30 April 2003
Source: http://usinfo.state.gov/cgi-bin/washfile/display.pl?p=/products/washfile/latest&f=03042901.elt&t=/products/washfile/newsitem.shtml

US Department of State
International Information Programs

Washington File

29 April 2003

Commerce Official Calls Free Economy Incompatible with Terrorism

(Under Secretary Juster remarks at CSIS conference) (3370)

The international community must combat the threat of terrorism if it
is to maintain the free trade and open markets necessary for the
health of the global economy, according to Under Secretary of Commerce
for Industry and Security Kenneth Juster.

"Our future prosperity will be tied directly to the success of our
cooperative efforts to eliminate the global instability caused by
terrorism," Juster said April 28 at a Center for Strategic and
International Studies conference in Washington.

"Two important components of these efforts are our cooperation in
administering and enforcing strategic trade controls to prevent the
illegal diversion of sensitive items and technologies and our
cooperation in identifying and tracking down financial assets and
networks that support terrorism," he continued.

Juster thanked Hong Kong for providing critical support in a number of
security efforts, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC) forum's "Secure Trade in the APEC Region" (STAR) initiative,
the container security initiative (CSI), the transshipment country
export control initiative (TECI), and the anti-terrorist funding
program known as Operation Greenquest.

"Just as terrorism has increasingly acquired a global character, so
too must our efforts to fight terrorism be coordinated on a global
basis," he said.

Globalization has increasingly integrated the Hong Kong and American
economic and security systems, according to Juster, and this
integration has necessitated increased security for borders,
transportation systems, computer networks, and mail systems.

"Security should be viewed not as an obstacle to economic activity,
but as the foundation for it," he said.

Noting Hong Kong's special status with respect to U.S. export controls
for "dual-use" goods and technologies, Juster also expressed hope that
Hong Kong's autonomy under the "one country, two systems" agreement
will remain secure.

Hong Kong must "continue to ensure that the integrity and autonomy of
its customs territory is not compromised and that its actions do not
undermine the reality or the perception that Hong Kong is separate
from Mainland China," he said. "Any weakening of Hong Kong's autonomy
would cast doubt on the rationale for its special status under the
U.S. export control system."

Juster praised Hong Kong's system of export controls relating to
strategic trade but stressed the need for vigorous enforcement of
export control laws and regulations.

"Hong Kong has long cooperated with the United States on export
enforcement matters, and we want to continue and enhance that
cooperation," he said.

Following is the text of Juster's remarks from the Department of

(begin text)

Keynote Remarks of 
Kenneth I. Juster
Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security
at the
Center for Strategic and International Studies 

Conference on 
"Asian Security and Hong Kong's Role 
in the War on Global Terrorism"

April 28, 2003
Washington, D.C. 

I am delighted that CSIS is holding this important conference, and I
am pleased to be here to kick off the discussion this afternoon on
Hong Kong's role in Asian security, and on strategic trade issues. I
would like to begin with a few reflections on the impact of
globalization on terrorism and then turn to some of the efforts that
Hong Kong has taken -- both on its own and in cooperation with the
United States and other countries -- to address the serious threat
that global terrorism poses to our collective security. Finally, I
would like to discuss some of the current issues involving strategic
trade between the United States and Hong Kong.

Globalization and its Effect on Terrorism

I think it is fair to say that, during much of the 1990s, most of us
thought of globalization primarily in terms of increased economic
integration, including increased trade, increased flows of
information, capital, and technology, and increased foreign
investment. This economic integration and technological development
often -- though certainly not always -- led to increased economic
growth, as well as greater social and cultural interaction.

In recent years, however, we have come to appreciate that
globalization brings with it not just potential benefits, but also
significant threats and vulnerabilities. It is now clear that
problems, which may once have been contained to a single country or
region of the world, can today spread rapidly throughout the world --
whether by electronic and financial networks, by an integrated global
transportation system, or by our increasingly efficient trading
system. One recalls, for example, the negative effects of the
financial crisis in Asia in 1997 and 1998 that rippled throughout
economies across the globe. And as we speak we are seeing the spread
of SARS -- due to international travel -- within Asia and to other
cities worldwide, outpacing efforts to contain it.

