4 January 2002

See also the DoD Joint Spectrum Center: http://www.jsc.mil

NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of Defense

No. 007-02


January 4, 2002



Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld announced today the creation of an office to establish policy in the area of command, control and communications and provide direction for DoD frequency spectrum issues.  Steven Price was named deputy assistant secretary of defense (DASD) for Spectrum and C3 Policy, reporting to Assistant Secretary of Defense John P. Stenbit.

This is the first time spectrum issues have been raised to the DASD level.  As DoD's use of the electromagnetic spectrum for communications grows, it increasingly runs into potential competition, interference and coordination requirements for international and commercial frequencies.  The Department's long-standing bands of spectrum are critical to meeting the needs of the warfighter yet also are considered prime by investors in third generation and ultrawideband device markets. Over the past decade, the government has ceded 247 Mhz of bandwidth to industry - more than half in the desirable 3 GHz band.  Maintenance of sufficient spectrum and bandwidth is essential to network centric warfare and information superiority, two key transformational tenets of joint operations like Enduring Freedom.

Price says his vision is to "help DoD build a global secure wide-band network, with wireless access, for warriors in the field so that bandwidth does not limit or impede U.S. military capability.  Transforming towards a network centric military that decentralizes decision-making by allowing access to information anytime, anywhere and without concerns of bandwidth or interoperability will help create the flexible, reliable and effective joint command and control systems that will be needed in the future."

Price came to DoD from LiveWire, a provider of software and outsourcing services where he was president and CEO.  He is a lawyer by profession with degrees from Brown University, where he graduated magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, and Columbia University School of Law.  His previous experience in government was as a special assistant to the U.S. ambassador to the START Talks, under President George H.W. Bush.