIA Wednesday concerning CIEX business (which is none of mine), and I believe arranging a DIRT demo, which is. Denis is concerned that Luchi has not been advised by you of the new structure for marketing here and abroad. We do not need any further confusion with NIA Can you please confirm officially in writing to Luchi the outcome of our discussions, how we are proceeding from now, and, if necessary, emphasise that if he wants to remain involved, we have no problem, but we must all remain professional. It is worth remembering that the high level of contact at NIA was not of Luchi's influence, but Denis. It was Denis who got us in there in the first place, even though CIEX do have an existing business relationship. Our original plan to do a demo on Thursday is a problem as it is a public holiday here, and nobody works! I will advise you of the new date. Whatever you put in writing to Luchi, please copy me for reference. Nick
From: "Luchi" <amss@icon.co.za> To: "FJ" <fjones@codexdatasystems.com>, <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 10:09:27 +0200 Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 16:09:40 -0400 To: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> From: sales <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: Luchi &amp; NIA Cc: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com At 02:27 PM 4/26/2000 +0200, you wrote: Frank Numerous phonecalls today. Please call me as soon as you receive this regarding: 1. Denis has arranged, subject to confirmation by you, a DEMO at NIA for 9am Friday 5th May. Can you confirm this is OK. This is the final step, and I emphasise it is the demo, not just another discussion. OK no problem. I will do the demo. 2. Luchi has indicated his willingness to continue but there appears to be a situation which only you can confirm/deny or accept. He is of the understanding that he has an agreement with you that 50% of the sale price after your costs have been met goes to him. Using the following example (figures are for example only) Sell price - $2,250.000 Cost of product - $250,000 (goes to CDS USA) Balance - $2,000,000 of which 50% goes to Codex Africa, and 50% to Luchi esq. Any deal with Luchi is OFF the table. He was advised he had a window. He was advised we were actively negotiating with SOMEONE for the African and European rights. He was told that IF the deal was struck he was out... He understood this and didn't care. Personally I don't care if he makes that much, but the associated commissions and expenses for Denis and any others will therefore be met by Luchi. Its my personal feeling that that is way too much as a broker commission. Do we have Dennis or not? Do we need Luchi? I have no problem paying him the normal sales commission but 50% is off the board. I'd rather pay MORE to Dennis... What I am interested in is the other deals he claims to have on the go which I am certain he will try and strike a deal with you personally and separately on, e.g. China Probably bullshit like the rest of his claims. He will strike no deal with me personally or any deal that you guys don't know about. Please let me have your comments and decision Nick He wants the mandate and his cake also... He has neither as far as I am concerned. Why should he make twice what we do? I'd be willing to pay him %25 commission. FJ
From: "Ian Brebner" <ianbrebner@csi.com> To: "Lucchi Ficoseco" <amss@icon.co.za> Cc: "Nick Turner" <cctv@iafrica.com>, "Frank Jones" <fjones@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Demonstration Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 14:13:36 +0100 Lucchi I have received confirmation from Dennis that the demonstration for NIA is arranged for friday 5 May at 0900. Frank is on call from 0300 US time. Nick will conduct the demo and is arranging with Dennis to meet prior to the time. I understand also that you will be in attendance at the demo. Could you please ensure that NIA have for the purpose of the demonstration the following: A PC or Laptop with a modem Files installed on the hardware configured in a way to conclusively prove the power of the software. These files can be hidden, encrypted and protected with passwords. An email connection line. A normal telephone line with international dialing. I did give a price guide schedule to Dennis based upon prices relating to either one Branch user, or four Branch users. with a proposed discount. Also within the pricing, as discussed with you, I added other software and variations to justify the price offered. I hope that the demo is successful regards Ian Brebner I am unavailable for this. Get your programmmer into the office for this.