We have also seen -- unfortunately -- the impact of globalization on
terrorism. We can no longer safely assume that we will be insulated
from the problems of failed societies, from political or religious
extremism, or from rogue regimes in distant countries. Indeed, the
attacks of September 11 made clear that terrorists in countries half
way around the world can present significant and immediate threats to
our security. In short, we now face a new form of terrorism -- one
that does not focus on narrow or geographically-confined political
objectives, one that does not seek to negotiate solutions, one that
observes no red lines and will use suicide attacks if necessary, and
one that often does not even take credit for its heinous actions. This
new breed of terrorism is intent on destroying our freedom, our
tolerance, our diversity, and our economic well being -- indeed, the
values that are shared by both the United States and Hong Kong.

The challenge of confronting and preventing terrorism in today's world
is made all the more difficult by the very attributes of our societies
-- our openness, the integrated nature of our transportation systems
and information networks, and the widespread availability of
technology. The same technology and communication networks that are
essential for modern trade and commerce are also used by global
terrorist networks to advance their nefarious goals worldwide.
The threat posed by global terrorism and rogue states is, regrettably,
alive and well in Asia. There have been numerous reports that Osama
bin Laden's al-Qaeda network has been working and coordinating actions
with indigenous terrorist groups in Asia -- groups that were
previously viewed as only local or regional problems. The mainstream
press has reported at length on apparent ties between al-Qaeda and
Jemaah Islamiyah -- the Indonesian terrorist group that bombed a Bali
nightclub last October, killing 190 people and wounding several
hundred more. There also have been reports of connections between
al-Qaeda and Abu Sayeff, the terrorist group in the Philippines
allegedly responsible for several bombings causing the loss of lives
and economic damage in that country. And connections of a Singaporean
group to al-Qaeda were suspected in a plot to bomb the U.S. Embassy
and other Western targets in that country -- a plot that was foiled by
cooperative efforts between the United States and Singapore.

Economic Cooperation and Security Cooperation Are Intertwined

Just as terrorism has increasingly acquired a global character, so too
must our efforts to fight terrorism be coordinated on a global basis.
Indeed, with globalization, both our economic well being and our
security are now more closely intertwined than ever before. Today, the
health of any nation's economy -- and, in fact, of the global economy
-- is dependent on security, including the security of borders,
transportation systems, computer networks, and mail systems. That is
why security should be viewed not as an obstacle to economic activity,
but as the foundation for it.

APEC and the STAR Initiative

That is also why, today, APEC -- the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
forum -- focuses not just on economic issues, but also on security
issues. The Asia-Pacific economic region accounts for over 50 percent
of the world's trade, 21 of the world's 30 top container seaports, and
23 of the world's 30 busiest airports. In the year 2000, U.S. exports
to APEC totaled $500 billion, making the APEC economies -- as a whole
-- the largest export customer of the United States. And U.S. imports
from APEC in 2000 totaled nearly $700 billion. In addition, Asia is
the home of a number of significant financial and banking centers,
including Hong Kong. Indeed, the overall health of the Asian economy
is one of the keys to ensuring a strong global economy.

Significantly, therefore, the United States launched, at the APEC
Ministerial meetings in Los Cabos, Mexico in the fall of 2002, the
STAR initiative -- which stands for "Secure Trade in the APEC Region."
The objective of the STAR initiative is to commit APEC economies to
accelerate action on screening people and cargo for security before
transit, increasing security on ships and airplanes while en route,
and enhancing security in airports and seaports. This is a critical
initiative for the U.S. Government, given the significant economic
relationship between the United States and the APEC countries. We
greatly appreciate the fact that Hong Kong has actively supported the
STAR initiative, and we look forward to continuing our work together
in this area.

Container Security Initiative

Hong Kong also has been an active participant in other U.S.-led and
multilateral efforts to protect the global trading system from
terrorist activity. As many of you know, a significant amount of
global trade passes through a handful of "megaports," which serve as
key distribution points in the global economy. Many such hubs are
located near countries that pose proliferation concerns, and
potentially could be used by terrorists or rogue nations to divert
sensitive items to unauthorized destinations or end-uses. Hong Kong is
one of the world's major "megaports" and currently the world's largest
container port. The sheer amount of commerce that passes through the
port of Hong Kong in a given year is staggering. Indeed, trade flows
account for greater than two and one-half times Hong Kong's gross
domestic product. Thus, Hong Kong is a natural -- and essential --
partner in efforts to improve security at major transshipment hubs.