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 13:02:54 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "David M. Johnson, ACIB" <sterling@mcb.net> Subject: Codex Data Systems Dear Frank, I recently met with Ian Brebner and Nick Turner, and they provided me with an overview of your plans. I am in the process of establishing the relevant companies, and understand that you and Terry will be acting as Directors also. I also believe you both are interested in establishing trusts. Accordingly I have attached our new business forms for your completion. I have suggested to Ian that I travel to Ifsec to meet with you, and suggest that you bring the completed forms and other documentation to with you. Is this in order? Any questions, just email or call me. Regards, David Johnson Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\New Business Questionnaire1.doc" Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\qualcomm\eudora mail\attach\Terms and Conditions1.doc" X-Persona: <CDS>
From: "Luchi" <amss@icon.co.za> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Cc: "nick turner" <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Re: Status of Dennis Beea Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 11:25:41 +0200 terry it seems now as he has absconded. he has been with us since november last year and has not produced ANY business for us what so ever.yes, he does has contacts at a high level but is incapable in converting these to business opportunities. he has done the same to gondo security owned by a black mutual friend. i have now employed the PRESIDENTS close friend who has arranged for other meetings for us with the NIA d.g. we will by next week be getting a letter from the nia that WE are appointed to finalise the dirt issue with them please bear in mind also that it was i that brought the secret service and the police commissioner into the loop with dirt.i was also the one to second dennis to seabridge on behalf of ciex to assist with the marketing of product before i got to know about dirt. we are told, dennis was in fact asked to resign from the nia due to the same non performance. he has missed several ciex meetings with us and has not returned any calls either. based on this i left a message for him on monday morning to tell him that as he has not responded to meeting dates or messages that he has on his own accord left the company. to date i still have not has a response. i personally speak to the d.g's of the services on an ongoing basis and enjoy their confidence. rest assured. i give you my word that all is still on track with the sell ing of the software. i will be happy to arrange a meeting with nick to prove what i say and for nick to meet with our new partner(when i say new, i mean new to the dirt issue. we have been working with ali lumkwana for 9 months now and he HAS produced the results we require. dennis CANNOT. should you require more information please let me know. regards luchi ----- Original Message ----- From: <mailto:tkawles@tco.com>Terrance L. Kawles To: <mailto:amss@icon.co.za>Luchi Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 8:22 AM Subject: Status of Dennis Beea Luchi: It has been reported that Dennis Beea is no longer a Director with Ciex. Therefore, we assume that Dennis will no longer be available to assist in Codex marketing efforts by providing you or AMMS or CIEX (or whomever is marketing Codex products) with audiences at the highest levels of the South African government. Can you confirm his status for us? On first impression, we consider Dennis to be the most essential and material factor in our mutual ability to sell Codex Data Systems software to the South African government to the extent (and prices) that we were led to believe our software could command. Naturally, Dennis' status has a direct bearing on our confidence in your company's ability to provide the sales you projected. I would appreciate your comments as soon as possible. Sincerely, Terry
From: "Luchi" <amss@icon.co.za> To: <tkawles@tco.com>, <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "nick turner" <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 12:55:53 +0200 i sorry guys,it seems as if you have my 'original ' communication regarding the issues with dennis.here is the one i wanted to send after finally getting hold of dennis please keep this confidential, and do not send to any one else in the loop... thanks luchi
From: "Luchi" <amss@icon.co.za> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Cc: "nick turner" <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Re: Status of Dennis Beea Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 12:22:51 +0200 terry the issues with dennis has just now been resolved. i had planned,but not executed a totally different letter to you,having also just spoken to nick about the communication problem. the issue is really about dennis missing crucial meetings and not returning calls and myself getting angry and frustrated on the other hand. we have also employed Mr. ALI LUMKWANA (personal friend of the PRESIDENT of S.A.) as a full time consultant with our group. he in fact is the presidents chess partner. ali will be active in the marketing and 'pricing' discussions not only here buy in other parts of the continent as well rest assured. all is still on track. regards luchi
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 05:29:24 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Ian in Spain Frank and Terry I am somewhat concerned about Ian's position in Spain and his requests for help from you. He has gone to the trouble and expense to go to Spain for a demo, and from a phonecall a couple of minutes ago, he doesn't even know if you are available. I am also advised that he has cancelled a trip to Tanzania (one of our best prospects) because he has not had from you the things he needs. I am also very concerned that the sales enquiries from IFSEC have still not been passed on for action. Guys, are we serious about doing business? If you are sitting on genuine sales enquiries it is criminal to just let them die without any response! Terry, you have obviously gone to some trouble to prepare the new PPT which I think is great, it's a pity we cannot make efficient use of it with the enquiries. I have commented previously about what is perceived to be diabolical administrative abilities on your side. Clients have commented adversely and I have personally had to field quite vitriolic comments about your support. Please do not let Ian down, he is in a better position to secure business for you in Europe, but he cannot do it without your help. On the local front, I am convinced that we have not seen more progress because of the over ambitious pricing. I said right from the beginning that $250,000 was realistic, and that is what I quoted Tanzania as you know. People then went off their heads and started with this $2 million stuff, and I can tell you for a fact, not even the Prime Minister can approve that expenditure without reference to other people. Is it any wonder that the enthusiasm is rapidly evaporating? I have told Luchi that I want an update of the status of all discussions, and that at the end of this month I am reducing the prices and taking back my clients. Before all this stupidity started I was securing business with promises of more to come - and now, we have simply caused confusion mistrust and lost 6 months effective selling time. Guys, we need you - you may not need us, but if we are going to make this work for all of us, then you need to look at your internal administration, follow-up and support structures so we can arrange trips with confidence and not trepidation. Nick
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 13:06:54 -0400 To: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> From: FJ <fjones@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: Ian in Spain Cc: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com,ianbrebner@csi.com At 10:44 AM 6/8/00 +0200, you wrote: Frank and Terry [snip] I am available and in the office. I have just done the demo and I'm now standing by ready to do a second for him. I am unaware of what else he needs. He was updates as requested. Everything is being processed. I am STILL waiting for the list of attendees at the two DDW's Africa. I am still waiting to be advised as to how YOU gave a DDW to Pricewaterhousecoopers without our participation? Was our Powerpoint used? I didn't get my share of the revenue... Can you please advise? All leads are being placed in worldwide database. It takes time... What happened to all the leads in SA like AIN etc? Sell the program for what the market will bear or I will sell it for what I feel is correct price... I have no problem making 2 million but if 250,000 is all that is available, sell it... I have told Luchi that I want an update of the status of all discussions, and that at the end of this month I am reducing the prices and taking back my clients. Tell Lucchi he has one week to advise us or I start contacting everyone from here at a much lower price... I am tired of having pricing dictated to me... I want results now or I sell it myself... Before all this stupidity started I was securing business with promises of more to come - and now, we have simply caused confusion mistrust and lost 6 months effective selling time. We are here building a database of all interest worldwide. Please forward all you contacts and discussions so we may work them one by one until we close them all. FJ
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Subject: Re: new updates Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 15:31:17 +0200 Terry Thanks very much for your updates, these are most welcome and I have spent a large part of today advising people of what is now available. Frank mentioned the possibility of my providing a regional monitoring service for PC PhoneHome. That would be really exciting for me, and I will speak to him in this regard. Finally, I know you guys work under pressure there, and your help is really appreciated. If my last mail to you appeared unpleasant please accept my apologies, but Marcus is now happy, I am happy, and it looks like I will VERY soon have more DIRT orders. Kind regards Nick
From: "cctv" <cctv@iafrica.com> To: "FJ" <fjones@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terrance L. Kawles, Esq." <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: Codex Data Systems Africa Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 12:12:48 +0200 Frank I am in receipt of your email dated August 1, 2000 I wish to do you the courtesy of a reply, however, I am considering my options at present and will reply more fully in the next day or so. Nick