We are therefore gratified that Hong Kong is participating in the
Container Security Initiative. This initiative, which is led by the
U.S. Customs Service, focuses on ensuring that containers destined to
the United States from foreign seaports are screened and cleared prior
to the time that they arrive at U.S. ports. Given the size of Hong
Kong's port and the fact that Hong Kong is the largest single supplier
of containers destined for the United States, accounting for almost 10
percent of all containers shipped to our country, Hong Kong's
enthusiastic participation is critical.

Transshipment Country Export Control Initiative

In addition to efforts to secure containers bound for the United
States, we must address the possibility that sensitive items
originating in the United States or other nations that produce
high-technology goods could be diverted through Hong Kong or other
major ports to terrorists or rogue nations. To focus specifically on
these diversion concerns, the Commerce Department launched the
Transshipment Country Export Control Initiative -- known in shorthand
as TECI.

TECI seeks to channel existing and new export control resources toward
curtailing the illegal diversion of products that can occur at the
major transshipment hubs. We are working in both the
inter-governmental and public-private arenas. At the
government-to-government level, the Commerce Department works with its
counterpart export control agencies in key transshipment countries --
such as the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department -- to strengthen
the export control regimes, to have export control laws apply to both
goods produced in country as well as goods in transit (as is the case
with Hong Kong), and to strengthen the enforcement of such laws so as
to prevent the illegal diversion of sensitive goods and technologies
to terrorists or other unauthorized end-users. At the
government-to-private sector level, the Commerce Department is working
with industry -- in particular, companies involved in the
transportation of goods through transshipment hubs -- to enlist their
support in preventing the illegal diversion of such goods.

Since the inception of TECI in late 2002, Hong Kong has worked closely
with the U.S. Government to further the goals of this initiative. Hong
Kong delegations have made presentations at several international
conferences on the issue of transshipment controls and have been
instrumental in developing a set of best practices for transshipment
hubs. Hong Kong's continued cooperation in these efforts will be
essential, because many other major global trading centers look to
Hong Kong as a model of balancing effective trade controls with the
successful expansion of economic activity.

Operation Greenquest and the Disruption of Terrorism Financing

As one of the world's leading financial centers, Hong Kong is also
playing a key role in efforts to identify and disrupt the financial
networks that support terrorism worldwide. The U.S. Government has
blocked the property of and prohibited transactions with designated
terrorists, terrorist organizations, and individuals and governments
that support terrorism. In addition, the U.S. Government has launched
"Operation Greenquest" -- an interagency effort led by the U.S.
Customs Service to bring the full scope of the U.S. Government's
financial expertise to bear against systems, individuals, and
organizations that serve as sources of terrorist funding.

Hong Kong has pledged full cooperation with these efforts. Using lists
of terrorist organizations and individuals supplied by the United
States and the United Nations, Hong Kong financial regulatory
authorities have directed financial institutions to check records and
undertake other efforts to uncover terrorist assets. Hong Kong also
has played a key role in encouraging the intergovernmental Financial
Action Task Force on Money Laundering to adopt stringent
anti-terrorism measures in the wake of the September 11 attacks, to
implement recommendations against terrorism financing, and to build
global support for the work of the Task Force among non-members.

Strategic Trade and Export Controls 

Let me now switch gears for a moment and move from steps that the
United States and Hong Kong are taking together to combat terrorism
and enhance security in Asia, to some of the issues related to our
strategic trade relationship -- which can involve terrorism concerns,
but also goes beyond that. As you may know, the Commerce Department --
and, in particular, the Bureau of Industry and Security -- is
responsible for administering and enforcing U.S. export controls on
"dual-use" goods and technologies. "Dual-use" items are those that
have both a legitimate commercial use and a use in the development or
production of advanced conventional weapons or weapons of mass
destruction. For example, machine tools can be used to make civilian
aircraft, but they also can be used to manufacture jet fighters for
the military. Or chemicals can be used to produce agricultural
pesticides, but they also can be used as precursors for chemical

Under the U.S. "dual-use" export control regime, Hong Kong enjoys a
special status. This derives from Hong Kong having been a British
dependent territory prior to its unification with China in 1997.
Today, under the "one country, two systems" model established in the
Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984 and formally recognized under
both U.S. and Chinese law, many items that are controlled for export
to China -- such as high performance computers, certain
telecommunications equipment, and certain semiconductor testing
equipment and materials -- do not require a license for export to the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This special treatment for
Hong Kong is based on the continued autonomy of Hong Kong's customs
territory from China, as well as the strong support of the United
States for the values that Hong Kong represents in Asia -- open
markets, free trade, and the rule of law.