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "Frank Jones" <cds@ucs.net> Cc: "TERRY KAWLES" <TKAWLES@TCO.COM> Subject: digital workshop Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 15:41:25 +0200 Frank I have 2 or 3 VIP's from the S.A. Police computer crime division coming over to see you. (Terry, you should get a commission from the Westpark Hotel !) I will probably come with them. Can you advise if I will incur any costs from you, and if so, how much. Specifically, they want to discuss all the products that will be useful to them. I have already given them all the presentations on DIRT and HOPE, but they want to meet you before spending the bucks. I cannot access the workshop site for some reason, have you got some info on the content for me ? Thanks and regards Nick
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 09:00:17 +0200 From: cctv <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: reply to your message of 1/8/2000 To: Frank Jones <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Cc: "Terrance L. Kawles, Esq." <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com>, ian brebner <ianbrebner@csi.com> I received your brief message of the 4th expressing your sentiment about 'pulling the plug' on me. I have carefully considered my reaction to not just this latest situation, but all the written accusations that went before, and which went unanswered by you. I have reviewed my initial response, and based on the facts as I know them to be, I cannot see any reason why I should change or modify my thoughts as expressed in the body of this message. The original email came from you, Frank. I have read it several times, and although it probably didn't take you to long to type, I am sure you thought carefully about the contents before you sent it. I presume your mind was clear at the time of sending the email, and that apart from any subsequent conversation you may have had with Ian, I do not believe you have any genuine reason for not wanting to fulfill your desires as it concerns the content. On this basis, I respond as below. Gentlemen I refer to your email dated 1/8/2000 which I opened and read on my return from Johannesburg Thursday 3rd August. Clearly you have decided for your own reasons that you wish to dispense with my services in regard to the marketing of your products in this region. Further, I was informed through certain sources that this was what you intended some days before receiving your email. You seem to have underestimated the chain of communication that exists between myself and my client base. In reading your email carefully, I would like to comment by drawing your attention to the following points. 1. The issue of the US$50,000 was decided and agreed whilst all four of us sat at the table in your Bardonia premises. It was stated and agreed that this amount would be paid by a "schedule to be mutually agreed to." Verbally, this was stated to be from funds generated by the first sale(s) generated by the Africa or European operations. The contract/agreement states very clearly "on a schedule", not it one lump sum, and not in advance. 2. You state you have had no communication with me concerning any activities here. My partner, and&nbsp;yours, Ian Brebner, has been fully informed of my activities here including those on-going discussions with Luchi. To say you have not been kept informed means either you have not listened to the many telephone discussions you have had with Ian, or you have chosen to ignore the information given to you.&nbsp;It is also my understanding that many emails were sent to you regarding business opportunities which were in the main ignored. In fact, because of Ian's better opportunities for travel than myself, and in most cases better contact level, it has been Ian that has largely assumed the role of contacting various African clients. I know that he has kept you informed of his activities both here and in Europe. Only you can answer as to why you have never acted upon requests to contact certain potential clients, or in fact, why it takes you several days to establish a requested contact. Should the previous two sentences be confusing to you, please speak to Ian direct, I am sure he will be able to refresh your memory. 3. Your comments in regard to following up on those who attended the South African exhibition and conference are in my opinion misplaced, and uninformed. If you had paid for the promotional activity, the venue, the exhibition stand etc. etc. I could more easily understand you insisting upon client feedback. But you didn't. To say I have not followed up presumes you have been in contact with some of the names I sent you, and if you have, then you would have been told that I have also. Don't play such stupid games, you didn't pay for the conference, and yet I am being asked to pay for IFSEC and you haven't even had the decency to respond to my request for the names of those attendees. Worse, you don't even contact urgent sales enquiries, so don't accuse me of something you don't know about, and in which your record is even more abysmal. I made my position clear once before concerning the issue of follow up, as you never replied, I assume you never bothered to read it. 4. You ask why you were not forwarded copies of the Polish information. You never asked for copies of correspondence, either verbally or in a written request.&nbsp;On what basis should I need to copy you on the various correspondence I may have, other than official orders? Much of the correspondence that passes from myself to my clients contain information not pertinent to you or your products. I see no need to copy you in on this or any other written documentation. I do not recall you ever making such a requirement conditional. As far as this issue of Poland is concerned I received the letter in the week you were away at an exhibition, and I 'sat' on it for 5 days! If you were in possession of all your facts, which clearly you are not, you would have known that the people requiring the demonstration will only be ready for such perhaps later this week or next. It was with my approval that Luchi phoned you. I was in Johannesburg at the time, and had just met with Luchi for various discussions. It seemed reasonable at the time (subsequently it has proved not to be) that he call you direct. If Poland is to purchase, Luchi will be responsible, why then the reaction his call elicited from you? Instead of reacting as you did, much more could have been achieved through meaningful dialogue. 5. You seem to base most of your reasons for wanting to remove me from the equation on some kind of 'non performance' or something similar. How many times do I need to speak with my clients here in South Africa concerning your product to meet your concept of 'best efforts' to qualify? I have already covered on-going discussions with other possible clients through Ian, documented or discussed verbally to you by him. And so we come to the final paragraph of your message which states that failure to wire the money to you immediately will result in "termination of our agreement" It seems that you have already decided that the agreement is terminated according to your actions directly with my clients. You seem to be under the illusion that my clients, clients that were established through the efforts of my company before I even introduced your company to them, are somehow now 'your clients'. Big mistake. So, according to my understanding, you have already taken certain actions. Again, big mistake. So we now have the following scenario. 1. Prior to your visit to South Africa I, and by association my company were your official distributor. As such, I was reimbursed 30% as commission/dealer discount for sales made. 2. During, and after your visit, you opened negotiations with various individuals who subsequently became known as Seabridge Trading with a view to appointing them your distributor. At that time you took it upon yourself to suspend my distributor rights. Of course I assume you will remember your verbal assurances to me, or maybe those details have also 'slipped your mind'. 3. According to the email I received from you in March this year, once the negotiations with Seabridge ceased, I was reinstated as your South African agent, and appropriate instructions were given to other parties in this regard. All this in writing from yourself. 4. I was responsible for introducing my client Ian Brebner to you who, after negotiation, purchased US$50,000 of product from your company. It is a documented fact that I secured for you that deal culminating in a payment of the US$50,000. In fact, you spoke with me numerous times on the phone requesting that this deal not be jeopardised as you did not want to lose the $50,000 income 5. To date, I have still not received my agreed commission for this sale. 6. All of the above is in writing, legally binding dated documentation exists. I await your proposals as to how you now intend to: 1. Terminate the agreement by some legally acceptable method 2. Reimburse me commissions due I must say for the record, depending on your answers to the two points immediately above, I would have no problem in resigning and rescinding all claims to which I have legal recourse. Hopefully I will receive a sensible answer as opposed to meaningless rhetoric. Nick Turner
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 16:03:15 -0400 To: "Ian Brebner" <ianbrebner@csi.com> From: CDSsales <sales@codexdatasystems.com> Subject: Re: Codex SA/Europe. At 08:36 AM 8/10/00 -0400, you wrote: Good morning Frank. I think the demo went well this AM... hopefully it will turn into bucks... I have read with interest the dialogue between yourself and Nick and I know that on occasions I have expressed my frustration to you that Nick appears to be more interested in CCTV than Codex. This is his core business. He has also vented his frustration regarding the support given to users (or lack of) of Codex Software that he feels is jeopardizing his client relationship which in turn undermines his efficiency in serving his clients. This ultimately has a reflection on his core business. You yourself have questioned Nick's conduct in this matter... I have responded to all customers who have had problems and fixed them as far as I know... If I don't know there is a problem I can't fix it... It would be great if Nick could remain in the plan of Codex, but there must be cohesion. I am not trying to push him out. I like Nick. I would like him to remain with the company but he has to actively be out there promoting the company products. I will settle for nothing less. And... I want to be advised who is being contacted... At this juncture, I feel that I must raise one or two questions regarding your reply to Nick. At the