Hong Kong derives significant benefits from this special status,
including access to a wide range of sensitive dual-use items and
technologies from the United States. Indeed, in 2002 Hong Kong
received $54.4 million worth of sensitive "dual-use" goods under
licenses issued by the Commerce Department and many times that amount
under license exceptions. The licensed trade alone includes a number
of items that fuel Hong Kong's economy -- such as precursor chemicals
and magnetic metals -- as well as various high-technology items --
such as electronic equipment and information security equipment and
software. Seventy-five percent of all applications to export
controlled items to Hong Kong were approved in 2002, with 21 percent
returned without action (usually because a license was not necessary),
and only 4 percent denied.

To maintain this favorable and preferential status in the U.S. export
control system, Hong Kong must continue to ensure that the integrity
and autonomy of its customs territory is not compromised and that its
actions do not undermine the reality or the perception that Hong Kong
is separate from Mainland China. This will be especially challenging
in light of Hong Kong's plans for increased economic integration with
China, for streamlining border controls with China and co-locating
customs facilities, and for negotiating a free trade agreement with
China. Any weakening of Hong Kong's autonomy would cast doubt on the
rationale for its special status under the U.S. export control system.

Much to its credit, Hong Kong has put in place a world-class system of
export controls relating to strategic trade, and has repeatedly
emphasized its commitment to maintaining the effectiveness of this
system. The Hong Kong strategic commodities control system applies to
all items and technologies listed on the internationally-agreed
control lists of the multilateral regimes. As previously noted, the
Hong Kong system applies both to goods exported from Hong Kong and to
goods that are in transit through the port of Hong Kong. Recent
improvements to Hong Kong's system include the establishment of an
online database of controlled items and the creation of an industry
liaison position. Indeed, the Hong Kong system is often appropriately
held up by the United States as an example for other nations that lack
an effective and efficient export control system. And we very much
support Hong Kong's increasing efforts to engage in outreach to its
own exporters and shippers regarding the applicability and
requirements of the strategic commodities control system.

A world-class export control system by itself, however, is not
sufficient. In order to prevent the diversion of sensitive goods and
technologies, export control laws and regulations must be vigorously
enforced. Hong Kong has long cooperated with the United States on
export enforcement matters, and we want to continue and enhance that
cooperation. For the past six years we have held regular bilateral
talks with Hong Kong trade officials on issues of mutual concern. We
just concluded last week two days of very productive discussions as
part of this dialogue.

These meetings have been a testament to the importance of our
relationship and provide a strong foundation for future cooperation.
One recent step toward our goal of increased cooperation on
enforcement matters was the exchange of letters last month between
myself and Hong Kong's Director General of Trade and Industry on
mechanisms for sharing information. This new agreement should enhance
our ability to share export licensing and enforcement data, and lead
to more effective enforcement efforts by both the United States and
Hong Kong.


In sum, the U.S. relationship with Hong Kong is as important as it is
unique. The open markets and free trade necessary for the health of
our economies cannot thrive in an environment where the threats of
proliferation and terrorist attacks cause our citizens and our
companies to disengage from the world economy. Our future prosperity
will be tied directly to the success of our cooperative efforts to
eliminate the global instability caused by terrorism.

Two important components of these efforts are our cooperation in
administering and enforcing strategic trade controls to prevent the
illegal diversion of sensitive items and technologies and our
cooperation in identifying and tracking down financial assets and
networks that support terrorism. In addition, our mutually-beneficial
strategic trade relationship will continue to flourish if we are able
to remain confident in the autonomy of Hong Kong's customs territory
and export controls under the "one country, two systems" model. We
look forward to working with our counterparts in Hong Kong to ensure
that this is the case.

Thank you.

(end text)

(Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S.
Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)