time that the Seabridge debacle was on the table, an option was also extended to me to come up with $50.000. I discussed this issue with you and more importantly the matter of receiving software for the required payment, in particular PC PhoneHome in order to establish my daughter in a serve from home business. True... Why hasn't that company been setup? Is your daughter going to run it? Fine if so... What is the holdup? I tabled the proposal that Codex considered forming offshore entities namely Codex Africa and Codex Europe. I persuaded Nick to come to the USA to form part of this discussion. It was agreed that each party has +/- 25% in the new co's to be formed. The input from each shareholder being their individual expertise. Codex on the onehand with their product and support, vis a vis Nick and Ian with our combined international contacts. Thus the financial input for each shareholder is zero. A price schedule of Codex software was determined and agreed, in particular a dealer package being: * 10 target D.I.R.T. version-fully operational; * 1,000 documents B.A.I.T. ; and * 10,000 computer PC PhoneHome .....Price $25000. This is as scheduled in the Distributor agreement. Where in the agreement? Consequently, it was agreed that Nick and myself would each receive for a $50.000 payment the aforementioned software except that the DIRT package was to be for 100 targets. These packages could be used for demonstration and/or to sell to recover our capital input under the terms of the Distributor agreement. Where in the agreement? This is not my understanding. Once the agreement was signed and terms executed by all sides we were supposed to be partners on all sales, right? Primarily this applied to the DIRT packages in that in the event that the packages were sold at a price over and above the "end user" price as determined in the pricing schedule, an additional amount became payable to Codex. Where in the agreement? Accordingly software was released to me upon payment of $50.000 which gave Codex much needed capital and cemented the deal between us. If you recall you came to the meeting with only 42,000 and left with 37,000 with us but we still have a deal as far as I'm concerned Frank, I did not put up $50.000 to form a joint venture in Codex Africa and Codex Europe. It is my understanding that is exactly what you did in backing Codex Europe. Nick was offered Codex Africa. He has not performed to the terms of the agreement. I am only looking for clarification from him as to his intent. I came to the States to buy software which I did and to also expound our telephonic discussion regarding the formation of CDS offshore. If you believe this is to the contrary, you are mistaken. Where is the corresponding $50.000 input from you and Terry to capitalise the company?. It was not agreed to and never brought up in the meeting or contract. We agreed to form Codex Europe which you would finance and we would put up the software to be demo'd. We did that. We time all software as a security precaution. You knew that and agreed it was a good idea. Even my own software is timed. I did not need to input $50,000 to sell Codex software, I could have marketed the product, and if I procured a sale, come to Codex who in turn would jump at the sale and paid me a commission. A much smaller commission. Now you have ownership in the European theater of operations. What is the problem? So please do not renege on our agreement, this would only prove that the allegations made by Lucchi and others in the past to be founded, a small price to sell you reputation for. This last paragraph of the statement infuriates me... I have always be honorable with you and Nick. Read your agreement. Take it to an attorney and read what you signed... Please therefore validate my Hasp for an unlimited period so that I can use the same without restriction and/ or sell the software in accordance with the Distributor Agreement to: This is a security risk and will not be done. 1. recover my investment in the purchase of software We will authorize the hasps whenever sold. You know this. 2. promote sales of CDS products. You have been diligent in keeping me abreast of your efforts. I appreciate that and will continue to assist you in every way that I can. Rest assured that I am 100% committed to the success of CDS, I have to be in order to recover my purchase and investment for the ultimate benefit of all shareholders. Kindly respond with you comments. See above. Finally, in regard to the status of Nick and as to whether he is entitled to any commissions is a matter between you and Nick. I know that that was one of the reasons that Nick came to the States was because I was purchasing $50.000 for software, so how could he lose. He lost. That did not happen. I also know that he reflected that this commission was part of his $50,000 payment which is why he also received two hasps and software. Bullshit and you know it... It was given him as merchandise to keep in stock so he could deliver to a customer faster. For the sake of the future in this venture let us all get back on course, litigation is only an issue the lawyers enjoy and protract in order to make money. Not a course of action to be recommended especially when the only real issue at stake is a matter of being honorable in our business relationship whether in writing or verbally. Fine with me... No one is making this agreement into something it is not. I appreciate that there are only so many hours in a day and that there are only two at CDS, but this should not prevent a problem. The biggest problem is the time differential, there only effectively being a window of two hours of working when you are in the office and vice versa. Lately I have been getting in around 0700-0730 hrs and usually stay until 1700-1800 hrs. I am fully equipped to work from home also. Finally let us make it work, we will all benefit. As I mentioned before I would be better off as a distributor if any sales are forthcoming. At least the distributor makes 30%, then 50% additional over CDS pricing. Maybe it would be best to disband CDS Africa/Europe, push all sales through CDS States where total control is from any way, We can discuss this if you want. On other matters: 1. what is the current situation with Cifra/Spain. Have they now a fully operational working version. I spoke at length with Miguel yesterday and finally installed all the software as per instructions only to enter the Dtray to get HASP. CRC Error. I spoke then at length with Terry who said he would telephone Miguel Munoz and resolve the situation. What is the current status. As far as I know according to TK, Cifra is up and working OK. He told me he spoke with them 2. There is a demonstration arranged for 1600 Thursday 10 August (1000 US time). I have called today several time to reconfirm this. The client is also very interest in BAIT. as they will be handling in excess of 500.000 documents per month as a form of message switching centre. Can Bait be tagged to an original document and legitimately be forwarded to a recipient without activating a response email, but to activate when any other unauthorised recipient receives the file. This is the group using Legacy?? data base and the people you spoke with Frank. Done this AM. I think they are impressed. 3. I spoke with Joshua and also sent him an email to request that he courier to Nick hasp #8 by 11.08 But he has not confirmed that he has acted in accordance with this request. It would appear that the matter I discussed with you over the use of this demo version is possibly correct. However I cannot verify this for certain neither can my contact, only that he is aware of its use in the region without my advising him. I suggest an email to Joshua from you to return the same. OK I will send him an e-mail and copy you on it. 4. Joshua advised that we must be patient as decisions can not be made due to the elections in October. Two months ago it was due to budget dates and it was needed for the elections. Prior to that, he had the money and was only awaiting a product demonstration. Your ball - how do you want to play it. Pull the plug... He had his chance... I am not wasting time with these guys anymore... I am too busy... 5. I have received the new DIRT and await the revised Hasp Install software, this can be sent on my return to UK, together with the hasp validate for the revised version. It was sent 6. I await the validation of hasp #34 for PCPH please forward as an untimed hasp. As with all software. It was sent. 7. Does the PCPH software on my PC require installation software for the subscriber?. NO just enter the privacy code The target bug generated is demo XXXX Under "defbug- notepad" file what is entered in "Some user" "and Host from" locations nothing I assume as this is a default file The email address the info will be sent to. Under "bug out" notepad, "mail from" is I assume the subscriber email address. I say this because I entered this into the file, the next target bug I generated advised PCPH program corrupted seek tech advise. Unable to contact CDS so I reloaded the program,, resulting in the loss of bugs generated and target directory. Hmmm let me look at this and get back to you My concern is obviously what would happen under the scenario of say 10000 subscribers registered and this situation occurs?? Thats why ALL info must be backed up daily. I await your comments and advise. As I mentioned I wish to come to the States to get trained and have a better understanding of CDS products, but there has to be a future. Come on over ;-) Obviously you are also on day off for woman's Day Woman's day? Will contact you tomorrow prior to demo. OK FJ P.S. Assuming that Nick is no longer aboard, we will today start actively selling CDS products in SA directly from here. ************************************************************************ This communication is copyrighted and is protected by U.S. and International copyright law. The information transmitted in this e-mail message may not be reproduced, reposted or forwarded to anyone other then the intended recipient without expressed written permission of the sender. Violation of U.S. copyright law is a criminal and civil offense... ************************************************************************
From: "nickturner" <cctvsecurity@iafrica.com> To: "TERRY KAWLES" <TKAWLES@TCO.COM> Subject: THE SCORPION GROUP Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 16:21:25 +0200 Terry I hate to bug a busy man, but can I please add a little bit to the last message about the serial number and it's importance. My client, in this case, Dave, is a member of the Scorpion group I told you about. I have faxed you a short item from the press in this regard. I am trying to get him to come to DDW, but as I only just discovered how important he actually is, I have left it rather late to motivate finance etc. It might be that I pay the airfares for him myself. Why...because he has already told me that if DIRT does what we tell him, then we are, I quote.." going to get a lot more business, for starters a 25 target version." Help - The program tells him ' hasp time error, wrong hasp key' He has entered the code/number on the hasp without success, and as you already know, he has been unable to open the authentication file. Terry, I really do hate to bug you, but PLEASE, can you email him at <mailto:spookook@netactive.co.za>spookook@netactive.co.za TONIGHT and send him a fix. Both he and I will appreciate it, and I am prepared to show my committment to you by paying a lot of money to bring a possible customer to meet with you . Thanks Nick
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 10:58:48 -0400 To: tkawles@codexdatasystems.com From: cctv <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Codex Africa Frank At long last it seems as if all the things which have constrained me in recent weeks have been eliminated. I wanted to wait this last couple of weeks since your last email to me so that I could respond in a positive manner rather than the opposite. All the stress of trying to get the money out of the company that owed me so much has been resolved, and I am informed by their attorneys that the money will be paid over at the end of this month. This means that I will now be in a position to deal with the outstanding matter of putting some meaning to the payment schedule of the US$50,000 as per our agreement. In other words, instead of part payments, or having to wait until my next deal, I should be able to sort it out sooner. Speaking of deals, I have a particularly interesting week next week whereby I will be meeting with Minister Tswete, our Safety and Security Minister. This follows a meeting I had last week with Bala Naidoo, Senior Liason Director here in Durban. I am hopeful that this will overcome the previous problems of levels of authority which is largely the reason why things take so long down here. At least with the Minister it either happens, or conversely, if he says no, then no-one gets it! Judging from preliminary comments, they are looking forward to my DIRT and BAIT PPT presentations. I will be with them Wednesday/Thursday next week, so I will call you if I need your help. I have also been approached by a Durban based company, actually a consortium of four fairly large security companies who have expressed interest in obtaining the product. The requisition was verbally agreed last week, and we hope to conclude the deal late next week. By conclude, I mean the funds will be allocated and released. For now that's it, but I will advise you either during or after my meetings next week. Nick
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 16:55:33 +0200 From: cctv <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Codex Africa To: Terry Kawles <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Terry I am in receipt of you letter via DHL couriers. Be advised that I have referred the matter to senior council for further action, and defence of the claims made by yourself. Nick Turner
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 08:22:48 +0200 From: cctv <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Codex in Africa To: Terry Kawles <tkawles@codexdatasystems.com> Terry Goodness me but am I hearing and seeing really strange behaviour from your company. Terry, only you know what seems to be going on, and although in your eyes I no longer exist as a participant in Codex activities, I can assure you that is very far from the reality of the situation. As a result of correspondence between yourselves and this region I wish to formally advise, and certainly against by wishes, that it is my intention to counter-claim the agreement signed by yourself, Ian Brebner and Frank Jones. I am advised that sufficient documentation exists to file under numerous precedents of both American law and International law governing these matters. I further wish to advise that pending these issues, I intend to fully acquaint my clients that this product has been withdrawn by your company. This being the case, the potential revenue lost from activities in this regard will also make up a portion of the matter being prepared. There are many things I could say as concerns the behaviour of Codex, and Frank's irrational behaviour, but I expected a more professional approach from yourself. Are you really sure in your own mind that you want to follow the route that you seem hell bent on following? Nick Turner
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 13:10:54 +0200 From: cctv <cctv@iafrica.com> Subject: Re: Letter response to Ian's 19 October 2000 fax To: "Terrance L. Kawles" <tkawles@tco.com> Cc: ian brebner <ianbrebner@csi.com> I refer to your letter received as an attachment regarding the various issues under dispute. Please take notice that I shall be vigorously disputing your claims in para 5 of the letter. I am at present formulating legal representation not only to defend unfounded statements concerning my activities, but also seeking various damages concerning the activities of Mr Jones whilst here in South Africa. Yours sincerely H.N. Turner